Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/10/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/10/20


Episode #12007 ~ Lauren sees a new side to Sally; Amanda plays hardball with Michael; the honeymoon is over for Abby and Chance.

Provided By Suzanne

[ Footsteps approach ]

Chelsea: Good morning.

Adam: Good morning. I, uh, thought you could use a pick-me-up, so check your phone. I sent you something. I organized some pictures of connor, and I put them in an album for you.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Aw. This is exactly what I needed right now.

Adam: Mm. You nervous about your doctor's appointment?

Chelsea: Terrified.

Adam: Well, the specialist that we're seeing is one of the best in the country. So whatever he says you need, I'm gonna make sure that you get it.

Chelsea: I'm just frustrated that this is happening right now. We were all set to leave, to start a new life with connor.

Adam: And no one's gonna give up on that dream, least of all me. But we can't do anything until we know exactly what you -- what we -- are dealing with.

Lily: Hi. May I join you?

Victor: Yes. Please.

Lily: I just wanted to discuss a few things with you.

Victor: If this has to do with chanccomm's acquisition of newman media, then you'll have to talk to victoria about that.

Lily: Oh, it doesn'T. It has nothing to do with business, actually. Well, except for the fact that my co-C.E.O. Has taken an unexpected leave of absence to deal with a legal matter.

Victor: Your co-C.E.O., Meaning billy -- billy boy abbott. Well... and he's absent. Well, that's a good development.

Lily: Sorry. Why is that?

Victor: Lily, I've told you before that that you're perfectly capable of running chanccomm by yourself. You don't need billy boy abbott. What the heck can he contribute to you? Nothing. Okay? So from a business point of view, good riddance.

Lily: Well, I don't think that's true. I mean, billy is the heart and soul of our company. And he's thriving, which is why it makes no sense that he would decide to shoot adam.

Victor: Well, I think the evidence points elsewhere.

Lily: That's true. The evidence does point pretty hard in billy's direction... almost as if it were manufactured there to place him in the worst possible light. So I was just wondering if maybe...you had something to do with that.

Billy: What do you think michael wants to talk about?

Amanda: I'm not sure. You think he finally realizes this is a weak attempt at framing me and the only thing he's gonna get out of prosecuting me is public embarrassment?

Amanda: Why don't we just wait and see what he has to say?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: And please just listen. Let me do all the talking.

[ Door opens ]

Michael: Oh! Thanks for coming in. I'll make this quick. We can all avoid the stress, expense, and, uh, embarrassment of a public trial if billy is willing to plead guilty to... attempted second degree intentional homicide.

Due to illness, the part of

chance will temporarily be

played by justin gaston.

Chance: Welcome home, mrs. Newman-abbott-chancellor.

[ Miles crying ]

Theo: So...the abbotts made me an offer... if you can call it that. They tried to buy me off with some boutique company dina owned that's based in paris. I told them to forget it.

Sally: Wow. How devious and clever of you.

Theo: It was an insult. I mean, the company was so insignificant that my grandmother didn't even leave it to anyone. I mean, it mattered to no one. But it did show me one thing.

Sally: Did it?

Theo: They are more nervous that they've let on. Which means they think I have a shot at winning in court. They tried to low-ball me. That didn't work. So they must realize I'm not going away... which means I need from you to give me more intel that I can use against them.

Sally: Sorry. My spying days are over.

Theo: What about our deal?

Sally: What deal? You've done nothing for me.

Theo: I helped you out with summer.

Sally: You told me she was insanely jealous and territorial over kyle, which I would have figured out on my own eventually. But, yes, you did give me a head start, so thank you for that.

Theo: I gave you minimal intel for the barely relevant information that you gave me.

Sally: Making us even. Look, you have your charms, but I'm not going to tie myself to a losing proposition, which this most certainly is.

Theo: Huh.

Sally: You want my advice?

Theo: Not anymore.

Sally: Okay, well, I'm gonna give it to you, anyway, free of charge. Take the abbotts' offer. Move to paris, which is not exactly hell on earth, and get yourself an actual life. You hate this place, so why prolong the agony?

