The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 6/20/05
Taylor and Ridge laugh while at the beach top. They have been frolicking and
Ridge got her all wet, ruining her top. He had been trying to convince her to go
skinny-dipping with him, but she didn’t want to get arrested for being naked on
the beach. Ridge only smiles saying that no one would have noticed them. Taylor
knows that is not the truth. An elderly couple saw them together and just about
had a heart attack at the sight of them carrying on at the beach. Ridge notice
that Taylor is shaking. She is cold now from standing around in wet clothes. He
rubs her arms to warm her up. They should change so that they don’t catch their
deaths from the cold. Taylor feels that it would be fitting for them to warm up
and then sit together over a bottle of wine. Ridge loves that idea. They will
get to know each other better which was the original plan for this get together
when Ridge came up with the idea.
Thomas is on his knees before Gabriella, and she doesn’t understand why. He
explains to her that he is proposing marriage to her. He cares for her but this
is more of a move to help her to stay in the country. Her papers are not in
order, and she has a date upon which she is expected to leave the country. The
only way to beat that is to find someone to marry, and Thomas has decided that
he will be the one to do this for her. The marriage will only be on paper,
although he cares for her anyway. Gabriella is skeptical. She doesn’t want to
seem like she is taking advantage. Thomas remembers that Connor advised
Gabriella that she needed a green card, and that at the present time, she
wouldn’t be able to stay in the country until she met certain requirement. The
idea is appealing to Gabriella, but she feels that Thomas really doesn’t want to
marry her. She doesn’t think that this is a very good idea. Thomas is still on
his knees and Gabriella begs him to get up. There has to be some other way for
her, although she can’t think of what that would entail. Gabriella could get
sent out of the country, but she would probably stay out for many years until
she could return. That would jeopardize her education most of all and Thomas
doesn’t want to see that happen to her when he could help.
Brooke is deep in thought. She remembers the song Unforgettable playing. Ridge
was talking to her and referring to her as Mrs. Forester. It is times like these
when she realizes that Ridge has to love her most of all. Meagan breaks Brooke’s
train of thought. She sees that Brooke has a lot on her mind. "Sorry to
interrupt." Brooke tells her that is fine. Meagan notices that Ridge isn’t in
the office yet. "Isn’t Ridge coming into the office?" She is told that Ridge is
at the beach house with Taylor. It is something that Ridge felt that he had to
do before picking the woman that he will stay with forever. Brooke does her best
not to be hurt by this, but she worries still that there is a part of Ridge that
is with Taylor and always will be. Meagan can see that her friend is in pain
over this waiting period. She assures Brooke that he will in fact pick her.
Brooke is thankful to hear this. She needs all the support and encouragement
that she can get from friends and family. Meagan relaxes when she hears what
Ridge is up to with Taylor at the beach house. She hopes that Brooke will get
the same type of consideration from Ridge before picking which woman he will
stay with. Brooke is going to get the same time with Ridge. It is a day for each
woman to be with him. Meagan changes the subject. She has been alerted that
Stephanie will not be keeping her appointments today as she will be away from
the office and spending time with Ridge at the beach house. Brooke doesn’t like
the sound of that. Stephanie has proven herself to be a formidable foe, and she
is one of the stronger players in this game. She will do anything within her
power to make sure that Ridge ends up picking Taylor instead of Brooke. Brooke
finds that Stephanie making her way over to the beach house to further influence
Ridge in Taylor’s direction to be an unfair move, and one that will undoubtedly
give Taylor an edge. Brooke didn’t even have a chance to spend her time with
Ridge yet. The odds are slowly getting increasingly stacked against Brooke. She
will just have to put her faith in Ridge who she knows loves her and has
professed his love many times over. Stephanie unexpectedly shows up at the
office. She is smug and Brooke worries about what she could have witnessed up at
the beach house. Stephanie smiles saying that she only stopped by for a minute
on her way back from the beach house. Every fiber of Brooke’s being urges her to
ask what went on at the beach house, but she takes a more defensive stance by
demanding to know what Stephanie is doing by interfering this way. She has to be
up to something. She knows that she should stay out of this but she can’t help
meddling, and pushing for things to turn out her way. Brooke knows that she is
up something but what?
