Y&R Transcript Monday 12/21/20
Episode #12014 ~ Jack reflects on Christmases of the past; Rey confides in Lola; Victoria puts a wrench in Billy's plans.
Provided By Suzanne
Lily: Hi! You're here.
Billy: Hi. Yes, I am. Looks like I'm just in time. Look at this work piling up.
Lily: No. Everything is under control. I thought you had a court date.
Billy: I did have a court date, and the judge dismissed all the charges, so you're looking at a free man. Thanks to you.
Sally: Hey, jack!
Jack: Hey, sally. What a nice surprise. I see we both have the same idea -- fueling up for the day.
Sally: You bet. I don't have to tell you what a busy time of the year this is for fenmore's, and I'm trying to handle all I can during the big holiday rush so that lauren can spend more time with her family.
Jack: Well, I'm sure lauren is appreciative of your going the extra mile, though I assume you're gonna take a little holiday time off yourself to go back to L.A., Visit family, your aunt sally.
Sally: Uh, my aunt actually is living in the tropics now, and my sister, coco, is out of the country, too.
Jack: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that.
Sally: It's fine. Lauren has given me an opportunity to prove myself, and I'm going to do just that. And if that means making a little sacrifice here or there, then that is alright with me.
Jack: Good for you. Hey, for what it's worth, though, um, as a person who recently lost someone very dear to him, spending time with family is important. You don't want to find out how precious it is only after it's gone.
Sally: No, of course.
Jack: I'm sure lauren would be just thrilled to have you go back and see your family and take some holiday time.
Sally: Yeah. I can'T.
Sharon: Oh, good. You picked up the last two bags of gifts from the house.
Rey: Mm, mm, mm. I don't have a sleigh, but I am ready to make deliveries.
Sharon: Well, thanks for handling that.
Rey: I'm happy to. Now that my case is solved, the right person is behind bars, i can focus on you, the holidays. Oh, and our wedding?
Sharon: I can't wait. You know, it's gonna be the best new year's eve.
Rey: With a few chaotic days leading up to it. Listen, in between all the running around and planning, i really want to make sure that we appreciate and enjoy this christmas. I want it to be special for you.
Sharon: It will be. You know, I had my last radiation treatment a few weeks ago, and I'm feeling healthy and strong. Surrounded by the family, the man I love. There's no greater gift in the world.
Kyle: How can things be so crazy just before we're about to close for the holidays?
Summer: Oh, somehow they always are.
Kyle: I think I've returned about 50 e-mails this morning.
Summer: Oh, man. Slowpoke. I've done about 100.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] It's not a competition.
Summer: Of course it's not.
[ Chuckles ]
Summer: Geez, you're so focused on work that you buttoned your shirt all wrong.
Kyle: No, I didn'T.
Summer: Oh, well, gosh, i guess I just wanted to see you undo it and do it all over again.
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Have you made the arrangements for the joint jabot/fenmore's christmas party?
Summer: I have. Yeah. It's gonna be a lot of fun.
Kyle: Speaking of, I'm not opposed to undoing a few more buttons. We've got some time to spare.
Summer: You know, I can't stop playing last night over in my head again. It was a wonderful ending to a perfect birthday celebration. Thank you again for such a beautiful dinner.
Kyle: So, am I... buttoning or unbuttoning?
Summer: We should really get to work.
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Uhh. Fine. How's this look?
Summer: Yeah, it looks great. Except something's missing. Falsies lash lift mascara
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Sharon: Oh, hi, hon. I thought you were going to the skating rink with your friends.
Faith: It turns out we're going later we thought.
Sharon: Well, I can take a break. Do you want to sit down for a while and catch up?
Faith: Um, actually, maybe thought I'd grab a brownie and just listen to some music.
Jack: So, why can't you visit your family?
Sally: All I mean is that my sister made her own plans because I told her that I'd committed to working over the holiday.
Jack: Well, if you find yourself wanting company on christmas eve, you are welcome to drop by the abbott house for some holiday cheer and eggnog.
Sally: Well, thank you so much for the offer, but I would not want to impose.
