Y&R Transcript Friday 7/16/21
Episode #12153 ~ Billy and Phyllis join forces. Nikki supports Victoria. Amanda asks Victor for help.
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: Victor. How is everything?Victor: Jack. Top of the morrow to you. Actually, splendid, you know? I must say. Family's good, business is thriving.
Jack: What business? I heard newman enterprises and locke communications group merged. I would congratulate you, but i heard that that was all victoria's doing.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] Jack, some things never change, do they? You know damn well this merger would not have happened without me.
Victoria: We need to coordinate all of our interviews with our pr department to ensure that we all stay on the same page and the message stays consistent. I already talked to ashland about it, but I thought I would mention it to you, as well.
Nikki: Understood. Have you talked to your father yet?
Victoria: No, I haven'T. I was hoping that maybe you would give him the message, just in case he's contacted by the reporters for a comment.
Nikki: Well, I am gonna go see him now, but I think you should give him a call yourself.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] No. I am not doing that, mom. Besides, I am sure he's far too busy holding adam's hand now that chelsea's off with connor.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] I really hate this tension between the two of you.
Victoria: Well, it is what it is. But I do have some good news to share.
Nikki: Oh. I doubt you can top your earlier announcement.
Victoria: Ashland is moving in with me.
Sally: Thank you.
Phyllis: So, you know tara's divorce isn't even final, and she's already moving in on your family.
Billy: Did she say something to you or are you picking up on a vibe?
Phyllis: Well, she didn't say anything. She's too crafty to say something, so, yeah, it's a vibe. But she has no problem squeezing her kid's dying father out of the picture so she can move full steam ahead.
Billy: With her sights set on kyle.
Phyllis: Yeah, definitely.
Billy: I knew my instincts were right. She's a piece of work, that tara locke, isn't she?
Phyllis: Yeah, she's a piece of work. What are we gonna do? Hold that thought. Hi. Can I help you?
Abby: It's just it's not like mariah to take off like this. And tessa and I, we keep going over and over different reasons why she would feel the need to leave, but none of it makes sense. Did you hear anything new?
Tessa: Crickets. No response to my text and voicemails begging mariah to come home. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in the middle of something. Hello.
Stitch: Hi.
Abby: Uh, ben rayburn. This is stitch. Stitch, this is tessa, mariah's girlfriend.
Stitch: Nice to meet you. I've had a few conversations with mariah since I've been in town, and she beams whenever she talks about you.
Tessa: Mariah mentioned you, too.
Abby: Yeah, we were just talking about mariah. Ben knows how worried we are about her.
Stitch: The situation does sound a little odd. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
Amanda: When I talked to lily and she told me that chanccomm's investigative reporters couldn't get any further than I did in vetting sutton, I started thinking of alternatives, and victor sprang to mind.
Devon: Yeah, I mean, he's got a ton of resources. He'd be a great ally against sutton. Especially if pointing the finger in that direction clears him and newman enterprises of any suspicion.
Amanda: Right. So I'm gonna call him.
Devon: Good.
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Victor: Oh, I need to take this.
Jack: No problem.
Victor: Nice to see you, jack. Yes, amanda.
Amanda: I actually just wanted to call you to tell you how much I appreciated you talking to me about my family situation and reminding me how important closure could be.
Victor: You're welcome.
Amanda: Well, now I'm asking, will you help me find some of that closure? Get more joy out of your shower
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Nikki: That'S...quite a decision.
Victoria: That's it? That's, uh, your only response to ashland moving in with me?
Nikki: It's clear that you have made up your mind. You don't need my approval.
Victoria: You know what? You're right. I am not looking for anyone's approval, but I just wanted to share this development in my life. So if you have an opinion, now would be the time to share it.
Nikki: All I care about is that you and my grandchildren are happy, so if this brings you joy, I mean, who am I to have objections?
Victoria: I appreciate that.
Nikki: But I'm probably not the one you should be talking to about this. You -- you should be talking to johnny and katie's father.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Of course I'm gonna talk to billy about it, and I am sure he will have enough opinions for both of you.
[ Sighs ]
Sally: I don't need any help, thanks. I was actually just on my way out.
Phyllis: Alright, great. Good to see you, then.
Sally: Congrats on the big story about the lockes. It was an intriguing read.
Billy: Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Phyllis: Okay.
Sally: Okay. Sorry to intrude. I will let jack know that I ran into you two.
