Y&R Transcript Friday 12/11/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 12/11/20


Episode #12008 ~ Lily takes a risk to help Billy; Chance's loyalty is tested; Phyllis gets the last laugh.

Provided By Suzanne

Lily: So, this police source of yours -- can he be trusted?

Billy: Yeah. Back when I was playing not-so-legal poker, he would always give me a heads up when trouble was heading my way, and he was right 100% of the time.

Lily: So, he's a cop?

Billy: No. He does clerical work...which means everything flows through him.

Lily: Okay, and what did he tell you?

Billy: He told me that they're putting this witness up in one of the three hotels that they always do and that this witness is going by the name "celeste rosales."

Lily: That's rey's mother's last name.

Billy: That's rey's mother's last name. And it's also...

[ Footsteps in distance ] ...Lola's mom's last name.

Lily: My favorite chef. I wonder if she can help us out.

Chance: I wish we could spend the entire day together, but i have to go meet paul, rey, and michael.

Abby: I still can't believe billy is going on trial for shooting you.

Chance: There's a lot of evidence that points to billy.

Abby: What are you gonna talk to them about? You can't be involved with the case because you're the victim, right?

Chance: I'm not doing any policework. They're calling me as a witness for the prosecution.

Abby: They want you to help put billy away.

Abby: What could you testify to? You never saw the shooter.

Chance: I assume they want me to verify parts of the timeline. They probably want me to confirm that adam was the actual target.

Abby: Which goes to billy's motive. And they probably want to call the man who got shot to elicit sympathy from the jury.

Chance: Probably.

Abby: Do you think billy's guilty?

Chance: I don't know. All I can do is tell the truth.

Abby: [ Sighs ] Yeah.

Chance: Okay. Enough about the shooting. We are moving in to a new house tomorrow.

[ Both chuckle ]

Abby: I am so excited.

Chance: Well, let me know if you have any decorating ideas and we can go ahead and get started on anything you want to change.

Abby: Are you kidding me?! No! I am not gonna redecorate the chancellor mansion, and not just because it would be an insult to katherine but because I like it the way it is.

Chance: Well, I hope, at the very least, you will bring some of your own holiday traditions, unless they involve fuzzy pink christmas trees.

Abby: No, no, no. I like my trees green, just the way nature intended. But I do think we could start some of our own traditions.

Chance: Well, that is a great idea, ms. Newman-abbott-chancellor.

Abby: Ooh.

Chance: [ Sighs ] I can't wait to make this house our family home.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Lily: I mean, it makes sense that rey would use his mother's name as the witness alias, but there is a possibility that she actually is in town and staying at a hotel, so we should probably make sure she isn't before we do anything, okay?

Billy: Yeah.

Lola: Hi! Is everything alright with your food?

Lily: Hi. Yeah. Everything's great. Thank you.

Billy: You two know each other?

Lily: Um, yeah. We actually met at the opening of society a while back, and the food has just gotten better and better since then.

Lola: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Billy: Yeah, it's great. If I remember correctly, one of these dishes was inspired by your mother, right?

Lola: Yes, the flan.

Billy: Ohh. The flan. I love the flan.

Lily: Yeah. We had that last time we were here.

Billy: Yeah, it was wonderful. Uh, celeste? Is that right? How is she?

Lola: She's good. Thank you for asking.

Billy: Good.

Lola: Well, enjoy your meal.

Lily: Um, actually, you know what's funny is I actually made some of my mom's recipes on thanksgiving, and there's just something about memories of cooking with your mom, right?

Lola: Yeah. I'll always be her sous chef.

Lily: Me, too.

Lola: Yeah. I wish she lived closer, you know? She is overdue for a visit.

[ Chuckles ] Alright.

Lily: Bye.

Nina: Victoria.

Victoria: Oh, nina, hi! I had no idea you were still in town.

Nina: Yeah. I decided to stick around until chance and abby got back from their honeymoon. And, uh, we're gonna have dinner tonight, so it's nice.

Victoria: Well, that's great.

Nina: Yeah.

