Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/31/20
Episode #12021 ~ Devon and Amanda celebrate the New Year together; Chelsea has a setback; Sharon and Rey celebrate their love.
Provided By Suzanne
Arturo: I feel so honored to join all of you today, to share in the joy of rey and sharon's love, and reaffirm and appreciate the love and friendships we all experience in our own lives. What a better time to do that than on new year's eve? I believe the bride and groom have composed their own vows and wish to share them with you.
Rey: Sharon... you're my best friend... the love of my life. Your love and trust in me make me a better person. Your courage and bravery inspires me.
[ Chuckles softly ] And your beautiful heart is a continual source of hope. I vow... to cherish... and respect you... to learn and grow with you... to laugh with you... to be there for your children in any way I can... and I vow... to get through whatever life throws at us... together. You're my one and only. And I am proud to join my life with yours... now and forever.
Sharon: Rey... I love you madly. And that love only grows every day.
Imani: Hey, mom! Open the door! Ooh! Merry christmas!
Imani: Merry christmas!
Naya: Oh, imani, look at those presents! You spoil me. Come on in.
Amanda: [ Crying ]
Devon: Spicy eggplant. Some rice. And noodles. And a cold beer. Let's bring in the new year.
Chance: Do you mind me keeping you all to myself tonight?
Abby: Uh... you know, I think sharon and rey would have been just as happy getting married in her living room. I don't think she'd say it, but just the man that she loves, her kids, and their closest family members. And, besides, I wanted you all to myself, too.
Sharon: I've never met anyone with the capacity for love and devotion that you have. You've been my rock through some challenging times. You've helped me find my own strength. And...by your actions, you've shown me what it is to truly feel loved in return. I pledge my friendship and partnership through everything, big or small, whether that's supporting you through a really big case or comforting you after your favorite soccer team loses -- again.
Rey: They are going all the way this year.
[ Laughter ]
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: I promise to be there for the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, and give you my heart and my hand. And I am proud to join my life with yours now and forever. Alright, I brought in ensure max protein
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Arturo: Today is about the power of commitment... the power of love... and it's awe-inspiring to witness. On a personal note, I'd like to say that rey has always been the one to set the example in our family, and he's doing it again. I really do look up to him, and I am so proud he truly found the love of his life. He knew it, and he refused to let her go. Rey and sharon are true partners in every since of the word. I think they've proven that over the last year. Their union built on strength and trust. They share a mature and soulful connection that I wholeheartedly believe was built to stand the test of time.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Adam: [ Sighs ] I thought you weren't coming.
Phyllis: Well, I wasn't coming. I was dropping off a gift from nick for the happy couple. I didn't want to disrupt anything. I clearly care more about sharon than you do.
[ Laughing ] Oh, my god. A couple hours ago, you were telling me how in love you and chelsea are, happily ever after, blah, blah, blah. I knew it was a lie. I love it when I'm right.
Adam: Believe whatever you want. I'm not here to disrupt the ceremony or cause any trouble.
Phyllis: What, are you here to get takeout?
Adam: I didn't know why i came here at first. But now I do.
Phyllis: Um...
Adam: I've seen what I needed to see.
Phyllis: What does that mean?
Adam: It means sharon has had a rough year. She deserves to be happy. So...I'm leaving.
Phyllis: Does chelsea happen to know that you're here?
Rey: I take you, sharon... to be my wife in equal love, as a partner on my path, to honor and cherish in sorrow and in joy... until death do us part.
[ Chuckles softly ]
Sharon: I take you, rey, to be my husband in equal love, a partner on my path, to honor and cherish, in sorrow and in joy, until death do us part.
Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Adam?
[ Gasps ] Oh! Ahh. Ugh. Ahh!
[ Breathing heavily ]
Abby: Our first tree!
Chance: Think you got enough pictures of it?
Abby: Oh, get ready, because I plan to memorialize every happy moment of our happy lives together. But for now, it is time to box all of this and put it away until next year.
Chance: So, it's official -- we're a "new year, no tree" household?