Jack: You would not be imposing. We have a parade of friends and family coming and going all day. It's an abbott christmas tradition, and you'd fit right in. So, if you change your mind, just drop on by.
Sally: Well, thank you. That's very sweet. Maybe I will.
Jack: I hope you do.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Kyle: What's missing?
Summer: Your tie clip. Yes, I know, I'm usually looking at what's under your clothes, but I've just gotten so used to you wearing it that it's really noticeable when it's not there.
Kyle: Oh. Well, I just thought I'd change things up. You really like the clip?
Summer: Yeah, of course I do. I mean, what's not to like? It has the jewel from dina's necklace, which represents her last wish of all the abbotts finding true love. I think it's really romantic. Okay. Hold on. Hold on.
[ Drawer opens, closes ] Okay. Well, it's not in here.
[ Drawer closes ]
Kyle: Yeah, y-you're not gonna find it. I took it to the jeweler for cleaning.
Summer: Oh. Well, that's perfect. It'll be all polished for christmas, then.
Kyle: Yep.
Summer: Uh, okay. Well, we should really get going, because the sooner that we finish our last work day, the sooner our holiday begins.
[ Door closes ]
Lily: Listen, I have no problem taking credit for your freedom, if you want to give it to me.
Billy: Consider it given.
Lily: I wasn't gonna let you be framed for a crime you didn't commit.
Billy: Yeah. I, uh, asked michael if I could see alyssa, but he couldn't let me for legal reasons, even if she agreed.
Lily: What would you say to her?
Billy: I just want to look in her eyes, ask her why she was trying to frame me for something that she did. She was willing to let me, you know, be taken away and never see my children again.
Lily: Well, listen. I don't think you would have gotten the answer you were looking for.
Billy: Yeah, probably not. You can't expect a rational answer from someone that is not being rational. And, hey, I know the feeling. I was once gripped by hate.
Lily: Listen, you're not that man anymore, right? You've changed. And I think that everything worked out the way it was supposed to.
Billy: I am forever grateful for that. And I think that we should probably celebrate. How about a spectacular dinner?
Lily: Sounds great. What did you have in mind?
Billy: Well, that's gonna be a surprise, because I need to pull it off first.
Lily: Oh. I'm intrigued.
Billy: Give me a second.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Vick. Hi.
Victoria: Hey. Can you meet me at my office?
Billy: Yeah, of course. What's going on?
Victoria: Well, there are two people here who are very excited to speak with you. And there might even be some hugs involved.
Billy: I'm on my way. Well, you're gonna have to excuse me. I got two, little pint-sized V.I.P.S that want a hug from daddy.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: And I will be in touch with you soon.
Lily: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Lily: Have fun.
Billy: I will. Thank you. - [Narrator] This is kate.
Lola: Hey! What is this?
Rey: Just a little something I wanted you to have before you went down to miami to see mom and the rest of the family.
Lola: Well, thank you.
Rey: That's a nice tree.
Lola: Yeah. Elena and nate decorated it.
Rey: Oh. No wonder it looks good.
Lola: Okay, I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that, because I am filled with christmas spirit.
Nate: Hmm, hmm.
Lola: So, are we actually gonna open these right now?
Rey: Of course not.
Lola: Because according to rey's holiday rules, we never open presents before christmas.
Rey: Christmas presents should be opened on christmas.
Lola: Wow, you know, i suddenly feel like I'm 7 years old again. Do you remember how you used to torture me and arturo? You would even let us open open one gift on christmas eve.
Rey: Christmas eve isn't christmas.
Lola: Yes, I am very well aware of your position, rey.
Rey: Well, that's -- that's a fact.
Lola: Wow, it's like I'm suddenly reliving my childhood traumas.
Rey: Hey, you had some christmases because you had all your gifts under the tree.
Lola: Not only because of that. I mean, it was the one day where you and arturo would set your differences aside. And it was a rare occasion when we all had the day off.
Rey: You and mom would be cooking, and cheesy christmas music would be blaring all day.
Lola: Uh, you were the one who picked those songs.
Rey: I like them on christmas -- and christmas day only. Anywhere outside that 24-hour window, I don't want them anywhere near my playlist.
