The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 8/23/05
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Continuation of Mondays Episode:
Overlooking the cliff again, Bridget runs after Nick as hes leaving. Suddenly Dante shows up and refrains her from going after Nick. She is sobbing and shouting for him to let her go.
At Brookes, shes still holding the gun when Catherine and the kids come back from the park. She quickly puts the gun away in a desk drawer. Catherine tells her she was careful and didnt let Hope overdo. Brooke asks her if she will have time to box up some of R. J.s things hes outgrown, and Catherine assumes its for charity. Brooke confides in her that its for Bridget; shes expecting a baby.
Nick comes aboard the boat, very much out of sorts, and starts kicking things. He has flashbacks of Bridget telling him he was in love with her mother; why would she want his child now? And that she did not have what he wanted anymore. He takes an oar and starting trashing more; a photo of him and Bridget, plates on table, bottles, anything lying around. He dissolves onto the floor by the couch sobbing. He holds his head; sobs loudly; hes a broken man, with heavy heart.
Bridget and Dante return to the hotel room and shes sobbing that she needs to find Nick. Dante tells her she just needs to calm down. She shouts that she doesnt; she made a terrible, terrible mistake. Dante reassures her she did what she had to do; it was the only way. She didnt want to be with a man for the rest of her life if it was just for the baby. She offers that it was wrong. Dante didnt see Nick, the way he looked. More flashbacks of what she remembered about Nick when she told him. What have I done? How could she have been so selfish? Dante tells her she had to make sure. Some things Nick told her was true, some may not be true, and she had to be sure. The hard part was over; just wait and see what happens; what he does. She keeps resisting; picks up her purse again to go. Dante says he knows Nick is hurting, but if he truly loves her, hell come back to her. If he loves her mother, then hell turn to her. Bridget cries that she lied to Nick; lied to him about something that was so precious. She might lose him forever over this. "I may already have.
Nicks cell phone rings. He slowly picks it up, barely audible. Its Brooke, and he finally acknowledges her. She wants to know if he talked to Bridget. She has to literally pull every word out of him. He says he doesnt feel like talking now; he has to go. She asks him not to hang up; hes scaring her, whats happening, whats going on? He holds his head and says he has to get out of there. Brooke begs him to come over to her house right now!
Bridget is on phone and frantically tells whomever just to come over right away. She tells Dante its Catherine; she can trust her. More than she can her own self right now. She really wants this baby and wants to raise it with Nick (well, starting like this aint the way to do it). Dante tells her again, whatever happens, she needs to know the truth how Nick really feels.
Brooke hears Nicks car door shut, but he doesnt knock or come in. She goes to check and hes sitting on the steps. She asks is something wrong or did something happen to Bridget? He says not to Bridget. Brooke says she told him he should have waited a day or two for her to cool down. She was still very much upset with them. Nick says its not about them anymore. Brooke knows its about the baby. Brooke says she cant keep him from the child forever. She may have said that, but she wont. He says yes she can. Its not what she said, but what she did. Brooke doesnt think it can be that bad. She is angry with them, but she will forgive them. Nothing has been done that cant be fixed. He says shes wrong; it cant be fixed! Nick tells her she had an abortion. Brooke is shocked. He grabs her and inches from her face says she aborted my child.
Catherine asks Bridget whats going on? Bridget fills her in what she told Nick. Dante tells her they need to find out if he still really loves her. Bridget tells her more and why she is afraid hes still in love with her mother. Bridget doesnt want this child to grow up with a man that wants to be somewhere else. Catherine doesnt believe this. She thinks Bridget is taking a huge risk here; she knows how Nick feels about kids. Dante continues that Brooke and Nick must believe they are free, no obligations, no loose ends. If they give in to their feelings, they need Catherine to be their eyes and ears. In other words, to spy for them, she says. Bridget replies that she knows its a lot to ask of her, but just for a few days to give her the reassurance she needs. She begs once more, please.
Bridget keeps playing with a big strand of hair, twirling it. Catherine repeats again she doesnt believe her mother will do this to her; especially after Deacon. Bridget says she hopes she wont. Dante says but if it does, Bridget needs someone to be honest with her. Bridget begs again, for the baby. Catherine finally relents and says she will. Catherine tells her Nick is committed to her and no amount of feelings for her mother can compare to how he feels about her and this child.
Holding onto him to guide his unsteady steps, Brooke ushers Nick inside. She still cant believe her daughter would TERMINATE this pregnancy. Why? Because of what she saw; here at this house? The two of them together? What they told her?! Brooke cries they pushed her. Nick sinks into a chair. Brooke continues and admits Bridget did this because of her; the mistakes she made in the past. My little girl, I drove her to this ..I drove her to this! She covers her face and sobs.
Bridget tells Dante her mother will be devastated. He counters with they put her in this position. But she offers it was her decision to lie. Dante tells her it was the right one. She says but she sees how lies can spin out of control, and ruin peoples lives. She tells him that Nick was devastated when she told him, and now her mother will feel guilty and take this on herself. Dante tries to get her to see that her mother is not innocent in all of this. Bridget counters that neither is she! She is deceiving the man she loves .and her own mother. Deliberately causing them pain. Dante tells her hes not telling her what to do, but if she cant go through with this right now; just call them and tell them she is still pregnant. But, if you do that and you end up marrying this man, youll never know if this man chose you or the baby. He admonishes her to just wait a couple of days. Let Catherine find out and shell tell her the truth. She flaps her arms and says what if nothing happens and shes just been acting out of sheer panic? He tells her that Nick and her mother admitted they had feelings for each other. If they are going to act on them, its better for her to know now. One way or the other, shes about to have her answer.
Nick defends by saying Bridget made her own choice. Brooke keeps saying they did this to her; they pushed her. Nick says it doesnt matter, the damage has been done, theres no changing it. He stands before her and says, Its gone, the love .and the baby ..its gone. He wipes tears from his face. Brooke looks into his eyes and cries how could this happen to her little girl? Nick kisses her forehead, strokes her hair and holds her as she sobs on her shoulder. Catherine walks in, but retreats just enough so she can see them in each others arms, Nick hugging and patting Brooke on the back.
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