Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/15/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/15/20


Episode #12010 ~ Phyllis questions Nick's motives; Nina surprises Chance and Abby; Lily snooping leads to a shocking discovery.

Provided By Suzanne

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Your lawyer's here.

Billy: Thank you for coming. And let me just start by saying, um, pushing you away -- that was a mistake.

Amanda: I agree.

Billy: I'm sorry. And I could really use all my real friends right now, and i consider you one of them... on a very short list.

Amanda: I will always be your friend. But if you want me to be your attorney again, you're gonna need to agree to a few terms. One, do not lie to me. Two, do not interfere with witnesses or any other aspect of the case. Three, do not speak to the D.A. Or the police without me present. And, four, if I give you a piece of advice, listen to it, consider it. Deal?

Billy: Deal.

Amanda: Let's get to work.

Lily: Alyssa, it's me -- lily. I know you're in there. Look, please open the door, okay? I'm out here alone. Billy's been taken back to jail. Alright? So you can call the cops on me if you want. I don't care. That's how important this is. So just let me talk to you. It's a matter of life and death.

[ Sighs ]

Alyssa: You've got five minutes.

Nina: What a beautiful tree. Oh, I just love it.

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: It's our first christmas tree together. I'm so excited to decorate it.

Chance: Yeah, I just don't know when that's gonna happen. We're so busy. Maybe after new year'S.

Abby: Okay, stop joking. We'll find the time.

Nina: Oh, maybe we could start tonight.

Abby: No. No way. It's your last night in town. We're not gonna make you go to work.

Chance: Well, that's actually not a bad idea. She is a good helper, and she's also a whiz at climbing.

Nina: And I can hang ornaments like nobody's business.

Abby: No. Okay, guys. Please. We are gonna have dinner, and we are going to talk about how amazing our honeymoon is. We are not going to decorate.

Nina: I have something that might change your mind.

Sharon: My favorite time of year. I just love decorating for christmas. Don't you, sweetie?

Faith: Yeah. It's the best.

Sharon: You okay?

Faith: Yeah, I'm just tired.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Sharon: That seemed to perk you up. Is that from jordan.

Faith: No. Someone else.

Sharon: Oh. Is it bad news?

Faith: Yeah. Our basketball team lost. It was a big game.

Sharon: Oh, well, I'm sure they'll get 'em next time.

Lola: Hey, faith. Oh, my god. What's going on?

Nick: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did the tablet ever do to you?

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how I can pay you back for you buying victoria out of this hotel. And I've been calculating everything, and it looks like if I keep up the profit rate for another few years, I can pay you back in january of -- oh, never.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Nick: Come on. It's all gonna work out. Don't worry about it, you know? Pay me back whenever you want. Hell, you don't even have to pay me back.

Phyllis: Are you just trying to make me feel worse.

Nick: I don't understand. You don't -- listen, you helped me out, and i can't even tell you how much i appreciate it. I love you for that. I love you for wanting to help me. I really, really do. But I don't want to be rescued by your money. You know what I mean? Like, other women -- they're fine with that. That's -- that's okay. That's cool with me. But I just always prided myself on being strong and independent.

Nick: I know.

Phyllis: I mean, I was the phoenix rising from the ashes. That was supposed to be me. It was my rebirth -- this hotel. And I wrestled abby for ownership. Then I wrestled victoria for ownership. And... another newman has a piece of my hotel.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Hi sabrina!

>&gtHi jen!

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Nick: I don't own a stake in your hotel. You don't owe me anything. I gave you that money as a gift.

Phyllis: I appreciate that. I really do. But I'm not gonna be happy until I don't own a dime in debt on this hotel.

Nick: You don't have to prove anything to me.

Phyllis: Well, I have to prove it to myself. I mean, what kind of role model am I to our daughter if I'm constantly, you know, being helped out by my boyfriend.

Nick: An amazing one. Look at this place. Everybody comes here. Even people who aren't particularly giant fans of yours come because it's amazing. And why? Because you put all this hard work into it. You're the perfect example for our daughter, 'cause you're making it work by taking the high ride.

Phyllis: Really? Is that a good example? Taking the high road?

Nick: What do you mean?

Phyllis: Well, I mean... I figured out a way that I could pay you back in a timely manner.

Nick: Okay.& How?

