Y&R Transcript Monday 12/14/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/14/20


Episode #12009 ~ Billy's luck runs out; Theo warns Summer about Sally; Nate's career is in jeopardy.

Provided By Suzanne

Amanda: Is everything okay? You look nervous.

Billy: Only guilty people get nervous.

Amanda: Did you find a new attorney yet?

Billy: I'm working on it. I've narrowed my list down to people who actually believe I'm innocent and that are willing to fight to keep me out of prison. I'm a little bit picky that way.

Amanda: I know you're angry with me.

Billy: I'm not angry. I'm disappointed. I thought you had my back, but i guess I'm wrong.

Amanda: I really was looking out for your best interests, billy. But if I couldn't convince you before, I probably won't now.

Billy: Amanda, I wanted to believe that I couldn't do better than you. But that's life. And other people have my back now.

Lily: Hi. Uh, I'm -- I'm a colleague of detective rosales, and I just have some paperwork I need you to sign.

[ Sighs ] Uh, okay. I'll -- I'll be back. Okay, look. I'm -- I'm not with the gcpd. Uh, I know they're hiding you here and -- and telling you it's for your safety. But...if you move forward with testifying without talking to me first, then there's going to be horrible consequences for the person that you identified to the police. Because he's innocent. Okay? And he deserves better than this. And I-I know that you're trying to do the right thing, and I-i really respect that, but... you don't know the whole story. So... can you -- can you please just open the door and let me explain? And I-I promise this will be what's best for everyone.

[ Door unlocks ]

Jack: Oh, good. I wanted to go over staff holiday bonuses with you.

Kyle: Already done. Check your e-mail.

Jack: Very impressive.

Kyle: And if you scroll down a little further, there's a list of personal gifts I'd like to give the employees, too, especially the ones who have been here for a while. We had a good year. I figure they should be rewarded for that.

Jack: I couldn't agree more. And, by the way, I think the co-C.E.O. Is gonna be very happy with his bonus, too.

Kyle: Thanks. But you know what I really want for christmas? Theo to turn down our offer. The deadline is fast approaching.

Jack: He still has time.

Kyle: He's not gonna go for it, dad. He's too greedy. I'm counting on that.

Jack: You really want to go through with this lawsuit?

Kyle: I want theo to walk out of the courtroom with nothing. Because that's he deserves.

Theo: Brittany, it's, uh -- it's me again. The deadline jack gave me is coming up, so I need to meet with you, like, now. I'm at society. Oh. Pull up a chair. I'd love to hear your take on what I should do.

Summer: Hmm. Well, you certainly don't look as confident as the last time that we spoke. Are you getting cold feet about your lawsuit?

Theo: Why do you care? Did kyle send you on some reconnaissance mission?

Summer: You are way overestimating how much he's worrying about this.

Theo: Then why are you here?

Summer: For a good meal.

Theo: Just tell me the truth.

Summer: Theo, I already told you that I think you going through with this would be a huge mistake. But, then again, you were never someone to take good advice. And the clock is ticking. And it looks like this decision is starting to really get to you.

Theo: The only thing that is getting to me is what to do with my many millions when I win.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] You are many things, theo. Most of them, not great. But I never thought of you as stupid. Are you determined to prove me wrong?

Sharon: Oh, I must need to have my head examined. Like, why was I thinking that getting married during the holidays was a good idea?

Rey: Could it be because you can't wait to be my wife?

Sharon: That must be it.

Lola: You know, if you do want to make your bride a little less stressed, you should probably start thinking of the honeymoon spot so that she can get that off her plate.

Rey: Well, funny you should say that. I already talked to chance. And he was telling me about the island that he and abby went to. It's a private lagoon. Endless sunshine. Crystal-clear water. Air mattress to sleep on.

Sharon: Oh, this woman does not do air mattresses.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Sharon and lola chuckle ]

Rey: Um... I have a problem with a witness. I got to take this.

Sharon: Oh.

