The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 10/18/05
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Same night continuation from Mondays Episode:
At Brookes Manse, she stands with Nick holding her two hands in front of him as he shockingly repeats, Married? What the hell is going on here? My mother thinks Eric is going to propose to her. She tells him no, Eric is married to me.
At Erics Malibu beach house, Jackie has her arms around his neck almost in a choke hold, telling him over and over what a sweet man he is. She remarks he couldnt even wait to wear the wedding band ..oh, is there a minister on the way? Shes not dressed yet for the occasion (no, the black negligee wouldnt be quite appropriate). Then she gushes that she wants to put her ring on. Its Erics misfortune to have to tell her there is no ring. Again she gushes he doesnt have to pretend, she saw the receipt. She knows he wanted it to be a surprise, but who cares if she knows? She touches her heart and says the important thing is that they are joined in their hearts, and he has made her the happiest woman on the planet. She holds her hand up again and begs him to put her ring on. He takes it, but says he can not put the ring on her finger. Rather disappointed, she says they will wait for the ceremony, only he tells her there is not going to be a ceremony. Hes sorry, but theres been a misunderstanding, as he walks away.
She gives a nervous sigh and states, a misunderstanding? Youre divorced, the rings you called and said you had something important to tell me .the place is lit up for romance." She giggles and asks him to tell her they were going to get married. But, he offers that he is already married. Slowly she approaches him and says she does not understand.
At Tridge Mansion, Taylor tells Ridge she understands hes trying and shes grateful for that; that hed gone to counseling with her. She knows it wasnt easy. He pours himself a cup of coffee. She offers that since they were in counseling, she thought maybe he was ready to come back home. Not too enthusiastically, he says let him think about it. She surmises he must be upset about something. He plays coy by saying what could he be upset about? She replies Hector; what came out in counseling about them kissing. She thought that bothered Ridge. He replies, we made a vow. I turned my life upside down. You asked me to leave the house. I did. You kissed another man. Nothing troubling in that.
She follows him around the room and says she is sorry, but she was at a venerable time in her life and thats when theyd kissed. But, it was one kiss and one hed initiated and shed told him it could never happen again. Coldly, Ridge says great, glad they could get that taken care of. She watches him walk off and then asks how many times has she had put up with him about Brooke? Poor Brooke this, poor Brooke that. Maybe it was a good thing she kissed Hector. Maybe now hed know what it felt like when someone you love is attracted to someone else. This constant pull you have for Brooke, it really hurts, Ridge. Its tearing me apart!
Nick tells Brooke this is a joke, right? Shes just basically added Eric to this whole drama. She gets on the family kick again; that her daughters two parents are together again. Even though he says its built on deception, she says its the only way. He wags his finger and says no, shes wrong. He tells her he tried that before and it was wrong. He tried to deny his feelings and it didnt work. He growls that EVERYBODY knows how they feel about each other. She looks at him and tells him she wants him to go. She walks past, but he grabs her arm and spins her around nose to nose. He tells her he loves her, damn it, and he knows she loves him too. She only replies that shes not going to hurt her daughter. He glares at her and says oh, her intentions are just so good and honorable, arent they? My God, Brooke, shes a grown woman and youre GIVING her parents back to her? Thats just a lot of CRAP! She counters with this is not just about Bridget. Madly, he points to his ears and says he is all ears, just fill him in and tell him what its all about. With tears in her eyes, she says its about her too, what she wants to do with her life. Shes not going to be a disgrace and a dishonor anymore. She cant be that person. He says he has a question for her; what about him? She tells him he will have to be a good husband to Bridget. He fires back they tried that already and it doesnt work. She says its the only way. But he emphatically states he is NOT letting her go. She shakes her head slightly and says there is no other choice.