Phyllis: Well, it's not completely above board.

Lola: Hey. What's going on? It's okay. You can tell me.

Sharon: Faith!

Faith: Please, don't let her see me like this. She'll make a huge deal out of it.

[ Sniffles ]

Lola: Hi, sharon. I love the decorations. The place looks great.

Sharon: Thanks. Faith and I are almost done.

Lola: Yeah, you know, i actually just saw her on the patio. I was wondering if I could steal her for a few minutes. I'm trying out this new recipe, and I just need a sophisticated palate to try them out.

Sharon: Sure. Not too long, though. She does need to get home soon.

Lola: Of course. Thank you. Alright. You're coming with me.

Lily: Thank you for talking to me.

Alyssa: I think you're exaggerating.

Lily: Sorry, about what?

Alyssa: This being a matter of life and death. Billy's got money. He could pay for great lawyers. He'll get, at most, a couple of years.

Lily: Any time in prison when you're innocent it too much, especially this effect this will have on his kids.

Alyssa: Oh, you're still exaggerating.

Lily: No, I'm not. The actual shooter is still out there -- someone who was able to shoot at adam in broad daylight. So until we find this person, we're all in danger.

Alyssa: Unless billy is the shooter. You're so sure he's innocent?

Lily: Yes. I'm 100% certain that he did not shoot chance. I believe in billy completely.

Billy: And for whatever reason, it's alyssa who's the witness that puts me at the scene of the crime. I mean, the journalist that i worked with, that I had a good relationship with, paid a lot of money to. She turns on me. If there's anybody that hates adam more than I do, it's her.

Amanda: Well, you're assuming that she's part of the setup.

Billy: I think she has to be. Why was she in genoa city? I talked to her. She did not want to come back here. Why is she at that location at that exact time? Amanda, that is too random, I'm telling you.

Amanda: It also doesn't make sense that she was part of some plot to frame you.

Billy: [ Exhales sharply ] Look, we both suffered at the hands of adam.

Amanda: Maybe there's something else motivating her.

Billy: Could be. What is that? With mucinex all-in-one you've got unbeatable

Amanda: So as far as we know, alyssa harbored no animosity towards you or chanccomm.

Billy: Never. She was grateful for the opportunity. That article put her on the map as a journalist. I even offered her a second exposé on adam, but she didn't want to take it. Said she didn't want to come back to town. So why was she here? Was she here the whole time? If so, why didn't she get in contact with me? And why did she come back? Was it for a job? A lover?

Billy: An ex-friend?

Amanda: Adam? She hates him.

Billy: He killed her father. He tried to stop the investigation every step of the way. On top of that, he's just, you know, easy to not like. But...

Amanda: But what?

Billy: But he's also very manipulative. I mean, look at chelsea. She was sharp, independent girl. Now she listens to everything he says. She even defends the guy. It's sad.

Amanda: You think he could manipulate alyssa into helping him frame you?

Billy: It's a tall order, but did I mention he killed her father?

Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ] I don't see them teaming up.

Billy: You think it's a dead end, don't you?

Amanda: No, no. Not at all. Keep talking. If there's another angle, I want to hear it.

Alyssa: I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can tell you. I saw what I saw. A policeman was shot. I had to come forward.

Lily: And you really think that billy pulled the trigger?

Alyssa: It doesn't matter what I think. I have to be honest with the police.

Lily: You know him. You know that he would not do this.

Alyssa: I don't know him that well. And all I told the police was that I saw him. Billy was the one who lied to them about where he was. And apparently my testimony is only one piece of the evidence against him.

Lily: Because he's being framed. So, are you part of the setup? I mean, did somebody get to you?

Alyssa: No one got to me.

Lily: Why are you even in genoa city? Because I thought that you were done with this town and with adam. But yet here you are. Why?

Faith: Thank you so much for getting me out of there.

Lola: Of course. So, what's going on? You know, I thought things were getting a lot better since the last time that we talked.

Faith: They are. Everything's good.

Lola: Okay. So, I have one rule in my apartment, and that is we always have to tell the truth. So what's going on? I want to help. Just tell me.

Faith: [ Exhales sharply ] That is what's happening.

Lola: Ha. Mean girls. Okay. And how long has this been going on?

Faith: Ever since that stupid story about adam came out.

