Y&R Transcript Friday 1/8/21
Episode #12026 ~ Billy hijacks Kyle's plans; Amanda receives a stern warning; sparks fly between Nate and Elena.
Provided By Suzanne
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Well, that's quite the smile.Elena: Yeah. While you were showering, I was wondering if I dreamed you up.
Nate: I've never had any
Elena: You know, I think waiting until now was the perfect decision.
Nate: [ Inhales deeply ] Anticipation makes getting what you want that much sweeter.
Elena: You're kind of perfect, too.
Nate: Now, that's the champagne talking.
Elena: No, I meant every word.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Okay, so, uh, what should we do for an encore?
Elena: Ah. That depends on the text message you got while you were showering.
Nate: Think it's the hospital?
Elena: I don't think the universe would be that cruel.
Nate: [ Sighs ] It's from lily.
Elena: Oh? Everything alright?
Nate: Yeah. She wants to get together and talk. I'll tell her I'll see her tomorrow.
Elena: No. Go. What if it's important?
Nate: You're not trying to get rid of me, are you?
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Not at all. We have the room all night. You go to lily. I'll go get some fresh air. Then we can come back here and pick up where we left off.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: Ah, yes, all systems are go.
Lily: For what?
Billy: The healthcare resource website that we've been trying to purchase.
Lily: Wait. Are you kidding? After all these negotiations?
Billy: I am not kidding. It's happening.
Lily: Really?
Billy: Yes. I convinced them to sell it to us, but we got to meet on their turf, which is in seattle.
Lily: Okay, well, when do they want us?
Billy: Now. Like, by tomorrow morning they want to close the deal.
Lily: Wait, sorry -- you want us to fly to the west coast tonight?
Billy: You got something better to do?
Lily: Well, no. I mean, I knew that we were getting close to the acquisition, so I wanted to chat with nate and see if he'd come on board.
Billy: Okay, so he's still your first choice?
Lily: He's my first and only choice, and not because he's family, but because he has everything that we're looking for. So I wanted to see if he were interested, and if he wasn't, i was gonna twist his arm.
Billy: Good. When do you meet him?
[ Cellphone pings ]
Lily: Oh. Oh! Tonight. Do we have time?
Billy: Well, if it was any other couple, I would say no, but not us. We're gonna rock this. You take care of nate. You bring him on board. I'll take care of us getting to seattle by tomorrow morning so we can wrap up this deal.
Lily: Okay. I hope you can get a flight.
Billy: You take care of nate. You leave the flying to me.
Lily: Oh. Okay.
Billy: After you.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Well, excuse you?
Imani: We are gonna settle this right now.
Amanda: Listen, there is nothing for us to settle. The past -- it doesn't involve you.
Imani: It does now. Whatever game you're playing ends tonight.
Amanda: I am not playing any game.
Imani: That's not what my mother says.
Amanda: Our mother. And I know that that is difficult for you to comprehend, but it's true.
Imani: Please. I am my mother's one and only child.
Amanda: Did naya send you here?
Imani: I came of my own volition because I heard what you're trying to do. I wasn't raised to assume anyone's a liar, but you don't look like the type who's easily misled or confused, so the only other option is that you're up to something.
Amanda: Up to what?
Imani: This is hardly the first time someone's tried to take advantage of our family. I know the signs. You're a con artist. So, whatever you're trying to get out of us...
Amanda: Okay, wait --
Imani: ...It's not going to happen. And stay the hell away from my mother, or you are asking for trouble, trouble I will be more than happy to provide. No one threatens my family and gets away with it. Ask so who's tried.
Sally: Summer.
Summer: Hey, sally.
Sally: Looks like someone is headed out of town.
Summer: Really? What gave you that idea?
Sally: Well, I would ask if it's for business or pleasure, but since I didn't hear about it at fenmore's, it's got to be a vacation, right? I'd be more than happy to help you with anything you need done while you're away.
Summer: Uh, you know what? That's okay. I think I got it all handled. But thank you, though.
