The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 7/27/05
Same night continuation of the non-wedding; Stephanie's confession at the Forrester mansion:
Bridget fusses over her grandmother, telling her she's not well enough for this and calls Taylor over. Nick speaks up and says she needs to lie down but Brooke pipes in that Steph's not tired. Taylor rushes over and takes her pulse and pronounces that it is strong. Stephanie looks at Bridget and says she is sorry. Eric is still worried. Jackie mutters that Steph just saw her doctor 10 minutes ago; she's fine. Nick steps forward and says then what's so important that this wedding can't go on? She had said she had something to say; why doesn't she just say it? Ridge tells Nick to just give them a minute. Nicks replies he's given them months and he doesn't want anything stopping them again. The Reverend adds he thinks they need to remember why they came together tonight but Bridget says she doesn't want to get married until she knows what is going on! Standing, she hovers over her grandmother with her hand on her shoulder. Eric crouches besides Stephanie and asks her to help them out here. Thomas brings her some medication that he says he found in her room; does she need them? She leans toward him and says no and she but wants him to do something for her; go home and take his sisters with him right now. She turns back to Eric and whispers she wants only the family, the adults, and everyone else is to go. He nods and then stands and gives his apology that it looks they aren't going to be able to continue. They all begin to file out with worried, concerned looks.
Bridget once again questions her grandmother; she's afraid. Eric sits besides Stephanie with his arm around her chair. Stephanie looks at Bridget and says this is nothing for her to be afraid of. Brooke assures Taylor this was none of her doings but that she will know very soon. Jackie lifts her eyebrows and has a knowing smirk on her lips; let the fun begin!
Sally gets into her car and starts it; only to have Mark pop up from the back seat and startle her. She exclaims that he almost scared her out of her brand new hairdo. He motions with both hands to calm her down and says he has to get out of here; is his father there also? Sally replies, "Clark Garrison in Queenie's private domain, that'll be the day!" He asks if they couldn't get away and she asks where? He didn't know; just not here! She says he looks like hell and he replies that is exactly where he is headed; just drive.
Inside as some pace back and forth and eyes are darting with questions, Ridge says to his mother that she picked a hell of a time for a family pow-wow. Steph says she would be furious too. Eric says they aren't angry; just confused. Thorne chimes in that she disappeared, the wedding came to a halt, then she returned and had something to say to them.
Steph takes a good breath and says she has to explain.....about the heart attack. Brooke and Jackie exchange knowing looks. Ridge and Thorne both say it is more serious than they thought or that she let on? She started simply that "when you boys were growing up, I was never sick." Thorne adds that she was strong as an ox. As Ridge says she was always outdoors, playing tennis, riding bicycles, at the beach and Eric adds when she wasn't at Forresters making sure everyone was towing the line.
Steph continues that she thought her life would always go on like that, maybe with a little less breakage. Jackie leaves Mass' side and walks forward and says she seems to be straying from the point. Nick steps forward and asks exactly what is the point? Brooke pipes in, "Stephanie's heart attack." Stephanie's neck does a slow Linda Blair l80 turn to glare at Brooke behind her.
Sally is trying to find the Santa Monica Freeway while Mark is now in the front seat and is concerned with trying to find a bottle. Sarcastically, Sally tells him she might have one but the police take a somewhat dim view of cocktails in cars. He slouches down in the seat and tells her she's rich, just tell the cop that he's handsome, flash her chest and tell him she'll make a big donation. She laughs, "stop it, my chest-flashing days are somewhat behind me I'm afraid. There's been a somewhat slow decline in the springback factor." Mark laments he was rich too...until....he pays off his condo, his medical school loans.....oh and now he'll have lawyers to pay but hey, he was a millionaire for a minute. She suddenly turns serious and wants to know what that means, a millionaire? He replies that he's not even yet 40 and already his life is over. She scoffs - what, some luscious young lady breaks his heart. Forget it, there'll be lots of young women. He adds and they'' use him for batting practice? He continues that he's stupid, so stupid and he can't think about tomorrow. Sally offers she knows how he'll do it -"you get up and you go to work. You're a brilliant doctor; you save some child from losing his leg....and then you realize the whole world will be a different place." He remarks yeah it's gonna spit him out. She implores him, "come on, you're a STAR, honey. You think the Forresters are going to forget what you did?.....saving the Majesty's hide." He smiles no they definitely would not forget. And maybe he'll learn a new skill in prison. Maybe a big guy named Spike would teach him a thing or two.
She looks over and asks him what is this really all about? He says the thing he swore he'd never be - his father, all over. She says he must have pulled a fast one and got caught. He hesitates and looks over at Sally and says that Stephanie Forrester, she never had a heart attack. Her head slowly turns in amazement toward him as he continues that he just made it look that way.
Darla gets up and asks Stephanie if there is something wrong with her health that she isn't telling them. Stephanie is silent as they all wait. She looks at Eric and says softly that she's been trying to tell him for twenty years...and all the while he tolerated what they became. Jackie brushes her hair back, looks at ceiling like "oh God, here it comes again." Steph continues, "why did you bring her here? Didn't you see that you were never the one she wanted?" Brooke intervenes and says this would be a mistake to make this about her. Steph continues, "I'm not even interested in you, only in how you happened. It swept through this family like a plague." Brooke looks at Jackie, who straightens her back and braces for more to come.
Gaby looks around Thomas' room, the games, toys, picking up trophies and looking at them. Even a blue ribbon for winning the Spelling Bee in third grade. She tells him there are so many things about him she doesn't know. They end up talking about their parents and grandparents. Gaby knows how much he loves his grandmother and he replies there is no one quite like her. As he holds her photograph, he says she's this force - strong, steady, invincible. Gaby admits that she never knew her grandparents, it was just her mother and herself. So growing up, she often fantasized that his grandmother was her grandmother and she owed her so much now after her own mother died. He asked if she'd ever told Stephanie that. She says no, she would be way too embarrassed but he thinks it would mean a lot to her. She asks if he is happy and he shows her by kissing her. He asks if that answered her question?
