The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 11/23/05
Pictures by Boo
Same day continuation of Tuesdays Episode:
At Forrester, in Stephanies office, Eric, arms folded, asks the lawyers if they have determined who has the legal rights to run Forrester Creations? Gloria (Schiller) replies that what she and the shark of Silicone Valley have agreed on is what the outcome will be if they take it to court. Gregory (Moorehouse) tells them there will be a series of judgments, and then a series of appeals. Both sides will win some, and in the meantime, their business will die. Gloria points out that their assets will be frozen or keep changing hands so the orders will be held up or never filled. Gregory pipes in that their clients will desert them, and their buyers will give up. Gloria adds they will drop $10 to $12 million on Jaws here and her and end up exactly where they are now. Fighting over the carcass. Stephanie throws Eric a satisfied I told you so look.
At the beach house, Bridget is gathering her things to leave when Dante rushes out, only half dressed. He reminds her of her pre-natal exam today and hed like to go. She says she can go alone, and in fact would rather.
Stephanie wags her finger at the lawyers and says with all due respect, she does not agree. Any court, and she does mean any court, will find that the trust is iron-clad! Eric spouts that if she goes to court, he goes to court. And Gloria tells them if they live to be 110, theyll never get a decision. Gregory points out that the whole history of Forrester Creations was operated as if there was no trust. People drew salaries. They were given titles, positions, stock. They brought property. They planned their futures and their childrens based on what they thought their prospects were. No judge was going to declare one big oops and throw it out. Gloria suggests the quickest and probably only hope of a judgment is to present a settlement agreeable to both claimants. She promises that the court will sign off without even reading it. Ridge retorts when has the six of them ever agreed on anything?
Gloria tells them to start small. This office. If her client is willing to give up her rights to enforce the terms of the trust, then it should go to her. Eric wonders if he gives up the office, what does he get? Gregory tells him a fair share of the company and a hand in running it. Of course, Eric wants to know how much a share and how much a hand in running? Taylor comments she thinks that is what the lawyers are telling them, they have to figure it out. Gloria says she knows it wont happen overnight. Theyll argue and knock each other around, so be it. Just as long as no one pushes anyone else into litigation. Gregory adds everyone then will pile on and there will be no business to fight over.
Gregory asks Gloria if shes made plans for lunch ..besides roasting him on a spit. She retorts she knows a good vegan place, unless he hasnt had his blood meal today yet. They leave the group to duke it out.
Taylor asks the group if they think they can do this. Thorne asks what is stopping them? Stephanie points to Brooke and says not with her, they cant. Ridge retorts, there you go, Mother. Show your willingness to let the company go down the toilet because of your spite. Steph takes a long pause, looks at the floor and finally says that if the two of them will work with her, she will work with them only keep the bitch out of her sight. Brooke is appalled.
Bridget tells Dante she isnt sure this was such a great idea; having him move in with her. Perhaps she is letting him do too much for her. He reminds her that she needs a little support, and thats what friends are for. She offers she is not exactly damaged She got knocked around, and it hurt but shes okay. She can do the things she needs for herself. She is going to the doctor as a single mother-to-be and that is exactly what she is. Dante smiles and tells her then shed better get going. She gives him a big kiss on the cheek and thanks him. Alone, he doesnt seem too pleased.
Stephanie is on the phone speaking with Megan and tells her they can SHARE an office, theyd probably prefer it .but NOT on this floor. And then she tells her she will find a space herself. Taylor tries to soothe things but Stephanie stops her. She tells her look, shes angry, and she has every right to be. The trust was supposed to protect her, and now it feels like just another broken promise.
Taylor placates her by agreeing, but says Stephanie got her payback all right. She took away from Eric and Brooke what meant the most to them. So, it didnt last. But now if she doesnt let them back into the business, the business will go under. She relates that this is like a little kid on the playground---if you cant have it yourself, you might as well break it so no one else will. Its human, but she has to think about the hundreds of people all over the world who have families. They are putting bread on the table because of Forrester Creations. The two of them cant care about the company the way Eric and Ridge did, and it took them away from them so much of the time. They had to compete with it for their attention and their loyalty.