Phyllis: Alright, you do that. If sally and tara are working together, we have double trouble. We need to figure something out right now. They need to be stopped.
Amanda: Thank you. I will see you soon. Victor agreed to meet with me.
Devon: Yeah?
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Good. Good, good. He can be tough, but he's fair.
Amanda: I will be grateful for any insight he can give me, anything to deal with sutton and his threats.
Devon: What do you mean "his threats"? Sutton threatened you?
Amanda: I didn't want to say anything to you before. I didn't want to upset you, but, yeah, he issued a vague warning. No, I -- I didn't really take it seriously.
Devon: Well, I mean, you should take it seriously. If he's guilty of orchestrating a murder, he could be capable of anything. What did he say to you exactly?
Amanda: He said that he doesn't like being disappointed, and that I wouldn't want to be the one who disappointed him. You know, and it wasn't exactly what he said, it was the way that he said it.
Devon: Well, there's nothing right about him saying that at all to you.
Amanda: I don't know, maybe it was just a bluster.
Devon: What if it wasn't?
Amanda: Don't worry, okay? I'll watch my back. You have a good day.
Devon: You too.
[ Door closes ]
Tessa: Thanks for offering to help, but I'm not sure what you can do to help find my girlfriend. I mean, we don't really know each other and you've been in town, what, a few days? And I thought you had left gc?
Stitch: Okay, I was planning on leaving, but I got waylaid by my old crew at the hospital. They actually offered me a job.
Abby: Whoa, they did?
Stitch: Yeah, I'm not sure I'd even take it, but that's not important right now.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: Is it mariah?
Tessa: It's sharon. Mariah hasn't responded to any of her voicemails or texts either.
Stitch: Wait, when did you guys say she took off? Because I think I might have run into her that day. She was jogging in the park.
Abby: Wait, you saw her? What did she say?
Tessa: Did she seem off?
Stitch: I don't remember anything out of the ordinary. We talked about the pregnancy. I -- I'm embarrassed to say i was mansplaining about the benefits of exercising while pregnant. She wasn't too thrilled to hear my take on it.
Abby: We've been worried that maybe everyone's constant opinion about every aspect of this pregnancy was getting to her. I'm the worst offender.
Tessa: Well, it's been a little intense lately.
Abby: Sharon thought that she might need a break from the hovering squad.
Stitch: I hope I wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.
Tessa: I just hope that it's something that simple. But I'm not sure anymore.
[ Sighs ] I can't help but think that something a lot worse is going on.
Abby: Like what?
Tessa: What if somebody took mariah? Don't settle for products that give you a sort of white smile.
Abby: I've been trying not to let my mind go there, but... I am worried that something bad happened to mariah. And I was trying to chalk it up to nerves or an overactive imagination, but...I think it's time that we talk about it.
[ Sighs ] Who would abduct mariah and why?
Stitch: Okay, that is a real leap. From what you told me, there's no evidence anything like that happened. You shouldn't panic.
Tessa: But it fits with mariah's bizarre, vague, and sporadic responses. Frankly, the messages she sent, they don't sound like her. And it would explain what increasingly feels like a flat-out lie about a work trip.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Stitch: Okay, then, do you have any suspects in mind? Any enemies she might have?
Tessa: I mean...
Abby: I can't think of anyone.
Tessa: Maybe someone she ticked off from her past? I mean, she did a lot of sketchy things before she came to gc. Yeah, there was that guy that ran the cult that she grew up in -- ian ward -- but, yeah, he's still locked up.
Abby: Well, she did tell me when she was hosting gc buzz that there was, like, a stalker-like fan who -- who threw a brick through the window at crimson lights.
Tessa: Yeah, but he wasn't scary in person, and then he left town.
Stitch: I hate to bring this up, but you're a singer, right? So you have fans, too? Is there any chance you were the target? Do you have any enemies who might want to hurt you through mariah?
Tessa: I...I wish I could say no... what if mariah's in danger because of me?
Tara: Why the hell would you show up here? People shouldn't see us together. And in case you haven't noticed, kyle is not a fan of yours.
Sally: I'm well aware of kyle's opinion of me. But we can just say that we're talking about your shoe line. Fenmore's business. It is the perfect cover-up.
Tara: I don't want to have to cover up anything. We're pretending that we didn't have anything to do with that video, so there's nothing to talk about. I've heard your warning, loud and clear, but I'm actually here with a friendly warning for you.