Sally: Well, tell me where you're staying, and I will make sure that your hotel is stocked with a nice welcome basket.
Summer: Um, you know, I'm good, really. Actually, um, look at the time. I got to go.
Sally: Uh, but you never said where you're going.
Summer: That's right. I didn'T. [ Chuckles ]
Sally: [ Scoffs ]
[ Cellphone pings ]
Billy: [ Sighs ] Whew.
Kyle: Uh, can I help you?
Billy: Yeah, are these, uh, seats free?
Kyle: No. This plane's already booked. Summer and I are going to L.A.
Billy: Well, I hope you're not in a hurry.
[ Breathing heavily ] Need a nice reward today?
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Kyle: Hey. I booked this jet hours ago.
Billy: No, I know. But we're heading in the same direction.
Kyle: What, you're going to los angeles, too?
Billy: West coast. Close enough, right?
Kyle: Okay, well, time is of the essence, so wherever you're going, you'll have to find another way to get there. I heard trains can be relaxing. Or, better yet, book the chancellor jet.
Billy: Yeah, jill commandeered that.
Kyle: Tough luck. I filed my flight plans hours ago.
Billy: Oh, right. You might want to scoot back and check your e-mail. I'm pretty sure they were gonna send a new itinerary. Come on, kyle. I've been an abbott a long time. I know how to pull a favor.
Kyle: Billy, I'm not flying halfway across the country with you. Hire another jet.
Billy: Kyle! Come on. Think about the planet. We got to reduce our carbon footprint. This way, we both get where we need to go, and the planet doesn't pay a price. It's a win-win. Hey, is there a menu up there?
Summer: I'm sorry I'm so late. I j-- um, I'm sorry. What is he doing here?
Kyle: He was just heading out.
Billy: Out west. Well, northwest.
Kyle: He thinks he can hitch a ride.
Billy: You know, I was under the impression this was a business trip, given your "time is of the essence," but you work at fenmore's, so this is more of a personal romantic getaway?
Summer: Um, I'm sorry, but we don't really owe you an explanation. But since we're all traveling in the same direction, I guess there's no reason why we can't just travel together.
Kyle: Fine. Whatever.
Summer: Okay, so, can we go now?
Billy: Not quite yet. Waiting for one more passenger.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
[ Bag thuds ]
Lily: Thanks. Hello.
Nate: Hey.
Lily: Looking at anything interesting?
Nate: I clicked on the link you e-mailed me.
Lily: Oh, good. But you heard of askmdnow before, right?
Nate: Yeah, of course. A lot of my, uh, patients use it before they come to see me -- help them know what kind of questions to ask, what to expect from their medications and procedures. Helpful resource, but not quite sure why you want me to look it over.
Lily: Well, because in approximately 12 hours...
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Lily: ...Chanccomm will be the new owner of askmdnow.
Nate: Congratulations.
Lily: Thank you. And part of my vision for the site is I think the brand needs a personality, you know, a face. And I'm hoping that I'm looking at that face right now.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] You want me to be a spokesperson?
Lily: Well, no, I mean, it would be a bigger job than that. You would have a huge say in the content of the site, you know, and I think that you're the perfect person for it with your experience and expertise.
Nate: Whoa, whoa. Okay. I'm just a doctor, lily. I'm not a personality.
Lily: No, but you have a face that people trust. And your C.V. Speaks for itself.
Nate: It's flattering, but --
Lily: But what?
Nate: I'm not the type. Trust me.
Lily: Nate, there is no type anymore. There isn'T. This is a great chance for you to be a role model. And the more diversity we get out there, the better for all of us.
Nate: Tell me something.
[ Clears throat ] Are you offering me this gig because you heard how the last surgery on my hand went?
Lily: No. I thought this would be something that you would enjoy. I mean, you have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of millions of people. They can come to you with their questions, and you can give them answers and help calm their fears. I mean, you can be someone that they trust. That's who you are.
Nate: Well, devon might have something to say about that.