Theo: You think you've got this all figured out, huh? You don't need me or anybody else. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Sally: No, I didn't say anybody else, just you.

Theo: If you believe you can go one-on-one with victor newman's granddaughter without my help, take your best shot. And I'll get to watch as she flicks you away like lint and sends you on a one-way trip back to L.A.

Summer: Okay, so we've gone over all the basics. You will be working very closely with kyle, but jack is always the last word.

Mariah: Got it.

Summer: So, do you have any questions or concerns?

Mariah: Just one. What's going on with you and kyle? Not together? Back together? A few weeks ago, you were acting like an insane jealous person. So I'm just a little lost.

Summer: Well, I'm not gonna discuss my personal life with you.

Mariah: Okay. That's your right. But kyle is my friend, and you did ask, so...?

Summer: [ Exhales raggedly ] Kyle and i are working things out, because we realize that we belong together. So we're not gonna let anyone or anything get in our way again. Does that answer your question? We're eating and drinking foods and beverages

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Victor: So you think i masterminded the case against billy boy?

Lily: Well, you did once frame adam for murder, so it's not like you don't have it in you.

Victor: Well, that's hardly evidence, is it?

Lily: And everyone knows how upset you were with billy for publishing the exposé.

Victor: Well, now, if I may remind you, I once was upset with you.

Lily: Yes, but you don't have a history of hating me.

Victor: Lily... the cops arrested billy boy, didn't they? And there's a preponderance of evidence.

Lily: Yes, that conveniently points to his guilt.

Victor: Hmm. You think he's innocent?

Lily: I do.

Victor: Well, your loyalty to him is commendable. It's almost wasted. He doesn't deserve it.

Lily: Well, I think he does.

Victor: Really? What if I were the mastermind behind the frame-up of poor, innocent billy boy abbott? Unless I admit to it, what evidence do you have? You have a thin hypothesis based on wishful thinking. That's all. The fact is the wheels of justice are turning as we speak.

Lily: It's not justice if billy is innocent.

Victor: That's where you and I disagree.

Lily: So you did frame him.

Victor: One way or the other, billy boy abbott is gonna get it. And if michael baldwin can't prove it, I shall. You have a nice day.

Lily: You too.

Victor: Yeah. And if you do need any help running chanccomm, you give me a call.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Amanda: I understand you felt the need to make an offer, but the simple fact is my client is not guilty.

Michael: It is a reasonable offer, amanda.

Billy: Reasonable?

Michael: I've been on both sides of this, as a defense attorney and a prosecutor. I want to make sure you have no illusion about how this is gonna go. We have a mountain of evidence against you... including an eyewitness.

Amanda: Your evidence is circumstantial. And this eyewitness of yours, are they claiming that they actually saw billy pull the trigger?

Billy: If they are, they're lying.

Michael: The only person i can definitely say lied about that day is you.

Adam: I know that you had your heart set on leaving right away. So did I. But thank god I answered the phone when the doctor called. I learned how serious your condition was. You know, what if we had been on the road and you had another& seizure... or worse? I-I blame myself for all of this. The fall that might have caused your aneurysm. Because I didn't tell you my plans. And I know that's how you justified lying to me and downplaying your illness. But I promise that I will not keep you in the dark again. But I want you you to promise me that you always tell me what is going on with you. Chelsea? Some people have joint pain,

Chloe: Shh, shh, shh. I'm so sorry. Miles really has a healthy set of lungs on him.

Abby: Don't be silly.

Chance: Babies cry. It's no big deal.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Well, you won't be wearing earplugs much longer, because we just closed on a house yesterday.

Abby: Oh, wow. Congratulations. When do you move in?

Chloe: Uh, pretty soon. And don't worry. You guys will finally have the place to yourselves, and you won't have any screaming babies to wake you up in the middle of the night.

Abby: Hopefully not for long.

Chance: Yeah, we're -- we're thinking of starting a family.

