The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 7/6/05
At Tridge Mansion, Brooke stands with her suitcase in doorway of master bedroom and tells Ridge (and Taylor) that Stephanie manipulated him and this whole situation from beginning to end. Shed made him think she was having a heart attack. Ridge stands with his arms folded across his chest, not looking at her. And you were desperate. says no, but it was his decision. Tears in eyes, she says Stephanie hit him with the mother of all guilt trips, and her last wish was to see you and Taylor re-married. Can you tell me thats not true? He turns and looks at her and fell for it.
Speaking of mothers; Nick walks into Stephanies hospital room as she is lightly sleeping. With a concerned but somewhat skeptical look on his face, he glances at the monitor, the lines, showing 80 BPM, and slowly sits in a chair right by her head bedside; clears his throat so she is sure to notice. She jerks awake and sees him. He apologizes and she quips that he startled her, what was he trying to do, give her a heart attack? He leans in and says shes getting her color back; shes looking good. She relays that the doctors say she is improving.
Smiling, Nick says well good, I guess congratulation is in order even though you are in a hospital bed, hooked up to a heart monitor, eating bad food lets be honest, shall we? We both know this is probably one of the happiest weeks of your life!
Trying to excuse himself no doubt, Ridge tells Brooke that all of this happened so fast. Yes, she quips, Stephanie made it happen. He continues that Stephanie was sick; they didnt think shed make it. The chaplain was there; it seemed like a good time.
Taylor pops up that it wasnt like what Brooke was portraying. Brooke continues that she knew Ridge was scared and vulnerable and Stephanie took advantage of that. Taylor says do you think I would have gone along with this; that I would have let him go along with this, if I thought he was being pressured? Brooke says but he was. Taylor proclaims I let him off the hook; I told him he didnt have to do it. I wanted him to be certain .and he IS!
Ridge pipes in that if she wants to talk about this, they can. Brooke says yeah now (like what took you so long?) and he thinks they should. She turns away and says she gets it, better than he does. Taylor says no she doesnt; otherwise she wouldnt be blaming Stephanie. It might be hard for Brooke to accept but Ridge did choose her; it was his decision. And theyd re-newed their vows.
Brooke adds with Stephanie lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to oxygen, tubes in her arms, machines beeping. Thats really romantic, Taylor. Maybe for your first anniversary, you and Ridge can tour the ER.
Steph tells Nick that lets not talk about Brooke to which he replies how did she know thats why he was there? She pushes the button to raise the head of her bed and says she knows Brooke is obsessed with Ridge and Taylor saying their vows so she is sure she turned to him and cried great crocodile tears. Nick chortles ah, you like thinking of her in that way, dont you? Crying devastated. Steph replies that she likes to think of her, out of my sons life. Nick retorts well, this really has been a good week for you then! She replies yes and he returns well if it gets you what you want, huh? She counters that Brooke has been filling his head with ideas. He sits again and saying after talking to his mother today, he has a few ideas of his own. Steph says thats absurd. He says Brooke was so convinced that she unhooked her ventilator and Steph adds yes she was very convinced yet she was proven wrong. Was he there with the same absurd accusations? He moves closer and scoffs I am here because I care deeply about you, Stephanie .and I want to ask you some questions. They smile knowingly at each other.
Bridget is in the Tridge living room, crying and hugging the twins and Thomas. He too feels guilty because when his mother came back, hed asked Brooke to leave. Hope walks in and says she is going on a trip and Bridget remarks that shes found Dolly and shes going on a trip too.
Hope looks up to the others and asks if they are coming too? Their hearts sink as Thomas says no to short-stuff, they cant, they are staying there. Bridget hugs Hope and tells her that she and R.J. and Bridget are going to live with Mommy .and the girls chime in that they will visit and anytime her Mommy needs a babysitter, just call. Thomas bends to her level and tells her he loves her a lot, dont ever forget that. She hands him her doll and says Dolly wants to stay there. They hug and say their tearful goodbyes.
In the bedroom, Taylor says they all knew it might come to this; a choice had to be made. Brooke says she is just telling what she knows and Taylor just feels she is trying to justify Ridges decision. Brooke counters with "no, Im saying is the truth.
Ridge walks away, turns his back but Brooke follows Ridge, your mother went too far this time. Shes hurting you .and me and the kids and Hope and R.J., they love you so much. (whos putting on a guilt trip now?). Only then does he turn his blank stare to her and says he loves them too and that wont change. But Brooke adds they ARE moving out of their own home to which Taylor replies they dont have to go tonight. Take some time; get settled. Brooks swings around and leave them with YOU? Taylor concludes that whatever is easier for the kids but Brooke says whatever is easier for Taylor? and YOU (toward Ridge).
