Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/17/21

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/17/21


Episode #12049 ~ Nick supports Chelsea. Adam provokes Rey. Amanda lets her guard down with Naya.

Provided By Suzanne

Amanda: I hope you don't mind. Just kind of made myself at home.

Devon: Do I mind? No, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I thought I was making you omelets, though. You're cooking?

Amanda: Oh, yeah. I couldn't wait. I was starving, and you were out cold, so.

Devon: Well, it's 'cause you wore me out.

Amanda: Oh, ow.

Devon: You alright?

Amanda: Yeah. Um, yeah, I'm sorry. I just -- clumsy. I think I'm a little preoccupied.

Devon: You're not having second thoughts about last night, are you?

Amanda: No, no. Not for one minute.

[ Sighs ] I was making breakfast, and i got a surprise text from my birth mother. Apparently, naya is in town and she wants to meet me.

Sharon: Oh, good, you're ready to go. I'd like to take you to school a few minutes early today.

Faith: Well, you can do whatever you need to do without worrying about me. I have another ride coming.

Sharon: I hope it's not jordan.

Faith: Of course it's not her. Why would she ever come back here after you were totally rude to her and blamed her for things that weren't her fault?

Nick: Hey. What are you doing here?

Sharon: I could ask you the same question.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Faith called me, said she needed a ride to school.

Sharon: Oh, right. Yeah, well, I had every intention of taking faith to school, but I just found out she had other plans.

Nick: Uh-huh. What's going on with you two?

Sharon: I don't have time to explain, and I really want to get to the coffee house and try to catch rey. He left early to deal with some issue with his car, and he and i need to talk.

Nick: Yeah, I'll just ask her. That's why I came here anyway.

Sharon: Thank you. That'd be so helpful.

Nick: Not a problem. See you later.

Rey: For your own sake, you should turn around and walk away. Ever wonder why your

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can attack anywhere.

[ Door opens ]

Nate: You ordered breakfast?

Elena: Yeah. Eggs benedict and hash browns. We both have to eat.

Nate: If a stranger saw us through the window, they'd probably mistake us for a happy couple.

Elena: Well, we were yesterday.

Nate: Were we, though?

Elena: I thought so. I mean, I guess not entirely.

Nate: I wish we could pretend nothing's happened and everything's normal, too.

Elena: Is that an option?

Nate: You spending the night with devon pretty much makes that impossible.

Elena: [ Sighs ] You know, I was awake most of the night trying to think of what I could say to you to -- just to help you understand, too.

Nate: I'm not sure there are words that could do that.

Elena: Yeah. I thought about going to find you.

Nate: I'm glad you didn'T. I needed to be on my own toited for you to come back. Although I wouldn't have judged you if you had hopped in a cab to the airport.

Nate: I would never do something like that.

Elena: I know. You have been nothing but kind and understanding and patient with me since the moment I met you. But I also know that everyone has their limits, and I figured that I had pushed you past yours.

Devon: I have to say that this breakfast was just as delicious as dinner last night, and it's making me wonder if there's anything you can't cook.

Amanda: Well, let's hope that you never find out.

[ Both laugh ]

Devon: And now I know I have to make my omelets at some point becae I have to show I can bring something to this relationship.

Amanda: Oh, you bring a lot, and you know it.

Devon: Listen, though. Um...I know why you didn't want to talk about your mom while we were having breakfast, but i think you're probably gonna have to make a decision pretty soon on whether or not you want to see her.

Amanda: Yeah, and I'm torn. I think it's pretty unfair and insensitive for her to ask to meet me when there's still a restraining order against me.

Devon: Right, but that was imani's doing, right?

Amanda: Naya could have defended me to imani, pointed out that there was nothing suspicious about me wanting to meet my birth mother or get to know my family history. She wasn't brave enough to do that.

Devon: So is it the restraining order that's really bothering you?

Amanda: It's a symbol of aggression and rejection.

Devon: I understand. She did come all this way in hopes of sitting down with you. I don't think she's gonna call the cops if you show up, so what's holding you back?

Rey: I'm beginning to think that you are deliberately trying to provoke me.

Adam: Now, why would I want to do that?

Rey: Because that is your mo.

Adam: Well, I'm very impressed by your masterful display of self-control. Because it's obvious you want nothing more than to bash my face in. Do I get to know why? 'Cause it can't just be because you walked in on sharon consoling me, which she must have told you what that was all about.