Tara: About what? You're my biggest problem at the moment.
Sally: I beg to differ. You may have far bigger problems to worry about than me.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, I mean, this thought of sally and tara working together, it infuriates me and it makes my blood boil.
Billy: Hey, relax a little bit. We don't know if they're working together, but they are definitely players.
Phyllis: I thought jack was done with sally. I thought he was done with her. But she wormed her way back into his life again. I mean, he is too smart for that, billy. He's too smart, and he's so forgiving.
Billy: He's definitely forgiving. I mean, how many times has he forgiven you?
Phyllis: Well, a lot of times. A lot of times.
Billy: Hey --
Phyllis: And I didn't deserve it, right?
Billy: I'm not one to judge. Same thing here, okay? My brother's got a big heart.
Phyllis: We got to figure something out. We got to do the proper reconnaissance. We got to figure out a plan.
Billy: Yeah, we do, but we don't want to show our hand either.
Phyllis: I know, but those two working together, being allies? Forget about it. I have a feeling their eyes and ears are always open. Hence the eavesdropper back here.
Billy: Well, we're gonna have to be smarter than them.
Phyllis: Well, I mean, let's be honest. They're not even in my league, so... [ Chuckles ]
Billy: Easy. I'm no slouch in that department either.
Phyllis: We're strange bedfellows.
Billy: [ Sighs ] I mean, it's not that strange. There was a time...
Phyllis: There was a time. But there's a reason things didn't work out for us, you know? All the people involved.
Billy: Yeah, I don't know if you know this, but summer and i had a long conversation about what happened and we were able to bury the hatchet. So in a way, it makes sense that we would be working together on this.
Phyllis: Well, that's good. The universe works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?
Billy: Yeah, two semi-reformed exes working together to take out two people that are living on the dark side? I think that's music to my ears.
Phyllis: I'm glad you're on my side.
Billy: Working together, common goal -- protect jack and kyle.
Phyllis: And summer.
Billy: And summer. Ready to get to work?
Phyllis: Yeah. Take no prisoners. I always had a connection to my grandfather...
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Lunch was lovely.
Victor: It was. As is any time I get to spend with my baby.
Nikki: Oh, you haven't lost your touch, darling. But I do think it's time for us to talk about the topic we have been avoiding.
Victor: What's that?
Nikki: Victoria.
Victor: What about her?
Nikki: Well, for starters, i have concerns about her relationship with ashland. She's getting closer and closer to him, knowing that his health issues are going to --
Victor: They're about to kill him.
Nikki: Well, yes, unfortunately. And I can't speak honestly to her because as soon as I voice any objections, she's just gonna dig her heels in deeper.
Victor: Well, you know that our girl is very stubborn. She's not gonna listen to me.
Nikki: Oh, is that your excuse for not having spoken to her since she made the announcement about the merger?
Victor: No, sweetheart. I've been very busy with adam and our new company.
Nikki: Well, I suppose I can see the strategic value in icing out a business competitor, but for the life of me, I will never understand why a father would ignore his child's accomplishments.
Victor: What the hell happened?
[ Knock on door ]
Billy: You rang?
Victoria: Hi. Thank you so much for coming.
Billy: Of course, but first things first, congratulations on the merger. That is a huge deal.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you.
Billy: I will do my best to forgive you for not giving chanccomm the exclusive.
Victoria: Well, hey, ashland did try to give you a head's up.
Billy: Yes, but those are crumbs. You could actually make it up to me right now by giving me a little insider information.
Victoria: And why would I do that?
Billy: Because we think there's a new spin to the ashland locke story.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Which is?
Billy: Tara locke. How do you feel about ashland's soon-to-be-ex-wife?
Victoria: Listen. I don't really have time to discuss her right now. I asked you here because there's something important that I need to talk to you about regarding the kids.
Billy: Kids? Is everything alright?
Victoria: Yes, they're fine. They're happy as always, and i intend to keep them that way.
Billy: Okay, so what's going on?
Victoria: Well, I was hoping that maybe you could be a little more flexible with their custody schedule and possibly have them stay with you a bit more often.
Billy: Yeah, no, of course. I mean, I love when they come over to stay, so does lily. Are you planning to travel more because of the merger now?
Victoria: That's not the reason. I invited ashland to move in with me.
Billy: I'm sorry, what did you just say? Victoria, you're inviting a dying man into your home and you're kicking your kids out?
