Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/17/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/17/20


Episode #12012 ~ Victor keeps tabs on Adam; Jack offers Sally words of wisdom; Nikki stands her ground.

Provided By Suzanne

[ Door opens ]

Amanda: Rough night?

Billy: Didn't sleep very much.

Amanda: I'm sorry to hear that.

Billy: Turns out the accommodations in this joint are not...very accommodating.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: Tell me you have some good news.

Amanda: Well, I've been working with lily and the investigator I hired to learn more about alyssa in hopes of understanding her role in all of this.

Billy: And?

Amanda: Well, for starters, alyssa claimed that she had returned to kansas the night of the shooting. She booked a ticket, but the P.I. Confirmed that she never boarded that flight.

Billy: She lied. I knew there was more to this.

Lily: How long did you and alyssa work at the paper together? Okay. And, uh, would you say that she was well-respected? Well, no, I mean, as a journalist, yes, but, I mean, as a person, what was she like to work with? Well, I'm just -- I'm trying to capture her essence for our readers, so... yeah. It's, um -- it's a new podcast where we're kind of going behind the scenes with some of our reporters that work here at chanccomm, and, uh, yeah -- and the pilot will be about a true crime -- you know, how they kind of get these juicy stories. Exactly. Yes. [ Chuckles ] Right. Okay. So, um, yes. Back to alyssa. Um... a temper? Really? And -- and how bad was it? Oh. Wow. [ Chuckles ] That's vivid. Would you say that she was a type to hold grudges? Interesting. Well -- um, okay. Well, thank you, leonard. Um, this was very helpful. Have a good day. Bye. Hi. I can guess why you're here.

Victoria: I just got word from my father. Is it true that the judge revoked billy's bail?

Lily: Unfortunately, yes.

Victoria: What is happening? Why is everything suddenly going from bad to worse?

Nikki: I can't help but worry about billy.

Victor: If I were you, I wouldn't worry about him. He will take care of himself.

Nikki: Well, maybe you don't care about what happens to him, but I do, and so does victoria, and, frankly, I can't imagine him shooting anybody, including adam.

Victor: Baby, you're entitled to your opinion, okay?

Nikki: Do you really want him to go to prison? Think what that will do to our grandchildren.

Victor: I want adam's assailant to be put behind bars, and if that was billy abbott, so be it.

Nikki: I hope that he is found innocent. But no matter what happens, victoria and the children will need our support.

Victor: And they will have it.

Nikki: And we need to support them without any inflammatory remarks about billy.

Victor: Sweetheart, don't worry, okay? After one child has turned away from me, I'm not gonna alienate the next one.

Nikki: Have you heard from adam since he and chelsea left?

Victor: Mnh-mnh. But I kept track of their movements.

Nikki: Where are they now?

Victor: In minnesota. They're renting a house near connor's school. So they'll spend the holidays there, not come back to genoa city.

Nikki: Darling, I know it hurts you that adam severed your relationship, but, really, for your own peace of mind, I think you need to move on.

Victor: [ Sighs heavily ] Easy for you to say.

Nikki: What does that mean?

Victor: When I visited them last to say goodbye... it was a very strange feeling. Something went on between the two. I can't put my finger on it.

Summer: Oh, there is so much to get up to speed on, but lauren said that I can pick my own team, and fenmore's has some really amazing -- I'm sorry. I've been the one doing all the talking. What -- what does your day look like today?

Kyle: Oh. Um, I don't know. I haven't checked my schedule. Usual, I suppose.

Summer: Okay. Well, you were just a million miles away, so what were you thinking about?

Kyle: Theo.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Gosh. I was really hoping you were gonna say, "summer's christmas present."

Kyle: I still can't believe dad let him have the boutiques in paris.

Summer: Kyle, are you really that surprised? I mean, jack told us that he was doing what he thought dina would have wanted him to do.

Kyle: I know. I probably should be glad he decided to take the offer and get the hell out, but part of me was relishing the thought of him losing in court and walking away with zip.

Summer: Mm.

Kyle: The lawsuit he filed demanding her entire estate while we're still grieving dina's death?

Summer: No, I know, but, hey, he's gone. And I'll bet that he's too busy flirting with all the french girls to even look back.

Kyle: Yeah. I hope we're rid of him for good. It'd be nice to live our lives without constantly feeling like someone's out to make trouble for us. Can you give me that for christmas?

Summer: I will take it up with santa.

Sally: Lauren asked me to tell you that she would have the contracts back to legal for one last pass by the end of the day.

