B&B Monday Update 7/11/05

The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 7/11/05


By Wanda
Pictures by Boo

Continuation of Friday’s program with Dante and Bridget at The Bikini Bar where they’d met for drinks.

Dimples kisses Bridget and she isn’t resisting, seems to me she is kissing him back until she finally pulls away and asks why did he just do that? Was he trying to prove a point?

He stares back in wonderment and asks is that the kind of man she’d been dating; one that has to prove something? She good naturedly admonishes him not to change the subject. He continues that he’d kissed her once before and he’d never forgotten it….or was it twice, but then goodbyes didn’t count. But then it really wasn’t a goodbye, was it? And he just wanted to see if she kissed like a married woman. (this Italian Stallion is something else!)

Amazed, she says she’s not (married) and he says definitely not. She stammers but she will be, the next time he sees her, if there is even a next time…..and wasn’t he supposed to be leaving or something? He quips how can he leave now? She flips, does he need directions? He remarks he can’t now, that he sees how badly she can get burned.

And speaking of which, he turns to get the sunscreen lotion out of his bag and she makes it very very clear that her engagement to Nick is not up for vote….she sits down and he starts rubbing lotion on her shoulders and back as he recalls she always got burnt there first. She is pleasantly surprised…..(must be heaven!)

Brooke is still blocking the door to her house with Ridge at front door. She repeats “you’ve made a terrible mistake?” and he can’t believe how long it took him to see it. Of course, which one? He glances at her and says he doesn’t blame her; she has every right to feel this way. Brooke tells him she just put R.J. down for a nap and the day has been very difficult…..but he continues that she wouldn’t talk to him that night, would she listen to him now?

Taylor is at the hospital and peeks into Stephanie’s empty room but the bulletin board says she’s in therapy. Taylor retrieves the chart from outside the open door and is beginning to thumb through and read it when Darla pushes Stephanie into the room in wheelchair. Both laughing as they display a grabber and some ‘toys’ (weights, etc.) that Steph has. Steph remarks she’s much better, thanks to the doctors and family (patting Darla on fanny).

Darla spots the chart in Taylor’s hands and remarks that she is a M.D. and can read those charts. Is Stephanie doing as well as she thinks she is?

Stephanie whispers for Darla to go watch the door for the nurse (Darla closes it) and asks Taylor to please tell her what her condition is.

Ridge tells Brooke she was right about everything; it never should have happened this way. He walks on it as she closes the door. “you, here…… people throwing words around like visitation and marriage being invalid. I didn’t want that Brooke, I never wanted that.” When in the hell was there time to think or plan anything with his mother having a sudden heart attack?, which he feels responsible for. He’d come back to the beach house but she was gone and there was his mother spouting the same old stuff and he wasn’t going to stand there and let her say those things about Brooke anymore. Brooke seems surprised “so that’s how this happened?” He continues that Steph was stumbling around, couldn’t catch her breath and the next thing he knew she was in the hospital, fighting for her life. How did she think that made him feel? Brooke says “and you were afraid?” Ridge explains he couldn’t live with himself if she died. Brooke says “you would do anything to save her….including marrying Taylor?”

Bridget is enjoying this and coos that the sun feels so good. Dante correct her and says his hands feel so good as he continues with the lotion. She turns her head enough to say he really had to do something with his self-esteem problem of his. The insecurities he has about women are really awful. He throws in the word psychiatrist and she says she does know one….in fact so does he……curious, “you didn’t?" (asking if him and Taylor ever…….) and he tells her to get her mind out of the gutter. He continues with another spot and Bridget tells him she can do that, thank you very much.

He pries further about how are things with her mother. Does she approve of this man that fell for her after falling for her mother first? Defending herself as her eyes widen, she says it was not a penchant, it just happened and he didn’t know anything about it! He says he was just saying she could try something different….”like me…..you really swept me off my feet.” She scoffs that if she thought he was really serious……

Dante replies “I’m never not serious…..your turn” (as he rolls over obviously inviting her to rub him some more). As she applies the lotion to her hands, she says he has this all wrong….Nick is a rock… for her and her mother and he chimes in that she needs his strength right now. She reflects that yes her mother had just lost her home and her husband and here someone was telling her that she and her kids are the most important thing in his life…what could be sweeter? By now she is doing a little more than just putting lotion on, she’s massaging his back. He flips over and says “And you want to marry a man who’s main purpose in life is to make your mother happy?” She thinks long and hard, “I don’t know what I wish….can we just not do this right now?” He remarks, "I’m sorry, it’s the ego. I keep offering myself but there’s always an older millionaire in my way”. She flips that there is plenty more where that came from (lotion); just shut up and lay down. He retorts “that’s what I do best.”

As Darla guards the door, Taylor glances at the chart and says Steph is one lucky woman and she says she didn’t need a chart to tell her that. Darla is thankful for the news tho as all she had was Steph’s words that she was fine. Steph remarks that it’s nice to have a doctor back in the family and Darla thanks Taylor too. She grabs some stuff to drop off at Steph’s house; kisses her on the forehead and says she loves her and Taylor thanks her too.