Taylor says let not get ugly about this, its for the sake of the children. Brooke quips dont worry about her children, shell take care of them. At least they still had their mother; looking right at Ridge minus only the finger pointing.
Close enough to touch, Steph tells Nick if he has a question to ask, just ask. He wants to know why no ambulance? If he has a heart attack, hed want someone to call 911. She explains she was fortunate enough that her son was there and he drove her. Why University Hospital?; oh because Dr. McClain was there .but Nick adds hes no cardiologist. She tells him hes the family physician. Nick chuckles again as he shakes his head and smiles at his adversary, Ah, yes, that good Forrester family. Nice to have a doc in your pocket .. and a cop, right? Detective Baker, a friend of the family. Hed done a little research and he was just curious why he hadnt paid Brooke a little visit today. Steph quipped that could be arranged.. If Brooke had tried to murder her; why not call the cops? She said she was exhausted and just didnt want to deal with it. Nick offers Oh, youre too exhausted to kick Brooke while she is down. That just doesnt sound like you. Steph says Brooke is no longer a concern of hers but Nick answers unless what she is saying is true, then Steph would have a lot to be concerned with, wouldnt she? (these two spar as if they are playing a friendly hand of pinochle). She arches one eyebrow as he continues Boy, Ridge and Taylor finding out theyve been manipulated whew! Steph suggested that he leave them alone. He continues bad news for the hospital too. She hesitates long enough to add you keep saying things like this and youre going to be very, very sorry, Nick.
Brooke has R.J. in her arms and they all come into the living room as she tells Bridget its time to leave. Ridge asks Bridget if she is leaving too. Yes, her mother will need her, she replies. Taylor adds that she is welcome to come any time. Ridge bends to speak with Hope and she runs into his arms, her arms clasped around his neck. He makes pretty by saying he loves her and everything will be alright; theyll see each other all the time and still do all the fun things they did the swimming, the movies, the dance recital. She asks that he wouldnt forget and he promises her no, cross his heart as he hugs her tightly. Thomas asks Brooke if they can say goodbye to R.J. and she complies. Its heartbreaking as they do and ask him to be good for his mother; come see them, etc. In the background, Ridge wipes his nose (perhaps one small tear, huh?) Thomas asks Brooke if there is anything they can do for her and she replies only to take care out for his sisters; dont be a stranger. They all hug. Taylor, sensing some alone time for Brooke and Ridge, motions to all to help Bridget with the bags to the car as they each grab one and file out. Brooke looks at Ridge and is making her exit also when he calls her name and holds out his arms for R.J. please.
He lays his head against R.J.s little face; tenderly kisses it and says to the sleeping boy he has brought him so much joy; he doesnt deserve this. To R.J. but looking at Brooke with tears in her eyes as usual, he says he will always love him, always be his daddy. He wishes he could explain. He sits cradling him in his arms when Bridget returns and softly tells Brooke that Hope is buckled in the car, is she ready? He reluctantly hands him over to Bridget and wipes his nose again. Brooke waits for her moment to ask him if it was worth it; saving his mother only to lose his son? He only replies that he needs to see him ..and Hope too and she agrees, hes their father, they should be here under this roof, with you and me! It hurts, doesnt it? He replies that he knew it would but this is unbearable. Brooke reminds him this is what Stephanie does to get her way; no regard to anyone else, not him, not her, not even the children. Poor guy, Ridge touches his nose again. She continues they had a life together, they WERE a family. He says they still are; he still wants 'us to be a family.
She rails that Stephanie doesnt care what he wants and she (Brooke) had fought so hard to keep this dream alive; to see what they could become ..our destiny and she just couldnt do it anymore. Saying more, when Stephanie convinced you and Taylor to say your vows to each other, that killed something inside me, Ridge. And when I walk out of this house ..Ill be gone .all I wanted was a happy, healthy family .I didnt want Hope and R.J. to grow up like Rick and Bridget, children of a divorce. He shakes his head and says he didnt want that either. But she counters he didnt do anything about it. Here comes the tears again, you knew Stephanie wanted to get rid of me; shes been wanting that for years, and you didnt do ANYTHING (fist pumping) about it and I still dont know why .I counted on YOU; I counted on YOU to protect me; to protect US and you didnt. YOU let me down. He says hes sorry and she says she didnt deserve this and he calls out her name one last time as she is walking out. She turns for what? .I always thought we were unforgettable but now I just want to forget .I want to forget you .I want to forget Stephanie I want to forget it all.
She slams the door; he only watches without saying a word. It is written all over his face. She leans against the door.
Inside Ridge goes to the nose again; he cups his hands; clasps them to his face, covers it, sits and bows his head, pulling his hair, the room is swirling. His world or at least one part of his world is ending. Or is it?
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