Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/22/20
Episode #12015 ~ Devon protects his interests; Kevin uncovers a secret; Elena dreams of a new start.
Provided By Suzanne
Billy: I don't understand. It sounded like you were excited to go to new orleans.
Lily: I am excited.
Billy: Then what's the problem?
Lily: We just -- we can't take the chance of disappointing our kids by missing christmas.
Billy: We're not gonna miss christmas. We're gonna go for one night, and I promise we'll be back. What can happen in new orleans?
Lily: Nothing, but, you know, there's -- things could go go wrong. I mean, this time of the year, the weather could turn. Flights could be delayed.
Billy: Well, we're on a private jet, so we don't have to worry about scheduling, and these are great pilots. They're gonna steer us from any sort of weather.
Lily: I know, but there's a million things that could prevent us from getting back on time. And we can't risk breaking johnny and katie's hearts by you missing christmas. You would never forgive yourself.
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: What's so funny?
Chance: This.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] What is that?
Chance: I think it's supposed to be some kind of fertility idol.
Abby: You ordered a fertility idol?
Chance: No. A buddy of mine sent it. He's an agent working a case in a classified location he could only describe as "exotic." That's a pretty strange wedding gift, but, you know, that's very kenny.
Abby: Don't knock it. We might need it.
Chance: What do you mean?
Abby: I was hoping to surprise you on christmas morning and say, "chance, you're gonna be a daddy!" But [Scoffs] That's not happening -- not this month.
Chance: Sweetheart, this is normal. We've just started trying. We've been married, what, like 10 minutes?
Abby: I know, but I just -- I thought it would be a great way to end the year.
Chance: It's okay. Besides, I don't mind having you all to myself this christmas anyway. And this way we can... have some champagne and toast to the new year and all the amazing adventures we're gonna have next year.
Abby: [ Voice breaking ] Yeah. I guess that's true.
Chance: And you know the best part of you not being pregnant yet? Is we get to try, try, try again.
Nate: I never really saw myself as a teaching type... but I do love spending time with the first-year residents.
Elena: Oh, I'm sure you're a phenomenal teacher.
Nate: Ah. My students work hard. They want to do some good in this world.
Elena: That's good to hear. Of course, they're all so young, they haven't had a chance to make any real mistakes yet.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: You're right. Thank you for being considerate of my kids' well-being. So, after christmas, we are going to new orleans -- or, better yet, I've actually got a little bit of time. I can probably come up with something a little bit more special, because I am a fountain of creativity when it comes to romance.
Lily: Oh, lucky, me.
Billy: Lucky me. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be still locked up and I wouldn't be spending christmas with my kids -- this christmas or next christmas or the 10, 15 christmases after that. So... I will follow your lead... and listen to your instincts from now on... and I have something to do real quick.
Lily: Uh, where are you going?
Billy: That is going to be a surprise, but you need to keep your schedule open, and I will be in touch.
[ Smooches ]
Lily: [ Chuckles ] This is not just a cream it's the first serum cream
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Chance: Where do you put a fertility idol? Do you think we could make it into an ornament -- put it on the tree?
Abby: Uh, no. We couldn't do that. We wouldn't want the tree to be fertile.
Chance: Ah, you're right. What would we do with all those little miniature trees?
Abby: Ohh.
[ Cellphone rings ] Hey! I am so happy that you called.
Billy: I'm glad you picked up. I wasn't sure if you would.
Abby: What? Billy, I am so happy and relieved that you were exonerated.
Billy: Yeah. I'm -- I'm really glad that the truth is out, as well.
Abby: You know, the evidence was piling up. I was starting to get a little scared.
Billy: Well, you weren't the only one, abby. I'm glad I'm out and I'm moving on, and I've just, uh, really got an appreciation for the blessings in my life right now.
Abby: I hope you're gonna celebrate.
Billy: That is exactly why I'm calling you. I'm at society, and I, uh -- I want to run something by you.
Abby: Sure. Ooh! The whole thing? That sounds very romantic. But I don't even know if that's possible on such short notice. You're gonna have to talk to lola. Okay. [ Chuckles ] Alright. Bye.
Chance: What's old billy up to?
Abby: I love that the first thing that he is doing with his newfound freedom is sweeping a woman off her feet.
Chance: A specific woman?
Abby: Lily. Yeah. It sounds like he's really into her.
