The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 9/13/05
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Same day continuation of Mondays program:
At Insomnia Café, Dante sits at his table again with flashbacks of The Kiss the day before with Brooke. This spurs him to call Brooke on his cell phone to ask her out on a real date. No answer, so he leaves a message.
At Marone Industries, Jackie (dressed elegantly for a date) tells Nicky that he cant possibly let this happen. He says Brooke wont see him. She knows this isnt going to work because he loves Brooke and Brooke cant expect him to bury his feelings. A passion like his doesnt just disappear. Nick retorts that she is going to make Bridget think it has.
At Brookes manse, Brooke and Bridget are standing hugging one another with Bridget saying she still cant believe her mother and Dante! Bridget is surprised, but very happy for her mother and hopes her mother is too. Brooke says she is, if Bridget is. She knows she has caused Bridget so much pain lately, she didnt want her to be upset about this. Bridget says again, she thinks its great and looks to her dad for support. Eric stands up and says her mother never ceases to amaze him. Bridget laughs and says, wow, youre dating Dante. Brooke smiles and says its early, they are still just getting to know each other. Bridget hugs her mother again and says Dante is amazing and she thinks she will fall in love with him.
Eric announces that he thinks he will leave and let them talk. He has dinner plans. He puts his hands on Bridgets shoulders and tells her he is so relieved that she is feeling better. They hug as Eric throws a few knowing glances at Brooke. Mission accomplished!
Bridget digs through her purse as she had meant to show both of them something, but instead its just Brooke now. She has the babys ultrasound. She had only gone in for an exam and found out shes a little further along than expected (I saw the term 10 weeks written on it), so the doctor wanted to take the ultrasound, even if Nick wasnt there. She hopes he wont be upset. They hug and Bridget is so excited, a baby growing inside of her, healthy, everything alright. Brooke tells her that she and Nick need to go out and celebrate. Bridget agrees, but ..she thinks Brooke should come ..her and Dante (wrong, girl. You need these two like another hole in your head!).
At Tridge Mansion, Hector puts his friendly hands on Taylors shoulders. She says she is sorry he had to hear that (Ridges outburst). He says she has nothing to be sorry for. Ridge was completely out of line. She shrugs, well she did ask Ridge to be honest with his feelings. Hector assures her that Ridge is just angry; he doesnt really wish he had chosen Brooke. She shakes her head and says Ridge blames her, and maybe he should. And if she had just listened to him, Thomas wouldnt be in the mess hes in. He tells her not to let Ridge make her feel guilty; she did what she thought was right at the time. He doesnt know how to fix the problem himself, so he makes it Taylors fault. He says he saw him do the same thing to Brooke and urges her not to let him do it to her.
Brooke does want to go to dinner, but at same time doesnt want to intrude. Bridget wonders if she thinks it would be rushing things with Dante? Brooke says she didnt think Nick and Dante got along. Bridget offers that she thought it was just because Nick thought Dante was a little interested in her at the moment (ya think?). But, now that the two of them were dating, it wouldnt be a big deal. Brooke says she doesnt want to do anything to spoil her evening. Bridget insists, she wants her there! It was taking her a while for her and Nick to get back on track; why couldnt they all just sit down and put the craziness behind them? Please, it would mean a lot to me, if you and Dante would join us.
Nick tells Jackie that Brooke sounded strange on the phone. She wanted to erase Bridgets fears about Brooke and him. Jackie scoffs that short of giving the poor girl amnesia, she doesnt think thats possible. Jackie muses there is possibly one way, but no, Brooke wouldnt do that now. She has R.J. and Hope to think about. But, another man in her life ..well, if Bridget were to see Brooke with another man, it would definitely make her feel better. He finds this incredulous.
On cue, Bridget walks in and apologizes for barging on in. She goes straight to Nick and kisses him and calls him honey. She tells him she has the most incredible surprise for him.
Hector tells Taylor hes sorry; he shouldnt be passing judgment. But, she reminds him that hes not wrong. Having to share her husband with Brooke for a day was degrading, but at the time she was just grateful to have any time alone with him. He mixes words grateful how about tragic? A beautiful, intelligent woman like herself in a situation like that; even Brooke sounds like she was still putting up with it. She tells him that once Ridge re-newed his vows, she thought he was committed to her. But Hector counters it wasnt exactly his strong suit. She says she wants to trust him, but Hector comments that it wont be easy; Ridge working side by side with Brooke every day. Tears welling up, she replies that no, it wont be easy. The paranoia, constant worrying, she promised herself she would never be that woman again. He tells her thats because that is not who she really is. She continues that she used to think she was a really good mother; a really good judge of character. He tells her she is all of that, and more. Youre a gifted psychiatrist who needs to remember what makes her special. Not different than Brooke, but what makes you you. He suggests that maybe she needs to go back to work; start up her practice again. Write a book? Shed been given a second chance at life; did she really want to waste it sitting around here waiting for Ridge? Shes drinking all of this in, pondering.
