The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 11/9/05
Pictures by Boo
New day at Forresters:
Ridge gets himself a cup of coffee and joins Stephanie on the sofa, already with hers, and starts by saying, all right Mother, youve had your power play. You gave Dad and Brooke a good scare. Now its time to get back to business, right? She says absolutely. He says good, glad shes had a chance to see things differently now thats shes had a chance to sleep on it. She rocks his world when she says that she hasnt changed her mind. Just back to business with turning THIS business around. He laments he doesnt know how shes going to do that. Shes already fired Dad, let Brooke go, made Thorne President and hired his wife ..well he doesnt know why. She replies that if she thought he was genuinely interested, shed explain it all to him. And, she adds she really does have a good business plan in mind. What? A plan for making Dad pay for marrying Brooke?, he asks. She remarks that she sees a good nights sleep hasnt changed his mind either. Ridge continues that he can see where she hired Thorne. Hes failed at Spectra and she felt sorry for him. And she wanted to tick Brooke off by bringing Taylor into this. He totally gets that. But, come on, you dont really expect me to work for them, do you?
In Taylors office, she pours a cup of coffee and converses with Hector sitting on her sofa. She fills him in on the take-over and how Ridge wasnt exactly elated and he said hed have to think about it, working with her. Hector asks what about this morning, did she confront him? She sits on opposite side in a big chair and says Ridge snuck out before she got up this morning. He thinks she is not qualified, and he just doesnt want to say it to her face. Hector tells her he thinks the position is perfect for her. Taylor goes on that Ridge doesnt seem to think that psychology and fashion have anything to do with each other. He adds that is all that fashion is what people find appealing; what makes people feel good. Beauty is in the eye and the mind of the beholder. And, who better qualified than a beautiful psychiatrist who has spent YEARS inside the fashion industry to determine that? Taylor shakes her head and wonders why Ridge cant say those things to her? Hector replies because hes afraid how Stephanies take-over is going to affect him. Sarcastically, she adds Brooke too! Hector gets up and crosses over the room and sits closely in front of her and softly tells her that if shes not getting the support from Ridge that she needs, she knows she can get it from him. She tells him she appreciates that, and if it was coming from him as a friend, but somehow she doesnt think he is. Do I have feelings for you? Yes, Taylor, I do. She replies then maybe she shouldnt have agreed to meet with him this morning. He offers that maybe because she is afraid she might reciprocate. She says she is a married woman. He adds, but she didnt say happily married. She smiles and says married is good enough for her. Is it?, he asks. Can she be satisfied with a man who doesnt believe in her? Her buzzer goes off and she tells him she has a patient, hed better go. He leans over and kisses her on the cheek, but almost touching the side of her mouth. She smiles and they exchange intimate looks.
Nick quickly opens the door and closes it; obviously trying to be incognito jeans, black T-shirt, baseball cap, shades. She doesnt even recognize him until he starts to remove his shades. And she tells him she has a patient coming. Shes surprised when he replies that would be him. He gulps and says they need to talk.
Dante is fixing breakfast at the beach house, trying hard but not quite helping but overhear as Eric tells Bridget of the previous days happenings. But, that they were going to fight this. He wasnt going to let his childrens legacy be snatched away. Bridget voices her opinion that she doesnt think Erics remarrying Brooke is the only thing Stephanie is concerned about. He confesses that yes he knew about the trust and yes, he kept the trust from her. Bridget reminds him for his entire marriage! In his favor, he declares they were equal partners; he never denied Stephanie anything. She counters with a marriage cant be built on secrets and lies she should know. This catches Dantes attention as he looks up.
Eric doesnt think his marriage to Stephanie failed because he kept the trust a secret. They both made a lot of mistakes over the years. But, she adds its pretty insurmountable when those mistakes begin to pile up. Eric senses that she is still in love with Nick. She says it doesnt do any good if she cant trust him. And she confides she is going to file for divorce. Shes already contacted a lawyer. Again this catches Dantes attention. Eric sighs and reminds her how difficult it is growing up and separated from your father. And he confesses hes always regretted not trying harder to patch things up with her mother. She laments she thinks it would take more than just a patch. She and Nick have torn their marriage to shreds. Her answer to him when he asks isnt she even going to try, is what force themselves like he and her mom into a marriage that is already doomed. Eric proclaims her marriage to Nick is NOT doomed. But, she counters that she cant even look at him without thinking of his feelings for her mom. He tries to convince her those feelings they had are over, finished. She says she hopes for Erics sake, they are, but she is not reconciling with Nick. And speaking of mistakes, shes made them, and the biggest one was getting involved with a man who loved her mother. (yes, yes, she finally sees that!) She dabs her eyes and says, I just need to make a clean break with Nick, and start a new life for myself and my child.
