The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 11/10/05
Pictures by Boo
Same day continuation from Wednesdays episode:
In Stephanies office at Forrester, she tells Ridge again that she wants him there with her. She wants the world to know that his loyalty is to FC. She reminds him that she owns 100% of the stock, so his loyalty will be VERY well rewarded. He asks if she is offering him a piece of the company? She replies she is offering him what he deserves! Hes still in that younger brother kick and states that all he has to do is work for his younger brother, who by the way, threw Spectra into bankruptcy. She reminds him that they have already discussed this. Eventually she wants them both to share the office of presidency. He says, as simple as that? She replies yes, it is a simple matter when it comes to character. He asks is knifing Brooke and Dad in the back a matter of good character? (why cant he get that his own Dad did him and the entire company wrong?) She tells him that she is trying to protect this company that he helped build and that she helped build. Strength and character in difficult times was something she valued. Enough to make him a very rich man.
At Brookes manse, she is in the living room reflecting on the last conversation with Nick, about him being that kind of person, and if so, then just take her, make love to her right now. And he says he cant, any more than she can. Eric walks in and spots her and tells her not to worry. He has no intentions of giving up on FC. He notices her arm with cast and asks is it okay? (we know KKL had a horse riding accident in real life). Brooke replies it is fine, just has to keep the cast on for a while. Brooke asks is he really willing to fight Stephanie on this? He assures her he will with everything he has. And with her back in his life, he can do anything! He is about to stroke her hair when she turns and walks away. With back turned, she confesses that she went out with Nick on The Marlin. He wanted to make love to her, to convince her that they should be together ..but nothing happened, except that Nick realized that Bridget was good for him and he really did love her and wants a family with her. So, now he is determined to win her back.
At the beach house, Bridget is making a cup of tea and Dante drying his hair close by and they discuss if Brooke is that determined a woman and she says she is committed to making her life with Eric, maybe she will do it. Bridget seems somewhat skeptical and thinks it is only a matter of time before Brooke leaves him. And Dante points out that Nick will be there with open arms. He knows how much Bridget wants to believe in him, but that fool can not be trusted, not EVER!
Nick is in session with Taylor and he sits and tells her that Brooke is OUT of his life, for good. She remarks that he has told her that before. He continues, that whatever he thought they might have, its done. Its hard to describe, like an addiction. Its sad what it has done to Bridget. He asks hasnt Taylor cured people with addictions before? She replies only to people who have made up their mind to give up the drug. He vows he is, completely. She wants to know what changed? Hes direct, he says coming so close to throwing everything away with Bridget. Betraying her. He realizes he doesnt want to throw that away. I realize thats my life. Thats my future. Thats what I want, Taylor. Its clear in my mind.
Bridget laments that she knows her mom doesnt want to hurt her dad any more than she wants to hurt her. But, its funny when you think about it. All the things she has done to reassure her dating Dante, marrying her dad again. If it wasnt so crazy, it would almost be funny. The more Brooke tries to help, the more things spin out of control. Somebody just has to bring some order back into their lives. Dante asks if that is her? She replies yeah, maybe. She offers she kind of has an idea to stop all this madness. Dante asks what is she going to do?
Taylor explains that Nick is convinced he is doing the right thing for Bridget, but the reality is he is still emotionally involved with Brooke. Can he tell her that hes not in love with Brooke? He hesitates, then asks her to define love. Because love to him is when you bring joy to somebody, or you lift them up or help them love themselves. But with Brooke, every time she looks at her granddaughter, or her daughter or even herself, she will feel shame. Her whole life will be diminished because of me and I cant have that. I wont! Taylor asks even if he can walk away from Brooke, can he give Bridget the kind of life she deserves? He confides that he loves Bridget and the kind of life they were planning, but she lost trust in him. Thats his job now, to build that trust back. Thats what hes going to do. His cell phone rings and he apologizes. He knows hes probably not supposed to have it on him in there. Its Bridget and she says they need to talk. Can he meet her at her moms in half an hour? He turns to Taylor and says, Ive charted the course for my family. I know where I want to go, and Im not going to veer off of it.
Brooke tells Eric that she and Nick needed this test. To prove they could get on with their lives. He offers that they both have shared a passion and a desire, but the important thing is that they both have realized that physical attraction is not as important as commitment and family. She tells him she was impressed at how Nick was able to stop himself. And that shows just how committed he is to their daughter. Eric says hes glad, for Bridgets sake and for Brookes. The important thing is they are all standing together, including Dante, whos moved in with Bridget. This is news to Brooke, but Eric assures her it is just as friends although it is obvious to him that hes still in love with her. Dante just wants to help her until the baby comes. Brooke says no, Bridget needs to be with her husband. That has already been decided. There is no turning back. (trouble is, Brooke and Nick made that decision, not Bridget!).
Ridge is aghast when Stephanie tells him she is going to have a press conference in a little while. She is going to announce the new Team Forrester and she wants him there by her side. He tells her shes moving too fast. She replies that no she isnt. And he needs to separate himself from Eric and Brooke. She cant have divided loyalties. He accuses her of this is what its all about, Dad marrying Brooke. And he confesses that he agrees. Their marriage is ridiculous, but he thinks she is over-reacting to all of this. He continues that Brooke is just confused. She gets that way when they arent together. Shes in need of direction. Its not her fault. (huh?) Stephanie asks if he hears what he says sometimes? Of course, its not her fault! He tries to make his mom see that this marriage is just a sham, a front. And she wouldnt try to destroy something they all tried so hard to build. She doesnt have to tear Forrester apart just because shes angry at Brooke! She shakes her head and tells him he just cant see Brooke for what she really is, can he? And why isnt Ridge supporting his wife? Remember her? She points a finger at him and says that restructuring the company and working side by side with Taylor is the very best thing he can do for his marriage right now.