Rey: Yeah. Chelsea. How is your fiancée this morning? Still at home, paralyzed, trapped in her own living hell while you're here entertaining yourself with these sick games?

Adam: Chelsea's condition is none of your business, rey.

Rey: But my wife is somehow yours? You know, I've spent my entire career busting criminals and lowlifes, and in all those years, I have never met anybody as utterly irredeemable as you.

Adam: Well, it's funny, sharon doesn't see me that way.

Sharon: What are you doing?

Adam: I was just talking to your husband, just trying to clear things up.

Sharon: Could you give us a minute, please?

Adam: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Yeah. I don't know why he's here. Just ignore him. Can we talk?

Rey: No. Not with him here. It'll have to wait.

Sharon: There's something that I need you to know. I told adam that I'm done treating chelsea. That's it.

Rey: Well, I guess it's a start, but it doesn't even begin to fix the core problem. I have to get to the station. We'll talk when I get home.

Sharon: What did you say to rey?

Adam: Nothing. Okay, he came after me. Which made me wonder if you told him about the kiss.

Sharon: No, I didn't tell him. Did you?

Adam: I didn't let anything slip.

Sharon: Well, that just -- it shouldn't have happened.

Adam: What, me kissing you? Or you kissing me back? Because we both know that you did.

Sharon: Just, adam, stay away from me. You're ruining my life. Let me be happy.

Adam: That is all I want.

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Amanda: Maybe I'm not giving naya enough credit. You know, she has come a long way in a very short period of time. I remember when I contacted her, she didn't seem at all interested in what happened to babies that she gave up for adoption.

Devon: I know how painful that was for you.

Amanda: But I suppose it says something that the same woman is reaching out to me, despite how imani will react or the rest of her family if they knew.

Devon: Yeah. And maybe she's come to the realization that she doesn't want to miss out on getting to know you the way she did with hilary.

Amanda: Perhaps.

Devon: It also tells me that you've made a very big impression on her and she sees that you're valuable to have in her life, which is not a surprise at all.

Amanda: I seem to remember making a distinctly negative impression on you.

Devon: Okay.

Amanda: First impression, second impression, third and fourth.

Devon: Wow. I'm glad that you don't hold that against me. But, you know, even though it took some time, I think that you and I have grown to be pretty important to each other. Who's to say that can't happen with you and naya if you give her a chance?

Nate: I'm not mad at you. It would almost be easier if i was. But you never made me the commitments or promises.

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Nate: From the beginning, you told me you were confused and needed time. I should have listened more closely, been more in tune with what you were feeling.

Elena: What happened between me and devon, it had nothing to do with you. It was just that our relationship ended so abruptly and it was so painful, and there were so many things that were unresolved.

Nate: You don't need to defend it. I get it, truly.

Elena: Yeah, but I'm not sure if you do. Because devon realized that what we had together, it was beautiful, and it was exactly what we both needed at the time. But it wasn't strong enough to keep us together. We realized that it was time to move on, and that's why I came here. Because I wanted to move on. With you.

Nate: As much as I want to be with you -- you have no idea -- I can't do it knowing I only have a part of your heart. It might sound selfish, but i want all of you -- 100%. Can you honestly tell me that you can give me that?

Sharon: What did I do? That's a strange way to phrase the question. I didn't do anything. What you walked in on was just adam being adam. You know, he's trying to stir up trouble between me and rey, and I just made it clear that i wasn't gonna have it and that was that.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: The problem is rey lets adam get to him when he shouldn'T. Of course, adam takes full advantage of that and eggs him on.

Mariah: About what? I mean, last time I heard, rey was content and confident in your relationship.

Sharon: He saw this one small thing that he completely misinterpreted, and now he's questioning our entire marriage over it. He's being completely unreasonable.

Mariah: That doesn't sound like rey.

Sharon: Well, to be fair, you know, I had reached out to adam and offered to help when I said that I wouldn't do that anymore.

Mariah: And adam exploited that in some way, I'm sure.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe, I guess. But, you know, I put an end to it right away. I told adam that he was gonna have to find someone else to be chelsea's therapist.

Mariah: Which is what you should've done in the first place. Asking rey to go along with all of this, that -- that was a lot.

Sharon: Rey left it up to me to make the decision.

Mariah: Because he was hoping that you would say no and protect your marriage. Putting adam first yet again, mom, that must have really hurt him.

Sharon: Why are you being so critical of me?