Rey: Hello.

Amanda: Billy, I am sorry that you feel that way, but --

Lily: Hey. Um, I need to talk to you.

Amanda: Is everything alright?

Lily: Uh, I think we need to talk alone.

Amanda: Okay.

Billy: Did you get in the room? Did you see the witness?

Lily: I sure did.

Billy: Who the hell is this person?

Lily: You're never gonna believe it. Hi sabrina!

>&gtHi jen!

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Lily: The witness is alyssa.

Billy: Alyssa montalvo?

Lily: Yes.

Billy: Our alyssa?

Lily: Uh-huh. I was just as surprised as you are.

Billy: Mnh-mnh. No, that's got to be a mistake. She's -- she's not in genoa city.

Lily: Well, she is now. She's upstairs and gonna testify.

Billy: There's got to be something else going on, lily. I must be missing something. Unless she's here to help and she's gonna throw a wrench into the investigation.

Lily: No. That's not what's going on.

Billy: Think about it. She's their star witness. If she just forgets what she saw, then this gets thrown out. Or maybe she's undercover and she's investigating the way that the police are handling this case. There's no better way to get on the inside than to actually pretend to be the witness.

Lily: Okay, billy. Alyssa is not here to help you.

Billy: What did she say?

Lily: All I was able to get out of her was that she was at the site at the time of the shooting, and she saw you there, which she's gonna testify to in court, which is gonna be very damning, given the fact that you lied to the police that you were nowhere near there.

Billy: Why was she there? And why did she go to the police and not us? I can't believe she's gonna betray me like this.

Alyssa: The alias didn't work.

Rey: Whoa. Slow down. What happened?

Alyssa: Lily happened. She showed up here with a million questions. I did my best to get rid of her, but the secret's out now. They know I'm here and that i plan to testify.

Rey: What do you mean, "they"? Billy was there, too?

Alyssa: No. But they're obviously working together. Lily kept pushing me to give her an on-the-record statement, which I, of course, refused to do. Oh, god. This isn't good. You said you were going to protect me.

Rey: Alright, just calm down and stay put. Don't open the door to anyone else. I'll handle this. I'm sorry. I gotta go.

Sharon: What -- what's going on?

Rey: You know I can't talk to you about the case.

Sharon: Okay, just promise to stay safe.

Rey: I will.

Lola: He seemed upset.

Sharon: I wish he could tell us more, but I know one thing. Rey hates everything about this case.

Summer: From what I've heard, this line of boutiques that jack offered you in paris is very profitable.

Theo: A tiny business that dina didn't even bother to leave to anyone in her will.

Summer: Take it anyway.

Theo: Why should I?

Summer: Theo, it's a readymade career in paris, in the fashion industry. I mean, that would be most people's dreams come true. Why wouldn't you want to live out the premise of a rom-com?

Theo: I've always been more of an action-movie guy.

Summer: Okay, then why are you so determined to make your life a courtroom drama? Clearly, you took the wrong lesson from my story about when my dad tried to sue my grandpa. And the only reason that the law was on his side was because there was tons of paperwork proving that he was entitled to the money in his trust fund. Your lawsuit -- it's a pie in the sky. You're never gonna win.

Theo: I have got a lot stronger case than any of you think.

Summer: Theo, dina was not of sound mind when she met you, and there's no evidence that she wanted to leave you anything. All you've got is some bloodlines, and, frankly, she's not obligated to leave money to any of her relatives. She could have given it away to charity or one of her past lovers if she wanted to.

Theo: I'm glad to hear you're unbiased.

Summer: Theo, you really think that a probate judge is gonna look at this case and think, "hmm, this guy's been a part of the family for five minutes, so I'm gonna grant him everything and totally invalidate this legally binding will"?

Theo: You know, you're working awfully hard to talk me out of this, which makes me think kyle really did send you on a mission.

Summer: Kyle lives in your head rent free, not the other way around.

