The Bold & The Beautiful Update Tuesday 8/2/05
A new day finally! The morning after the night before of non-wedding:
At Brooke's mansion, Dante is sketching Hope as she sits for him and he asks her not to move; he has the next Mona Lisa on his hands. He marvels at her eyes; her mother will have to fight the boys off with a stick! Brooke descends the staircase and is surprised to see Dante there so early. He jumps up and says "Buon Giorno" and tells Hope that is good morning in Italian.
Brooke speaks to him and asks what is he doing there? He turns and lets her look at the sketch, which Brooke thinks it is very beautiful. Dante remarks that Hope agreed to model for him today since they were both up at the crack of dawn. Brooke asks if he spent the night? Dante tells her yes; it was Bridget's idea and she had something more permanent in mind. Brooke hastily sends Hope off to the kitchen to see Katherine. Brooke turns to Dante and says she thought he was staying at the beach house. He said he was but Bridget's father now needs a place to stay. Brooke nods, "just another causality of Stephanie's lie." He replies that the dissolution of a marriage is always painful, no matter who's responsible. Brooke asks if he's taking Stephanie's side. He replies no, not at all, he can't imagine what it must be like....and then he apologizes and says he will go somewhere else if she'd like. She says no, it'll be all right; any friend of Bridget is a friend of hers.
She's about to walk off when Dante asks is she sure Ridge won't mind? She's shocked that he would ask but he assumes Ridge is upstairs. She tells him no, he stayed with Taylor. Oops, he thought after last night.....Brooke replies yes, she too but even after Stephanie's big lie; it was still over for her and Ridge, "we're done."
At Tridge Mansion, Taylor is pacing the floor; finally grabs the phone just as Ridge walks in the door. She lights into him, where has he been, she's been worried sick? As he strolls past her and barely touches her on the arm, he asks didn't she get his message? She says yes but all he said was that he needed time. Mr. Clueless wanders over to the couch and slumps down and says he drove around for hours and ended up at Zuma Beach. He'd sit there for hours looking at the beach wondering why he hadn't seen through his mother sooner. Taylor asks if he didn't spend the night at Brooke's? He says of course not; he just had to make sure she was ok, after all she'd been through, "courtesy of my mother."
Taylor walks over and sits by him and asks if he's feeling responsible? He says yeah, he IS responsible; he should have put a stop to this a long time ago. She tries to remind him that it wasn't his fault what Stephanie did. But he comments that for years he had blinders on . He should have protected Brooke; she was the mother of his little boy, but instead he let his mother manipulate him into a decision. She asks, "a decision you wouldn't have made otherwise?" He replies no, he didn't mean it that way. She probes a little deeper and asks is he sure? He only gives her a quizzical look.
She says she realizes a lot of things have changed since last night, so for him to please just tell her the truth. She wonders, "if your mother hadn't lied to you, would you still have chosen me, instead of Brooke?" Again he looks at her in blank silence.
Brooke continues that she tried to give Ridge another chance but he couldn't make a decision; couldn't commit. She wasn't sure he could even make a decision since his mother had been controlling him for years. Dante sympathizes that so she made a decision based on what she needs for her life? She agrees, and for the children. Without Ridge and she knows it won't be easy but she owes it to herself and the children; the best life possible. He smiles, flashing those dimples, as he walks closer and says she's one gutsy lady. And he'll tell her what he told her daughter; that there is a life away from the Forrester family, a healthier one (he points his finger for emphasis). She laughs that is what she is counting on. He comments rather quickly that Forrester Creations can certainly use her help right now, what with Specta gaining on them. She likes that he is following the fashion industry. He remarks as an artist, he finds it interesting. He even went to that fashion show they held in Rome. She asks what did he think, but could tell by his facial expressions he was less than thrilled. He says it lacked the Forrester sizzle. She suddenly asks if he's looking for a job?
His reply, "in exchange for room and board?" She opts that Forrester is always looking for a fresh eye and Bridget raves about his work. He points out he has no experience in this line, and she says she didn't either when she started. She asks if he would like to meet the team. He seems agreeable if he can have a few days to put a portfolio together. She says of course, she didn't mean right this minute. And she was playing hooky too today to spend some quality time with her kids. He guesses the pool since Hope had begged him to go swimming.....but only if Brooke didn't mind; he didn't want to intrude. She tells him no, she doesn't mind; Hope will love it. Dante says he will go change. As he gets up, the doorbell rings and Brooke says she will get it. Eric stands there looking a little like his dobber is down. She puts her arms around him as they cling in comfort.
Ridge asks Taylor if she is questioning his love for her? She says no, she knows he loves her. But she knows Brooke, and she's sure she thinks everything has changed now and she probably said that to him last night. That it's not too late to change his mind. Taylor asks, "is that what you're doing, changing your mind?" He gets up; wanders off and she asks him to please, just talk to her. She laments that he was gone all night, she was worried to death and didn't know if he was with Brooke or what. And now he was back here yet he didn't seem happy. She says she just doesn't get it. She walks to where he is and faces him and asks if Brooke asked him to make a life with her? She guesses she did;
Ridge admits yes she did. "And when I hesitated, she said forget it, she's moving on without me." He tells Taylor he wasn't prepared to give Brooke an answer but she couldn't handle that; she had to know right then! Taylor nods in agreement and says she knows how she feels; she feels the same way.