Abby: Soon.

[ Abby and chance chuckle ]

Chloe: Oh, my god. That's amazing. You guys are gonna be terrific parents.

Abby: We can't wait.

Chloe: Well, I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon, because, um, well, romantic getaways don't really exist when you have kids running around the house. Trust me. I know.

Abby: Well, I think it will hold us for now.

Chance: Mm.

Chloe: So, was it spectacular?

Abby: Mm. Yes, and magical. It was everything I could have dreamed of, and more. Well, it didn't start out that way, though.

Chloe: Oh, no. What happened?

Abby: Our tropical paradise turned out to be a shack on the beach with more holes in the walls than windows.

Chloe: Oh, my god.

Abby: The roof leaked. It smelled like fish. It was disgusting.

[ Laughs ] We were gonna leave the very next day, but we decided to make an adventure out of it.

Chloe: I love stories like that.

Abby: It was so romantic. We found this secluded little cove, and we would just spend all day --

Chance: [ Clears throat ]

Chloe: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: What's so funny?

Chloe: Uh, sorry. I just think that your husband is getting a little uncomfortable with you talking about your honeymoon with his ex.

Abby: Sorry. I didn't even think about that.

Chance: It's getting a little weird, but allow me to "un-weird" it. We are on great terms, and we have found the perfect people to spend the rest of our lives with.

Chloe: Uh, sp-- oh. Oh, I didn't -- I didn't realize how late it was. I was just gonna go meet kevin. Darn it.

Abby: Why is that a bad thing?

Chloe: Well, it's miles' nap time, and I just would rather keep him here and, um, maybe I can. I know this is a huge ask, but would you guys mind watching him?

Chance: Uh, sure. We'd -- we'd be happy to.

Abby: Yeah.

Chloe: Really? Amazing. Okay, well, he is gonna be asleep for at least another hour. The baby bag is right there. I won't be long. I promise.

Abby: Take your time.

Chloe: Thank you so much. Have fun.

[ Abby and chance chuckle ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Miles crying ]

Chance: Hey. It's okay.

Abby: There, there.

Chance: It's okay.

Abby: Shh, shh, shh.

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: Hi, sally. What are these?

Sally: Papers lauren needs you to sign. I hope this isn't a bad time.

Jack: No. No problem at all. How are things going over at fenmore's?

Sally: Settling in? Lauren's an amazing boss, and I'm learning something new every day. But, you know, it'S...

Jack: Not what you had in mind when you came here.

Sally: It has been an adjustment for me, yes. I'm -- I'm used to running my own company and working as a designer. And now I'm ferrying contracts back and forth, which -- I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, 'cause I'm not at all.

Jack: No, no. It sounds like you're telling the truth, and I respect that.

Sally: Thanks, jack. You have been so kind to me ever since I came to town. Oh, and I want you to know i told theo to accept the abbotts' generous offer.

Jack: Wait. Theo talked to you about that?

Sally: More like complained.

Jack: I would like to know more about that conversation.

Adam: 'Cause I know that this is scary for you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Not just me. It's connor. I don't want him knowing about any of this. I mean, that

[Exhales deeply] Sweet, little boy has already been through so much. This is too much for him. I-I can't have him worrying about me.

Adam: I-I agree. We don't have to tell him. And once we're all together again, all of this is just gonna be an unpleasant memory. He's gonna have both of us as full-time parents. We're gonna make him feel safe and secure. I can't tell you how badly i want that.

Adam: And you have been carrying so many of my burdens for so long. So now it's my turn. Let me do the worrying. All you have to do is focus on the doctor's instructions and focus on getting well.

Chelsea: I can't tell you how grateful I am to have you to lean on.

Adam: Well, we better get going.

Chelsea: Okay.

[ Knock on door ]

Adam: Victor. What do you want?

Michael: This offer -- it's as good as it's going to get for you.

Amanda: I thought I made my client's position clear. He's innocent.