Chance: Well, that makes sense. I mean, she's practically the one that solved the case and cleared his name. You find a woman like that, you better hold on to her.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Abby: Who could that be?
Chance: I don't know.
Billy: Hi. I don't know if you've talked to abby, but she said it's okay if I'm back here.
Lola: Yeah, no. It's fine. It's good to see you out and about.
Billy: Yeah, it's good to be out and about. It was a little touch-and-go there for a while.
Lola: Yeah. Well, I'm glad that rey was able to find the actual shooter.
Billy: Believe me -- so am I. And in all transparency, I wasn't exactly a big fan of your brother's when he arrested me. But he followed the evidence, and he went above and beyond to make sure that justice was done, and I appreciate that.
Lola: He always does.
Billy: And now I'm here, hoping that it runs in the family and you will go above and beyond for a different reason.
Kevin: Whoa-ho! Look at this tree! It's so festive!
Abby: Thanks!
Chloe: Yeah. I guess we've been a little slow on the decorating, unless cardboard boxes count as decorations.
[ All chuckle ]
Chance: How is the new place?
Chloe: Oh, it's so great. We love it. There's plenty of room, but we have just enough space that we can keep an eye on the kids, 'cause you know newborns. They are a lot of work.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
Kevin: Not that there's anything wrong with this place. It's amazing. It's historic. This is probably the best house in genoa city. We just didn't want the kids to get used to living in a mansion.
Chloe: [ Clears throat ]
Kevin: Not that there's anything wrong with that.
[ Chuckles nervously ] We're just not mansion people. Your kids will love it.
Abby: [ Sighs ] You know what? Um, I actually -- I have to, uh, run to society really quick, so, um...yeah. Um... sorry.
Chloe: Um... did we say something to upset her?
Chance: No, no. Not at all. She's just having a bit of an off day. You know what, guys? I'm gonna go check on her. You guys grab whatever you need, okay?
Devon: Well, hello. You guys don't have to be so tense every time you see me. I'm not gonna do anything. We all live in the same town, we go to the same places, and this is gonna happen more than once, so I... hope we can just move on.
Nate: Fair enough.
Devon: How's your hand?
Nate: Just had another operation, but, uh, I don't think I'll ever perform surgery again.
Devon: Well, I didn't intend for that or want it to happen.
Nate: Yeah, I know.
[ Clears throat ] The situation is what it is. I'll have to figure it out. That's the true test of someone's character, isn't it -- how a person deals with setbacks?
Devon: Yeah, I guess so.
Elena: Excuse me.
Nate: Look... I can handle running into you now and then, but she has a tough time. I don't want you to think this whole thing has been easy for her, 'cause it hasn't been.
Devon: I guess that's true all around. Hi sabrina!
>>Hi jen!
Devon: Thank you.
[ Sighs ]
Nate: Hey, give me one second.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I had no idea that you can sing like that. You were really belting "deck the halls" there.
Elena: Oh, I just love christmas carols. You know, I'm really starting to feel like I'm part of the community. I think it's from all of my work at the clinic.
Devon: Well, that's because you are.
Elena: Well, I think we should do this again next year -- and the year after that.
Devon: Well, I like the sound of making traditions with you. I do. Do you remember the holiday trip we were supposed to take last year?
Elena: Yeah. The one you canceled?
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Elena: You want to make a tradition out of that?
Devon: No, I don'T. I'm not gonna cancel it this time. I have it all mapped out, and the only thing you have to worry about bringing is your passport and your bathing suit.
Elena: Ooh! That sounds nice. And if we love it, we could do that next year and the year after that.
Devon: Oh. That's the goal, honey -- to make it a tradition.
Elena: You know, I know a tradition that we should both be honoring right now.
Devon: Oh.
[ Both chuckle softly ]
Nate: Don't worry about him. Devon's gonna be fine.
Elena: [ Scoffs ] Devon is covering up his pain. Even if he says he's okay... he's still hurting.
Nate: I'm not gonna argue that. But it doesn't take away from the truth of what he actually said. It's time we all moved on with our lives.
Billy: What do you think? You can make that happen in the next hour? Great. I appreciate that. Bye-bye.
[ Sighs ] Hey.
Lola: Hey, billy. This is a great idea.
Billy: Good. I'm glad you like it. What do you think? Can we pull it off?
