Y&R Transcript Friday 1/22/21

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/22/21


Episode #12035 ~ Sharon and Adam's bond upsets Chelsea; Summer meets with Flo Fulton in Los Angeles; Kevin receives a surprise visitor.

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: Hey. How'd it go?

Dr. Cavett: Chelsea is trying very hard.

Adam: Did she try to talk?

Dr. Cavett: I don't think she's there just yet.

Adam: Okay. She made a sound last night. She was -- I heard it. She was trying to tell me something. It sounded like she was moaning, and I --

Dr. Cavett: And I can understand how you'd want to see that as progress, but --

Adam: She made a sound, okay? I mean, she wasn't able to do that before. How can you just dismiss that?

Dr. Cavett: No, it's helpful to know that she can engage her vocal chords to some degree. But what I'm more focused on is the gradual return of her motor skills. And, frankly, I haven't observed that yet. Have you?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Hey. What's that?

Rey: You got a gift.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] From who?

Rey: Adam.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Summer: Oh.

Flo: Hey, summer.

Summer: Hi.

Flo: That dress is ridiculously cute.

Summer: Oh. Thank you.

Flo: Fenmore's, I'm assuming?

Summer: Yeah, well, I only shop the best.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, and those earrings are stunning. Where did you get those?

Flo: Oh, thank you. A friend of mine actually makes them. She does them all custom, one of a kind. I'll text you her number. Maybe you guys can work together or something.

Summer: Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you.

Flo: But you didn't come here to talk about fashion, I know. You want to hear about sally spectra.

Summer: Yeah, anything that you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.

Flo: Well, I think that warning you about her is really the least I can do. The short version is she's a nightmare.

[ Chuckles ] And if I can just save one human being the kind of grief that I was put through, then it'll be totally worth it. I just wish someone had warned me about what she was capable of before I found out the hard way.

Jack: I think the whole team did just a great job.

Lauren: Right?

Jack: Yeah.

Lauren: I agree, on many levels.

Sally: Hi, guys.

Lauren: Oh, hi!

Jack: Hi, sally. Nice to see you.

Sally: Uh, lauren, if you're busy, I can wait.

Lauren: Oh, no, no, no. Now's perfect. Sally's working on the marketing pitch for fenmore'S.

Jack: You know what? I'll get out of your way and let sally work her magic.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

Lauren: Oops. Uh, I need to take this. One second. I'll be back.

Jack: Well, uh, good luck with your proposal.

Sally: Uh, not so fast, jack abbott. Never run dry of...

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Summer: Wow. Well, it sounds like sally really gave you a rough time.

Flo: [ Chuckles ] That's, uh -- that's one way to put it. Yeah. How about you?

Summer: Uh, no, she hasn't done anything to me...yet.

Flo: But you believe she's planning to?

Summer: Yeah. I mean, my boyfriend thinks that I'm overreacting, but I've dealt with the jealous type before, and that seems to describe sally perfectly.

Flo: I'm not surprised it's a guy who is giving her the benefit of the doubt. No offense to, um...

Summer: Kyle.

Flo: Kyle. Sally has this way of playing the sad, innocent victim who dupes otherwise very intelligent men. It's like this sick little gift that she has.

Summer: Okay, well, I mean, it couldn't have been that bad, right? Like, I'm sure it was nothing other than, like, the normal jealous rival stuff?

Flo: There is nothing normal about sally. What's the worst thing that you think she could be capable of?

Summer: Well, she made it pretty clear that she wants to steal my boyfriend and my job, but I'm not too worried about that.

Flo: You should be. Because when sally tells you that she wants something, she means it. And you listen to her because it's the truth, and she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. For example, think, um, kidnapping, lying, trying to get pregnant to get a man to love her again.

Summer: Oh, my god.

Flo: Yeah, like I said, she is a nightmare, and now that she has taken her talents to genoa city, she's unfortunately your nightmare.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Sally: I cannot believe how lucky I am that you happened to be here this morning. I worked all night on this pitch for lauren, and I need a live human being to rehearse it with.

Jack: You want me to be your guinea pig then?

Sally: No. More like the smartest, savviest, most experienced sounding board I could have hoped for, not to mention --

Jack: Uh, hold on. You had me at "smartest."

Sally: Shouldn't have said yes so quickly. I was going to add "handsome," just in case you held out.

