The Bold & The Beautiful Update Wednesday 6/22/05
Pictures by Boo
Bridget and Nick are drunk as skunks. They are on the jet taking off.
Bridget thanks Nick for what he is doing for them today. He has moved heaven and
earth to get out of LA, and they are now out of there. They have been pressured
by the family’s burdens, so it is a real treat to run off to do something
selfish for themselves for a change. Bridget loves the location that he had
chosen for their trip. Napa is a great place to hang out. The mountains are
beautiful and the wine is divine! Bridget giggles like a schoolgirl. They have
been enjoying the wine, especially the Chardonnay. Bridget really liked that
most of all. They seemed to have had every type of wine that is available.
Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Pinot! All of them were great! Bridget couldn’t decide on
what she wanted to drink, so she tried them all several times over. Nick is fine
with that. "That is what it is for!" Bridget knows that she is really
intoxicated now and she feels a little guilty about that. Nick is fine with her
state. That is what wine is for. The trip has given Bridget a break. I have
gotten her away from all the nosey parkers back home. Nick isn’t sure what she
means when she says this. Who might she be talking about? "All of them. Jackie…
Stephanie… Taylor. She has a nerve telling me how she can see that you want
Brooke and love her instead of me." Nick laughs at that. He loves Bridget and
only her. Bridget shakes off her insecurities and laughs along with Nick.
Stephanie looks unwell. Taylor is quick to notice. "What is wrong?" Stephanie
felt a wave of something go through her, but an aspirin will help. "If really
wanted to feel better, I would get rid of Brooke. That is what really gets to
me." Stephanie heard the seductress on the phone. She was so smug when she
realized that she wasn’t going to be dumped just yet. That really got to
Stephanie. Taylor is sure that Brooke’s behavior was set up to get a reaction
from Stephanie and that has clearly happened. Stephanie really shouldn’t let
this get to her so much.
Catherine enters the room where Stephanie and Brooke are talking. She is sorry
to interrupt but Hope really wants to have her dolly with her. She finds it the
doll that she is looking for. Stephanie finds it funny that Catherine is putting
the child to bed. "Where is Brooke?" Catherine explains that Brooke is not in
the house. Taylor was under the impression that Brooke was upstairs when she
arrived from the beach house. She didn’t think that Brooke had been anywhere
else. Stephanie pushes Catherine to give more of an explanation as to where
Brooke is. Catherine hasn’t got more information than she has offered, except
for the fact that she was asked to stay overnight with the kids today. Catherine
leaves the room to go to Hope and deliver her doll.
It doesn’t take Stephanie and Taylor long to figure out what Brooke has done.
She has run off to the beach house to be with Ridge. She isn’t even supposed to
be out there until the next day. She is trying to take advantage of the
situation as usual.
Taylor doesn’t understand why Brooke would run ahead and try to get extra time
with Ridge. What is she thinking? Stephanie won’t waste time mulling this over.
She will get to the beach house and stop whatever Brooke is going to do. She
Taylor grabs the phone and tries reaching Ridge at the beach house, but no one
picks up.
Ridge hears the phone ringing but Brooke will not let him get to it. The sound
of the phone brings Ridge back to his senses and he realizes that he can’t do
this. It really would be cheating and they are being unfair to Taylor by doing
this. They all agreed about the way that things were going to work with this
situation. Brooke doesn’t care about the stupid rules. She is married to Ridge
and she wants to be treated as his wife by having him make love to her. She begs
him to make love to her. "I need you so bad Ridge. Make love to me now!" She
really needs this silly game to stop and to have him just proclaim her the
winner of this stupid competition. Ridge tries to make her see reason but Brooke
will have none of it. "Ridge we are alone together tonight, and that is the way
that it will always be for us."
Nick doesn’t understand why Bridget cares what the busybodies say about him and
who he really loves. If she knows that he loves her, then that is all that
matters isn’t it? She knows that he is right. Still, she was going to use her
marriage to Nick to bring the families together, but for whatever reason,
Bridget’s marriage can’t happen. The circumstances haven’t been right for them
ever since the last time they attempted to get wed. Everyone has advice for them
it seems. Bridget would like to do something really outlandish and crazy.
Something that will make everyone stand up and take notice. Nick wonders if she
really means that. She does. Nick knows that he can’t stop Stephanie and the
others from meddling but he can stop her from advising on their wedding if they
go ahead and get married before she can do anything about it. Bridget sees where
Nick is going with this. They could run off and do this thing to get it over
with but that would make things more awkward wouldn’t it? Bridget agrees that it
would. Nick likes that Bridget is on board with his idea. He wants to make her
his wife in every way possible. Is she up for this? She is. Nick makes plans.
"You go and get the champagne, and I will go and tell the pilot that we are
heading in a different direction now."
Stephanie’s cell phone rings.