Michael: Yeah, I know how you're gonna plead. But let me give you a little sneak preview of how that's gonna play out in court. You put billy on the stand, he's gonna have to explain why he lied to the police about where he was at the time of the shooting.

Amanda: That's hardly proof of guilt.

Michael: I have an eyewitness. Your only other option is for billy not to testify, and that would have the jury render a verdict based solely on the testimony of the eyewitness, dna evidence, a weapon linked to the shooting registered in billy's name, found in a dumpster outside of his place of business! Throw in a very, very strong motive. And I'd call that nearly airtight.

Amanda: Well, it sounds like you've already wrapped this case up. All your ducks conveniently lined up in a tidy, little row. Crumbs that you can follow straight to billy.

Michael: I know your history with adam. The man has taken enough away from you. Don't let him take 10 to 15 years of your life, because that's what you're looking at if you're convicted of attempted murder. This offer -- attempted second degree homicide -- you're looking at five years max. Take it -- for your own good.

Billy: You're right, michael. You do know me. You've known me a hell of a long time. So you look me in the eye and you tell me you think I did it. These little cups would make

Billy: You can't do it. You know in your heart I'm innocent, and yet you sit there and you're asking me to do five years for a crime that I didn't commit?

Amanda: Okay, that's enough.

Billy: I thought you were better than this, michael. I thought you actually cared about justice, but all you're really looking for is a big win.

Michael: I get no pleasure from this.

Billy: Oh, is that right? Well, it's either that, or you don't understand what's right in front of you. Victor and adam will do and say anything to get what they want, and you are playing right into their hands.

Amanda: Okay, billy, please.

Billy: It's exactly what they want. They want me to give in. You should know better. I am not afraid of a fight, especially when i have the truth on my side.

Michael: You have until 5:00 P.M. Today. After that, the offer goes away.

[ Door closes ]

Jack: So theo told you he found our offer an insult?

Sally: Can you believe it? I mean, come on, it's paris. He would have the freedom, the money, and the opportunity to run his own business. I would have jumped at a chance like that in a heartbeat.

Jack: And you don't think he's interested at all?

Sally: Who knows? But obviously he's miserable here, which I also pointed out to him.

Kyle: Oh. Uh, sorry for interrupting.

Jack: No, no. Not at all. I was just about to leave. Uh, thank you for these, and thank you for the heads-up about theo. I appreciate that.

[ Liquid pouring ]

Kyle: What about theo?

Sally: Oh, I was just telling jack how he was disappointed by your family's offer, and that is putting it mildly.

Kyle: I'm not surprised. He's always been greedy, even going back to the days we used to party together in new york. One for all, all for theo.

Sally: I didn't realize you two had a history.

Kyle: Yeah. It was a long time ago.

Sally: Well, I don't blame you for disliking the guy. I can't believe I even pretended to be his friend.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Sally: What is so funny?

Kyle: It's just rare for someone to actually admit they were using somebody.

Sally: Well, there's no sense in lying about it. I mean, the truth usually comes out anyway, whether you want it to or not.

Kyle: Mm. Sometimes at the worst possible moment.

Summer: I'm sorry. Uh, shouldn't you be cackling with villainous glee about all the pain that you're causing the abbotts?

Theo: [ Exhales sharply ] Kyle must have told you about the lawsuit.

Summer: You've reached a new low, which, for you, is really saying something. How could you do this while they're grieving for dina?

Theo: I'm grieving, too. But what? I guess my feelings don't count.

Summer: Okay, uh, remind me where suing falls in the stages of grieving. Is it before or after denial?

Theo: It follows the abbotts making it clear in every possible way that they don't really see me as family.

Summer: Please, theo. Jack has gone out of his way to make you feel welcome.

Theo: Right. Right. No. He made the extra effort to not invite me to say goodbye to my grandmother or to even tell me that she had died. And he went above and beyond to not give me a piece of the teardrop of love.

Summer: Okay, so you're going after dina's fortune because you're mad that you didn't get to add to your man-jewelry collection?

Theo: No. If they really felt that I was part of them, they wouldn't be trying to bribe me into leaving town.