Sally: I happened to hear your name come up when phyllis and billy were talking. But when I tried to get closer, phyllis noticed and shut down the conversation.
Tara: I'm not surprised that phyllis is on my case. She came by earlier pretending to be friendly, but I could tell she was after some kind of dirt.
Sally: Please tell me you didn't mention my completely inadvertent role in your viral video.
Tara: Of course I didn'T. I played it just as cool, friendly as phyllis did. Or should I say just as fake. But I am worried that she's gonna run off and tell her concerns to billy.
Sally: Yeah, they did have a conspiratorial vibe.
Tara: I mean, if it were just phyllis alone, I could probably manage it, but with an abbott insider on her side, it's another story.
Sally: Well, I mean, at least we know what they're up to, right? We can use it to our advantage.
Tara: But they suspect what we're up to, as well. Sorry that I was so harsh when you first got here. I appreciate you bringing me this information.
Sally: Yeah, well, we need to keep helping each other.
Tara: You're right.
Sally: So now it is time for you to do me a favor.
Tara: Should've seen that coming. What is it?
Sally: I need to find a way to keep phyllis from trashing me to jack every chance she gets.
Phyllis: Hey, fancy meeting you here.
Jack: Hey. Welcome back from milan.
Phyllis: Ah.
Jack: That was a whirlwind trip, huh?
Phyllis: Oh, it was, it was. Summer sends her love. In fact, she had a little gift for you. I dropped it off at the house.
Jack: Well, thank you. I am touched that she thought of me.
Phyllis: Well, I'm touched to all the love and support that you give my daughter, so thank you. Also, I'm touched by the love and support you give me. I know I can be extra, and you support me anyway.
[ Chuckles ]
Jack: We've been through a lot, red. I'm grateful we can still be friends.
Phyllis: So am I. Thank you for letting me talk you into dinner the other night. I like spending time with you.
Jack: Well, I thought that was great fun. And I was very impressed that you didn't spend the entire meal telling me to stay away from sally.
Phyllis: Oh, listen, I told you, I'm done with that. I'm not gonna do that anymore. We have many other things to talk about.
Jack: I am open to all new subjects of conversation.
Phyllis: Me too, me too. You know, speaking of which, when I dropped off the gift, i had a little chat with tara. Wow. She is something. Very focused and determined.
Jack: As any mother would be, facing protecting her son during a difficult time.
Phyllis: Well, definitely. I mean, we know about that, given everything that's happened between kyle and summer.
Jack: Yeah, that's true.
Phyllis: I was still trying to figure out why my daughter chose to take this job overseas and not put her engagement on hold, but instead she just canceled the whole thing. And talking to tara, I totally understand why.
Jack: Oh, how so?
Ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Tessa: I definitely made some enemies when I was trying to free my sister from her former life. She was forced into a prostitution ring and took some pretty extreme measures to free herself.
Abby: We don't have to go down that rabbit hole.
Stitch: But could it be someone from that time who's resurfaced?
Tessa: I mean, it was so long ago, it would be strange, but...I can't rule it out. What if those dark days are catching up with me? And mariah is paying for my shady past?
Abby: Look, we don't know that it has anything to do with that. Like you said, that was a long time ago. There has to be another explanation.
Victoria: I wasn't expecting you to have a positive reaction to ashland moving in, but i resent your tone and the accusation behind it. I am not kicking my kids out of their house. I'm -- I'm putting them first, like I always do.
Billy: How are you doing that exactly?
Victoria: By making sure that this transition goes as smoothly as possible for them. I know it's not gonna be easy and I'm not glossing over any possible complications, but that's why I'm here talking to you, billy. I'm hoping that you'll help johnny and katie adapt.
Billy: Come on, you know me. I'm always gonna do everything i can for the kids -- love and support them any way I can -- but, victoria, you're inviting a dying man to sleep in your bedroom. You think that's good for the kids?
Victoria: Ashland is a wonderful father to harrison. I'm sure that he'll be great with johnny and katie.
Billy: They haven't even met the guy yet.
Victoria: No, they haven't, but we both know that our kids are very accepting of their parents seeing new people.
Billy: Are you comparing the situations? 'Cause they're not at all the same. Lily and I were together for months before we moved in together, and I would hardly compare lily to ashland locke.
Victoria: Good, because I'm not asking you to.
