The Bold & The Beautiful Update Monday 1/31/05
By Boo & Glynis
Pictures by Boo
first half by Boo
On the Shady Marlin, Bridget tries to explain to Nick everything that happened with the picture that Amber took. Nick isn’t happy to hear any of it, and continues to blast Ridge for letting things get out of hand. Bridget gets a little frustrated that she can’t make him see that it wasn’t like what Amber said. She explains that they felt they had to tell Thomas about her and Ridge’s past before Amber does. Nick thinks that maybe Amber was onto something. Bridget again defends Ridge and tells Nick that Ridge didn’t do anything wrong. Nick disagrees, saying that he shouldn’t have his hands all over his wife’s daughter. Bridget tells him that Ridge didn’t do that, just the picture made it look that way. Nick isn’t convinced at all.
At Ridge and Brooke’s place, Ridge again tells Thomas to get rid of Amber now. Amber pleads with Brooke to help her out and tell Thomas that she wasn’t angry when she came there. She begs Thomas to listen to her and believe that she was only trying to protect the family. Thomas’ face is unreadable as he listens to her. When Ridge sees Amber starting to cry, he tells Thomas that Amber is manipulating him. Thomas tells his father that he needs some time alone with Amber and takes Amber to the patio. Ridge tells Brooke that if Thomas doesn’t break up with Amber after this, he has lost his son. Brooke comforts him and assures him that Thomas is a smart boy and will make the right decision.
On the
patio, Amber continues to cry and plead her case. Thomas isn’t sure what to
believe, but is seeing what Ridge has been telling him all along. He tells a
broken hearted Amber that they need some time apart. After hugging her, he
angrily goes back through the front room and grabs his back-pack and slams out
the front door. Ridge looks to Amber on the patio and is happy that she is
finally out of their lives for good.
Back on the Shady Marlin, Nick tries to tell Bridget that he saw this coming. He
tried to tell Ridge that he should keep his distance from Bridget but Ridge
wouldn’t listen. Bridget again tries to tell him that nothing happened. Nick
thinks that women are an obsession with Ridge. He has to have all the women he
knows stringing along or he isn’t happy. He points out to Bridget that he did
the same thing to Brooke for years. Bridget realizes that she is getting nowhere
with him and tells him that she didn’t come over to discuss all of this. She
pulls out a nice pair of skis and tells him that she came over to give them to
him. He asks her why. She tells him that her family is going to Big Ben for a
vacation, and he is coming with them.
second half by Glynis
Amber has lost her battle. Ridge has won. With tears streaming down her face,
she faces Ridge once more. She knows that he is about to throw her out of the
house. She has lost Thomas, and now the humiliation of Ridge having the last
word after all. She finds Ridge sick and she tells him so. He doesn't have to
argue with her anymore. It is over. He has the pleasure of tossing her out of
the family for the final time. He likens it to throwi9ng out the trash.
He finds her to be a joke. Brooke stands by and listens to Amber and Ridge.
Amber walks over to Brooke taunting her about the photo and might have happened.
Amber was there and she saw the desire in Ridge’s eyes. She is sure that Brooke
will be seeing the same desire one day too. Amber knows that Brooke will really
regret that she didn’t believe when she has the chance. Amber knows that one day
she will have the pleasure of seeing Ridge fall. Ridge laughs at Amber. She has
no brains, no education. She is like a parasite, an idiot. He refers to her as a
jiggling bowl of insecurities. She attracts little boys, but then they find out
that she has nothing upstairs. Ridge is so happy that he is going to take Thomas
up to Big Bear to celebrate. He will make sure that amber will never be a part
of the family again. The Amber saga is done. Amber tries to hold her head up as
she walks to the door, but it is hard. Ridge shouts a last, "Goodbye!" as she
opens the door.
Bridget and Nick spend time together. She can see that he really is a great guy.
Thanks to him she feels like herself again. She kisses his cheek. He turns to
her to see what that really meant. Bridget plans that they should drive up to
the slopes before the rest of the family shows up. Nick likes that idea. He will
show her the ropes on the slopes.
Amber is crying and driving home. She still looks like a mess with the mascara
running down her face. In her mind she replays the scene.
Amber remembers Ridge telling her that she is a joke, and that she will never
amount to anything.
Amber almost crashes, as she is so deep in her thoughts. She swerves right on time and avoids getting hit by a semi. The radio is on and Amber overhears how the weather is going to be bad up at Big Bear the following day. She brings the car to a stop in the night. Amber goes into deep thought. Slowly a smile comes to her face. She has an idea. So Ridge thinks that she will never get into the family again eh? He will see. She will show him. "Watch out Ridge."
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