B&B Friday Update 7/22/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Friday 7/22/05


By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Same day, continuation from yesterday's episode. At Jackie's Penthouse, she is gleefully telling Brooke about the upcoming downfall of Stephanie. And how she was never so close to striking a woman in her entire life! Brooke is all ears and wonders if Stephanie suspects them of something. Jackie storms she doesn't know how since she is so busy heaping abuse on her to notice! Brooke cautions they must never underestimate that woman. Jackie tells how she was this close (fingers together) to exposing Stephanie. She fills Brooke in on the details about an electronic transfer to Dr. MacClain's account in the sum of 1 million dollars. Brooke gushes, "oh my God, hush money from Stephanie, what else would it be?" Jackie gives her the downside, Massimo said it was unidentified from some Swiss bank account. Jackie vows that Dr. MacClain is not going to leave there tonight without admitting it.

At Stephanie and Eric's house, they are in the living room with Nick and Bridget. Steph dismisses any more discussion about health and says this is just about family and having a few friends over. Nick says a Justice of the Peace is enough for him. Bridget asks if she is sure? They just want to keep it very informal, but when it comes to weddings, she knows how she is! Pouring water from the fine crystal, Steph says just a few flowers, she promises. Eric pipes in that she knows how much he wants her to get married here, first touching his heart and then pointing to this spot (house).

Still using her cane, Steph walks closer to them and says they need to talk about the 800 pound gorilla that's here in the room. Nick had arrived there that morning in a panic because he did not know where Bridget spent the night. She goes on how then later she and Eric get a call from Nick wanting to get married tonight. So the question is, who's proving what to whom?

Nick slips out of Bridget's arms and brusquely walks past all of them and says, " I'm not having this conversation. Come on, let's go, City Hall is waiting!" Sternly, Steph says he can run but he can't hide and he can not dodge this question. She lays her cards on the table, "Nick, are you rushing into this wedding tonight because you love Bridget or is it because you don't want to admit that you still have feelings for her mother?" From across the room, he turns and gives them all a look. He jeers and tells Stephanie he's not even going to answer that question and she should be ashamed even to ask it. She says she would be foolish not to ask it considering her mother's history with Bridget and Bridget's husband. She practically destroyed this girl. He states, "but you know me, I don't pussyfoot around. I say what I mean and mean what I say. And the times we've had words, I think we always wind up getting each other." Now it seems it is all right for everyone to basically call him a liar! He continues that when he first fell in love with this girl, it was why was he not marrying Bridget? Now it was about why the big rush? He felt like he was in a squeeze play here, and "I'm not playing!". He addresses Eric and asks him to tell him he knows what he's saying. Eric has been holding Bridget by the shoulders from behind, turns and says he does believe NIck is sincere but emphasizes nothing is more important to him than his daughter. Nick echoes, "or to me." Eric continues on that he doesn't want to see her heart broken again.....and he knew Nick didn't either. He adds, "so, if postponing this thing for a little while, even for a couple of months, to provide some kind of insurance against that, then why wouldn't you want that?" Nick states that it's because she is starting to wonder if she can believe what he says. And he can't have that, he won't have it.....looking at Bridget and her beaming with pride at him. Nick looks at Eric and Stephanie and asks can either one of them say they haven't broken the other's heart at some point. Ok, they know the deal! Sometimes in marriage, someone is going to do something wrong eventually and yes he probably will break this girl's heart and she probably will break his, but the bond of marriage means that you will stick around to mend it! "Now let's talk about Brooke!" He says if they were meant to be together then it wouldn't have ended but he wasn't going to kick her out of his life because it did end, no matter how happy that might make certain people, "it's not right and it's not necessary." He continues that they were being considerate of Brooke and her children---and of them, given what the family had been through lately, but maybe it was time to be inconsiderate. Maybe it was time to pop a heart pill and tell the chef to make some hors 'oeuvres (he walks to Bridget and holds her now) because he'd promised himself if he ever met a women he liked being with more than being alone that he'd marry her. And....she seems to think that's not such a bad idea. Gritting his teeth, he says so he was demanding that everyone in the room get out of his way and let him do it. Bridget smiles she thinks he means it. Eric shrugs that it looks like they are going to have a wedding here, Steph nods in agreement while Nick kisses Bridget.