Lola: Another one of rey's rules. You know, bro, you should really write them down. I'm thinking "the type-a holiday guide." It could be a best-seller.
Rey: You joke, but with my help, we created some unique traditions.
Lola: And I have wonderful memories of all of us together. And we're about to reunite most of the band.
Lola: Yeah, I am so excited to have arturo with us so we can celebrate your wedding with sharon on new year's eve.
Sharon: Hey, if your friends are not going skating today, i know mariah and tessa would love to take you. And it might be fun to spend some time with your sister.
Faith: We are going. Just not till later. I told you.
Sharon: Okay.
Jordan: Hey, I was hoping you'd be here.
Faith: Yeah, I'm just killing some time.
Sharon: Hey, jordan. I haven't seen you around in a while. Is your family going to be around for the holidays?
Jordan: Yeah. We have some relatives coming in from out of town.
Sharon: Well, that's great. Well, wish them happy holidays from me.
Jordan: Mm-hmm.
Faith: I hadn't heard from you in a while. Kind of thought you were ghosting me.
Jordan: Sorry for the radio silence. Totally my fault. That's not how you treat your friends.
Faith: So, why'd you do it?
Jordan: I thought it would make things easier for you if i kept my distance.
Faith: How?
Jordan: Maybe I thought it would make things easier for me. Those mean girls started targeting me, too, because I'm friends with you.
Faith: Then, uh, what are you doing here? Obviously being friends with me isn't worth it.
Jordan: Because I'll choose you over those losers any day. So, are you stuck at crimson lights with your mom for the rest of the day, or...
Faith: No, not at all.
Jordan: Well, it's christmas break. So I think it's our right to have some fun.
Faith: What do you want to do?
Johnny and katie: Daddy!
Billy: Hey! I heard there were a couple big shots here who requested my presence.
Victoria: I told you. Everything's fine.
Billy: No, everything's fine. I heard that you talked to a couple adults and you were worried about what they were saying.
Johnny: Yeah. Are you in trouble, daddy?
Billy: No. Okay? I'm not in trouble. Somebody did something bad, and they blamed it on me.
Katie: That's mean.
Billy: You're right. It was very mean. But I was also very lucky. I had a superhero that helped the police department find the truth out.
Johnny: Cool.
Billy: Very cool. Right? And, look, christmas is right around the corner, so we are about to have a ton of fun. Alright?
Katie: You're coming over to our house?
Billy: Yes, I'm coming over to your house. I'm gonna be wherever you are. In fact, I brought everyone a little treat to kick off the festivities. Who wants a candy cane? One for you, too. Boom.
Victoria: [ Exhales deeply ] Well, they really needed to see their daddy.
Billy: And I needed to see them. I don't know if I told you, but I had a hell of dream while i was in prison for that night. I got a, uh, not-so-pleasant vision of what our kids' future would be if I was locked away for a long time, and it wasn't very good, especially for johnny.
Victoria: You know what to say every time. Not that I should be surprised.
Billy: I also saw you in my dream. You weren't that cordial about my parenting skills at that point. You actually thought I was a terrible parent.
Victoria: Then I think your perception of me is very off, because I think you're a wonderful father. Are you definitely coming over on christmas morning?
Billy: Yes. Absolutely. I plan to be there early, watch 'em open presents. Is that okay?
Victoria: Yes. And you can play with all of their new toys if you help me put a few of them together.
Billy: Deal.
Victoria: Uh, we should talk about the christmas schedule. Uh, we got christmas eve, we got new year's day. Their class vacation starts tomorrow, so...
Billy: Okay. Uh, I'm going out of town tonight, just for one night, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Victoria: Hold on a second. You're -- you're leaving town this close to the holidays? What could be so important that it can't wait? Your mission:
Billy: It's a personal matter that I think is important to take care of.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. And I don't suppose that this personal matter involves your co-C.E.O. I'm not blind, billy. I can see the connection growing between you and lily. She was very determined to prove your innocence, wasn't she?
Billy: Well, if she didn't find those gloves, I don't know what would have happened. So, yes, I-I owe her.
Victoria: Like a vacation?
Billy: It's more like a mini-getaway.
