Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/29/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/29/20


Episode #12019 ~ Mariah protects Faith; Sally opens up about her past; Nate's plan for romance backfires.

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: So, how was your christmas?

Nick: Fantastic. Thanks for that super-cool robot. I've been playing with that thing a lot.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Oh, how did christian like it?

Nick: That was for christian?

Sharon: Yes. Boys and their toys. I should have known.

Nick: He loves it. It's the first thing he ask for in the morning when he wakes up.

Sharon: Well, rey will be glad to hear that. He's the one that picked it out.Istian is at, like, the perfect age for christmas, you know? He remembers all the old traditions and is super-excited about it.

Sharon: But he's still young enough not to ask too many questions.

Nick: I also have it on good authority that he picked out these bad boys himself.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Those are perfect. Does he know his old man, or what?

Sharon: Hey, um, do you want to sit down and we can chat for a while? I'll get some coffee for us. Sorry, the wedding stuff is everywhere.

Nick: Yeah, I mean, you're planning a wedding. You got a lot to do. So I'm not gonna take up too much of your time. I just felt like I needed to come by and say something to you.

Mariah: So, I need your help with something critical. It's kind of a life-or-death situation.

Faith: Okay, wht is it?

Mariah: I need your help picking out the earrings for tomorrow.

Faith: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Wedding photos are forever, and I don't want somebody looking back at the photo album and being like, "oh, my god, what was mariah thinking?"

Faith: Yeah, sounds like an emergency to me.

Mariah: See? I knew you would understand. So I am sending you the short list right now.

Faith: Okay, let's see.

[ Cellphone pings ] Uh, not the hoops. Chandeliers? Are you kidding me? Oh, the last ones. Definitely. They'll look amazing with your dress.

Mariah: Okay. Great. Thank you so much. You've been such a big help. So, what are you gonna do for the rest of the day?

Faith: Just try and stay out of everybody's way.

Mariah: Are you gonna hang out with friends or...

Faith: No one's in town. Everybody's either skiing or in hawaii or whatever. I'll see them when they get back.

[ Door closes ]

Mariah: Is that someone you know?

Lauren: Hi. Oh. Jack's normally on time.

Sally: I don't mind. Gives us a moment to catch up.

Lauren: Yes, it does. So, how are things going? You've had quite a hectic fall. You cross-country moved. New town, new job. It's a lot of adjustments.

Sally: It's been a bit of a blur. And I miss my sister. It didn't really feel like christmas without family.

Lauren: Aw. I'm sorry. It's hard.

Sally: But fenmore's and jabot are both family-run companies, and that's the vibe that I'm comfortable with, after working with spectra and forrester creations. And you and jack have both been so warm and supportive. It's been really nice to feel like I belong.

Chance: Thank you, rey. I appreciate you bringing me up to date.

Rey: Yes, sir. By the time you come back to work, I'll probably be on my honeymoon.

Chance: Actually, my recovery's going so well, I may be back in the squad room earlier than expected.

Rey: Oh, yeah?

Chance: So if you need someone to cover for you tomorrow while you run some last-minute wedding errands, maybe I can fill in for you?

Rey: Don't even think about it. Everything is under control. The most important thing is that you fully recuperate. I'm sure your new wife feels the same way.

Chance: Yeah. You're probably right. You know, between my first day on the job and my second, a whole hell of a lot will have happened. Two weddings. A major arrest.

Rey: Has michael updated you on alyssa's trial?

Chance: He has. Sounds like it's not gonna happen for a while. And even then, he says he's not gonna need me in court more than a day or two. It's an air-tight case. Premeditated attempted murder. What?

Rey: I can't help but feel a little sorry for the girl. She's not the first person that adam has pushed to the breaking point. I'm sorry. I know you two are tight.

Chance: Don't worry about it. The guy I was friends with in vegas, he -- he doesn't exist anymore. Adam is toxic, and we all know it. Any loyalty I had towards that man is long gone.

Nate: The patient was complaining of extreme dizziness. So during a neuro exam, I asked, "have you ever been diagnosed with vertigo?" He says to me, and I swear I'm not making this up, "no, doc, I'm a saj." Vertigo, virgo? Sagittarius?

Elena: Oh. That's terrible.

Nate: That -- that was my reaction, too. That the guy was making a joke. But he was dead serious.

Elena: Emergency room medicine. Never a dull moment.

Nate: Tell me about it.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Thanks for suggesting this. I needed it.

Nate: I know you did. After all the extra shifts you've been pulling.

Elena: Look who's talking.