Lola: [ Chuckles ] I love a challenge.
Billy: I knew you would.
Lola: Billy, hold on. I mean, I aid I love a challenge, but I can't make this personal menu for you while also having a full house at society.
Billy: Ah, right. About that.
Lola: I'm so sorry. I wish I could help, but, i mean, it's -- it's impossible.
Billy: Obviously, i didn't tell you everything. I rented the whole entire restaurant out. I hope that's alright. It's gonna be just me and lily. I'm gonna make sure it's worth your while, huh? What do you say? Can we do this?
Lola: Yeah. I mean, in that case, I'll just get to work.
Billy: Yes. I want this to be a wonderful night, so i appreciate your help, lola.
Lola: Yep. It's gonna be fun.
Billy: Okay. Thank you.
[ Sighs ] Hey. The arrangements have been made.
Lily: What arrangements?
Billy: Well, that would be a surprise, but I need you to meet me at society in an hour.
Lily: Uh, okay. Well, what do I wear?
Billy: Uh, I'm gonna hang up. Please don't think I'm rude, but, like I said, it's a surprise. I don't want to know. I'll see you in a little bit.
[ Sighs ] Okay.
Amanda: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Amanda: How was billy's first day back at the office?
Lily: It was great, actually. We have plans later today to celebrate.
Amanda: Oh! What are you doing?
Lily: I don't know.
[ Chuckles ] I'm actually a little nervous.
Amanda: How is that possible? You two spend more time together than most married couples.
Lily: I know, but this is different.
Amanda: Because it's a real date, a public acknowledgement that you are a real thing?
[ Both chuckle ] Are you guys getting serious?
Lily: Um... I think so. I mean, I-I hope we are.
Amanda: Well, I am extremely happy for you.
Lily: Thank you.
Amanda: Okay. I'll -- I'll let you go and get ready.
Lily: Oh, actually, amanda... um... I could kind of use a favor.
Amanda: Sure. What is it?
Lily: Okay. Come with me.
Devon: See how strong you are? You're brave. And when I look at you, you make me feel like everything in the whole world is possible. You just give me so much to hope foR.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] I love you. I meant to say --
Devon: Hey. Hey. It's okay. I love you, too.
Elena: [ Crying ] I don't know how I did this to you. I hate myself. I love you.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Crying ]
Devon: Honey, what did you do?
Elena: [ Crying continues ] I slept with nate.
[ Crying ] Devon...please. Say something. Where do we go from here? What do you want me to do?
Devon: Um... I think that -- that you should probably stay in the guest room tonight... and then... I'd probably pack in the morning, 'cause I don't want you living here anymore. Get this, I have my stouffer's bowl-fulls
Kevin: Did we leave anything in this room?
Chloe: I don't think so, but we should double-check.
Kevin: Bella would be furious if we didn't bring this to the new house.
[ Both chuckle ]
Chloe: We had so many good memories here -- I mean, just... so many memories that I'm gonna cherish forever.
Kevin: Like last christmas?
Chloe: We were finally all together, not on the run -- just a normal family.
Kevin: That was so fun, watching esther and bella fall in love again, playing dress-up, baking cookies.
[ Both chuckle ]
Chloe: And I remember this fall you trying to get miles to fall asleep walking up and down the hallways.
[ Chuckles ]
Kevin: This isn't like you to be so sentimental. Normally, you're a "pack up our stuff and burn the place down" kind of gal.
Chloe: First of all, I'm not any kind of gal. And, second, um [Chuckles] Was that "burn it down to the ground" -- was that a metaphor, or are you implying something?
Kevin: Metaphor.
Chloe: Good answer. And, third, you know, I just -- I'm sentimental about this place. I mean, I was born on those very stairs. This place is magical.
Kevin: Are you having second thoughts about moving? Would you rather stay here?
Chloe: [ Sighs ]
Billy: [ Sighs ] Good night.
Abby: Wow!
Billy: Hey! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be spending time with your new husband.
Abby: Well, I-I just wanted to make sure there weren't any last-minute snags, but I love the mood here.
Billy: Yeah?
Abby: I might steal this design for our mardi gras celebration.
Billy: It's all yours.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] You know what I really love seeing in this room?
Billy: What's that?
Abby: You... smiling and happy and free.
Billy: Yeah, well, if I'm being honest, you're one of the people I was most worried about disappointing.
