B&B Wednesday Update 10/5/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 10/5/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by

New day, Stephanie ushers Bridget into her house asking if she got any sleep at all last night; Bridget says a little. Stephanie is making assumptions here when she says she knows walking away from Nick at this point in her life is very difficult. Bridget takes a deep, long sigh before she sits down and tells Stephanie that she is the ONLY one that knows what’s best for “me” (hand on heart). She had to make some choices and she’s chosen to believe her husband and her mother. And she’d appreciate it if Stephanie wouldn’t interfere with her life anymore. Steph gives her same song second verse that she only had her best interest at heart. Bridget compares it to faking her heart attack for Ridge and Taylor’s sake also and now they are picking up the pieces after that. Steph tells her if there is any doubt, she did not create that. Bridget points out to her that can’t she see she is alienating the people she loves the most because of her mother? And any issues she’s had with her, she has dealth with. Steph offers this has nothing to do with any issues between her and Brooke, and how has Bridget dealth with it? And how can she be so sure there is nothing going on between Nick and her mother? Bridget tells her because she tested them. She lied about her having the abortion so they could be free to do whatever it is they wanted to do. They could have easily gotten together; they didn’t, she gestures. Steph asks how can she be so sure? All Bridget could say was because they told her. Steph stands and says but they’ve broken her trust before. Bridget points out this night they passed the test. Steph asks her not to turn her back on her. She sighs, Bridget needs to face it; not be foolish about this. She needs to be happy, focus on the baby, a new house, whatever, but that doesn’t drive away the truth. “Your mother and your husband are in love with each other. Something has happened between them; you need to know the truth; you DESERVE to know the truth!

At Marone Industries, Nick sits at his desk and reflects back on a conversation with Brooke at the restaurant about the upcoming baby. She tells him when it’s born, he will thank her and he will love Bridget completely. He’s trying to concentrate but isn’t doing a very good job of it. Dante interrupts and asks if he’s getting much work done. Sarcastically, Nick says all the dressmakers and dreamers are working down the street if he hasn’t noticed. Dante says he works fine over there, but he heard that Nick needed help. Nick says he heard wrong and the only distraction he sees is him, “pal”. Dante continues he gave him credit for marrying Bridget; he thought he was going to do the right thing. Dante challenges him with the Big Bear chance encounter. Nick tosses his pen down and says if he has something to say, say it. “Otherwise go stretch somewhere else, Hercules”. Dante tells him to treat Bridget with the respect that she deserves, and the chance encounters with Brooke, or he will have to answer to him.

At Forrester Creations, Brooke smiles as she looks over some papers. She knocks on the adjoining door between her and Eric’s office and walks in giving him the good news. He answers, but she can tell his heart nor mind are really into it. He tells her he’s been thinking about this all night. That Stephanie saw her and Nick up at Big Bear. She goes over this chance encounter again but he wonders what will happen the next time and the time after? She assures him they have put their feelings behind them and won’t act on them. (Gosh, I wish I had a dollar for every time they have said that!). He grabs her by the shoulders to stop her from walking away and asks can she guarantee that? She’s admitted she is infatuated with Nick, so what if they do give in to their temptations? Maybe Bridget needs to know the truth; maybe she deserves to know the truth. (here we go, old wishy-washy again after standing idly by and letting Steph take all the blame for what she really saw). Brooke says Bridget does know the truth. She knows they would do anything; sacrifice anything to let her have the life she deserves. Eric points out that Steph lied about her heart attack; was she also lying about the two of them and what she saw at Big Bear? Same old, same old. She says she can’t deny there are feelings there, because there is. But they are going to get past it, wean themselves off each other (how quaint). She goes on again how wonderful he is and what a caring father he will be. She begs him to just believe her and he says he does. He knows how much she loves Bridget….and he knows it’s hard…..he’s proud of her. And he says he will support her to keep this away from Bridget……but do herself a favor, distance herself as much as possible from Nick.

Nick tells Dante he’s trying to figure out why he’s there because he is committed to Bridget and his child. Dante says he’s only half-way there. Commitment, but not once had he mentioned love. Nick scoffs that “Cupid, those words are for me and my wife.” Dante offers that if Bridget was his wife, the whole world would know he loved her. Nick lets him get under his skin and barks to give it a rest and while he’s at it; leave Brooke alone also. Dante goes for the jugular and wonders if it bothers him more; his interest in Bridget….or in Brooke? Before he leaves, he gives him one more piece of advice – Bridget is the sweetest girl he knows. “Don’t let her down!”

Stephanie tells Bridget she trusts her instincts. And she thinks that when Bridget lied about the abortion, it released them from any obligation from her and something significant happened. Bridget says she is not going there with her. Steph offers that they failed her test; she saw them at Big Bear; how they were; how they acted with each other. Bridget tells her when it come to her mother; Steph is always blinded by her anger and her bitterness. Steph says she wishes to God she was wrong about this. Bridget won’t hear any more and starts to march out. Steph follows and tells her she has to open her eyes and see this for what it is. She can’t be blindsided by this after the baby is born; it will be too late then.

Bridget stops and stands there, then comes back inside and tells Steph she doesn’t give a damn what she THINKS she saw. She will NOT let her undermind her marriage. Nick is committed to her; he loves her and is committed to the child. And does she know how sick she is of repeating that to Stephanie? Steph counters she wouldn’t have to if she’d just open her eyes. Bridget tells her she is just digging her own grave. And she warns her she is burying her head in the sand. Bridget tells her to watch it. As she touches her tummy, she tells Steph if she wants to be a part of this baby’s life, Bridget’s life, anybody’s life, she better watch out. Or she’s going to end up a very lonely, old woman! Steph asks and just because she told the truth. Bridget points her purse at her and says as defined by her! Steph’s last words as door slams is “I’m doing this for you, Bridget.”