She answers to Taylor who sounds a little frantic. "I tried to call Ridge and no
one answers the phone. Stephanie reveals that she was on her way over there
anyway. She will talk to Taylor later about this. Taylor wants to know what
Stephanie has in mind. "I would kill her but going to jail isn’t of interest to
me." Taylor wants Stephanie to take it easy. There is a chance that Brooke is
not at the beach house, but somewhere else. Stephanie could be getting all
worked up over nothing. Stephanie is more than sure that Brooke is over at the
beach house whoring it up for Ridge. Brooke has no decency. The man isn’t even
her husband. Yes, Stephanie knows exactly what is going on over there cause no
one knows Brittany better than Stephanie.
Brooke is all over Ridge trying to get him to make love to her. He can’t do it.
He feels guilty doing this when Taylor is under the impression that the rules
are being followed by all. Brooke knows that he wants her, but that not is not
the point here. Ridge needs Brooke to do what is right here because he was the
one that created the rules for everyone to follow, to that make is extremely
wrong to be the one that breaks the rules. Ridge was tempted with Taylor to make
love to her but he didn’t do that because they were trying to do the right thing
for everyone. Brooke is happy to hear that Ridge and Taylor didn’t get together,
but then again she understands from a different perspective than Ridge thinks
she does. She and Taylor both love and want Ridge but Brooke sees her
relationship different from Taylor’s with Ridge. She and Ridge have been used to
sharing an intimate time together. With Taylor that could be a real stretch
after all this time. If isn’t familiar like it used to be. Ridge tries to make a
point, but Brooke will not let him. "Enough talk. Just make love to me like we
used to and feel the connection that we share.
Nick gets a really great idea. They have champagne, and so they are all ready
for a big adventure. Bridget doesn’t understand what he is talking about. He
turns to her singing in his best voice, "Viva Las Vegas! Viva Las Vegas!"
"Vegas?" Bridget asks. What do you mean? Nick is only sorry that he didn’t think
about this earlier. "Yes! That is what we should have done. We should have
thought of this long ago. This way we avoid all the gossip and the chatter from
the families. Nick really feels right about this idea, and he knows that Bridget
will be happy about it too." Nick knows of a place there. They have a blue tux
in the window that Nick would like to have. Behind the tux shop it is a chapel
where he and Bridget can get married without all the advice and hoop-la about
whether they should get married or not. Bridget has been worrying over the
differing opinions in the family over whether she will end up with Nick or not.
This is a good way to avoid all that. "This is a special moment Bridget" Nick
tells her. "The next time that we make love, I will be a married man." Bridget
likes the sound of that. Nick has a request of her. "I would like to make love
to the single Bridget just once more. Can I?" Bridget will absolutely do this
for him.
Brooke is very tempting to Ridge but he can’t do this. He can’t cheat on Taylor
when she didn’t try to cheat on Brooke. Brooke cares nothing about Taylor. She
wants this to be about she and Ridge and how much he needs her and not Taylor.
Ridge sees that he will have to take himself out of the room for a while so that
Brooke can cool down. He offers to go and get them both something to eat. She
would love to have some oysters right about now. "You know what that can do for
the libido!"
Taylor is worried now about what has been going on with Ridge and Brooke, and
where Brooke is. She tried to call him but no one answered. She obeyed the
rules, and so she can only hope that Brooke and more importantly Ridge will
follow the rules of this part of Ridge’s decision-making process.
The phone rings and Taylor answers thinking that it is Ridge getting back to
her. "Ridge?" It isn’t Ridge. It is Danté instead. Taylor is very surprised to
here this voice from the past. "She has been taken off guard for a moment
hearing that voice. Danté has just touched base with Taylor to make sure that
she is alright. He saw her the other day and thought that she looked fabulous.
"I had no idea that you were at the press conference. I didn’t see you there."
Danté wanted to see her again and find out how she was doing. He was the one
that rescued her, in a sense from Prince Omar. He risked his life for her and
they went through a lot to get her home again. When Danté asks about Taylor and
her new life with her family, Taylor just agrees. She couldn’t possibly get into
what is really going on in her life. She could end up with only the kids and not
Ridge but she can’t get into that. Danté will be leaving town soon and he
thought that perhaps they could get together and have a short visit face to
face. Taylor feels a sense of urgency in staying away from this man. He was
wonderful to her but she really can’t see how she could make an appointment with
him at this time. So much is going on really. "Thanks for everything again, and
you take care."
Brooke is alone in the main room of the beach house. She has set the stage and
Ridge will be hers for sure when she is finished with him. She heads over to the
stereo and puts on some soft music. Next she grabs a bottle of wine and places
it on the coffee table alone with two glasses. Now all they will need is dinner,
and then after that – dessert!
