The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 10/5/05
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Pictures by Boo
Same night continuation of Thursdays Episode:
On The Shady Marlin, Stephanie is throwing some of Bridgets things in a duffle bag. Jackie demands that she stop and leave those things alone and not take them off the boat. And shes not going to say one word to Bridget about Nick and Brooke. Not to be detained, Steph continues while telling Jackie that Bridget will be in no shape to pack once she has heard what she has to say. She stops long enough to face Jackie and says, Listen, shes being lied to, by the two people in the world who are supposed to love her the most, the people she is supposed to trust. Now, you can stand by and watch her have her heart be broken, but I will not!
In his office at Marone Industries, Nick is remembering while he tosses a small Nerf football slightly in the air. Hes remembering the Big Bear encounter with Brooke where she tells him she loves him and most right now the way he is loving her by loving his wife too much to betray her.
Theres a knock at the door and its Bridget asking if he wants to see her. He tosses the football in the bag and goes to her, grabbing her around the neck, squeezing, hugging and kissing her. He pulls away only long enough to press the intercom and tells Andrea to hold all his calls while his wife is in the office. He doesnt want to be disturbed. Hes back at the kissing again and she asks what is up? He replies, Im whats up, cuz Im on top of the world because of you and this child.
At Forrester Creations in Erics office, both he and Megan are on separate phones trying frantically to find Bridget. Brooke walks in and asks whats going on? She tries to assure them that Bridget just left and wants to spend time with Nick. Megan excuses herself, and Eric tells Brooke they have to stop Stephanie from stirring up Bridgets insecurities about she and Nick. Theyve dealt with this, but shes going to bring it up again, and worse. Brooke tells him it wont do any good; she has no credibility. He confesses she may now; he made a big mistake. She asks what did he do? He laments how he gave Stephanie the benefit of the doubt. He thought if he could convince her that she and Nick had Bridgets best interest at heart that she would just stop this whole thing. So he had told her about the night on The Marlin when she and Nick had confessed their love for each other. Brooke is incredulous.
jerks the bag away from Stephanie and tells her if she wants to keep Bridget from being hurt, then leave her alone! She says they have moved on when Stephanie opines that Bridget needs to know whats going on between her husband and her mother. Stephanie reminds Jackie that they professed their love for each other. She replies but that was before they married and after she told him the relationship was over. Stephanie offers now it will be! Jackie argues that she loves Nick; shes carrying his child. Stephanie counters with, too bad hes carrying a torch for her mother. Jackie states that is NOT true. Stephanie argues that he fell into Brookes arms the first chance he got. And did she think thats not going to happen again? Shes telling her, it will happen any day now. And where does that leave Bridget? Alone at home with a baby while her husband is in bed with her mother. Jackie denies Nick would do that. Stephanie is very demonstrative that she would, and she has! And she practically drove that girl over the edge once before. Jackie offers all the more reason for her not to say anything. But, Stephanie pumps her fist and says that is EXACTLY why she HAS to tell her. She wants her to get on with her life and walk away from this sham of a marriage. Jackie simply shakes her head.
Brooke wonders what Eric was thinking in telling Stephanie? He tries to explain that he just wanted Stephanie to see what Nick and Brooke were capable of giving up, and he apologizes. Brooke asks so he thought he could reason with her? He answered that yes, that she and Nick had their future in their hands and she had not chosen that. That Brooke had made the right decision and he thought Stephanie could understand that. But, she counters that Stephanie has never had any faith in her. Eric admits that he said he made a big mistake, and hes going to rectify it. He has to find Bridget because Stephanie is determined to tell Bridget what she knows. And she will if she finds Bridget before they do.
Jackie states that no one is going to hurt Bridget not her son, not Brooke, and pointing finger - especially not Stephanie. Steph tries to get her to see just how badly this could end; how Nick and Brooke are carrying on and their feelings cant be just swept under the rug. It isnt just all going away. She chuckles when Jackie says if they are determined so there will be no consequences and no fallout? Steph says she is not surprised that Jackie would think that way; so does Eric. She chuckles, but then people who cheat think they can have their fun and get away with it. Brooke has NEVER been held accountable for her actions. But, of course, that is the difference between people that have morals and people like you and Brooke. Jackie states this is NOT about morality or Stephanies high and mighty principles. They are talking about Bridget and what Steph does will affect her life. Stephanie argues that it already has affected hr life. Shes been driven to distraction, practically to a breakdown by the duplicity of Jackies son. Shed tested his love by lying about the abortion. And she thinks they passed the test. But, theyve failed miserably, I am not going to let them fail her again! They spar over whether they slept together or not and Stephanie thinks this marriage is just a disaster waiting to happen.
Nick is still smooching but finally breaks away to show her the presents. Shes amused when he brings out a little recorder and demonstrates it; then a mobile with Row, Row, Row Your Boat; some little clothes, both for girl or a boy ..and then confesses it isnt all for the baby. He got something for mommy too and pulls out a box wrapped in pink. With the toys wrapped all over him, he grins as she holds up a teensy little pink bra and garter belt. Slyly, she locks the door as he asks what shes doing. She thinks she should model it right now, this is for Daddy! And she might not be able to wear it much longer. He assures her she wont be wearing it very long today! She drapes it over him and kisses him, eventually letting the outfit fall.