Abby: Well, we don't have to be. I didn't even think about it. Ooh, you know what? We could argue about it. Our first married fight?
Chance: Then we can make up.
Abby: Or we could just skip to that part.
Chance: You read my mind.
Devon: Hey.
Amanda: I am so sorry.
Devon: For what?
Amanda: This seemed like a good idea in my head when I was driving over here. It was like, "hey, I'll just drop in on devon." But now that I'm here, I realize that I should have called first, because who just shows up on somebody's doorstep on new year's eve.
Devon: It's --
Amanda: I was in the hotel, and my mind was working overtime, and I started driving, and I'm gonna stop talking and I'm gonna go.
Devon: Don't, don't, don'T.
Amanda: I'm sorry.
Devon: Don't go. Please. Don't be sorry. You're fine. I should be the one to apologize to you.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] Why?
Devon: 'Cause I'm sure you came thinking that it's gonna be fun over here, or at least festive, and it's not any of those things. It's just me and some takeout, so prepare to be disappointed.
Amanda: I won't be.
Devon: We'll see.
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda: This -- this is... pretty... sad.
Devon: Oh, well, thank you.
[ Chuckles ] I told you so.
Amanda: Well, thank you for letting me join you.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Thanks for joining. Have you had dinner yet?
Amanda: No. I'm actually starving.
Devon: Perfect. I will grab you some plates.
Amanda: Hey, um... I can't tell if... you're just doing this to be nice, but, um, even if that's the case, I really appreciate it, 'cause I don't want to be alone with my thoughts right now.
Devon: That's perfect, 'cause we can be alone together. New fresh step
Chelsea: Ohh! Ugh!
[ Crying ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Groaning ] Somebody, can you please -- please help me? A-a-an ambulance. Ohh! 1500 market street. The -- the penthou-- the --
Arturo: May I present to you mr. And mrs. Rosales?
[ Cheers and applause ]
Nick: Yeah!
Mariah: Whoo!
Faith: Whoo!
Lola: Time for champagne!
Nick: Yeah! Let's get some champagne going.
Lola: Great. Thank you.
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: You did great.
Sharon: Ohh.
Rey: Here you go, mrs. Rosales.
[ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Okay, everybody. Uh, faith and I decided that it was our duty as the bridesmaids...
Faith: And the official daughters...
Mariah: ...And, technically, we also gave away the bride, so, if you have a glass, please raise it. That's sparkling cider, right?
Faith: Yes.
Mariah: Okay.
[ Laughter ] To mom and rey.
Faith: To rey and mom.
Mariah: You know, they might seem like complete opposites. Sharon is a little bit of a pack rat. Some might say, "hoarder." That's just me.
Faith: And rey is a complete neat freak. He insists you make your bed every morning, with hospital corners.
Rey: Yeah.
Lola: Oh, yeah. No. I can attest to that.
Arturo: Yeah. It's true.
Mariah: [ Laughs ] But they accept each other completely. And to rey... we just wanted to say how much we love you. As sharon's daughters, we've watched you show up for our mom time and time again... when it wasn't easy and when it mattered. And you have been as gracious and kind to us as you have been to her, so we are very, very happy [Voice breaking] To have you in our lives.
Faith: And, um, I know I may have given you a hard time in the beginning.
[ Laughter ] But I guess I can say it now. You've won me over.
Mariah: So... welcome to the family.
Faith: There is no turning back.
Mariah: And that goes for the rest of you rosaleses. I mean, you're stuck with us now. What can I say?
[ Laughter ] And now I think the, uh, best man wanted to say a few words.
Nick: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Rey: Here we go.
[ Laughter ]
Nick: Not every day you get to make a toast at your ex-wife's wedding.
Sharon: On your birthday, no less.