Abby: Really?
Billy: I had a pretty gnarly dream the night that I spent, uh, locked up, and in that dream, you were very convinced that I was the one that shot chance, and it wasn't a good feeling.
Abby: Well, I'm sorry if i gave you the impression i thought you were guilty.
Billy: Hey.
Abby: No, I was just -- I was so upset when you showed up at the hospital trying to get the story.
Billy: Yeah. That wasn't good, and i apologize for that again.
Abby: But even when the evidence mounted... I knew it wasn't you.
Billy: Well, I'm glad the truth came out, for a couple reasons -- first, because I'm free now and also because I love you and I don't want anything to ruin that bond.
Abby: I would never let that happen. You mean too much to me.
Billy: Good. I'm glad. Now the only thing I need is my girl, but... ooh, there's a boy. Looks like a new husband's here to see his new wife.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Amanda: I can't believe lily winters, former fashion model, is asking me for advice.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I have a few things in mind. I just need a second pair of eyes for confirmation.
Amanda: Yes, yes, of course. And you helped me pick out the perfect pair of shoes for devon's benefit, so I owe you.
Lily: Well, thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time.
Amanda: Let the show begin.
Lily: Okay.
Amanda: Okay, that's it. That's the one.
Lily: Really? You don't think it's too much?
Amanda: No, no. Billy is gonna forget his name when he sees you in that.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Okay. I... am gonna head out, unless you need help with accessories.
Lily: No, no, no. I can take it from here. But thank you so much for being my extra pair of eyes.
Amanda: No, of course.
[ Chuckles ] And, you, have lots of fun tonight.
Lily: Thank you. Okay. Bye.
Amanda: Bye.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Amanda: This is amanda. Wait. What is it? No, that can't be. Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Chloe: I'm not having second thoughts. I-I love our new house. I feel like -- feel like that sweet little place was made for us. I'm just feeling nostalgic today. It happens this time of year.
Kevin: That's all this is -- just a little holiday reminiscing?
Chloe: [ Laughing ] Yes. I love our family. I love our life. I mean, haven't I made it abundantly clear that I am perfectly happy?
Kevin: You have, but I never get tired of hearing it.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Oh. What... is this?
Kevin: Definitely not ours.
Chloe: Well, I don't think it was katherine'S. And, I don't know, chance and abby -- I don't think they would own something like this.
Kevin: This definitely belongs to us. Is that our box?
[ Rattles ] Huh. Look at this.
Chloe: Maybe it's chance'S.
Kevin: Why would he have a thumb drive in a box?
Chloe: I don't know. Maybe there's information about criminals... criminal activity, criminal operations.
Kevin: I don't think so.
Chloe: Maybe it's chelsea's from when she was staying here.
[ Gasps ] Oh. Maybe there is dirt about adam on it.
Kevin: Or it could belong to jill. This could hold big corporate secrets.
[ Inhales deeply ] Whoever this belongs to... opening it up to see what's on it would be like opening a big digital can of worms.
Chloe: Yeah. We should definitely put it back.
Chance: Billy. It's good to see you back out in the world.
Billy: It's nice to be back. Thank you.
Abby: Billy and I were just talking about what a relief it is that he's a free man now.
Chance: Yes. We are all very happy that whole situation is behind us.
Billy: Well, not so fast. I owe you both a dinner because I wasn't able to celebrate on your wedding.
Chance: Oh! I thought that's what all of this was. The place looks great, but you really didn't need through go to all the trouble.
Billy: Oh, well, good thing i didn't go through all the trouble for you. This is for the one woman who believed in me from the very beginning.
Abby: Lily.
Chance: From what rey has said, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.
Billy: Well, you can thank her later. Tonight she's mine, alright? I'm gonna finish up here. Uh, abby, thank you very much again. I appreciate it. Good to see you.
Chance: You, too.
Abby: Did you come here to check on me?
Chance: Yeah. I was a little worried when you raced out of the house so fast.
Abby: I'm sorry. Just chloe and kevin were talking about babies, and... I'm just a little sensitive right now.
Chance: Sweetheart, it's okay.
Abby: And you're right. What you said before -- it's gonna happen for us, and it's gonna happen soon, and when it does, I won't even remember these minor setbacks.
Chance: Are you gonna be here awhile?
