The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 10/28/05
Written By
Pictures by Boo
Same night continuation of Thursdays Episode
In Erics office where Stephanie and Massimo have found a trust fund document in the office safe, Stephanie tells Mass she will not leave that office until she finds out what that document means.
Next door in Brookes office, shes going through some papers from her briefcase when Eric comes storming in and slams the door. She asks what is wrong? He asks if strangulation is still against the law? She is surprised because Megan said everything had gone so well (teen fashion show, Ridge vs Thomas). He bellows that all went great; they beat Spectra, but did he get to enjoy it ten minutes NO! Stephanie was lying in wait in his office. She remarks she thought she was moving to Florida. He retorts to keep reminding him! She states Stephanie really is moving, isnt she? And he replies yes. She says, good, its sort of hard imagining life without being bombarded with all those threats and insults. He approaches her and says he thinks they can get used to it. Besides they have much more important things to think of. Bridget and Nick need to know they can find their way back together. She asks if he doesnt think its too soon? He replies no. Not for that baby she is carrying. He is adamant that if he could just get them in a room together and get them talking, and convince them that he and Brooke werent going to drift apart in a month She asks if he thinks that is going to happen, and again he replies no. Does she? She shivers and says no, just a feeling she has. She walks away and then turns and offers, Eric, this problem I have with being intimate .. He holds his hands out and cuts her off; that its all right. He tells her their world has been turned upside down, and its going to take a while to get used to. Theyll manage, and he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. She looks concerned.
At Marone Industries, Nick holds a framed photo of he and Bridgets wedding, but hes thinking of Brooke with a flashback to when she told him that her daughter loved him and she wasnt going to be the one to take her and the baby away from him. She just wasnt going to do it. He calls Bridget and has to leave a message. He wishes she would return his calls. Theres a lot they have to talk about, so call please!
A lawyer, Bill Butler, has joined Stephanie and Mass and looks at the trust. He asks about it being an Illinois trust. Stephanie informs him that yes, she was born and raised in Lake Forest. Mass speaks up and says they both were. And John Douglas lived there until he died. Mr. Butler says the law governing trusts have changed, but he doesnt see anything to invalidate at this point. Stephanie asks how was it possible that she and her husband did not know about this? Or did her father change his mind? He says no, thats impossible. Its an irrevocable trust. Meaning, the grantor, her father, the original trustee, relinquished all rights to the assets he gave to found Forrester Creations. But as beneficiary, he points to Stephanie, she should have received some distribution of income. She explains they did in the beginning. But, then her father died and the estate was divided between herself and her sister. And she got what she thought was her fathers half of the company; her and her husband that is! Mr. Butler says that wasnt possible either because it wasnt part of the estate. Clarifying, Mass says the trust owned Forrester Creations, not John Douglas. Mr. Butler says thats right. She offers then perhaps her fathers lawyers werent aware of it. He agrees or perhaps they took legal steps to dissolve it. Mass asks can they find that out? Mr. Butler says a disillusion would be filed and he has a friend in Springfield, Illinois and one phone call and a day search and that ought to do it. Stephanie rises and asks if he could make that call for her today? He also rises and looks at his watch and says, if he hustles. Hes also wants to hear from the successor trustee, the person who took over for her father. She asks who would that be? He says its right there on the document Genoa City, a Katherine Chancellor. Stephanie looks at Mass in amazement. She repeats the name and Mr. Butler asks if she isnt ..and Mass says yes, of the Chancellor Industries Chancellors. Stephanie offers she and her father were great pals. Mass says yes and hes sure she would never cheat her out of anything that her father intended for her. She turns to Mr. Butler and asks what does he think? He replies maybe she had the trusteeship transferred to a bank or foundation and Mass adds or a savings and loan that went down in the 80s. Mass adds that Mrs. Chancellor has an office here in L.A. Hes going to check with them and see how she can be reached. Mass asks Bill if he can drop him off at his office. He replies yes and hed like to take the papers with him to give it a more careful reading for any loopholes. Stephanie replies if he will guard it with his life. Then he adds he was sorry to hear about her and Mr. Forrester. He asks if she realizes he might be quite literally nothing without her? Mass retorts that is a question for another day. Stephanie thanks Mass and Mr. Butler for coming on such short notice.