Victoria: Tell them hi.

Nina: I will. In the meantime, I'm just kind of hanging out -- writing. Cricket and lauren and I met up here the other day, and I just fell in love with the place, so I'm kicking back.

Victoria: Well, I'm so glad that you like it. I own it.

Nina: Okay. Wait a minute. So, being C.E.O. Of newman doesn't keep you busy enough?

Victoria: Well, my co-owner manages it, for now.

Nina: Still, it's pretty impressive, although I shouldn't be surprised. You've always been a bit of an overachiever. Certainly your father's daughter.

Victoria: You know, it's funny. People have been saying that a lot to me these days, but I'm not sure they always mean it as a compliment. When we were reminiscing at the wedding, I realized that you really helped mold me into the woman that I am today.

Nina: I did? How is that?

Victoria: Well, once upon a time, when I was a naive girl, I confided in you about the problems in my marriage to ryan, just to find out that you were sleeping with him.

Nina: Honestly, I look back on those days... with embarrassment and shame.

Victoria: Oh, don'T. I really learned a lot from that experience. Now when people try to play me, I figure it out right away and i put an end to it. And I make sure that they never cross me again.

Phyllis: Oh, oh, I hear you. I hear you. Now you need to hear this. I'm not gonna let her get away with this. I'm not gonna do that. I will scream and I will scratch all the way to my dying day, so you get the lawyers on it. Thank you.

Nick: I feel sorry for whoever was on the receiving end of that.

Phyllis: That was just the messenger.

Nick: Who were you delivering a message to? Ah. What has victoria done now?

Phyllis: You know, your sister -- she's playing very, very dirty -- very dirty. And I've been the nice guy for long enough. I'm not gonna let her get away with this. I just want to make sure you're cool if I go back to my old ways. Are you cool with that? Because I have to, to show victoria just how ruthless I can be. I don't like veggies...

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Nick: Alright. Tell me exactly what happened.

Phyllis: Um, according to my business manager, victoria is exercising a clause in the small print of her ponte vecchio contract, um, causing a forced buyout. She's citing negligence. Seriously. Negligence? That's insane. But it forces a buyout... of my ownership of the grand phoenix! I mean, and please don't defend her. I can't hear you defend her. She's really playing dirty.

Nick: I'm not going to defend her, okay? My sister's not being honest. The last time we talked, she made it sound like this conflict between the two of you was gonna go away, and, all the while, she was putting this in motion. So I'm on your side, not hers.

Phyllis: Thank you. I'm glad you're in my corner.

Nick: I am always in your corner.

Phyllis: Thanks. I have to figure out my next move.

Nick: Just, you know, don't rush things, okay? Really think everything through.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, I have to 'cause I don't have any ideas. Do you?

Nick: Well, I have one, but you're not gonna like it.

Phyllis: Try me.

Nick: You need to let me talk to victoria first.

Phyllis: Yeah, you're right. I don't like it. But I will let you do that. Can I go with you? I want to see what your conniving sister says to my face.

Nina: Well, you always were a formidable rival, even when you were just in the mailroom at newman. I would hate to get on your bad side now.

Victoria: Well, then let's make a pact to never fall for the same man ever again.

Nina: Ohh, done.

Victoria: If only phyllis had as much common sense as you do.

Nina: Ugh. Phyllis? What's going on with you two?

Victoria: It's a long story. She's a minority stakeholder in the grand phoenix, and we don't see eye to eye.

Nina: Well, she has never been one of my favorite people, after everything that she did to cricket, but -- I don't know -- it's been a long time and people change. Should I let go of my grudge?

Victoria: Don't you dare. Too many people have forgiven phyllis for too many things.

Nina: Oh. I can see you're not one of them.

[ Chuckles ] I'm almost scared to ask what you've got planned.

Victoria: Oh, it's nothing bad. I'm just in the process of dissolving our business dispute according to the terms of our contract. That's all.

Nina: Okay. Good. I hope it works out.

Victoria: Thank you. Speaking of which, I should probably head back to the office.