Lola: You know, I hate bullies. They just pick on other people because they're unhappy with themselves. But I promise it has nothing to do with you.

Faith: It feels like it has a lot to do with me.

Lola: Well, just ignore them and rely on your friends.

Faith: My one close friend just ghosted me.

Lola: Well, if she's abandoning you now, she might not be your true friend.

Faith: You sound like my mom.

Lola: I know. I'm so sorry. As soon as I said that, I was like, "wow, lola, you sound like a mom."

Faith: All I hear from her these days are mom sayings. She's worried about how I'm doing all the time, like she's afraid I'm gonna fall apart any second. But that's what she's supposed to do. You know, it's a part of her job description.

Faith: I know, but it's driving me nuts.

Lola: Okay. I might have a solution.

Faith: Please don't say we're baking again. I don't need more bread.

Lola: Okay, but we had a fun time doing that, right?

Faith: Yes, yes. It was.

Lola: And I didn't even bore you with stories about my rebellious days when I was your age.

Faith: What? Okay, I have to hear this.

Nick: So you have a plan that's not completely above board? What are we talking about here? Because how low are you thinking of going?

Phyllis: I was just thinking about it. I wasn't really serious about it.

Nick: Well, I know how your brain works. One minute, you're daydreaming. And the next, you're breaking into a bank vault.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] It wasn't like that.

Nick: Look, I don't want you to repay me this money if it means you got to do something risky or illegal.

Phyllis: Oh, well, there go my options.

Nick: I didn't give it to you so you would doubt yourself, okay? I did it because we're a team and we rely on each other. And that's what you do when you're in a committed relationship.

Phyllis: It's not that simple.

Nick: It can be.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I just keep on hearing victoria's taunts in my head about how I couldn't do this on my own. I just keep on replaying that.

Nick: Who cares what she says?

Phyllis: I care. I care. Well, I don't care what she says, but, you know, that thought is out there. You know it is. I mean, "phyllis can't do anything with nick's help."

Nick: Nobody thinks that. I'm the one who thinks that. Honestly. Why didn't I work harder? Why wasn't I just as ruthless as victoria?

I'm a big kid now!

Nick: Why in the hell would you want to be like victoria?

Phyllis: I don't want to be like victoria. Let's just make that clear. I don't want to be like her. She's tightly wound and judgmental. I just -- she has a certain ruthless quality that I am lacking right now.

Nick: Well, I'm very proud of the changes you've made. You've gotten past a lot of the bad choices and mistakes. You know, you've built this place. It's amazing. Everything's on the up-and-up. You're not just the phoenix. You're the queen of the phoenix.

Phyllis: Thank you for saying that. I really appreciate that. I love you for it.

[ Sighs ] This is a big issue for me. I've been fighting my whole life... ever snce I left home. There's always someone who wants to push me down, and it's really, really hard fighting with one hand tied behind my back all the time. I follow the rules. I play by the rules, and where did that get me? Maybe I haven't played by all the rules.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Exhales deeply ] It's just very hard for me. I'm tired of losing.

Nick: I-I don't understand how you can view getting your hotel back as a loss.

Phyllis: If I don't stand on my own two feet again, that means victoria was right about everything.

Abby: So, when chloe asked us to watch baby miles, we jumped at the chance.

Nina: Oh, wow. How did that go?

Abby: It was exhausting.

Chance: Uh, so much work.

Abby: I mean, there's two of us and only one baby miles, and I don't get it. He just dominated us.

Chance: Yeah, we were begging for mercy after 10 minutes.

Nina: Yeah, it takes a lot of energy, but you get used to it.

Chance: Yeah, well, by the end of it, we had a grip on the situation.

Abby: So much so that we could see ourselves raising a family here.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Nina: Well, that's wonderful to hear.

Chance: Who knows? Maybe next year, we'll hanging a stocking for little baby agatha.

Abby: Agatha?

Nina: Agatha?

Abby: I think your mom is on my side with this one. I don't think we could name an innocent little baby "agatha."

Chance: Oh.

Nina: So, um, are you pregnant?

Abby: No, no. Not yet. But we are eager to start a family.

Chance: The sooner, the better.

Nina: Okay. I'm just glad that nothing i said at the wedding put any pressure on you.

Abby: No, not at all. Actually, we've been talking about starting a family even before we got engaged. We want to start our own holiday traditions.