Jack: Oh, boy. You keep this up, I'm gonna have to add you to my speed dial so i can call you anytime I'm feeling bad about myself.

Sally: Well, you can... anytime.

Jack: So, why are you so nervous? With all your experience, you've certainly made a few pitches, yeah?

Sally: Yes, but not at fenmore's and not to lauren. This might be my one chance to impress her and to get to work on even bigger projects, so i want to bring my "a" game. I don't want lauren to have any doubts about my ability.

Jack: Okay, I have it on pretty good authority she already values you.

Sally: Well, thank you for that, but I really want to knock this out of the park. And this is my one chance to rehearse it before she comes back.

Jack: Okay, so, what's the concept?

Sally: Okay. I think fenmore's should partner with influencers the way that jcv did, but with a twist. We don't go after the teens. We just play the game to get all the perks. We go after the real achievers, the heavy hitters, the ones that already have a voice, you know? They have instant credibility.

Jack: Sounds smart. But the devil is the details.

Sally: Well, the details are where I shine.

Jack: Okay.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: Hit me with your best shot.

Sharon: "Your kindness is appreciated."

Rey: "Warmly, adam"? You know, what kind of game is this guy playing now? Why am I asking you? I'll just go over there and ask himself myself.

Sharon: Rey, wait. Wait. Adam's not playing any games. I brought some books over to his place yesterday. I was thinking maybe it might help him with chelsea's condition. So, his only agenda is just to say thank you.

Rey: You went over there?

Sharon: Yeah. I was gonna tell you about it last night, but you got home so late after working the night shift. This is basically the first free moment we've had together, so it's not as if I was trying to hide anything from you.

Adam: I want to show you what I was talking about earlier. Okay, chelsea, you were trying to talk to me. You were trying to make a sound. Can you do it again for dr. Cavett?

[ Sighs ] Alright, alright. Um, you're probably tired from the physical-therapy session. We'll try it again later. I know you might think I'm crazy, but it did happen, alright? She was trying to communicate. And that might not sound like a lot for you, but it's a lot for me because that's what I'm hanging onto. Alright, you were able to do it once, and you're gonna be able to do it again. You're gonna be stronger, and you're gonna make me understand what you were trying to say.

Dr. Cavett: I hope you're right.

Adam: Alright, actually, actually, I just thought of something.

Dr. Cavett: What's that?

Adam: A friend brought these books over right before she made a sound. Now, I don't know if that means anything, but maybe that gave chelsea the energy.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] Sharon is no friend. I was trying to warn you about her.

Adam: Come on, doc. Give me something. Give me anything that I can use to help my fiancéE.

Dr. Cavett: Look, the best thing you can do right now is to continue with the daily exercises that I showed to you. You know, keep talking to her, encouraging her.

Adam: I will. Thank you.

Dr. Cavett: I need to consult with the rest of the team.

[ Door opens ]

Adam: See you soon.

[ Door closes ] Don't lose hope. We're gonna get through this together. It's gonna be okay. What's that? New snuggle supercare.

Sharon: Need I remind you i am the woman you just married and just went on a fabulous honeymoon with? And who tells you every single day how much she loves you?

Rey: No. I remember all of that vividly. I will never trust adam, though. But I will always trust you. So if you thought it was a good idea to bring over some books, then as far as I'm concerned, that's just you being you -- thoughtful, helpful, kind.

Sharon: I don't know how helpful I was.

Rey: What do you mean?

Sharon: It was just a sense i got when I saw chelsea -- or, rather, from her seeing me. She can't communicate at all, but I just got the sense that she was upset that I was there. And adam wasn't looking at her at the time, but there was a certain look she had in her eyes that told me she wanted me to leave. So, you don't have to worry about me going back. Adam doesn't seem to need me, I don't think. Chelsea definitely doesn'T.

Adam: It's connor. He says, "miss you, mom." Well, my first instinct is to text him back and send him a heart emoji or something. But I realize we're gonna have to tell him some version of the truth...and soon. Look, I know that you're worried, and I am, too. It's gonna be a lot for him to process, but I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to make sure he gets through this. But in the meantime, I will not send a message back until you signal that it's okay.

[ Cellphone thuds ] Look, I'm sorry for dragging you out here and asking you to make a sound for dr. Cavett. I'll admit I want answers, i want solutions, and I want them yesterday.