Alone with Steph, Taylor starts to explain that she had no intention……when Steph says she has no secrets from her; perhaps she wasn’t persuasive enough on the phone. Taylor asks if Steph realizes why she needed to know. Steph says yes, he’s come up with this whole scenario that she has taken the hospital and the entire staff of the hospital and turned them into some sort of acting company to enable her to fake this heart attack. And would Taylor like to know how he came up with this conspiracy theory? Brooke – she had come in the other night and turned off the respirator. She turned off the oxygen and she damn near killed her. Taylor was speechless. Brooke must have been completely desperate; Steph agrees. Taylor goes on that Steph surely can appreciate how it would make her (T) feel, that Ridge would make this commitment to her for all the wrong reasons.

Ridge paces and says he went about all of this the wrong way; one day with Brooke, one day with Taylor….as if he could compare them like appliances. His feelings were the only thing that mattered….well he knew what he was thinking. He’d always loved her as much as he always had. They had their family, their kids, the life they always had, the one they’d built together….maybe it didn’t matter now……

She interrupts that yes, it does matter. “Do you think I really wanted to walk out on you and take your children?” He said it had almost killed him to see her walk out that door when they’d spent a lifetime to get to this point where they were now. They couldn’t let it end this way.

She says “Mistakes, I understand; I’ve made my share. But you’ve got to fix THIS one.” He seems to be undecided and wants to know “Can I?” She offers “just tell Taylor what you just told me.”

Dante rolls over onto his back and tells her the other side. Bridget jokes that he can reach that! He replies that she owes him one and she remarks that was so his fault; he had dared her to take her top off. And he says like it did him a lot of good; she laid there for 6 hours sunny side down….yeah, well she says she had his wandering hands to think about. Finally she relents and gets the bottle of lotion and squirts some into her hands as he tells her he’s going to stick around. Shocked, she asks if he even has a place. He says Mass said he could stay with him til he found one…..as he motions to his hard abs tummy that he needs more lotion there….a sensitive spot (flashes his dimples). She plops her hand down hard and smacks it all over; some even gets on his face, as they both giggle.

Brooke remarks “Ridge, what’s done can still be undone.” What, by moving Taylor and the kids out and her back in? She says that will be up to him but he counters that nothing has been up to him so far. Losing Taylor was devastating but somehow he was able to go on and rebuild a life with Brooke. That’s who he was, who he is. Now, who is he? Now life seems to be giving him back what he lost. The past was no longer the past….and he’s supposed to make a decision; one that will be fair to everyone. She steps closer and says she knows; nothing about this has been fair but the question is now “what you are going to do about it?”

Steph takes Taylor’s hand and asks if her son has been anything less than a loving husband. She replies of course not. Steph implores more; does Taylor have any reason to think he regrets his decision? She is about to explain a trap set for him when Dr. Mark enters and asks if Steph would like to leave today or tomorrow.

He notices the chart on the bed and then Taylor and she confesses she broke the rules by taking it….but she’d also noticed there was no EKG. He remarks it was in his office; he was behind. Doctor talk then about charts and medicine, all seems to be ok. He leaves to prepare her release papers and Taylor thanks him. Steph and Taylor give each other knowing glances as Steph says “I know there is a lot at stake here; I know that better than anyone. Now you’ve got trouble coming but it isn’t me.”

She tells her that Ridge was there and he wasn’t happy. He was ranting and raving that she was too intrusive of the situation ……but that wasn’t the point…..in this situation someone was going to be hurt. Taylor knew that; Steph knew that ….so too did Ridge….he just couldn’t face it. Taylor agrees that he must have come over right afterwards as Brooke took Hope and R.J. and moved out this morning. Steph seems worried; she bets he is with her right now. That’s ok with Taylor since they really haven’t had time to sit down and discuss this since he made his decision. Steph is adamant that Ridge made the decision he wanted to make; there is no doubt in her mind. She also says if Brooke is there, Taylor has to be there in plain sight…..especially if this decision is under review. Taylor counters with she doesn’t believe that, she would know if Ridge wasn’t certain about this. Steph remarks “how many times have I told you, DO NOT underestimate the power that this woman has over him!”

Brooke looks into Ridge’s eyes as he slyly walks away. “Why did you come here, Ridge?” He babbles that he loved their life together; he never wanted it to end. She speaks up, “am I missing something here. You tell me you love me and you realize your mother is pulling your strings, that’s why you committed to Taylor…….it’s not irreversible….look what happened to our marriage…it vanished into thin air, legally…this one can too.”

He says he doesn’t give a damn about legalities (well, he better). Brooks says , “are you or aren’t you saying you want me back?” He replies that he’s said it everyway he knows how. She says then just tell Taylor you made a mistake. He shrugs. She continues, “do you need me to tell you after everything that happened, I wouldn’t hesitate to pack up the kids and come back to you? Because I would, I will, if that’s what you need to hear”. He shakes his head and grins, “why couldn’t I be more like you?” She got knocked down, she got right back up without looking right or left, she just keeps on going (yeah like that Energizer Bunny). She asks, “ is that your way of telling me I’ll be fine, no matter what? The children won’t be fine….Ridge, what are you trying to say here? I can’t stand it anymore. I know you came here to tell me something, now what is it? This may be crass and ugly to you but I need you to be blunt with me. Are you going to be with Taylor or with me?

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