Mariah: Because I don't want to see you lose the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Sharon: I know how wonderful he is. It's why I love him. That's why I married him.

Mariah: And you how despicable adam is. That alone should be enough to kick him to the curb. So why can't you let him go?

Sharon: I don't know, okay? And I can't do this right now.

Nick: What was that about?

Mariah: Adam strikes again.

Nick: You know, I saw sharon earlier and she said she needed to find rey 'cause they had some things to work out. Are they having problems because of adam?

Mariah: Adam is trying to come between my mom and rey. And from the looks of it, he is succeeding.

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Elena: You know, cutting the trip short and heading home early is the right thing to do.

Nate: Yeah. Tried to push things to far, too fast.

Elena: Thank you again for being understanding. You're right, I have a lot to think about. I think I was hoping I could just gloss over that and jump to the good part, because I do love spending time with you. That's real. It's never been an act.

Nate: I know. Or I never would've stuck it out this long. The question is whether it's enough.

Elena: Well, I understand if you don't want to sit around waiting for me to figure it out.

Nate: I'm still hoping things will work out for us eventually.

Devon: [ Exhaling ]

Amanda: Your text came as a surprise to me this morning.

Naya: I didn't mean to spring it on you at once. I, uh... I know it was last minute.

Amanda: Well, I have to wonder why you did. Couldn't you have given me more notice? Or did you come here on an impulse?

Naya: No, I have been thinking about visiting for some time. I -- I just couldn't be sure it would work out. I thought it would be worse to make plans and then cancel at the last minute, like I did before.

Amanda: Seems like it was very complicated for you to get away. Was that because you needed to invent a cover story about where you were going and what you were doing?

Naya: I came here because i want to hear more about you. I want to know the way you grew up and the people who raised you.

Amanda: I only talk about that with people that I know very well because it was very hard and complicated. So, why don't we start with how you grew up and how your parents -- my grandparents -- raised you? Hmm? No, don't worry. I won't ask you to introduce us or remind them of my existence. I understand that I am still a shameful secret, just like I was my entire life. Now, I assume that you intend to keep it that way indefinitely. Right?

N>&gtIck: I need to see adam.

Meredith: He's not here, but I expect him soon, if you'd like to wait.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Chelsea.

Meredith: I'll give you a few minutes alone.

Nick: I'm so sorry that i didn't come sooner. Adam made me feel like -- like I'd upset you if I came.

Chelsea: Since when do you listen to adam?

Nick: I know. Why would I ever listen to adam, huh? I wish you could tell me if you need anything or what I could do for you.

Chelsea: So do I. Because the first thing I'd tell you is to keep your ex-wife the hell away from adam.

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will continue. First approached me, and that I've been sending you contradictory messages ever since.

Amanda: Well, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't hoping for a more positive introduction. As much as I have compartmentalized you in my life trying to convince myself that you were irrelevant to me, I have dreamt of a happy ending.

Naya: I haven't handled this well, and I want to apologize for that. I was just so unprepared to face the situation. And of course I shouldn't have been. I mean, I was aware that my little girls were all grown up and that one day they'd show up and want answers. But maybe in the same way you compartmentalized me, I'd pushed down all the memories and emotions of my life from that year so deep that it almost seemed like it was happening to someone else.

Amanda: There is a big difference between our circumstances. You wanted to forget the choice that you made. I had to live with the result of that every day of my life.

Naya: I know that. I shouldn't have made the comparison.

Amanda: But maybe you were lucky, I guess. You didn't have to constantly live with the loss of it.

Naya: I did everything i could to not feel it, but that doesn't mean that I succeeded. When you showed up on my doorstep, all the guilt and the shame came rushing back. And to think that one of my girls was gone and that any chance I might have had of apologizing or explaining to her was gone with her... it was just too much to take in all at once.

Amanda: Well, that is a feeling that I can understand because I never got a chance to meet hilary either.

Naya: I know this is all my fault. The question is, how do we move forward? The one thing I know for sure is I don't want to cause any more pain for you, for my family, which includes imani. This has hurt her, too. She could see that something was wrong, and she kept pressing me to tell her what was going on. Now I realize I never should've confided in her.

Amanda: [ Scoffs ] More secrets and lies? That's how you wished you would've handled it?

Naya: Sharing the news with her has only made things worse for all of us. She lashed out at you because she was protecting me, and in the end, it hurt you even more. And you didn't deserve that.