[ Sighs ] Big surprise, right? But everything's gonna be okay. You're gonna get better. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get connor through this. And in the meantime, I'm not gonna overlook anything that might help because everything is completely on the table. I love you.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] You say all the right things. So why can't you let sharon go?

Chloe: Hey, have you talked to your mother lately?

Kevin: Uh, I've dodged a couple of her calls.

Chloe: Why?

Kevin: Because gloria never calls with good news, and things are going too great right now to get mixed up in any more of her drama.

Chloe: Well, maybe she was just calling to check in on the kids.

Kevin: Or she's hatching another one of her half-baked plans like the last one.

Chloe: Ah, I know. I know.

Kevin: I mean, thank god i was able to steer phyllis away from piggybacking on that shady evidence gloria pulled up on that newman executive.

[ Sighs ] But as angry as she makes me, she's my mother, and i hate that she would have been trampled by the newmans if I'd let her go along with her plan.

Chloe: You averted a disaster -- twice.

Kevin: I just wish that --

Chloe: What? She was a normal mother who was just calling to check in and say hi?

Kevin: Yes. Is it so wrong to want that?

Chloe: Well, I hate to break it to you, but she's never gonna change.

Kevin: So...deal with it?

Chloe: You have no choice. Anyway, I am going to have a visit with chelsea, so I'll see you later?

Kevin: Mm-hmm. I love you.

Chloe: Love you. Bye.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Sally: We do a series of ads pairing lauren with all of these influencers, the face of fenmore's hanging out with all these other cool people. And who better to be that face, right? I mean, lauren is -- she's got class, she's got presence, and she's gorgeous. I mean, she's a natural. So...what do you think?

Jack: I'm impressed.

Sally: Really?

Jack: Yeah. It's contemporary. It's got sizzle. It's inclusive. It's -- it's like being invited to a really cool party with all the beautiful people.

Sally: That's exactly what i was trying to get across, and i hope lauren sees it that way. Do you think she'll like it?

Jack: I've known lauren a very long time. Fenmore's is her baby. Its image means everything to her. I would be very surprised if she didn't want to put your proposal into motion right away.

Lauren: Okay, sally. Wow me.

Flo: You wanted to know the truth about sally.

Summer: No, I-I do. I'm just -- I wasn't expecting to hear that she had committed some actual crimes was all.

Flo: Right. Well, let me give you a little bit of context then. She and wyatt were involved at one point, but when he moved on, she definitely did not. And so when we started dating, she wasn't happy about it, and she was determined to get him back. And her methods in trying to do so were, um...extreme.

Summer: Okay. Um, I'm bracing myself here.

Flo: I will say, though, that she -- she had a tough upbringing. She lost her parents, and because of that, people are willing to cut her a lot of slack, and they kind of feel bad for her, especially men. And I, too, of course was trying to be understanding, and then that came back and, uh, bit me.

Summer: Okay, so, what did she do?

Flo: Well, first she got sick.

Summer: Sick like a cold or a flu or what?

Flo: [ Laughing ] No, no. That wouldn't be dramatic enough for sally. The way she explained it, she was dying.

Summer: Dying? Okay, and yet she's --

Flo: Yet she is very much alive and well. It's funny how that worked out. But she was so damn convincing that wyatt and myself and everybody else -- we all believed her. And that's when I made my first mistake. Because I thought she had such little time left, I was encouraging her to move in with wyatt.

Summer: Okay, well, that makes you a borderline saint.

Flo: [ Laughs ] More like a self-sabotaging fool. I mean, her plan this whole time was to try to spend as much time with him as she could to try to win him back. I'm just lucky that I was able to figure out her scam and expose her for the liar she is.

Summer: Okay, um, wait. I'm sorry. Where does this whole kidnapping thing come into play?

Flo: I was just about to get there. So, I found her out and I was about to tell wyatt everything and she panicked and she knocked me out, dragged me to her apartment, tied me up to her radiator, left me there so that she could go try to seduce wyatt into having sex with her so that she could get pregnant with his baby.

Summer: Oh, my god. Okay, wait, so how did you stop this?

Flo: Well, I was able to send wyatt a signal, and he saw it, like, just in time.

Summer: Wow.

[ Scoffs ]

Flo: Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so when everyone found out about what she did, she left los angeles in disgrace.

Summer: Okay, um, can I just start by saying that you are a badass?

Flo: [ Chuckling ] Oh, god. Thanks.

Summer: I mean, you -- you've been so helpful. I appreciate you telling me all of this.

