The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 8/15/05
Same day continuation from Fridays episode:
Bridget is alone at Big Bear cabin, wrapped in an afghan; reflecting, she covers her tummy with both hands. Shes fighting back the tears.
Stephanie comes in and is happy Bridget is still there. She asks how she is, and that shes been to the store with some things for Bridget. Something for her tummy .and a pregnancy test. Bridget shakes her head no; she cant be pregnant. She thinks shes just made herself sick by thinking about things. Stephanie wants to know if its physically impossible; is she on the pill or something? When theres no answer but a look from Bridget, Stephanie opens the bag and hands her the box and says, five minutes. Bridget reluctantly takes it and stares blankly at the box.
At Brookes manse, Nick and Brooke are still sitting on the hearth before the brightly glowing candles (their looks are hotter than the fire!); his hands on hers, faces almost touching. His left hand caresses her face; her mouth opens in anticipation. He tells her he promises her that she will be happy again. She looks dreamingly into his eyes for the longest time and then asks what are they doing? He pulls back and says hes sorry. She shakes her head slightly and says no, shes sorry. Nick gulps, finally stands up and walks away. Awkward and not knowing what else to say, he says he should call Bridget? Brooke asks what hes going to say.
Bridgets cell phone rings; she seems to want to ignore it but Stephanie says if its Nick, she doesnt want him to send out a search party for her. Stephanie goes to answer it when Bridget grabs it instead and says she has it. Nick says hey, where are you? She ignores that and says she is fine. Nick tells her Hope is better; they just got home with her. Bridget knows that means him and her mother. Bridget says shes glad Hope is better. Nick asks again where she is the University? The boat? Again, Bridget dodges the question and says she just needed a little time. Nick apologizes for not being around much, but she knew that Hope wanted him at the hospital (my, what blame this little girl gets for all of Nicks actions). Brooke asks to speak with her and Nick hands her the phone. Brooke also apologizes for monopolizing so much of Nicks time ..but adds she knows how he feels about Hope (another blame it on the little girl). She does manage to say that he misses Bridget and has a wonderful evening planned for them tonight. Bridget says shes not going to be home tonight. Brooke asks her not to be angry. Bridget says shes not angry; shes a big girl and if she wants some time for herself, thats fine, right? She says bye, and coldly hangs up. Stephanie guesses that Brooke is with Nick again? Bridget tries to make light of it that theyd just gotten Hope home. Stephanie digs that Brooke needed an escort for that? She stops short when Bridget says this is not going to be easy. Stephanie sits beside her and says she needs all the information she can; she needs to know if shed pregnant. Bridget retorts that the first thing they learn in medical school is how useless a test can be if theres nothing you can do about the results. Stephanie fires back that the first thing you learn in life you cant make an intelligent decision if you dont know what decision has to be made. Shed better think about that. And shes refusing to believe what is happening right in front of her; between her mother and Nick. Bridget dabs her eyes with a tissue as Stephanie tells her not to be ambushed by the obvious again. Reluctantly, Bridget picks up the pregnancy test box and shoots Stephanie another look.
On opposite sides of the room, Nick asks Brooke if Bridget told her where she is. Brooke says no, she doesnt think Bridget wants to be found. But give her an hour and then call her again. Nick offers that maybe shed understood all along, better than they did. Have we been lying to her? Emphatically, Brooke says no. Then he wants to know how does she explain what ALMOST happened here? He walks toward her and faces her, whats the word when you think youre telling the truth, but youre really not? Because Bridget saw it and we didnt. I have basically been unfaithful to her with you in every way but one and we both know that could happen, if we let it.
Brooke tries to justify that they were up all night at the hospital; they were exhausted. He shouts that doesnt account for this and she knows it. What man wouldnt consider himself lucky to be in love with two women, like her and her daughter in just one lifetime. He doesnt understand it! I dont know how its possible! No one told me that someone else could come along and make you feel things .. differently. Not the same as someone else. She nods that she knows all about that; he should have asked her. Softly, he says that it should have happened for them. She agrees if she just hadnt made Ridge her everything; her whole life. He wants to hear her say it; then what? She slowly admits they could have been happy. But, now that shes gotten wise to herself .she cant continue he does thats hes still feelings things for her and he knows shes feeling them too.