Jack: That -- that's great. Would you tell that to kyle, please?

Sally: Yeah, sure thing. Your son's supertalented, by the way, and not to mention generous with his expertise.

Jack: That's great.

Sally: Yeah. When you were making yourself scarce the other day so I could have a conversation with him about the idea that I'm planning to pitch to lauren, he was superhelpful.

Jack: Glad to hear it.

Sally: I can see why you two work so well together. You know, when lauren hired summer away, neither of you really seemed to be fazed at all. And kudos, by the way, for not begrudging summer her big break, or maybe it was just because you didn't want to have that on-again/off-again romantic tension in the office.

Jack: Summer and kyle are extremely happy.

Sally: Oh, yeah. No. They're such a cute couple, and I'm really glad they worked everything out. My -- sorry. My main interest is kyle's career -- you know, how he worked his way up, what qualities you saw in him that allowed him to get so far at such a young age -- besides being your son, of course.

Jack: I can tell you it was hard work and patience and creativity and a growing understanding that he would have to work hard for his place in this company. It didn't happen overnight. He and I had our share of conflicts, but... over time, he realized there are no shortcuts.

Sally: I have a feeling that last remark was aimed at me.

Jack: I realize you're ambitious, and I admire that. Don't get ahead of yourself. Let lauren be your guide. Over time, she can become the mentor you need and provide you great opportunities when you're ready.

Sally: That is fabulous advice. I will take it. And I appreciate you looking out for me, too. She's so beautiful.

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Sally: I'll be there soon. Thanks, lauren. Hi! I have a few minutes before i have to get back to my desk. If there's anything you need --

Summer: Drop the act, sally. I know what game you're playing.

Sally: Game?

Summer: You're still hoping to run my division, and you want to steal it out from under me somehow, and I'm just gonna warn you, don't underestimate me.

Sally: Uh, summer, you have got it all wrong.

Summer: Just don't even waste your breath, okay? I have worked way too hard to get where I am, and I did it the legit way, so I'm not gonna let someone like you just waltz in here and try to manipulate jcv away from me.

Sally: Legit? Like how becoming head of marketing had nothing to do with your relationship with kyle?

Summer: I proved myself worthy of that position, which is more than you can say.

Sally: [ Scoffs, chuckles ] You have talent. But that only gets a person so far. See, I know your work history.

Summer: Meaning what?

Sally: It's a bit spotty, wouldn't you say? You've been bouncing back and forth between newman and jabot. You left your granddad's company to come to jabot to work with jack when he was your father-in-law for a nanosecond, so let's not pretend that nepotism hasn't played a big role in your meteoric rise. You haven't had to fight and claw for every scrap of recognition the way that I have. You're a lightweight. I'm a pro. So let's see who ends up on top.

Lily: Billy's bail was revoked because he has a no-contact order with anyone connected with the case, but we found out who the secret eyewitness is.

Victoria: And billy just couldn't stay away?

Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I should have known.

Victoria: Oh, god. The man has no impulse control, especially when he's desperate.

Lily: I know. I've spent the entire morning trying to learn everything I can about alyssa montalvo.

Victoria: Alyssa? She's the witness? Wh-why was she even there?

Lily: I mean, billy thinks that she was following him.

Victoria: Why?

Lily: I don't know. We didn't even know that she was in town until yesterday. But, I mean, it seems like there's a lot more to her involvement.

Victoria: You know alyssa is an angry person who holds grudges.

Lily: Yeah, according to her colleague back in kansas.

Victoria: What I don't understand is why would she try to frame billy? I mean, why not figure out who the real shooter is using her investigative skills?

Lily: Well, like I said, looks like there might be more than meets the eye.

Victoria: I think that billy needs to be filled in on what you found out, so I am gonna go to the jail and I'm gonna talk to him.

Lily: Actually, amanda is already there, so we have it covered.

Billy: So, what else do you got for me?

Amanda: Well, I've got some news about A.J. Montalvo. Turns out that he was an accomplished marksman back in the day.

Billy: So, what's the connection?

Amanda: Lily noticed a distinctive-looking pair of gloves in alyssa's room. She figured out they were shooting gloves -- the same one that alyssa's father used to wear.

Billy: Shooting gloves?

Amanda: She also did a deep dive into the kansas sporting archives. Lo and behold, alyssa is also a competitive shooter. She's won many awards for marksmanship.

Billy: So she can handle a gun.

Amanda: At an expert level.