Stephanie continues her packing and reveals why cant Jackie see she is doing what she thinks is best for Bridget. Jackie wants to know what she thinks will happen when she goes to her with this information? Stephanie replies she hopes she will walk away from this fiasco and get on with her life. Jackie surmises by leaving Nick, raising her child with Stephanie, miserable and missing the man she loves? Stephanie offers that shell get over him. Shell meet a wonderful boy and shell be the healthier and happier for it. Jackie remarks that she is assuming she cant be happy with Nick, but she can. Shes talked to him and hes completely committed to her. Stephanie wants to know for how long? Jackie says well nobody knows that, do they? Marriage is about faith. Its about two people believing they can get through anything together, no matter what. And sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. Jackie says she doesnt have to tell her that! Stephanie listens then offers that marriage is also about trust and if she can keep Bridget from being disappointed and hurt, then she feels she has an obligation to tell her the truth. Even if its not what she wants?, asks Jackie. Stephanie tells her she does not know what Bridget wants. Jackie says Stephanie doesnt either. This is not about morality and preserving the truth .its about revenge driving a wedge between Brooke and Bridget and destroying her sons marriage. She was trying to get back at Brooke and Jackie for turning her family against her. Stephanie shakes her head, rolls her eyes, lifts her eyebrows, too much! Stephanie acts surprised Jackie thinks this is about her? Jackie says she thinks Stephanie needs to back off and let Bridget make her own decisions.
Stephanie continues that Bridget WILL make her own decisions, a well-informed decision once shes given her the information. Shell come at it with her eyes wide open and see her mother for exactly what she is. Jackie acknowledges that Brooke has not been the perfect mother; she has made mistakes, but out of love. And Jackie would rather have her grandchild raised by someone like that than a bitter, hate-filled woman like you. She says her piece then leaves.
Back in Erics office, hes still on phone trying to locate Bridge and Brooke paces and tells him she told Bridget there was nothing going on between she and Nick and if she now thinks she is making excuses to justify her actions, shell have doubts. Shes happy now and secure in her marriage. If she finds out, shell be devastated. Eric warns her that Stephanie will turn this whole thing into her and Deacon again. Brooke says she will not let that happen. She marches over to the phone and calls Stephanie. Stephanie sees the ID and thinks its Eric. Brooke tells her to stay away from her daughter. Stephanie says she knows she would, if she would stay away from Nick. Brooke asks where is she; they need to talk. She tells her she is down at the boat; packing Bridgets things, and the only person she will talk to is Bridget. Brooke quickly hangs up the phone and rushes out, with Eric calling after her.
Well they didnt test the bra and garter belt, but after their daily love-making, Bridget rests on Nick on the couch. She laughs when she says she loves him, Mr. Marone, and he returns the favor. They kiss a gazillion times as she tells him she can honestly say she is incredibly sure of that. And he remarks she should be because he is 100% committed to her and this child. She says she knows, but she doesnt want him to have to keep re-assuring her of that. He tells her hes going to keep on saying it over and over until she tells him to stop. To which she replies she is never ever going to tell him to stop. He was hoping she would say that. She tells him she trusts him 100% and no matter what theyve been through and how much she tested him or pushed him away, he never wavered. And now she knows nothing will ever make her doubt him again (here we go with those famous last words). Not her family, not Stephanie, not anybody.
Brooke is driving with Stephanies words reverberating in her head; that when she finds out what happened between the two of them, she and Nick, she will lose Bridget forever. Brooks vows that she will NOT let Stephanie destroy Bridgets marriage.
Jackie comes bursting into Erics office and wants to know where Brooke or Bridget is? He guesses this must be about Stephanie. She informs him that Stephanie does know about the night on The Shady Marlin. Eric says yes, he knows. Jackie says she tried to get through to her, but Stephanie is DETERMINED to tell Bridget about the night when Nick and Brooke confessed their feelings for each other. He guess thats where Brooke is when Jackie says she just saw Stephanie on the boat. Jackie doesnt think Brooke will have any more luck with her than she did. Eric says he hopes she does. Hed hate for Stephanie to be there when Nick and Bridget get home.
Stephanie is finishing the packing of a couple of bags and about to leave when Brooke walks in. She tears the bags from Stephanies two hands and says Bridget is NOT going anywhere.
Nick and Bridget drive up. He remarks that is Brookes car ..and Stephanies ..any chance they are planning a baby shower in there? Bridget steels herself, no .and they were having such a good day too. Nick says nothing has to change; they are solid, right? She replies yes, but that doesnt mean she wants to get into an argument with Stephanie. He tells her that is not going to happen. She should just go to Chucks and let him handle this. She rejects that, she doesnt want him to have to handle her alone. He says he just thinks thats whats best and hell come get her when shes gone. Again she says no, they are in this together and theyll face Stephanie together.
Brooke drops the bags on the floor and tells Stephanie she knows what Eric told her. Steph says he only confirmed what she believed. But he gave her the ammunition for Bridget. Brooke gloats that Seph's word against Brookes wasnt working lately. Stephanie asks if she is deliberately going to lie to her? Brooke admits she will do anything to protect her daughters marriage against Stephanies interference. Stephanie lambastes her for promising not to act on her feelings, and she DID. Bridget has no idea what happened that night. Brooke counters if Stephanie really loved Bridget, shed leave this alone. (yes, and if pigs could fly .).
They hear a noise and Brooke rushes to the window and says she thinks its Bridget. Stephanie says she still has time to sneak out the back. Brooke pleads with her to not do this! Stephanie says she deserves to know exactly what is going on here. But, nothing is going on, wails Brooke. But, Stephanie declares they have confessed their undying love, God, face it, deal with it. Brooke tells her they did. Theyve dealt with it and Bridget is happy. Shes having a child with Nick. Dont take that away from her. You hate ME, you want to hurt ME, well dont hurt Bridget.
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