The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 9/2/05
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Missing first half of show due to news coverage of Hurricane Katrina.
Same night continuation of Thursdays episode:
In the Forrester Cabana love-nest, Thomas has returned and is facing his mother who caught Gaby before her and Thomas special night together after his first successful fashion show.
He apparently justifies them being there as they are married. Taylor states in name only. He tells her not any more. She counters with that nothing has changed. He says he has! The last few months have been very confusing and overwhelming. She and his dad had gotten back together and now they were splitting up again; his first fashion show, getting ready for college .he didnt know what he would have done without Gabys support. She reminds him that he said himself he was confused, but he says not about Gaby, he loves her. He leaves his mom and walks over behind Gaby. Taylor says this obviously was a mistake. Ridge was right she should have never lied to Agent Dunn. It was a mistake because it sent him the wrong message. He obviously thought it was okay to break the rules. He says sometimes the rules are wrong. She denies this; no, he is wrong. She thought the two of them could control themselves, and she was wrong. Her heart was in the right place, but now the whole thing was out of hand. Thomas takes all the blame; it was his fault, not Gabys. He begs his mom to please let her stay. They havent done anything wrong and they wont; they wont cross that line.
Taylor does a slow burn; closes her eyes and contemplates just what to do. Finally she says Gaby can stay the night and then in the morning when everyone is calmer, they will decide what to do. Perhaps she can go visit her relatives in Phoenix. Thomas jumps at the chance for her to stay and theyll figure something out in the morning. Taylor dismisses Gaby to her room.
Taylor sees her to her room and Gaby tells her that if shed just listen to Thomass side .Taylor says it will be interesting to hear what he says tomorrow. Gaby assures her that she doesnt want her to think shes trying to turn him against her, she isnt. Taylor says good-night.
Gaby changes into a short pink nightdress, her windows open, curtains flowing in the breeze, the same in the cabana which she can see as she hangs out her window. Thomas blows out some candles, throws some pillows around on the bed and flops down. Then he goes to the window and looks over to Gabys room. To himself, he says this was supposed to be their special night; it cant end like this.
At the beach house, Eric and Bridget are discussing the situation of her telling Nick she had an abortion, when she didnt. She wonders if hes telling her not to trust them. But, she could feel it the whole time and they finally admitted it. But, now they have dealth with it and put it behind them. She tells him she knows its a lot to digest, but she and Nick are okay. They are going to have a baby and Eric is going to be a GRANDPA again! She asks if he is excited? He says of course, if she is. Im your father. Youre my daughter. I want you to be happy. She tells Eric she feels incredibly blessed. She knows she and Nick are going to have a wonderful life together ..with their child .and knowing that she has the support of both her parents makes it SO ......MUCH .......BETTER! He hugs her.
At Brookes house, Nick faces Brooke and tells her that maybe hes letting Bridget down by lying to her. She tells him he is NOT lying to her, he does love her. He replies not the way he loves her (Brooke). He says he knows she doesnt want to hear this, he didnt either, but his mother finally got through to him. Loudly, he says, she was right all along. She saw it and they didnt. But, now they do, and they couldnt turn their back on it. Bridget shouts back that yes they can. They have to and do whatever they can to keep Bridget happy. Nick denies; Bridget will see through it. She lashes then it cant be an act. Whatever is going on between them has to end. Right here, right now. She takes him by the shoulders and tells him she wasnt going to disappoint her daughter again. He wasnt there; he didnt have to live through it. She cries, I wont do it. I wont do it to myself. I wont do it to my daughter. Its not going to happen.
Gaby is in bed when there is a light tap on the door. She assumes its Mrs. Forrester and opens the door. Thomas quickly pushes her back in and slips in himself. She asks what is he doing there. He says he couldnt stand being any place else as she melts into his arms. She pulls away and mentions his mom, to which Thomas says forget her. Shes already angry so why be angry over nothing? Gaby mentions shell be deported, but he says he wont let that happen. He kisses her again while saying, trust me.
In Taylors bedroom, she calls Ridge and leaves a message that he was right and they needed to talk. She had made a mistake about letting Gaby stay there. She had caught her and Thomas together and it was a good thing she did when she did. The family was in enough trouble as it was.
Thomas and Gaby kiss passionately and she tells him she loves him and he returns the sentiment. He begins to take off his shirt; she helps. He picks her up, takes her and lies down on the bed as they begin to consummate their love.
Brooke puts her hands on Nicks chest and tells him please just go! He tells her she cant even look at him because shes afraid of him, and she doesnt have to be. She tells him she is afraid for her daughter. He says they have to be honest with Bridget. Brooke counters that he sees what it did to her before and how she re-acted. Nick recounts that this is different than before. Brooke replies this is not going to happen, but he replies that it already has! Come on, Brooke, youve searched your whole life for a man to love you the way you needed, and you thought it was Forrester. You were wrong; he let you down. He wasnt there for you, but I was. And I always have been. And Im not going to lie about this. I am not going to hide this because I want to be with you. He puts his hands, squeezing her shoulders. I want to touch you; I want to make love to you. She tells him to stop it. He pleads that he needs her, but she reminds him that Bridget needs him; the baby needs him. More forceful, he tells her she is the woman he wants. They go back and forth I want .. no, dont! She breaks away and runs to the stairs after telling him to get out. He catches her, swings her around and smothers her with feverish kisses and tells her he isnt going to let her run away from this. She utters, Oh, God, help me as they both slowly lower themselves to the floor.
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