Knock, knock, knock! Brooke turns to look at the door to the beach house and she
sees Stephanie standing there. "Damn. What is she doing here?" Stephanie can see
that Brooke is considering not opening the door. Well she is not leaving. "Open
up the door you hussy!" Brooke is furious. "I will not open the door to you!" It
is no good. Stephanie will not leave unless she is let in. Brooke reluctantly
opens the door and lets Stephanie in.
Doesn't matter if Brooke let her in or not. Stephanie has a key anyway. Brooke
knows that Stephanie is going to lay into her about being at the beach house
before she should be but she pounces first anyway. "Just what the hell are you
here for?" Stephanie had that same question in mind, but as she looks at the
flimsy shirt that Brooke is wearing, knowing that there is nothing under it, she
doesn’t have to ask any questions. She knows this woman better than she knows
herself. It is clear what is going on here.
A newly married couple comes out of a chapel in Vegas! They are laughing and
happy together. The manager watches the couple and wishes them a happy life
together. The couple turn to one another and declare their love for each other.
"This is as good as it gets." The crowd cheers for the happy couple. The wife
has other business in mind besides the honeymoon. "Hey! Let’s go get our money
back!" The couple run off.
Nick and Bridget come into the chapel drunk as skunks. Bridget feels like this
is her lucky day. She will be married in a few minutes, and there is nothing
that her family or Nick’s for that matter can do about it. She and Nick are
dressed in Elvis garb, and Nick has to remind her that she shouldn’t step on his
blue suede shoes.
Nick and Bridget walk over to the manager of the establishment who has been
eyeing them ever since they entered the chapel. She can see that they are in
love and maybe a little drunk. Nick is the one to do the talking for the two.
"Dear Madam. We would like to get married if at all possible." The woman smiles
at the happy couple. "Do you have a license?" Nick did get one but now he seems
to have misplaced it. He turns to Bridget inquisitively. She has the document
that is needed, and she presents it to Nick. Nick in turn hands the license to
the manager. Bridget watches his every move. She really does love this man. She
asks the manager if she has ever seen a more handsome man than her
husband-to-be. The woman ignores her question, but comes back with a statement.
"You’ve been drinking." Nick admits that they have been drinking but that was in
celebration of their marriage. "We have been through this already, but you see
right when we were going to be hitched, my sister-in-law rose from the dead and
then…" The manager cuts him off. She doesn’t need to hear the whole story. She
gets enough stories working in a place like this. She has no trouble marrying
these people. She will be glad to arrange it for them. "You are in for a short
waiting period. A couple just went in before you showed up, so they will need a
few minutes." Nick and Bridget settle in to wait for their turn to come. Waiting
is fine. Nick and Bridget will find a way to occupy their time which will be
easy since they love being together so much.
Gabriella still has her doubts about marrying Thomas. He sees no options here.
It is either marry him, or go back to a country where you know no one, and where
you will have to stay for many years before returning to the States. Gabriella
can’t get deported. She will be isolated and alone. The United States has been
her home; she would be like a fish out of water elsewhere. She understands all
that, but she can’t see herself pulling Thomas into her nightmare. That doesn’t
seem right somehow. To him it is right and he really wanted to do this for her.
Brooke is furious that Stephanie has pushed her way yet again into her business.
"What right do you have to be here anyway?" Stephanie knows that the same
question could be asked of Brooke. Stephanie looks at Brooke in disgust. "Look
at you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Look at the way that you are dressed.
You will do anything to get what you want won’t you?" Brooke right now wants
Stephanie to leave. Stephanie will not, but she feels that if Brooke had any
self-respect she would get out of the beach house before Ridge returns and finds
this ridiculous display that Brooke has set up. Brooke finds the seduction of
her husband not to be a ridiculous display. She is just a married woman who
wants to be with her husband and will do anything to make that happen. Stephanie
knew that Brooke would have made a big show over winning Ridge over, but did she
have to cheat and come over before it was time for her to do so, in that
ridiculous outfit? Brooke knows that the thought of Brooke making love to Ridge
makes her skin crawl, so she offers a little more information than she should.
"Oh Stephanie you should have seen it. Just a little while ago we were both in
the shower and it was something Stephanie. It is a good thing that you showed up
when you did and not earlier. It would have been embarrassing." Stephanie finds
that Brooke’s bragging over sex just proves that she is a real tramp. Brooke
knows that a man loves to get attention. Just because Taylor wouldn’t do what
Brooke does, doesn’t make Brooke a bad person. Not everyone is like the holy
Taylor. When it comes down to it, what man wants to be with someone like Taylor
anyway? Stephanie sees that Brooke will do whatever Brooke wants to do to get
Ridge for herself, and to hell with the rest of the world. Stephanie is
concerned for all in her family and she will not let Brooke hurt them by forcing
things to go her way. It seems like all that she cares about is getting her
hands on Ridge, at any cost. Stephanie can’t stand by and let this happen. She
will fight for what is right as much as possible.
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