Amanda: So, why did you want to meet now?

Naya: I don't want to lose another daughter without getting to know her. I am hoping that we might find a way forward where the good outweighs the bad, where the joy that we might find in spending time with each other might outweigh the pain.

Amanda: That's why I sought you out in the first place.

Naya: So, let me make amends. Let's see if we can build something together.

Amanda: What about imani? And your family? I'm sure that you have to know that they are gonna make things very challenging for you.

Naya: That's why I'D... I'd like to keep it just between the two of us, just for now.

Amanda: Well [Chuckles] That seems pretty self-serving.

Naya: I can understand why you'd see it that way. But if all I cared about was keeping it quiet, I wouldn't be here. I really want to connect with you.

Amanda: But only on your terms, huh?

[ Exhales sharply ] I'm sorry. I don't think I can do that.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Rey: Hey. What's going on?

Lola: Hi. I am taking full advantage of the lull between breakfast and lunch to work on the valentine's day menu. Do you have any special requests? I can put something in for you and sharon.

Rey: I'll have to get back to you.

Lola: You wouldn't dare go anywhere else, right?

Rey: Um...

Lola: Wait. Don't tell me you're gonna attempt to cook.

Rey: I'm not sure what we're doing.

Lola: Okay. What's wrong?

Rey: I'm just not sure what our plans are yet.

Lola: Did you forget that I'm your sister and I have been reading your face for as long as I can remember? Sharon's not sick again, is she?

Rey: No, no.

Lola: Then tell me what's going on, rey.

Rey: We've been arguing.

Lola: About what?

Rey: Sharon says that adam's out of her life, that she's done with him. But she keeps making excuses to let him back in. It's basically the same pattern -- on and off, since she's brought him back from vegas.

Lola: And you feel like she's breaking that promise to you.

Rey: Yeah. Except I don't think she sees it that way. And I'm starting to wonder if I'm just being a fool. And as much as I hate to admit it, it's starting to remind me of...

Lola: Mia and arturo.

Rey: [ Sighs ] You know, all this time, i thought that sharon and I were a thousand times stronger than mia and I ever were. But maybe I love my wife so much that it's made me blind. Maybe I've just the same mistake twice.

Nick: Alright, you listen to me. You're one of the strongest people I've ever met. I've seen you fight for adam and connor. While we disagree about adam, it's gonna take that kind of strength and energy to beat what you're facing right now, chelsea. I know it's inside of you. You can do this. You will bounce back from it.

[ Door opens ]

Adam: I thought I made it crystal clear that you weren't welcome here.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I guess I broke one of your rules. Oops. I never should have let you keep me away from her.

Adam: Well, I assume you've had your little visit, so you can go now.

Nick: That's not the only reason I came by here.

Adam: What else do you want?

Nick: To tell you to stay the hell away from sharon.

Adam: Look, I'm not gonna have this conversation with you in front of chelsea.

Nick: I'm pretty sure chelsea and I are on the same page about this.

Chelsea: Damn straighwe are.

Nick: Anyway, this ain't a conversation. I'm just letting you know how it's gonna be.

Adam: Nicholas, it's none of your business. I will hire whoever I think can help her get well.

Nick: Cut the crap. You didn't hire sharon because you think she can help chelsea. You did it because you're a narcissist and you can't handle seeing sharon happy with someone like rey. So you continue to mess with her head.

Adam: That's enough! Enough.

Chelsea: What happened? Look at me, nick. Are they having an affair?

Adam: Get out. Now.

Chelsea: No! Don't go! I need answers! So, the story with depression...

Nick: She is where your focus should be right now. And where are you when she needs you most? You're out harassing sharon.

Adam: I promise you, he has no idea what he's talking about. Okay, yes, I did run into sharon at crimson lights this morning, but he wasn't even there. He has no idea what we discussed, and for the record, it was you. That's all we talk about these days is how we can help you. So if nick or rey or anyone else thinks there's anything more to it, they're way off base.

Chelsea: You're lying. Please, nick, stay and tell me the truth!

Adam: Meredith, can you please come in here for a minute? My brother has clearly said some things that have upset chelsea. Can you please stay with her while I show him out? So what is it you think you've accomplished here?

Nick: I put you on notice. You have pushed sharon past her breaking point too many times in life, and that's over. It's not gonna happen again. I won't stand for it.

Adam: Why would rey wonder if you still love me?