Stephanie checks on Bridget behind the closed door and she finally comes out and says it is positive. Stephanie jerks around and says in her day, the rabbit just died. She understands these tests are a little riskier. They sit and she pats Bridgets knee and tells her everything is going to be alright. Bridget takes a very deep breath and nods what is she supposed to do? Stephanie had told her she could rely on her. Stephanie tells her she knows she is angry with her and that she let the family down. Bridget doesnt let her finish and says this is her pregnancy; lets not let it be about Stephanie. Stephanie says at least now she knows what she is facing. Bridget retorts that yeah, a lifetime as someones mother. .on her own. Stephanie stands and says the break with Nick; its not going to be clean. Hes not the kind of fella that is going to walk away from a child of his own without a fight. Bridget looks at her and says this should have been the happiest day of their lives. Theyd laid in bed at night, planning for this. She cradles her tummy and says she doesnt think he ever got over knowing that R.J. wasnt his child. Now the thing hes wanted most in the whole world; hes got. Slowly she turns and asks, why couldnt he just loved me? Stephanie moves toward her and says she thinks he does, in his own way. Its just that he loves her mother more. Bridget says but her mother cant give him what she just gave him. Stephanie warns her not to start thinking that way. She cant marry someone that Brooke isnt going to let go of. Bridget shakes her head. She says she doesnt even care about getting married any more. She is over trying to get married and this thing just happened; they didnt try. And her mother is not trying to hold onto him; she never said she was. And Nick is just holding onto the fantasy of a family hes never been able to have. But now he can have it. Stephanie asks her if she thinks having a baby is going to fix everything? Ha, thats a fantasy! Suddenly its like Bridget has had a big revelation what if its something they BOTH want? Hes been calling her and begging her to come home to him .and she has news; the news that he has wanted since the very first day she has met him! She swings around; what is she crying about? Why cant this be the happiest day of their lives? Stephanies mouth practically flies open and drops to the floor!
Suddenly with a new resolve, Bridget grabs her purse and its obvious shes going to drive back home. Stephanie lashes out that shes in NO condition to drive back to Los Angeles tonight. They argue, but Bridget says that was before and now she knows exactly what she has to do. Bridget reminds her that Stephanie told her the pregnancy test would give her clarity; she was right. Stephanie lashes out that shes had six different times the clarity in the last few hours. Bridget marches on anyway and is out the door when she says things dont have to be so complicated. Steph says it is because there is another life involved here. Bridget gives one last lick that she loves Nick and he loves her and all shes ever wanted was a promise from him that she could believe in. And thats exactly what this baby is, a promise he will NOT break. Stephanie fights back that what about the way he looks at her mother; the way he touches her; the way Bridget says hes never touched her? Bridget justifies again, what were they supposed to do when they found out Hope wasnt brain damaged? She lashes that she had NO business feeling ignored and if Stephanie (points finger in her face) was any kind of friend she would have told her to GROW UP. Stephanie comes back with that she is her friend right now and shes got raging hormones and shed better not do anything without thinking it through. Bridget asks why; so she can hide her pregnancy? That would be HER style, not Bridgets. Steph says she is not suggesting anything of the kind. But, she and the baby will be MISERABLE if she marries someone that is in love with another person. Bridget says, "my mother? Because once you have a taste of her, you cant love me, right? Stephanie states that Brooke is not one-tenth of the woman Bridget is ..and if Bridget doesnt know that.... she only wants what is best for her and the baby, she doesnt know her at all! To her face, Bridget spits she knows Steph would like her to be alone, self-righteous and as miserable as she is now. And she used to want to grow up and be her, but she can thank her for showing her what a bitter, dead end that would be! She closes the door on Stephanie who can only grimace.