Theo: Then why are you here?

Summer: Because even though i logically should be rooting for you to get your butt handed to you in court, I feel bad that i accidentally steered in the wrong direction earlier. I didn't think that you would clearly miss the point.

Theo: I got it. It's your opinion that you can only go after your family's fortune if you were born rich.

Summer: My god, theo, you really think that everybody can't see through your bull, when really everybody can. Theo, the go-getter. Theo, the back stabber. Theo, the manipulator.

Theo: Please, don't hold back.

Summer: Ambition is a really good thing, but I bet when you met kyle in new york, it went into overdrive. And you saw what it was to be born on third base, and you thought, "hmm, I want some of that." You convinced yourself that you actually deserved it. That is not entitlement, theo. That is just plain, old greed. Don't try to pretend that it's anything but that. That's my two cents. So just take it or leave it.

Brittany: Okay. I'm here. So, what was so urgent that it couldn't wait an hour?

Theo: I need your honest opinion. What are my chances if we take this lawsuit to court?

Brittany: Are you worried?

Theo: Just...answer the question.

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Brittany: I'm confused. After that meeting with the abbotts, I was under the impression that you wanted to double down on going after dina's estate.

Theo: [ Exhales sharply ] I just want to know my chances.

Brittany: Okay. I'll be honest with you. Winning this suit is a long shot, which is not to say it's impossible. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Theo: You don't have anything to lose.

Brittany: I have argued similar cases. It's just impossible to predict how a judge will rule. We have good arguments. But it's ultimately your call. No one would blame you for accepting the abbotts' offer, least of all me. But if you genuinely feel that you deserve what you're fighting for, then I'll take it to the limit.

Theo: You think I'm not being genuine?

Brittany: Genuine?

Theo: That I'm not doing this for the right reasons?

Brittany: I'm not here to judge you. If you feel like you've been cheated, let's go after them. On the other hand, if all you're trying to do is... create trouble...

Theo: What were you gonna say?

Brittany: If this probably going to be an all-or-nothing case. Maybe a judge will split the difference. Maybe. But if you turn down that paris offer, you could just as easily walk away with nothing. And that would be a pretty steep price to pay if all you're trying to do is stick it to the abbotts.

Sharon: Rey isn't allowed to talk about the details of his case, but I can tell that he's got doubts about billy's guilt. I think that's what's bothering him the most.

Lola: Yeah, I saw it, too, the look on his face after he came back from that call.

Sharon: I imagine adam newman being involved in this case doesn't make it any easier on him. I'm worried.

Lola: You know what? Don't be. If anything, all of the pressure that he's under is just gonna make him more grateful to be coming home to you. And he has an incredible wedding to look forward to. Rey is a lucky man, and he knows it.

[ Chuckles ]

Nate: After this, I'm gonna go home and get some rest. You should, too.

Elena: Yeah, that was a long shift.

Nate: It took a lot out of both of us.

Elena: Yeah, man, I can't believe our first date was just yesterday.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Well, it says so on the calendar.

Elena: It feels like a million years ago.

Nate: I can't wait for the next one.

Elena: Me too.

Nate: I'm gonna order some coffee -- enough to keep me alert for the distance between here and my place.

Elena: Hey, before you go, I've been meaning to ask, have you talked to your doctor? I know you were expecting a call.

Nate: Not yet. Hopefully soon.

Lola: So, when I got up this morning, the apartment just felt weirdly empty. Did you have a fun night?

Elena: Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. After our date, we both got called to the hospital. There was a multi-car accident with about a half-dozen victims. Luckily, they all made it through.

Lola: Wow. What a night.

Elena: Yeah, it was intense.

Lola: Okay, so tell me.

Elena: About the hospital? Or the date?

Lola: The date, of course. I mean, was it everything that you hoped for?

Billy: Alyssa was our ally. Adam treated her like garbage. We gave her a platform to try and get justice for her father. This is just -- it's not -- there's something else going on.

