B&B Tuesday Update 11/8/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 11/8/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same day continuation from Monday’s Episode:

In Eric’s office at Forrester’s, the group continues to gather around Eric. He lies on the floor writhing in pain. Everyone has a stunned, shocked look on their faces. Taylor admonishes Stephanie not to resort to this sort of violence. Stephanie offers to the contrary, this is a reaction that has been loooooooooong overdue. As Ridge and Rick help Eric to his chair, Rick tells Stephanie she’d just kneed Eric in the groin! She retorts, “well, if he’d made one single decision with his brain, I would have slapped in him in the head.”

Darla warns them they all need to stop it and calm down. Rick fires that Stephanie should get the hell out of here. Stephanie differs, it’s her office now.

Brooke shoots off that this is all about power and territory with Stephanie. Steph counters with it’s all about “what I deserve!” Ridge asks does she think that Dad deserves this? He’d spent his entire life making FC what it is today and she wants to oust him on a technicality. She fills him in that her father gave them the money in a trust when they started the company, and she reminds him that she is the sole beneficiary of the trust. Ridge barks that John Douglas did not make Forrester’s a success, that man (pointing to Eric) did! She acknowledges and says she agreed with everything Eric did, until SHE came along (looking at Brooke). Brooke tells her again this is just a vendetta against her. Ridge looks to Taylor and asks her to please tell him she is not condoning this.

Stephanie takes charge and says she is taking this company back to its roots. And anybody that can’t get on board with that, can leave. She heaves her big thumb up in the air. She turns immediately to Thorne and says they are going to start with the ad campaign, for Reunited, cut it. And any kind of work that has begun on Brooke’s Bedroom Line, cut it. Ridge offers that was one of their most profitable lines, and she shoots back, “not anymore!” In answer to Eric saying she wants this company to fail, she says she wants this company to be a success. She wants this company to represent women who are great, that are sophisticated and who have style.

Eric gets to his feet and tells her that she won’t get away with this. Brooke adds they aren’t giving up. Stephanie states they probably won’t, but they ARE leaving. She opens the door and tells them they have thirty minutes to clear their things out of the building, GOOD-BYE! Slowly they each file out with Eric being the last, and walking gingerly I may add. He takes one last long look at Thorne before exiting.

Taylor starts to speak again about any sort of vendetta, but Stephanie interrupts and says it is not. This is a fresh start for Forrester, fresh ideas and a fresh face. She thanks Massimo for his help. He says he thinks they still need to talk some about her plan. She opines that yes, she knows this is not exactly what she’d hoped for. She wanted everybody in the family to be onboard. She pats Mass on the shoulder and thanks him again for staying and for his support. And then adds that some people in this room haven’t always gotten the respect and dignity due them. Looking at Thorne, she says guess what, this is their chance to earn it all on their own. With her hand on Thorne’s shoulder and looking at him beside Taylor she says they are going to make this company great together.

Ridge, Brooke and Eric go into Brooke’s office. She mentions they should have had Rick stay, but Ridge says they needed someone they could trust at International. Eric tells Ridge that he appreciates his loyalty, but he doesn’t have to leave. Ridge states that he’s NOT staying. FC is a sinking ship here, and he’s getting out for his own good. “Mother is going nuts, and she’s taking the whole damn company with her.”

Enjoying her new office, Steph shakes her head as she reminisces about some playful and not so playful antics involving Brooke and her Bedroom Line. Mass asks is she relishing her victory? She replies no, it’s too soon and too much work to be done. But, she really is committed to restoring prestige to Forrester. She thanks him again for his help. He tells her he appreciate that, but he didn’t just do it for her, but for their son. He continues that there was a time he thought Ridge might make it at Marone, but he loves fashion. And he expected her to recognize his contribution when she took over, but she made Thorne President. She reminds him because she knows exactly where Thorne stands. He states that Ridge belongs there as more than just head designer. She says she agrees and he will eventually. But, right now Brooke exerts too much control over him. He has to put that aside. And when he does, there is no end to the possibilities and opportunities for him at this company.