Billy: You've got to be kidding me. Is it possible that she tried to kill adam... and now she's framing me for it?

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: I wouldn't want to interrupt a meeting between billy and his lawyer.

Lily: Thank you for understanding. Now, look, uh, I don't want to be rude, but without billy here, I'm swamped, and our director of talent, theo, just quit, so if there's nothing else, I have a very busy day.

Victoria: Oh, believe me, i completely understand the pressures of running a company. But sometimes you have to make time for what's really important. So before I go, I would love to know what you've learned.

Lily: Look, I know that you're concerned about billy, but I don't feel comfortable sharing anything yet.

Victoria: Really? Not even what angle you're pursuing?

Lily: We're in the early stages, so if there's anything new that comes up, I promise you'll be one of the first people to know.

Victoria: Okay. Fair enough. I'll let you get back to work. Hope for good news soon.

Victor: You know, I went to their place to say goodbye to adam and chelsea, and... something was off. I can't explain it. They were in an awful hurry to go somewhere. When I wanted to talk to him and ask him why, he said, "none of your business."

Nikki: Well, you two did just have a major falling out.

Victor: Yeah, but it was beyond that. They... were exchanging very loaded looks. Something is off.

Nikki: Well, victor, we can't think the worst. Whatever it is, we have to hope that it's not serious.

Victor: What, are you telling me just to ignore it?

Nikki: Adam could have confided in you and asked for your help, but he chose not to. That, to me, proves that he meant what he said -- that he wants nothing more to do with any of us. His concerns are no longer yours.

Victor: Sweetheart... I love you. I adore you. But please don't tell me how to act around my son.

Nikki: No, that's not what i was doing.

Victor: No, but wait a minute. I'm tired of my family trying to control how I feel about adam. I'm his father. He's broken. He's damaged. And he has my support and my love.

Billy: If alyssa's the shooter, she's got a clear motive. She hates adam. She wants payback, but she doesn't want to go down for it. She's written enough crime novels to know exactly how to frame someone and get away with it, and I am the perfect scapegoat, okay? We cannot let her get away with this.

Amanda: Okay, billy. Billy, just slow down.

Billy: No, no, no, no. We need to go as fast as possible on this, amanda.

Amanda: Lily's spotting the gloves and alyssa's skills with firearms -- that is circumstantial at best, okay? They -- the police -- have your dna tying you to the crime scene, ballistics proving that your gun was used in the shooting and then ditched outside of your office...

Billy: Yeah, yeah.

Amanda: ...Not to mention --

Billy: No. I know the list. Believe me. I know the list. But with this information, the police need to be questioning her. And right now you're telling me to -- to be patient, like it's not gonna change anything?

Amanda: Nothing has changed yet. We need more evidence so that --

Billy: No. We need to get this in front of the D.A.

Amanda: If I bring this little to michael, he may disregard it, or he may want to follow up with alyssa, which will alert her to our suspicion.

Billy: Oh, my god.

Amanda: What will she do then, huh? She might leave you twisting you in the wind. You need to be patient, and you need to trust me.

Billy: Well, I'm sorry, but that's easy for you to say, 'cause when we're done doing this, you go home. I go to my cell, and I have nightmares that I may never see my kids again.

Amanda: I'm sorry. Okay? And I-I hope that you're not gonna be stuck in here much longer.

Billy: There's got to be something. There's got to be something that michael and paul cannot ignore.

Amanda: I think I have an idea, and it could change the direction of the case.

Billy: Great. What is it? Whatever it is --

Amanda: Well, you didn't let me finish. We would be taking a risk, so this could backfire on us.

Billy: If it gets me out of here... you take that risk.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Lily: Hi. Where are you?

Amanda: Hey. I'm still with billy.

Lily: How's he doing?

Amanda: Not bad, considering. But, um, we are discussing our next steps, and there's someone that I want you to reach out to. Now, I would approach this person on my own, but it could hurt our case if I went without somebody from the D.A.'S office. But you -- as a member of the press, you could go on your own.

Rey: Hello, lily.

Lily: Hi. I really appreciate you meeting me.

Rey: Look, uh, I can't disclose any information about the case.

Lily: No. Look, I know that you have your own protocol to follow, so I didn't request this meeting to ask you to do anything.

Rey: Then why did you?

Lily: Because I have information to share. Look, I know that you have doubts as to whether billy really was the shooter. And, obviously, to do your job, you have to follow the evidence.

Rey: Skip the buildup, okay? If you have information pertinent to my investigation, get to it.