Gabriella believes in marriage. Her mother always taught her that when two
people got together it was forever and that marriage shouldn’t be entered into
lightly. When she says those words, she will mean them. Thomas understands her
beliefs, but sees that Gabriella doesn’t have the luxury of time to work this
thing out. She has to stay in the country and go to school. Those are the
priorities. He sees nothing wrong with her getting this requirement fulfilled to
stay in the country. To him, committing to her isn’t a big deal at all. What
Thomas is proposing is a marriage in name only. They would do it just to get the
paper that is needed, and then Gabriella could go on and pursue things that she
wants as if she were single. Thomas makes no bones about this. He doesn't
romanticize it. It is just a procedure that will allow her to be free to stay in
the country loner. Marriage is sacred, but this will not be a church wedding
with all frills, it will be a civil ceremony. In and out, ad it will be over
with. That seems a small price to pay to stay in the country. If there were
another way that this could be done, then Thomas would help Gabriella do it, but
as it stands there is no other way. The marriage is the easiest way to get
Gabriella to stay. She worries that they would be breaking the law, but Thomas
sees that as trivial in this instance. Her mother worked her back bone off to
make things happen for her daughter, and Thomas knows that she wouldn’t be upset
if Gabriella continued trying her hardest to make it in this world, even if it
took a little white lie.
Meagan can see that things are going to get hot between Stephanie and Brooke, so
with the professionalism that she has always shown, she excuses herself and gets
back to her desk. Brooke turns on Stephanie now with an accusatory tone. "You
couldn’t have stayed out of this could you?" Stephanie does as Stephanie
pleases. That has been the way that it has always been. Stephanie defends her
actions saying that she felt that it was important that Ridge know where she
stood on the issue of which wife he should choose at the end of it all. Brooke
has not doubt that Stephanie pushed for Taylor to be the one that her son picked
to spend his life with. Stephanie has made it clear all along that this is her
greatest wish. In her eyes, Brooke could never hold a candle to the Taylor.
Taylor has always been Stephanie’s favorite over the years. Stephanie would
gladly die trying to bring Taylor back into the family where she was years ago
before she was thought to be dead. What is most frightening here is that
Stephanie admits to willing to die for her cause. It is that important to her.
She will do whatever it takes to get Brooke out of the family. Brooke has been
the slut that has ruined the men in particular in her family, her husband
included. Stephanie sees Brooke as a devil that has to be stopped in her tracks.
Brooke sees that Stephanie is doing something horribly wrong here. Why can’t she
see it? The reason that Stephanie feels that her actions are justified is
because she feels that she is doing the right thing. What did she do anyway?
Tell her son what she thinks is the right thing to do? What is wrong with that?
That is a mother’s duty in her eyes. Brooke shouldn’t really complain about
Stephanie’s action. Every time that Stephanie does what Stephanie does, someone
recognizes it for the malicious action that it is and Brooke reads that as
another point in her favor in someone’s eyes. Maybe she should just let
Stephanie run with this. Stephanie cares nothing for Brooke’s method of deciding
whether she will win Ridge or not. In her eyes, Brooke couldn’t ever beat Taylor
at this game. Taylor is the woman that Brooke will never be. Stephanie sees that
and she tells Brooke that she should wise up and see that too.
Ridge and Taylor sit on the couch together being silent and just enjoying each
other’s company again. There is a storm brewing outside. They don’t care. He
holds her hand as they sit and think about what it was like not being together
all these years. Ridge had a hard time thinking that he wouldn’t ever see his
‘doc’ ever again. He would sometimes pretend that she was there when she wasn’t.