[ Chuckles ] The rest of the world was going on a break, and I felt like it would lift my spirits the most to be of service. And to give the other residents a chance to be with their families on christmas.

Nate: Did it work?

Elena: Yeah. I've had fun spending my holiday with you, doing what we do best.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] As long as you don't get in the habit of giving away all your vacation time. Burning yourself out.

Elena: Oh. Do I look burned out?

Nate: No, you -- you look beautiful.

Lily: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Lily: What is this?

Billy: Just a little something special to welcome you home.

Lily: Aw. They're gorgeous.

Billy: My job here is done.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Thank you.

Billy: Welcome home.

Lily: Yeah. It's good to be back. You weren't waiting long, were you? My flight was delayed.

Billy: I was following you on the flight tracker. I saw it was delayed.

Lily: Oh. I didn't know we were at that stage where you're tracking me.

Billy: We are the stage where I miss you like crazy when you're gone and I can't wait to see you again.

Lily: Aw. That's sweet. I miss you, too.

Billy: What do you say, dinner? I want to hear how charlie and mattie are doing.

Lily: [ Sighs ] I would love to, but I just -- i have a lot of work to catch up on.

Billy: Well, we can make it a work dinner. I actually have a fantastic story that I want to run by you.

Lily: Oh, god. Should I be worried?

Billy: You can be the judge of that.

Lily: Okay.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] To support a strong immune system,

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Sharon: Have you changed your mind about being rey's best man?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] No way.

Sharon: Well, that's a relief.

Nick: You know, when he first asked me, I accepted, I was a little nervous it might be, uh...

Sharon: Awkward?

Nick: Yeah. But, uh, now that the day's here, it doesn't feel that way at all. I'm just thrilled for both of you.

Sharon: Good.

Nick: I mean, to see how blissful you are and how excited you are to plan your future, after the year you had, it's everything I've been praying for. I just couldn't be more excited for you two. And, um, yeah, you know what? I guess -- I guess that's all I have for you. Not that you need by approval or anything.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] You know what? I have known you longer and better than anyone. So I'm just very grateful that after everything that we've been through and -- well, everything that we've put each other through -- you're still in my corner.

Nick: Always.

Faith: That's jordan.

Mariah: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you mentioned her before. I thought you said all your friends were out of town.

Faith: She must have gotten back early. I'm gonna go say hi, okay?

Mariah: Yeah.

Faith: Hey.

Jordan: Oh, hey.

Faith: How was your christmas?

Jordan: Good.

Faith: I'm just here with my sister. We're talking about the wedding tomorrow.

Jordan: Oh, right, yeah. Your mom's marrying the cop.

Faith: Yeah. I texted you, inviting you. Did you get it?

Jordan: Yes.

Faith: And?

Jordan: It's new year's eve. I might have other plans.

Faith: Yeah. Um, it'll be at society.

Jordan: When we were there before, it was pretty lame.

Faith: Look... I know you're upset with me, but I just didn't feel right stealing alcohol from my aunt's restaurant.

Jordan: You didn't mind sneaking my family's vodka. But it's fine. I get why you were scared.

Mariah: Jordan? Hi. I'm mariah. I'm faith's sister.

Jordan: Oh, it's nice to meet you.

Mariah: Why don't you guys, um, come on inside? You know, I'll rustle up a couple of brownies. My treat.

Lauren: Well, from what I can see, you're fitting in beautifully.

Sally: Thanks. It's probably because I'm used to being uprooted. My parents were sort of nomads. They didn't like to stay in one place too long.

Lauren: Mm. Were they the adventurous type?

Sally: The irresponsible type. Eventually, they just dropped coco and me off at my grandmother'S.

Lauren: You know, I-I do remember your great-aunt sally telling me what a rough childhood you and your sister had. I can only imagine how traumatic that must have been.

Sally: Grams is great. And she gave us a real home, and she loved us to pieces. We were much better off. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into all of that. I -- the point was, was that I'm someone who understands the importance of stability and family. And I really appreciate you and jack giving me a new place to call home.

[ Knock on door ]

Jack: Sorry I'm late.

Lauren: Oh, it's fine. Sally and I were just getting to know each other better.

Lily: The twins are already making plans for next summer. Mattie got invited by her professor to go work in the lab and do medical research. And then charlie has interviews with production companies to line up internships.

Billy: Wow. Look at them. A couple go-getters. It's only december.

Lily: I know. They really are.

Billy: I was a slacker compared to them at that age.