Nina: Alright. Well, it was nice running in to you. And, hey, next time I'm in genoa city, I just may stay at the grand phoenix.

Victoria: Well, I will be sure to get you the friends and family discount.

Nina: Well, thank you.

Chance: Based on what paul and michael just told us, it sounds like a solid case. Since you have lingering doubts...

Rey: Billy had the means, motive, opportunity. But I can't get past this one big question -- why now? Hmm? I mean, it's not like this is a new grudge for him. He's had it out for adam for years. Why would he risk throwing away everything he's accomplished these past few months without any apparent provocation?

Chance: If anything, it seems like adam was the one who was provoked. Billy scored a major hit with that exposé.

Rey: Billy should be doing a victory lap, not trying to kill the guy.

Chance: You think that billy's insistence that he didn't do this is... less of an excuse and more of a possibility?

Rey: I don't know. But unless we find some evidence that leads us in a different direction, billy is looking at some serious time.

Lily: Okay. Thank you. Okay. I just checked with three hotels, and all of the reservation agents are going to receive a gift basket for helping me. Turns out only the grand phoenix has a guest under the name of "celeste rosales."

Billy: Good job. You could have a second career as a P.I. Or a journalist, maybe, the way you handled lola. Pretty smooth.

Lily: Well, thank you.

Billy: So, now that we know that lola and rey's mom isn't hunkered down at the hotel, I think we should pay a visit to our star witness.

Lily: Uh, no.

Billy: What do you mean, no?

Lily: No. We're not doing this together. It's too dangerous. You have a strict no-contact order as a stipulation of your bail, so if you get caught, you're going back to jail.

Billy: You're worried about me?

Lily: Well, I've become more than just the angel on your shoulder.

Billy: Well, I don't always need help, but, uh, thank you for this. I appreciate it.

Lily: Look, I want you to know that you can count on me. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help you beat this, which is why this next move has to be played my way.

Billy: I do not want you getting in trouble trying to save my butt.

Lily: I don't mind a little trouble. In fact, I actually invited some earlier today when I went head to head with victor. Dry, distressed skin that struggles? pretty intense conversation.

Billy: It's not easy going toe to toe with the dark knight.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I just wish I had gotten him to admit more. He didn't tell me anything more than what I already knew, which is that he hates you.

Billy: Just because he's my enemy, he doesn't have to be yours, too, you know.

Lily: Well, I'm not scared of him. And I am prepared to deal with any fallout from confronting this mystery witness. I'll just say that I'm a reporter from chanccomm and that I had my own source that led me to them, and I'll tell them that I'll keep their name out of my story.

Billy: That sounds like a good plan.

Lily: So what we need to know is if they saw anything that might lead us to the real shooter.

Billy: That would be the goal.

Lily: Okay. Well, I will call you after.

Billy: Uh...

Lily: What are you doing?

Billy: I know you're taking the lead on this portion of the operation, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you go there without backup.

Lily: [ Sighs ]

Abby: Greetings!

Lola: Hey! You're back!

Abby: I sure am.

Lola: Well, you and this honeymoon glow -- I assumed it was everything you dreamed of?

Abby: The honeymoon is a longer story.

Lola: Okay. Well, start with the wedding first. I'm so sorry that I missed it.

Abby: I know. I totally understand, though, since I'm the one that booked the event at society, that you had to cook for it, but I did. I missed you. The wedding was -- well, it was small and intimate. My mom gave me a few of dina's things to wear with my dress, which, I have to say, turned out stunning, especially since they only had a few days to make it. I did have a little bout of nerves. It took a team effort to get me to the altar. But that was just a small bump in the road, because devon was warm and eloquent presiding over the ceremony, and our vows went off without a hitch.

Lola: Well, it sounds incredible. So, the newmans and the abbotts were behaved?

Abby: Can you believe it? Yeah. Someone was looking down on us. I had [Chuckles] The perfect wedding to the perfect man, and I am ridiculously happy.

Rey: Look, the only thing i have to back up my hunch is the odd timing, right? Billy seems like he's doing great now. But I did some digging, and it looks like he had some pretty dark days a few months ago.

