B&B Wednesday Update 10/12/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 10/12/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same night continuation from Tuesday’s Episode:

At Stephanie’s, Brooke barges in and says she is going to tell Bridget everything. She tells her she will tell her the truth; she will, but NOT with Stephanie here and she orders her OUT. (‘scuse me, isn’t this Stephanie’s house?) Bridget defends by saying this is not about her and Stephanie, but Brooke and her and what she’s done. Brooke stands her ground and says just what Stephanie SAID she had done. Steph wants to know if she’s going to lie? And say it never happened? Bridget comes forward and says she’s already admitted they were on The Marlin together. Breathlessly, Brooke admits yes. Bridget wants to know if that is when she told her husband she was in love with him? “Yes or no; is that what happened?…… Dammit, mother, just be honest with me. Is that what happened?” Brooke stares back, tears in her eyes, and finally mutters yes, that is what happened. Bridget looks on in shock and begins to pull back.

Somewhere in L.A. in a high-rise office building, Ridge stands in Dr. Higgins office glancing at all the various degrees on her wall; impressive! Taylor comments that she’s the best in her field. Dr. Higgins returns the compliments to Taylor. The doctor takes her seat in a chair and Ridge and Taylor settle in on the couch. Mr. Charm is acting like this is just a Sunday picnic clapping his hands against his knees; let’s get this show on the road. Taylor thanks her for working them in on these evening sessions. Ridge pops up not that they are going to need another session.

He wastes no time and tells the doctor it all comes down to this – his wife thinks his heart is divided and it is. There is this woman named Brooke Logan who he’s known a long, long time. They were married and share a child, a little son whom he loves very much. The doctor is listening and writing and asks if he loves the child’s mother? Quite openly he replies yes, and he probably will for the rest of his life. “But, that’s okay. We all love more than one person, right?” Glance at Taylor who is glancing at the doctor, clearly uncomfortable, almost rolling her eyes at what Ridge is admitting. He tells the doctor that the point is, he loves both of his families, the one he shares with Taylor and the one he shares with Brooke. And that love is not going to change, so………”my wife is just going to have to get used to that; deal with that.” (pompous a$$, why did he even bother to go to counseling if HE has all the answers and Taylor is the only one who has to bend?). “So, if there is anything you can do to help her out, we’d appreciate it.”

Jackie sits on The Marlin looking at the scattered pictures Stephanie tore out of the album. Nick comes abroad and is surprised at finding her there. She is aghast that Brooke is with Stephanie and Bridget. Nick tells her she’s trying to undo the damage Stephanie has probably already done.

Brooke edges toward Bridget so she can explain, but Bridget wards her mother off. She tells her there is something very wrong with her, she is SICK and vile. She had promised her after Deacon that she would never do this to her again. “I went to HELL and back because of you.” Somehow she had managed to forgive her, but now she was doing it to her all over again. She didn’t know why. Was she trying to make her insane, or just that she hated her that much? Brooke cries that she loves her with all her heart. Bridget finds that incredulous, this is HOW she loves her daughter? Stephanie tries to comfort Bridget by saying the only person Brooke loves is herself. Brooke tells her to SHUT UP. Stephanie spits that Brooke knows the truth, Stephanie knows the truth and now thank God, Bridget does. Brooke rails that the only thing Bridget knows is the lies Stephanie has filled her head with because that is NOT the way it happened.

Bridget turns on her and says it doesn’t matter HOW it happened, it matters that it DID happen. And the minute she had thought her grandchild had been aborted, she and Nick had felt free to go run together and celebrate some grand love affair?

Brooke protests no, they were in pain. They blamed themselves. And Nick was completely destroyed. Bridget wants to know if she didn’t really love him, but just told him that to save his life? Brooke counters with that she had told him she didn’t love him anymore and had aborted the baby! Bridget asks if this is her fault now? But, Brooke replies no, she did what she had to do. “You tested us because you needed the truth. And the truth is….in that moment…..Nick and I had the realization…..” Bridget turns away and says she doesn’t want to listen any more. Brooke follows her, Bridget slapping at her to let her go, hair flying. Brooke continues amid cries that when Bridget told Nick she had aborted the baby, she pushed him completely out of her life. For good……”Yes, I love your husband and I always will.”