Stephanie sits and declares that it is also the place that brought Brooke into their lives. Pointblank, she can keep her from her home, but here? Taylor offers that Stephanie is still CEO and she seriously doubts Stephanie is going to get any real satisfaction as a businesswoman trying to punish Brooke every day. You already lost your husband to her, dont lose yourself.
In another office Brooke is trying to convince Eric and Ridge that Stephanie will never accept her there. Eric knows she doesnt want him either, but Brooke says only because of her. If she removes herself, he and Ridge can make this work. Both men says no, they need her there. She tells them its really nice that they are sticking up for her .but if things become intolerable ..anyway, shes going to become scarce until Stephanie opens up her office or finds her a new one. Meantime, she says she has some mom duty to take care of.
While on the examining table, Bridgets doctor asks if its okay that they do another ultrasound today. Bridget asks if anything is wrong? The doctor replies she just wants to look at something. A knock on the door and its Nick, half hidden under a baseball cap. He tells her he is the husband and asks if the undressing part is over. Seems a little disappointed when told yes.
He jokes fancy seeing Bridget there; he was just cruising the halls of the hospital. She asks how did he know she was there? And he replies, Bridget, receptionists all over the world bare their secrets to me, ultrasound? Theres a long silence and he asks if she wants him to leave. She starts to say yes, and then does admit no. He grins and plunks himself down like a big overgrown kid enjoying first Christmas. Bridget smiles and seems pleased.
Ridge is cleaning out his desks and packing up. He tells Thorne hes taking on a big job. Thorne tells him its big enough for two. They could be co-presidents. Ridge snarks that Mother would allow that? Thorne warns him to stop that. They know Mother is out of control. Now it worked in his benefit, but usually it went the other way. But, Ridge opines they never gave him anything he didnt earn. Thorne points out there is an offer on the table and maybe they can grow up and put this who got more than who stuff behind them. "You want to share the presidency? Equal pay? Equal say? Equal everything? Mr. Ego asks why should he prop Thorn up? What was equal about that? Thorne offers hell take that as a no, thank you. Ridge adds that he should let him fall on his face ..again! Thorne states he wonders where Ridges ego would be if he didnt have him to think of as a screw-up? But, what if he succeeds? It will be a hell of a kick in the teeth, wont it? Ridge boasts with disdain that he will get this office back. And the title. And it wont be a gift and it wont be because the job description calls for him to make Thorne look good. Thorne shakes his head.
Eric is cleaning out his things as well and tells Stephanie hes going to need office space and a drafting table. She says shes been looking around the building and has found a space for him and Ridge. High ceilings and plenty of light. He asks if she has forgotten about Brooke. She frowns while saying has he forgotten they are remodeling? There is very limited space available. He states then she can share an office with him and Ridge. Stephanie doesnt think that is wise. He asks what is she worried about? That they are going to stare down her dress all day or that Eric might fall in love with her all over again? He adds not to worry about that; he never stopped loving her. She reflects; and then adds she thinks she has found the right space. It will suit him quite well.
Dante is lighting candles and making the table elegant when Brooke walks in. He was expecting Bridget, of course. She says she knows; this has got to stop.
Nick puts his hands out to the sides of Bridget as she sits on the table and thanks her for letting him stay. She offhandedly remarks that its his child too. He tells her he wishes he could stamp an ultrasound on his forehead so she could see what was up there. She quips would it be anything like his closet? He tells her no it wouldnt. It would be more like a house of mirrors, reflections, them looking at each other like this. He vows he cant get her out of his head. Hes useless at work; hes useless to himself. All he can think about is her and this child! And he thinks about how he failed; how he failed her. She replies, you know, I think we did the best we could. It was a collision. My weakness and yours. Maybe thats what happens when two people decide . He finishes, decide what? That they want one life? She answers yeah. He asks what do they do when the worst has happened? And she doesnt know; she hasnt gotten that far yet. He looks up at her and asks her to forgive him. She cups his chin and says, I have. I do. He winks and asks if she thinks she can start liking him just a little bit again? She grins and yanks on the lip of his baseball cap.