Victoria: Well, I understand. I understand you, after everything you've been through, wanting to travel. And this trip, wherever you're going, I'm sure it has a great nightlife, and it's just a sacrifice that you're making for lily.
Billy: Vick, she believed in me when there was very good reason not to and when most people had more than a few doubts.
Victoria: And going through this, naturally, brought the two of you closer together.
Billy: Does that bother you?
Faith: So, I was just telling jordan about how aunt abby owns society, and we were maybe thinking about going there for lunch.
Sharon: Oh, that's a great idea. That's something fun and special to do on your break. You know what? I'll buy, okay? Just tell your server that rey and I are gonna be by later, we'll take care of the bill. We're stopping by later, anyway. We're gonna talk to lola about food for the wedding.
Faith: Okay. Great. Thanks, mom.
Jordan: Thank you, sharon.
Sharon: Have fun.
Sally: Sorry. I-I don't mean to interrupt. You're the owner of the coffee shop, right?
Sharon: I certainly am.
Sally: I just wanted to introduce myself. I am sally spectra. The day I came to town, I was jet-lagged, and I asked where i could grab a coffee. And jack -- jack abbott -- said that crimson lights had the best coffee in town. And I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that he was absolutely right. This place is fantastic. Great coffee, cozy atmosphere, and it feels like a little piece of home.
Sharon: Thank you! That is so nice to hear. And it's nice to meet you.
Sally: You too. I've seen you a couple times, but you seemed very busy. And I know how crazy it is during the holiday. But now that we've met, hopefully we can get to know each other better.
Sharon: I'm looking forward to that. And I haven't just been running around like a crazy person because of the holidays. I am actually getting married on new year's eve.
Rey: I am happy that arturo's coming to the wedding, as long as he doesn't bring any drama with him. And I'm excited that we're all gonna be able to share in the happiest moment of my life.
Lola: Rey, you do understand that mama's gonna want to throw you this massive party when you go to miami for your honeymoon, to make up for not being able to go to the wedding.
Rey: Honeymoons are supposed to be romantic.
Lola: Yeah, but you're gonna have to let her fuss over you and sharon, and you can't complain.
Rey: I bet she's gonna throw you a party, too, when you get there.
Lola: Oh, yeah, probably, and I intend to thoroughly enjoy it.
Rey: How you gonna do that?
Lola: Well, I will let everyone try to talk me into moving back to florida. And then when I get really sick of it, I'll just go hide a corner and have arturo update me on all the family gossip.
Rey: I guess sharon and i could do the same, although i don't have the same rapport with arturo as you do. I'm hoping inviting him to the wedding will bring us closer.
Lola: It will. You both just have to be on your best behavior.
Rey: I plan to be, but sometimes he just can't resist yanking my chain.
Lola: Well, if he yanks your chain, then don't react.
Rey: You know, maybe you and I should have a code word. Like, if I'm about to be pushed over the edge, you come to my rescue?
Lola: Habanero?
Rey: Habanero. So if I say "habanero," you...
Lola: I will be your human glass of milk.
Rey: Oh.
Lola: Oh.
Rey: Ew.
Lola: [ Laughs ] Ah, besides, all I have to do to distract arturo is bring up my wedding.
Rey: Sorry, lol.
Lola: That is exactly how he's going to react. But I am willing to make things weird and awkward to shut down any conflict between the two of you.
Rey: Thank you.
Lola: Mm. So, are getting nervous?
Rey: No.
Lola: [ Chuckles ]
Rey: I mean, sharon and i have already been living with so much anxiety, going through her treatment. But now that her radiation is over and her margins are clear, she is happy and healthy. Look, I-I don't know what the future's gonna hold. That's why we didn't want to waste any time before getting married. I love sharon, and I've never been more certain of anything in my life.
Lola: So you're not nervous at all?
Rey: [ Chuckles ] I'm ready. And excited.
Lola: You know, I'm really happy that you've found your person, rey, and that kind of love. No one deserves it more than you do.
Rey: Thank you. I know it's been a hard road for you in the love department, but it's not gonna be like this forever, though.