Lily: Well, whatever it is, she wasn't talking to me about it. I'm sure michael told her not to talk to anybody, to not taint the potential jury pool.

Billy: So, why was she back in town? I mean, so much of this doesn't add up. I don't know. I tried everything I could think of to get her to talk to me. I told her about your predicament. I said that you could end up in jail for years for something that you didn't do.

Billy: And how did she respond?

Ashley: She shut the door in my face.

Billy: This is strange, lily. And there's only one way to find out what she's doing.

Lily: What?

Billy: I need to go to her room and talk to her.

Lily: No. No. Being on the same floor as alyssa could violate your bail, okay? Let alone talking to her.

Billy: This is my life. The answers I need are right upstairs. Are the police twisting her arm? Is there another agenda that i don't know about? I need to find out why she is doing this to me.

Lily: They could keep you in jail until the trial, okay? This is a bad idea.

Devon: Hey. What are they talking about?

Amanda: Beats me. But it looks like a real mess.

[ Footsteps depart ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Jack: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: What is it?

Jack: Theo wants to meet. He says we'll definitely want to take this meeting.

Kyle: I wonder what game he's playing now.

Sally: Hope I'm not interrupting.

Jack: No, no. We were just wrapping things up here.

Sally: I had an idea for fenmore's that I wanted to run by kyle first to get his take before I pitch it to lauren.

Jack: Okay. You do that. Kyle, we will discuss this other matter after.

Sally: Well,that sounded mysterious.

Kyle: Just some business we need to take care of. And I don't mean to rush you, but I've got another meeting after this.

Sally: Oh, oh, yeah. I-I'm sorry. I'll make it quick. Um, I noticed that fenmore's virtual dressing room app has had a decline in usage over the last few months. It was a pretty big deal when it launched, but now people don't seem to be as into it. So I was thinking of suggesting to lauren maybe we find a way to revamp it.

Kyle: Mm. Yeah, that's smart.

Sally: Do you have any thoughts on how we could get our users to come back?

Kyle: Well, off the top of my head, I'd think about updating the app. New graphics and features. And look at your sales figures. Look at which demographics -- target those that are doing the most buying.

Sally: Wow. That's amazing.

Kyle: I wouldn't go that far.

Sally: No, I-I just mean that, like, I was thinking the same exact same thing. I mean, maybe not the same exact thing, but we're still on the same page.

Kyle: Glad I could help.

Sally: I really don't know how to thank you. I mean, it would be one thing for me to go to lauren with this idea. But to know that you are backing it up... has anyone ever told you that you are really good at this?

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: [ Sighs ]

Summer: What do you want now?

Theo: To thank you. What you said earlier, about how I come across to people, yeah, it was harsh. But there was a little truth in there, too.

Summer: A little?

Theo: Okay. Maybe more than a little. You were trying to get me to look in the mirror, and that's not always a bad thing.

Summer: O...kay.

Theo: I just... wanted you to know that.

Summer: Okay. Well, now I know.

Theo: If any part of that speech was you trying to get me to be a better person, I'd like to return the favor.

Summer: Okay. Uh, what advice could you possibly give me, theo?

Theo: Watch out for sally.

Summer: Lauren's overly perky assistant? Seriously?

Theo: Don't underestimate her. She's a shark. Trust me. And you have the job she wants, which makes you the enemy. And she'll use anything... including kyle, to throw you off your game.

Devon: What do you think billy and lily are talking about?

Amanda: My guess -- she is trying to talk him down from doing something that will seriously hurt his case.

Devon: I think he did that already when he fired you.

Amanda: Spoken like a true friend.

Devon: Well, why did he do it?

Amanda: I can't discuss it.

Devon: Hypothetically speaking, if someone were to hire a lawyer, what are some of the reasons that things could go south?

Amanda: Well, sometimes the client and the attorney may have a conflict over how to present the case. The client is worried about strategy and doesn't realize that the attorney has his or her best interests in mind.