Summer: They offered you a job opportunity in paris. Uh, how awful.

Theo: I'm dina's grandchild, just as much as kyle and abby. And they both got huge inheritances, on top of what they already have. And you know what I got? A pen. So how does wanting my fair share make me the bad guy?

Summer: Theo, you're suing for her entire estate. You're not asking for a piece of the pie.

Theo: If I had been raised as dina's grandchild, I'd have been wealthy my entire life. I have a legitimate claim, and I'm gonna fight for what's mine.

Victor: Victoria informed me that you had delayed your departure, so I just wanted a chance to say a proper goodbye to you and to chelsea.

Chelsea: Oh, well -- well, there'll be plenty of time for that, victor, but for now --

Adam: We need to get going.

Victor: Everything alright?

Adam: That's not really any of your business.

Victor: Any reason you delayed your departure?

Adam: Y-you're not listening. We don't owe you an explanation on what we do or why we're doing it. You're no longer a part of our lives. And as far as I'm concerned, we no longer have any connection.

Victor: [ Inhales sharply ] Just know... that my decision to tell you what happened when you were a boy...came out of a deep sense of... concern and caring, okay? Maybe one day you will... understand that.

[ Door closes ] Ordinary tissues burn when theo blows.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: Shh, shh, shh! Come on. Let's go back to sleep. Come on, little baby. Oh, come on. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Here we go -- oh!

Chance: Oh! I'm gonna go get you a washcloth.

Abby: Oh!

Chance: Oh!

Abby: Oh!


[ Imitating airplane engine ]

Abby: [ Laughs ] You're gonna scare him with all those noises.

Chance: Are you kidding me? He loves it. Look. Boys love airplanes.

Abby: Very well. I'll let you boys play with the airplane, and I'll go get his bottle.


[ Imitating airplane engine ]

[ Sniffs ] Oh.

[ Sniffs ] Oh! Oh! Incoming. Oh. Oh.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: Mm.

[ Diaper thuds ]

[ Sighs ]

Abby: My hero.

Amanda: Okay, let's break this down. Michael offered you 5 years. I can get that sentence reduced to 2. 2 1/2 years max.

Billy: I'm sorry. Did you not hear a word I said back there. I'm not taking the deal, amanda. I'm fighting this.

Amanda: Yes. Well, it is my job to look out for your best interests.

Billy: Hold on a second. Why the hell would I plead guilty to something that i didn't do?

Amanda: 2 years as opposed to 10 to 15. You heard michael back there. That is exactly what you'd be facing if this went to trial.

Billy: If we lose. Billy, we might. They have a witness.

Billy: Okay, clearly, michael came in there trying to scare me, but you're the one that was rattled. Yes, they have a witness that can place me at the scene of the crime, but that witness cannot say that I pulled the trigger, because that didn't happen.

Amanda: If anybody had actually seen you take a shot at adam, michael wouldn't be offering us a deal at all. But you need to look at the reality of your situation.

Billy: The reality is I was framed, amanda.

Amanda: And we can't prove that. The P.I. That we hired hasn't come up with anything that would implicate adam or victor in any conspiracy to frame you. So what we are left with are the facts. You were at the crime scene near the time of the shooting. You lied to the police. They discovered a gun registered to you outside the office. Your animosity with adam is very well known. These are all things that a jury's gonna hear.

[ Sighs ] Okay, all I am doing, billy, is presenting you with a set of options. It is what any competent attorney would do.

Billy: Well, there's one more option there. I find a different, competent lawyer. You're fired.

Amanda: What?!

Billy: I need a lawyer that's gonna keep me out of prison. You're clearly not that person.

Amanda: Okay, um, I really think that you need to reconsider this.

Billy: This is my life. It's my decision.

Amanda: You know what? I'm gonna give you some time to think about this.

Billy: I don't need time. Thank you.

Summer: I don't think you've really thought through the ramifications of taking your family to court.

Theo: I-I know managing all the money I'm gonna win will be complicated, but, don't worry, I'll hire an accountant.