Lily: Yeah, listen, I know that was a horrible time for everyone, but I'm really hoping that we can move forward as a family and professionally. But anyway, I have a flight to catch and a deal to close, so just tell me yes and make me happy.
Nate: [ Sighs ] You're a hell of a salesperson, lily, and an even better person, period.
Lily: Okay. So, am I looking at the new face of askmdnow?
Nate: [ Sighs ] I'll think about it.
Lily: [ Sighs ]
Nate: But no promises.
Lily: Okay, fine.
Amanda: Okay, slow down. You stormed in here making a lot of accusations. You haven't let me say one word about what's really going --
Imani: That's because I don't trust anything you have to say. My family has had to deal with people who've tried to chip away at our power, our position, and our money before. Politicians and their power plays. It's all so familiar. So, which one of our enemies do you work for?
Amanda: I have no idea who your enemies are. And I'm gonna cut you a little bit of slack because i understand that this is very disorienting, but the threats have got to stop. Now, I don't want your money. The last thing that I need is publicity. All I want are answers.
Imani: I'm not buying your act. But just to make it definitive, there are no answers. Not that I needed the validation, but I asked my mother, and she told me that she never had any other children. So you're obviously lying.
Amanda: I am not surprised that she said that. She's trying to spare your feelings.
Imani: My mother doesn't lie to me.
Amanda: You're in for a rude awakening, honey.
Imani: You know nothing about my mother.
Amanda: Okay, look, I don't want to fight with you, okay? I want to talk to naya.
Imani: Well, she doesn't want to talk to you.
Amanda: I am just trying to find out what happened, why i was given up, why nobody came to find me. Can you just for one second consider the possibility that i might be telling the truth? Okay. Has naya ever told you about a cousin named rose? She had a little girl.
Imani: No.
Amanda: What about college? Did she tell you about a year when she had to leave early?
Imani: No.
Amanda: Well, do some digging because she did. So the bottom line is, everything that you think is fact is actually fiction. Depression makes it hard for me
Sally: [ Sighs ]
Jack: Sally?
Sally: Jack. Hi.
Jack: Where you off to in such a hurry?
Sally: Nowhere important.
Jack: Well, I'm early for a meeting. Uh, do you care to join me for a drink?
Sally: I would love to join you.
Jack: Please.
Sally: Thanks.
Jack: So, I spoke to summer earlier. She said the two of you are getting things back on track.
Sally: Yeah, well, we couldn't have done it without you stepping in, so...
Jack: Well, sometimes relationships need a little helpful nudge now and then.
Sally: You know, it's actually funny that you mention summer 'cause I just saw her a little bit ago and she was rushing out of here with a suitcase. And she was in such a rush, she actually didn't get a chance to tell me where she was going.
Jack: Yeah, kyle texted me that he and summer are headed to L.A. On business.
Sally: Well, I wish she would have had time to chat because i could have steered her to all the hottest spots.
Jack: Well, I'm not sure she could have taken advantage of that. I don't think they're gonna be there that long.
Sally: Uh, do you know who they're meeting with?
Jack: Uh, yeah, someone at spencer publications. They're working on some kind of advertising deal.
Sally: You don't say.
Jack: Yeah, I think they're gonna be pretty busy.
Sally: I'll bet they will be.
[ Chuckles ]
Billy: Oh, chuckie.
Kyle: You mean the pilot?
Billy: Uh, well, yeah. Chuck franco, one of the best pilots in the business. Always a good time flying with him. He, uh, gave me some good news, too.
Kyle: What, we're not waiting on your travel partner anymore? Can we please take off now?
Billy: Not yet. Just relax. No, he said he's gonna be able to drop us off in seattle and get you two kids to L.A. At a decent time.
Kyle: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the first stop is los angeles. I don't care how late you arrive in seattle.
Billy: Yeah, not with these head winds. It's gonna be easier to drop us off in seattle first.
Kyle: Billy, what the hell do you know about head winds?
Billy: Obviously more than you.
Kyle: We booked the plane first. We're getting dropped off first.
Billy: What, do you got a meeting in L.A. After midnight? Come on, kyle. Ah, there she is!