[ Sighs ] I am just asking for a little good faith to help with our kids. I know this -- this might make them a little uneasy at first, but I plan on spending plenty of time with them alone and giving them as many reassurances as i can. My goal in this is to make sure that they are unharmed in any way.
Billy: How are you gonna promise that?
Victoria: Because, billy, i look out for them. I protect them. I always do. Besides, this -- this isn't forever. It's just for a few months.
Billy: Is that how long ashland has left? Victoria, you are putting yourself in a world of grief. Do you love him?
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] I'm not discussing my personal life with you. The kids are our priority.
Amanda: Thank you for seeing me.
Victor: It sounded important. I got to tell you, I was stunned to hear about your mother's confession and subsequent arrest. Do you think she really was involved in your father's death?
Amanda: Not a chance.
Victor: Really? I thought there was more to it.
Amanda: Well, first, I would like to apologize for attempting to implicate you and newman in my father's murder. I know now that you had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Victor: I appreciate that, okay? You were simply doing your job. So, uh, this must all weigh rather heavily on you.
Amanda: Mm, you have no idea. I believe now that my grandfather is the guilty party.
Victor: Really? Whoa. I'm so sorry to hear that, for your sake. Now, I know you and I have discussed some of my own past and some of my trials and tribulations with my biologic family.
Amanda: Yes, we have. And I am grateful that you felt comfortable opening up to me. It meant a lot.
Victor: My heart goes out to you. So... tell me, amanda. Why are you really here?
Devon: Excuse me. I'd like to talk to you, you son of a bitch.
Sutton: I've been called worse than that.
Devon: I bet you have. Do you know who I am?
Sutton: Of course. Devon hamilton, the young billionaire who's dating my granddaughter.
Devon: That's absolutely right. So I'm sure that you are more than aware of what my money can do to you if you ever threaten amanda again.
Nikki: Hey. I just saw billy in the hall. He didn't look very happy.
Victoria: We had a bit of a heated exchange. So if you're here to pile on, go ahead. I'm sure you want to give me all of the reasons why inviting ashland to move in was a bad idea.
Nikki: I didn't say that.
Victoria: Oh, you didn't have to. I could feel it. I am sure you were hoping that billy would talk me out of it.
Nikki: Well, I admit, I'm worried about the kids, but i told you I thought billy should be part of the conversation.
Victoria: He should be, and he is.
Nikki: Victoria. I know how strong you are. I have witnessed that from a front row seat your entire life. And now, look at you, on top of the world, making newman enterprises even stronger than how it was when your father left. You have expanded your power with grit and hard work, all the while nurturing your children with that enormous heart of yours.
Nikki: Now you're opening that heart to a man who might not have that much time left.
Victoria: And you think I'm making a mistake.
Nikki: Darling, I am not criticizing you. I think you're doing a very compassionate and loving thing for ashland. I do worry about what it might do to you, but I trust you enough to make the right choices for yourself and the kids. Look, whenever the heart is involved, there is always a chance that it might get broken. But if you're still willing to put everything on the line, I admire that because, really, what is life without taking chances?
Phyllis: Yeah, tara was polite, borderline sweet when we were talking about summer. You know... yeah, she's really staked her claim in that abbott home, hasn't she?
Jack: And kyle and I are very happy to have her there. Harrison is the newest member of the abbott family. He is a blessing and we don't want her to move to new york with him.
Phyllis: Okay, but, um, I'm sure you see how difficult this has been for my daughter. You do. You see that, right? I mean, with -- with tara entrenched in all of your lives and with kyle taking this position of father of this "could have been" alternate family, I mean, surely you see how difficult that is for my daughter, right? Something had to give.
Jack: I have the utmost sympathy for summer. But I don't think anything tara did was malicious. Is that what you're thinking?
Phyllis: No, I'm not. I'm glad you get to spend a lot of time with your grandson. I'm very happy for you.
Jack: Thank you.
Sutton: You've been misinformed, son. I haven't threatened anyone.
Devon: So what, you're calling amanda a liar then?
Sutton: Admittedly, our family situation remains emotionally charged and amanda is taking everything very personally.
Devon: Yeah, of course she's taking it personally. It's personal to her.
Sutton: It's also professional. Believe it or not, I admire my granddaughter's professional skills, her legal skills. She's smart and strategic.
Devon: Yeah, I'm very aware of that. And your daughter is very lucky to have amanda defending her.
Sutton: But unfortunately, amanda's treading on territory she doesn't fully understand.