Devon: I mean, I would hope that the client would defer to the expert. Are there situations where the client just overacts and then they cool off later?

Amanda: Sometimes they come around. Other times, they get locked into an all-or-nothing approach. It's a lawyer's job to persuade a client not to go for a home run. Sometimes, you have to take a deal to minimize the risk.

Devon: So, in other words, go to prison?

Amanda: Hypothetically.

Devon: If it were me, I guess that would depend on if I was guilty or not.

Amanda: You know, even if you're innocent, there's no guarantees. Once a trial is under way, all bets are off.

Devon: Yeah. I hear you. Though I might disagree about the guarantees.

Amanda: What do you mean?

Devon: I mean, if there was a trial in this imaginary case and you're the defense attorney, i think that's as close to a guarantee as you can get.

Amanda: Okay, you're just being nice.

Devon: No, it has nothing to do with being nice. I know you. I know how prepared you are. If you went into a courtroom, both guns blazing, I think you could blow any prosecutor's case out of the water. Michael baldwin, included.

Lily: There's got to be a simple explanation.

Billy: I doubt that very much.

Lily: Maybe alyssa saw you at the scene and heard about the shooting, and her conscience drove her to the police.

Billy: Nope.

Lily: Really? You don't think it's a possibility?

Billy: Why was she at that particular place at that particular time? That's not a coincidence.

Lily: I don't know, but I ran through every other option in my head, and it's the only one that makes sense.

Billy: It's not the only one. And I just realized what she's doing. Dry, distressed skin that struggles?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Lily: Billy, slow down.

Billy: Alyssa didn't go to the police out of civic duty. She is in on this, and I don't know if she's working with adam or victor. But whoever's trying to frame me wants to make sure that I end up behind bars.

Lily: That doesn't make any sense.

Billy: Think about it, lily. She comes back in town. She doesn't tell anyone. She ends up at the same location as me. Is she following me?

Lily: Why would she be following you?

Billy: I don't know. And if I had the answers, i wouldn't be facing attempted murder charges.

Lily: Okay, think about it logically. Alyssa hates adam. Why would she want to punish you, even if you did take a shot at him?

Billy: Exactly what I'm gonna find out.

Lily: No, billy, don't do this.

Billy: If you being here is uncomfortable, I understand. But I am not leaving until I talk to her.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nate: [ Exhales deeply ] Hello. Dr. Frasier? Please tell me you have my test results.

Lola: So it looks like you and nate were having a really good time at dinner... not that I was spying.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Actually, it was pretty awkward at first. But once we settled in, it was good.

Lola: Good. I'm glad.

Elena: Yeah, nate's a special guy. I've been pushing him away for so long, for obvious reasons.

Lola: Yeah, and I'm not gonna say I told you so, but it did seem like a perfect first date.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Not quite. Devon showed up.

Lola: Oh. Wow. I must have been in the kitchen.

Elena: Yeah, and it was right when we were getting comfortable with each other. He came in for takeout.

Lily: Okay, so what happened? What did he say?

Elena: He didn't say anything. He -- he kept his distance. But I could tell that he was -- he was trying to put on a brave face and hide how hurt he was at seeing both of us together. And I knew something like this was bound to happen. But I think the reality of seeing him there just reminded me why I was so hesitant to date nate in the first place.

Lola: Yeah, I think, with time, it'll get easier for devon.

Elena: I guess I'll have to take your word for it. Anyway, after we got called to the hospital, it was so busy that I didn't really have time to talk to nate about it.

Lola: Yeah, it sounds like it got pretty chaotic in the E.R.

Elena: Yeah, it was a crazy night. And I felt so bad for nate. I could see how much he wanted to be in the O.R. And actually help patients. But his hand... and I keep telling him he's still a doctor and he can still be of service. But I think surgery is his gift, and he may not be able to operate ever again.

Billy: Alyssa, it's billy. I need to talk to you.