Lily: Oh! Hello. Sorry I'm late.
Billy: Please.
Lily: Looks like we have a full flight.
Kyle: Lily's your travel buddy?
Billy: Ladies and gentlemen, please sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy your flight to seattle.
Kyle: Los angeles.
Billy: After seattle.
Lily: So, sorry, is this like a carpool or...
Billy: Yeah, it's kind of fun, right?
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Hey, lily, just so you know, I'm thinking about rolling down the window and throwing billy out over iowa.
Lily: [ Laughs ] Oh. This is gonna be a fun flight.
Summer: Mm-hmm. Tell me about it.
Devon: Hello. Can I get one -- uh, let me get a matcha. Hot, please. Thank you.
Elena: Devon.
Devon: Hey.
Elena: Hey.
Devon: How you doing?
Elena: Good. Just satisfying my sweet tooth. How are you?
Devon: I'm good. I'm good. Looks like you're doing well, too. Like your hair.
Elena: Thanks. Actually, I am, which is weird because I haven't been in a long time.
Devon: Oh. What's changed?
Elena: I took your words to heart.
Devon: You took my words? What'd I say?
Elena: You told me to move on. And I'll always be sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong, and I hate that I hurt you. But I can't keep living with the weight of regret.
Devon: That might be connected to who you're moving on with.
Elena: Maybe. My first instinct was to punish myself and to not let nate be a part of that. But I'm glad that instinct has finally started to fade.
Devon: Maybe this is how everything was always meant to be. I've actually been doing some reflecting myself, and, you know, I certainly don't want to go on blaming people, being full of hate and regret. It's not a fun road to go down. And as easy as it is to look at you and feel angry 'cause it's satisfying in the moment, what's that solve, you know? It doesn't -- doesn't heal anything.
Elena: Do you think that has anything to do with you and amanda?
Devon: No. I don'T. I don't at all. We're just good friends. I'm not saying that I won't be jealous when I see you around town with nate. But I will do my best not to be.
Elena: Okay. I guess I can't ask for much more than that.
Devon: Well, we've probably talked long enough. Now your coffee's probably cold.
Elena: Yeah. You're probably right. But I'm glad we did.
Devon: You have a good night.
Elena: You too.
Amanda: You seem smart. And you're obviously protective of your mother, which is good. But it is keeping you from being objective. Can you just think for one second? What con could I possibly be trying to pull?
Imani: If you weren't hired by my family's rivals, maybe this is just what you do. Maybe you've played this game with dozens of other families. How does it usually work? You target a wealthy, powerful family, and then you --
Amanda: I'm an attorney respected in her field.
Imani: And everyone knows how trustworthy lawyers.
Amanda: One dna test, and my scheme to swindle you goes down the drain. I would not disgrace myself or sabotage myself that way. So, doesn't it make more sense that the evidence is authentic and I'm just trying to find out why my birth mother gave me away?
Imani: We all have a history. And you've gone to extraordinary lengths to hide yours.
Amanda: What are you talking about?
Imani: I did some digging, but found so little online from before this year that I have to assume you had yourself scrubbed from the internet. Why?
Amanda: I understand that that does look bad, but there's a legitimate reason. I was being stalked.
Imani: No doubt by someone whose life you tried to ruin.
Amanda: You are very wrong about that.
Imani: No one's history can be erased completely, and I have the means and connections to fill in those blanks. Then the real story about who you are and what you want will come out.
Amanda: We are not done here!
Imani: Oh, we're so done. Go stir up trouble somewhere else. You've been warned about what I'm capable of. I can ruin you. I've done it before.
Jack: You make it sound like L.A. Was one adventure after another.
Sally: Well, if anything, that was an understatement.
Jack: You miss it?
Sally: Not so much that I'd ever go back. Each day that goes by, I realize my decision to come to genoa city was the right one.
Jack: Well, we all are benefiting from that decision.
[ Cellphone pings ] Excuse me. Oh. Sorry to cut this short. That is my dinner companion in the restaurant.
