B&B Friday Update 9/16/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 9/16/05


Written By Wanda
Pictures by

Same night continuation of Thursday episode:

At Spectra, Thomas can’t help from looking at the check (it’s for $250,000) as Gaby looks over his shoulder. Sally tells him he knows what that contract and check means? He offers - rich and famous and not in the freshman class? And she gestures with her hands ‘happily married, not to forget that’. Gaby asks if they have to decide right now, and Sally says why wouldn’t they want to trade the situation they are in for this one? Thomas comments that Sally’s right, they are just squatters. Gaby says they just haven’t had a chance to discuss it. Sally retorts, “Oh, you discuss things. No wonder Ridge refuses to believe you’re married. ….tell you what, I’ll go powder my nose and be back in five minutes. Okay?” Gaby is the aggressor and follows Sally to the door and tells her actually they were just getting ready to go to bed. The contract will still be good tomorrow, won’t it? Sally says sure, but he hasn’t gotten it all yet, that’s tomorrow.

At Eric’s beach house, Eric is tending to a crackling fire in the fireplace (romantic candles are scattered throughout the room). Jackie is comfortable on the couch and asks, as he joins her, if she needs her head examined. He jokes that a couple of hours on his analysis couch and she’ll be a new woman; he promises. She chuckles and he deadpans that women didn’t use to laugh when he got all suave. She comments that he’s such a good man and boy has she tried his patience tonight (rolls eyes). A loud caterwauling outside and he jumps up to go check. Jackie is right behind and remarks it’s just a couple of cats having fun on his deck. They both walk back in, smiling. She asks if he was expecting someone? He explains that Stephanie often ambushes him out there. Only it usually starts with a pair of beady eyes at the window. He continues that she always has a very, very good reason, of course. Somebody is about to do something, and if he doesn’t help her stop them, then he’s a spineless jellyfish. She wonders if that’s the life she’s looking at? He replies no, she’s not wrong to be concerned about Nick. Jackie nods then sighs and asks if she’s a sour, old busybody? He assures her she’s not sour, nor old. She tells him they get so few chances in life, and she doesn’t want Nick to miss out on his and end up like her…… alone.

At Brooke’s pool, Nick glares at Dante being romantic with Brooke. Bridget grills him if seeing her mother with Dante bothers him; damn it, she wants the truth! He spits out that he doesn’t trust him. THAT (he points at them) bothers him, and it should her too. Brooke and Dante continue to whisper, looking at Bridget and Nick as they can’t help but keep looking at the new couple. Dante tells her he doesn’t think this is working. Nick looks like he’s in hell, and Bridget should be watching this (her attention is now on Nick). Brooke says she wishes they’d just leave; he knows they don’t want to do this. Dante says they should just stop. Bridget may think that Brooke has moved on with her life, but it’s obvious that Nick hasn’t. This might backfire against them. Brooke confides that he said he could do this, so Nick just needs to hang on for a few more minutes. Dante is not sure Nick can. Brooke replies he has to; this is the foundation for the rest of their lives.

Jackie rises and tells Eric that she made the mistake of marrying young to give her child a father. She married a man she didn’t love, because the one she did, seemed so out of reach. Eric questions if she was miserable? She offers mostly that she was just missing something better. Eric utters that everyone sort of walks around with that feeling, don’t they? She asks if he does, and he replies no, not right now. He has the ocean; he has the quiet……except for his amorous feline friends. Jackie laughs, and he adds, he has her. She coos, “feeling dangerous, are we?” Eric replies that he’s just content. And he’s not going to chase her around the room….unless of course, she takes those shoes off. She gives a big giggle. Eric says it’s nice; it’s nice when she laughs. She stands with hands on hips seductively and one by one kicks off her shoes. She sits by him and states that by and large as a species, they really don’t know what makes them happy, do they? He contemplates it and finally says maybe happiness is always a surprise. She wonders why Bridget and this baby can’t surprise her son like that. Eric also wonders why tonight can’t be a surprise to them?

Nick sits back down; so does Bridget as she tucks one leg underneath the other on the lounge. Dante leans in and kisses Brooke and tells her they have to give Bridget what they came for. She pulls back and says he doesn’t know what this is doing to Nick. He comments he knows why Nick is not over her yet though Brooke declares he is. He starts to kiss her again and suddenly there is a big, gruff hand pulling him by the arm off of Brooke. Brooke jumps to her feet. Bridget quickly follows and asks Nick to leave Dante alone. Nick screeches he isn’t good enough to kiss Brooke’s feet! Dante turns to Bridget and recounts to her that see, Nick isn’t over her mother yet. Brooke quickly tells Bridget not to listen to Dante. Nick continues to roughhouse him by the jacket and wails to Bridget that this is wrong; Dante to leave Brooke alone. Finally Bridget calls his name and abruptly brings him out of his daydream. Bridget again asks if it’s just Dante or would it bother Nick to see her like this with any man? Avoiding the real question, he states he is committed to her, she knows that! He scratches his head and wants to know if this seems weird to her, or is it just him? She says they can go, if he wants. He says thank you, they will talk about it at home. They get up and promptly leave. Dante tells Brooke they are gone, and she replies good.

