B&B Wednesday Update 8/17/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 8/17/05


By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same night continuation of Tuesday’s episode:

At Brooke’s, she blocks the way so Bridget can’t go upstairs; she wants to talk. Bridget glares at her and says they just admitted having feelings for each other; there is NOTHING left to talk about. Nick spiels the same old, same old. That they admitted having feelings for each other so they could get past it, so they could put it behind them. Brooke starts to touch Bridget and she roughly shakes her hands off of her and tells her don’t dare touch her! Brooke tells her they can’t run away from this; they must deal with it….together. Bridget glares at her and sneers that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her. Brooke points out that she’s her mother and no matter how angry Bridget is right now, they are going to have to deal with this….they will have a special bond…and “you will understand that some day when you have a child with Nick.” Bridget looks horrified, “how sick would that be? My baby’s father panting after GRANDMA.” Nick steps forward and tries to persuade her that it’s nothing like that. She spouts that yes it is; it IS exactly like that.

At Tridge Mansion, Thomas takes Gaby’s hand and turns to his dad and says if he wants to throw her out; he’s going to have to throw him out as well. Taylor speaks up and says no one is throwing anyone out. They need to just stay there and discuss things rationally. Ridge says he thought they had. Before he left, he thought they’d agreed this marriage had to be annulled. Taylor complies that the situation ahs changed since then. He asks if the immigration laws have changed? Is getting married to secure a green card now legal? Exasperated, Thomas folds his arms. Taylor comes to him and asks for him and Gaby to go upstairs; she wants to talk to his dad alone. Thomas takes her by the hand and leads her out of the room. Ridge waits in silence and Taylor turns and looks at him – if looks could kill!

Bridget looks at both Brooke and Nick standing together as a team and says she asked for respect and this is what she gets? He tells her he does respect her; Brooke echoes that. Bridget repeats that they expect her to just accept this – a life with him while he’s in love with someone else! He offers that he’s not expecting anything from her; he just wants her to listen. He begs for her to go away; go someplace just the two of them so they can talk. She gestures with her hands and cries that no explanation can fix this! He can’t just say goodbye to Brooke and expect everything to be okay. It’s NOT going to be okay. She walks away toward the romantic table.

Brooke fills in that it’s been a very long emotional week; they should talk about this when their heads are more clear. Bridget shoots her a glare and says but her mind is clearer than it’s been in a very long time; her blinders are off! Nick steps forward and says what she saw there didn’t mean anything (oh yeah, I think it did to us). Bridget says it meant everything to her. It meant the life she’d dreamed about with him was over. Brooke says that isn’t true. Nick continues that they have put their feelings to rest; “as of right now, there is nothing going on between your mother and me!” She cries/chuckles/hyperventilates and shouts – nothing, what does that (table) look like to them? She shouts NOTHING a couple of times and makes a broad sweep with her hands of the contents of table, flying to the floor. Nick tells her all of that was for her. She mocks, what does he want her to say – thank you? “Well, thank you so much, Nick, thank you very much, for a very special evening.” She picks up the wine bottle and throws it at him. Luckily he ducks as does Brooke. “I’ll never forget it as long as I live.” With that, she jerks the necklace off her neck and holds it up to Nick. He asks her not to do this. She looks right into his eyes and says she doesn’t want them anymore. She doesn’t ever want to see him again. If she can’t have his respect, she doesn’t want his gifts. “I’m getting rid of EVERYTHING you’ve ever given me….(she slaps it to his chest); EVERYTHING!” She turns on her heels and leaves Nick dumbfounded. She pushes Brooke and says, “Out of my way!” and leaves. Brooke calls for her to come back.

Gaby knocks on Thomas’s door and wants to get some clothes for the next day. He’s sketching, but tells her he can’t focus. He’s more worried how it’s going to affect her. He chides his dad for coming in there acting like The Enforcer, questioning his mom’s decision. He ought to know she doesn’t do anything without believing in it. Gaby points out the obvious; that Ridge is right, it is illegal. He makes a move toward her and she reminds him – of his parents. He says to forget them. His dad is only angry because he thinks the marriage is a fraud. “But what I’m feeling right now, Gaby, is the real thing.”