Flo: Yeah, well, the pleasure is mine. Honestly, it's been really cathartic to tell you all of this.

Summer: I'm just so surprised that I hadn't heard any of this. I mean, I'd think that something this awful would follow her everywhere that she went.

Flo: Right. Well, you know, she got off with no criminal charges, and she cut ties with everyone that she knew. So it's kind of like she has a clean slate.

Summer: Yeah. Until now.

Flo: [ Sighs ] Yeah.

Summer: Flo, you have so helpful. I mean, really, if I could just use any of this craziness to prevent some kind of future pain, then all the better, right?

Flo: Yeah.

Summer: Oh, my gosh. Well, you know what? I think we should stay in touch. Yeah?

Flo: I'd like that, yeah.

Summer: Okay. Hey, before we go, um, do you want to take a selfie?

Flo: You and me?

Summer: Yeah, you know, to represent what I hope will be the start of a very beautiful friendship?

Flo: Ahh. Something juicy for social media?

Summer: Like minds.

Flo: Mm-hmm. [ Laughs ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Advanced non-small cell lung

cancer can take away so much.

Kyle: Ooh, who are those two babes?

[ Both laugh ] How'd it go with flo?

Summer: Um, hmm, it was interesting.

Kyle: Informative interesting or "holy crap" interesting?

Summer: Hmm. Um, I'd say a little bit of both.

Kyle: Hmm.

Summer: Yeah, she had a story that she was very eager to tell, and I will tell you all the details later, but basically it boiled down to one big warning about what sally's capable of, and it's a lot.

Kyle: Wow.

Summer: Yeah. I should be terrified.

Kyle: But...?

Summer: But now I know who sally really is, so I feel empowered. It's kind of like today has been the most productive day ever.

Kevin: Mom. What a surprise.

Gloria: Well, if you'd bothered to answer just one of my many calls, my arrival wouldn't have been so unexpected.

Kevin: What brings you to town?

Gloria: Don't pretend like you don't know. Thanks to you, I had to leave los angeles, and rather quickly, I might add. Couldn't just leave well enough alone, could you? You had to destroy the one piece of evidence that might have secured your mother's future.

Kevin: I was protecting you. Getting involved in a blackmail scheme that even tangentially involves the newmans is asking for trouble.

Gloria: "Tangentially." Big word for an idiot. You got it all wrong, kevin. I was trying to help the newmans.

Kevin: How?

Gloria: Because my boss was up to his eyeballs in a scheme to get at the newmans. I stole the one piece of evidence to stop him.

Kevin: At which point you were gonna do what? Blackmail them yourself?

Gloria: I was thinking a handsome reward for my good deed, but as it turns out, i couldn't help because my boss found out what I'd done, and I'm lucky he only fired me -- and threw me out of that charming little guest house i was living in. So, at this moment, honey, your mommy's homeless. So you owe me, kevin, big time.

Kevin: Okay. I will help you find a new place to live.

Gloria: No! No, no, no. I'm moving in with you and chloe. And I also need to find a job. So you just keep me posted on any leads you have.

Kevin: Will that be all?

Gloria: No. Actually, I'm famished, angel. So you're going to treat me to the best meal in town. Let's go.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Adam: Hello? Yes. Yes, I can talk.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] Does sharon see opportunity here? Is she going to try something knowing I can't respond? Maybe this is how they're communicating. Sharon could be writing adam little notes in the margins of those books -- endearments, reminders that she'll always be there for him. What did I ever do to deserve this torture? Is it karma? Payback for the things I've done wrong? Why can't I fight for what's mine?

Adam: Hey, I need to go out for a while, so I'm gonna have the nurse take you back to your room to rest. But I won't be gone long.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] You're going to see her, aren't you? Crest gum detoxify.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: That's for paul. It's a caramel macchiato, his favorite.

Rey: Ah. So, adam gets his stack of books. Paul gets his coffee. What do I get?

Sharon: Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see tonight.

Rey: Ah. You know, I've been thinking.

Sharon: Uh-oh.

Rey: No. No. It's good. I promise. Our honeymoon was awesome. It was the best. But we had to steal time alone with my whole extended family around.

Sharon: Well, I enjoyed spending time getting to know them.

Rey: Yeah, but I was thinking we deserve a getaway, just the two of us. So I thought maybe we could go somewhere for a few days around valentine's day.