Lily: Okay. Fine. Alyssa hates adam. She lost someone she loves because of him.

Rey: Her father.

Lily: Right, which gives her motive. And it's well known that billy hates adam, which is why he's the perfect person for her to pin the shooting on.

Rey: Are you suggesting that alyssa --&

Lily: Went gunning for adam and shot chance instead? Yes, I am.

Rey: Okay. This is speculation.

Lily: Are you aware that alyssa is a champion sharpshooter... that she won statewide competitions back in kansas? And not only that, but I found shooting gloves in her hotel room -- gloves that I think will have evidence of billy's stolen gun tying her to the shooting.

Rey: Wait. Wait a minute. Back up. How did you see these gloves?

Lily: I-I saw them when I was in her room.

Rey: You shouldn't have gone to see alyssa in the first place. This is witness tampering.

Lily: I was there looking for the truth, and after what i found, I would do it again. But none of that matters as much as what you think about what i just told you.

Lauren: Oh, thank you so much for bringing by these proposals. I need them for my meeting later.

Sally: Yeah, my pleasure. And don't forget about the 2:00 at jabot that I just added, which you should be able to make in plenty of time as long as you stick to the schedule that i uploaded to your calendar.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] You're a ball of energy this morning.

Sally: Well, when you love what you do, it's easy to feel enthusiastic.

Lauren: Okay. So, look. I talked to jack, and he thinks you might be becoming kind of a handful.

Sally: I have spoken with him, too. Um...he's been great, but, yes, I know he feels that I might need to dial back my ambition.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. Well, personally, I don't know how you can be too ambitious, but that's not really the issue.

Sally: No?

Lauren: The problem is what you do with your ambition. I mean, realizing your goals in a devious manner that could possibly hurt a colleague, for example...

Sally: Look, I know I have a reputation. And I haven't always played fair. But, I mean, considering all I've been through and everything I've faced... can anyone really blame me?

Lauren: I'm not blaming you. You came here for a fresh start. You're smart. You're driven. You have an eye for what's ahead on the horizon. I mean, you have everything you need to succeed. So trust yourself. Put in the hard work, and, eventually, you're gonna get exactly where you want to go. And as a brilliant designer once said to me [Laughs] "Concentrate on what you're doing, and how you're doing will follow."

Jack: You'll speak with r&D. I'll confer with ashley about the timetable.

Kyle: Sounds like a plan.

Jack: Alright. I think that's about it.

Kyle: Good meeting, dad. You should take the rest of the day off -- go shopping. You've earned it.

Jack: To tell you the truth, I have already done most of my holiday shopping, which, in any normal year, would be cause for celebration. This year, it's just a reminder of how much time I have on my hands now that I'm not looking after dina.

Kyle: I know how much you miss her. It's still hard to believe she's gone.

Jack: I guess I'm starting to realize what a giant void her absence has left.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Summer: Hey. Is this a bad time?

Jack: No, no. No. Uh, we're -- we're finished. Um... I'll leave you two.

Kyle: Yeah. We were -- we were just talking about dina.

Summer: Oh.

Kyle: But seeing you definitely lifts my spirits.

Summer: Well, it's funny you say that, because whenever I see you, I feel the exact same way.

Kyle: Yeah. I have a break in my schedule. Any chance you'd like to get some hot chocolate, maybe hit a few stores?

Summer: Yeah. Sounds good.

Kyle: Let's do it!

Summer: Um, but wait. Before we go, I just, um -- I just need to tell you something.

Kyle: It sounds serious.

Summer: [ Groans ] Okay. I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. You need to steer clear of sally. She wants my job, and she's gonna try to use you to get what she wants.

Kyle: Huh.

Feeling sluggish or weighed


It could be a sign

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Victor: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get short with you again.

Nikki: No apology necessary. I know the last several months have been very trying.

Victor: Ah. You can say that again.

Nikki: The stress has really eaten away at you. You need a break. You need a distraction.

Victor: [ Sighs ] What do you have in mind?

Nikki: We could take a little vacation. What would you think about london?

Victor: Hmm!

Nikki: Noah has a new exhibit opening. We could fly over there right after christmas, open the flat in south kensington, and have a fabulous new year's eve there. I would make all of the arrangements. All you have to do is say, "yes."

[ Tapping loudly ]

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

[ Tapping intensifies ] Okay, you need to stop that, or I'm gonna be arrested for battery.

Billy: Sorry. It's just, you know, lily should have got back to us by now. Maybe rey didn't want to meet with her. Maybe he doesn't care what she has to say, or maybe he's pissed off that she's getting involved in the investigation again.