Brooke shrugs and asks Nick if he remembers the day he took her to Catalina? He says he does remember. She continues, that was the day she pictured it all. She thought to herself, she could love this life, she could love this man. And I did, and I do, but sometimes it just gets to be too late. He looks at her, slides a little closer and whispers, were over because we made up our minds to be. She also whispers that she wants Bridget to feel safe; especially safe from her (Brooke) because she loved her so much. She was the proudest thing in her life, and the day she had betrayed her, was the greatest shame in her life. And she didnt want that to ever happen again. He says he knows. Moreover, shed rather take and put a gun to her head and pull the trigger. She owes her a life with someone who could make her happy. Nick looks at Brooke and says shes going to have that, with him. Brooke thanks him. She wanders away and then asks what are they going to say .the next time Bridget wonders if ..Nick says they tell her the truth. That she wasnt imagining something between them. But, the key is we cant act on it because she cant be hurt more than shes been hurt already. Brooke agrees, that is the way it has to be. He locks eyes with her and says thats the way it has to be!
Eric is sketching at the beach house as Stephanie frantically pounds on the glass paned door. He flips around and sees her; only to walk over and just pull the shades down. She asks if hes going to let her in and he replies no and goes back and sits down. Okay, she just lets herself in and then throws the key on the counter upon entering. He tells her hes just going to change this lock. She goes hmmmmm, why didnt he just bring a bucket of sand in the house and stick his head in it? He says he knew this was going to happen. Shed develop some serious problem that only he could solve. He vows that hes not her emotional 911 anymore; hes quit that job. She advises him this is not about her, nor about Eric. Its about his daughter whos on the verge of a breakdown. Eric continues to sketch and says hes not going to fall for that. If she has something to say to him, she will. They have a relationship that works. Stephanie smirks - for him. He replies that hes not going to kick in Bridgets door and give her some list of instructions how to live her life. She doesnt need that from him, and Eric doesnt need that from Stephanie. She backs off and says fine, crank up the music and continue on the way he is. Why should she care if hes the last person in the world to find out his daughters pregnant?
Brooke descends the stairs, barefooted and in her negligee, finds Nick sitting at the table sipping wine. She stops and says she thought he was gone. He says he thought so too, but the food came just as he was leaving. The romantic dinner for Bridget, but she wasnt coming home tonight and he didnt want it to go to waste. He was trying to be quiet, figuring her to be sleeping. She eases in closer and asks if hes ever been too tired to sleep? She thought shed grab a book. Nick rises and stretches his tired back. He suggests maybe some heavy French food would do the trick. She smiles that it does smell good .just let her go put something else on. He waves his hand, no, just come on, sit down. (according to my count, this is at least mistake #3 tonight).
He pours more wine and asks if she wants her salad first or salad last. She wonders how cold is everything? Fish he cant pronounce and some vegetables, who really cares? She opts for vegetables. He suggests a toast; what shall they toast to? She replies to him and Bridget, and he adds with no regrets. Brooke says she doesnt even know what that feels like so he corrects it to saying goodbye with no regrets. They clink glasses. Brooke tells him he really should have Bridget move in with him, because as long as shes here ..Nick finishes hed be there and Bridget would see them together and that would be bad. She whispers she would miss him.
Just as Bridget puts her key in the door and opens it slightly, she stops when Nick gets up from his seat and sits closer to Brooke and takes her hands in his and asks her if shes going to cry? He whispers that she cries more than anybody he knows; please dont cry. She replies that he knows her. He offers that remember he made the promise if she ever needed anything; he wasnt far. She vows she will be fine. He brings her hands close to his mouth and talks of some knight in shining armor that might sweep her off her feet. She says that is kind of hard to imagine at the moment. He tells her she has no idea how hard it is not to love her. Bridget is peeking once more. And eavesdropping on every word. Once more shes in shock; tears wont even come.
Bridget walks in and lets the door slam on purpose. Nick jerks his head around and stands up, frozen in time and space, as Brooke can only stare. Guilty, guilty, guilty is written on their faces as Bridget stares back in dismay.
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