The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 8/29/05
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Same day continuation of Fridays episode:
On The Shady Marlin, Nicks stands practically shell-shocked as Bridget keeps apologizing for lying to him about terminating their baby. She walks toward him; calls him sweetheart and takes his hands and puts it on her tummy. Smiling, she tells him the baby, "our baby is alive. His head quickly darts from her face down to her tummy, in disbelief.
At Brookes house, the doorbell rings and its Eric. He doesnt wait for an invite, he asks where Bridget is, and comes on in. He implores of Brooke, has she seen Bridget, hes very concerned about her. He remarks that of all people, Stephanie told him that Bridget was pregnant. He also says that shes very upset about Brooke and Nick; what was that about? Brooke ducks the question and he asks again, whats going on? She hem-haws and says there is no easy way to tell him this. He tells her, oh, for Gods sake, Brooke, just spit it out! She tells him Bridget terminated her pregnancy. His face is horrified.
Bridget tells Nick she knows how shocked he must be. She doesnt know where to begin. But, it was so wrong of her to have lied to him; she never should have lied. She continues that when she came home to tell him about the baby, thats when she walked in on him and her mother. Something in her just snapped. She guesses she had some sort of breakdown. All her insecurities were all she could see and hear. They were coming back; her mother with Deacon; with Ridge and maybe Nick was the first man she really knew was hers. Youre never going to leave me; especially for my mom. (Nope, Nick, now would not be the time to tell her!) But, when she walked in and saw them, knowing she was carrying his child, it drove her to do something she never should have done. She whines deeper that she just needed to know that if he was free and there was no baby, would he chose her or her mother. She needed to be sure, so she came up with this insane idea to test him. He finally takes his blank stare and slowly looks at her. On the beach, she couldnt look at him because she felt so wrong lying to him about their baby. And then she finally did look into his eyes and saw that pain and betrayal. She realized that if she ever lost him; she would lose any chance she would ever have of happiness. And she admits that is why she is here now. Shes begging him to put her insanity behind them .love her her, she knows he does.
Brooke tells Eric that Nick drove around all night and tried to call Bridget, but she didnt return his calls. Eric can understand why; after she walked in on Brooke and Nick. Brooke says that is what she THOUGHT she saw; it was all a big misunderstanding. They tried to explain it to her. She and Nick feel terrible about this and they understand they both played a part in it. And as horrible as the situation is right now, maybe in the end it is for the best. Eric faces her and says to explain to him how losing this baby could possibly be the best for anyone .especially Bridget. Brooke looks him in the eyes and says Bridget has incredible instincts. Not that she agrees with what she did, but Bridget understood something about Nick and Brooke ..something they couldnt even see themselves. He asks what is she saying. She continues that if she and Nick had been more honest in their feelings for each other, maybe this tragedy never would have happened. Eric lashes at her that she assured all of them she was being honest. Brooke admits yes, she thought she was; she really believed they were. But, Bridget knew better. Shes always known Brookes heart better than she did. She looks at him and tells Eric that hes the only person in this world she can tell this to. He holds his hand up, saying no to stop her. He tells her he doesnt want to hear it. She follows him as he walks off and begs him; that she needs him to understand. She and Nick didnt want to acknowledge their feelings and they kept trying to explain it away every which way they could. Until there were no other explanations left; just the truth. She softly says, and the truth is .we love each other .and we have .for a very long time!
Nick has still not spoken; he just stares while drinking all of this in. She finally begs him to say something. He finally says, a test? with a look of utter disgust on his face. He walks off and she cries shes sorry. She knows it was completely wrong. He goes on that she just stood there on that beach and watched his life completely collapse! She tells him she almost put a stop to it, but she just couldnt. That he had been right; her insecurities took her to the darkest place she could possibly go. She was just going to watch and see if he flew into her mothers arms. She knows it must sound crazy to him right now; it does to her too, ridiculous, but at the time .she knows hes angry and he has every right. She knows nothing justifies what she did, but she goes on and begs that she didnt just do it for herself, she was thinking about all of them. She needed to know he was committed to the baby too. He turns on her and clinches his teeth and tells her the things hed said about children and family; she must not have been listening! She said she did, but she just never felt it! She cries again that she does now though, and how sorry she is, as he walks off. She cries for him to please forgive her.
Eric walks over to Brooke, sort of like a father (except that a few weeks ago he was asking her to marry him), puts his hands on both shoulders and says to help him understand this. All of her life she has wanted Ridge; waiting her whole life for him. He was her destiny; thats what she always said. Brooke admits she thought she was, but she was so obsessed, she couldnt even see Nick standing there ..loving her. Eric turns her loose and says, her daughters fiancée, had she forgotten that already? She rationalizes that she hasnt, nor Deacon either. Why does he think she tried so hard not to see what was happening between Nick and her? Do you really think I wanted to take another man away from our daughter? He bellows that he doesnt know, why doesnt she tell him! She replies that no, she didnt want to, but Bridget saw something that she couldnt. He spits, enough to make her terminate her pregnancy. You must be very proud of yourself! She tells him to stop it; they werent going to act on their feelings. That Nick was committed to Bridget. And he was devastated when she had told him what she had done. He blamed himself. Eric states that well he should. She exclaims that they both were to blame. It was a horrible tragedy and it never should have happened. He folds his arms and walks away. She continues, but out of this tragedy, came this love, Eric. Ive been searching my whole life for. And I finally found it. I found it with Nick. Again she rationalizes that shes found a chance at happiness. Bridget turned her back on Nick but she cant. She wont; not now, not ever!
