B&B Friday Update 9/30/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 9/30/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by

Same day continuation of Thursday’s Episode:

In Brooke’s office at Forrester Creations, Stephanie hangs up the phone Brooke is using. Her hands are expressive and she looks like she could throttle Brooke. She says she was going to stop interfering, but not after what she saw today. She was NOT going to let her harm Bridget and that baby.

At Tridge Manor, Taylor is astounded at what she just heard. Ridge agreed to marriage counseling. He stands there grinning and says they had to try something. Seems like the longer they are apart, the worse things get. When she’s asked before, he didn’t think they needed it. They’d always had the ability to get through these rough spots on their own. She agrees, but says this is more than just a little rough spot. He remarks well that is exactly what it’s going to be like when they get through this, and they are going to get through this. She reminds him for this to work, he has to be fully committed to it. He tells her he’s committed to her, and if this is what she needs from him, he’ll give it 100%. He’ll do whatever it takes to get this family back together. She smiles and says thank you as he cups her face.

On the Marlin, Nick takes Bridget is his arms, pulls the apron off and picks her up and carries her to the bed. There he smothers her with kisses. He tells her he loves her so much; he needs her so badly. Oh, God, he needs her right now! She asks about dinner. He tells her to forget about dinner; he doesn’t want to think about anything but her right now. Just the two of them; they were the only two people in the world; the only two. She repeats calling him baby while returning his kisses.

Brooke confronts Stephanie and asks her when is she going to realize that saying something over and over doesn’t make it true. Brooke says she’s not the one endangering Bridget and her baby, it was Stephanie! By saying these stupid, ridiculous accusations. Stephanie tells her she saw her and Nick just today. Brooke screeches that they just ran into each other; it happens! Stephanie says she would believe that if they had just said hello and kept on going, but they didn’t. Brooke asks if she was close enough to hear what they were saying? Stephanie says she knows what she saw! They could barely tear themselves away from each other. Brooke defends by saying they were talking about Bridget. “Right!” snaps Stephanie. And she expects this kind of selfishness from Brooke, but not Nick. When she’d heard he’d finally married Bridget, she thought great, he was free of Brooke. But, he’s just as weak as the rest of them. Brooke says no, he’s a wonderful, decent man. Stephanie opines then all the more shame that he’s mixed up with Brooke. Hopefully, one of these days he will figure it out. Brooke tells her that Nick was the one person that never let her down. When she ruined her marriage and Ridge turned her out, Nick was there. He understood everything that was going on. Stephanie swings around on her and states that she has convinced herself that she’s in love with him. Has she had sex with him again? Shocked, Brooke says no, my God, no. It’s not that. Stephanie says not the end of her daughter’s marriage? She thinks it is!

Ridge walks over to Taylor who is standing sobbing by the fireplace. He strokes her hair and her shoulders and asks if she is crying. She is a little but says she is just very surprised and relieved. He says she knew he’d come around eventually. She tells him no, she didn’t. And when he said they needed to talk; she really thought…..she mentions Brooke and the phone call where Brooke said she loved Ridge too. Ridge rolls his eyes in disbelief. Taylor asks if he said that he loved her?

He replies not in the way she thinks. It came about when they were talking about R.J. and if they could all still be friends. They share a son so love is always going to be a part of the relationship. So when she said “I love you too”, she was just trying to let him know they were okay. Taylor nods; she feels relieved that they are just friends. Ridge says yes, but he still has some issues with Brooke. Maybe they can address all of that in counseling. He puts his arms on her shoulders and says he wants her to know he’s right where he wants to be, “with you, Doc! My future is with you.” She smiles with tears flowing.

In the afterglow of mad, passionate “forgetting Brooke” love, Nick and Bridget continue to kiss and coo. She remarks that something seems to be a bit different about him. He scoffs it’s because they are married now. She agrees; that does change people. Everything has been all right with him? She says marriage has changed them, and she is so glad he’s still attracted to her. He flatters by saying she’s going to be the most gorgeous mother anyone’s ever seen. She jokes she would have ten of his children, if they had some place to put them. He returns maybe it’s time to be looking for a white picket fence, two-car garage, whatever. She’s surprised, never thought she’d hear him say that. He points out they can’t raise kids on a boat. She utters she loves him so much and the kissing marathon continues.

Brooke says her daughter’s marriage is fine. Stephanie says it’s a farce and somewhere Bridget knows that. She knew it the night at the cabin; the night they had found out she was pregnant. She knew that she and Nick were in love with each other but wouldn’t admit it to her. Brooke says they have dealth with that. Stephanie scoffs – how, by telling her what she wants to hear? Brooke says Nick loves her daughter and so does she. And she’s very supportive of her daughter and her marriage. Stephanie wants to know is that what she was doing at Big Bear. Telling him, talking to him, giving him advice on how to be a good father and a good husband? Brooke says, “oh, my God, this isn’t even about Bridget and the baby, is it? This is just you trying to find a new reason to hate me.” Stephanie fans her hand at her and offers that she’s given her enough reasons to last her a lifetime. Brooke says she should be relieved. She’s not bothering her or her family and she’s not trying to break up Ridge and Taylor. Stephanie says she knows THAT; she’s trying to steal her second son-in-law. Brooke looks her in the eyes and barks that she is not having an affair with her daughter’s husband. She’d sooner have an affair with Stephanie! Steph retorts she’d sooner douse herself with gasoline. Brooke sighs. She tells her that Bridget is happy right now. She’s going to have Nick’s child. They are building a family together, a life together. Please, Stephanie, she shouldn’t come here and make all these false accusations. Steph softly says she’s right; she made a mistake. She should have gone to Bridget first.