Abby: Well, I'm not needed. Why? What did you have in mind?
Chance: Let's just say that, uh, billy inspired me.
Abby: Really?
Chance: But it's gonna take a little time to make that vision a reality. Don't you have some more christmas shopping to do?
Abby: Hmm. Yeah. I can go pick up some christmas gifts...especially since there'll be a surprise waiting for me at home.
Chance: Well, you do your thing, I'll do mine. After you, wifey.
Billy: [ Whistling ] Okay.
Lily: Wow. So, what's a girl got to do to get a drink around here?
Billy: Dressed like that, you don't have to do anything to get whatever you want. Yeesh.
Lily: Are you nervous?
Billy: That dress is making me a little bit nervous, yes.
Lily: Okay. Well, the decorations and music -- you really went all out.
Billy: Well, I have had some help. Lola's in the back, cooking up a feast for us.
Lily: Okay. And I see that you gave the bartender a night off.
Billy: I got some authentic sazeracs coming for you right now.
Lily: Oh. I never had one of those.
Billy: Yep. It's a little bit of rye, some cognac, some sugar, little bit of an absinthe wash, some bitters, and lemon twists and we're good to go.
Lily: Very nice.
Billy: For you, my dear.
Lily: Thank you.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Cheers. To you, to...freedom...
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: ...And to having just as much fun as we would have in new orleans.
Lily: Or maybe even more fun. Cheers.
Billy: Cheers. Patients that have sensitivity,
[ Door opens, closes ]
Chance: Hey, kev.
Kevin: Hey.
Chance: Did you get everything?
Kevin: Almost. Chloe's upstairs. She remembered a few things in bella's room. How's abby?
Chance: She's fine. We both saw billy at the restaurant, and that really lifted her spirit.
Kevin: I'm glad he's not the one who shot you. Sounds weird, but you know what I mean.
Chance: No, I do. It would have been really weird getting shot by your own family member.
[ Both chuckle ] Hey, look, I've got to take care of a couple things. Will you tell chloe I said goodbye?
Kevin: Sure thing.
Chance: Thanks.
Kevin: Oh, hold up, chance. I-I found this in that box over there. I was wondering if it was yours.
Chance: Um...no. It's -- it's not mine.
Kevin: Abby's?
Chance: Doubt it. You know, that's probably jill'S. I'll take it off your hand and give it to her --
Chloe: Uh, hold on. Uh, that is actually esther'S. I just texted her. She must have left it behind in the hustle and bustle of the move.
Kevin: Oh, right. Yes. That sounds like esther.
Chloe: Yeah. There's actually pictures of miles and bella on it.
Kevin: Ah.
Chance: Mystery solved. Is that everything?
Chloe: Yeah. I think that's it.
Chance: Well, I want to wish you both a very merry christmas.
Chloe: Yeah. Merry christmas, chance.
Chance: Hey, are you still open? Excellent. I need you to deliver something asap.
Nate: Lola's at the restaurant now, right?
Elena: Uh, yeah. I think she's gonna be there late -- something about a private party. Oh. Um, I would invite you up, but...just feeling a little exhausted.
Nate: Oh, did you -- did you think I was trying to get you to invite me upstairs?
Elena: Weren't you?
Nate: I definitely was.
[ Both chuckle ]
Elena: I hope you understand.
Nate: Yeah. [ Clears throat ] It's, uh, hard seeing devon and not feeling guilty about how we first got together. I mean, he did say we should all move on with our lives. But...when I said I wasn't gonna push, I meant it.
Elena: Thank you.
Nate: But... I do have an idea. It's not gonna change everything, but it may make you feel better. I hope you'll listen.
Billy: Now, that is the right way to celebrate good fortune.
Lily: Absolutely.
Billy: Fantastic meal, some authentic new orleans cocktails.
Lily: Yes. I cannot eat another thing.
Billy: That's good, because i think lola's done in the kitchen.
Lily: Oh, thank god. Do you know what my favorite part was?
Billy: Yes, I do know.
Lily: What? How do you know?
Billy: Because you were moaning with ecstasy the entire time.
Lily: Oh, my -- no, I was not!
Billy: "Mmm! The beignets!"
Lily: Oh, my gosh!
Billy: "Oh, beignets, beignets, beignets!"
Lily: Okay, first of all -- hold on -- it had raspberry jam. It was delicious. I could not resist it.