Taylor awaits on the terrace, staring at the sky. Ridge comes out, hands on hips and asks if she honestly doesn’t see this as a problem? She agrees it’s not the ideal situation. He reminds her it is a felony – harboring an undocumented alien. He says he thought he could trust her to do what’s best for their son. Taylor offers that he made some very persuasive arguments if Ridge would just listen to him. Ridge answers back, an eighteen-year-old kid with a bad case of judgment-impairing puppy love. Taylor says quite frankly, she’s having more trouble with Ridge’s judgment than Thomas’s right now. He’s shocked. She continues that she and Thomas have already sat down and discussed this – at length. “He made arguments that were mature and rational, unlike the sarcasm I’m getting from you right now…..you just can’t walk in here and make unilateral pronouncements about something you really don’t understand that’s going on….and expect everyone to obey you.” Maybe that was the way it was when Brooke was here with him raising the children but, “with me, that’s not going to fly.”

Dejectedly, Brooke sits on the floor picking up the debris. Nick comes back inside and says he couldn’t catch Bridget; she took off too fast. Brooke pronounces that Bridget shouldn’t be driving; she is way too upset. Nick says and it’s all because of them; has Brooke ever seen her like this before? She thinks….as Nick says Bridget thinks it’s happening again! Brooke admits Bridget was hurt by the thing with Deacon, but she didn’t realize the scars and the wounds it had left. She sinks down onto the coffee table as does Nick. He says they’ll fix it; make it right. She sobs and starts chastising herself; what were they thinking? Nick tells her they were thinking of Bridget…and when things calm down and she cools off, she’ll see that. They are shocked when the doorbell rings; Brooke runs to the door. It’s Stephanie. She asks if Bridget is there. Nick calls out that she just left. Stephanie walks on in and asks what happened?

Somewhere in L.A., Dante opens a hotel room and ushers Bridget in. She sinks onto a loveseat at end of bed. She’s upset and he tells her to take a deep breath; he’s glad he showed up when he did. She’s bending over; almost in pain and he asks if something happened with her mother? She replies yes and with Nick although according to them, nothing happened at all!

Brooke tells Steph that this is none of her business. Steph says, “the hell it isn’t.” She’d just been to the cabin with her daughter and she’d told her what she saw at the hospital….behavior between the two of them. And she’d driven back to tell them something. What did she say? Nick throws a look to Brooke and says it was a misunderstanding. Steph presses more; what kind of misunderstanding? Whitewashing it, Brooke says Bridget came home and found them having dinner. Steph asks if it was a romantic dinner. Brooke again says that is probably what it looked like, but it wasn’t. (well, if it looks like a duck, and smells like a duck, and waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck!). Steph is aghast; what have they done?

Gaby pulls back from Thomas’s kiss but he reminds her that the more she pushes him away because of his dad, the more he wants to……what, she asks? He kisses her again. Ridge tells Taylor he is not making an unilateral decision; they had discussed this before he left town. She shrugs and says she would have discussed it with him again, but he wasn’t there. Somebody had to handle his son while he was gone and that’s what she did. And she was sorry if he didn’t like it. He combats that what he doesn’t like is being made to feel guilty about protecting his own child. But….that’s not really what she wants him to feel guilty about, is it? She admits there are still some unresolved questions and issues about their relationship, but Thomas’s situation needed a solution right now and she feels okay about the choice she made. Typical of Ridge as before, he expresses that it is late, he’s exhausted, can’t they just talk about this tomorrow? He just wants to go upstairs, say goodnight to the kids, take a shower and go to bed (he claps his hands as in peace).