Jackie and Brooke are still discussing how Jackie almost has enough to confront Mark now....how he could have falsified the lab reports by looking up a former cardiac patient and changing the names and dates. Brooke wonders about the monitors, etc. and Jackie tells her about the first time when Nicky was little that she'd seen them take his blood pressure and she'd almost fainted because she didn't know kids have pressure sometimes 20 or 30 points below theirs. So it has a pediatric setting and all they have to do is set it for a 10 year old. And Brooke chimes in all Steph had to do was make a fist and the alarm would sound off.

The phone rings and Jackie glances at it, not really wanting to answer. It's Stephanie but Jackie says she thinks she's heard enough from her for one day. Steph asks that she not hang up. Jackie tells her she is putting her on the speaker phone (and does) as she couldn't bear the sound of her voice next to her ear. Steph states that Bridget and Nick are getting married in her home tonight and she did not want Jackie to come. Jackie looks at Brooke and speaks, "tonight? Well, of course, I will be there." Steph says no, Mass didn't want her there either. That he didn't want to stand and listen to people exchange their wedding vows and only be reminded how she trampled on theirs. She ends," so don't come. Let this couple have their moment. I mean it, you will not be welcomed in my home. " Jackie flicks off the phone as she states that neither will Stephanie for very much longer. Jackie is beside herself, ranting that probably wasn't so smart of her but Steph was hijacking her son, Brooke's daughter and spitting in their faces doing it (as she covers hers with her hands). And Jackie knows she will be calling Brooke now. Brooke replies it won't do any good because she is going to be at that wedding. Jackie gloats, "and so will I, as soon as I finish the wedding gift - Stephanie's head on a platter!"

Brooke hangs up the phone and tells Eric that all her mother asked was what time to be there. Eric says well if anyone knows how to roll with the punches, it's Brooke. Bridget inquires for him just to be happy for her and he replies he is though he doesn't think any man is really good enough for her, but Nick comes very, very close. She beams that whatever they have, she completely trust it, "he just gets me." Eric says, "good." She laments she is completely certain and whatever her future holds, it's better than anything she could have dreamed of for herself. She ends by saying she's happier than she's ever been and they share a hug.

Jackie admits a jubilant Nick into the Penthouse as he bounds past, claps his hands and tells her change her clothes, she's going to a wedding. Matter of fact, he says she looks just fine the way she is. Isn't she going to ask whose wedding? But Jackie looks glum, not a happy camper here and says she had to hear about it from Stephanie who called with the sole purpose of letting her know she WASN'T invited. Nick scoffs, "forget about Stephanie, you ARE invited." Jackie proclaims she's not sure he fully grasps how things stand between them. Like lightening, he gives her a pep talk, so she accused Stephanie of faking the heart attack, so did he. They were wrong and sometimes you have to suck it up, so "let's go!." Jackie queries what if she is not wrong. He hesitates long enough to say that won't change his marrying Bridget; he's marrying her tonight. Was Jackie coming or not? She begs him to wait; just wait at least 12 hours and he quizzes why would he do that? She replies because she was asking him. He states he needs more than that and she hesitates but continues that something else is going to happen tonight....something that will cause Brooke to wash her hands of that family forever. She wouldn't want the Forrester name back...and Brooke would realize the madness--madness to be anywhere near Stephanie's orbit. Stunned, Nick wonders why that would concern him? She asks does he really want her to tell him....the woman he loves....the family he really wants, will be his for the asking. He shakes his head and stares back, "I am marrying the woman I truly love tonight, Mother, so if you want to come and be a part of it (taking money out of wallet), take a cab." (slapping money on bar and leaving).

Steph looks to be in the kitchen/dining room of the guesthouse using her grabber to reach up and get a silver compote off the top shelf. Brooke walks in and politely volunteers to help her. Both women are so polite as Steph says it drives her crazy when people don't put things back where they belong. She notices a dress laid over the chair and says that won't be necessary as Eric had a dress sent over from the showroom. Brooke says Bridget asked her to pick out a dress so she had. Steph adds oh really, but then Bridget is so innocent that she probably doesn't even have any idea of how inappropriate it is for Brooke to even be there this evening. Brooke seems genuinely shocked, not there at her own daughter's wedding? Steph zings, "well you slept with every man man in the room, except the minister, and who knows about him. You're about as welcome here as a whore at a monk's convention."