Sharon: I -- I can't -- I won'T.

[ Sighs ]

Lola: It's hard for me to be objective about your situation after what I went through with kyle. And I'm not comparing kyle and sharon because kyle -- kyle was immature and he didn't know or understand his feelings. And I would say that the same was true for mia. Sharon's a little different, though. I would say she's a little more like mom.

Rey: What?

Lola: I'm just saying that there are some parallels. You know, celeste knew what kind of a man our father was. But she couldn't resist him. I mean, deep down, she knew that he would never live up to her expectations and that he never deserved her. But she would take him back and he would break her heart over and over again, and he would humiliate her. And it didn't matter what you and arturo would say, she wouldn't listen and she would always go back to him.

Rey: So, what you're saying is that I should've seen this coming and that sharon will never let adam go.

D: Onthought you'd still have your feet in the sand.

Elena: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Elena: Wait, how did you know I... oh, I posted a selfie of nate and I at the beach.

Devon: You did.

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: Back pretty soon.

Elena: Yeah, we actually ended up cutting the trip short. You can probably guess why.

Devon: Did you -- did you end up telling him what we did?

Elena: No. I didn't have to. He figured it out on his own, like I thought he might.

Devon: I'm sorry.

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: What did he say?

Elena: Well, he wasn't angry, believe it or not. He just sort of withdrew into himself and said that the situation wasn't working for him.

Devon: So wait, you guys broke up?

Elena: Yeah, I don't really know what's gonna happen with us. Nate wants me to do some thinking and to search my heart and figure out what I really want.

Amanda: Hello. What are you doing here?

Nate: I booked a room because I desperately need some sleep and there's a construction crew at my place.

Amanda: Not great timing, huh? You're probably jet-lagged. Well, I saw the picture that you posted of you and elena on the beach.

Nate: Right, right.

Amanda: How was your trip? It looked relaxing and romantic.

Nate: It was. Um, crystal-blue waters. Great views. I, uh, better head upstairs -- i got a date with a pillow.

Amanda: Okay. Well, enjoy your nap.

Nate: Thank you. What's the #1 retinol brand

Devon: Hey.

Amanda: Hey.

Devon: How'd everything go with your mom?

Amanda: Not great.

Devon: What happened?

Amanda: Well, naya seemed sincere about wanting to get to know me. And she apologized for how poorly she handled the situation and she wants to make it up to me.

Devon: Okay, that doesn't sound that bad.

Amanda: Yeah, well, there's a -- there's a big, big condition. She doesn't want to pursue a relationship with me unless we can keep it a secret from her family. She claims that it is best for everyone involved. She wants to protect us, including me. And I think that she actually believes it. It just makes me feel awful. Like I am some...shameful, guilty secret.

Devon: I'm sorry. I know that's exactly what you were afraid of happening if you agreed to meet with her.

Amanda: Well, I did it anyway, and I tried -- I tried to come around to it, but I just couldn'T. Naya made it very clear that she is not willing to upset her husband or her parents or imani for somebody that she hardly knows. So I don't know. I really don't know where we go from here.

Lola: I wasn't trying to predict what will happen between you and sharon. In fact, I am really rooting for the two of you to work things out. I kind of feel sorry for her, in a way. Same way that I feel about mom. You know, she has to look back on all the time she wasted on someone who was never deserving of her time.

Rey: That's what kills me most about this. I mean, if adam were a decent human being, someone that i could respect in any way, but I wouldn't be so damn disgusted. I mean, sure, it would still hurt, but sharon is willing to jeopardize all that we have over this guy.

Lola: I'm sure sharon is saying those same things to herself right now, rey. That she would love to be free of all the feelings she has for someone who she could never possibly respect.

Rey: I have tried to view this from her side -- look at this from every angle -- but i cannot deal with seeing adam every time I turn around. And if sharon expects me to continue to deal with it, well, it's just not gonna work.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Sharon: Hello? What?! Is faith okay? I'm on my way.

Adam: Oh, nicholas. He's always been a hothead. You know that. He's bitter because me and victor are in a better place now and he needs somewhere to spew his vitriol.

Chelsea: This isn't about victor. It's about sharon. And you pursuing her.

Adam: Anyway, we don't -- we don't -- we don't have to talk about it. What about some music? Huh? Maybe something soothing?

Chelsea: Look at me, you coward. Tell me what you're up to. Never mind. I already know. You bastard.

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