Lily: She's not gonna answer.

Billy: I'm gonna break the damn door down. Alyssa, open up. If you were there, you'd know I'm innocent.

Rey: That's for a jury to decide. What the hell do you think you're doing? Does scrubbing grease feel like a workout?

Devon: My sister didn't look happy when she was getting on the elevator with billy. Do I need to be worried?

Amanda: Not about her. Hopefully lily's common sense will make up for my former client's lack of it.

Devon: Yeah, she is smart and level-headed like you are. Just another reason why billy's stupid for firing you. Despite the facts, I think you would have had any jury eating out of your hand.

Amanda: Well, thank you for all of the compliments. But cases are about the client, not the attorney. Or that's the way it's supposed to be.

Devon: I'm obviously not a lawyer, but I'd like to think of myself as somebody that doesn't run away from a challenge. And I see the same thing in you.

Amanda: Thank you.

Devon: Yeah, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.

Amanda: As much as I would love to go into that courtroom and make a stirring opening statement to the jury and get a witness to confess on the stand and mop the floor with the D.A., That is not the job. If I am not 100% sure that I can get a jury to acquit, it is a better option for me to get the best plea deal I can for my client.

Devon: Billy doesn't see it that.

Amanda: But I understand. He's the one who would have to do the time. So whether it's two months or two years, it's not an easy decision.

Devon: No, it's not at all. And I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.

Amanda: Well, I don't have to worry about it anymore. He fired me, remember?

Devon: Yeah, that's right. I think the only good thing that can come from that is it might free up some time for you to have dinner with me again.

Amanda: I would like that very much.

Devon: Would you? Let's -- let's make a date of it. And, listen, guilty or innocent, billy's gonna need a lawyer who is smart and who's a fighter, and that's you all day. I hope he realizes that before it's too late.

Lily: Look, nothing happened. There's no reason to make a big deal out of this.

Rey: You seem determined to keep shooting yourself in the foot. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you want to wind up in prison.

Billy: I knocked on the door, rey. I didn't make any contact.

Rey: You violated your bail.

Billy: Well, good luck finding a judge to agree with you on that.

Lily: Okay, I swear to you, we were just about to leave, right when you showed up.

Rey: You know, I'm not thrilled with you, either. What gives you the right to badger my witness?

Lily: The first amendment. I was asking her questions as a member of the media.

Rey: You both have just made things harder for yourselves. You left me with no other choice.

Lily: Okay, please. Just let this go.

Rey: Oh, billy's going, alright. With me, downtown.

Nate: Hey. I hope I'm not barging in.

Lily: Oh, no, not at all. You know, I was just on my way downstairs to finish my conversation with sharon about romantic honeymoon spots. You know, I have, like, love on the brain for some crazy reason. Alright. Bye.

Elena: Subtle.

Nate: You think?

Elena: So, what brings you here? I thought you'd be home resting by now.

Nate: I got a call from my doctor.

Elena: Okay. And?

Nate: It looks like I'll need to clear my schedule for tomorrow.

Kyle: We were waiting for you to get started.

Jack: It's your meeting. You called it. Let's hear what you have to say.

Kyle: Are we going to need our attorneys for this?

Theo: No. I don't want to drag this out, so I'll just say it. I've decided to drop the lawsuit. In return, I'll take you up on the paris offer. I hear they got good bread over there.

Jack: Is this some kind of joke to you?

Theo: No. No joke. I'm done. You have all the cards. You win. What, am I -- am I keeping you from something?

Kyle: Nah. No. Not at all. I was just checking the time, because, if I recall correctly, we gave you a deadline to respond to our offer, and I'm afraid it expired 45 minutes ago.

Theo: Are you serious? Jack... what does the adult in the room have to say? Am I too late?

Billy: This is insane, rey.

Rey: You brought it on yourself.

Lily: This will never stick. You're overstepping your authority.

Rey: You know, you are lucky I'm not bringing you in, too, for witness intimidation.