Nick (Mr. Cool in shades) is ushered into Erics beach house. He offers hes sorry hes a little late. Eric says its all right, so was he. They had a little excitement at the office. Nick cautiously looks around and Eric tells him Brooke isnt there. Nick wonders why is he there? Eric tells him he thought they could have a talk, one father to another. About his future and Bridgets future. Nicks says she doesnt want to be with him, she made that clear. Eric says she is angry, but he is the father of her baby. Nick states that this is his first time through this, but he doesnt think he has to tell Eric that often the husband and father cant always be the same guy. Eric states isnt that up to Nick? Hed gone to a lot of trouble to convince him that his love for Bridget was genuine and he succeeded. Nick says, well, it didnt convince her. Lets be honest, shall we? They both knew there were different types of love, didnt they? Eric responds by saying he thinks he is in a position to have a pretty good idea what he felt for Brooke. But, you have to know nothing can come of it. Brookes my wife and my wife shell stay. Nicks shakes his head and scoffs, hes not clear on something here. Hes saying he married Brooke to prove something to Bridget and then hed married Bridget to prove something to Eric. He faces him, what does that make me, Eric. Am I the lab rat here? They both look around and theres Bridget just inside the door.
Brooke is opening mail when she looks up and theres Stephanie walking into her space. She continues and says its nice of Stephanie to drop by. She assumes she came to say good-bye. Eric had told her about Stephanies Florida plans. Stephanie responds she is sure he tells her all sorts of things. Brooke states she is leaving? Stephanie gloats that she knows how she feels about rash decisions. Brooke soothes that she thinks it makes all the sense in the world. Stephanie sinks into a chair across the desk from Brooke. Stephanie grins and says its kind of her to say so, but shes not sure how well she and Eric will do without her.
Bridget shuts the door and asks Nick what is he doing there? He walks toward her and asks the same thing. Eric lectures that he knows the two of them are sick to death of being brow-beaten and interfered with, but they have to be talking. Theyre expecting a baby, for Gods sake. Nicks asks her why hasnt she returned his calls. With a half smile, she explains what was there to discuss? He replies a lot. She offers she thinks its a little early to be discussing visitation rights and making sure their child is in the right kindergarten, doesnt he think? And she definitely doesnt need him to make sure she takes her vitamins. He sighs, hes the father of this child and hes going to be involved in his life from day one. She tells him she is pretty sure she understands all of that, but shes not sure her dad does. Eric joins in and says maybe its easier for him to remember how happy they were together. He cant accept that some sort of agreement is the best they can hope for. She blasts him does he want her to have a third bout of self-imposed amnesia.? Will that do the trick? Just pretend that Mom and Nick arent in love with each other and this time theyll live happily ever after. Eric tells her that her mother is spoken for. And she can deny her feelings all she wants to, but he knows she loves this man. She approaches him and says she has wised up. And hes the obstacle between Nick and her mom and if he thinks hes doing it for her, please stop! He can come up with another reason for putting himself in that marriage, but as for her, shes out of that misery. But, shes afraid his is just beginning.
Stephanie tells Brooke Florida. She is not sure what her tolerance for humidity will be. Brooks sniffs that shes heard they still like Americans in Morocco. Stephanie continues she has this nagging feeling that her usefulness isnt over. Brooke asks if she was useful when she ruined Bridgets life? Dead serious, Stephanie asks did she do that? Oh, I thought that was because her husband had the hots for you. Brooke goes on too; was she useful when she moaned and groaned and faked her heart attack in order to get Ridge to make a commitment he wasnt ready for? Stephanie maintains they are still together. Brooke asks was Stephanie being useful when she brought a gun over to her house and tried to get her to kill herself? Stephanie contemplates that. Brooke says, just go to Florida, Stephanie. Im sure you can find a nice, tanned psychiatrist to help you with all your needs. Stephanie points out that she WAS useful, to Eric. When this was her office and they built this company from the ground up. Brooke looks at her and issues, dont kid yourself. With Erics talent, a monkey could have made a success out of Forrester Creations. You were just a hanger-on. And now youre not even that. Stephanie jerks to attention, dead weight, am I? Brooke concludes yeah, only dead weight is a step up. Shes just misery to anybody who knows her. Stephanie contends she hasnt been quite the misery to Brooke that she might have wished. Brooke declares oh, now they have it. Its been a competition against the Beverly Hills Matron vs The Slut of the Valley. She asks guess who won. She did, and thats why Stephanie was leaving. You know it, and I know it. Los Angeles just isnt big enough for both of us, Stephanie. One of us has to go. Stephanie raises her eyebrows and peeps, so she has always said.