Brooke says they didn’t do anything, but Steph wonders then why did Bridget take off? Nick chirps that, “what’s it to you?” Brooke offers that Bridget is just a little confused. Steph differs that she doesn’t think she’s too confused now. After walking in and finding the two of them; she probably knows exactly what is going on! Nick spurts out that they don’t owe her ANY explanation. She retorts, “I don’t want any explanation from YOU; and I can see the guilt all over your face.” (pointing to Brooke). Nick chuckles that she doesn’t know what she’s saying at all. She returns that’s pretty ironic coming from him (thumbs up). Brooke continues that Bridget came there, happier than she’d ever been, to tell them something. Stephanie says she can’t imagine she’s very happy right now. Nick wants to know why? He questions Steph and says she was with her at Big Bear. Did she corner her and work those insecurities? Steph turns and says she is NOT responsible for this; he is! She just can’t believe that poor girl walked in here tonight and found them….just after she found out…..Nick wants to know what? He asks twice and finally she blurts out, drops the bomb, that Bridget is pregnant. ….carrying his child.

Bridget slowly fills in the pieces for Dante; how Nick and Brooke told her they loved each other. He goes to her and embraces her, she crying on his shoulder. He assures her this is the last time Nick will hurt her, okay? He seems rather happy; now she can move on from all this confusion. She shakes her head; no, it’s just starting. He smiles and touches her hair; she is free now. She bends her head; covers her eyes, hyperventilates again and says she’s pregnant. She tells him she can’t move on; she’s carrying Nick’s child; she’ll be tied to him forever.

Both Brooke and Nick are speechless. Bridget was just there and hadn’t said anything. Steph asks what did she expect her to say? Nick said he thinks she would have told him. Steph replies she would have, if she had found him alone. She looks at Brooke and asks if it would have changed anything? Nick and Brooke glance at each other. He says it changes everything. He walks away from Brooke. Steph says it changed things for Bridget too; she was going to leave him; walk away, until she found out the test results. Steph tells him that she thought it would bring the two of them together. She had driven down here filled with hope. Steph lets them know she tried to stop her because she wasn’t thinking straight. Just before she’d gotten the tests results, she was on the verge of having a breakdown. Brooke thinks Steph is exaggerating, but Steph shoots back she wasn’t exaggerating; she was hanging by a thread. Being her daughter had taken a lot out of that girl. Brooke says they didn’t know she was pregnant (yeah, so that makes it all alright).

Nick ponders and then whispers softly that he remembers what Bridget said when she took the jewelry off. Brooke says, “oh, God!” Steph asks what did Bridget say? He gulps and repeats that Bridget said if she couldn’t have all of him, she didn’t want any part of him. And she wanted to get rid of everything he’d ever given her. ….Steph’s heart sinks….Nick says, "the baby, she’s going to get rid of the baby!"

Bridget rocks back and forth, hand on head and says she thought she was through with all of this; the pain, the insecurities, the need for reassurance. She thought she would just tell them about the baby…and they’d go on as planned. Dante says but now they can’t. Bridget says that’s why she didn’t tell them. Dante says Nick doesn’t deserve to know. Bridget laments that Stephanie warned her about him; just to move on and leave him. He nods, Stephanie is right! Bridget says the results have changed everything; she feels trapped. Dante offers only if she lets it. She gets up and sobs that nothing is going to make the pain go away; the memories go away (she clutches her tummy). It’s just like with Hope; only she’s the one who’s pregnant now. Dante asks if this baby will remind her of what Nick has done to her? She answers that she told Nick she was going to get rid of everything he’d even given her. She said her mother had made her suffer from all her mistakes, but she was not going to let this baby suffer too. Dante offers that’s why she has to make a clean break with Nick right now. Let him go; she has a baby to think about now. She lashes out that Nick wants to be a father! Dante counters that Nick wants to be with her mother. Sorry, but the truth needs to be told, she can’t forget about this. She says oh she wishes she could forget….forget about growing up ….knowing how it feels with her mother in love with her father’s son….and her yearning for him and what they had to offer was never enough for her. She snarls she is NOT going to let her baby grow up and feel that way from Nick….having him long for her mother…Ridge had to go through the same thing knowing his father was in love with someone else. “Generation after generations this has been going on; the betrayals, the secrets, the infidelities, and the pain…..but I’m not going to have my baby be part of that cycle. I won’t do it (clutches tummy and looks straight at Dante). I have to break it….I don’t think I have a choice. I know what I have to do!"

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