Sally: Time flies.
Jack: Thanks for keeping me company.
Sally: My pleasure.
Jack: So, I guess I'll, uh, see you at the office. Should be pretty quiet without summer and kyle there. Have a good evening.
Sally: Thanks, jack.
[ Sighs ] Business in L.A. What exactly are you up to, summer?
[ Scoffs ]
Summer: Oh, my god.
Kyle: What's wrong? Who's it from?
Summer: Sally. She knows.
Kyle: Knows what?
Summer: Where we're going. Okay, I ran into her at the lobby of the grand phoenix, and as soon as she saw my suitcase, she started questioning me about where I was going and why I was going, and obviously I was not telling her on purpose.
Kyle: She's been busy.
Summer: This little text that she sent -- it's just a reminder that she is watching my every move.
[ Breathes deeply ]
Lily: So, it's, um, kind of crazy, right, that we're all going west coast but you guys are gonna have, you know, beach weather and we're probably gonna get rained on.
Kyle: Yeah.
Lily: Like, you guys will have the ocean, and we'll have, you know, mist and snow-capped mountains.
[ Chuckles ]
Summer: Mm. Yeah. Yeah.
Lily: Okay, well, guess you guys are busy.
[ Cellphone pings ]
[ Laughs ]
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Lily: [ Laughs ]
Summer: Hey, what did the pilot say?
Kyle: He confirmed that L.A. Is the first stop.
Summer: Thank god.
Kyle: But I still haven't given up on the idea of tossing billy out the window.
Billy: I heard that.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Amanda: She refused to believe that I wasn't trying to deceive her mother, and nothing that I said could convince her otherwise.
Devon: I'm so sorry that you had to endure that.
Amanda: And, you know, the thing is, imani made it sound like she came here on her own, like it was her idea to come and handle me one-on-one.
Devon: And, what, you don't believe her?
Amanda: What if naya sent her to put an end to all of my questions?
Devon: I mean, what kind of mother would send her kid on an errand like that?
Amanda: The same kind of mother who promised to meet me face-to-face and then bails at the last minute.
Devon: Well, she was scared.
Amanda: Yeah, terrified of the truth. That's the reason why she is lying to imani about who I am.
[ Scoffs ] If naya sent imani to deliver me a message, she is drawing a line in the sand. One daughter counts, and the other one doesn'T.
Devon: Amanda, I know that you're upset, and you have every right to be upset because you've been lied to, you've been dismissed, and you've been treated like a criminal. I get it. But you need to just take a breathe and take a step back and try to compose yourself so you can find the right way respond.
Amanda: You want me to stop this, huh? You want me to let her off the hook.
Devon: That's not what i said.
Amanda: Imani came at me with her claws out. You should have heard the threats that she made. No. Mnh-mnh. I have got half a mind to force my newfound half-sister to back those words up.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nate: [ Laughs ] You must have read my mind.
Elena: [ Laughs ]
Nate: This is exactly what i wanted -- champagne, you. How'd you know when I'd get here?
Elena: Actually, I just got back myself. I went for a walk. And I ran into devon.
Nate: How'd that go?
Elena: Surprisingly easy. I mean easier than it has been. There was no bitterness and no anger.
Nate: That's, uh, incredible.
Elena: Yeah. And when we both wished each other well, I feel like devon actually meant it.
Nate: That explains the big smile.
Elena: It's about 25% of it. I think the rest is all you.
Nate: Mm. And here I was thinking my news was mind-blowing. You win, hands down.
Nate: Now, where were we before I was called away?
Elena: No, wait, wait, wait. You're not gonna tell me what lily said?
Nate: It was nothing.
[ Laughs ]
Elena: Mind-blowing or nothing? 'Cause it can't be both.
Nate: [ Sighs ] She wants me to be the face of a medical website that chanccomm is buying.
Elena: Wow. Sounds like a great opportunity. What's the job entail?
Nate: Helping creating content for the site, uh, represent the brand to the public.