Lily: Yeah, and we had the best conversations. They're just -- they're learning so much and meeting such interesting people. I wish I had known when they were little and I was reading them the same bedtime story over and over that they would turn out to be like this.

Billy: That's your payback for being a good, patient mom and encouraging them to follow their dreams.

Lily: Aw. Thank you. But, no, I mean, they're also working really hard, and I don't want to take credit for that. I'm just really happy that they're living to their potential.

Billy: I would say they're saying the same thing about you. You're back on top, standing strong. A woman coming into her own.

Lily: Well, thank you for all these compliments. So, anyway, you have business to discuss. What's on your mind? Got it?

Elena: I know most of the reason you stuck around was to keep me company, which i appreciate. But you could have spent the holiday with your mom.

Nate: It wasn't a sacrifice. It turned out to be exactly what I needed, too.

Elena: Really?

Nate: In addition to my shifts in the E.R., I did some consulting on cases. A good reminder there are plenty of ways I can be useful, even without doing surgery.

Elena: Still, I know it must have been hard, having to call in other doctors for cases that required surgery, like the girl with the liver tumor.

Nate: Yeah. But I'm doing my best to get used to it.

Elena: Well, I'm glad that you're focusing on what you can do instead of what you can'T. I think it's so important to have a sense of purpose. Lola and I were just talking about that. How her running society has really been a godsend, because it's helped her to get over her divorce.

Nate: I'm glad you two became friends.

Elena: Yeah. You know, it's actually so surprising how much I've missed her since she's been in miami. I've gone from living with my mother and then my uncle jett, and then devon, and now lola. I think I probably need to live alone next and learn what it's like to independent.

Nate: But not now.

Elena: No. Not yet. I'm definitely not ready. Right now, I need my friends around while I figure out how to start over.

Nick: Got yourself a good partner, sharon. Rey clearly adores you.

Sharon: Thanks. Yeah. I feel the same way. You know, we trust each other and -- not that I haven't tested his patience a few times.

Adam: Talking about adam. How you felt compelled to help him, even though he'd come between you and rey.

Sharon: Yeah. That's all behind us now. I've decided to set some boundaries.

Nick: Well, speaking for everyone who loves and cares about you, it was just very frustrating watching you struggle to keep your distance from him. Nobody wants to see you waste your time on someone who doesn't deserve it.

Sharon: Well, I'm sorry to raise your stress level, but you do realize that was a difficult time for everyone. I know it comes from a good place. Your compassion and your huge heart, they make you, you. And going through chemo and struggling with that every day, sometimes feeling like you were losing yourself. But the way you handled it, it just intensified all the things that your family loves about you. Your generosity, your courage. If anything, you're even more protective of your children. And, sharon, you showed more bravery than anyone I've ever known. You're gallantly forgetting how cranky it also made me.

Nick: It's a temporary side effect. I'm talking about the woman that's inside you. A phenomenal, giving person who is worthy of all the happiness that's coming her way.

Billy: I've been thinking. Uh, I think it's important for chanccomm to address the fact that our freelance reporter who was responsible for our big exposé turned out to be a tad homicidal.

Lily: Yeah, we need to be up front about that for many reasons.

Billy: Yes. And so I think it's important that we frame it as a bigger picture.

Lily: Please don't tell me you want to make this about adam.

Billy: No, no, no. That's not the direction I want to go with this.

Lily: Okay. Thank god.

Billy: I think you're right. We need a better balance, and what we cover can't just be true crime and the dark side of humanity, and this is an opportunity to tell a story about the good people -- the people that fought for justice, to make sure that justice prevailed.

Lily: Okay. Yeah. That sounds interesting.

Billy: That's it? I thought you'd be more enthused with this positive outlook.

Lily: No, I mean, look, I-i love that. You could have easily come out of this hell-bent on revenge.

Billy: That's not who I want to be. In fact, I'm just glad that the system worked.

Lily: Yeah, well, let's remember the system worked because you're a guy named abbott in this jurisdiction.

Billy: Well, that is very true. I guess what I'm saying is i want to focus on the heroes, not the villains.

Lily: Okay. So, who do you want to focus on?

Billy: You. For one.

Lily: [ Coughs ] Um, no. Sorry. That's not happening.


Lily: No. I do not want to be the center of any piece that we do.

Billy: Okay, let's be honest. I am only sitting here because of you. It's the only reason why I'm a free man -- because you found the facts and you got them to rey.

Lily: Yeah, I did some snooping. That's hardly heroic.

Billy: Listen, lily --

Lily: Whereas chance, he actually took a bullet to save his friend's life.