Billy: No, this is on me, okay? I'm trying to find who framed me. Alyssa knows. I bet my life on it.

Rey: You should let your attorney argue your case instead of interfering with my investigation.

Billy: You know I didn't do this. I mean, you got to know. It doesn't matter what I think. Let's go.

Lola: I made myself scarce so that nate and elena could have some alone time.

Sharon: How are things working out for them?

Lola: Good. I think, you know, it hasn't been easy, and there's still some raw nerves because of the way that it started. But the way that elena speaks about nate, it just makes me think, like, it could be a real thing, you know? Like you and rey.

Sharon: Oh, you mean the couple who hasn't even chosen a honeymoon spot yet?

Lola: I am all over it. And I will make sure to cross off any place with air mattresses off the list.

Nate: Dr. Frasier said that the results of my emg gave him a clear image of the compromise to the median nerve. It also revealed damage to the distal branches of the nerve, as well.

Elena: Okay. So what's the prognosis?

Nate: It's not a sure thing, but, um, he believes I could benefit from a second surgery.

Elena: So you might be able to operate again?

Nate: The emg revealed that there's a reason why I've been slow to regain function in my hand, and this could address it. So as far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better, meaning tomorrow.

Elena: Nate, that is amazing.

Nate: It's promising. You know, I just want to know whether the damage can be repaired.

Elena: Okay. I know you don't want to get too excited, so I am gonna get excited for you. I saw how disappointed you looked last night when those patients were brought into the O.R. And you weren't the doctor to help them. That's why you deserve this. This has to happen for you.

Nate: The good news is I'm in a better place to face whatever the news ends up being. And that's because of you.

Elena: I haven't done much.

Nate: You've given me something to look forward to. I know we said we're taking things slowly... but I got a good feeling about where things are gonna end up. I hope you do, too.

Jack: Kyle, could you please give us a moment alone.

[ Glass thuds ]

Theo: So, what's the verdict?

Jack: Well, I guess we know what kyle wants. It's probably a safe bet that my siblings want me to hold you to a deadline, too. You're a user. An opportunist. You have lied and cheated and manipulated almost from the moment you landed in genoa city. And to top it off, you challenged my mother's will while we were still grieving. Boy, that's a lot to walk back. I think most people would agree that you're getting just what you deserve -- nothing.

Theo: Well, I guess that settles it, then.

Jack: No, not quite. There have been times I have seen...another side of theo. The human, compassionate side. I saw it most when you were dealing with dina. You ought to lead with that theo. He seems like pretty good guy. You made a mistake. A big mistake. Now the question is, do we help you learn from that mistake? Or do we just let it go and bring on the normal resentment?

Theo: What are you saying?

Jack: I'm going to give you the boutiques in paris.

Theo: Really?

Jack: I think it's what my mother would want. You were right about one thing. Had she known you before her decline, I think she would have put you in her will.

Theo: Thank you for giving me another chance, even though I've repeatedly let you down.

Jack: My family's done the same thing for me numerous times.

Theo: Am I a part of that family?

Jack: I think that's up to you. I will tell you this. The abbotts do love paris. Ashley still has business there. Traci travels often. Abby now owns dina's old apartment. Who knows? Maybe you could win them over again, reach out to them when they're in the city of lights.

Theo: I just might do that.

Jack: I think you should try. You could also do me a favor. Treat this business that you

inherited the way you should. Run it the right way.

Theo: I will take this opportunity seriously, runt this company ethically... and boost the boutiques' social media presence.

Jack: [ Chuckles ] I think dina would have absolutely approved of influencers.

Theo: She probably would have been one, had they existed in her prime.

Jack: You might be right. Don't blow this, theo. I wish you well. I honestly do.

Theo: You're gonna think I'm lying, because, well, why wouldn't you? But part of me is actually looking forward to this.

Amanda: You need representation more than ever, billy, so please don't push me away again. I know how to help you.

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