Chance: Hmm.

Rey: So, why, if he has this simmering vendetta against adam, why didn't he choose to take his revenge on him back then?

Chance: Okay, okay. For a minute, let's say billy didn't do this. What's our alternative? If he was framed, who could it be?

Rey: Billy thinks it's adam.

Chance: Do you really think that adam is that deranged that he would have himself grazed with a bullet just to set up billy? I mean, that's a stretch.

Rey: Adam's capable of almost anything, but... I don't see him doing that.

Chance: Okay. Well, who else is on a list of people that could and would frame billy? Victor?

Rey: Well, he definitely has a motive, but that means he would have to hire someone to shoot his own son.

Chance: Yeah [Sighs] Which is unlikely.

[ Sighs ] So, who's left?

Rey: That's what I keep asking myself.

Phyllis: We need to talk.

[ Sighs ]

Victoria: I'm assuming this isn't about johnny and katie's christmas pageant.

Phyllis: No, no. It's not. No. This is about the preposterous accusations against me for negligence. Seriously? That's not gonna fly.

Victoria: Well, I disagree. I have ample documentation of the hotel having scandal after scandal under your watch -- a night full of drugged drinks, an armed hostage situation in the lobby, and what about your -- your guests that you lost when your little battle with abby was going on? Oh, and her construction noise across the street lost the hotel a substantial amount of business.

Phyllis: Okay. That was a battle against abby that i waged, and I won, of course. Of course I did. And all those other things -- they were out of my control.

Victoria: Were they? Because it sounds a lot to me like, uh, a combination of poor security, poor management. There's a long paper trail of incompetence. By the way, I have all the receipts.

Phyllis: You weren't even involved with the hotel when those events took place.

Victoria: Well, unfortunately for you, the negligence clause is retroactive. If there's evidence that an owner or a partner showed lack of judgment at any period of time that caused the business to be negatively impacted, ponte vecchio has the right to buy out their shares of the hotel and terminate their position at the hotel.

Phyllis: This is amazing. You're not gonna get away with this.

Victoria: Oh, I already have. The buyout funds have been wired into your account. You have one week to vacate the grand phoenix.

Nick: [ Sighs ] What can we do to put a stop to this?

Victoria: Nothing, nicholas. It's already done. The hotel will become another one of newman's assets while i decide what to do with it.

Phyllis: How 'bout I decide to jump over that desk and strangle you to death?

Victoria: Oh, I wish you would try, because I would love to add assault charges to your long list of unwise moves. Look, everyone knows that the situation is untenable. I told you that I was sick of it and that I was gonna find a solution. This is my solution.

Nick: Yeah, I know you did. When you said that, I assumed you were going to be kind and decent. It was my mistake... one I'm not gonna make again, vick.

When you're expecting a

little angel, be soft.

Nick: You did the right thing by leaving.

Phyllis: Well, slapping victoria would have felt better.

Nick: I'm proud of you for keeping your cool.

Phyllis: Don't be proud of me. You have no idea what I'm thinking about victoria. Do you think that she could add thought crimes to her list of grievances?

Nick: She definitely crossed the line.

Phyllis: She did. I mean, you can see that this is personal, right? She loves lording her power over me. She loves it.

Nick: Yeah, I don't disagree. It seems vick didn't just take over dad's company. She also assumed his brand of ruthlessness.

Phyllis: I could lose the hotel. She could take this hotel away from me. I have to go to war. Am I too late?

Nick: I'm not gonna let that happen. You're not gonna lose something that means this much to you.

Abby: Our dream honeymoon started out as a nightmare.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: Oh, no. What happened?

Abby: Well, our island paradise left a little to be desired. There was a hole in the roof of the shack, and it leaked, and we had to sleep on an air mattress.

Lola: Oh, my god.

Abby: But, still, it was just the two of us -- me and the man of my dreams -- so we made the best of it. And it turned out to be magical. You know, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Lola: That's really amazing. You know, kyle and I also had a tropical honeymoon. Unfortunately, our magic didn't last very long into our marriage.