Stephanie tells Ridge that she thought he made a commitment to saving his marriage. He opines what does saving his marriage have to do with working here? She offers that doesnt he want to spend more time with Taylor? He answers that, of course, he does, but just not here. When she says they could work on something they both could be very proud of, he answers with yeah it did wonders for her and Dad. He calls Taylors position a bogus one. Stephanie doesnt see why no one else has faith in Taylor, and she believes she will be a valuable asset to her team. He offers that Taylor might be buying all of this, but he isnt. He doesnt want her to be sucked into another of his mothers vindictive plots of revenge. She fires back that she gave him and Taylor a genuine chance at starting their lives again. And, she was hoping he was moving past this adolescent indecisiveness that he always had. Think of the future. Dont waste this chance! He shoots her a look. Then asks what about the future; about his childrens future? Thorne gave up his stock in this company, so what does he have to lose by running it into the ground? Absolutely NOTHING. And thats exactly what the rest of them would have when little brother leads them into the poorhouse!
She approaches him and softly says then why doesnt he stay there and makes sure that Thorne doesnt do that? He asks is she going to make him President? She says yes, eventually she sees both him and Thorne as co-Presidents. He scoffs that is she going to make him prove himself again? She answers not with his talent, absolutely not. She just wants him to prove that Brooke is not controlling him anymore. He denies that Brooke ever controlled him. This time Steph scoffs, that is why he and his Dad practically let her destroy this business. He points out to her that FC is one of the most successful fashion houses in the world, and due in large degree to him and Brooke. Sex sells, it gets peoples attention. She rebuts, I know a wet T-shirt gets attention. That is NOT what I want for Forrester She says she wants elegance, style, class and full of grace and she thinks she can get that under her leadership. And she holds both hands to her heart and says she wants him to stay there and work with her. When he hesitates and is quiet, she adds but if he thinks Brookes way is the better way, then maybe this isnt the place for him.
Nick paces around the room with his cap in hand, hands on hips and says he doesnt know exactly how to put this. He admits his life is sort of a mess right now. He doesnt know exactly what is going on with Bridget and his child, and Taylor can probably guess why. Taylor advises him that if this has anything to do with Brooke, then shes probably not the person he should be talking to. He immediately tells her that no, no, she IS the right person. She doesnt know what it took for him to get there. He stands before her and says hes here, and he needs her help.
She asks is he saying he wants to forget Brooke? He answers that yes, forget her, move on, whatever she wants to call it, but it has to happen. She asks isnt he in love with Brooke? He answers they cant have a life together. They know that now. Bridget has asked for a divorce. Looks like hes been chasing around after the childs grandmother. And he feels like hes a man of his word; he tells it like it is, and he gave his word to Bridget. Taylor asks has he been chasing after Brooke? Nick offers he wanted to be honest about everything from the start, but that isnt what Brooke wanted because she didnt want to hurt her daughter. She wants him to commit to Bridget and do the right thing for their child. He couldnt fight his feelings for Brooke before. He knew it had to be done, but he couldnt do it. And he says again, that is why he is here; he needs help. She tells him there is no magic cure for heartbreak, but if he is really interested in professional help, she can refer him to someone. He grabs her by the arm (he seems to always be good at that) and tells her no one else. She knows everyone involved, and thats the most important thing. He looks at her and says he needs help in rebuilding Bridgets trust, and he needs her help to do that.