Down in the bowels of what looks like some basement with one bare light bulb hanging above, Stephanie tells Eric it may need some finishing touches but she thinks the three of them can be quite comfortable here. He looks around; abysmal. It has everything cluttered, stashed, thrown about, even old broken commodes. In fact he comments on them. Toilets? She looks at it cockeyed and says she thought a throne was rather appropriate. He crabs that this is her idea of cooperation? She ventures that Brooke can be put in the middle and that way he and Ridge can have equal access. He states he is going to call his lawyers back. She quips, oh come on, where is your sense of humor. Mr. Humor?" She continues that they have been remodeling down there for weeks and the plumbers are just storing the toilets there. They will be taken out. He stiffens and says fine, hell take it. And the farther away from her possible, the better. And she can not humiliate him anymore. She lost the power to do that the day he divorced her.
While Eric picks up a mannequin and tries to re-attach her arms, she queries him to remind her of what power did she possess as his wife? Seems all she did was raise the children, build a beautiful home for him and create a lifestyle that he thought was appropriate for his dignity. While, he on the other hand, was over here pussyfooting around with the company that he forgot to tell her that she owned. He faces her and replies, well, that is the bargain you struck. Idle and well-dressed is what you were raised to be, and thats all you ended up being. He asks did she ever come down there to learn the business; to do the books or learn about design? And now shes blaming him for not imposing on her the lifestyle that she wanted nothing to do with. She walks toward him and asks what sort of pride was she supposed to take in this idle, well-dressed life that he bestowed on her? What sort of pride was he supposed to have? She rattles off on her fingers wasnt there Brooke and Lauren, and Brooke and Sheila, and Brooke, and Brooke and Brooke? He tells her to get out of his office. He says hes as tired of her grievances and her insults as that sneer hes seen on her face the last few years. He tells her to go on. Hell be happier with the toilets down there than he ever was in that house with her! Steely eyed, she rebuffs that truth hurts, doesnt it? Seething, Eric roughly presses the lever/flusher on one of the toilets.
Brooke remarks to Dante that hes a smart man. He has to know its not over between Bridget and Nick. He replies that yeah he knows that Nick has been sniffing around. But one snap of her fingers could change all of that. Brooke differs; he wants this marriage. Dante counters that Nick wants the baby, thats it. She says he wants Bridget too, and surely he can see hes in the way now. He tells her she should be asking Nick to stay away. Doesnt she want a man whos devoted to her daughter, and only to her daughter? Brooke says Nick IS! Dante says he knows better. Remember he was the failed attempt to get Nick to look away from her. She offers that everything is different now; its changed. Dante says yeah, Nick failed with the both of them and now hes got this idea that hes the worlds greatest dad. Something he hasnt screwed up just yet. But he wonders what would happen if Bridget were to lose the baby? Shes shocked. He declares she couldnt not have thought of that. Nick would be at her doorstep before the tears were dry, and she knew it. Brooke tells him he can dream up all the what ifs he wants. She realizes that is all he has. But, she came here to point out the obvious that Nick and Bridget are going to be together. And it was time for him to bow out gracefully and leave.
Nick is beside himself with excitement and wants to re-run the ultrasound over and over and tell Bridget that he loves her over and over. He could say it a hundred times. He says he loves the whole process, this kid. He loves whats happening and hell remember what he saw today the rest of his life.
The doctor comes back in and apologizes for taking so long; she needed to confirm something. Bridget asks to confirm what? The doctor says she is afraid there is a problem. Nick asks, with the baby? And Bridget closes her eyes and mouths, no, oh God, no ..please.
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