The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 9/14/05
Pictures by Boo
Same day continuation from Tuesday:
At Café Russe everyone is seated, but a very perturbed Nick continues to stand. Dante says now that everyone is here, he thinks they should order some champagne. Brooke pipes in that its sparkling water for the mother-to-be. Dante leans over and kisses Brooke (thats laying it on a little too thick for first date and publicly and all). A belligerent Nick says before they order anything, somebody tell him whats going on?
At Spectra, Thomas thumbs through a stack of fashion magazines and remarks to Gaby that hes on almost every cover. She tells him his collection is a major hit. He sighs too bad the rest of his life isnt going that well. She apologizes for everything for making his parents mad at him. ..and for calling the lawyer. Thomas just wishes she had told him first although she said there was no time. His mom was going to have her deported and Agent Dunn was on his way. She explains they had sex, and his mom went ballistic. He offers they are married and they love each other. She reminds him his mother loves him too. He gets up and she follows and tells him if this gets to be too much, she completely understands. She knows how much his family means to him. He holds both hands and says she is his wife; he is 100% committed to her (kisses both hands) and us. They hug as Ridge enters, he with the superior look.
Jackie expands on the subject to Eric, that is Brookes plan, getting involved with another man? He reminds her that Brooke is determined to move on with her life. Whos to say that cant be with Dante? She thinks its putting a lot at risk, but Eric says if it puts Bridgets mind at ease, then its worth it. Jackie seems uneasy and says maybe Bridget will be relieved, but she assures him her son will have a very different reaction. She looks around and knows it is already too late; Nick is still standing glaring at the group at the table.
Brooke tells him to please sit down and let them explain. With sarcasm, still standing, he tells them to fill him in on what he doesnt know! Little Miss Surprise takes his hand and says her mother and Dante are dating, so she invited them. (a little advanced warning might have been nice here). Brooke probably doesnt help matters when she chirps in that she warned Bridget this might be uncomfortable to Nick since they both were mad at Dante for helping Bridget deceive them about the baby. Nick retorts that it looks like SHE got over it. He bellows to the waiter in distance. Brooke smiles and tells him he should too; thats what this evening is all about. Nick is standing in one spot, but pacing nevertheless, giving Brooke a glare every now an then. Bridget softly asks if he isnt happy for her mom? Brooke answers that of course he is. She continues that shes been under so much stress lately, its probably strange to see her smiling again. Bridget remarks that the last two weeks have been that way for all of them. Brooke puts a bit of sunshine on it that that is all behind them now. Bridget and Nick were together again and they were starting a family, and we all have a lot to look forward to. Did I mention that Nick is still glaring? His eyes occasionally dart from to the other.
Sally reads the numbers for the Boy Wonder, manna from Heaven, courtesy of their resident boy genius and star, Thomas Forrester. Darla reminds her that Thomas only signed a short time contract. Now whats she going to do? Sally retorts that hes a franchise player, not a free agent. Who offered him a cockamamie deal like that? Shes aghast when Darla points out that it was Sally who did.
Ridge walks on in as the lovebirds break apart. Ridge tells Thomas he really should call his mom and let her know hes alright. Thomas wants to know if he knows the whole story. Ridge says yes, but Thomas counters with not their side of it. Ridge says hed love to hear it ..or does Gaby need her attorney present? He immediately apologizes and says that was uncalled for. He didnt really come there to berate them, just to talk.
Nick, still standing, Jackie tells Eric this plan is just going to blow up in their faces. Inviting Bridget and Nick on a double date with Brooke and Dante was a recipe for disaster. She could think of more subtle plans and certainly a lot dangerous. She tells him to look at Nicks body language. Surely Bridget could see how jealous he is; she could see it from here. Eric doesnt seem alarmed; just that Nick needs a few moments to compose himself. He wont say anything inappropriate in front of Bridget. Jackie replies, really! When have you ever known my son to hold his tongue? "
Brooke asks Nick again to please sit down; people are staring. Dante even offers that Bridget just wants a nice quiet dinner, so come on. Nick remarks then she shouldnt have invited him (Dante). Brooke reminds him that she and Dante came to support him and Bridget. She wanted them all to celebrate her good news. Bridget offers too that it was a good time for them all to celebrate their good lives. Nick fidgets, with his open shirt several times, with his belt, finally reluctantly sits down and says its their lives, not including Dante. Bridget points out that Dante is a friend of hers, but Nick counters she can see him another time. He looks awfully uncomfortable, determined not to make small talk or have a good time. Like a true PR person for her mom, Bridget explains that Dante and her mom have reason to celebrate too. She thinks this is great. Brooke was really disappointed in losing Ridge, and now shes trying really hard to get on with her life.
Brooks adds, and youre both going to get on with your lives. Youre starting a family; youre having a baby. You cant have any stress in your life right now. Youre going to have so many wonderful things to look forward to. Bridget pats Nick on the back as Brooke asks if she has shown him the ultrasound picture. Looking at Nick, Brooke says its amazing, isnt it? Seems real now, doesnt it? Bridget gushes its very real now that she can hear that little heartbeat inside of her. She asks if Dante wants to see the picture, and he replies very much so. Brooke lays it on more by telling Nick he must be ecstatic. She knows how long hes wanted a family of his own. Now hes going to have his own baby, and hear its first words; see it walk for the first time. He had a lot to look forward to.
All Eric and Jackie can do is look on and continue discussing Nick and Bridgets situation. He remarks at least Nick is behaving himself. She says he is just being mindful of Bridgets feelings. He tells Jackie that it wasnt that long ago that Nick came to his office and convinced him he was committed to Bridget. And once he realized Brooke was NOT going to betray her daughter, he would be committed to Bridget again.