Nick: It is my birthday. I'm expecting many presents and cake. But, uh, that is not what today is about. It's about two people who have found their way together. It's a tribute to rey that I'm even here, 'cause there's not a lot of guys who'd want to deal with the ex-husband or the father of her kid, but... that's the kind of man you are. You understand the true meaning and the importance of family. He knew that sharon needed all the people who cared about her around her as much as possible while she was facing this very scary and difficult time in her life. So rey rallied us all together, and we became team sharon. And I just respect you for that, man. I trust you with my kid. I'm very grateful that she has the kind of man that you are in her life. And, man, sharon, it seems like I love rey just as much as you do, so...
[ Laughter ] ...Uh, raise your glasses to the happy couple. Congratulations.
Sharon: Cheers.
Rey: Cheers.
Mariah: Whoo!
Nick: Cheers.
Lola: Hey.
Nick: Alright.
Sharon: Okay. Well... to my beautiful daughters, thank you so much for those lovely words. And, nick, let's get one thing straight right now. I love rey more than you do, okay? Now, thank you for your openness and your big heart. Um...I couldn't think of a better way to ring in the new year than to celebrate with all the people in this room -- our extended family now. Um...it's true that rey and i have had a challenging year, but we are looking forward to embarking upon the next chapter of our story together.
Rey: Yeah. This year made me realize that you need to take the time to appreciate what you have. You can't take anything for granted.
Sharon: I am so grateful. I know that I wouldn't be here right now without the love and the support of everybody here.
Rey: I want to thank my brother -- again -- for making the journey over here and my sister for hosting this ceremony at her wonderful restaurant. I know I'm the older brother, but... I hope you know how much it means to me that no matter what is going on in our lives, we can always lean on each other. Oh, and, uh, that song that tessa came up with -- amazing.
Sharon: It was so romantic.
Mariah: You two were her inspiration.
Sharon: Well, tonight has really lived up to all of my expectations, and it's just getting started. Uh...you know, when rey and i decided to do this on new year's eve, we wanted the reception to be, well, less about the bride and groom and more of a celebration for all of us, so let's think of this as everyone's party, so let's get ready to bring in 2021 with all this love and joy.
Nick: Yes.
Arturo: Yeah!
Lola: Yeah!
Mariah: Yeah!
Rey: 2021!
Mariah: Let's do it. 2021.
[ All chuckle ] Tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
Sharon: It's so pretty.
Lola: Alright. I have a surprise for you. Right this way.
Sharon: [ Gasps ]
Rey: Hmm.
Celeste: [ Laughs ] Look at those beautiful faces! Oh, I just wanted to congratulate you both, and i wanted to welcome my beautiful daughter-in-law into the family.
Sharon: Well, thank you. I am honored to be an official rosales.
Celeste: Well, we cannot wait to have you down here for your miami celebration, with all the aunts and uncles and cousins.
Lola: Oh, wow.
Celeste: [ Chuckles ] They are dying to shower you with love.
Sharon: Well, we can't wait. You know, it'll be the first of many visits -- us there and you here. Our door is always open.
Celeste: I saw that. I promise I am not gonna overstay my welcome. The last time I was there, rey was going through such a rough time, and I just believed that things were gonna work out the way they were supposed to, and they did. I knew that there was something better for my son on the other side. And, sharon, I just -- I want you to know how much I admire your strength and your courage, because I have never seen rey happier.
Rey: You got that right.
Celeste: And now we get to be one big happy family. I'm so looking forward to getting to know your children better, sharon, so that we can blend our family traditions and create new ones together.
Sharon: I can't wait.
Celeste: [ Chuckles ]
[ Smooching ]
Lola: Well, sharon, welcome to the family. You know, I am really excited that we're related now because... it's like I've gained two sisters... with faith and mariah. You know, I have never had a little sister before, but I'm gonna take this very serious, so if anyone messes with her, they're gonna have to go through me first.
Arturo: You know, lola and i were very lucky to have rey helping our mother out to keep us on the right path. He sacrificed a lot. It wasn't always easy. I'm just glad he never gave up on me.
Rey: Well, you, uh, always pushed me to the edge...
Arturo: [ Chuckles softly ]
Rey: ...But never over it.