Amanda: I'm sure that lily can handle herself, and I know that she will do her damnedest to get through to detective rosales.

Billy: Yeah, you're right. I hope so.

Amanda: It really is something... you know, how much she's putting herself out there for you.

Billy: Yeah. She's a good person. She's strong. She's independent. She's honest. She's been through a hell of a lot. And we've been friends forever now. I mean, we're a little -- little closer now.

Amanda: I got that impression.

Billy: She's everything you think she is and... more.

Amanda: Well, assuming that this all pays off, I hope that you will find a way to repay her for everything that she's doing.

Billy: You can count on it.

Rey: You had no business at all taking matters into your own hands like that.

Lily: You have to admit what I found is compelling.

Rey: When I told alyssa we were moving her to a different location, she did seem anxious about somebody else packing up her things.

Lily: Exactly, and now you know why.

Rey: Eh, still, it's a leap from that to alyssa trying to kill adam and then implicatng billy.

Lily: I would have never come to this conclusion if I hadn't looked into your eyewitness. It makes sense that the police would only focus on the victim and the prime suspect. I mean, alyssa's statement is just part of a bigger case against billy. But I believe that she's sitting on evidence that will justify my suspicion.

Rey: You believe that billy's innocent. Did it ever occur to you that, subconsciously, you may be trying to connect alyssa to the shooting?

Lily: I would never want to accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit. Look, all I'm asking is for you to look into it. And if I'm wrong, then no harm done. But if I'm right, then you set an innocent man free and you arrest the person who actually tried to kill adam. This year's been... a lot.

Kyle: Okay. I know sally originally wanted to run jcv, but I thought she backed off after you got the job. She seems focused on impressing lauren in the hopes of getting a quick promotion.

Summer: No, that's what she wants everyone to think. It's one big facade.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] And where'd you get that idea?

Summer: Theo, actually.

Kyle: And you believed him? He could have thrown one last grenade to cause trouble before he left town.

Summer: When I confronted her today about it, the claws came out.

Kyle: You two got into it?

Summer: Well, suffice it to say that she knows I'm on to her, which I don't think is gonna stop her for a second. And, look, I don't mean to make a big stink about it. I just think that you need to keep your eyes open when sally's around.

Kyle: If sally's up to something, I think I can handle her.

Summer: Yeah, I know that you can, but she's not the type that will back off easily.

Kyle: Then I suggest we don't engage. If she can't get a rise out of us, her attempts at causing trouble will fizzle out.

[ Door opens ]

Sally: Oh! Sorry. I didn't realize anyone was in here. Hope I didn't interrupt.

Kyle: What's going on?

Sally: Um, lauren is meeting with your P.R. Team, and she asked me to book the room.

Lauren: Oh! Hi, there. I'm gonna go get a tea, but I'll be back before the others get here.

Sally: Alright. I'll set everything up.

Lauren: Alright. Thanks. Bye.

Kyle: My fiancée and I have somewhere we need to be, so we'll see you around.

Sally: See ya.

Victor: Vacation in london? Sounds interesting.

Nikki: Well, I'm glad you think so.

Victor: Mm-hmm. But how can we leave... when billy is about to go on trial for attempted murder? You know what that means. That means a hell of a lot of publicity, and victoria will need our help.

Nikki: Victor, we have no idea when the trial will begin, but, certainly, it won't be between christmas and new year'S.

Victor: That's true.

Nikki: I promise we will be back in plenty of time to be by victoria's side, and I know you want to be there for adam, too.

Victor: I'll be there for him whether he likes it or not.

Nikki: Sweetheart, you don't have to explain. The most important thing is your well-being. I really think a getaway is what you need.

Victor: [ Exhales sharply ]

Nikki: So... will you at least consider taking this very, very brief trip?

Victor: You know I can't resist you when you look at me with those beautiful eyes.

Nikki: Does that mean that...

Victor: [ Chuckles ] What it means -- that I will think about it. That's what it means.

Nikki: Okay.

Rey: Officer monroe, please. It's detective rosales. Hey. Um, have you moved alyssa montalvo to her new location yet? Good. Don't do anything until you hear from me.

Victoria: Thank you, sergeant.

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: Hi. I heard you were back in here.

Billy: Yeah. You know me -- uh, the ultimate screw-up.

Victoria: Come on. Don't say that.

Billy: How'd you talk your way in here?

