The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 11/16/05
Pictures by Boo
Same day continuation of Tuesdays episode:
In her office at Forresters, Stephanie stands as Ridge and Brooke repeat they are going to start their own fashion house. Brooke even gloats that she and Ridge have always made an incredible team. Stephanie grinds them teeth again and gives Ridge the evil eye.
At the beach house, Nick tries to get by shirtless Dante and tells him he isnt the one he wants to talk to. But, Dante stops him and says Bridget doesnt want to see him. Nick snarks that now Dante is acting as bodyguard and doctor too? Dante states that he promised Bridget hed look out for her and the baby. Nick reminds him that it is HIS baby too. Dante tells him after the child is born, hes sure shell let him see it, but until then, leave her alone! Nick seethes, turns around and closes the door (hed crudely asked Dante to leave just moments before) rather loudly and tells Dante that he is skating on thin ice with those words. Dante fires back that hasnt he caused her enough pain yet? Hasnt he gotten it yet? Bridget doesnt trust him. She doesnt want him back. She knows how he feels about Brooke. And she knows how I feel about her. Nick asks and how was that? Dante admits hes in love with her.
At Forresters in Taylor office, Eric tells her he shouldnt be venting to her. If Stephanie even knew he was in the building, shed have a FIT. Taylor tells him then he is lucky because Stephanie is in a meeting at the moment. Eric asks if she knows who? Taylor replies no. Then he continues venting that hes not sure of anything nowadays. He opines that several weeks ago the business was booming and then out of nowhere his vindictive ex-wife commandeers his business and his office! Taylor says she sympathizes, she really does, and its safe to say they all are under a great deal of stress right now. He reminds her that he and Brooke are newlyweds and should be enjoying themselves should she and Ridge. She lets him know that she and Ridge are in a better position than they have been in a while. Eric asks hasnt her new position there caused any tension? She replies that Ridge isnt happy about it, but they can handle that. The truth is, she thinks she can handle just about anything now that she doesnt have to worry about Brooke.
Stephanie stares at Ridge and asks if he is going to let this tramp threaten his marriage? He fires back that no one is threatening anyone; hes offering her a choice. She practically chokes on her words some choice! If she doesnt give him complete control over the company, hell deliberately destroy his marriage and his family? He emphasizes again that he and Brooke are BUSINESS partners working as a team. She looks from one to the other and says this is a bluff. He will never be satisfied with a start-up company; he wants Forrester Creations! He tells her she is absolutely right. He wants ALL of it. Hes earned it and he deserves it. She asks then what does she deserve after all her years of devotion to his father? He placates her by saying there will always be a place for her, but he should be the one running it. She re-states again what weve heard over and over, that she will make him co-CEO and in time hand the company over to him. He pulls no punches and says he will tell her what she will hand over to him; she will hand over a mess! Because I guarantee you than when you and Thorne and Taylor get through with it, thats all that is going to be left! .no, Mother, I want it. And I want it NOW. Today! Or I swear to you, Im outta here! (okay Ridgie, lets take our widdle ball and go play elsewhere).
Nick re-states so Dante is in love with his wife? Thats understandable; shes an amazing woman. Dante states, who deserves to be appreciated. You! Youve been chasing her mother. Nick turns around and winks at him, so he wants to protect her? Thats nice. He faces him as he says, if you want to be in her life as a friend, then stop that knight in shining armor. Get on your horse and face the facts, her future is with me!
Eric is happy that things are back on track with her and Ridge. She says it couldnt be better. Hows things with him and Brooke? He sighs and admits that things are a little dicey right now. This is a relationship based on extenuating circumstances. He confides in her that he wants this relationship to last and now that Nick is re-committed to Bridget and she and Ridge are doing well, then he sees no reason why it cant. She gets up and walks to him and asks if he saw Ridge as a threat? He replies no, not really. But, that he and Brooke are in a very fragile place right now and their relationship needs to be nurtured. If it is, in a few months he thinks everything could be wonderful. And he cant let anything or anyone interfere with that. In a few months he thinks he can have what she and Ridge have for the future. He admits he is a little paranoid right now, and he needs no distractions or threats.