Devon: And what the hell does that mean? Actually, you know what? I don't even care. If anything happens to amanda, you're gonna have to deal with me. Do you understand that?
Sutton: [ Laughs ] Who do you think you are to talk to me in this way?
Devon: Who are you to threaten your own granddaughter? Cowards do that, and that's what you are. And amanda's gonna reveal it.
Amanda: Thank you for the advice. And no matter what happens, I am grateful to have found my family and to have gotten answers to questions that I've asked my entire life.
Victor: I'm glad to hear that.
Amanda: As I said on the phone, this meeting was about closure of sorts.
Victor: Now, amanda, what kind of closure are you looking for?
Amanda: I want the whole truth about my family to come out. So I am hoping that you can push sutton into a corner, and I pray that it is a tight enough spot that it will force him to reveal something. Thank you for your time.
Victor: You're welcome.
Victoria: Well, that was a very productive work session. Will you send a follow-up e-mail to our team about the next steps?
Nikki: I sure will. Hey, you got a delivery while we were gone.
Victoria: Oh, wow. They're beautiful.
Nikki: I like that ashland is showing his appreciation for you.
Victoria: Yes, he's very thoughtful.
Nikki: Well, I'll see you later.
Victoria: Okay, mom, I'll see you.
Tessa: There has to be a way to reach mariah. I just have to think of it. Um, maybe I could track her cellphone location in some way. I'll let you know if I figure anything out.
Stitch: [ Sighs ] I-I didn't want to upset tessa, but it sounds like she could actually have people in her past who might still want to do her harm.
Abby: I know -- I know that it's possible, but, really, that was years ago. I mean, those guys have been out of her life for a long time.
Stitch: Criminals like this, they have long memories. I could imagine them seeing tessa headlining somewhere, making it big, living in a mansion.
Abby: And that would make mariah the prime target.
[ Sighs ]
Jack: Tara? Hey, what's wrong?
Tara: [ Gasps ] Jack. Sorry. It's nothing.
Jack: Well, it's obviously something.
Tara: Um...you should just caught me at a bad moment.
Jack: Tell me what happened.
Tara: I don't think I should talk to you about it.
Jack: You can share anything with me.
Tara: It's phyllis. She was here.
Jack: Yes, I know that. I'm not sure why that has you so upset, though.
Tara: Because she blames me for summer leaving. And she blames me for the whole broken engagement, which just couldn't be further from the truth.
Jack: Okay, listen, phyllis sometimes aims her fire in every direction without really thinking it all through.
Tara: It felt like she had long and hard about this. The things she said to me, i can't even repeat them to you. I just don't even want to talk about it. In fact, I hope you can just forget this whole thing.
Devon: I know I kind of lost it for a second, but if sutton is gonna threaten you, then he's gonna get threatened back.
Amanda: I don't think I've ever seen you like this before.
Devon: I know. It's -- it usually takes a lot to bring that out of me. I try to take the high road most of the time. When someone goes after a person that I care that much about, my gloves come off.
Amanda: What'd he say?
Devon: He was thrown. I don't think he expected it. But I just -- I hope that you're not upset that I did what I did.
Amanda: I'm actually touched that you stood up for me.
Devon: Just wanted to make sure that he knew that you're not alone. That you have people in your life that actually care about you who he's gonna have to deal with.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I don't think I've ever had a knight in shining armor defend my honor before.
Devon: Well, you need to get used to it.
Amanda: Mm. Well, as long as you get used to the fact that this is a two-way street. So if you ever decide to take the high road with an enemy, just know that I will be there with all of my legal weapons in my arsenal, I'm gonna use every single one to defend you -- you know, lawsuits, cease-and-desist orders, whatever it takes.
Devon: Oh, boy.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Deal. That's a deal. Speaking of people who have your back, how did everything go with victor?
Amanda: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm optimistic. You know, it's strange putting my trust in him. I have more trust in him than i have in my own grandfather.
Victor: Have a seat, sutton.
Sutton: Well, last thing i was expecting today was a call from victor newman. Fortunately, I was already in town.
Victor: Well, now, i appreciate you coming by. Let me cut to the chase. You have a serious problem with amanda sinclair. But I have a solution to that problem.
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you.
Sally: Are we having just some friendly and slightly awkward banter or are we actually, like, building until you get to the point where you actually ask me out again?
Jack: How about tonight?
Imani: We've got a problem. . .
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