Billy: Well, that's new orleans for you right there. You shouldn't resist what's right in front of you.
Lily: And what else do you think I won't be able to resist tonight?
Billy: Well, I'm really glad you asked that, because there is something that I want to do right now that I have been fantasizing about doing for... quite a while.
Lily: Right now you want to do this thing?
Billy: Yes. Right now.
Lily: Uh, I'm sorry. Where?
Billy: What do you think i rented out the whole place for?
Lily: What?!
[ Laughing ] Billy.
Billy: What? There's lots of room. I-I promise you you're -- you're not gonna regret it.
Lily: Okay. Listen, I want to, but let's just go back to the hotel.
Billy: [ Gasps ] Lily! Need I remind you that the big easy refers to the name new orleans, not me personally?
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Then what are you talking about?
Billy: Dance with me. Please. Will you do me the honor?
Lily: I would be delighted. The sun is pretty incredible...
Abby: [ Chuckles ] What is this?
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Do you like?
Abby: Okay.
[ Laughs ] What is going on?
Chance: I wanted to remind you of my promise -- that our honeymoon is gonna last the rest of our lives.
Abby: Oh. You know what's missing? Our air mattress.
[ Both chuckle ]
Chance: Well, I couldn't arrange that, but... I did get you a little something.
Abby: An early christmas present?
Chance: A whole year early.
Abby: [ Gasps ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Chance: That's what we're gonna be celebrating next year.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: It might be a good idea to get out of town for a few days...over the holidays.
Elena: Oh.
Nate: No pressure. I just think you could use a break from devon and all the places that remind you of him. We can get subs to fill in for us at the hospital and the clinic. I know I could use a couple of days away from thinking of all the things I won't be able to do. What do you think?
Elena: You know, it -- it sounds like a really good idea. It does. But, um...
[Chuckles] I don't think I'm ready. I can think about it.
Nate: Great. I'll wait to hear from you.
Elena: [ Sighs ]
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ] You're sure?
Chloe: Do it. We need some excitement in our lives.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] I thought you were happy with the status quo.
Chloe: I am. I'm very happy with our life. But when something like this falls into your lap, you seize the opportunity. Plus, who knows what kind of treasure lives on that flash drive?
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ] Oh, no.
Chloe: What? What is it?
Kevin: I know whose drive this is.
Chloe: Who?
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ]
Chloe: Gloria? You know, I knew she was getting into something. But...wait. Why does she have a picture of herself on a flash drive?
Kevin: You have to ask? Gloria has pictures of herself everywhere. She has a picture of herself next to her mirror. All these other files are password-protected, which means they must be the good stuff.
Chloe: Wait. How did you figure out her password so quickly?
Kevin: She always uses the same one -- her birthday plus 10 years.
Chloe: Wait, wait, wait. What -- what is all of this?
Kevin: [ Sighs ] It's got something to do with newman enterprises.
Chloe: $2.3 million?!
Kevin: Shh! You don't want to attract attention. You never know who's listening around here.
Chloe: Yeah, but there is a wire transfer from a california bank to the grand cayman islands. What is all of this?
Kevin: Someone from newman's los angeles office has been siphoning funds.
Chloe: Stealing.
Kevin: Stealing money and sending the cash through a third party to an offshore account.
Chloe: [ Sighs ] But the question is... how did gloria get all this information?
Kevin: [ Sighs ] And what is she gonna do with it?
[ Sighs ]
Devon: So, uh... what's going on?
Amanda: Uh, I just -- I just got a call from my P.I. He thinks he found her.
Devon: Who?
Amanda: My mother. My... birth mother.
Billy: Well, that was wonderful. Thank you for dancing with me.
Lily: It was my pleasure.
Billy: Thank you for everything -- everything that you've done. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be locked up... and I'm never gonna forget that.
Lola: Hi.
Lily: Hi.
Lola: How was everything?
Lily: Oh, my god. It was amazing. This is a night that we will never forget.
Billy: Our compliments to the chef.
Lola: Well, the chef says thank you. I am so honored that you guys chose society for your celebration, and I'm so pleased that it turned out so well.
Billy: It was great. Thanks, lola. And, uh, have a great time in miami. I hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas.
Lola: Yeah. You, too. Merry christmas.
Lily: Merry christmas.
Lola: Have a good night.
Lily: Thanks.
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