Lola: You know, it hasn't been that bad, actually. This whole experience has just made me stronger, and it's just taught me not to get ahead of myself. And I just think that if somebody's gonna come into my life, it'll happen. And if not, that's okay, too.
Rey: You know, I have faith. When the right time comes, you'll find the kind of person that will bring you the kind of happiness that I found.
Kyle: That about does it for jabot business.
Jack: The end of another year.
Kyle: Some gains... some losses.
Jack: Indeed.
Kyle: So, summer and I were thinking about coming over for brunch on christmas day, unless you have other plans.
Jack: I think that sounds wonderful. I am so glad that the two of you are in a better place these days. It's gonna make the holiday season that much more special. Speaking of which, have you come up with a, uh, significant gift for summer?
Kyle: I have. But I'm trying my hardest to keep it under wraps. And I plan on doing a few things to throw her off track, leaving --
Jack: Hey!
Summer: Hey. What are we talking about?
Jack: Well, I just asked kyle for, uh, some advice on a present for my secret santa for the company christmas party.
Summer: Well, I'm sure you got some good advice. He's a really good gift giver.
Jack: Well, I've got some shopping to do. I'll, uh, see you both later.
Kyle: Are you all done with work?
Summer: I've got a couple more hours. How about you?
Kyle: A few more loose ends to tie up.
Summer: What? What are you looking at?
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Uh, well, when you were talking my tie clip earlier, it reminded me of your infinity necklace that phyllis gave you a while back, which has similar significance.
Summer: Yeah. Yeah, she said it symbolizes that she loves me more than infinity.
Kyle: Hmm. You know, if you want, I could take you to the jeweler and get it cleaned, if you plan on wearing it for the holidays.
Summer: No, no, no. That's okay.
Kyle: It's no problem.
Summer: No, I can't let you do that. Why not?
Summer: I lost it.
Kyle: What?!
Summer: Yeah, I-I was hoping it would turn up, but it just hasn'T.
Kyle: I'm sorry. I know how much you love that necklace. Why didn't you say anything?
Summer: I was just, you know, so upset at myself that I lost it. And, I mean, I looked everywhere. I called everybody, and i just -- I can't find it. So, yeah, um, anyway, I should probably go finish up. So, um, I-I will see you later. Okay.
Kyle: Sure. Ever wonder what retinol dermatologists use
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Victoria: So you think that the idea of your whatever with lily is bothering me.
Billy: Is it?
Victoria: No. Of course not. I like lily.
Billy: It doesn't mean that you like her dating me.
Victoria: It's not up to me to approve or disapprove of your personal life. But I will say, in general, you do a lot better when you have someone around to ground you.
Billy: Yeah, well, she does that even when I wish that she wouldn'T. She's stopped me from making a few bad decisions already, and i have to say that chanccomm would probably be an epic failure right now if it wasn't for her.
Victoria: Good. And I'm very glad to see that you're pulling your life together, although I feel like I've said that before -- a few times, at least. Vick, I'm sorry... for the things that I've put you through. And you know that if I could do it again, I would handle myself differently.
Victoria: I'm not criticizing you at all. I'm just saying be careful. Take it slow. Because I don't know if lily is prepared for what a relationship with you would bring.
Billy: Well, it's nice to know you still have my back.
Victoria: Of course. Always. And I'm looking out for her best interest, too.
Billy: I do feel different. And she's strong. And she's got guts to spare, and she can handle herself.
Victoria: And it won't be a problem working together? Because it seems like it might present some complications.
Billy: Look, we've had a few bumps in the road. We're -- we're a little bit different. We challenge each other. But we have similar tastes, and we have the same passion.
Lola: Hey, there. Your mom and rey aren't gonna be here for a little while.
Faith: I know. Mom's treating us to lunch. This is my friend jordan.
Jordan: Hello.
Lola: Hi. Nice to meet you. I am faith's soon-to-be aunt?
Faith: Yes, but we already agreed that I'm never calling you auntie lola.
Lola: Yeah, I know. That just sounds really weird.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Lola is society's genius chef.
Jordan: Oh, my god. I've been here before with my parents. The food is so good.
Lola: Oh, thank you so much. Uh, why don't you guys look at the menu, and I'll whip up something extra?