Viola – Spectra office is suddenly turned into Thomas and Gaby’s bedroom and he remarks that his uncle works here and the family seems to accept it. Although it took a while for no hard feelings and they don’t see him quite as often. She regales to him how her mother used to come home talking about the Forrester family; how committed they were to each other. A family defines who you are. They are important to him, so don’t make this something that can’t be fixed. He offers then there is the other side; he’s an overnight success. Maybe Sally is right, they should just ride that wave. But she supports that he’ll be a huge success in whatever he does and whenever he does it. He practically blushes and he cups her face and tells her that she makes him the man he wants to be, and not to go anywhere. She says she won’t; that’s what being married is about. They share a kiss.

Jackie slaps the couch and proclaims that she is going to stop. She’s made up her mind; actually Eric had helped her make it, but she wasn’t going to give him credit. He teases that’ll be just like his marriage. She continues that she is going to stop tormenting Nicky and just be happy for him. She gushes that Bridget is a wonderful girl, and Nick is going to make the world’s greatest dad. They drink to that. She warns him that the first person that calls her grandma, she’s going to box their ears. He jokes that it takes about three years to get used to. Suddenly serious, he asks what time does he have to get her home before her dad beats him up. Also serious, she replies she’s been dreading it. She left home very early and hasn’t been back and she thinks the divorce papers came today. Eric thinks that sounds very civilized. He expects to hear a thud and his wrapped around a flaming arrow; Stephanie warned it wouldn’t be pretty. Jackie laments she didn’t expect to be alone. She sighs, she doesn’t know why since she spent most of her life alone, but she just didn’t expect it! He remarks that in all the years with Stephanie, he doesn’t think he ever spent one day alone. Every time he would look around, there were all these people. Stephanie was the hive builder, he had to give her that. And if it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t have been social at all. She comments that sometimes all you need is someone in the next room, to hear them turn the page. Eric gets up and walks toward her, stares right into her face. She looks up and asks “what?” He says she looks like she needs to be kissed. Coyly she tells him that most women look like that to him. He replies that he used to think most women needed to be married. He thinks he’s past that now. She confronts him and tells him to kiss her. And she promises all he has to do is buy her dinner again. He softly says okay, he’ll splurge. He might as well spend all his money. Whatever he doesn’t spend, Stephanie and her lawyers will get their hands on anyway. He kisses her tenderly and she smiles and looks into his eyes.

Nick and Bridget board The Marlin. She asks how long is he going to be angry; he didn’t say one word on the way home. He turns on her and says that’s because he feels like a fool; he feels like he was just on display at her mother’s house. And then she has the nerve to ask him if it bothers him to see the two of them together? She hesitates and wants to know why was her mother crying at the restaurant.

He pulls out the ultrasound photo and says “this, our baby, our future.” They were talking about the most important thing in the world. That he was a good husband to her and a father to this child. The father he never had. And if she questioned that, she could call Brooke right now. She declines and he urges her to do so. He barks that if everybody wanted to get a rise out of him tonight; congratulations, it worked. He says he doesn’t want to feel like he’s being tested. He’s tired of being tested; he doesn’t want that anymore.

She turns to go and informs him she’s going to stay with her mother tonight. She digs things out of a drawer as Nick watches and hears Brooke’s words, “you’re a parent now. You have to start acting like one. As much as I want you, as much as I love you. There is something I want more. I want my daughter to be happy.” Bridget takes a black bag and tells him she will call him in the morning. He folds, he tells her to wait. He’s sorry. She stops dead in her tracks and retreats a step. He turns her around and tells her he loves her and he wants her to be happy. He cups her face and says more than anything in the world, he wants her to be happy. (tell her the truth, Nicky, someday she will be happy about that). He tells her again he’s sorry. With tears in her eyes, she searches for his mouth and they kiss. He takes the bag off her shoulder and pitches it to the floor.

Gaby and Thomas get into bed, still discussing the contract. She says she will be happy either way, if he signs or not. But, she thinks what his family wants for him should count as much as what Sally wants. But he points out that doesn’t include her. She admits except for that part. He marvels at how she can stick up for them like that after the way they treated her. She replies that anyone who loves him is on her side no matter what whether they know it or not. He thanks her for being his amazing wife. She tells him it’s so much easier than she thought. He kisses her again and she rolls over on him in joy.

Jackie and Eric are mingling hands, looking into each other’s eyes. She warns him that she’s not a lot of work, but she’s also not easy. Eric tells her that he’s a cold, unfeeling egotist. She thinks that’s a ringing endorsement. He offers that he’s good in bed. She counters it won’t get that far. He proclaims that’s for future references. She coos that she’ll post it on the fridge. He tells her he also likes the lights on, to which she replies then they are doomed. He says he’s been doomed before. She wants him to be sincere. He tells her, “God, you’re beautiful.” She smiles and replies that’s close enough and she kisses him and he squeezes her tightly.

Brooke sits by the fire poolside and says she doesn’t know whether she made things better or worse. She just wants Bridget to be happy and Nick keep his commitment to her. Dante sits down beside her and says he doesn’t think this is why Nick is doing this. He wants to know if Nick is doing it for his love of Bridget, or his love for Brooke? Because from where he’s sitting, the love that she shares with Nick was never stronger than it was tonight. Brooke states that Nick is going to give her daughter the life she deserves. That is all matters now.

On The Marlin, Nick’s shirt is removed as well as Bridget’s dress and he is twirling her, kissing her passionately as they fall gently into the bed, both their lips searching hungrily for the other. Brooke cries.

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