Eric puts his hands on Jackies shoulders and tells her he doesnt want to hurt her. She covers his mouth with her fingertips. Embarrassed, she says shes standing there in lingerie .there are candles ..and hes telling her hes married another woman? He says something happened last night, and shes shocked when he mentions Brooke. He continues that they were thinking about their daughter and what would be best for her. She gasps in horror as he turns away and says the truth is, he has always loved Brooke. For a very long time, and now she even realizes her life is with him. She whimpers thats impossible. He says no, its not. It did happen very fast, but its not impossible. She cries that Brooke and Nick are going to get married; start a life together. He bursts her bubble again when he says he and Brooke got married in Vegas last night. She cries Oh, God and grabs her things and runs out with Eric following and calling her name. The car speeds off with Eric saying he is so sorry.
Ridge looks at Taylor and says he agreed to go to counseling and committed himself to her and his family completely. He tells her he wants to be there, but hes made sacrifices too. He points out he doesnt live with his son, R.J. anymore. And hes done everything shes asked him to do. She opines that he sounds a little resentful. He shrugs that he doesnt know what else he can possibly do to prove that Brooke is no longer a threat to their marriage. The phone rings and he gets it. He tells Bridget to slow down and tells her he doesnt believe that. Tell him shes kidding. They must have been disconnected as he hangs up and tells Taylor that Brooke got married last night, but Bridget didnt say to whom. Taylor shakes her head and says surely not Dante? Ridge says he doesnt know, but he sure as hell is going to find out. And he storms out like a bat out of hell, leaving Taylor sighing in the dust.
Nick corners Brooke and she says its different this time. He asks how, tell him? She tells him she is NOT available. So, Erics the answer. Is that what youre saying? She goes off again on the family, thats what really matters; her daughter and the baby. Hes gruff now and offers that the man she is with she is NOT in love with. She says its MORE than that, and he whispers what? Whats it about. Id like to know. She doesnt answer, so he plays Hercules. He grabs the heavy coffee table and turns it over end toward the fireplace. He grabs her roughly by the shoulders and spits that this is exactly what its about PASSION! Face to face, he tells her its whats inside. What she knows she feels. And thats PASSION and she doesnt feel that for Eric Forrester! She doesnt feel that for any man but him, and he knows that.
They are both breathing heavily; he pushes her onto the sofa, their noses meshed together as he asks if she is feeling passion now? She cant fight the feelings any longer. She closes her eyes and cries yes and clings to him, pulling his mouth to her in hunger. Passion is definitely there as they kiss repeatedly, and stroke each other. He has her pinned to the sofa, a spot she would have gladly gone a few days prior. Now rationale sets in and she pulls away, leaving Nick like an old limp rag doll. Still breathing heavily, she covers her face with her hands and cries no, shes made her decision. And theres NO going back. Slowly he rises and walks to her, stares her for a long while in the face, but not a word and he leaves. She simpers.
Meanwhile Eric is obviously waiting for Brooke as he touches the flowers in anticipation. A knock on the door and hes happy. But, on his doorstep, he finds Stephanie. She asks if hes alone? He says hes expecting someone. She guesses Jackie? He replies no, but she offers that she is on her way here with some crazy idea that hes going to ask her to marry him. With that, Stephanie barges on in. He tells her that Jackie has already been there and she left. Stephanie looks around and is surprised shed left without even opening the wine. He says it wasnt for Jackie. She pries more; then hes not going to ask her to marry him? She lets out a very big sigh and thank goodness when he replies no. She laughs here she was about to think he was going to do something stupid. He gives her a look.
The doorbell rings at Taylors and its Hector. Hes off work, casually dressed, and says he knows he probably shouldnt be there. She tells him its okay and invites him in. He tells her he was just wondering how things had been going .with counseling? She throws her arms wide and says Rome wasnt built in a day. He replies it was that bad? She tells him she had told Ridge that the two of them had kissed. Hector seems surprised, but asks how did he take it? She offers well he knows Ridge. He replies that Ridge doesnt quite grab the concept of a double standard?