Faith: Thanks.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Jordan: Okay. I'm impressed. One of your aunts owns the restaurant, and your almost-aunt is the chef?
Faith: Yeah, I guess I kind of lucked out when it comes to aunts.
Jordan: I bet that's why the girls at school are giving you such a hard time. They're seriously jealous.
Faith: I don't think that's it.
Jordan: Hey... you might be younger, but you're just as cool as them. They know it, I know it, and you're about to prove it.
Sally: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Hi, sis. It's me again. Everybody's rushing around, getting ready for the holiday, and I was just thinking about you. I'm sorry we can't be together this year, and i miss you so much, coco. Things in genoa city aren't progressing as quickly as I'd hoped, but I will take care of it. I always do. Summer is marking her territory, but I know how to handle women who are used to getting what they want without having to fight for it. And her boyfriend is a hottie... and smart. But I have a strategy to handle him, too. And lauren is -- she's been nothing but supportive, but there is definitely always a limit. And then there's jack abbott. Genuinely nice. Strong. But no someone I want to cross. So I'm definitely gonna have to look out for him. For more reasons than one.
[ Door closes ]
[ Keys clatter ]
Jack: You'll never guess what I found.
Dina: What, dear?
Jack: The first christmas ornament I ever made. Remember this? The table was covered with all kinds of craft stuff. You and mamie were making jokes about how many months it would take to get the glitter out of the carpet. I haven't thought about that in a long time.
Dina: Oh, dear, you spelled the name wrong. You're jackie with an I-e, not a "Y."
Jack: That doesn't matter. The point is we made something together to get ready for christmas. Here. This was ashley's first ornament. See? It says "ashley's first ornament." This one, this little bird, was your favorite, and you never let anyone else hang this.
Dina: Hmm. Well, it was so many years ago, jack.
Jack: You know what? Here. I want you to hang this. Here. Come on. Come with me. Here you go. And you hang it on the tree.
Dina: Well -- well, where? Where on the tree?
Jack: Anywhere you like.
Dina: Okay.
Jack: It doesn't matter who made the ornament. When we look at this tree, we will know we decorated it together.
Dina: Alright.
Jack: [ Inhales, exhales deeply ] So, the story with depression...
Billy: So the chancellor jet is available for tonight? Great. There will be two passengers.
Jordan: Okay, the bartender's going back and forth with supplies, so here's what we do. I'll go distract lola and ask her about how she became a chef. And when the bartender leaves again, you go take a bottle of vodka from behind the bar and you stick it in your purse.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Wait. What?
Jordan: Yeah. Why not?
Faith: For one, it's stealing.
Jordan: Well, restaurants buy liquor by the truckload. They'll never miss it. And, technically, it belongs to your family, anyways.
Faith: But it's not mine.
Jordan: It's hardly a crime. You're gonna show those girls that they are the losers, sitting around, sending petty text messages while they drink diet soda. And you're gonna show me that you're fearless and awesome. And then we can celebrate the rest of our christmas break in style.
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Jordan: Hey, it's gonna be fast and easy and over before you know it. You got this.
Billy: Your chariot awaits.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] What chariot?
Billy: Well, it's not a chariot. It's actually a private jet. We're going to new orleans for dinner tonight.
Lily: What?
Billy: There is a hotter-than-hot restaurant that just opened up. It's got a six-month waiting list, and I pulled a few strings, and we got a reservation in about three hours.
Lily: This is a little over-the-top.
Billy: A little over-the-top is good, right?
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: And this isn't gonna begin to repay you for everything you've done, not only finding the evidence that exonerated me, but believing in me from the very beginning, which I realize probably wasn't easy.
Lily: And it really wasn't that hard.
Billy: Well, that kind of trust and loyalty and faith doesn't come around all that often. I've had it a few times in my life, and I've usually let those people down. But I'm not gonna do that with you.
Lily: I know. But you don't have to fly me to louisiana to prove it.
Billy: Oh, that's not why I'm doing it. I'm really hungry.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: I am so happy with you, and I'm grateful for you, and -- and I'm just really, really hopeful. And I know we're just trying to figure this whole thing out, but it feels different. And I really like that feeling. So will you let me take you for dinner? 'Cause I would to watch you smile the whole night. Did I mention there's a private jet?
