Y&R Transcript Monday 12/28/20
Episode #12018 ~ Phyllis presses Kevin for intel; Sharon supports Rey; Nick and Victoria have differing opinions.
Provided By Suzanne
Adam: Oh, how does it feel to be home again?Chelsea: I'd rather be with connor. I hated saying goodbye.
Adam: Yeah, I know the feeling. He was trying to be so brave when we were driving away.
Chelsea: But wasn't it so great to see how many friends he has?
Adam: You don't think we, uh, spoiled him a little too much, do you?
Chelsea: No. He deserved all those presents. And then this one... that he made for me -- I mean, I think this is the best christmas present I've ever gotten. No offense.
Adam: None taken.
Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ] So, how do you think he took the news about my surgery?
Adam: I think he's gonna be alright. You know, describing it as a "simple medical procedure" was the best way to handle it.
Chelsea: Yeah. The less he knows, the easier it will be for him.
Adam: Exactly.
Chelsea: And, you know, it's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. I'm gonna show up to the hospital, I'll count backwards from 10, and I'll be out like a light. And I will wake up, and everything will be perfectly fine. Everything will be back to normal.
Rey: Wedding dress?
Sharon: Check. Suit?
Rey: Check.
Sharon: Rsvps?
Mariah: Everyone is accounted for.
Rey: Music?
Tessa: Oh, yeah, there's just one thing. Uh, I'm missing a lyrical line for the word "pookie," so if you guys have any suggestions...
[ Laughs ] You should see your faces.
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Tessa: I'm just so excited to be a part of your wedding.
Sharon: Are you kidding me? We're the ones who are thrilled. I mean, we have a legit musical sensation writing a song for our wedding, when you could just as easily be bringing in the new year with thousands of screaming fans somewhere way more exciting.
Rey: Uh, excuse me?
Tessa: There is nothing more exciting than you two tying the knot.
Mariah: No roomful of vips is gonna outshine this wedding.
Nick: Hmm. Is this a golden ticket? Have I finally been granted access to the escape club?
Phyllis: Ahh. No.
I'm your escape club.
Nick: [ Clicks tongue ] Hmm. What is it? What could it be?
Phyllis: Oh, come on. Open -- you forfeited your chance. Give it to me. I'll --
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. Just give me a second. I'm gonna figure it out. You can't give this to me and then take it back. What is this?
Phyllis: It's a check. It's a check. It's the first installment of my payment to pay back your loan.
Nick: You're, like, two weeks early.
Phyllis: I know, but I'm gonna pay you weekly instead of monthly.
Nick: Well, whatever works for you.
Phyllis: Well, what would work for me -- hmm -- is if victoria didn't try to steal this hotel out from under me.
Nick: It's the day after christmas.
Phyllis: I know. It's boxing day in england. What I wouldn't give for a moment in the ring with victoria. Wow. That would be something. What I would do.
Nick: Huh. Alright. I mean, you do know that boxing day refers to the giving of gifts and not, you know, physical combat.
Phyllis: Whatever. Whatever. We don't even need a ring. Just put her in the same room with me and, believe me, something would happen. What?
Nick: Uh... don't turn around.
Phyllis: Did victoria just walk into this hotel? Did she? I mean, seriously, the gall.
Amanda: I'm really sorry to barge in, but do you have a minute?
Devon: Of course I do. Yeah. You were starting to worry me, not answering my calls.
Amanda: Well, after our drive to wilmette yesterday, I haven't been able to sleep. I can't eat. I can't focus on anything.
Devon: I can imagine. That must have felt like hell, seeing your birth mom hugging another grown daughter like that.
Amanda: Yes. Yeah. You have no idea. But, see, that's only part of the story. There's more.
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Devon: So, what are you talking about? What did you find out?
Amanda: Well, the P.I. I hired was hitting brick walls when they were looking into naya benedict's background.
Devon: Right. Did he found out why that is?
Amanda: Apparently, the family has a history in politics, so they kept things pretty close to the vest.
Devon: Oh. That makes sense.
Amanda: Yeah, he also learned that, um, she's happily married now.
