The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 8/16/05
Same night continuation of Mondays episode:
At Brookes, the door has been slammed by Bridget. Hands on hips, she walks in as Nick jumps up and says hi and Brooke acknowledges shes home. Bridget asks, whats this? Nick tries to be casual; dinner - hope shes hungry. She coldly replies, dinner for two? Brooke, standing there in her negligee, says Nick asked her to join him because on the phone shed said not to expect her. Bridget replies obviously not!
At the Tridge Mansion, Gaby, Thomas and Taylor are sitting on the floor by coffee table playing Gin Rummy and Taylor wins ..again. She asks if theyd like ice cream to smooth over this agony of defeat. Thomas replies that would be great, one bowl, two spoons. Taylor excuses herself, leaving the lovebirds alone. They scoot back upon the couch. Thomas whispers he can think of better things to do that spend the evening playing cards with his mother. They look; they finally kiss. She wants to touch him, clinch him, but pulls away and says they cant; the rules, remember? Like a dirty word, he says yeah the rules; no rules .and kisses her again. Again, she pulls away and starts to get up, but Thomas says he will go help with the ice cream. Gaby starts picking up the cards as Ridge walks in the door with suitcase in hand. They both spy each other at same time and Gaby jumps up and asks what is he doing home? He looks at her askance and says he lives there. The question is what is SHE doing there?
At the beach house, Eric stands and repeats that Bridget is pregnant? Stephanie tells him she believes she is breaking the news as they speak. Eric asks if she is happy about this? Steph says she should be. It should be one of the happiest days of her young life. Eric asks then if Steph is telling him shes NOT happy? Steph replies she shouldnt have to be telling him anything. Bridget was HIS daughter! Steph wonders if he has any idea whats going on in her life? or are you just too busy running around town with marriage proposals? Hes ticked and says to leave Brooke out of this. Steph says she wishes she could, but shes the problem. Steph adds, shes the reason your daughter is not overjoyed about this pregnancy.
Hands on hips, again sizing up the situation, Bridget allows Nick to say to her that he knows how this looks. Brooke interjects that Nick ordered this dinner for her he adds it was supposed to be a surprise. Bridget says oh it was a surprise alright. She looks at Nick when she says, but she shouldnt be! Brooke asks her to please not look at them that way; they didnt do anything wrong (yeah, I might add, they didnt do much of anything right either!) Bridget brushes past Nick and stares at her mom and says its a good thing she came home when she did, isnt it? Nicks tells her not to jump to conclusions; let them explain.
They face Bridget and Nick gestures that he knows what the issue is here that their friendship makes her uncomfortable. Theyd discussed it and agreed to be as sensitive to her feeling as they could about it. Bridget mocks that she can see that. Brooke says again, it isnt what it looks like. Bridget then wants to know, what IS it then? She points to the table; is she celebrating? Are you congratulating yourself on what it must feel like when I walk in on moments like this? And why it FREAKS me out! To see my mother and my fiancée touch each other, and holding each other .and laughing, and whispering. After a pause, she continues that she came home tonight; happier than shed ever been in a really long time. She smiles that she was happy and this is what she walks in on. Brooke justifies by saying she couldnt sleep; she just came down for a book. Bridget shouts at her, for Gods sake, mother, go put some clothes on. I cant look at you like that! GO! Brooke slips out.
Bridget then gives all her attention to Nick and says, you! (as she circles him); I cant believe I ever actually felt guilty asking you for a little reassurance ..and I was so grateful when I got it. But what a fool she had been. It was all a lie, wasnt it? Nothing but lies.
Gaby stammers and tries to explain. Saved by Thomas and his mom as they come back into the room. They tell Ridge they werent expecting him tonight. He replies he also wasnt expecting to find the three of them all cozied up here, whats up, Doc? Thomas puts his arms around Gaby and tells Ridge that his wife lives here now. Might as well have dropped a bomb. Ridge repeats that she lives here? Taylor quickly interjects in the guest room. Ridge wants to know since when? Taylor explains that she told Gaby she could stay since it was the only way to get Agent Dunn off their backs. Ridge gives her a doubtful look and tells Thomas he knows how he feels about this, but hes breaking the law and he cant allow that in HIS house. Thomas replies, YOUR house, Mom lives here too. Shes sure she wants to be here, are you?