Brooke stands firm; she is not leaving, no matter what Stephanie says. There has to be avenues they haven’t explored. Eric tells her that he’s talked to Jonathan and he tells him that he would be very lucky not to be brought up on charges. He could easily be prosecuted for keeping the trust a secret all these years. Ridge wonders what he was thinking when he did that? Eric replies he was thinking about the family. With Stephanie’s temper and her questionable decisions she’s made over the years, he thought his inheritance would be safer in his hands. Brooke offers, so their stake in the company and their children’s legacy is just gone? Ridge smarts that if it’s not now, it will be, especially with Thorne in charge. He says he’s sorry, but this is just too much. Thorne deserted them for Spectra and he doesn’t give a damn what this shakeup is going to do to their company. Or what it’s going to do to Ridge’s marriage. He can’t believe Taylor is going along with this either. He needs to talk to her. Eric tells him to go. He then confides to Brooke he thought this favoritism thing was behind them. But, she counters with now that Stephanie is in charge, this is only the beginning of her dredging things up. They will have to pay and pay dearly.

Darla and Thorne are marveling in their good fortune. Although Thorne is also concerned with what his father is going through, Darla tells him she is sure that he will make everything right. They are also having a pretty good time about seeing the look on Ridge’s face and the fact that Stephanie picked Thorne over Ridge. She cups his face and more or less says I told you so, look at what’s just around the corner. In an instant everything is back on top right where they belong. She tells him he is going to be the best President that Forrester ever day!

Ridge eyeballs the nameplate on his door and walks in. There’s Taylor waiting. He smarts is this still his office or has Mother given it to Taylor? She replies she was waiting for him. He counters with he was afraid she’d still be in Dad’s office planning Forrester’s demise. She says they are all going to need a little time to digest what just happened. He states he hopes she told Mother that she isn’t going to be a part of this. Taylor says she did tell her that she was out of line for attacking Eric. All of this is out of line, quotes Ridge. She points out that Eric hid that trust fund their entire marriage. Ridge says he wishes things had been done differently, but he doesn’t think it’s right for Stephanie to throw Eric out of his own company. Taylor corrects him, “HER company” and he asks if she is buying into this? And he states that all Stephanie is interested in is revenge against Brooke. Taylor doesn’t see it that way. She knows Stephanie doesn’t agree with the influence Brooke has over the company and neither does Taylor. Ridge argues that she had a lot to do with the leadership with this company and their success. Taylor tells him Stephanie thinks she can do better. He grunts that he doesn’t know how and he really doesn’t care because he isn’t going to be working there…..and neither is she! (famous last words, Ridge, my boy!)

Mass is following Stephanie around the office as she picks out pictures and objects that either stays or goes. The ‘goes’ are thrown into a wastepaper basket. She spies a saucy little red number and jerks it up and stuffs it in the basket. Perhaps this was one of Brooke’s little inspirations for Eric. She doesn’t know or really care. She continues taking plaques off the wall and then asks Mass if he has reservations about her plan. He says only that he’d have liked Ridge to be a part of it. She vows that he will be as soon as he realizes what she is doing for the company is the right thing. Mass tells her, “for your sake, I hope it happens sooner than later.” He kisses her on both cheeks and tells her to have a good day, darling. She thanks him and then goes to the phone to call Travis and tells him to send one of the boys up. She has some stuff she wants sent over to Brooke’s office.

Brooke is still lamenting how they are all going to be penniless but Eric tells her he will take care of the kids, not to worry. Brooke urges him to fight Stephanie, but Eric tells her let him handle Stephanie on his own. Brooke reminds him Stephanie is doing this because of Brooke. He says he knows that is part of it and that’s why he wants Brooke to stay away from her, but Stephanie is blaming everyone for the way her life turned out. Everyone except herself.

No sooner than Eric leaves, a knock on the door and it’s Travis telling this Mrs. Forrester that the other Mrs. Forrester wanted these boxes delivered. And she wants her to vacate the premises immediately, and he offers to have them delivered to her house if she wants. He’s really sorry for all of this. Brooke says it’s all right, she doesn’t blame him. If Stephanie had something to say, she should say it to her face.

Thorne is on top of the world and can’t explain enough how good he feels. And Darla points out, “Ridge’s boss.” She laughs, “if he stays.” Thorne agrees, he may not since he’s not exactly thrilled with Mother these days. Darla points out but she sure is thrilled with him. That feels good, even though he left, went to Spectra, she picked him to be by her side. Darla boosts that Stephanie has faith in him. He says he knows that now. Steph said she supported him, was proud of him, but those were just words. He never felt them before. Not until today. Today he knows its true. Darla says his mother loves him just as much as she does. They lock in a kiss.