Taylor tries to put words into Ridge's mouth but he walks off again and says he didn't tell Brooke anything; he wanted a chance to think it through. Taylor follows and asks did he tell her he loved her? Ridge replies that he DOES love her and he can't pretend that he doesn't, just because Taylor came back into his life again. She says she's not asking him to pretend anything. Then he asks why does it feel like she's accusing him of betraying her? She says no, she wasn't accusing him of anything, and it wasn't what he did say but what he didn't say. He looks intently at her as she continues that when Brooke asked him, why couldn't he say he has the life with Taylor that he wants? He offers he doesn't know why he couldn't say that; he stammers maybe he was just trying to spare her feelings. Or.....Taylor shrugs, maybe he was with her and their children out of obligation? And maybe he was trying to spare her feelings, "is that it?"
Brooke brings Eric a glass of water as he sits and wants to know if he needs something to eat? He declines, says he had something down at the beach house; he spent the night there to clear his head. But all he could think about was standing at Stephanie's hospital bed pleading with God to let her survive. "She made such a fool out of me."
Brooke sits across from him and sympathizes that he is her husband and only wanted to see the best in her. He agrees but now all he sees is the ugliness. "Years and years of lies....and ugliness." Brooke says it wasn't all lies, "she really did love's just that she hates me more."
Eric laughs and says he's sorry that he is dragging all his problems in here; she's really the injured party here. She stiffens a smile and says not to worry about her, she'll be fine. He pats her hands and says yes, as soon as she and Ridge are back together. She shyly smiles and walks away and he asks where is Ridge; he assumed he would be there? She says no and has to fill him in that it's over with her and Ridge. He was upset at what his mother had done but that was about it. They'd had a conversation last night and when it came right down to it; he just couldn't commit. Eric is shocked, "why the hell not?" She replies she doesn't know; he'll have to ask his son himself. Eric grabs her by the shoulders and tells her that Ridge is just confused; she will just have to give him more time. But she counters that she's given him a lifetime; "of love, devotion and commitment, but he can't make that same commitment back." She says it hurts; hurts more than she can even say. But she's putting Ridge behind her and she's moving on with her life; making a life for herself and her children. She says if she doesn't; she'll just never be happy. He brushes her cheek with the back of his hand.
Eric is shocked and asks if she is serious; she is moving on? She relays that yes, she is tired of being Ridge's doormat. Isn't he tired of being Stephanie's? He admits yes, he's tired of making excuses for her all these years. He thought she just had the family's best interest at heart when really she was just a selfish, spoiled control freak, insisting on her own way, everybody else be damned! And he couldn't take it anymore. He turns away and Brooke follows and puts both hands on his shoulders and says he shouldn't have to. She turns him around and says he deserves so much more. He smiles, "so do you, sweet girl, so do you." He takes her by the hand and asks her to sit down.
He practically shouts, "we were happy when WE were married." And she offers yes with two beautiful, wonderful children and they agreed that the only thing that came between them was her unresolved feelings for Ridge; "more time wasted, more people hurt." He philosophizes that they'd both made mistakes; but the important thing was they'd learned from them. And what most people didn't get was a second chance. And he wonders if that is what they were looking at now?
She doesn't understand. He takes her by the hands and continues.....explains that when he kissed her last night and said he loved her; it wasn't just to spite Stephanie. "I meant it - I love you; I know you. I know what it's like to share a life with you ......and I'm wondering if maybe we should try to do that; share a life together again?....what'd you think?" She smiles and asks what is he saying? He beams, "marry me, Brooke, marry me."
Ridge looks at Taylor and says of course he feels an obligation to her and the children; he made a commitment. She reminds him it was based on a lie and maybe if he'd known the truth, that wasn't the decision he would have made. And maybe he'd be there right now if he didn't know she and the children were there waiting for him. He chides for her not to put words in his mouth. She simply says she wishes he had told Brooke that he loved Taylor more than he did that is what it came down to. He turns to her and says she is a psychiatrist and she knows you can't quantify love. She says she is speaking to him, not as Taylor, the psychiatrist but as Taylor, the woman. And when she'd come back and found him married to Brooke, she had told herself just be patient. When he remembered her and how much he loved her and wanted to be with her....but when that didn't happen, major alarm bells should have gone off for ALL of them. She doesn't know how he expects her to start a life with him when he still has all these unresolved feelings for Brooke. And they may never go away. He calls her Doc and reaches out for her. She pulls back; holding both palms out and says no, she doesn't want him to take her into his arms and tell her everything is okay. He's obviously still conflicted about Brooke and that hurts enough as is. She's not going to let that hurt the children. They can't keep going back and forth wondering. "And that's why I'm asking you to leave." Guess he didn't see that one coming but suddenly she has his attention and he jerks his head up and says, "to leave? She replies yes, for as long as it takes for him to figure things out. He repeats again, "you want me to move out!?" She motions that yes, to get completely away, from everyone, for as long as it takes to clear his head. He simply asks about the kids and she replies that she'll help them understand. But he can't keep putting one foot in and one foot out of this marriage. He needs to figure out in his heart if it's Brooke he truly loves or her...."because until you do; we can't have a life least not the one I want."
Old square jaw just stares speechless.
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