Billy: And we'll talk about chance's heroism, just like we'll talk about rey. Following the facts. Making sure that justice prevailed, even after the fact that I was formally charged.

Abby: Did I hear you mention my husband's name?

Lily: [ Chuckles nervously ] Uh, actually, yes, because billy was just pitching an idea about doing a story of what a hero chance is. So, how do you feel about that?

Abby: I think that's a great idea.

Lily: Okay. Great. Let's do it.

Nick: Has faith said anything to you about january, when her new term begins?

Sharon: You're talking about boarding school?

Nick: Yeah. I know she came home to be with you during your recovery.& That seems like it's done. Um, has she said anything about going back?

Sharon: I asked her about it, and she wasn't interested. She wants to finish out the semester here.

Nick: I'd be down with that. I mean, not only do I love having her home...

Sharon: You think we still need to keep an eye on her?

Nick: Don't you?

Sharon: I know that her rebellious age has been relatively mild, but her grandmother is an alcoholic, and that disease can be hereditary. A lot of kids experiment, but with faith, the risk is much higher.

Nick: Well, don't worry. I'm gonna be extra vigilant while you're away on your honeymoon.

Sharon: I know she's in good hands.

Nick: You know, faith's always been such a level-headed kid, but she's had a lot of curve balls thrown at her. So it kind of makes sense that she would have the urge to act out.

Sharon: I just want to give my daughter a calm, peaceful home life with a loving stepfather and a cool, new young aunt.

Nick: Yeah, I heard lola's kind of taken her under her wing, which I think is cool. It can't hurt having another big-sister role model in her life.

Sharon: Someone closer to her age she can confide in who isn't a parent. A positive role model.

Mariah: So, do you like sports?

Jordan: Uh, yeah, I like to snowboard and swim in the summer. That's about it. I'm not real competitive.

Faith: Um, mariah just started a job at jabot, and her girlfriend is tessa porter, the singer.

Jordan: Oh, wow. Cool.

Mariah: Yeah. I went on tour with her a little bit ago, and it was a blast, you know? I was in between jobs, so we just got to kick back and party. It was kind of like being in high school again.

Jordan: It sounds fun. But high school's not really like that anymore. There's all this pressure to keep your grades up, get into a good college. Plus, there's social media. Everybody watching and judging you 24/7. It probably wasn't like that when you were a teen.

Mariah: Right. I forgot the stone tablets that we used to chisel on.

Jordan: It feels like all my friends and I ever do is study. In fact, um, I was just on my way to meet with my study group.

Mariah: Over christmas break?

Jordan: What can I say? I'm a proud nerd. Listen, thanks for the brownie.

Mariah: Yeah, you're welcome.

Jordan: I'll see you later, okay?

Faith: Yeah. Bye. What was that about? Why'd you bring up partying?

Mariah: I was just making conversation.

Faith: Yeah, right.

Mariah: Hey, why are you so upset? Do you really care that much about jordan's opinion?

Faith: No.

Jack: So, where are we with the free skin-care gift-set promo for jcv?

Lauren: Uh, you know, the last time I heard, we were waiting for jabot marketing to make final product selections.

Jack: Well, I know mariah's still getting up to speed, but i was under the impression we were decided on that.

Lauren: Huh. Okay, will you reach out to summer and ask her where we are on that?

Sally: Yeah, I'd be happy to.

Jack: Is "happy" the right word there?

Sally: There has been some friction between summer and me.

Lauren: How come?

Sally: Someone convinced her that I'm out to undermine her, which is not true. He was just trying to stir up some trouble. And then when summer confronted me, I may have overreacted and got a little defensive, and then it just messed everything up. But don't worry. I-I promise I will work things out.

Jack: So, who started the rumor?

Sally: It's not important. He's not an issue anymore.

Lauren: You aren't referring to theo, by any chance, are you?

Elena: I am getting hungry. We should find a restaurant.

Nate: Okay. We can do that. Or we could stick around here, order room service.

Elena: Room service? As in getting a room first?

Nate: Well, yes, that's typically the way it works.

Elena: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: Let's go out. A radiologist told me about a new tapas place with killer paella.

Elena: Room service sounds great. Introducing new life cuisine meals that fit your lifestyle...

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: If you'd like, I can give you an exclusive interview for your piece on chance.

Lily: Yeah. What -- what angle were you thinking?

Abby: Well, I could give you an inside scoop on chance's recovery. I can maybe text you over some pictures.

Lily: Okay. That sounds great.