Sally is aghast when she looks over the contract with a fine tooth comb and a magnifying glass. She comments that you dont throw out the Golden Goose when its laid only one golden egg. No buts, Darla, Thomas Forrester is the future of Spectra Fashions. Hes not going anywhere." Not if she can help it.
Ridge sits with Thomas and Gaby as Thomas explains that surely his dad can admit that his mom totally over-reacted by calling Agent Dunn. Ridge says she was only trying to protect him. He comments further that yeah, like he tried to do with Amber and that bogus restraining order. Gaby looks at Ridge and wants to know if thats what he thinks; that shes like Amber, a golddigger? And she goes on that when her mother died; Ridges mother offered her a lot of money and she hadnt taken it. Had he forgotten that? He replies that no he hadnt. And he hadnt forgotten that his mother was driving the car that fateful night. They had a responsibility to Gaby, but that didnt mean he had to accept a relationship with his son. She looks at him and asks if he knows how that feels. To be looked at by a family she has respected all of her life like shes some disease that has infected their family. Thomas asks if any of this is sounding familiar? Hes been mad at Grandma all these years for the way she has treated Brooke. Now he and his mom were treating Gaby the exact same way! Ridge says that is not his intention, but Gaby says that is how it feels. And all she had done was fall in love with his son. He points out that no that wasnt all. They had gone out and gotten married without telling anyone .and then after agreeing not to, theyd had sex. Sorry, that wasnt acceptable and now he had to face the consequences.
Dinner arrives and all are having a good time except Bridget says her fiancée probably would prefer burgers and fries. She starts comparing the dinner he had for her the night he proposed; the most exciting night of her life. Brooke remarks she almost never stopped talking about it; how romantic it was. Nick says it wasnt that big a deal, but Bridget comments it was because Chuck closed down the bar on an all-you-could-eat wings night. And Brooke offers hed even written her a song, Soul Reason. Looking at Nick, Brooke says it was quite lovely, very moving, and it was very nice that you could have a connection like that with somebody. She knows it had been rough for them lately, but here they were, together again. She thinks this deserves a toast for Nick and Bridget and their wonderful future together. Nick stares at Brooke, she to him and they all clink glasses.
Ridge tells Gaby that no one wants to see her get hurt, but he has to think about his son. And he offers that Thomas is too young to get married. Thomas reminds him that they are already married, but Ridge says not for long. Ridge offers that they will help Gaby anyway they can, but the marriage has to end. Thomas says no. Ridge tells him, look, Thomas, Im not going to argue about this anymore. Im your father. I put a roof over your head and I pay for your education, so as long as you are dependent on me, youre going to do as I say. And I say this marriage is going to be annulled. Because like it or not, Thomas, you dont have a choice. Sally is standing right outside the door and overhears, and remarks that Thomas does have a choice. Yours truly will see to that!
Jackie doesnt think Nick could possibly be as happy as he would have been with Brooke. But Eric offers how could he be, knowing he would be betraying Bridget. But she counters how can he be happy with Bridget when he knows hed rather be with Brooke? He knows Nick cant be happy until he forgets about Brooke.
Bridget hints at them to dance, but Nick declines even though she says he is a great dancer. Dante offers instead and she accepts. That leaves Brooke and Nick alone to glare at each other. She tells him, dammit Nick, you have to get over this right now!
Dante asks Bridget what does she think about him and her mother? She offers that it looks like they are enjoying each others company. He replies that they are just getting to know each other, but they both have something in common theyd both do anything for her. She pauses then explains she doesnt want him dating her mother to make her feel better. He points out he doesnt need an excuse to date her mother. She offers but Nick seems to think he does. Dante comments that Nick hasnt liked him from the moment they met so he wouldnt read too much into his reaction tonight. She says she is trying hard not to (looking over at Nick with Brooke).
Nick leans forward, still frowning and tells Brooke he knows what shes up to. She tells him he should pay more attention to what HE'S doing, acting jealous in front of Bridget. He barks how did she expect him to re-act? And she tells him to respect the fact that she was moving on with her life. He smacks that this is not moving on, this is an ACT! She counters with no, its a date. He tells her maybe that is what she wants Bridget to think. Brooke offers that she wants Bridget to be happy, and relax and if he wasnt brooding so, maybe hed notice she was having a good time tonight. She was celebrating, and thats what Nick should be doing (he IS drinking). Hes going to have a happy, healthy little baby (here we go, same song, second verse .or the same verse third time tonight). This could be an extraordinary time for him and Bridget. He snaps that he will take care of Bridget .and his child, but thats not the issue here. She counters that it is the issue; his commitment to Bridget and this baby.
He looks around for Dante and Bridget. Brooke continues, as much as I want you. As much as I love you, there is something more than I want. I want my daughter to be happy. She picks up the ultrasound and holds it up to him, that this is his child. And as a parent you have to make certain sacrifices for your children. And its not about what they want or what they feel. He takes the picture as she continues that Bridget practically had a nervous breakdown because of all of this and his child deserved to come into this world with a loving father and a loving mother. My God, Nick, youre a parent now. You have to start acting like one. The child you always wanted. The child we thought we were going to have together. Youre going to have that child with Bridget, and they need you. They need to be more than just an obligation. They deserve to feel your undying love and full commitment."
With tears streaming down her cheek, she asks that he understands that, doesnt he, and he finally replies yes. She tells him that Bridget and that baby are his future now. Nothing else matters. NOTHING! They search into each others eyes.
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