Bridget confides in her dad that she cant keep making the same mistakes. She needs to get on without Nick. Dante interrupts and asks didnt she want to take a swim before breakfast. She should go change and the omelets can wait. He then cajoles her that since moving in, thats all she has done is eat, eat, eat. Eric tells him hes really taking care of his daughter. Dante counters that with all due respects, he doesnt think that is what Eric wants (what is best for her). If so, he wouldnt be suggesting she get back with Nick. He understands him wanting the grandchilds parents together, but Nick has been giving Bridget nothing but headaches. Eric states that Brooke has promised him that Nick is committed to Bridget, and she just needs to give him another chance. Beating his own drum, he asks why should she take a chance on that when there is someone here who truly loves her who she can depend on.
Eric reminds him it wasnt that long ago that it appeared he was getting involved with Brooke. Dante confesses that he doesnt deny that Erics new wife is truly charming but, my heart belongs to Bridget. He goes farther by saying he stayed in Los Angeles to be close to her and he stood by her time after time in the difficult times. He wants to be there for her and the baby, for the future. He knows he can make them happy. Isnt that what Eric wants for his daughter and his grandchild?
Ridge asks is his mother firing him? She replies no, as she takes his arm, and says she wants him to stay and be part of this with her. But, he adds only if he gets onboard with her agenda. She dangles the stock in front of him again and how she intends to eventually re-distribute it, and she wants him to be part of that. She lets him know that she needs to know his first loyalty is to her, not Brooke!
Taylor asks Nick what is his motivation? Is he acting out of obligation and responsibility to the child? He replies he just wants to do the right thing. She adds because that is the kind of man he is. But, the way he has been living and feeling lately, those dont line up with his self-image and she is sure that frightens him. He reiterates that he wants to be with Bridget. She asks if he would still want to be with her if there was no baby? He answers absolutely. She asks another - what if Brooke wasnt married to Eric? This one he finds a little more difficult and doesnt answer. She tells him if he wants her help, he has to be completely honest. Is he here as a man completely committed to his family, or as a jilted lover? He looks at her, puts his hand on his forehead and says it is not his nature to do all this soul-searching and thinking. He gulps, but he has asked for her help and he gives her his word that there is nothing more in this world that he wants than Bridget and his child. I want my future to be with my wife and family.
Bridget stands a little dejectedly, with hands over her tummy in a nice orange bathing suit. Dante comes in and says Eric had to go, he said good-bye and hed call her later. He asks whats wrong. She states that she is beginning to show (yes, a slight pooch). He grins and says thats great, the baby is beginning to grow. She bemoans that everything is changing and nothing it seems will be the same again. Dante guesses this is about Nick, and if she needs someone to share these changes with, she can share it with him. He goes to her and tells her he knows it will take some time for her to trust again, but she will trust again. And he grins, when she does, he will be right there! She tells him hes probably the only person she can trust right now. He gives her a big soothing hug.
Ridge says loyalty, that is the only thing that matters to his mother. She argues that no talent matters to her too. She wants to put together a really great team that will help her execute her plan. And he adds, what better way to get back at Dad and Brooke than to choose her over them? Steph says she cant make him do anything; its his decision. He says, ummmm. Turn my back on my father and the mother of my child or watch the company go down in flames. Thats a hell of a decision! She states that she believes that Thorne, Taylor and she can run this business successfully. And although she doesnt want to, she will hire another designer. He makes fun of Thorne pinning his whole future on Ridges teen-aged son. Steph points out that one thing she knows about Thorne; he wants to make this company a success just as badly as she does. And so does Taylor and when they succeed, Steph will re-distribute the stock, so she doesnt want him to worry bout his childrens legacy. He asks what about R.J. and Hope .Brooke and Bridget? She offers that she is not going to punish them. They didnt choose Brooke as their mother! He asks if he goes with Dad and Brooke, that will make things different? She asks why would he do that? He states because she is the mother of his child and shes done incredible things for this company over the years. Steph admits that, but also incredible scandals! He scoffs at her and his mother hasnt? She replies at least she hasnt made an advertising campaign out of them.
She informs him that isnt what she wants for Forrester. Passionately, she states that she wants to design for women that are healthy, happy and proud achievers, like his wife! She wants him and Taylor to be the image of FC. Two intelligent, creative, happy, positive people. Let Eric have Brooke, to hell with them. I want Forrester to be restored to its former glory, and I want YOU to help me. But she wants to know that his loyalty is here!
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