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Uh, you know, you're very charming, and you know it, which is extremely irritating. But when you combine it with genuine emotion, it'S... so, yes, I think dinner anywhere with you will make me smile.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Billy: Excuse me. Vick.
Victoria: Oh, I'm so glad i caught you. So, johnny overheard you earlier when you said you were planning on going out of town, and he's having a really hard time with it. He thinks his dad isn't gonna be home in time for christmas.
Billy: Oh. When you're through with powering through,
Summer: Hey. Okay. So, I went to your jeweler at lunch to find a gift for my mom, and I happened to see your tie clip there.
Kyle: What?
Summer: Yeah, you said that you went to get it polished, but the emerald was missing. And when I asked the guy at the front counter about it, he said that he wasn't at liberty to talk about it.
Kyle: Mm. The stone fell out.
Summer: You lost the emerald?!
Kyle: I didn't want to tell you for obvious reasons. I-I didn't want to tell anyone. I just wanted to have the stone replaced.
Summer: You c-- you can't just replace it. I mean, it's not gonna be the same. It won't have the emerald from dina's necklace. It won't have the legend surrounding it. What -- what your grandma's wish for you to find true love?
Kyle: Yeah, I-I feel awful about it. It must have fallen out when i didn't even notice.
Summer: Oh, my god. Geez. I can't believe this.
Rey: Hey.
Sharon: Hey!
Faith: Hi.
Sharon: Uh, we decided just to come a little bit early. Did you and jordan already have lunch?
Faith: No, not yet.
Sharon: Where is she?
Faith: I think she went to talk to lola.
Jordan: Oh. I was just asking her about being a chef. I was thinking, you know, it might be something I want to do someday. She was super nice about answering my questions, but I'm guessing it's a lot harder than she makes it look.
Rey: Yeah, you're only seeing part of what she does. Her day often starts before the sun even comes up. She's at the fish markets downtown, doing menu prep all day before she even walks into that kitchen.
Jordan: Yeah. I'm not sure I'm a morning person.
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Jordan: But her hard work has definitely paid off. Thanks again for buying us lunch.
Sharon: Oh, it's my pleasure. You girls enjoy your meal.
Jordan: That was perfect. I told you it would be easy.
Faith: Don't be mad at me. I couldn't do it.
Sharon: I've been worried about faith. I'm glad that she's got a friend. It cheers her up.
Jordan: Jordan seems like a nice kid. She looks you in the eye, you know? Not every teenager does that.
Sharon: Faith and I are lucky to have you.
Rey: Back at ya.
[ Chuckles ] It just hit me that this is gonna be our last christmas as single people.
Sharon: Hey, you're not single. Don't you forget that.
Rey: You know what I mean.
Sharon: Next christmas, we'll be husband and wife, and we'll have years to look forward to. Many years and many holidays as a happy married couple.
Rey: Until we're old and gray.
[ Chuckles ] I love you.
Faith: I love you.
Lola: I love you both, but will you get your butts in here? We've got a wedding menu to plan.
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: Can you do me a favor? Can you put johnny on the phone, please?
Victoria: Yeah. Hold on.
Johnny: Hi, dad.
Billy: Hey, buddy. How you doing?
Johnny: Good.
Billy: I hear you're a little bit nervous that dad is gonna miss christmas morning with you. Well, let me tell you, that is not gonna happen, okay?
Johnny: Okay.
Billy: In fact, I'm gonna bring you guys special gifts for you. I'm gonna bring 'em by for you and your sister. We're gonna have a great day, open presents, build a snowman. Maybe even have a snowball fight that i might let you win. And can I ask a favor from you?
Johnny: Yeah.
Billy: Okay, good. You tell your sister the same thing, okay? Daddy's gone be there.
Johnny: Yeah. Okay.
Billy: Okay. Alright. I love you, buddy.
Johnny: Love you. Bye.
Billy: Okay. Bye. The little man needs a little reassurance.
Lily: Yeah. There is...no way that we're going anywhere.
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