Devon: And what about the girl we saw at the house?
Amanda: Oh, imani. That's the daughter that she had with her husband.
Devon: Is there any chance that naya's husband could be your father?
Amanda: No. According to the P.I., Naya met him years after hilary and i were born.
Devon: So she meets a guy in college and gives birth to twins, and then meets another guy.
Amanda: And has another kid and lives a life of luxury and privilege, and imani doesn't need to struggle or fight for anything in her life.
Devon: I mean, you can't be certain of that. You don't know all the facts.
Amanda: No. I know enough. I know enough to go back to my life as I knew it, as if I never had a mother.
Sharon: Alright. Are you ready to tackle the rest of your half of the to-do list?
Rey: Oh, yeah. Nothing I can't handle.
Mariah: If you two need some help, tessa and i could pitch in.
Tessa: Yeah, we would be happy to.
Sharon: Um, you know, we'll take a rain check. Rey and I need to handle the rest of these errands ourselves.
Mariah: Are you sure?
Rey: Yeah. Tessa's back after being on tour for so long. The two of you should just enjoy being in the same time zone together.
Sharon: We'll check in with you later.
Rey: Stay out of trouble.
Tessa: Uh, I have a confession to make.
Mariah: Okay.
Tessa: Don't freak out. Um, but my -- my -- my song for the wedding...
Mariah: I can't wait to hear it.
Tessa: Yeah. That makes two of us. I haven't finished. I don't even have a decent beginning.
Mariah: Do you have a melody?
Tessa: Kind of.
Mariah: Words?
Tessa: I don't suppose that sharon would be satisfied with an instrumental piece?
Mariah: Oh, boy. No, no. Come on. You're an amazing lyricist. You're just -- you're just putting too much pressure on yourself.
Tessa: Uh, how can I not? Sharon has given me forgiveness and acceptance. I want to give her a song that shows how much that means to me.
Mariah: Sharon is going to love whatever you come up with.
Tessa: Yeah, but they deserve better than an "it's the thought that counts" wedding song.
Mariah: [ Sighs ] Okay. Uh, what do you usually do to get yourself out of writer's block?
Tessa: Uh... besides stealing your journal?
Mariah: Very funny. What about, uh, doing some yoga? Have you watched a rom-com or a horror film?
Tessa: Yes, I've done all of that, okay? Maybe this is just hopeless.
Mariah: No, don't give up. All you need is just a little bit of inspiration.
Tessa: Uh, I have witnessed sharon and rey's entire romance. That should be plenty inspiring.
Mariah: Well, maybe you need to make it a little bit more personal.
Tessa: How?
Mariah: I have an idea. I am going to remind you how epic it is to find the person you are meant for...and how true love changes everything.
Adam: Look, I know the surgery might sound a little scary, but these doctors have done this procedure so many times.
Chelsea: Yeah, I trust that I'm in good hands. I'm just -- I'm just grateful connor isn't here for any of this.
Adam: He's thriving. He's far enough away. He's not gonna hear the news that someone tried to shoot me.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Thank god his school limits online access.
Adam: I just -- I just still can't believe things got so out of control. You know, and it all goes back to that day when I was a kid trying to protect my mother.
Chelsea: It caused so much trauma.
Adam: Yeah. If she and victor hadn't let me bury the memory of killing a man.
Chelsea: We're letting all of that go. Your father doesn't matter anymore.
Adam: You're right. Nobody in this town matters to me anymore.
Phyllis: I mean, do I need to put a "no victoria newman" sign on the front door? I mean, seriously. The gall of that woman.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: I'm gonna ignore her.
Nick: Yeah?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Well, I'm not sure. I mean, are you gonna just wait until the two of you are alone and then really let her have it?
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no. I mean, I refuse to waste my time and energy on someone that I'm so happy to have out of my life. So I will ignore her.
Nick: I'm impressed.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Thank you. Okay. So, um, if you'll excuse me...
Nick: Last place I thought I'd find you.
Victoria: I'm meeting a business associate.
Nick: At the hotel that you tried to steal from phyllis?