Taylor mentions that hes trying, but Hector doesnt think she sounds very convinced. She tells him that Bridget just called and Brooke apparently has married; she doesnt know to whom. Who knows? With Brooke, it could be anybody! He gathers that must have hit Ridge like a ton of bricks. She replies that judging from the way he ran out of there, that was a pretty good assessment. She sinks into the sofa; Hector follows suit. He puts his hand on her shoulder and says he would offer encouragement, but hes not sure that would be honest. She laments they were right in the middle of him telling her that Brooke was no longer a part of his life; she calls and has a crisis and he runs out the door.
Ridge gets to Brookes and walks right on in. Shes sitting dejectedly, obviously been crying. He stops just inside the door and calls Logan. She wipes her tears and turns to ask what is he doing there? He states he got a call from Bridget, very distraught. And that shed said Brooke had gotten married. That wasnt true, was it? She stands up, walks toward him and fingers her wedding band. His eyes follow and surprisingly asks, youre married? She asks why does he care? Its her life now, what does it matter what she does with it? He tells her that she knows how much he loves her. She turns and changes the subject back to Bridget; why is she distraught? Everything Brooke is doing right now is for her. He asks, including getting married? She states she doesnt just want to keep thinking about herself. She wants to do something right for her daughter. He gestures, well his mother said she was in love with Nick, but it cant be Nick. That would destroy Bridget. She plays cat and mouse. He rattles off names - Nick, and if not Dante, then who put that ring on her finger?
Very animated, Taylor tells Hector she feels like shes on borrowed time. A time bomb; any day it could happen. Brooke and Ridge could meet at any time, lock eyes and bam, suddenly it could happen. He tells her only a fool would lose her. She rubs her forehead and says she cant live like this anymore; she just cant. Shes always wondering, when theyre going to FIND each other again! She jumps up, massaging her neck, and says the way he just ran to her, shes already wondering if today is gonna be the day.
A very sedate Brooke sits and tells Ridge hes looking at a woman focused on her family. For the first time her priorities are where they should be her daughters happiness, her baby and running the company with his father. He sits and says hes not asking her whos shes running the company with. He wants to know whom she married. She replies she just told him; his father! They got married in Vegas last night. He tells her that is ridiculous; hes married to his mother. She offers that not any more. Eric worked it out; dont ask her how. Jonathan has Power of Attorney and he did it somehow. Ridge stumbles around, saying he thinks hes going to be sick. This is not right; does his mother know? He knows they are just concerned with Bridget and the situation shes in, so this is all this is, right? And he asks again, this is a joke, right? But, Brooke offers what greater gift? He shoots back that marriage is NOT a gift. Its not something you wrap up like a birthday present. Its a commitment. She says she knows; she made a commitment to him, remember? He holds his hands up and says, no, no, no, not her and Dad? She finds it amusing that he would find that so hard to believe. He finally tells her, okay, they need to slow down and stop this craziness. He knows since she left, her life has been in chaos .but the truth here .the truth is .theres only been one man in her life. And its not Nick, and its not Dad. Is it you, Ridge? Is that what youre trying to say. Its you?, she asks.
Stephanie tells Eric theyve both been through some difficult times, and both have said and done things they shouldnt have. But, to send Jonathan to some Banana Republic to obtain a knee-jerk divorce He interrupts and says, born from years of hell with you, Stephanie. She continues that despite the hard times, she loves him and always will. Cant they please just put all of this behind them now? Hes aghast ..after what shes done to Bridget? She counters with what she did; it was in Bridgets best interest. She had to know that Nick and her mother were involved. And now she does. He shakes his head. She walks closer and tells him she wants to salvage their marriage. More than anything, and she pleads. He walks off and tells her its too late. She refuses to believe that. She wont lose him. She will NOT allow that to happen. He tells her there are some things that are just beyond her control. He went to Las Vegas last night and got married. Shocked, she repeats it - married in Las Vegas? He says, you expected an invitation? Long silence ..then she asks who did he marry? He replies, you arent going to like this.
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