Sharon: I'd love that.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Rey: Oh. Speaking of paul.

Sharon: I'll see you later.

Rey: Bye, sweetie.

Sharon: Adam. How's chelsea?

Adam: Uh, she is doing as well as she can be. But, uh, nothing has changed.

Sharon: Sorry. Oh, wait. Um...I just wanted to say thank you for those beautiful flowers. Um, maybe coming over to your place was a mistake.

Adam: Why would you say that? Bringing those books over -- that was a wonderful gesture. I was actually just reading one of them a few minutes ago.

Sharon: Oh, well, that's not what I was talking about. It just seemed like my being there upset chelsea.

Adam: That's not true.

Sharon: Well, if you really think about it, you'd have to agree with me. I mean, there's no denying the history that we have, and chelsea just seemed agitated before I left.

Adam: Well, I wish she could get agitated. Anything would be better than the hopeless look she has in her eyes. I, um -- I got to make a call, so excuse me.

Chloe: Well, I hope you don't mind me just stopping by like this.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] No, no, please come all the time. I need an ally right now like never before.

Chloe: I made a promise to bella that I would deliver this. She made it herself. You see what she did there? That's you and adam standing, holding hands. That is very important because you are 100% better. And that's what everyone wants for you, everyone who loves you.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] I know what sharon wants, and I'm beginning to wonder if that's what adam wants, too -- a reason to leave me here all alone while he spends time with...

Summer: I am telling you, taking this trip was the best idea ever. We've gotten so much accomplished. I am in the middle of a new deal with spencer publications. I found a great location on robertson for a new jcv store. You got to meet with your whole jabot team out here.

Kyle: Have we left anything out?

Summer: Oh, I don't know. Um, maybe the fact that I got all the ammo I need to keep sally spectra in her place. So it's a win-win-win!

Kyle: So, you're excited.

Summer: Uh, yeah. I think we should celebrate, and it looks like we have just enough time before we go home.

Kyle: Okay. Let's order champagne.

Summer: No, when I say "celebration," I mean the kind that starts with a bed, a hot tub, and a whole lot of room service.

Sally: So...what do you think?

Lauren: You know, when I was coming back from my phone call, I overhead jack say that I would like it. Well, jack was wrong. I love it.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: I have never been so happy to be wrong.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] I'm a little taken aback to be the star of the campaign, but now that you've explained it to me, I get it. I get it. We need a new image. We need an updated brand. I'm blown away.

Sally: [ Laughs ] Thank you so much.

Lauren: Well, I hope you understand the trouble you've brought on yourself now because I am going to expect this level of work on every project you do.

Sally: Well, I am ready for whatever it is that you throw at me because I live for this kind of thing.

Lauren: Oh, more like born for it.

Sally: Coming here from california was one of the best things I've ever done. Maybe I've finally found a home.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Sighs ]

Jack: Everything alright?

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Lauren: Hmm. Oh, this is michael. I need to get this. Um, I'll see you both at work, okay?

Jack: Yeah.

Sally: Thanks for liking my pitch.

Jack: Okay. Take a deep breath now and stop being nervous.

Sally: Do I seem nervous?

Jack: Yeah, the look on your face a little earlier kind of gave you away.

Sally: I -- I don't know what you mean.

Jack: I think you do. You're second-guessing yourself. You're fixated on your performance.

Sally: You do know me so well. Yes. Yes. I was. And I do it all the time. Even when things go the way i want, I nitpick it to death.

Jack: Hey, I just heard every word you said twice, and i assure you, you nailed it. So take a victory lap. You earned it. Be proud of yourself. Look, I've been around for a long time, and I know a winner when I see one. Darling, you are a rising star. You are gonna make a real impact around here. I guarantee it.

Adam: Dr. Cavett. Thank you for coming.

Dr. Cavett: Of course, although I must say I was a little curious about your phone call.

Adam: [ Sighs ] I wanted to talk to you outside of the penthouse to avoid chelsea hearing us and getting upset. I need some honest answers. Oh, please.

Dr. Cavett: Normally, I'd be upset by your insinuation that I'm holding back. But, um, as it happens, there is something I've been a little hesitant to discuss with you.

Adam: And what is that?

Dr. Cavett: I've been noticing that chelsea's lack of motor response has been equally present on both her right and left sides. But the stroke only affected her right side, so she should have more mobility on her left.