Eric asks Stephanie if hes supposed to know what shes talking about? She smarts that he would if he was paying attention. Steph fills him in that Nick has been by Brookes side ever waking moment since that little incident with Hope. Eric says he knows; Nick feels guilty. Steph says its a little more than guilt and now Bridget is aware of it. Steph tells him that Bridget is very distraught and she has not seen her this way since Deacon. She confirms that Bridget saw something between Nick and her mom. She made a decision to walk away from him, but then she got the results of the pregnancy test.
Nick tells Bridget to calm down; whatever shes thinking dont. She continues she knows what she heard and she knows what she saw. He rationalizes that it would be very easy to misinterpret. She asks if he thinks this is all in her head? She leaves the house for ONE night and comes back in and finds a romantic candlelit dinner while hes sitting with her mother while shes showing off her lingerie. Nick tells her to stop this; she knows that is not what was happening. She turns on him and snaps, how do I know? How do I know, because you say so? Are you going to be different than all the other guys whove loved my mother? Are you going to be the FIRST man whos really ever gotten over her? He tells her this is just stress talking; her work load, school, whats happened to her father, what happened to Hope. She swings around and wont let him touch her and says oh yeah, he can blame everyone, but not you .and not my mother. His eyes follow her around the room as she says she has heard it all before. Hed been telling her for months that nothing was going on with her mother. But, shed seen it, she points upstairs. Shes seen it, him, her mom and Hope laying in bed CUDDLING. Shed seen it in the hospital. She saw the way they looked at each; the way they held each other. She hangs her head almost in shame that she is having to say this. She slaps her hips and says she wishes she were crazy, but shes not crazy. She knows theres something there.
Nick doesnt pull any punches. He says shes right, there is. And that her mother and him faced up to that tonight. Whats been going on between them; the feelings and what they mean; thats what she walked in on. Tonight, her mother and him said goodbye. He whispers that his future is with her and thats what he wants and he knows it more than ever. She scoffs, almost to get it straight, she asks if he is kidding her? You just admitted having feelings for my mother and you want to move forward and just ignore them? What kind of future would that be? Hed told her he wanted a life with her. They were going to get married and have a family. She searches his eyes and asks him if thats what he wants; really wants, or is it all just a lie?
Brooke comes back into the room and answers that nobody is lying to her. Bridget slings her arms and says, there comes the excuses, again! Brooke, now dressed in a robe, tells her to get angry with her. Shes the one who has been leaning on Nick for support. Bridget turns and glares at her and says she betrayed her; you SWORE to me youd NEVER do IT again! And lookie here, here we are again. She cries that it took all of her strength, all of her compassion for her to forgive her the first time, But she did, with Deacon, but (shakes head) that she will NEVER forgive her for this.
Ridge and Taylor, side by side, Thomas challenges his father if this is where he wants to be now. Ridge says this is about Thomas, not him. Taylor agrees they shouldnt change the subject. Ridge wants to hear more about the ground rules; Taylor says this is a marriage in name only. Ridge is very skeptical and wonders how realistic is that considering two normal, healthy teenagers who are attracted to each other. He doesnt see how they can live there and not cross the line. Gaby speaks up first and says they wont. Ridge says, you damn right, you wont. Thomas defends his actions, that he just wants her to go to college like her mother wanted. Ridge says if it wasnt against the law, hed be right there with him, but they couldnt help everyone that wanted to be schooled in America. Thomas argues that he doesnt want to help everyone. He just wants to help Gaby, he cares about her. He takes her by the hands and says she matters to him; a LOT!
Stephanie picks up her keys from the counter as Eric says he realizes Bridgets pregnancy complicates matters. Steph offers that not according to Bridget; she thinks this is the answer to her prayers. Eric tells her it definitely precludes Brooke and Nick having a relationship. She answers back that the only thing it precludes is them not being honest about it. Eric tells her Nick wants a family and that Brooke is not going to interfere with that. Steph asks when is he going to take the blinders off? This baby isnt going to fix anything. Its just going to make the situation worse.