Summer: Theo, I'm talking about the emotional impact. You're gonna lose any chance you have of building a relationship with the abbotts, just like you're gonna lose this case.

Theo: Okay. They wouldn't have offered me a settlement if they didn't think I had a shot.

Summer: Okay, you know, and even if that is true, it's not worth it. Trust me. I watched it happen with my dad when he sued my grandpa.

Theo: Nick sued victor? Why?

Summer: Well, long and very messy story short, abby thought that my grandpa was mishandling the trust fu join in on her lawsuit.

Theo: Wait a minute. Sweet, little abby sued her father over money he was already giving her?

[ Exhales sharply ] Wow. Ashley has some nerve, clutching her pearls and acting like I'm the scum of the earth, when her daughter did the exact same thing.

Summer: Actually, it's a completely different situation.

Theo: And nick and abby still get along with their father. So, obviously, it won't cause irreparable damage to my status as a barely tolerated member of the family even if i do lose in court.

Summer: Well, actually, they won, but it doesn't matter. They --

Theo: Wait. They beat the big, bad victor newman in court?

Theo: Okay, then I'm definitely gonna win my case.

Summer: My dad may have gotten a ton of cash -- sure -- but he didn't really win. He lived with so much regret after what he did, and the money didn't even make him happy. He eventually just gave it away.

Theo: If this is supposed to be a cautionary tale, it's backfiring spectacularly. Because being rich will bring me nothing but joy. And I don't give a damn about hurting the feelings of a group of people who don't give a damn about mine. All that you've shown me is it is possible for someone to win a lawsuit against the "titans" of genoa city. Thanks for the confidence boost.

Kyle: I have a feeling you and theo are a l simpatico than you let on.

Sally: I knew him -- slightly. I just wanted to get a feel for the business landscape in genoa city, and he's worked with a lot of the key players.

Kyle: So he was just a means to an end for you.

Sally: Sure. I guess we could call it that. But do you blame me for wanting to be prepared?

Kyle: Not at all.

Sally: As long as my intentions are honorable.

Kyle: Are they?

Sally: Look, I'm very grateful to lauren for this chance, and I mean that. But I have been very up front about wanting to move up. I believe that to achieve your goal, you have to first start by articulating it.

Kyle: I feel the same way.

Sally: Good. Because I know, with summer leaving, you now have a marketing position at jabot that you need to fill. And I think that I would be perfect for it.

Kyle: You don't waste any time.

Sally: It's not my nature.

Kyle: I admire your drive and your honesty, but the position's been filled.

Sally: By whom?

Mariah: By me. Waiting for presents that might not arrive?

Billy: Have him call me, please. Thank you.

Lily: Uh, amanda just called me and told what happened.

Billy: And?

Lily: You're overreacting.

Billy: I fired my defense lawyer because she's willing to send me to prison for a crime i didn't commit.

Lily: She's doing her job. She needs to give you all of the options, no matter how difficult they are to face.

Billy: I'm not taking the deal, lily.

Lily: Yes, I know. You've made that very clear.

Billy: I need to fight this. And that's not me being stubborn or irrational. If I admit to shooting adam, that stays with me for the rest of my life. My kids grow up thinking I'm an attempted murderer. They're writing me letters while I sit in prison, because there's no way in hell that I'm gonna let them visit me like that.

Lily: Yeah, I know, billy. I've been to prison. That's why I know how it works. So stop making assumptions and listen to me.

Jack: Lauren!

Lauren: Hey, jack.

Jack: Did you get those contracts?

Lauren: No. Not yet.

Jack: Well, I signed them, gave them to sally.

Lauren: Hmm. Well, she hadn't brought them up to my office by the time I left. She probably just got hung up.

Jack: How's she working out?

Lauren: You know, so far, so good. She's bright. She picks up on things very quickly. Of course, it's no surprise, 'cause she's vastly overqualified.

Jack: Yeah, I get the impression she's not gonna be content being someone's assistant for too long.