Abby: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. You know, kyle didn't handle things well.

Lola: No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. We don't have to talk about it. Today is about you and your happiness.

Abby: As someone who's been through a divorce... let me tell you... you are gonna be okay.

Lola: I know. I am.

Abby: And the anger and the grief that comes with divorce -- I mean, it comes in waves, and it lasts a lot longer than you think. In fact, my divorce is one of the reasons I was nervous about pulling the trigger on my own wedding. I mean, all of these doubts and fears crept in, and... well... I locked myself in the bathroom right before the ceremony.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: No way.

Abby: Mm-hmm. It was not one of my finer moments, but as soon as chance got there and my eyes met his...

[Sighs] I just -- I knew it was gonna be different this time. This calm just rushed over me, and -- I don't know -- I just realized that he sees me. He gets me, and we are gonna make this work. Of course, we are gonna have our challenges. In fact, we are already facing one. Billy has been charged with shooting my husband.

Lola: I know. I heard. I'm so sorry. You know, he was in here earlier, but he didn't seem that worried.

Abby: 'Cause that's what billy does. He puts up this cocky facade to protect himself.

Lola: Do you think he did it?

Abby: I don't want to believe that he did it. I mean, I really don'T. But I know how deep his hatred for adam runs. If billy did do it, I'm not sure I'm ever gonna be able to forgive him. And think about what it's gonna do to both of my families. The newmans and the abbotts -- they are enmeshed. There's so much love and hate and everything else between them. For the sake of billy and for the sake of both of my families, I just -- I really hope that the shooter doesn't have one of my three last names.

Rey: So, there was nothing exculpatory on the security footage found from the building near where you were shot or the traffic cams, right?

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Rey: So all the evidence points to billy -- the gun, registered under his name, broken down and thrown in the dumpster near his office building and the missing earbud with his dna on it found at the scene of the crime.

Chance: I don't want it to be billy. I mean, if he did this, it's gonna hurt abby and it's gonna kill my grandmother. But you have to go on the facts. And right now, every single one is pointing to billy abbott.

Lily: Well, I already tried calling the front desk, and the clerk won't give us celeste's room number.

Billy: Looks like that clerk might be on a break right now.

Lily: You know, I know these reservation systems inside and out from when I managed gcac, so a few clicks and I can have the room number no problem.

Billy: Go do what you need to do. I'll watch out just in case she comes back. Did you know that 70% of your immune system

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young

Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, I know my sister. It's pretty obvious she's fed up with the situation.

Phyllis: Because --

Nick: But it doesn't mean she is going to lose face or take a loss.

Phyllis: She has a huge ego. Let's move on.

Nick: I also don't think she's bluffing about the forced takeover, so I don't think fighting this in court is the right plan.

Phyllis: Okay. So, I just sit here and I do nothing. I do nothing, and I abstain from all the nefarious things that I want to do to your sister, right?

Nick: Please don't do that.

Phyllis: I'm not going to. I'm not going to, but only because of you I won'T.

Nick: Thank you.

Phyllis: I'm at square one again.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Well, you have another option. You just don't like it.

Phyllis: Well, what is it? I will consider it.

Nick: I think it's time you finally accept my offer of financial assistance.

Phyllis: I can't consider that.

Nick: Yes, you can, phyllis. You can. All you have to do is swallow a little bit of pride.

Phyllis: There's not a little bit of pride. It's just pride. That's all. I don't want to take money from you. I haven't wanted to take money from you from the beginning.

Nick: I really admire your desire to fix this on your own, but...phyllis, you're facing the behemoth that is newman enterprises. That means victoria has the full weight and power of the company behind her, so if you want to fight this, you need some money.

Phyllis: This is like nothing to her! She doesn't care about this. This is an asset to her. It's just, you know, a number on a piece of paper. For me, it's everything -- everything! It is like my crowning achievement.

Nick: I know how much you've poured into it to make it a success, and I don't want you to lose it. But, like it or not, this is your best chance of keeping it.