Brooke stands there all innocent like and says she and Nick have not betrayed Bridget. Bridget again hangs her head and says maybe not physically, but mentally, and in your hearts .yeah, I think you have. Nick looks at Brooke and tells her that hed told Bridget what they were talking about. Brooke tries then to get Bridge to understand Bridget says, oh she does understand. She has understood for a very long time .the damsel in distress act. .parading around in her skimpy lingerie .parading her BODY and her PROBLEMS in front of yet another SYMPATHETIC man. She accuses her mom of knowing this. Everyone seemed to know but her! Dad told her; Taylor told her and Stephanie and Ridge, even Jackie. She cries, everybody seemed to know but ME! I guess its just fool me once and shame on you, but fool me twice and shame on me. Nick is concerned and tells her that no one was trying to FOOL her. She glares back that guess she was just fooling herself, thinking she could trust him. Brooke speaks up that she can; nothing has happened, and nothing is going to happen. Youre my daughter; youre my child. My relationship with you means more than anything to me. I love you more than I could ever love ANY man! Bridget replies that Brooke loves herself more; she is totally consumed with her own needs, her own desires. She ALWAYS has to be the center of attention. Nick defends by saying Hope almost died; her mother was going through a crisis. Bridget shouts that Brooke is ALWAYS going through a crisis. Going through a crisis from the day Bridget was born. And Bridget had to grow up with it; scandal after scandal. She just had to put on a really brave face .shed smile for the camera .she sighs .I can hear them now (she mocks) isnt that little girl so precious? .so well adjusted so adorable. Shes glaring at Brooke, biting her lip, almost hyperventilating, how well adjusted am I now, Mother? .Im NOT; Im NOT; Im ANGRY and Im disgusted. Im disgusted with you. Im SICK of it and Im not going to put up with it anymore. Im NOT h-i-d-i-n-g t-h-i-s a-n-y l-o-n-g-e-r.
Eric tells Steph that Brooke would never do anything to hurt her own grandchild. Steph is beside herself; what does he mean? Brooke slept with her own daughters husband! Eric tells her she needs to get over that (or maybe Eric you need to acknowledge it, how its ruined Bridgets life). And he seems to think this may be a blessing in disguise. Once Nick finds out shes carrying his child, hell do right by her. But Steph counters with what if he doesnt. She continues that she was just with her up at Big Bear and shes telling him that Bridget is on the verge of a breakdown. If this whole scenario does not play out the way Bridget has imagined it, then shes really frightened for what it might do to her.
Bridget practically strips herself bare telling Brooke she is SICK; look at her, shes made her this way. Nick steps between and says wait a minute, but Bridget continues shes been waiting all her life. To step out of her shadow to have a life of her own ..the life I planned with you. Brooke tells her she can still have that life. Bridget says and get him by default? Nick says no, he WANTS to be with her. She offers by her hands but he is still in love with her (Brooke). Its just what she does. She INFECTS you. She infected my father, and Ridge and Deacon you even infected me. She pushes Nick out of the way and faces Brooke and tells her despite of everything, she was still so proud of her. So proud of her optimism, her passion and everything shed accomplished. Shed defended her endlessly to Stephanie and ignored the signs. Shed really believed Brooke had learned from her mistakes. Thats why I forgave you. I just couldnt see what everyone else could see. That youre exactly who Stephanie says you are. She turns and walks away with Brooke following and puts out her hands to Bridgets shoulder. Bridget jerks away and tells her not to touch her! She shouts that Brooke says she has not crossed any limits, but she just cant see them. Boundaries and limits just have never existed for you!
Nick joins in and says he knows she is angry and confused, but not to take it out on her mother. She spins away from him too and turns on him like a wildcat, telling him not to touch her! Did he know how hard it was for her to rebuild her relationship with her mom, let her back in here (hand across heart). Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to accept Hope as my sister? after all of that, how could you do this again?
Brooke comes forward and says they hadnt and she wouldnt, she has to believe her. Slowly Bridget backs and turns away and says she CANT believe her. She holds her tummy and cries she cant do this anymore; this endless cycle of abuse and pain. Its just got to end; the humilation; the degradation. She clutches her tummy tighter, this time with both hands. It has to stop. It has to stop NOW.
She wipes her eyes; turns to them and says as she glares, its over, Nick. I dont want you if youre still in love with my mother. If I cant have ALL of you, I dont want any part of you. Its OVER. Do you hear me, Nick? This s-t-o-p-s now. It ends with ME!
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