He asks if this scheme of hers is now about saving his marriage? She sighs not entirely. And he retorts that shes making some really bad decisions for all the wrong reasons. He looks as Taylor opens the door. Stephanie continues and pleads why cant he trust her a little bit? Be part of this company with her and together they could have everything they ever wanted. He points out everything SHE wanted. She replies her company, her family. He argues that he agrees with her. Eric was wrong for hiding that trust from her and he shouldnt have married Brooke. He knows Dad has hurt her and betrayed her. And he knows how much she loves him, but he just cant be a part of Forresters without Dad. She nods her head in acceptance and says she tried. Taylor gets their attention and says the reporters are starting to arrive. Ridge says hell leave them to get ready for that. Taylor stops him long enough to say this press conference is very important to all of them; wont he please stay and be a part of it? Tersely, he says he cant. Its wrong and the thing that bothers him the most is that she doesnt seem to see that.
Bridget tells Dante that the simple, ugly, truth is that Nick is drawn to her mother. Its some sort of sexual, obsessive, passionate thing, but in the end its unfulfilling. She tells Dante she believe Nick wants to beat this, but its THERE and theres nothing she can do about it and she can not live like that. She says she deserves to be loved entirely and so does her dad. Good intentions, bad intentions. Whats going on in this family is ridiculous. It just kills me to think of a life without Nick. Their family will be torn apart. She feels like shes tried so hard and she is walking away from her dream. Dante tells her she has. And she adds if there is one cell left in her husbands body that is drawn to Brooke, then that is just one too many. Ive lived that nightmare before, and I just wont go back there again. This has to be dealt with immediately.
Bridget picks up the phone and calls her mom. Brooke is polite and tells her she was just thinking about her and talking to Eric about her. Bridget is happy that he is there; she needs to talk to both of them. Brooke says she is sure she is thinking about Nick. She knows what she has to do. Bridget tells her yeah, she knows, and Nick is coming to. Brooke asks why? Bridget replies shell see. Dante then asks what is she planning? She offers just to try to make some sense of this mess (or make it deeper?) Hell go with her, but Bridget declines. He tells her then hell be there when she gets back. She says good, he can help her pick up the pieces. What she is about to do may be the most difficult thing shed ever done.
Taylor begs. She understands if Ridge cant be supportive of his mothers dreams but, cant he support his wife? She tells him how excited she is, but this is a whole new world and she is terrified, horrified at that crowd out there. And she would like it if she had her husband by her side. He totally dismisses that and says the kids are really excited about going to Big Bear, and would like her there. She explains they can go in the morning. Ridge, cant you just love me and support me, even if you dont agree with me? He tells her that she is his wife, and he wants her to be happy. He wants her to grow and take on every challenge that life throws at her. But, she is asking him to watch while she helps his mother destroy Forrester and his dad along with it, and hes sorry but HE JUST CANT DO THAT! He more or less brushes her aside and walks out.
Nick and Brooke sit side by side on the sofa, Eric over in a chair and Bridget stands and thanks them for coming. She tells them she knows its silly that it has come to this, but it seems to be the only way to face the truth. She basically then dresses them down. She tells them she knows they have all been deciding whats best for her lately. But, now shes going to tell them what she has to say. She starts by saying if she seems angry, then they are damn right, she IS angry. Shes pregnant and this is supposed to be the happiest time of her life, but instead its the worst. But, she doesnt want any of them to think she hates any of them (she looks mainly at Nick). She tells her mom that she knows that flirting with Dante and marrying Dad again, she was doing for her, but they were wrong very wrong, and they are going to stop right now. No more lying, no more sacrifices. Brooke tries to justify that marrying her father was not a sacrifice. She rails at her that shes NOT a fool nor her little girl any more. She doesnt have to protect her; none of them do. She knows she will survive, but what she wont do is be DECEIVED. She stares at her mother and says she knows she has feelings for Nick. Nick speaks up and says they never denied that. They had dealt with it. She tells him now she is the one who is going to deal with them.
She wanders around and stops in front of Eric and tells him she is sorry to say this, but his marriage isnt real. No more real than hers is. She states they have all been living in denial and refusing to see whats real and she, for one, can not deal with that any longer. She tells Nick he doesnt have to fight this any more. He starts to deny it again. Bridget says she KNOWS what hes told her, but she also knows he still wants her mom, so just take her and be together. She tells her mom, she wants him, just take him, she can have him! Shes thought about it and its the only way they can put this insanity behind them. And I have got to.
She sits on the coffee table in front of Nick and Brooke and orders her mom to take his hand. When they dont, she says she is serious, just take his hand. She takes one of his and puts it on one of Brookes. She then tells her mom to look at Nick. And, then Nick to look at Brooke. When they dont want to, she reinforces it. She tells them, see they want each other. Its killing them not to be together. Bridget says she can see it. She knows her dad knows it, so just stop pretending. You say you love each other, and always will, so just embrace it ..just do it in front of me and my father. She tells Nick to take her into his arms. She repeats it, she wants him to take her into his arms. He doesnt move a muscle and she tells him, just do it, Nick.
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