Dr. Higgins addresses Taylor – that her husband freely admits he loves another woman. And Taylor adds that he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. She believes there is a difference in loving someone platonically and desiring them, yes. But, when it comes to Ridge, in terms of Brooke, he has trouble differentiating this and until he admits this and comes to terms with it, they are obviously going to need her help. He smirks and laughs and asks if that is it? Okay, he’ll admit it - he desires Brooke. Hell, half the men on the planet desire here. Is that the breakthrough she is looking for? Taylor stares at him in disbelief. He laughs and slaps his knee, says that’s great, they can go home….. problem solved. Taylor looks like she’s been kicked in the stomach by a mule.

Nick picks up a single photo of Brooke lying on the floor. Jackie mentions she knows he’s worried and he replies of course he is. Hasn’t Bridget suffered enough already? And Brooke was right that Bridget not find out. He didn’t think so at first, but he’s now seen the sacrifice she’s making for her daughter. Jackie points out they BOTH made sacrifices and Nick agrees that he was doing it. As he carries around the photo of Brooke, he says he was committed to Bridget; the child, he wanted it to work. She asks if he thinks he could ever really forget Brooke? He doesn’t answer.

Bridge rests on the baby grand piano as Brooke tells her if there is any chance of salvaging their relationship, she know she needs to be honest. Bridget wipes her nose and finally turns and asks if she slept with Nick that night? Brooke says absolutely not. “But, you kissed him, didn’t you?” Silence. “Answer me, mother, did you kiss my husband?” Yes they kissed, Brooke admits. Once again, Bridget grabs her tummy, steadies herself on the piano and has to ward off Brooke as she fawns over Bridget. Stephanie offers that she thinks the best thing is for Brooke to leave. But, Brooke continues that Bridget did see the attraction, but what she didn’t see was how hard she tried to fight it. (does that matter, if in the end she gave in to it anyway?) Bridget is half laughing at her mother, half crying. Brooke says when Bridget told them she hadn’t had the abortion, she locked those feelings up, put them away, she had. Because she loved her so much and she couldn’t imagine hurting her that way again. Bridget GLARES at her. Brooke tells her, “Nick is your husband. He’s the father of your little baby, and I respect that. I respect your marriage. And I will not do anything to interfere with that. I am not a threat for you and Nick.” She promises her, she swears to her…..on her life!

Ridge is at the door when the doctor calls him back; gently she says they aren’t finished. She asks, if this desire he has for his ex-wife, does he realize why it is problematic for Taylor? Reluctantly he closes the door and replies – problematic? Because Brooke is blonde and beautiful? Knows how to dress it up and take it out? And even if the doctor told him he couldn’t desire her, he’d probably have to go into shock therapy. And he goes on, that no matter how much he’s attracted to Brooke, doesn’t mean he’s going to cheat on his wife. Who he happens to love very much. She replies but that’s not the real issue, is it? He grins, sits down and tells the doctor he’s been straight and told her how he feels and why. Doesn’t a guy get points for being honest? (yep, he’s cured!) “Besides all this petty jealousy is just a waste of time. Taylor is just going to have to get over it! I would if the situation were reversed”. (oh yeah? Bring on Hector!)

Taylor cocks her head sideways and looks at him like ‘what planet are you living on, Mister?’

Nick stares at Brooke’s photo in his hand and says he won’t forget. But, they made a decision. They tried to be smart. They discussed their feelings and looked into the future and she knew what they saw. He points out that Bridget is a beautiful, smart woman whom he fell in love with, is having a child with, and married. He’s saying she is his future. That is the ONLY way. And when she comes back tonight, IF she does, he’s going to make damn sure she knows that.