Victoria: Forgive me, but i don't see how that's a problem. I accepted your money. The hotel is hers again. So can we please, please move on?
Nick: Not so simple. I don't know how to forgive you.
Welcome to silversneakers,
are you ready to get moving?
Victoria: Don't you think you're making a little too much of this?
Nick: You're the one who took this vendetta too far.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] It was just business.
Nick: Oh, come on. You enjoyed taunting phyllis. Why did you insist on lording it over her when you know how much this hotel means to her?
Victoria: I'm being the bigger person now. I'm here, giving phyllis extra business.
Nick: Well, what makes you think she wants it, after what you did to her?
Victoria: You know what? She should be grateful. I backed off, didn't I?
Nick: She was trying to do the right thing, to run her business honestly and fairly, and you were sandbagging her.
Victoria: I am not gonna let you put all of the blame on me. Phyllis started this when she went behind my back to get newman's clients to come here.
Nick: Oh, give me a break.
Victoria: And what is so fair about planting phony dinosaur bones to try to sabotage the hotel that abby was building across the street? And now, all of a sudden, phyllis, for the first time in her life, wants to take the high road.
Nick: Isn't that a good thing?
Victoria: The woman makes enemies everywhere she goes. She manipulates people, and she uses them to her advantage. And why is that? Because that's just who she is, and we're all supposed to just accept it.
Nick: That's not what I'm saying.
Victoria: Just because you and phyllis are in the "on again" phase of your relationship doesn't mean that i have to make nice with her. We'll have to finish this some other time.
Billy: So, what time's your flight? You can't get an earlier one? Yes. Because I miss you. And I want to see what you bought me. Nothing? Well. Okay. Well, I might have bought you something to welcome you home.
[ Chuckles ] Okay. I miss you, too. Have a good flight, and I'll see you in a bit. Bye. It feels good to be a free man. Turns out the list of people who want to severely damage you is longer than anyone imagined.
Adam: Mm. Well, you're right, billy. You didn't try to kill me. This time.
Billy: You know, michael could have charged you with accessory to your own attempted murder, the way you drove your high-school friend over the edge.
Adam: Well, you aided and abetted the crime by hiring her to write the story. Then you just spewed your vitriol to anybody who would listen.
Billy: It turns out a lot of people were listening. Yeah, the "making a monster" story did a hell of a number for chanccomm. I mean, record-breaking numbers.
Adam: Well, I wouldn't get too cocky now, billy. I'm never down for long.
Billy: Well, that's true. I have never met anyone who dodged retribution more than you, but, then again, even in the best horror films, the monster can only cheat death so many times.
Devon: You know, you don't have to make a decision about anything right now. I think you should probably just take some time and let it all sink in.
Amanda: Well, there is nothing to think about. I've lived my entire life without that woman in it, so I'll be just fine.
Devon: I know you will, but all you did was watch her for a couple minutes, from the car across the street. It's -- it's not enough to draw conclusions.
Amanda: Yeah, I can fill in the blanks. Okay. Naya goes off to college. She hooks up with some guy who dumps her. And to the profound disappointment of her upstanding parents, she comes out of that relationship with two identical souvenirs that she would like to forget. So she abandons her twins, because having kids out of wedlock [Gasps] That would have sullied her family's political career. Bad optics, you know? But smart move on her part, because she went on to live a respectable, enviable life.
Devon: Okay. And you know this for a fact? 'Cause you don'T.
Amanda: Okay. Then let's talk about what I do know for a fact. Naya was far from destitute when she got pregnant, okay? She wasn't alone without anybody to turn to in her time of need. She had money. Her family had money and resources to help her keep and care for her babies, so I don't need to hear her damn excuses!
Devon: I understand that. I get it. I really do. Okay? But it might not be that simple. There might be other scenarios that you haven't considered yet. And I understand you. I get why your instinct is to put up these walls to protect yourself from getting hurt. But after all this time that you've spent wondering, don't you think that you at least deserve the answer to the question of why? My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Adam: You do realize that you never would have gotten arrested if you hadn't been so obsessed with me. And the cops were looking for a suspect, and you put yourself right in their cross hairs.