Dante goes back to Brookes who meets him in the living room. She says she got his message and shed love to go out with him; how about tonight? He is hesitant since it would be hard to get a reservation. She replies not because Bridget has taken care of everything. Dante knows it wasnt Nicks idea; hell be upset when he sees them together. Brooke wonders why should he; hes committed to her daughter? And Dante follows that shes moving on with him. At least that is what she wants Bridget to think. Now all the cards are going to be on the table. He tells her she cant be in a relationship with him or any other man. Shes still in love with Nick! Innocently, she says she thought they were having a good time together. He grins and says she was using him. And that kiss, he almost fell for it the power of Brooke Logan. He points his finger at her good-naturedly and says he knows what shes trying to do and he wont be a part of this. He cares about Bridget too much to play games with her. Hes going to tell her.
Brooke grabs his arm and asks him to wait. She says if he cares about Bridge that much, please, it would help her .. Okay, the kiss was not sincere, but her commitment to her daughter is. Bridget thinks she is interested in him, and if Nick sees them, hell think that too. Hes in love with Bridget, committed to her but stuck in the past, as is Bridget. She needs to send them both a clear message tonight. They need to see a happy woman moving on with her life and she cant do this on her own! She pleads with him to go to dinner with her tonight. Help me save my daughters marriage. Its the only way. If they see me moving on with my life, they will move on with theirs.
Jackie says she is really late for a dinner appointment so shed better go. Bridget approaches her and tells her shed really like to spend some more time with her before the baby comes. Jackie hugs her and says shed like that too, and offers her congratulations. She looks directly at Nick and says, see, Nicky. You dont have to be so overprotective of a strong, young woman like Bridget. She can handle almost anything.
When Jackie leaves, Bridget is amused. What was all of that about? Nick says she will have to tell him; shes the one making plans with Jackie. She makes noises about the two of them not getting along that great lately. She knows there is still tension between them and she understands about him being upset for her lying to him. She wants him to know that as far as she is concerned, any insecurity she ever had about him and her mother is just gone! He proclaims, then shes not worried anymore? She assures him that as of today, no shes not. Shes made a choice that she doesnt want to worry about anything. She hands him the ultrasound. He comes from behind the desk and holds her and asks how is she doing since he knew shed been under a lot of stress and pressure. She looks at him tenderly and hugs him. With a sigh and a yeah, she was fine, she says its been so long since she could say that. And she wants to keep the feeling going, tonight, if hes up to it. Shes mysterious but a celebration, of sorts. Shes made all the arrangements and he doesnt even have to change; hes just fine the way he is. She hopes he will be as happy about this as she is.
Taylor thanks Hector for fixing her alarm and says she doesnt know which she is more grateful for the alarm or the great advice he gave her about her relationship with Ridge. He apologizes and she tells him no, dont. He says its just that he can understand what its like to compare your self-worth against someone elses gold-plated yardstick. She asks, what is that saying? Physican, heal thyself! he says she will. She offers that shes spent so much time trying to figure out what Ridge wanted, she hasnt figured out what she wants! She admits when she came back home, she could see herself going back to work. She knew she wanted to work on her marriage first and she would have some guilt about hanging her shingle out again some day. He asks if it was because of Ridge? She thinks for a moment then relays that she knew she would feel guilty about charging people for good advice when there was handsome, young firemen, like himself, handing it out for free. And then she thanks him for reminding her that Ridges opinion is not all that matters in her life.
At Cafe Russe, Jackie sips on her martini and then asks Eric what hes being so mysterious about? He fills her in that they both have been concerned about Brookes denying her feelings for Nick. Well, Brooke may have found a way to reassure Bridget. It isnt what he would have recommended, but it does seem to have eased Bridgets mind. He looks behind her and her head follows. She sees Brooke walk in with Dante. She is aghast as Eric mentions what better way for Brooke to prove that shes moved on with her life. Her first words is that she knows Nick isnt going to be happy about this. Dante and Brooke are seated and handed a menu. Frowning, he comments that hes not sure he can go through with this. She replies that for Bridgets sake, they have to. He wants to know doesnt Bridget deserve the truth? Shes telling him the truth; shes committed to a life without Nick. He probes. She loves Nick. Is she willing to give up the man she loves that shes been searching for her entire life? She replies that yes, if it gives Bridget the life she deserves, then its worth it. Brooke tells him hes known Bridget a while now. He knows what shes put her through; the kind of pain shes caused her, and she wont let that happen that again.
Bridget and Nick enter and the maitre de tells them their table is ready, and the other couple already there. Nick is surprised what other couple? As they approach the table, he spies Dante kissing Brookes hand. He points and asks what in the hell is HE doing here? Dante rises and thanks them for the invitation and asks them to please join them. It is Dante who pulls out Bridgets chair for her to be seated. Nick can only glare at Brooke and shoot daggers at her, while she has that satisfied smile.
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