Phyllis: I don't want to take money from you because I'm afraid of what -- what it will do to us. I don't want to resent you for it, and I don't want you resenting me.

Nick: If anything, I think it'll make us stronger, alright? It will fortify us. If you let me do this, it's going to prove to victoria and everyone else in this town that we're back for good.

Phyllis: Alright.

[ Sighs ] I'll take it. But... only because you're so incredible, and... I'll take it, but it's just a loan. It's just a loan, and I will pay back every single penny of it. You know that.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Lily: Okay. I got it.

Billy: Impressive.

Lily: Thank you, and you did a good job, too. You're really good at standing around, doing nothing, without looking suspicious.

Billy: Thank you.

Lily: Okay. I'll be right back.

Billy: No, no. Hold on a second. Are you -- are you sure you still want to go alone?

Lily: Sorry. What's the alternative?

Billy: I go with you.

Lily: No. We talked about this.

Billy: I'm willing to risk my bail to get the truth, lily.

Lily: Just let me do this. The worst rey and paul can do is lecture me for interfering.

Billy: Come on. We both know that it could be worse than that.

Lily: It doesn't matter, okay?

Billy: It does to me.

Lily: Let me do this for you.

Billy: Thank you.

Billy: Hey. Hey. How was, uh -- how was the honeymoon? I hope it was everything you dreamed it would be.

Abby: It was, yeah. Thanks.

Billy: Good. And I meant what I said. I would really like to take you out to celebrate now that you're back.

Abby: I'm sorry. I-I can't do this.

Billy: You can't do what?

Abby: I can't dance around the reality of the situation.

Chance: It's a little strange trying to make small talk.

Billy: Yeah, I know. I'm one big fat elephant in the room.

Abby: We can't just pretend that you're not being charged with shooting chance.

Billy: So, you think I'm guilty now, too?

Abby: [ Sighs ] There's a place you can go

Victoria: For god's sake, phyllis. What else could there possibly be to say?

Phyllis: Well, you did all the talking last time, and I'm here to just give you the information you lack. That's all. So, despite all the recent events at the grand phoenix, that hotel was just appraised at 5.2% over market value since i took over full ownership. Given there are no more calamities, I predict a projected growth of -- I don't know -- 3% annually.

Victoria: My decision was final. You're not gonna talk me out of it.

Phyllis: Yeah, but there could be future disasters. Maybe competition pops up and... grand phoenix isn't the shiny new thing anymore.

Victoria: Why don't you get to your point?

Phyllis: I'm offering you 35% over market value... to own the grand phoenix fully and solely. That's a great deal. I mean, best-case scenario, it would take you -- I don't know -- five to six years to reach that valuation. Worst-case scenario, we don't even want to talk about it. It's win-win for newman enterprises. Come on, victoria. Be the intelligent businesswoman we all know you are and take that deal. Well, if you don't believe me, you can run the numbers yourself.

Victoria: I have. I have. I quadruple-checked them before I forced the buyout.

Phyllis: Hmm. Why are you hesitating?

Victoria: Just wondering... the amount of money that you're offering suddenly -- you know, where did you come up with all this cash?

Phyllis: Does that matter?

Victoria: You rolled over and you let nick give it to you.

Phyllis: It's a loan.

Victoria: Okay. We have a deal. But be clear -- this is my victory, courtesy of nick. It's not a win for you. You never could have pulled it off without my brother's help.

Lola: Hey. You hungry?

Rey: Eh...

Lola: Do you want empanadas?

Rey: Okay.

Lola: Okay? Are you worried about the case?

Rey: Yeah. I have this hunch, but I can't back it up.

Lola: You will. You always do. I have complete faith in you.

Rey: Thanks, sis.

Lola: Should we talk about something else so you can get your mind off of this?

Rey: Like what?

Lola: Like christmas plans.

Rey: Okay. Sure.

Lola: Okay. So, you and sharon are hosting, right? Is it gonna be a full house?

Rey: Oh, you better bet on that.

Lola: Okay, and what would you like me to bring? I can bring my holiday flan.