Billy: I was framed, adam.
Adam: By a woman that you hired to destroy me in the press. You see, with you, it always comes back to me, billy. There's not a day that goes by where you don't announce your hatred in some form or another. And all that success at chanccomm, it's all because of me.
Billy: Mm.
Adam: You know, you really should thank me for that.
Billy: Oh, yeah, that'll be a cold day in hell.
Adam: It just really makes you wonder what you would do with all your time if you didn't have me to kick around.
Billy: That's a great question. Maybe we should make a deal. You disappear forever, and we'll see what the fine folks of genoa city do without you.
Kevin: Uhh! Michael, it's me. I was hoping we could get together today to discuss our mother. Yes, as predicted, there's another gloria situation. Only this time? It involves victoria and newman enterprises. So call me back as soon as you get this. Otherwise, I will call you every hour on the hour until you pick up.
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Hey! How's that little bundle of love?
Kevin: Miles is great.
Phyllis: Oh. Why do you look so upset?
Kevin: I -- [ Sighs ] I just stood up for lunch.
Phyllis: Now, who would be silly enough to do that to you?
Kevin: Michael. He's got some D.A. Thing he has to handle.
Phyllis: Oh. Well, then, today... is your lucky day. I will be happy to stand in for michael. Let's catch up. It's been too long.
Chloe: So, tell me everything. How are you? How's connor?
Chelsea: Connor's fantastic. He said he had the best christmas ever.
Chloe: Aw. You spoiled him?
Chelsea: Rotten.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] And what you? Are you good?
Chelsea: Um, physically, I'm -- I'm okay. Except for the occasional headache.
Chloe: And otherwise?
Chelsea: Terrified... about the operation.
Chloe: Well, um, are you allowed to pig out on ice cream? Because, you know, that always worked for us in the past.
Chelsea: That sounds like fun.
Chloe: You know, maybe i should wait till you're post-op, and I'll just sneak into your room. I'll give you some, you know, real food. Uh, a cozy, little, like, sweat shirt, slippers. You know, a little care package. Whatever you need, I'll do it.
Chelsea: You're already doing everything just by being here and listening to me. It's hard, you know, being fully honest with adam, because he still feels so guilty.
Chloe: Well, that's silly. This all started when you fell in that elevator. Wait. What are you not telling me? Did he have something to do with that?
Chelsea: Chloe, the last thing I feel like doing right now is arguing about adam.
Chloe: Yeah, but if he's the reason --
Chelsea: He has been so amazing. He's been taking such good care of me. I mean, we've never been stronger.
Chloe: Okay. Okay. If you're happy.
Chelsea: I am. And as soon as I fully recover, we've decided we're just gonna leave all of the baggage in the past and start fresh.
Chloe: Oh. I don't really know how I feel about being baggage, but --
Chelsea: No, no, that's not -- no, you are a perfect, gorgeous, little designer handbag I want to take with me everywhere. I'm referring to adam's past. His father, his siblings. And sharon.
Billy: I would stay as far away from adam as possible, sharon. You have no idea how many of his enemies are still gunning for him.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I was so relieved to her that they caught the woman who tried to shoot you.
Adam: Well, she's just the tip of the iceberg, apparently.
Sharon: What do you mean?
Adam: My list of enemies is, uh, endless. You know? Even one person I considered a friend had me committed.
Sharon: [ Exhales sharply ] I only signed those papers because I was so worried about you.
Adam: You don't have to be concerned about me, especially with your wedding day coming up. I was just...wishing you the best of everything. I'm happy for you.
Sharon: Thank you.
Adam: And I'm sorry about what happened to faith and all the fallout from the article that billy published.
Sharon: If we could all only go back and undo some of the things we've done.
Adam: Well, we can. We can begin again. Chelsea and I are leaving town soon to start a new life with connor.
Sharon: Maybe that's for the best. I hope that it brings you some peace.
Adam: Thank you... you know, for still giving a damn, despite everything. It means a lot. - Hi, I'm steve.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Rey: Sharon. Are you alright?