Bridget cries that she knows this is a lot to absorb, but she thought hed be relieved to know his child was alive. He cant believe she is saying that; yes, he IS relieved .relieved his child is alive. She wonders why he cant find it in his heart to forgive her. Just forget about the last couple of days; nothing has to change. He chuckles, she just plays with peoples emotions. Stick a knife in their heart (he points one at her); twist it a little bit and then offer this little apology and tells him nothing has changed? He swings around and shouts, well, Ive changed! I thought youd killed our child. I felt responsible for it. I was ready to take this boat out into the storm. Because being torn up by the ocean would have felt a hell of a lot better than this! She states but he didnt. Hes here and his child is living inside of her. They can be a family. He jerks his head around in surprise and states oh, we can? We can just be a family. And what about what you put me through? What about what you put your mother through? Do you realize what youve done to your mother? Bridget says yes, she owes her mother an apology. But she was just afraid she would lose him. She did not want to lose him to her mother. She should have known better he was different. Nick says they need to talk to her mother. She asks right now? And he replies right now. And not by phone; they go over. Hes brusque and heads out. She stops him and tries to convince him her mother will understand. Shell forgive her; hell see. WE have to work this out. WE have a child to think about. She calls him baby and puts her hands around his neck. She hugs him, only hes not hugging back. He curtly tells her they need to go.
With folded arms, Eric states that Brooke does realize she thought she had found happiness with other people; with Thorne and with him. She assures him this is different. He wants to know how? Because its Nick and she wants him to be the true love of her life? She tells him she knows they have a lot of hurdles to overcome. Eric counters that not the least of which is their daughter. She better hope shes half as strong as Brooke thinks she is. Because he didnt think she could stand another betrayal from Brooke! He leaves in disgust.
Nick opens the door to Brooke's with Bridget behind. He calls out twice to Brooke. She seems surprised to see them; especially with Bridget coming forward and hugging her; Nick just glaring with a poker face. Brooke asks Bridget if she talked with Nick. Bridget says yes, and they talked about EVERYTHING. She tells her there is a lot they need to work out. Brooke looks at her in dismay and wonders if she really wants to do that? Bridget replies of course, she knows she loves her. Brooke replies she loves her too, but .Nick interrupts by calling out Brookes name. Bridget asks if she can please just forgive her? Brooke says there is nothing to forgive her for. If anything, she and Nick .Bridget says she said so many hateful things. Brooke counters that she was hurt. So Bridget wants to know that she doesnt hate her? Brooke puts her hands on Bridgets face and says they drove her to it. Once again Nick calls Brookes name, but she continues that she wishes Bridget had come to her. She was so worried and they could have talked. Bridget tells her she will never forgive herself for the pain she must have caused her. But, Brooke tells her not to blame herself. Bridget tells her shes really thankful she had Nick to turn to; that they had each other. Rigid, Nick tells Bridget to tell her mother. Bridget tells her she knows what their relationship is now; she gets it. Brooke says she knew all along. Bridget explains that she blew it all out of proportion. She really let her insecurities get the better part of her. She says she has apologized to Nick, and now she needs to apologize to Brooke too. But, Brooke tells her she doesnt need to apologize for anything. Nick shouts, Bridget, TELL HER, NOW!
Bridget hesitates but tells Brooke that she did something she never should have done, but she had to know. I had to know if given the right circumstances, if you and Nick would give into your feelings for each other. So I came up with this idea .it was just a stupid test. But its over now and you passed. Brooke is clueless. She searches Bridgets eyes and asks what is she talking about. Bridget says she didnt have an abortion. She told Nick she did because she needed to know if hed come running to her, but he didnt.
Brooke is taken aback; the room surely must be swirling. She glances at Nick; hes stoic. She states to Bridget in a question - that shes having Nicks baby? Bridget giggles; goes over to Nick and places her head on his chest and tells Brooke that yes, shes going to be a grandmother. Nick watches as Brooke has to steady herself before bluntly sitting down on the coffee table. She hyperventilates.
Bridget leaves Nick and comes and sits in front of her mom, apologizing, youre still really upset. I dont blame you. I was very deceiving. She says again she is so sorry; please forgive her. Brooke cant look at her; shes breathing deeply. Bridget continues, Mom, please just forgive me. I just want to get married and have our baby and live the life that Nick promised me we could have. But, I cant do that unless you forgive me. Can you find it in your heart to just forgive me, please?
Brooke looks slowly up to Nick. Does he have the answers?
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