Adam: I remember when she was in the hospital, she was able to move the left side. So, what do you think that means?

Dr. Cavett: [ Sighs ] There might be another reason she's not responding.

Chloe: Okay. Yeah. Here it is. Chelsea? Chelsea, what's wrong? Are you in pain? I don't understand. You know what? Maybe I should -- maybe I should call adam and -- and tell him to come back.

Chelsea: [ Thinking ] This can't be that hard to figure out. Come on, chelsea. Say something. Tell her. Mumble if that's the best you can do, but make chloe understand.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Dr. Cavett: Often with stroke victims, there are emotional factors at play -- frustration with the inability to do things that were once second nature, along with the fear that this condition may be permanent.

Adam: Are you saying chelsea is having some kind of psychological issue that is blocking her from doing everything she used to do physically?

Dr. Cavett: I've seen it before. Psychological distress, often in the form of depression, can slow recovery of motor and language skills. So, while I'm dealing with chelsea's physical therapy, you might want to consider bringing in someone who can deal with her emotional wellness, too.

Adam: A psychologist?

[ Sighs ] Oh, boy. Um... I don't know.

Dr. Cavett: Obviously it's your call. Give it some thought. You know, talk to dr. Hastings. But you asked what I thought. And this is my suggestion. To support a strong immune system,

Gloria: Ooh, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.

Kevin: Michael's gonna be joining us for desert.

Gloria: Lovely. Ah. Who's the woman with jack?

Kevin: Beats me.

Gloria: Jack!

Jack: Uh, uh, gloria, uh, hello. Uh, I'd love you for you to meet --

Gloria: Ah, so nice to see you again. And if you're wondering why I'm here, it's because kevin and chloe need me too much. Poor things. So it looks like I'll be leaving L.A. Behind for a while. Not that hollywood isn't wonderful. It just never felt like home to me. Not the way this place does.

Chloe: What the...?

Kevin: I'll explain later. Let me go rescue jack. Hello.

Jack: Kevin.

Kevin: Mom.

Gloria: Ah?

Kevin: Chloe's here.

Gloria: Mm. To be continued. Ah.

Sally: Who was that again?

Jack: Uh, it's a long story. I'll tell you sometime. Um, I'm on my way out of here. Can I, uh -- can I walk you out?

Sally: Uh, no. I think I'll stick around for a little while.

Jack: I'll see you at the office then.

Sally: Oh, and, jack? Thanks again for your help and support. I could not have pulled off this pitch without you.

Jack: It was my pleasure. Congratulations on your pitch.

Sally: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Where is our check?

Kyle: Patience, my darling.

Summer: Okay. That sounded like it was from some old movie.

Kyle: Well, we are in the movie capital of the world.

Summer: Okay. So, is it color or black and white?

Kyle: Black and white of course.

Summer: Uh-huh.

Kyle: I'm seeing an empty restaurant. And then a cool blonde walks in, draped in satin and dripping with diamonds.

Summer: Oh, she's bored, and she's so lonely. And then she turns around, and she sees a handsome man in a tuxedo.

Kyle: James bond?

Summer: No! [ Laughs ] Cary grant. Come on. This is a romance. He is funny and charming and...

Kyle: Sexy?

Summer: Oh, very, very sexy.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Okay, so then he orders them some drinks.

Kyle: Am I allowed to say martinis?

Summer: Fine. Martinis.

Kyle: Shaken, not stirred.

Summer: What? No. There you go with the james bond stuff again. No, I want my romance to be stirring. Okay, so then what?

Kyle: Well, then he asks her to dance.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: And as they glide across the dance floor, he whispers something into her ear.

Summer: What?

Kyle: I'll leave that up to your imagination.

Summer: Okay, you know what? Just forget the check. Do you have any cash?

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

Summer: Mm-hmm. Okay. [ Giggles ]

Rey: So, paul loved his macchiato, and he asked me to thank you. What were you looking at?

Sharon: Um...you said you wanted to go away for valentine's day, so I was just getting some ideas.

Rey: Ah. Well, it doesn't matter where we go, as long as it's just the two of us.

Sharon: I couldn't agree more.

Adam: Told you I wouldn't be gone long.

[ Keys clatter ]

[ Sighs ] Are you alright? Hey, all the trees are covered with snow. It's really nice outside. Do you want to look out the window? I bet by the spring you're gonna be all healed and we're gonna be able to go take walks again.

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