Flowers are arriving and even Eric is pitching in helping arrange them. He thanks both Darla and Hector for helping and being there on such short notice. Hector wonders what happened to eloping? And turns to Caitlin and says, "Caty, you didn't hear that." Thorne asks Eric about his mom, if she is up to this? Eric jokes that is there anyone who's up for telling her she isn't? Then says she's in the guesthouse. Nick is leading Bridget around as she marvels at how amazing Stephanie is to have done all of this; pulling it out of thin air so quickly. He remarks like a real magician. He states he doesn't care about weddings....or flowers....it's very nice......but he cares about her. He smirks they really are going to do it and she nods yes, just pinch her. They nuzzle and he lifts his eyebrows and says he WILL be pinching her. She laughs and they kiss.

Jackie is delighted to see Mark and invites him in. He says, "Si Senorita, and the food (holding up a sack); I thought I was early." She says actually she was hoping they could make an early night of it to which he replies did she have to be somewhere else? She declares no, bats her eyes and reaches and pulls his jacket apart (as he holds his arms wide apart letting her look)..... and asks if he left his pager at home? She sees he's not wearing it and then he wants to know if she wants to confiscate his cell phone too. She still has her hands on his jacket and at this point pulls it back again and puts one hand in his pants pocket and demurely retrieves the phone while he holds his arms out again and asks, "anything else?" He adds good thing he's not on call. She leads him toward the bar and he's touched that she has his tequila and all the makings. She pretends innocence and can't remember how "you men, do it.....drink it." Happily he takes the bottle and says allow him. He goes through the steps, first pour tequila in a shot glass; lick your hand....salt....tequila in the mouth....and then suck a lime wedge. She laughs and says it gives her chills just to watch him. He hands her the drink and says that will take the chill off. But when she tries, she needs another example and asks him to do it again, which he does. He chuckles ....then it's her turn and she tries for the third time but still doesn't get it right and asks him to repeat it yet again. He remarks he better get some food in him first and asks where the kitchen is. For her to stay; she waited on him last time. And she was to practice while he was gone. She says she will do her best. He leans over and kisses her on the cheek. As he's leaving, she's stunned and quickly wipes the spot, makes a face.

Brooke stands face to face with Stephanie and asks if she thinks anything could keep her from sharing this night with her daughter? Steph fires back, "sharing? You've shared too much with her already. Why do you think she's such damaged goods?" Brooke twirls and gets the dress and says she's not getting into this with her. Not to be outdone, Steph scoffs, "you know there are some things that are not to be shared. Husbands for instance." And she asks if Brooke has thought this through. Why Nick is rushing into this marriage tonight. She thought he was trying to convince Bridget of something. And that little damsel in distress act of Brooke's had him spending more time with her than his fiancée! Brooke starts by saying Nick was helping them; helping them recover..... oh forget it, she wasn't going to explain it to her and she puts her hand up as if to stop, twirls and starts to leave. Steph asks to recover from what? Brooke says from what Steph did to them; she knows damn well. Stephanie retorts, "honey, why don't you go find some big old, strapping, gas-pumping cowboy and tell it to him...or have a little consideration and a little respect and stay away from your daughter tonight." Brooke fires that she is not going to stay away; Bridget is her daughter! Stephanie corrects, "no, she's not. Not really. She's mine now. I'm more of a mother to her than you've ever been. The only thing she feels for you is pity."

Brooke brings Taylor's name into it; wonder what she'll think when she finds out what Stephanie did. Stephanie can't imagine what she did. Brooke says don't act stupid with her. Her biggest victory was going to be her biggest downfall. Stephanie scoffs that oh yes, this was she and Jackie stirring up the old cauldron again. Brooke taunts that wonder what Ridge will say when he realizes what she has done to him. She will lose him forever when he comes back to her (Brooke). Having the last laugh, Stephanie says they all have their little dreams. Brooke states, "yes we do. Oh, better watch out for that miracle heart of yours. Because someday, somebody is gonna drive a stake right through it."

Steph crooks her neck reflecting; heads for the phone. Jackie has the noisy blender on making margaritas. Mark's cell phone rings. She glances at it nervously just as Mark calls from the other room he can't find the silverware. She quickly responds to him and grabs a kitchen towel and covers the phone when she sees the caller is Stephanie. She's relieved when it stops ringing. Stephanie leaves a message and says she is sure he wasn't expecting her to call; she didn't think she would be calling either. "There may be, shall we say, some people who call you and ask you some rather inappropriate questions. Remember.....just remember we both have a lot to lose here."

She puts the phone down and pulls the bandage from her neck, soothing it with her hand. No trach incision, no scar.....FAKE, FAKE, FAKE.

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