Victoria: I just appealed to paul. He said I could visit as long as I don't stay too long.

Amanda: Well, billy and I are through for the time being, so i will give you two your privacy. Hang in there, okay? You got a lot of people fighting for you.

Billy: Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Victoria: I'm very sorry to hear that your bail was revoked. It's terrible what you're going through.

Billy: Well, amanda's doing everything she can to get me out of here. And so is lily, actually.

Victoria: I spoke with lily earlier. She told me that alyssa is the prosecution's star witness.

Billy: Never saw that one coming.

Victoria: Lily didn't really want to get into the details, but she's learning everything that she can about the woman. It seems that your business partner is very invested in your defense.

Billy: Yeah. She's been a good friend.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] I think it goes above and beyond friendship, billy.

Billy: Well, I'm grateful to everyone who's been on my side through this.

Victoria: I hope that includes me. I'll do whatever I can to support you.

Billy: If that's the case, then there is something that only you can help me with. In our normal everyday diets,

Sally: Before I leave you to your meeting, do you mind if i pitch you an idea I had? I'll keep it brief.

Lauren: Oh. Uh, yeah. Yes, of course. Okay. I'm listening.

Sally: Our virtual dressing room app -- it is overdue for a revamp, both the visuals and the overall user interface. If you're interested, I'd be more than happy to write up a formal proposal.

Lauren: You're right. That app needs updating like -- like crazy, and, uh, I applaud your initiative.

Sally: Well, you giving me the chance to prove myself means so much to me. I mean, I pride myself on being an inventive person, but sometimes my ideas don't always translate into the real world. They can be a little off the wall.

[ Both chuckle ]

Lauren: Well, this time, you hit the mark, and this is exactly what I was talking about earlier. You find a need, you fulfill it better than anyone, and that's exactly how you move up the ladder at fenmore'S.

Sally: Well, I don't just want to succeed. I...have this hunger, this ache. And I don't know if it has to do with me losing my parents or bombing out with men, and I know I have my sister, coco, but I just -- I have this deep desire to just prove that i can make it on my own. And that is why I go overboard sometimes -- just that survival instinct.

Lauren: Well, here's what i know about you, sally -- you've got a good heart, you've got a ton of spirit

[Chuckles] You are a passionate woman who just refuses to settle. In short... you remind me of me at your age. And that's why I feel a bond with you. And that is why I'm gonna look after you. Just don't make me sorry that i did.

Sally: I would never do that.

Summer: Sally was looking at you like you were the biggest, yummiest christmas cookie she had ever seen.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. She can scheme all she wants. But it doesn't matter. You know why?

Summer: Why?

Kyle: 'Cause I love you and only you.

Summer: Mm. Does all this undying devotion have anything to do with you referring to me as your fiancée?

Kyle: I just said that to get under sally's skin.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: I didn't mean... look, I-I know we're not ready for that yet.

Summer: Okay, good. I'm just glad that we're on the same page. I want to take things slow still.

Kyle: I like slow. Slow can be... very good.

[ Laughter in distance ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Summer: [ Laughs ] Hey, jack! Oh. I'm actually on the patio right now with kyle. Do you want to come join us?

Jack: You know what? I'm rushing back to the office. I'm just getting a coffee to go. You two have fun.

Summer: Okay. Uh, well...take care.

Jack: You, too.

Kyle: [ Laughs ]

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: [ Speaks indistinctly ]

[ Laughter ]

Amanda: Billy is anxious, but it sounds like your meeting with rey went well.

Lily: Well, I thought it did, but... I'm starting to get discouraged. What more can we do?

Amanda: At the moment, nothing. But you've set the bait, so all we can hope is that rey takes it and runs with it.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Can you tell me how johnny and katie are doing? How are they feeling? I mean...what do they know? What are they thinking about me?

Victoria: Well, I mean, I've tried to keep the news off since your arrest.

Billy: Thank you. So, as of now, at least, they --

Victoria: They're blissfully unaware.

Billy: Not gonna be able to keep that up forever. You can't shield them for too long.

Victoria: Well, if they hear something and they ask me, i will just explain to them that it's a big misunderstanding and that I believe in their daddy 100%.

Billy: Thank you. Thank you for your faith in me. And I'm really sorry that this has fallen on your shoulders and you're all alone.

Victoria: My shoulders can handle it.

Billy: Yeah. Can you do me one more favor? Can you tell johnny and katie that I love them... and that I'm gonna see them soon?

Victoria: Do you really think that's true?

Billy: I need it to be.

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