Elena: So you'd be educating millions of people on their health? That's just building on what you already do at the clinic.
Nate: I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm not sure if it's right for me right now. I've been through a lot of changes lately. I need some time to sit on it. What I really want to do right now, okay, is relax, get comfortable, enjoy some of this champagne, and sit with you, and save all the extracurricular job talk for later.
Elena: Or we can multitask. I think we can sip champagne at the same time as talking about your extracurricular job prospects. And it could be a turn-on.
Nate: Really?
Elena: Yeah, you could be famous. That's kind of hot.
Nate: Not for me. I think that's the part of it that I don't like.
[ Chuckles ]
Elena: Well, you might not be able to change that. I mean, you're handsome, you're brilliant, you're compassionate. You might not just be famous. You might be internet-famous.
Nate: You think I'm handsome.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: You're still obsessing over that text from sally?
Summer: I'm not obsessing. I'm just contemplating it, plotting my next move. Look, if I can just manage to stay five steps ahead of sally, then I'll be fine.
Kyle: You're not five steps ahead...or even 10 steps. You're so far ahead of sally, all she can see is your dust.
Summer: Okay, well, you're very good at this, but underestimating sally is a mistake that I do not intend to make. Repair your enamel with pronamel repair.
Billy: News from seattle?
Lily: Um, no. It's from nate.
Billy: Yeah? What's the word?
Lily: He's just thanking me for the offer, but he still needs more time to think about it.
Billy: He'll say yes. He's just contemplating this amazing offer that you're giving him.
Lily: I hope you're right.
Billy: I know I'm right. I know the way you get when you want something. You get that fire in your eye. You don't take no for answer.
Lily: [ Laughs ]
Summer: Hey, uh, so, why are you guys going to seattle anyway?
Lily: Uh...well, there's a lot of moving parts, so we probably shouldn't say anything until it's finalized.
Summer: Mm. Okay. Yeah. So, in other words, just sit back and wait for the press release?
Lily: Yeah. I'm sure it's the same at jcv, right? You don't say anything until you're ready for the big reveal
Summer: Yeah, exactly.
[ Chuckles ]
Billy: Look at these two, huh, kyle? Talking business, sharing insights. You know that wouldn't happen if we weren't on the flight together. That's why private planes were invented -- brainstorming at cruising altitude.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Well, billy, commercial airlines are just as conducive for business conversation. You should try one sometime.
Elena: You know what we should do?
Nate: I've got a couple of ideas.
Elena: We should do a screen test.
Nate: That wasn't on the list of options.
Elena: It is now! Come on. It'll be fun.
Nate: [ Sighs ]
Elena: Stand up!
Nate: Okay.
Elena: Okay, now look straight into the camera.
Nate: [ Sighs ]
Elena: And smile.
Nate: And what?
Elena: [ Laughs ] Just talk about, you know, the importance of staying fit and exercising every day. And you can even discuss how you got yo perfect physique.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ] I try to eat right, um, work out 30 minutes a day, and never treat my body like it's an amusement park.
Elena: Mm, I certainly had fun there recently.
Nate: [ Laughs ] Now, you're so wrong. You're breaking my focus, okay?
Elena: [ Laughs ] Sorry. Okay, let's pick up where we left off. You ready?
Nate: No.
Elena: The sooner you give in, the sooner it'll all be over.
Nate: [ Sighs ]
Elena: Come on. Now give me some pizzazz.
Nate: I don't do pizzazz.
Elena: Okay. Do that thing you do when you're, like, the handsome, compassionate doctor when you have a difficult patient.
Nate: [ Laughs ] Okay, yeah? What do I do?
Elena: May as well take your shirt off, too, you know, to really get your point across about the importance of being physically fit.
Nate: And lose my license to practice medicine?
Elena: Oh, come on! It's just you and me. It's to loosen you up.
Nate: Ah, you're not gonna give up.
Elena: Mnh-mnh.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Ugh...
Elena: Yeah. Bow-chicka-wow-wow. Very nice. Ah, yeah.