Dante has no sooner left than Brooke walks into Nick’s office. She says she knows she shouldn’t be here (yeah, Eric warned you to distance yourself from him just minutes before). She tells him it’s about Bridget; Steph won’t give this up; she’s got Eric doubting her now. And it’s only a matter of time before she gets to Bridget. Nick reassures her that Eric won’t say anything to Bridget that they might have said on the boat. She tells him she told Eric they wouldn’t act on their feelings and she thinks he believes her. He thinks that’s good; at least somebody does! But Brooke counters further that Steph is like a dog with a bone and she’s going to hurt Bridget….take away her security. Nick reminds her they put their feelings to rest, so forget about Stephanie. She can dig as deep as she wants for her BONE; she is not going to hurt any of them again.

Eric is sketching in his office as Stephanie stomps in (thought she was banned from Forrester). She comments that he’s working away like a busy little bee. He hears her but ignores her, keeps on sketching. She asks is he consciously avoiding the fact that his daughter’s heart is about to be broken? Again, not missing a beat, he keeps on sketching and says in all the years he has known her, she never ceases to amaze him. She takes that as a compliment and thanks him. He tells her she is just going to dig, and dig, and dig, isn’t she? She deadpans – all the way to China if that’s where the truth is. Now he turns and looks at her and offers that he believes she would. Steph tells him that Bridget is being so brave; trusting that she has nothing to worry about. And Eric points out she can’t have that, can she? Trust. Steph shakes her head and says no, not in all the times it has been broken by Brooke. Eric laments that they aren’t all as enlightened as her. And wouldn’t that be a wonderful world – the truth according to her (as he points a stack of pencils at her). Everything in black and white; no shades of grey. No compromise. He studies her eyes then says he has work to do. She won’t leave and says it all boils down to one thing for her. Bridget had lied about the abortion so she could test them. She thinks they passed that test. But, Steph says she thinks they betrayed her; she thinks they slept together. Eric tells her emphatically there was no sex on that boat that night. Steph eggs him on by saying she knows something happened and she knows it, she can see it on his face. He repeats there was no betrayal. She repeats he knows her; she will keep on digging until she finds out what the truth is. If there was no betrayal, then just tell her. He looks at her and says the only reason he would tell her is so she could see how Brooke has changed. For her to understand and stop this witch hunt. And if she would give him her word he wouldn’t tell Bridget. She promises him, and when he looks doubtful, she says she gives him her word. He says good and when she hears what he has to say, maybe she will even begin to respect Brooke. All Steph wants is to hear what happened between Nick and Brooke.

Brooke is sitting on the couch in Nick’s office remembering her “It’s you, Nick” speech on the boat that night. He offers her a cup of coffee. She says if Steph finds out what happened on his boat, she’ll warp it to some ugly secret that they’re keeping from Bridget. Nick says she’s not going to find out. But, Brooke warns him she won’t give up until she finds out exactly what happened between them that night. He tells her about Dante’s visit. She doesn’t think he will say anything about them to hurt Bridget. Nick says he doesn’t know the guy very well, but he hopes she is right. Brooke asks about his mother? He scoffs, she won’t say anything to Stephanie. She wants him to be happy; she supports his marriage to Bridget. Then he tells her that he told his old man about the night on the boat. She’s a little incredulous about that. He says he had to talk to someone; he was losing his mind. They can trust him, so that leaves Eric. Brooke says Eric has his doubts, but he’s in their corner. He gives her a very skeptical, doubtful eye but she says no, not in a million years. Eric would NEVER say anything to Stephanie about that night.

But……meanwhile Eric paces his office with Stephanie pleading with him to tell her what happened. He relents and says Nick and Brooke met that night and she told him she had finally met the love of her life – Nick. Stephanie asks if she really said that? Yes, he replies, and at that moment they decided they’d have a life together. Brooke had told him that. Steph sits drinking all of this in. She opines that she’s been right all along. Eric points out but they did not consummate it because at that moment even though she knew she loved Nick more than any other man she’s ever loved, she also knew she loved her daughter even more. And when she found out she was still pregnant, they both realized they could not have each other. Brooke gave up on the whole idea of being with Nick, and he did the same. Steph walks around, still doubtful, but says his daughter must be told. She has to be told her mother and her husband are deceiving her and themselves. Eric stands and shakes his finger at her and says no, no, they both love Bridget and they’re making a huge sacrifice for her. Steph asks is that what he calls it – sacrifice? He faces her and says yes and that’s why he’s telling her. So she can come up with some sort of respect for Brooke. She scoffs, respect, this is SO misguided. But, he offers that Nick and Bridget will have a life together and he will eventually forget about Brooke. She chides him; he’s standing there and saying something like that? And he’s just going to stand by and let this happen to Bridget?

Eric answers yes, because he trusts Brooke and because Nick is committed to Bridget.  She about busts a gut as she booms it is just a matter of time before this whole thing blows up in Bridget's face. “Eric, this isn’t about love or sacrifice. This is a LIE, and no one is willing to face it. Bridget HAS to know the truth.” He demands no, she gave her word. She offers that yes she did, but she’s not going to stand by and watch that girl be destroyed by another man who is infatuated by that whore of a mother. “She deserves the truth. And I’m damn sure going to make sure she hears it.”

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