Abby: In fact, I might even have one of chance in the hospital. Let me check.

Billy: While you two are working on that, I'm gonna go line up a writer.

Lily: Alright. Hurry back.

Billy: I will.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Lily: Perfect.

[ Gasps ] Oh! My gosh! Your wedding! You guys look so amazing and in love.

Abby: It wasn't a big production. Just a small ceremony at home.

Lily: Oh. At home. I didn't know that you guys moved into the chancellor house. That's a lot of home for two people.

Abby: Well, hopefully, it won't be just the two of us this time next year. Although it is taking longer to get pregnant than I expected. I'm starting to get a bit impatient. I'm sorry, lily.

Lily: What? 'Cause I had cancer and couldn't carry the twins?

Abby: I-I just -- I didn't mean to be insensitive.

Lily: No. Look, it's fine. The important thing is that i have my kids now. Actually, we just spent christmas together in new york, and it was so amazing.

Abby: Oh! That sounds like the perfect holiday vacation.

Lily: Yeah. I know that you're gonna be an amazing mom. You'll be a natural at it.

Sally: Look, I know theo is a part of your family.

Jack: Unfortunately, my nephew takes perverse pleasure in causing friction, as you put it.

Sally: Well, there's more to it than that, I think. Theo wasn't pleased when i refused to help him find out how the abbotts were going to respond to his lawsuit.

Lauren: So you think this is payback?

Sally: That's my assumption. And -- and, really, it's sad, because I admire summer so much. And if I were to tell her that now, she would just think it was a ploy.

Jack: I'll talk to summer.

Sally: No, really, jack, I --

Jack: It's not fair that in your first few weeks here you're dealing with an abbott family drama. I will talk to summer, ask her to keep an open mind where you're concerned, and the rest is up to you.

Sally: Well, if you would do that for me, I would be incredibly grateful.

Jack: Consider it done.

[ Door opens ]

Nick: Hey, there.

Faith: Hey. Um, I'm just going upstairs. Keep talking. Don't let me interrupt.

Sharon: Uh, is everything okay?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah. I'm just worried about whether I'll be able to pull off the hairstyle I want to wear tomorrow.

Nick: Hey, if all else fails, you can go with "old faithful" -- backward baseball cap.

Faith: Here I am in the middle of a crisis of epic proportions, and you're making dad-jokes. Great.

Sharon: I've done an updo or two in my time. I can help you.

Faith: It'll be fine. I'm gonna go practice. And if it doesn't work, I'll just wear my hair the same old way.

Sharon: Whatever you decide to do, I know you're gonna look stunning.

Nick: Alright. I better take off. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sharon: Yes, you will. Thanks for stopping by.

Rey: Nick. What's going on?

Nick: There you are. Uh, I was worried that you were gonna miss your bachelor party. Up at 2:00am again?

Rey: Whoa. There's a -- a bachelor party? Tonight?

Nick: Yeah. Dude, what kind of best man would I be if I let that slide?

Rey: Look, sharon, this isn't something that nick and i discussed. So if you're uncomfortable with it, I totally --

Nick: Who do you think gave me the names of all your buddies down at the station? Everybody's waiting for us at jimmy'S. I got the private room, I got the dancers from crazy 8'S.

Rey: D-dancers?

Nick: Yeah, it was a euphemism. I mean, you know, as far as strip bars go, it is pretty classy.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] I'm sorry, rey, but the look on your face --

Rey: You had me going there. Alright.

Nick: I did, didn't I?

Rey: Look, I like a guys' night out as well as anyone. It's just that, you know...

Sharon: Not on the night right before our wedding, and you do get major points for that.

Rey: Oh, I may need them.

Nick: For the record, I do have big plans tonight. Oh, yeah. Christian and I are gonna knock back some chocolate milks and watch some cartoons.

Sharon: Whoo!

Nick: See you kids in the morning. Get some rest.

Rey: See you tomorrow. It's your last night as a single woman. You're running out of time to change your mind.

Sharon: No chance of that. I can't wait to be your wife.

Nate: More wine?

Elena: Uh, no. Thank you. I think I've had enough.

Nate: Good stuff.

Elena: [ Clears throat ] Yeah. An excellent choice. And you were right about the coq au vin. It was great. Thanks for suggesting it.

Nate: You're welcome.

Elena: Hmm.

Nate: Elena, it's -- it's okay. We can just talk. Or watch a movie. I'd be happy just to hold you in my arms while you fall asleep. Wake up with you in the morning.