Taylor counsels Ridge that they don’t need to over-react. They all just need to sit down and take a deep breath and let everybody find a way to deal with what has just happened. He vows he is not. She implores him to just let Stephanie enjoy her power for a day or two. But, he counters that she is abusing her power. Taylor offers that Stephanie WILL ask Eric to come back and the minute she does, she will be there to support that decision. He says the company needs his dad right now. Taylor adds the company needs Ridge right now. He says that will not happen. She reminds him that he’s the only designer Forrester has. He states, “then Thorne is going to have to bring someone in from Spectra. I sure as Hell am not going to work for HIM!” She tells him they are all part of the same team. Arms spread wide, he proclaims this is NOT a team. “Brooke, Dad and I are a team. This is a disaster waiting to happen.” He points out that Thorne ran Spectra into the ground and that Stephanie only has organized her charity events and Taylor has no experience whatsoever. But, Stephanie doesn’t care about the company. All she cares about is punishing Brooke and anyone who’s had any support for her.

Taylor argues that Stephanie seems to think that she has something to contribute. But, he offers she is a psychiatrist and she has no experience in the fashion industry. She counters that she knows what women want. She says she knows they are sick of being told they aren’t sexy or confident unless they wear a size zero and have their assets hanging out. She thinks it’s true. Clothes can change the way a woman views herself and his mother wants to instill confidence and class in fashion and she’s very flattered that Stephanie wants her to be a part of that. He argues but she can’t help her. No one can because the woman has gone crazy. Taylor stares after him and then asks. Why does he always have to do that? Why does he have to diminish anything he doesn’t agree with? For once, can’t he just believe in her? Is it too much to ask to have a little support from the man who’s supposed to love her? He offers that isn’t what he meant, and he’s sure she didn’t mean to infer that the work he’s done for the last two decades is demeaning to women. She tells him no, but she does agree with some of the changes his mother wants to make. He asks what, to get rid of Brooke? She offers no, to restore Forrester to a class of dignity. But, Ridge keeps hammering. The only thing his mother wants to restore is her dominance over Brooke. They continue on the see-saw. She’s excited about the new position in the company and he points out there will be no position in six months when the company goes under. And it will because you can’t run a fashion house with a bitter woman set on vengeance, a proven loser and a psychiatrist. She wonders if maybe this can’t be a good thing. Brooke and Eric can take some time off, go on their honeymoon, focus on their new marriage, even spend more time with their kids. He offers that as long as they are together, Mother will never let Dad in here again. Taylor suggests then all the more reason for Ridge to stay…and keep an eye on things. She smoozes that she’d love to work with him, side by side. She is sure they could make this company into something amazing. She begs, for her, won’t he please just give it a try?

Brooke barges into Stephanie’s office and tells her to put a plaque back on the wall. She adds that Stephanie has the company; she has all the power. She doesn’t have to create all of this havoc. Stephanie offers that she isn’t going to work with people who aren’t loyal to her. Brooke amends that to people who are connected to her? Stephanie laughs and says well Eric, for instance. She’s just turned his head to mush. Brooke tells her she just so determined to hurt her, she’s not thinking clearly. Does she really think it’s a good thing to have Thorne and Taylor running the company? She’s adamant. Of course she does. The three of them are going to bring back the respectability to this company. Brooke maintains that Rick is not going to work for someone who just fired his mother and his father. And Ridge is not going to work for Thorne, so Stephanie isn’t going to have a designer. She is going after this is the wrong way! Stephanie tells her she is sorry she thinks so, but she is just doing what she thinks has to be done. Brooke laments she may be doing what makes her feel better, but not what’s best for the company. Steph says that is no longer Brooke’s concern, is it? Brooke offers that it is her concern because it is her children’s legacy. She then pleads not to take that away from them, please! And don’t take it away from Eric.

She pleads more – take her shares instead. Stephanie shows concern and seems to be listening and considering. But, then adds, another misguided sacrifice. Brooke states she is more than willing to meet her half way. But, if she doesn’t accept her offer, she will have to fight. And she will, fight her every step of the way. “You are going to wish you had gone to Florida.” Stephanie chuckles and picks up a large trophy behind her and holds it toward Brooke in front of her and says if she doesn’t quit standing there, yaw, yaw, yawing, she’s going to wish she’d never set foot in this office. Brooke sarcastically smiles at her and says, “you don’t scare me, old bat. How many years have you tried to scare me with your hatred and your bitterness? It didn’t work then, and its not working now.”

She slams the door on her way out as Stephanie contemplates what to do now!

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