Arturo: I'm very grateful to be sharing this day with you guys.
Jordan: Psst! Hey!
Faith: Did your parents drop you off?
Jordan: Yep. It's cool with your mom and rey that I'm crashing their wedding?
Faith: Yeah, totally cool.
Jordan: Then let's get this party started.
[ Both chuckle ]
Faith: Hey, um, dad, is it okay if I spend the night at jordan's house? Her parents will be there, and they're fine with it.
Nick: Uh...I don't know, kids. Kind of last-minute. It's a big day for your mom.
Faith: I don't mean right now. I mean later, when everything's over.
Mariah: Well, I could drive the girls to jordan's if you want.
Faith: There! We're all set.
Nick: Well, wait. What just happened?
Faith: You said I could spend the night at jordan's?
Nick: I -- [ Sighs ]
Faith: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Alright. But you have to promise me you're gonna be back first thing in the morning so you can say goodbye to sharon and rey before they go off on their honeymoon.
Faith: I promise. Thanks, dad!
Mariah: Okay, everybody! Grab a drink and get ready to count down to midnight.
Nick: Let's do it.
Mariah: Whoo! Whoo!
Rey: Yeah!
Nick: Yo!
Sharon: 2021!
Faith: Whoo!
Chance: Are we still taking down the tree?
Abby: I think it's pretty clear that I won that argument.
Chance: I'm pretty sure we both won.
Abby: See, that needs to be one of our new year's resolutions.
Chance: What, you win all of our fights?
Abby: No, that we don't fight at all. Look, I know that they say that it's healthy to argue, but if we can work on it before it gets to that point, we should do that.
Chance: So we talk. A lot. Try to understand one another.
Abby: The things people argue about are money, sex, and kids.
Chance: I think we're on the same page on all of those things. So, my dear wife... we're golden.
Abby: [ Chuckles softly ]
Amanda: I don't want to talk about naya or imani or
[Chuckles] Rose or even hilary. I'm sorry if that sounds insensitive, but -- I don't know -- I feel like I've hit emotional overload.
Devon: It's not insensitive. It's understandable.
Amanda: And isn't this a time of the year when you're supposed to stop thinking and just have fun?
Devon: I've heard that. Someone told me that one time. But, you know, I'm the guy that was about to spend it with chinese food and myself, so i might not be the person to ask.
Amanda: Yeah, I'm -- I'm assuming that this is not your normal new year's eve event?
Devon: Oh, no. No. I'm usually swinging from the chandeliers on new year'S.
Amanda: [ Gasps ]
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: That's right. You do work in the music business, so I'm guessing that you've had some wild nights -- bands just trashing hotel rooms, bathtubs filled with champagne.
Devon: I don't know about all that, but I-I definitely have a few of my own stories.
Amanda: Mm-hmm. Okay. Come on. Come on. Tell.
Devon: Yeah? You want me to tell you?
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] I am attorney, so please, please let me vicariously live through you.
Devon: Okay. Well, you asked for it, so if you want some crazy music stories, then that's what you're gonna get.
Amanda: Here we go.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
[ Door opens, keys jingle ]
[ Door closes ]
Adam: Chelsea!
We got a 911 call from this address.
Adam: Get in here.
Step aside, please. What happened?
Adam: I-I don't know. I came home, and I just found her like this.
We're here to help you, ma'am.
Adam: She was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm, and they said it was no immediate threat. She was supposed to have surgery tomorrow. Look, we obviously have to get her more help than you guys can do right here. We have to get her to the hospital right now! Nicorette knows, quitting smoking is hard.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Devon: I mean, I guess I-i did have a period of time where I had some wild moments. But it's nothing compared to the musicians I was around, 'cause they were on another level. I was the suit meant to keep everybody in check.
Amanda: Mm-hmm. But sometimes...
Devon: Sometimes I didn't do my job very well.
Amanda: [ Laughs ]
Devon: I remember this one time, I was on the road with an artist who was just starting to blow up, and he was getting his first taste of fame, and he felt like he was invincible. And he would come off stage and be so amped up with adrenaline that he couldn't just go back to the hotel.