Sally is parked by the side of the road, standing exasperated while Mark is looking for the bottle in the trunk of the car. Sally comments that now she sees what was behind that death-bed ceremony that lassoed Ridge to Taylor. There was a whole lot of hand-wringing the Queen Mother put her little clan through. Bingo - bottle found, he takes a slug. He further explains - how did he know what she was up to? His first oath says, do no harm. So the hospital's biggest benefactor pretends she is worse off than she is, who's it gonna hurt? Sally comments, " she's been trying to pry Brooke away from the men in her family for GENERATIONS! I'll give her a 10 on presentation on this one though." But she doesn't think Mark has anything to worry about; Stephanie definitely will NOT be publishing this. He continues to drink and says it's probably hitting the fan right now. Sally comments that is why they had to leave the party - she and Brooke went AWOL....then she asks Mark surely he didn't rat on himself. He does admit he fell for something he shouldn't have. She grins, "what is it with men and accents? I should have been a Gabor Sister, I'd be a millionaire.......ok, Jackie told Brooke and now Brooke is making the Queen eat crow. Boy, oh boy, if I had known all of that was going on, I'd have hidden in the closet."
Stephanie continues at Eric about Brooke washing herself of him and going back to Ridge......Eric stands up and says they aren't going to rehash all of that again. Stephanie also stands toe to toe, face to face, and says, "that's right, I'm supposed to be over it. I'm not supposed to wonder every day of my life why I slept alone all those years. And I'm not supposed to ask why the children that you had with her never had a real home. They survived." Eric tells her they all did the best they could, even Brooke. "And let bygones be bygones," comments Stephanie. Thorne wants to know what any of this has to do with her health? Steph leaves Eric's face and squares off with Thorne. She finds that rich, that him of all people could ask that. What did it have to do with his late wife's health? Thorne defends her by saying Brooke was not responsible for Macy's drinking and Stephanie knows that. She quickly adds, "no? Even having your husband stolen for sport? Brooke says that isn't the way it happened. Steph turns toward her now, "oh, we know your defense. Everything you say at the moment is exactly what you mean. Well, I can't live in a world where truth is served up like fast food, hot one moment and cold and greasy the next. And neither could Macy.....(she turns to Thorne) You were a substitute for your brother."
Thorne says he doesn't look back; why should she? Smugly she replies that no, he doesn't and he forgave her too. Nick finds this incredulous, that this is what all of this is about. That this is why the wedding was stopped so she could beat this dead horse for the umpteenth time. "You've been injured, Stephanie, I think we all got that here."
Steph squares again and spouts, "and what about your injuries Mr. Tell-It-Like-It-Is. You've been tossed over so many times by Brooke that even your would-be bride doesn't know that it's really over. That's why you rushed into this wedding so quickly."
Arms folded, Bridget implores her to stop attacking her mother. Steph only looks at her and continues, "your forgiveness is the most astonishing of all. She slept with your husband, got pregnant by him, and expects you to help raise the child." Bridget thanks her and says she remembers what happened and has moved past it. Stephanie says that is almost unbearable to hear. And you know the difference between them? She whispers Bridget still pretends it doesn't hurt and she can't. She had a family that she cherished, a life that she loved and suddenly it was all blood and ashes. She looks at Eric, he let it happen, and so did Thorne and so did Ridge. You all laughed, cried and smiled and they said they were just following their hearts, "and you did, into some dark, dark place and even when you looked at your own misery, you still forgave and forgot and you let it begin again. And I can't do that. That is my curse....and my crime." She looks at Jackie who suddenly isn't beaming much.
Gaby and Thomas continue and he says he knows things look sorta bleak right now but something could happen. He says his mother is not gung-ho about this marriage but she understands why he did what he did. Right now they are all concerned about his grandmother so he feels he needs to get back over there. If something is wrong, he wants to know about it; something bad has happened or is about to. He hopes he's wrong.
Sally tells Mark why doesn't he save that in case the heebie-jeebies come back. He hands her the bottle (it looked empty) and says the best fix for being stupid is probably not getting stupider. She remarks that is certainly something she never heard from his father. Mark laments that he deserves to lose his license. Sally retorts oh that's wonderful, one less dedicated doctor. Yeah that'll make the world a better place alright. But it's all over for Queenie...another fallen idol. First Martha Stewart, and now this. She gave it her all. Mark reminds her the hospital won't go after her and she says she didn't mean that. Nothing really matters to Stephanie but that family. And when they hear about this, they will be so angry, they will probably burn her at the stake.
Stephanie sits besides Taylor and looks her in the eye and asks if she loves her son? Taylor replies yes. Steph continues, "and he's an honorable man. Honorable men stumble." She goes on that sometimes they can't accept the idea that a sacrifice has to be made so someone else has to make it. Holding Taylor's hand, she looks up at Ridge and says, "you refused to hear me, you always refused to hear me. Your life was your own, you said." As though life was a sole possession, not something that holds us all in common. "Do you have any idea what it's like to see something that no one else sees and be forbidden to speak about it? You can't cry out, even when the first wave hits...and the next...and the next.....and suddenly it's all swept away....because the thing that has you by the throat is trying to crush the life out of you." She stands up and reaches out and takes Ridge's hand and pulls him closer, " that's how I felt when I ended up at the hospital that night. I could count the breaths I had left in me. I was dying in that room, make no mistake about that.......but I didn't have a heart attack."
They all look stunned as they look around silently and contemplate what this means.
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