Sharon: Yeah. Adam and I were just catching up. Everything's fine.
Adam: Yeah, now that you arrested the actual shooter. Thank you for that.
Rey: Just doing my job.
Adam: Mm.
Rey: It's unfortunate, though, that billy and chance are the ones who suffered. They were the innocent parties.
Adam: Well, chance, yes. Billy, uh, I wouldn't say he's innocent. To tell you the truth, I slept a lot better when he was locked up. So if you ever feel like putting him behind bars again...
Rey: Thank you. But I'm gonna stick to arresting the real criminals.
Sharon: Hey, you know, adam, maybe you should...get home before your food gets cold.
[ Paper bag crinkles ] I wish you the best.
Rey: I know I already asked, but, uh, I need to know. Are you okay?
Sharon: Yeah. Fine. Promise.
Rey: You sure?
Sharon: [ Scoffs ] I've got better things to think about than adam.
Rey: Yeah? You care to share?
Sharon: Yeah. I was just imagining this place being transformed into the most romantic spot on earth where we have our wedding, say our vows, and I become mrs. Rey rosales.
Chloe: Have you thought more about bella milconno?
Chelsea: The business or the name?
Chelsea: I just think it's perfect. Bella, miles, and connor all wrapped up into one fashion brand.
Chelsea: Chloe, it hasn't really been on my radar.
Chloe: No, I-I-I know that connor's holiday came first, and I did the same with my family. I just can't help thinking about all the possibilities.
Chelsea: But I-I'm about to go under the knife.
Chloe: And I think that this line is the perfect distraction. I mean, it's -- it's something to look forward to.
Chelsea: I mean, once the doctor gives us the all clear, adam and I are moving.
Chloe: What about a long-distance partnership? You know, you could work from home, designing while connor's at school, and I'll just handle all the day-to-day business.
Chelsea: You're not gonna let this go, are you?
Chloe: No, I'm not. Because we have to do it. Come on. It will be so great for our children, for our self-esteem, for ourselves.
Chelsea: Trust me, I don't want to lose our connection, either.
Chloe: So you're saying you'll do it?
Chelsea: I promise you we'll find a way to make it work. Our friendship and our business are way too important to lose.
Phyllis: Oh, so adorable. So cute.
Kevin: Yeah. A chip off the old block.
Phyllis: I thought he looked like chloe.
Kevin: Oh. Only when he cries. Don't tell her I said that.
Phyllis: I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch.
Kevin: Well, we aren't exactly "stay in touch" kind of friends, are we?
Phyllis: How do you see us?
Kevin: As accomplices. Partners in crime.
Phyllis: Two people who trust each other with our deepest, darkest secrets, right? I mean, if you can't hide a dead body with a friend, who can you hide it with?
Kevin: Yeah, I-I'd rather forget about that unfortunate incident with your ex and former shrink.
Phyllis: Oh, so would I. But you know that there are some people in genoa city that won't let us forget about it.
Kevin: We've moved on. We have respectable jobs. I'm at the cgpd. You have your swanky hotel.
Phyllis: I do. I have my swanky hotel that victoria tried to steal out from under me, because she sees me as an outsider, as someone who's inferior.
Kevin: You are not inferior to anyone.
Phyllis: You get it, don't you? After all of your misadventures and high jinks, there are still people in this town you will never, ever get the respect from.
Kevin: Okay. Sure.
Phyllis: It's true. I mean, that's why we're such great comrades in arms. 'Cause we understand each other. No one will ever realize how great we know we are. When the chips are down, we will always -- always -- support each other and look after each other.
Amanda: I don't need to know why naya chose to abandon hilary and myself all those years ago.
Devon: What's changed, then?
Amanda: Reality hit me in the face. I realized that she was capable of being a loving mother. She just wasn't willing to do it for me and my twin.
Devon: I know you don't need to hear my opinion about this, but I feel like I should speak for someone here.
Amanda: Who?
Devon: For your twin, for hilary.
Amanda: Okay, what would she do?