Rey: Sounds great.

Lola: And my famous shortbread cookies with guava and lime.

Rey: Sure.

Lola: What?

Rey: Nothing.

Lola: You love my shortbread cookies.

Rey: Uh...

Lola: Rey?

Rey: You know, they're a little tart.

Lola: They are not tart!

Rey: I pretend to like them.

Lola: You eat them by the handful.

Rey: I stuff them in a napkin.

Lola: Wow. Okay. So, you've been lying to me all these years.

Rey: I'm sorry. But it feels so much better to have this out in the open now.

[ Laughs ] I really had you going. I'm kidding! I love 'em!

Lola: You're such a jerk, rey. Come on.

Rey: It is a big brother's prerogative to mess with his little sister.

Lola: Well, merry christmas to me, then.

Rey: Mm.

Abby: You know I want what's best for you, billy. This is just a difficult situation.

Billy: Yeah. I understand.

Chance: I think we're all doing the best we can under the circumstances.

Billy: Circumstances being that I was framed and now I got an attempted-murder charge hanging over my head. It's okay. No, it's alright. I guess we just have to wait for the jury to acquit me of the charges in order for everybody to believe that I'm innocent. I got no problem proving that. It shouldn't be that difficult convincing 12 of my peers that I've got more going on in my life and I wouldn't waste it on a dirtbag like adam.

Abby: I'm sorry, billy. I hate this. And I know how much you love johnny and katie, and I know that you would never do anything to hurt them.

Billy: Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, abby.

Chance: We don't have enough information to form an opinion, so why don't we all just let this play out?

Billy: You know [Sighs] Everyone knows that adam is responsible for delia's death and everyone knows that I loathe him, but I didn't think it would be so easy for my family to write me off as a would-be killer.

Nick: There she is. Well, don't leave me hangin'.

Phyllis: Victoria accepted the offer.

Nick: Alright! You got what you wanted. Why don't you look happy?

Phyllis: 'Cause I'm not. I feel worse.

Nick: Look, I know it wasn't easy to accept my help, but you saved your hotel.

Phyllis: No, you saved my hotel. You did it. I did nothing. And victoria loved throwing that in my face. I mean, she couldn't have been happier to throw in my face that I could not do it on my own. And she's right. I couldn'T.

Nick: Entrepreneurs -- they get capital from all kinds of different sources all the time, alright? I'm not bailing you out. This is a loan. I know you're gonna pay be back.

Phyllis: You're very sweet for trying to make me feel better. Thank you.

Nick: Well, vick didn't have to accept your offer. Clearly, she was swayed by your pitch. This is a win for you. It's a good thing.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You saved my hotel, and I am eternally grateful. Thank you. But it's not a win for me. It's a failure. I'm a failure. And I have to come to terms with that.

Nick: Phyllis, no. No.

Phyllis: I just want to be alone right now. I'm -- talk to you later.

Abby: You really don't have that much to move.

Chance: Well, I've always traveled light.

Abby: Mm. Always ready to go at a moment's notice?

Chance: Not anymore. Sorry if billy upset you downstairs.

Abby: You know what? I'm not gonna dwell on it. That's the way I feel, and billy's just gonna have to deal with it. Okay. My biggest concern is why do you have this many socks?

Chance: Well, we are moving in to a mansion, so I might have my own sock room.

Abby: Oh. Well, I got to admit, I'm kind of gonna miss this place -- not the lack of closet space, but we made a lot of memories here. This is where our relationship began.

Chance: Well, it seems that we should say goodbye to the suite in a fitting manner.

Abby: Ooh. One for the road?

Chance: [ Chuckles ] Ooh.

[ Both laugh ]

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Sally: My main interest is kyle's career -- you know, how we worked his way up, what qualities you saw in him that allowed him to get so far at such a young age... besides being your son, of course.

Summer: You need to steer clear of sally. She wants my job, and she's gonna try to use you to get what she wants.

Billy: Did you see the witness?

Lily: I sure did.

Billy: Who the hell is this person?

Lily: You're never gonna believe it.

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