Nina: Well, good. I think that you should open that. It might get you started.

Abby: [ Smacks hands ] Okay. I love presents.

Nina: It's just a little something.

Abby: [ Gasps ] Wow. Look at this. It's beautiful.

Nina: Do you recognize it?

Chance: Is this --

Nina: Grandma kay gave that to us when you were little.

Phillip: Mommy, look! An angel.

Nina: Oh! Oh, it's beautiful.

Kay: Uh, this, um -- this, uh, phillip, could be for the top of your tree. Hmm?

Phillip: Can we put it on? We didn't get our star yet.

Nina: I think it's perfect.

Phillip: Thank you for coming, grandma kay. You made this a great christmas.

Kay: Aw. Merry christmas, phillip.

[ Smooches ]

Chance: Thanks, mom. I-I can't believe you held on to this all these years.

Nina: I thought it belonged here, with you, in katherine's house.

Abby: It will be like she's our own special christmas angel.

Alyssa: I'm back here because I was reconsidering billy's offer to write a follow-up to the exposé about adam. There's more to that story.

Lily: But somehow you end up putting billy behind bars? That's how you repay him for your big break? You know, you still haven't explained why you were even at the crime scene in the first place.

Alyssa: You know what? You're looking for a story that doesn't exist. Now, I understand why you want to believe he's innocent. You're friends, partners. But I think it's a lost cause.

Lily: I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Alyssa: Well, you're gonna have to do it somewhere else. Your five minutes are up.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ] Leave me alone!

Rey: Alyssa, it's detective rosales. Open up. We have a problem.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. E.

Rey: I have to take you down to the station. The D.A. Needs to ask you about everything that billy and lily said to you, so try to remember.

Alyssa: We're -- we're going now?

Rey: Yes. We'll have someone someone pick up your things while we're there.

Alyssa: What?

Rey: This location has been compromised. We have to move you.

Alyssa: Well, I can -- I can pack up my stuff. I'll be quick.

Rey: No, no, no. We have to go now. We'll be careful with your stuff, if that's what you're worried about.

Alyssa: Fine. Let's go.

Sharon: Hey, stranger!

Nick: Hey. Man, do I love what you always do with this place during the holidays.

Sharon: Oh, it's coming along. No thanks to our daughter, though.

Nick: What? Faith didn't help you decorate?

Sharon: Well, she started to, and she was in a real mood today. She ended up slinking off with lola -- taste-testing or something.

Nick: Yeah, I bet she's digging that.

Sharon: What's going on with you? Seems like something's on your mind.

Nick: It's nothing.

Sharon: Oh, don't do that to me. Come on. I can tell when something's bothering you. Grab some tinsel. You can pick up where faith left off and tell me what's troubling you.

Nick: I mean, I'll put some tinsel on this tree, but I don't think you want to hear about my problems.

Sharon: Lookit, after everything that we've been through, we have no secrets. So spill.

Nick: It's about phyllis.

Sharon: Oh!

[ Laughs ]

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: That's fine. No, I figured it was something to do with her.

Nick: Well, I know it's kind of a sore subject for you.

Sharon: Well, you know, so much time has passed. Things that used to be sore subjects are just no longer sore subjects. I think going through chemotherapy just changes your perspective on everything.

Nick: Yeah, I bet. How are you feeling?

Sharon: Fantastic. Stronger every day. Hopefully strong enough to hear what phyllis has done now.

Lola: We've talked about my teen years before.

Faith: I know, but I thought you were a nerd who was always cooking.

Lola: I was, but I wasn't a loner forever. You know, eventually, I got friends -- people that I could rely on when things got tough.

Faith: Yeah, friends are important.

Lola: Yeah, they are. They're everything. You know, when I was your age, my mom would drive me crazy. And I loved her so much, but she just didn't get me the way that my friends did.

Faith: Yeah, that's exactly it. How often did you and your friends hang out?

Lola: As much as we could. They were the people that made me feel normal. You know, I could be my authentic true self with them, and they wouldn't judge about my obsession with spices and sauces.

Faith: They sound great.

Lola: Yeah, they were. I mean, they helped me survive high school. Just like you will. Because you are far too smart not to.

Lily: Hey. How's our boy holding up?

Amanda: Well, he's working hard to keep it all together. But, deep down, I think he's a mess.