At times he would leave the bathroom light on, and he could believe again for a
moment that she was in there brushing her hair, or brushing her teeth. It was
comforting to have those simple memories. As they sit together now, and he
stares into her eyes, he still wonders if he is back to where he was with Taylor
years ago, or if maybe he is in heaven with her. To her, anywhere with him is
Brooke can't believe her ears. She sees now what Eric had been telling her about
Stephanie and the way that she has been acting. Eric has been sickened by
Stephanie’s pushing and shoving to make the family the way that she wants it.
Stephanie is surprised to hear that Eric has spoken of her this way. She feels
that Brooke is just making all this up. Brooke assures her that the information
that she has came from Eric himself. He is sick of Stephanie’s meddling. She
isn’t the woman that he married and knew for all these years. Stephanie feels
that Brooke is making huge assumptions about things that she knows nothing
about. Brooke hasn’t done that. She was told of Stephanie’s obsessions and how
he hates them. If Stephanie was surprised about hearing this she didn’t show it.
She accuses Brooke of making judgements about another’s marriage while accusing
someone for making judgements of her won. Stephanie feels that if Eric said
anything like Brooke thinks he did, he only did so because Brooke pushed him to
do it. She probably cried on Eric’s shoulder and urged Eric to say the things
that she isn’t really sure he said. Brooke has a way with men, and she knows
that Eric isn’t always strong enough to withstand the wiles of Brooke. Brooke
defends her behavior. She says that the men that listen to her do so because
they care about her and really know her. She has a relationship with Eric but
that is because she has earned his trust and he feels for her. Stephanie laughs
at Brooke. She knows that Brooke has spread her legs for just about everyone,
and everyone that she does this for falls for her little tricks. She knows
Brooke. This woman is the same little tramp from the Valley that Stephanie met
all those years ago. She hasn’t changed and Stephanie will not be fooled by her.
Eric enters the room. He can’t believe what he is hearing. Stephanie is out of
her tree and getting more and more unmanageable. "Get out of here!" Stephanie
confidently turns to Brooke. "You heard him. Get out." Eric assures Stephanie
that he was talking to her and not to Brooke. Stephanie tilts her head towards
him surprised at what he is telling her but not showing it. Eric has had enough.
He has warned Stephanie over and over that her meddling will not be tolerated.
He can’t stand it anymore.
Ridge is with Taylor. He stares out over the patio at the gray skies. There is
going to be a heavy storm coming soon. He thinks aloud about the women in his
life and how one of them will be hurt no matter what he does. It seems a little
unfair. Taylor pushes him to tell her what he is thinking. Even now, she is
concerned about his welfare and what this decision is doing to him. She will
love him no matter what. She is aware that he has a heavy decision before him.
Her only concern is his happiness and what it is doing to him to have to choose.
She doesn't care. She will love him no matter what. All she can do to ease his
plight is to let him know that she loves him unconditionally and will continue
to do so no matter what the choice is that he makes.
Gabriella confides in Thomas that she knows that her mother is watching her even
now. It is a heavy feeling when she knows that she is making life-changing
decisions all the time now for herself. Thomas is aware of the way that Helen
loved her daughter. He knows that Helen would want the best for her daughter
even if it meant breaking the law for a brief moment to ensure that Gabriella
had a better life. Gabriella’s concern is that the Forresters wouldn’t be happy
that Gabriella seemed to take advantage of Thomas by marrying him. What would
that make her look like in their eyes? She couldn’t ever do that to them. Thomas
tells Gabriella that there would be no need for his family to know that he had
married Gabriella. That would complicate things. He believes though that if the
family knew what he did, they would understand. Gabriella is like one of the
family anyway. They would want to protect her too. Thomas sees no harm in this.
He is interested in dating her anyway. They could still carry on as they have
been, and none would be the wiser. Gabriella sees another scenario creeping up.