Bridget giggles; she can’t believe he means this. They are going to get a house! They continue to smooch as he says yeah a queen needs a castle, right? And a prince or a princess has to have a big backyard. It’s probably going to be a boy and he has to have a hoop court, a soccer net, a good tree house, a climbing wall, something strong and sturdy. Bridget reminds him it might be a girl and they’d need tea sets and little pink dollhouse, baby dolls. He whispers everything she wants! “everything you want. Nothing is too good for my family!”

Stephanie says she’s going to tell Bridget. Brooke differs, she’s not going to say a damn thing. She’s been through enough already. She wasn’t going to dredge up her fears by trying to get back at Brooke. Stephanie asks then, how would she like her to find out? Just walk in one day on her and her husband? Isn’t it better for her to find out the truth from someone who really loves her? Brooke tosses out that Stephanie doesn’t love her; otherwise she’d leave her alone and let her be happy. She has what she wants; she has the man she wants. Don’t dare ruin that for her.

Ridge tells Taylor he doesn’t have it all figured out; he’s still confused about a lot of things, but not about her. She says she can’t tell him how much it means to her to hear that. He admits he should have said it a long time ago. So much has changed since she was gone. He says he’s a completely different person than she married. She nods her head and says no, he is the same person. But, he concludes he WAS a Forrester, now he’s a Marone. She says he’s the father of her children; the love of her life. He puts his hands on her shoulders and tells her he thought she had died and he found himself having to make a new life with Brooke. Taylor offers that she knows that and she never blamed him for that. He continues that when Taylor came back, he had to choose between the two of them; which family to be with. He didn’t want to hurt anyone. Ridge covers his eyes with his hands. He knows he hesitated and couldn’t be decisive on anything. And he gave his mother a good opportunity to hijack his decision. Taylor concludes she did manipulate him. Ridge says only because he let her. He just wasn’t ready to take the responsibility. But, now he is. Taylor walks closer toward him and says he’s not the only one to make mistakes. He was right about Gaby and Thomas and she should have listened to him. And that’s what is so great about counseling. They’ll find a way to admit their mistakes, and work past them and remember what’s right about their relationship. He touches her hair lovingly and concludes there is so much love between them and they just have to get back in touch with it. They give each other a big hug. He tells her he’d say they were off to one hell of a start.

Bridget asks Nick if he’s been thinking about this for a while. He asks hasn’t she? She replies yes, but she didn’t want to say anything. The boat is such a big part of him. she would never ask him to give that up. He replies he doesn’t have to give up the boat, but he thinks they do need to set down some roots. She asks if he has thoughts about where because she has some ideas. She’s so excited she wants to go to Forrester’s right now to get the brochures, she thinks she left there. He says no and tries to get her to stay, but she insists if that is okay, and he agrees. She kisses him and tells him again she loves him so, so much.

Ridge tells Taylor he wants to come home to her and the kids, like it used to be. Taylor admits she wants that too. He asks if she thinks they can make that happen? She says they have to get him home first and then work on the time machine. He asks if things have been pretty rough around here? She admits letting Gaby move in was a MONUMENTAL mistake. He says that will be fixed when they do the fashion show. She states that is something else they need to work on in counseling. They have to work on this thing the Forrester men have with this competitive spirit. He asks if she is not going to be complaining while he’s trying to win back her heart, is she? He touches her face with his fingers while she replies he never lost it. He says they have lost many months. He’s done absolutely nothing to deserve it, and he’s going to fix that. He reiterates again that when he lost her, didn’t think he’d ever hold her and love her again……left a hole in his life….then she came back, he felt so blessed and grateful. Then everything just went haywire. He admits he messed up, big time. But, he was going to make it up to her - in counseling and right here in the house with the kids. “You and our kids are never going to have a reason to ever doubt my commitment ever again.” He kisses her and they cling to each other.

Nick wanders aimlessly about, eating his supper out of the skillet. He remembers his last meeting with Brooke with her telling him they’ll love each other, but it will be differently than they imagined.

Stephanie snaps at Brooke that she’s not ruining Bridget’s marriage; Brooke is! And she deserves to know what is going on here. Brooke says Bridget deserves to be happy and get on with her life. And Stephanie offers in blissful ignorance of what is going on between Brooke and her husband? What kind of life is that? Brooke wonders what she has to do to convince her there is nothing going on between she and Nick? “I would never do anything to cause my daughter that kind of pain again, Stephanie. I’ve learned my lesson.” Stephanie remarks does she know how many times she has said that to her. As soon as she says she is not going to do that, she turns around and does it! It’s a cycle she can’t break; something she can’t stop. So she was simply going to pull Bridget and the baby out of the way.

Bridget walks in, having heard the last part as she opened the door. She asks what concerns her and her child? Brooke comes from behind her desk to meet Bridget across the room and tells her Stephanie is just trying to start trouble. Please don’t listen to her. Stephanie greets her and asks how is she? Brooke continues that Stephanie has a vendetta against her and she doesn’t want her dragged into this. Stephanie simply explains that Brooke is in love with Nick and she thinks he is in love with her too. Brooke says that is not true. Stephanie states that Bridget needs to know what is going on though Brooke re-affirms again that nothing is going on.

Stephanie peeks Bridget’s interest at the point she says, “I saw them today at Big Bear together. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s important for you to know the truth. Your mother is in love with your husband and she isn’t going to stop until she has him.” Bridget’s eyes dart to Brooke for answers as she nods no.

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