Nate: [ Laughs ]
Elena: [ Laughs ] Okay. Now just be yourself.
Nate: Staying fit and eating right are the best gifts you can give yourself.
Elena: And can you recommend any cardio exercises?
Nate: There is something that raises the heartbeat, reduces stress, uh, burns calories, and stretches the muscles. Best of all, do it with a partner.
Elena: Ahh. Sounds intriguing. What's it called?
Nate: I think it's best if i demonstrate it.
[ Cellphone thuds ]
Devon: Look, I'm not trying to defend naya by any means, okay?
Amanda: Well, that's good to know.
Devon: You have to imagine, though, that her emotions are also running high here, and i guarantee she's still trying to figure out the right way to respond to you.
Amanda: No. Mnh-mnh. I'm not buying it. She already chose her response when she said that she was gonna come here and see me. But instead, she sent a child to handle what she should have handled herself. See that? That right there -- that seems to be her go-to. When things get complicated for ms. Naya, she lets other people handle her business, kind of like when she let other people raise her twins.
Devon: You don't know for certain that that's what happened.
Amanda: If that's not the reason she gave me up, then she would have showed up to tell me her side of the story. She didn't even give a moment's notice to what standing me up would have done to me. And if she's evading me now, it's because she thinks that her privilege will allow her to get away with it.
Devon: Amanda, that's just the thing, though. You have to realize she doesn't have to deal with you at all if she doesn't want to.
Amanda: [ Sighs ] Yeah, you're right. I'm not gonna let her blow me off. I'm gonna take this as a challenge. I was supposed to meet naya today. I will.
Devon: What does that mean? You're gonna go down there? You said if you -- you're afraid if you went to wilmette, you're gonna put her on the defensive.
Amanda: Mm, well, after the way things went down, I don't really care.
Devon: I think you need to just take a second, let everybody cool off.
Amanda: I already tried to play nice, and look -- look where it got me.
Devon: Okay. Can I at least go with you?
Amanda: I have been on my own all my life -- no sisters, no parents, just me. So I'm sorry, but I'm gonna finish this alone.
[ Door slams ]
Stressballs gummies have
Amanda: Hello?! I am not leaving until you open this door or you call the police! I doubt that you want this kind of attention in this quiet neighborhood! Folks are gonna start gossiping! Oh, people next door -- they're already looking out their windows! You are gonna be the talk of the town!
Sally: Okay, coco... I have a confession to make. Things aren't going exactly how I envisioned. Well, because summer and kyle are on their way to L.A. Right now as we speak, and it is pretty obvious why.
[ Sighs ] Yes, okay, it -- it could just be for a business meeting and I'm completely overreacting, but I doubt it. Well, if you had seen the way that summer rushed out of here when I asked her where she was going... and she has a meeting with someone at spencer publications. Biggest fear? Summer finds out what happened right before I left L.A. Then what?
[ Sighs ] Man, what I wouldn't give for a thunderstorm over the rockies right now.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] I could do with another cocktail.
Summer: Uh, yeah, you know what? I can, too. Um, should we ask them if they they want anything?
Kyle: Mnh. They can fend for themselves.
[ Sighs ]
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We'll be flying through some rough weather. For your safety, please fasten your seatbelts and stow your phones and laptops.
[ Seatbelts clicking ]
Lily: Ugh. I hate turbulence.
Billy: Don't worry. It can't be that bad.
Summer: [ Gasps ]
Kyle: Uh...
[ Chuckles ]
[ Grunting ]
Billy: [ Chuckling ] Ohh.
Lily: [ Exhales sharply ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Kevin: I don't know what i was thinking. I'm not interested in blackmailing victoria.
Phyllis: No one's gonna know you're involved.
Abby: Maybe this isn't a bad thing.
Chance: How do you mean?
Abby: Maybe there's more to this than just being nauseous.
Faith: My mom told me you were leaving town. Why aren't you gone?
Adam: There has been a change in plans.
Faith: Well, change them back.
Devon: Hey. Amanda.
Amanda: [ Crying ]
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