B&B Thursday Update 10/27/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Thursday 10/27/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same night continuation of Wednesday’s Episode:

In Eric’s office at Forrester Creations, Stephanie questions Massimo again about this trust fund she found in the safe. She wants to understand that her father made her sole owner of Forrester Creations. He explains to her that Stephanie Douglas Trust owns the company, but she is the sole beneficiary. She is truly amazed.

Ridge and Eric are meeting with the reporters as they continue to praise the Forrester's for the showing; how it had far surpassed Spectra. Ridge comments that the orders have been flooding in all week and today’s sales have been unprecedented. A lady reporter questions Dante and brings up his fabulous prints. She asks if he thinks they are the three talents behind this glorious success. He doesn’t want to leave Brooke Logan out of the equation. Eric points out too that with him and Brooke at the helm and Ridge too, this is a new era for Forrester Creations. Another reporter aims one at Ridge and asks if he’d like to comment on his son’s loss. He gives a look to Taylor who shrugs her approval. Ridge says Thomas is incredibly talented, but he’s still too young for this cut-throat world of high fashion, so he’s going to college. And when he comes back, he’ll be coming back to Forrester Creations where he belongs. Same reporter quizzes more. What about his brother, Thorne? After the beating Spectra received today, he could be out of a job. Was there room for him at Forrester? Ever the diplomat, Eric says don’t look for Thorne down at the unemployment line just yet. Although they may have lost the showing here today, you could never quite count Spectra out!

Over in another lonely corner, Thorne tells Darla they are crushed, finished, out of the business. Thomas tells his Uncle Thorne he is so sorry; he guesses he just wasn’t ready. Darla tells him it wasn’t his fault. Clarke pops off that no, they wouldn’t want to blame the designer, would they? Sally chimes in that if they really want to blame someone, blame her. She was the one who went out on the limb, went too far until someone sawed it off. No big deal, she’d hit rock bottom before but always managed to claw her way back up to the top. “Don’t worry about Spectra, Thomas. You gave it your best shot. Besides, I think you’ve got more important things to worry about right now,” she remarks. They all look toward Gaby walking toward him. He clings to her with hugs and says he doesn’t want to lose her. She wipes tears from her eyes and tells him they don’t have a choice. He says he won’t let his parents send her away. Enter the dreaded parents. He puts his arm around Gaby and steels himself for a confrontation.

Stephanie remarks to Mass that Eric thinks he’s in control of the company. He’s just named Brooke as his chief co-CEO, but what Mass is saying to her is that they actually work for her. Mass agrees - if this document is still valid. The problem could be that her father could have amended this before he died. There are all sorts of possibilities and they have to have this verified. She asks who do they talk to? She knows; somebody who isn’t going to talk to Eric! Mass pulls out his cell phone and says he has a financial planning attorney, who’s the best. Then chuckles as he makes his call and says, “if this document holds, the whole future and history of the Forrester family can be changed overnight, forever. Are you sure you want to open this can of worms?” She jerks her head to look at him and says does he even have to ask her that? As he talks on the phone, Stephanie repeats again in amazement, “Stephanie Douglas Irrevocable Trust, oh wow!”

Thomas pleads with his dad. He knows they had a deal, but he can’t hold him to it. He says, ”it’s wrong, please!” Ridge replies he has to accept the consequences of his actions. Thorne steps forward and asks Ridge if he’s really going through with this? He’d cheated his own son out of this victory with this secret phony ad campaign. Without batting an eye, Ridge stands firm and says Thomas is his son, and he knows what’s best for him. He looks at Gaby and says, “the deal.” With everyone looking on in disgust, she starts to walk away with Thomas trying to stop her. She says they gave their word; they can’t go back on that. She’ll never forget what he tried to do for her. Their beautiful night in Vegas. She cups his face and tells him she loves him, never forget that. She kisses him. He sighs and walks away. She heads toward Taylor and tells her she won. She wanted her out of there at all costs, and she got it. She scoffs, guess she just wasn’t good enough, was she? Taylor tells her yes, she is. As a friend, just not his wife. She’d told her many times that he was just too young. Gaby says well she got her way. She spots Agent Dunn from Immigration in the background and asks her is that how much faith she had in Thomas? How badly she wanted her out of his life? Dunn walks up and hands Gaby a package and says she has some papers to sign. Thomas questions why he had to deliver them here? They take them to read in privacy.

Mass tells his telephone partner he wants this kept very quiet. He tells Stephanie that his attorney is in a meeting, and he’ll call them back. She explains to him she always thought she and Eric owned the company jointly. So when they sold some stock or divided it, why did no one tell them they couldn’t do that? Or mention the trust? Or they couldn’t sell any stock? Her father had never mentioned a word of this ever. She only assumes he intended to, but things were happening so quickly – Eric was struggling, setting up the company, she was pregnant with Ridge. Mass tells her he certainly remembers that. She hesitates and then softly says that they could have never started this company without the money from her father. And she doesn’t think Eric has any idea how hard it was for her to go to her father and ask him for that money. But, she wanted so desperately for him to trust and believe that Eric was capable of setting this company up. She wanted him to invest in their future! Mass confides that John Douglas was no happier than he about her marrying Eric, some flaky character from California, for God’s sake. She shoots him a look. She confesses she was surprised when he gave them the money. Mass tells her he’s sure that’s why her father drew up this trust. She wonders if he went to all that trouble, why didn’t he tell her? He tells her, knowing her father as well as he did, he imagines he didn’t want to plant any seeds of doubt in her mind. She was dealing with a new marriage, a baby coming, a new company. And if it worked out, fine, but if it didn’t, she and the children would have something to fall back on. She nods, smiles and says, ”my dad was really good.” Mass tells her that’s why he told her not to give up. John was still looking after her. He was in this room, in this document. “You can not walk away from this company that he went to such lengths to make sure is yours.”