Eric tells Bridget he went into this marriage with his eyes wide open. Hes well aware of Brookes infatuation. She seems surprised and asks is that what he is calling it? He says yeah. Brooke gives herself over completely to the moment. Bridget knows that about her. Bridget asks if that is what happened when she left him for Ridge? She gave herself over to a moment that lasted for years. And Brooke says herself what she feels for Nick is stronger than that. Eric rationalizes that she didnt appreciate what they had when they were first married. But, they had a rare communication, very rare. They were very close and spoke very easily and honestly. And its something Brooke has never had with any other man. And that Brooke didnt understand that real happiness cant be found just following every impulse, no matter how strong it is. But, she understands now. That happiness has to be built on real things shared values, goals and family. Those things arent accidental; you have to want them. You have to choose them because theyre right. And thats what they have done. And thats something she and Nick could do too. Bridget tells him you dont choose love, it chooses you first. She did the best she could, but she was swimming against the tide. Is that what he wants for her again? Is that what he wants for himself? Nick has been drinking all of this in. Eric approaches him and asks if he is hoping on being a threat to his marriage? Nick replies, what marriage is that, Eric? Eric asks if thats how his conscience works? Bridget defends by saying he was just saying what it looks like to all of them; like a stage wedding. And when the curtain goes down, the actors all go home to their own beds. And she remarks that she notices he and her mom are still living in separate residences. Eric states they will be changing that soon. They certainly dont sleep in separate beds. Bridget digs more, so, what, she stays up reading until shes sure youre asleep? Is it something like that? He asks if she is curious about his sex life? Nick pipes in that he doesnt hear anybody asking. Bridget declares he and her mom are not having sex. He tells her thats something theyve never discussed. He walks off, but then says if she must know yes, yes they were. (probably more information than Nick wants to know). Nick and Bridget exchange sideward glances.
Brooke comes clean and tells Stephanie why dont they put their weapons down long enough to realize what lessons have been learned here. Stephanie says, that when a man is the prize, sex always wins? Brooke shoots back that maybe shell have a better perspective when she moves away. Maybe when shes sitting there sipping tea and playing a round of golf shell realize if she had smiled a little more or had a little more warmth, she would have gone further. Stephanie points out those are HER winning ways and the only warmth she has is between ..(blush, she doesnt finish). Brooke tells her go ahead and sneer, but it wouldnt have hurt her to be a little more like Brooke. Stephanie laughs and asks what would that have made her, the Slut Whore of Boca Raton? Brooke really thinks shes taken it all from her, doesnt she? Brooke accepts that her husband, her family, her business. She had handed it all to her on a silver platter. Brooks stands to face her. But, it was her cruelty and her paranoia; that is what made them give Stephanie the boot. Stephanie opines that no one asked her to leave. Brooke responds that no one asked her to stay. Shes not wanted nor needed, so why doesnt she just leave. Just go and pack, and be sure and leave her forwarding address so shell know how many people WONT miss her enough to write.
The phone rings and Brooke hands her the phone and tells her its for her. Mass confides to Stephanie that Bill Butler just called. Illinois shows no record of the trust ever being dissolved. And it doesnt even show a change of trustee. Nothing like that is on file. Stephanie asks where does that leave her? Brooke chimes in, flight on time? Need a ride to the airport? Mass continues that Katherine Chancellor has some explaining to do. But as far as the law is concerned, Stephanie is sole and rightful owner of Forrester Creations.
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