Amanda: So you had to go with him.
Devon: I-I didn't have a choice.
Amanda: No, of course not.
Devon: If I would have left him alone to do what he did, I -- who knows what he would have gotten himself into?
Amanda: Oh, that must have been rough, you know -- just all of the after-hour clubs, the cocktails, the groupies.
Devon: They weren't my groupies. I'll tell you that.
Amanda: Oh, come on. The handsome exec? If I had to choose between an egomaniac rock star and you, it'd be you.
Devon: That's very kind of you to say.
Amanda: This side of you intrigues me.
Devon: Yeah?
Amanda: Yeah.
Devon: Well...I'm glad that, uh, social media wasn't what it is now back then, so that way there's no evidence. I do have a couple reminders.
Amanda: Like?
Devon: Well... I, uh... after one night of partying a little too much, I got this tattoo, but I didn't remember that I got it until the next morning.
Amanda: Devon!
[ Both chuckle ] Oh, wow. That is really, really well done.
Devon: Thank you. I'm -- I'm glad it turned out alright. And it's part of me now. I love it. And this one -- this one's one of my favorites, too.
Amanda: Oh, wow. That is beautiful.
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: There must be a story behind that one.
Devon: Yeah, there's stories behind all of them, but I don't know how interesting they are to anybody but me.
Amanda: Well, I'm interested.
Adam: Alright? We're -- we're gonna -- we're gonna get you all the help you need, alright? Nothing is going to happen. I won't let it, okay? Everything is gonna be alright, baby. Just go! Hurry!
Amanda: What was that?
Devon: I don't know.
Adam: Alright. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Hurry! Come on. Go, go, go! Alright. I'm gonna take the stairs, and I will meet you at the hospital, okay?
Amanda: What is going on out there?
Devon: I don't know. Chelsea was on a gurney, being taken to the hospital.
7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy new year!
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Noisemakers blow ]
Lola: [ Laughs ]
Nick: Happy new year!
Rey: Whooooooooooo! Two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
Amanda: Is chelsea okay? Did she seem hurt?
Devon: She was unconscious, and adam was there, and he looked freaked out.
Amanda: Well, is there somebody that you should call, maybe?
Devon: I don't know. I don't -- I don't know who needs to know or if it's my place to even do it.
Amanda: Well, it sounded like she was getting the help that she needed.
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: Are you okay? You seem a little...shook up.
Devon: No. I'm fine. I am.
[ Explosions in distance ]
Devon: Oh.
Amanda: Oh. Fireworks.
Devon: Yeah. It's -- it's 2021. We missed it.
Amanda: I, um -- I'm gonna...go.
[ Chuckles softly ]
Devon: Okay.
Amanda: But, um, thank you for letting me crash me your night and, um, helping me take my mind off of everything lately.
Devon: Of course. Thank you for crashing my night. It made it -- it made it really nice. I had fun.
Amanda: Yeah. Me, too.
Devon: Well, I'm here if you ever need anything.
Amanda: Thank you.
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: Yep.
Devon: Ciao.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: We didn't get our resolutions done in time for the new year.
Chance: We just have to get it done before february. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Abby: You humor me a lot. You know that?
Chance: I want you to be happy.
Abby: Okay. Never make me happy at your own expense.
Chance: If you're happy, how would that ever cost me?
Abby: I don't know, but I mean it. It has to be a resolution.
Chance: Okay. It is what it is. But you have to promise to do the same.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] Don't be silly. See, I make the rules.
Chance: Now you tell me?
Rey: [ Smooches ] I don't know about you, but when we were saying our vows, for me, it was like time slowed down, and I committed every detail to memory -- your smile, the wisp of your hair, the light in your eyes.
Sharon: You know what? It was like that for me, too. It was like we were own little bubble, just quiet and connected, and everything else fell away.
Rey: [ Chuckles softly ]
[ Noisemaker blaring ] Nice.