Lauren: Oh, I know. She's already pitched herself for the job I gave summer.

Jack: Does that bother you?

Lauren: No. Ambition doesn't bother me. I mean, jack, would we have been content being somebody's assistant when we were her age?

Jack: Not for five minutes.

Lauren: [ Chuckling ] Exactly. You know, as long as she doesn't step over someone to get what she wants, I say go for it.

Kyle: Sally spectra, I would like to introduce you to mariah copeland, jabot's new head of marketing.

Sally: Great to meet you, mariah.

Mariah: Likewise.

Kyle: Mariah used to run power communications, so not only does she have a strong background in marketing, she also with talent. She even has some on-camera experience.

Sally: That's right. You were the co-host of gc buzz.

Mariah: Ah. Once upon a time.

Sally: I loved you on that show.

Mariah: Thank you. You are a natural in front of the camera. Do you ever miss it?

Mariah: Uh, not really. The show was great, but it was time to move on to bigger and better things.

Sally: Well, jabot was lucky to grab you when they had the chance.

Adam: Well, it wasn't so bad, was it?

Chelsea: Except we have to wait until after the holidays to treat the aneurysm.

Adam: At least we'll get to be with connor for christmas. And we will come back. We will take care of you, and then we will leave for good.

Chelsea: I was watching you when victor was here. Honey, you said all the right things, but saying you're gonna cut ties with him and actually doing it are two different things. Are you sure you're gonna be able to walk away? Hi, I'm frankie thompson.

Abby: This already feels like home.

Chance: Oh, it does. Ah, I bet she's up there laughing at us right now for thinking it was such a cinch to take care of a baby.

Abby: I think we're doing a good job.

Chance: You were a pro. I was amazed. Pretty soon, that will be our own baby you're holding in your arms.

Abby: And this will be the home we raise our children in.

Adam: I am very ready to walk away.

Chelsea: Are you absolutely sure?

Adam: No doubts. No second thoughts. I want to get away from genoa city and everything that it represents. And once you are healthy, we will do that. But in the meantime, we'll have christmas with our son, as a family.

Sally: If must be an asset, having done all those different jobs.

Mariah: That comes in handy, yeah.

Sally: You're just being modest. I would love to pick your brain sometime, whenever you have a chance, obviously, 'cause I know you'll be crazy busy.

Mariah: Yeah, of course, we can do that.

Sally: That'll be great.

Kyle: Yeah, I hate to cut this short, but mariah and i have a few things to go over.

Sally: Yeah, I've got tons to do, too. You two have a good one. And congrats again, mariah.

Mariah: Thank you so much.

Sally: [ Sighs ]

Michael: Hello, jack.

Jack: Michael.

Michael: I want you to know, uh, I take no joy in prosecuting billy.

Jack: I have an easy answer. Drop the charges.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Lauren: Very tense.

Michael: Yeah, he's upset about his brother. It looks like billy's case is going to trial.

Lauren: He didn't take the plea?

Michael: He insisted it was a setup. He told me to look him in his eyes and tell him I believed he did that.

Lauren: And did you? And?

Michael: I can't let my personal feelings enter into this. I have to follow the facts... wherever they lead.

Lily: I need you to listen to me.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Lily: I believe, with my whole heart, that you are innocent. And those are not just words. I'm willing to do whatever I can for you. But amanda is presenting you the facts the way the jury might hear them.

Billy: I don't want to talk about amanda right now.

Lily: [ Sighs ]

Billy: It seems you're the only one that has faith in me.

Lily: You're wrong about that.

Billy: Well, you were right yesterday when you said that we need to handle this on our own. I talked to someone that might be able to help us.

Lily: Who?

Billy: Someone that you used to work at the gcpd, seeing that they know where this witness is staying. The witness that claims that i was at the scene of the crime. Well, if they saw me there, maybe they saw something else, too.

Lily: Something that can lead us to whoever's setting you up.

Billy: Bingo.

Lily: Okay, well, we can't waist time. We have to figure out a plan.

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