Devon: For starters, she wouldn't settle for just a drive-by sighting of her birth mom. She would want to know the full truth. She'd want to know every detail about every decision that naya made from the time that she got pregnant to the moment she gave you away to right now. And she wouldn't run away from it. And she certainly wouldn't pretend at getting answers didn't matter to her. She would take you by the hand and go stand on that lady's front porch until she was satisfied. That's the hilary that I remember. She would do whatever it takes to see this through to the end.
Amanda: What would that end even be? Because from the evidence I've seen, there is no way that there's gonna be a happily ever after.
Want to brain better?
Victoria: Please don't tell me you've been hanging around here waiting to finish our discussion. Do you really want to get into an argument right here in the hotel lobby?
Nick: I'm doing some work for new hope. I'm sure that doesn't interest you, because I'm in the business of actually wanting to help people, while you just take things.
Victoria: Oh, here we go.
Nick: You know, uh, this whole demeanor that you got going on, it reminds me of the first time I heard what you were trying to pull on phyllis. And you know what popped into my head? Dad.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] So you keep telling me.
Nick: The dirty moves, the condescension. It just reeks of him, vick.
Victoria: You know, I'm sorry that you can't understand that i was just trying to protect newman enterprises.
Nick: You know I'm your biggest fan, right? No one was happier for you when you took over newman enterprises. It's who you are. It's where you belong. But it's different now. Something's changed. And I have my suspicions about happened.
Victoria: Well, please. I'm dying to hear your analysis.
Nick: You know, maybe billy was a better influence on you than I ever thought, 'cause you lost your sense of humor, your ability to bounce back, your sense of compassion. At least when you two were together, you didn't let the job turn you into the worst version of victor newman.
Devon: I'm sorry to upset you.
Amanda: No, no. You didn't cause all of this. I've been wound up ever since i found out the identity of my mother.
Devon: So you don't regret coming over here now?
Amanda: Friends are supposed to be honest with each other. So I'm just glad that I can count on you.
Devon: Are you sure that i didn't cross the line by telling you what hilary would do?
Amanda: No. I like hearing about my twin.
[ Sighs ] Learning about my new half-sister, imani, on the other hand...
Devon: Your private investigator said nothing about her?
Amanda: Not a word. Is it wrong that I feel bitter towards her?
Devon: No. It's not wrong at all. You can feel how you feel.
Amanda: She just -- she got the life that hilary and i wanted. And I am 100% sure that she has no idea about us. So she's blameless. But her mother, naya, on the other hand...
[ Scoffs ]
Devon: That's even more reason to see this through and get the answers that you're looking for.
Phyllis: You know, and even though nick and I have gotten so close, the newmans still won't accept -- you know who would get this? Gloria. She would get this. She knows what it's like to date a rich, powerful man -- the 1% -- and there's still members of the family who look down their nose at you, who hold you to a higher standard.
Kevin: I guess.
Phyllis: I would love to trade war stories with her. I'd love to commiserate with her. How is she doing -- your mom?
Kevin: She's her usual, lively and unstoppable self. Always a handful.
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Well, I hope she hasn't gotten herself into too much trouble. I hope everything's okay.
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ] I'm afraid this time it's potentially "go to jail" bad.
Phyllis: Oh, my god. I'm sorry.
Kevin: Yeah.
Phyllis: [ Gasps ]
Chloe: Hi, phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey, chloe! How is it that you are still so glowing even after having the baby? How is that?
Chloe: Well, thank you. I think that's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me. We should probably get going before miles wakes up.
Kevin: Great seeing you, phyllis.
Phyllis: Hey, hey, hey. Kevin, let's do this again real soon.
Kevin: Okay. Um... let me grab that...
Sharon: Hey, chelsea. I hope you had a merry christmas.
Chelsea: It was wonderful. We were with connor.
Sharon: Oh. Well, that's nice to hear. I just saw adam at society.
Chelsea: Well, that's genoa city for you. Hey, good luck on your upcoming wedding, by the way.
Rey: Thanks. We're looking forward to it.
Sharon: Uh, it's just gonna be a small, intimate ceremony on new year's eve.