Lily: I'm really glad that he has you back, 'cause he needs you.

Amanda: Well, he didn't ever not have me. But I think that this is the first time that billy fired me. I suspect it won't be the last.

Lily: I know. I know he likes to push things to the edge sometimes, and then he finds a way to come crawling back to fix it.

Amanda: Well, for the record, it was a mistake to fire me. But he didn't have to come crawling back to me. I showed up at the police station, ready to stand up for him.

Lily: And how's that going?

Amanda: Billy has no idea who's after him. And no matter how tough you are, nobody wants to fight an enemy they can't see.

This week on

"the upper hands"...

Abby: Oh! It's just so beautiful. Thank you, nina.

Nina: You're very welcome.

Abby: I love that we have our first holiday tradition.

Chance: I still want to know who's gonna decorate the christmas tree.

Abby: Oh. Elves?

Nina: Oh, wouldn't that be nice?

[ Abby and chance laugh ]

Abby: Actually, we have a little something for you.

Nina: Oh.

[ Gasps ] Oh, the three of us at your wedding. What was pretty photo. What a perfect memento from the perfect day. Thank you.

Abby: We have the same one, and we're gonna hang it somewhere in this house.

Nina: Well, good. Maybe elves can help you with that, too.

[ Laughter ] It is so good to see you happy and healthy and in love.

Chance: [ Smooches ]

Nina: Okay. I really got to go. I have a very early flight in the morning.

Chance: Well, I'm gonna pick you up and take you to the airport.

Nina: No, you don't need to do that. I can take a cab.

Chance: I insist.

Nina: Well, okay, then. I won't argue.

[ All chuckle ] It was really lovely getting to know you, abby. Goodbye for now, but a piece of my heart will remain with you until I come back. Alright? I think I'm leaving you in good hands.

Amanda: Billy is obsessed with alyssa's part in all of this. He is convinced that she's up to something.

Lily: Yeah, I feel the same way. That's why I went back to go talk to her.

Amanda: What?! After rey warned you? As a lawyer, I cannot approve of you taking this risk. But as billy's friend, i appreciate the effort. How did it go?

Lily: I mean, she's insisting that she came forward because it was the right thing to do. But she still never even said what she's doing in town in the first place. So when she left with rey... I ended up sneaking into her room.

Amanda: Officer of the court here. I don't need to hear this part. Mnh-mnh. But what did you find?

Lily: I mean, not much. There was a photo of -- I think it was her dad, in her room, which -- I don't know. I think it's a little bit odd.

Amanda: Well, from what i understand, they were very close. His death is what drove her to investigate adam.

Lily: Yeah, well, I mean, i was close with my dad, too, but I don't carry around a 5x7 photo of him everywhere I go.

Amanda: What are you doing?

Lily: I'm just looking up A.J. Montalvo to see if there's any connection.

Amanda: Anything?

Lily: There's a couple articles, an obituary. A mug shot. A photo of him holding a trophy? Wait a second. The gloves he's wearing in the photo -- these are the same gloves that alyssa had in her room.

Faith: Thank you again for letting me come up here.

Lola: You're welcome. Anytime.

Faith: And thank you for the cookies.

Lola: You know that's just a cover story for your mom. I can sympathize with your situation because, when I was a kid, rey was the man of the house, and, you know, he's not always been a cop, but he's always acted like one.

Faith: Yeah. Why am I not surprised?

Lola: I hate to freak you out, but he's gonna be an incredible stepdad.

Faith: I know. And when they get married, you're gonna be my aunt.

Lola: Wow. I hadn't thought about it that way. Well, whenever you're feeling down, you can call your auntie lola.

Faith: Yeah, I don't think "auntie" fits you. You're way too cool.

Lola: You're right. I am.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nick: So it totally backfired. Vick completely crossed a line. I went out on a limb to help phyllis and went against my sister.

Sharon: Good for you?

Nick: I put up the money to buy phyllis' hotel back, and she's still not happy about it.

Sharon: Why not? She got her hotel.

Nick: Well, that's what I said, you know? She refuses to accept that I did it for the good of the two of us. She says she wants to stand on her own two feet again, and, honestly, I think she resents that I did it.

Sharon: Mmmm!

Nick: What's that? Are you -- are you not on my side on this?