Sharon: [ Laughing ] Nick.
Mariah: Do you think you're gonna do that again -- marriage, you know?
Nick: [ Laughs ] D-don't you think I've tried it enough times?
Mariah: I -- you know, it's -- it's not any of my business, but...come on. Romance -- it's contagious.
Nick: You have her heart. You know that, right? You have sharon's heart. You try and convince everyone that yours is wrapped in, like, barbed wire, but you're as loving and as giving as she is. I mean, you really stepped up for sharon at a time when she needed it most. Don't think we all don't recognize that.
Mariah: I think about all the slimy people that I grew up with... and then I think of sharon. I mean, look at her. She's glowing -- irradiates love and kindness. And, honestly, I am just so grateful she's alive, 'cause there were moments...
Nick: I know.
Mariah: And when I would -- i would get those thoughts, honestly, I felt like I couldn't breathe. But...just look at her now.
Nick: It's the way you look with tessa, mariah.
Mariah: I do?
Nick: Yeah.
Mariah: Wow. Lucky me.
Adam: Is chelsea okay? What happened?
Elena: Her aneurysm burst. She's in surgery now. The plan is to repair the rupture by inserting a coil into the aneurysm, and that will block the bloodflow and effectively seal it.
Adam: So, she's going to be alright?
Elena: She's in great hands. She'll be in surgery for the next few hours, and then she'll probably sleep the rest of the night. I suggest you do the same.
Adam: [ Sighs ] No, I-I can't leave. I can't shake the image of coming home and finding her passed out on the floor.
Elena: She's lucky she was able to dial 911 before she collapsed. That saved us valuable time getting her into surgery. Okay, look. There's nothing else you can do here. You should go home and get some rest, and I promise someone will call you if you need to come back or if there's anything else that goes wrong. But I doubt that'll be the case.
Adam: [ Sighs ] (Ringing)
Mariah: Well [Sighs] Tonight was a pretty great night.
Lola: Yeah. I couldn't agree more. I mean, sharon was glowing.
Mariah: It was magical.
Lola: Yeah, because of the occasion.
[ Mid-tempo music playing ]
Faith: Hey. Ready to see the big surprise?
Jordan: Of course. I've been waiting all night.
And never brought to mind?
Jordan: Genius! You actually came through.
...Acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear
for auld lang syne
we'll take the...
Naya: Who is this? Why did you call me last night? Are you the one who was outside my house on christmas eve? What do you want?
[ Music continues ]
And surely I'll buy your kind cup
and surely you'll buy mine
we'll take a cup of kindness yet
for auld lang syne
we two have run above the slope
and picked the daisies fine
but we've wandered many a weary road
since auld lang syne
for auld lang syne, my dear
for auld lang syne
Amanda: Devon?
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
for auld lang syne
[ Music continues ]
We two have paddled in the stream
From morning sun till dine
but seas between us broad have soared
Since auld lang syne
[ Vocalizing ]
Nick: You're up.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Happy new year. And... happy birthday, baby.
[ Vocalizing continues ]
Chance: May I have the first dance of the new year?
Abby: You may.
[ Vocalizing continues ]
And here's a hand, my trusted friend
and give us a hand o' thine
and we'll drink a cup of kindness yet
Adam: [ Sighs ]
For auld lang syne
for auld lang syne, my dear
for auld lang syne
we'll drink a cup of kindness yet
Rey: Ha ha!
For auld lang syne
Rey: You got it? You got it? Whoo!
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Rey: There we go. Whoo!
For auld lang syne, my dear
Rey: Happy new year, mrs. Rosales.
For auld lang syne
we'll take a cup of kindness yet
for auld lang syne
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Naya: Do I know you?
Amanda: I'm the daughter that you [Voice breaking] Didn't give to your cousin rose [Crying] And I would very much like to meet you.
Summer: I need to know more about sally's story. That way I can know what I'm really up against.
Kyle: What are you going to do?
Summer: I got to pack my best forrester outfits, because I'm gonna go to L.A.
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