Elena: Thank you for being patient. When I agreed to come up here... I thought I was ready.

Nate: But you still feel guilty.

Elena: Yeah, it's just when we first... got together, it was so... incredibly wrong. You know, we -- we broke devon's heart, and that led to your hand injury. There are lifelong consequences to our actions.

Nate: How long are you gonna keep punishing yourself for that?

Elena: I don't think that's what I'm doing. It's just... I can't forget how this started. And maybe that's tainted our relationship. And maybe this will never be what you want it to be.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Lily: Hi, sweetheart. How was your flight? Oh, well, "uneventful" is great this time of year. I know. I miss spending time with you and your brother, too. Spring break seems so far away.

Billy: Hey, man.

Chance: Hi, billy.

Billy: Well, I guess lily stepped away.

Abby: Hey, there, stranger.

Chance: Hello, beautiful. How's your evening going?

Abby: Better and better all the time.

Billy: Chance, why don't you have a seat?

Abby: Has billy told you the news yet?

Chance: What news is that?

Billy: You go ahead. Have the honors.

Abby: Chanccomm is gonna do a story about how you heroically risked your life to save adam. Isn't that awesome?

Chance: Uh...it's a nice thought.

Abby: Come on. Don't be modest.

Chance: To be honest... now that I'm back on the force, I would prefer my name not linked to adam's any more than it already has been.

Abby: I didn't even think about that.

Billy: Yeah, no, it's a good point. So, um, why don't we let you look over the article before we go public with it? We don't do that for everyone, but we will do it for you.

Chance: That helps. And I can suggest edits?

Billy: Yes, we can look at that. And let me just be very clear. It's not just about you. We're trying to tell a story about all the good people that came together to, well, tell the truth about alyssa and bring that to light. So you'll be sharing the stage with your other gcpd colleagues. Of course, rey and lily, who solved the mystery of who actually shot you.

Chance: I like that angle much better.

Billy: Good.

Abby: Good, because your bravery deserves to be recognized.

Chance: It's not like your biased or anything.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Lily: Hi, chance. Nice to see you.

Chance: You, too, miss lily.

Lily: Did you fill him in?

Billy: I did. We're good to go.

Faith: Mom?! Rey?!

[ Exhales raggedly ]

Abby: We are having hot cocoa with whipped cream instead of wine, because high-fat dairy has been shown to increase fertility, while alcohol can have the opposite effect.

Chance: Somebody's been doing their research.

Abby: There are long lists of things that we can try. Foods to eat, foods to avoid, different supplements. Are you allergic to bee pollen?

Chance: Not that I know of.

Abby: Look, I promise I am not gonna go off the deep end, but if there's things that we can do to speed up the process and make sure that me and baby are healthier, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Chance: I should have realized before now -- my wife doesn't do anything halfway. To be honest, I'm really not worried.

Abby: No?

Chance: No. Why would I be? You've gotten pregnant before. There's no reason to think you can't do it again. With or without bee pollen.

Billy: You're quiet.

Lily: Yeah. Um, did you know that abby and chance are trying to start a family?

Billy: Well, they mentioned it at the wedding ceremony. I think they'll be terrific parents.

Lily: Yeah, it just made me realize I never asked you if... you wanted to maybe have more kids or...

[ Chuckles ]

Billy: Uh... honestly, no. You know, johnny and katie deserve all my attention. With everything they've been through, I-I think it would probably be unfair to them. What about you?

Lily: No. No. No, I-I loved raising the twins, but I'm very excited for the next stage of my life.

Billy: I'm very excited for the next stage of your life, too.

Lily: Oh, yeah?

Billy: Mm-hmm. Want to join me upstairs for a nightcap?

Lily: Yeah. I thought you'd never ask.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Sharon: [ Exhales deeply ] Faith must have gone to bed already.

Rey: It's a beautiful night.

Faith: Oh, the stars were amazing.

Rey: Not half as amazing as my soon-to-be bride.

Sharon: Tomorrow night at this time, we'll be married.

Rey: I can't wait.

Sharon: Me neither.

Rey: When did you first know that we should be together& forever?

Sharon: Um, well, I couldn't say so at the time, because you were still with mia, but I think it was the night that we spent in that motel room after your car broke down and you slept in the chair.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] I wanted you so bad that night.

Sharon: Well, the feeling was very mutual.

Rey: It's been a long road to get to where we are now.

Sharon: Well, it's been worth everything that we've been through. I love you, rey.

Rey: I love you, too. Yeah?

[ Laughs playfully ]

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