Sharon: Oh, is that -- is that what you want me to say, that I'm on your side?

Nick: Honestly, today, i could use that. Yes, please say that.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Okay. And then what? Then you go back to phyllis and tell her, "sharon said I'm right."

Nick: Well, no matter what you think, I'm not gonna do that.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Actually, I can really see where she's coming from.

Nick: Seriously?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. See, phyllis is independent, right? She always has been, and you've known that. So I don't know why you're reacting this way. She told you that she wanted to do things her way, right? And then you couldn't resist swooping in like a knight in shining armor. That's who I am.

Sharon: And that's something you two are gonna have to work out. See, you're a rescuer, and she doesn't want to be rescued. So I think you're gonna have to figure out a way to accept her for who she is, not who you think she should be. There it is, grandma's recipe.

Abby: I am so glad that nina was able to come, but I'm said that she's not able to stay for christmas.

Chance: Well, next year, when we have our kids, she'll stay.

Abby: Wow, "kids," plural. In one year? I love your optimism. Even though I did have a nightmare once that I had triplets.

[ Laughs ]

[ Gasps ] Oh! Oh, my goodness. Look at these. These remind me of these antlers that my dad put on our dog zapato one year at the ranch. Noah and I -- we ran around, and we pretended the dog was a reindeer and he was delivering all the presents that we ever wanted. Zapato was a real trouper.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: Sounds like a really good christmas memory.

Abby: Yeah. What about you? Did you have a lot of memories of holidays when you were a kid?

Chance: Well, the angel's one. I remember we used to have such big and fun christmases here. And not so much in L.A. It was just different. We didn't -- we didn't have family. But our kids are gonna love the christmases here. Hopefully it'll snow, fire in the fireplace, and maybe we'll even get a dog, put antlers on him for when the kids are old enough to believe in santa.

Abby: I love that you're already coming up with traditions.

Chance: Well, how do you feel about the tradition of an early gift?

Abby: Okay, I think we have already established that I am pro-gift -- early, late, it doesn't matter.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: Why don't check under the tree?

Abby: Right here?

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Ooh.

Chance: Open it.

Abby: [ Gasps ]

Chance: It's from our honeymoon beach.

Abby: Oh! Is this to remind me of our honeymoon?

Chance: It is to remind you that our honeymoon is gonna last the rest of our lives.

Nick: I've been thinking.

Phyllis: I've been thinking, too.

Nick: Naturally.

Phyllis: Yeah. I'm right.

Nick: Of course.

Phyllis: Yeah. Of course. And I'm not backing down.

Nick: That is very on brand for you. Look, I know this whole situation has been very disheartening for you. I gave you that money 'cause i wanted to help, not because i wanted you to, you know, question your abilities or reconsider your life options. The way I feel about you, just so we're clear, is that I think you are an unstoppable, completely independent force of nature.

Phyllis: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Nick: But I'm not gonna apologize for wanting to help, alright? But I'm also not gonna disregard your concerns. So we will implement a legitimate payment plan. You pay me back when you're able. And just know that the grand phoenix will 100% be completely all yours.

Phyllis: Thank you. I appreciate that. It -- I'm just so frustrated at this whole situation. But...I love that you want to help me, and, nick...

Nick: Yeah?

Phyllis: I'm glad we're a team.

Nick: Me too. Alright. I'm gonna go wash up, and then we're gonna get some dinner.

Faith: Hey.

Sharon: Hey! You missed the last of the decorating.

Faith: Oh, no. I guess I'll have to do twice as much next year.

Sharon: You seem like you're in a better mood. Lola must have cooked something good up there.

Faith: Yeah. Christmas cookies.

[ Chuckles ] She's great. She really gets me.

Sharon: I'm glad, sweetie.

Amanda: Okay, I think you're reaching, alright? Gloves?

Lily: No. Alyssa's were exactly like the ones that her dad is wearing in this photo.

Amanda: So she carries around her father's gloves with her. That is unusual, but it's nothing that I can build a defense around.

Lily: No, I don't think they're the same gloves. Just the same type. Oh, my god.

Amanda: What is it?

Lily: The trophy in this photo is for marksmanship. They're shooting gloves.

Amanda: She travels with shooting gloves. That might be something I can build a defense around.

Lily: We have to tell billy.

Rey: Back to your cell, billy.

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