Steph looks and lovingly touches some family photographs and tells Mass that you think marriage is going to last forever. You believe you will always look out for each other. And if truth be known, her father probably didn’t tell her because she would have given her share of the stocks to Eric anyway. That’s how in love with him she was. Mass points his finger and tells her the trustees would never have allowed her to do something that stupid! Stephanie maintains that Eric did not know anything about this trust. He points out that the document was in HIS safe. So she reiterates, Mass is saying that every time they divided the stock to give to their children, and when he married Brooke and gave her stock, he KNEW it was illegal? Mass asks why is she surprised at anything Eric does? “For God’s sake, he just used his power of attorney to divorce you, without your consent, come on.” This begins to sink in and she shudders to think she’s been conned by him all these years! Has she blamed Brooke for luring him away and that’s what he always wanted? She remarks,”I tell Bridget not to live in a Fool’s Paradise, and I’m the biggest fool of all!” She asks how she could be so completely wrong? He admonishes her not to blame herself. But, she says no, this is her husband they are talking about. She sits and silently pounds the desk and says but he is not a cheater or a liar. And he would never, never, never, hide her inheritance from her. He couldn’t do anything that cruel! She points out to Mass that this document was sealed, they had to tear it open and it was in the safe (she’s pointing) and it’s been there for years and Eric had probably overlooked it. Mass looks at her with skepticism. She states, "he’s going to be just as surprised by this as I am.”

Thomas and Gaby look at the papers ad ask what is this? Agent Dunn says her status has been re-instated. She wonders how? He says by a series of very convincing letters and phone calls to his supervisor. Gaby looks to Thomas. He says no, then who? Ridge speaks up and says Taylor. Taylor explains that she wrote the letters. She even went up to Sacramento the other day as she never thought it was fair for her to be deported. Dunn says Taylor had about drove them crazy and Gaby’s status had been restored. Gaby looks so surprised, and grateful and she quickly grabs a pen and signs the papers. She begins to apologize to Taylor, but Taylor says it’s okay. They both probably said things they shouldn’t have. Taylor said she knew Gaby was scared and so was she, but she wanted her to know, she did always believe in her. And she continues that Gaby didn’t have to be married to stay here. And she wanted her to be friends with Thomas, she really did. Gaby cries and hugs Taylor, thanking her so very much, while clutching her new green card. Everyone is looking on with smiles on their faces. She then hugs Thomas who throws a grateful look to his mom.

Ridge puts his hands on Taylor’s shoulders and tells her that was a hell of a thing she did for Gaby. Now they’ll be able to see what she’s made of. Taylor had come through for her. Taylor shrugs that obviously she cares a great deal for Thomas. They’ll just have to see if she can do what’s best for him. Ridge wonders if Gaby really will be able to let go.

Gaby stares at the card and Thomas tells her she’s going to wear it out. She says she’s afraid that if she stops looking at it, it will disappear. He plays with her hair, pulls it back and kisses her neck and says, “not a chance……and neither will I.” She confesses to Thomas that she said some awful things to his mom and all this time she thought she was against her and helping him, her son. And she thinks Taylor is right; they are too young to be married. He tells her this whole thing started out with her trying to get her green card, but it was so much more than that now. He tells her they’re good together. And he knows he’s supposed to file for annulment; is that what she wants? Because he’s willing to fight for them if she is. She asks him if she can ask him a question? If her status hadn’t run out, does he think they would have gotten together? He’s honest; he says he doesn’t know. She tells him his mother has given her a chance to go to school there and to figure out who they are and what they want. And if they are meant to be, they’ll be. Tears flowing, she says and if they ever get married again, they’ll know they did it the right way. She takes her ring and puts it in his palm and folds his hands around it, telling him he doesn’t have to fight any more battles for her because he’s already her hero. She can’t fight back the tears while hugging him.

Stephanie takes the photo she previously had thrown in the trash and puts it back in the safe and locks it. She tells Mass that if this trust proves valid, then every decision Eric has ever made would be called into question. And there would be no transfer of ownership. He replies no. No one can take this company away from her now. Not Eric, not Brooke.

Eric walks in and immediately says he thought she had left. She says she had a few loose ends to tie up. He remarks, well if she’s finished. She says rather cryptically, as it turns out, she may not be. Mass manages to put the document in his briefcase with no notice. He starts to leave and reminds Stephanie they have an appointment. Eric says he and Brooke have a meeting. Grandly, she offers that Eric and Brooke are the darlings of the fashion world; a distinction they used to share. He responds that is ancient history. She offers that her father helped them start this business. Does he remember that? He asks if she is going to bring that up again? She goes on that she had to convince him, really convince him to give her the money. Eric tells her that money was paid back decades ago. She says she also had to convince him that Eric wasn’t some dreamer and that he was capable of running a company like this. Eric sets the new logo down on his desk. And she had to convince him that Eric would never betray her, never leave her or marry someone else. And guess what, here they were for the second time again. She picks up the logo and states, “for the second time you have taken your whore and made her the CEO of the company that my father gave US.” He quibbles over the word, “Gave?….Go to Florida, Stephanie. This is MY company now. Mine and Brooke’s and you’re no longer welcome here.” She holds it together long enough to rip the logo up and shouts, “your company? YOUR company…..your company? “ And throws each piece across the room. Mass is telling her this is not the time or the place. She points her finger at Eric and declares that she has something to tell him. He has betrayed her, their marriage and their family, but if there is one ounce of justice in this world, “you will NOT betray my trust.”

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