Ridge tells Stephanie that he and Brooke are NOT bluffing. Give me the company or well start our own. She asks Brooke what does her husband think of this little plan? What does Ridges wife think about this? She points out it wasnt that long ago that he was berating her for wanting to hire Taylor without discussing it with him first. Now, had he discussed this with her? And she thinks they have probably kept Eric completely out of the loop. Ridge tells her thats not true. Erics going to stay on as head designer, Ridge will just be in charge. Stephanie asks if it will be business as usual? Hell keep the new Reunited and continue with Brookes Bedroom Line. He states he sees no reason to abandon something that has been an obvious success for them. Stephanie points out it wasnt that long ago that he was worried about her influence on this company. He replies that was ancient history. She scoffs yeah and she can only imagine how Brooke has persuaded him on this. Parade around in your underwear, did you? Brooke says enough about the underwear! Stephanie points her finger and says that as long as she is in charge of FC, Brooke and her ideas are NOT welcome there. Ridge attacks by saying, okay, is that it? As long as hes with Brooke, hell never be CEO of Forrester. Is that it? She meekly replies that is right. Ridge asks is that why she made Thorne president, so she can wage her little war against Brooke and he wont say a thing? Again she meekly replies, I am waging a war against filth and smut. All the things that have tarnished Forresters image. He warns her that wars cost money, a LOT of it and if she starts investing her capital in that little game, shes going to regret it. She states to him that she is not going to touch the capital. She is going to sell the BeLieF pack. Brooke is livid; she cant do that, its her invention. And Stephanie offers that its HER business. And she doesnt want any reminder of Brooke is this company, PERIOD! Brooke looks at Ridge and he says he has his answer then. Its him and Brooke. Destiny Designs is a go! Stephanie reminds him hed better think about his wife. Did he really want to do this to his family? He tells her its too late, he knows what he has to do.
Eric stands chagrined before his old office that now has Stephanies nameplate on the door. He opens the door as she is looking again at the Destiny board. He asks if she has a box of his things? Rather friendly, she says no she doesnt, but Megan knows where everything is. He mentions that Taylor said she had a meeting; did it go well? She tells him not for him. He asks if her lawyers are cooking something else up for him? Shes already taken his company and his childrens legacy. What else is left? She tells him he may be more vulnerable than he realizes. He wonders if that is a threat? No, just a warning. But, then a person in his position shouldnt have to be warned. She smarts that everyone knows an older man, younger woman He tells her to leave Brooke alone. She coyly asks where is that naughty little vixen? Home trying on underwear for that next conjugal visit? You are sleeping together, arent you? When he doesnt answer, she pouts, Oh, Im sorry, honey. Have I kneed another sensitive spot? He informs her they are very happy, growing closer every day. Stephanie spouts they must be very close for him to give his blessing to her new endeavor. Shes only too happy to hold up the new placard and tells him that Ridge and Brooke are going into business together. They are forming a new company. He snatches it from her hands.
Back at Marone, Brooke continues harping on Stephanie selling BeLieF just to start this new line of hers. She says if Steph wants to hurt her, its working. He tells her theres no looking back, just forward. They knew when he proposed this bluff, there was a chance it might not work. But, what if it wasnt a bluff. What if they did start their own company? He thinks they could do it you and me, Logan, together again.
Nick sits, chomping on an apple. Dante tells him he doesnt know what hes waiting for. Hed told him Bridget was asleep. Sarcastically Nick says hes waiting for him to start packing. Dante says hes not going anywhere. Nick wonders why hes not getting through to Dante. He thinks maybe there is a language barrier and he should be speaking Italian, like chow and adios. Dante reminds him that hes the one who doesnt seem to be getting it. Bridget has moved on. Nick rises and says she will, with him! Dante tells him just because hes run out of options doesnt mean that she has. And that Bridget deserves a man who loves her for who she is, not because shes carrying his child. Nick pokes him in the ribs and tells him he doesnt have to justify himself to Dante. Dante tells him he doesnt have to justify himself to Bridget either. Sooner or later she will see all his lies and excuses and shell tell him to get lost. But he wont have that conversation with her today because youre leaving. Nick glares as he says hell be back later ..and hell expect Dante to be gone!