Stephanie tells Bridget it’s just another empty promise, but Brooke swears she means every word. She cries that Nick loves Bridget, he is committed to her and this child. (I wish they would COMMIT somebody). He wants a future with Bridget, not with her. And if she never believes anything else she says, believe this. “I am committed to you. Nick is committed to you and that will never change. Stephanie steps in and points out that is besides the point. They are talking about right now, at this moment. She’s in love with Bridget’s husband and Bridget has to live with that the rest of her life, just like she had to live with what she did with Deacon. And now this relationship with this man she loves is ruined, again! She gets in her face and says she can never go back; they can’t ever go back, no matter what. No matter what Nick claims about working on the marriage. Brooke cries and pleads with Bridget that she loves her. Bridget walks away but Brooke grabs her and turns her around. They’ll work this out. She is sorry for what happened, but they will work this out. She wants her to be happy. Nick wants her to be happy. Bridget cries for her to stop; she doesn’t want to listen to her anymore; not listen to her lies. She yells for her to leave her the HELL alone! She grabs her purse and heads out the door with Stephanie restraining Brooke. But, she breaks away and follows calling out Bridget’s name until she hears the car drive away.

Brooke slams the door and comes back inside. Stephanie tells her she has no one to blame for this but herself; not that she is capable of admitting it. She blasts Stephanie for wanting what? For her to admit how sick and depraved she is?

Stephanie fires, “well, honey, if the shoe fits.” Brooke returns the favor by telling her that she’s the one who is sick and evil. Stephanie has manipulated her own children and now she’s trying to manipulate hers, just to get back at Brooke. With a little finger pointing, Stephanie says she did it to protect Bridget. Brooke claims that is the ugliest lie of all because she did nothing but hurt her, She was happy. She was married to the man she loved and now she’s in the worst pain she’s ever been in. Stephanie barks, “And she’s through with YOU.” Her eyebrows shoot up when Brooke looks her squarely in the face and says she hopes she has not cost her daughter her marriage; the man she loves; the father of her child; all because of Stephanie. “If that family falls apart because of you….I just pray to God you haven’t done that.”

In frustration, Nick is on the cell phone still trying to reach Bridget. He remembers ‘that night’ on the boat with Brooke. Suddenly his thoughts are interrupted as Bridget stands there calling his name, smiling even. She asks what is he thinking about? He slowly walks toward her and asks politely how is she? “How am I? You don’t really want me to answer that, do you? “ Then she says well maybe he does; maybe he wants a play-by-play of everything that her mother just told her; all the excuses she had. She looks around and asks if this is it? She slaps her sides as she says their little love nest; their home. The place where they’d conceived their child. “It’s also the same place where you and my mother had your little rendezvous.” He starts to speak but she tells him don’t bother to deny it; don’t insult her like that. He says he’s not; he vows he wouldn’t insult her. She spews more – don’t bother to fill her in. Her mother had already done that with all the details of how they’d professed their love for each other. They’d released all of that pent-up emotion. He tries to make her understand; that was just a reaction to something that had just happened. He was angry and blaming himself. He thought he had lost a child and Bridget had told him that she didn’t want him anymore….or see him again. She fires off, so it was HER fault? That is exactly what her mother had said. He denies it. She continues, “so you ran straight into each other’s arms….had some comfort and I guess a whole lot more.” He interrupts and says that is not the way it was. She knows that. She shouts back, “know what?” Picking up the photo of Brooke, she shakes it at him while telling him she thought she knew that he would never betray her for her mother. He’d told her that, but obviously the joke was on her. She hyperventilates - all the memories they had shared; the kiss at Big Bear; the night he’d proposed; all the times they’d made love here on the boat – the happiest times of her life was with him. She really thought she had found the one man on Earth that would never leave her; that would love her; cared for her and she really, really thought he’d felt the same way. She walks away and he turns her around, but she pushes him away. He has to protest that he did feel that way; he still does feel that.

She tells him DON’T. Clearly everything has changed. She bares her soul to him by saying all those memories; all those moments she held right there in her heart. She whimpers, is she just such a fool? Does she just believe what she wants to believe? She gives a big sigh and tells him she really needs the truth. She really needs him to look her in the eyes and admit it to her face. “All those times that I thought you loved me, you were really just in love with my mother, weren’t you? That’s the truth, isn’t it?

She waits for his answer; she looks at him; he gulps and looks back at her.

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