Chelsea: Yeah, I got it. I wasn't angling for an invite, trust me. I have something big going on the next day, anyway, that's taking up all my attention.
Sharon: Something exciting, I hope.
Chelsea: A medical procedure.
Sharon: Well, I hope it's nothing serious.
Chelsea: No, it's just something I have to take care of. Um, congrats again.
[ Footsteps depart ] Two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
Mariah: Well, I guess our romantic walk wasn't that inspiring.
Tessa: You are wrong. Spending time alone with you, walking by our old date spots, where I used to busk in the park, it got me thinking. Sharon and rey's wedding... the new year... new beginnings... finding the person you are meant to be with. Never giving up, even when things seem impossible. Discovering that "home" can be another person. I have to go.
Mariah: Wait. Where?
Tessa: I-I need the fire escape...and my guitar.
Mariah: Y-you've got an idea?
Tessa: A million.
Mariah: You're gonna freeze.
Tessa: Oh. Righting the best love song that's ever been written will keep me warm.
Mariah: Okay.
Sharon: Bye, tessa. What's going on?
Mariah: Uh, she's just finishing up your song for the wedding. And you know artists can be, you know? Inspiration strikes, and they just -- they got to go.
Sharon: Yeah. I got to tell you, I'm really looking forward to hearing it.
Mariah: So is she.
Sharon: Hmm?
Mariah: Playing it. She's -- she's looking forward to playing it for you guys. And I'm sure it's gonna be amazing.
Sharon: [ Exhales deeply ] Well, it won't be long now.
Mariah: How did your errands go? Missions accomplished?
Sharon: I'm finished, and rey is almost done, so... our countdown to the wedding has officially begun.
Nick: I don't know what is going on with my sister, but everything she used to hate about my father, she has become.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Your sister is a piece of work.
Nick: That's it? That's all you got? I mean, what's going on with you? You, uh, seem like you're in better mood than when you saw her in the lobby.
Phyllis: Uh, I think maybe some new opportunities are gonna come my way. That's all.
Nick: I don't know what opportunities you're talking about, but I'm glad you're feeling upbeat.
Phyllis: You seem fired up. Are you fired up? I think that, um, we should take advantage of all that excess energy that we have.
[ Line ringing ]
[ Click ]
Naya: Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?
Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ]
[ Footsteps approach ]
Adam: Hey.
Chelsea: Hey.
Adam: How you feeling?
Chelsea: Pretty good... considering I have a time bomb in my brain. How'd your trip to society go?
Adam: Uh, well, that depends. How do you feel about churros?
Chelsea: [ Inhales sharply ] You didn'T. This just proves you truly are the man of dreams.
Adam: I, uh, did run into a few people I wish I hadn'T.
Chelsea: Friend or foe?
Adam: Billy. Sharon and rey.
Chelsea: Tsk. Ah. How'd that go?
Adam: Uh, well, billy was billy. Almost being wrongfully convicted hasn't made him less of jerk.
Chelsea: No surprise there.
Adam: And I thanked rey for figuring out who tried to shoot me. Although he probably only did anything because chance was the one who actually got shot. But, still, I've got to be grateful.
Chelsea: What about sharon?
Adam: We, uh, wished each other well.
Chelsea: And that's it?
Adam: I mean, at -- at this point, there's not a lot to say to each other. Why are you asking about her?
Chelsea: No, just because i also ran into rey and sharon. They were finalizing their wedding details.
Adam: Ah. Well, neither one of them mentioned anything to me. Probably 'cause they don't want me to know anything about the ceremony.
Chelsea: Well, it's on new year's eve. So sharon will be saying her vows, while I'm trying to get some sleep before my big surgery.
Adam: Did you mention that to sharon?
Chelsea: I gave her the connor version. I told her I'm having a procedure. Sounds less dire than, "I'm letting my doctors root around in my brain to try to fix a broken blood vessel that could take my life at any moment. So...
Adam: Look, I know that you are afraid.
Chelsea: Aren't you?
Adam: Not at all. We have world-class surgeons. And once the surgery is behind us, we're gonna get to live the best part of our lives -- together.
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