Actually, Nick doesnt go far. He slips around the back and lets himself into Bridgets bedroom where she is peacefully sleeping.
Eric is strangely quiet until he asks where did she get that design? She tells him oh they were just here together, theyd given her an ultimatum. If she didnt give Ridge control of the company, they were going to start a brand new company together. Eric wonders why they would do that? She camps it up by saying she thought at first Brooke was just baiting her. But, the more she got to thinking about it, can you imagine all those long hours in the executive room .putting on shows for the press ..Destiny Designs .she realizes they probably will achieve their destiny together right on the floor of the new offices. Eric expounds that will not happen. She warns it has before. He says Ridge will respect his marriage. She tells him his marriage is a sham. Brooke is always looking for new conquests. And shes not surprised if she isnt conquering them right now. He starts to leave and says hes not listening to this from her! Stephanie hollers at him as hes leaving to be sure to knock before he barges in!
Nick is like a bull in a china closet and he bumbles around and bumps into a table and almost knocks a lamp over. It wakes up Bridget who naturally is surprised that he is there. She says if this is about last night, shes pretty sure everybody said what they needed to say. He pipes up that he didnt. He starts creeping, crawling toward the bed and says he said what he said to her, but now he wants to have a word with his child. Does she mind? She gives a facial okay and he creeps up closer until his mouth is two inches from her slightly swollen belly. Then he tells her to excuse him but this is a private conversation. She turns her head away and says of course. He starts by saying, hey, whatever your name is gonna be. Its your dad. Im here to give you a little advice. Stay in there as long as you can. Its nice and warm and safe just floating around. Choppy seas out here with mom and dad so best not to think about it right now, but itll all be worked out by time she makes her big entrance. ..or exit, depending on how you look at it. Bridget is laughing (I think shes hooked again). He shoots Bridget a look of excuse me, intrusion. She looks away again. He tells the baby hell be there to catch her and put her in her mothers arms. Just the three of them; thats the way he wants it. No doctors, no hospitals, no drugs, epidurals, none of that.
Just a nice, sharp knife, a bucket of hot water, some clean towels and theyll do it on The Shady Marlin. Thats his boat. Bridget cant help but laugh again. He continues that what hes trying to say is that he hopes the three of them together will come around. He kisses the tummy and Bridget lays her hand on his head, almost stroking his hair. He tells the baby that being together, thats all that matters and he looks up to mommy with a pleading in his eyes.
Brooke tells Ridge its a good idea, but theyd tried it before. He reminds her that it will be different this time, they will start from scratch and build it from the ground up. She says that will mean a lot of work and long hours for them. It never bothered her before, he replies. She offers that it might bother Taylor and even his father. He grabs his heart and tells her shes sounding like his mother. She tells him that hes just finding his footing with Taylor again and she and Eric are just beginning. He looks at her and tells her she shouldnt even be married, she knows that. She warns him theyd better focus on business. He tells her that Eric doesnt make her happy, neither does Nick. They kick back and forth the debates of a complicated situation when they arent together .and even when they were. He remarks but she was happy. She says see this is what happens, they have to be careful and not fall back into the same old patterns. He stands before her almost performing that the chemistry is always going to be there. Thats what makes them such a great team. She says its too dangerous and way too stressful to deal with. He concedes that she is right. They need to talk to Taylor and to Dad, but the thing they have to think about and decide is can they do this? Shes not sure she can. She says she wants to, she wants to help and she wants to stop Stephanie from destroying Forrester. But, she doesnt think she can take another battle with Stephanie. Shes had a lot on her mind lately; the finances, her kids, her marriage.
She relates that Hope had a play last week and she totally forgot about it. And then the thing with her arm. She just has so much to deal with. She puts her hand to her head, almost in a faint and blah, blah, blah, and next thing shes leaning on Ridges shoulder with both of his arms around her. He soothes her by saying she is definitely overwhelmed. She needs to take a deep breath and slow down. Of course, of course, of course
Eric walks in (nobody knocks) and takes one half second before he tells Ridge to let her go. He wastes no time in gruffly demanding that he take his hands off his wife!
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