What if Thomas met someone else that he wanted to date and he was saddled with a
wife? He couldn’t just walk away from her. This marriage would be a commitment
of sorts for him at that point. Thomas feels that the sacrifice on his part
would be worth it. If it means keeping her in the country, then to him it would
be worth it. Gabriella thinks back to her mother’s dream for what her daughter
would become. She can’t let that die. Thomas knows that Helen couldn’t rest with
her daughter having to scrounge and scrap to make a living as she did in her
life. This would be a way to get Helen’s dream to come true. Gabriella would
like her mother to have her daughter’s dream come true, but Gabriella worries
that her mother might not like the method that Gabriella would be taking to get
the dream. Thomas finds that all to be water under the bridge. This is easy for
him to commit to. He likes Gabriella, so marrying her for a noble reason isn’t a
stretch for him. He can do it. He has no reservations. Thomas has a plan in
mind. His family thinks that he is staying with a friend tonight. He can easily
take Gabriella with him and get married somewhere without his family having any
idea of what he is doing. They would return home as if nothing happened. What
could be simpler that that? Gabriella wants to make sure that Thomas is fine
with this. He is. He has no qualms about doing this. Gabriella slowly smiles at
him. ‘Thank you’.
Ridge had this idea to be alone with Taylor to make a connection. They seem to
be doing that. Taylor knows that trusting in each other comes from trusting each
other. That is what they are doing. Ridge is finding the answers, but admits
that he doesn’t know if he has them to give. Taylor sees that Ridge is
struggling with this. He is not trying to make the best decision for himself,
but for everyone. That is the unselfish part of him that Taylor loves. She urges
him to do the right thing, whatever that is. Taylor is so encouraging. Ridge
really needs that. She is wonderful to be around. Ridge sees that the has missed
her a great deal, and now he isn’t sure that he can live without her. He has
missed her. Taylor leaves to take care of something. She leaves Ridge on the
patio of the beach house looking out into the clouds. Thunder rocks.
Stephanie can’t believe her ears. Eric is asking her to leave. He is very angry
and she can see that. He tells her that her meddling has caused tremendous hurt
and he will not tolerate that anymore. Stephanie feels that Eric knows her and
should know that she wouldn’t ever stand by and watch things fall apart with
Ridge and Taylor. He had to expect that she would try to fix things. He didn’t.
He thought that she would rise above it all and stay out of it. Well, she
couldn’t do that. She is not happy that it seems that Eric seems to be siding
with Brooke getting her husband back. Eric will not fall into that trap. He will
not take sides. This is what Eric believes that Stephanie should be doing as
well. She knew that he would say that. That has been what he has been saying all
along. Eric is spent. He can’t deal with much more of this. He orders Stephanie
to leave the office. Stephanie sees that she is the only one in the room that
can see straight. She tells Brooke and Eric that she was with Ridge and Taylor
and she saw the chemistry between them. She says that she knows that Ridge is
going to pick Taylor to be with, and there isn’t anything that Brooke and Eric
can do about this. Brooke reminds Stephanie that she hasn’t had time with Ridge
yet, and that could make all the difference here. Stephanie finds that comical.
She knows that Ridge is with Taylor and that he will not leave Taylor now after
losing her for Brooke. To her, the writing is on the wall. Stephanie even takes
it a step further. She says that she wouldn’t be surprised if Ridge called and
told her to forget about coming out to the beach house to spend time with him as
planned. She feels that Ridge is so into Taylor that he will not want to miss
even a second with her for Brooke. At that moment, Brooke’s cellular phone
rings. She answers to Ridge. She is glad to hear from him. To Brooke, Ridge
calling at this moment is a blessing. It makes her feel that Stephanie hasn’t
got all the cards after all. Brooke listens to what Ridge has to tell her.
Brooke hears Ridge telling her that he would like to discuss her coming out to
the beach house as planned. It is Brooke’s turn to be with Ridge and share some
quality time before his decision. Brooke listens some more. "You still want me
to come out there don’t you?" In the background, Stephanie is smiling to
herself. She has gambled and she seems to be winning.
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