Y&R Transcript Monday 12/7/20
Episode #12004 ~ Adam makes a confession to Chelsea; Lily questions Victoria's motives; Jill formulates a plan to help Billy.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: That's great. No, my kids are gonna be so happy. They've been asking for it all year.[ Cellphone chimes ] Hold on a second. Um, I need to go. Thanks. Thanks again.
Michael: Is this seat taken?
Rey: All yours.
Michael: Thanks for meeting me here instead of at the station. There's less chance that one of billy's anonymous sources overhears us and reports back to him.
Rey: Hey, listen. I trust every cop on our team. Notice how none of these alleged sources tipped him off about what was coming. He was completely blindsided when I arrested him.
Michael: I presume that means he has no idea who our eyewitness is.
Rey: The eyewitness is in a secure location, and only a handful of people know about it.
Michael: I don't like this case, rey. The accused assailant couldn't be more sympathetic. A grieving father who never got over the senseless, horrific death of his beautiful, young child. Are you kidding me? A man who also happens to have a major media division at his disposal so he can amplify his own version of events. The intended victim, on the other hand -- adam -- sociopath, criminal, killer, even in his youth. Currently locked up.
Rey: Not currently. Adam was discharged from the psychiatric unit earlier today. Sharon told me.
Michael: So the grieving, sympathetic father is behind bars, and the sociopath is on the loose, ready to wreak even more havoc.
Lily: Hi.
Amanda: Hey.
Lily: I guess billy's behind you.
Amanda: Billy is cooling his heels in the city lockup.
Jill: Why? Why is he still in lockup? Why isn't he here? I come into town to see my grandson's wedding, and my son gets arrested for shooting him? Clearly, it is impossible. So, you tell me exactly why you haven't gotten billy out of jail yet.
Amanda: I am just here to finish delegating some of my chanccomm work, because I'll be taking a leave of absence to focus on billy's case.
Lily: Amanda is really great at what she does.
Jill: Business contracts. Fabulous.
Amanda: With training in criminal law.
Lily: We all want this to move as quickly as possible.
Amanda: I don't think we can count on that.
Jill: And why not?
Amanda: Apparently the police have an eyewitness who can place billy near the scene of the crime on the day.
Lily: What?! Billy was here working. I mean, who -- who is that eyewitness?
Amanda: The D.A. Is not disclosing that information. Michael is not willing to share this person's identity.
Faith: Alright. I finished reorganizing the storage area. What's next?
Sharon: Why don't you take a break? I think you've earned it since you got up early on your day off to come in here and help.
Faith: I was glad to. It gives you more time to plan the wedding, and I like hanging out with you.
Sharon: Well, I can't help wondering if maybe your time could be better spent getting your schoolwork done.
Faith: What do you mean? I'm -- I'm caught up.
Sharon: Actually, I checked your grades online, and you still have a zero for that make-up assignment from when you were sick.
Faith: Listen, that teacher takes forever to record her grades, okay? I turned it in. Honest.
Sharon: Okay. Good.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: What else can I get you?
Chelsea: Water's good. I promise. I'm okay.
Adam: Okay, you are clearly not okay. When I came in, you were out cold on the stairs, chelsea.
Chelsea: I fainted. So?
Adam: Will you please not pretend like this is normal?
Chelsea: Adam, I've been under a lot of stress. The E.R. Doctor said himself he thinks it's dehydration.
Adam: Okay, there's a reason that they took those tests. And until we get the results back, you have to take it easy.
[ Doorbell rings ] Detective. Well, I figured you would show up at some point.
Rey: Did you?
Adam: When I was discharged, sharon must have been notified, and she told you, and now here we are, playing our usual game of tough-guy cop demanding i stay away from his woman. Does it ever get tiring, being so predictable?
Rey: Do avoid sharon. But the actual reason I'm here is, when chance was shot, you were the intended target, so you have a right to know that an arrest has been made.
Adam: Billy abbott, i presume.
Rey: That's right.
Adam: Good. Three derm ingredients in one cream.
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Lily: Wait. The shooting was weeks ago, and this so-called witness is just now coming forward? I mean, doesn't that seem strange?
Amanda: I can't be sure when the witness came forward. It could have been right after chance was shot. But, yes, for some reason, the police took this long to check out their story or persuade them to testify.
Jill: Well, that's very convenient, isn't it? Somebody who just happened to be there? Somebody who just happened to know billy by sight. Or maybe -- just maybe -- it's somebody with a vendetta who made the whole thing up. Or maybe the shooter, who needed a scapegoat.
Amanda: I'm sorry. I don't have any of those answers. But I'm sure that paul thought that their story was credible enough to justify the warrant for billy's arrest.
Lily: No, there has to be a mistake. Billy was here in the building at the time of the shooting.
Jill: There you have it. Go tell paul.
Lily: Can you personally vouch for that?
Lily: Well, I mean, no. I was -- I was at a meeting with devon that afternoon. But, I mean, can't you just look at the building security footage? Billy and I talked about that last night? He was gonna do it himself, but he didn't have time before he got arrested.
Chelsea: Hello, detective.
Rey: You okay?
Chelsea: Just a little under the weather. Nothing serious.
Rey: Then I'll keep this visit as brief as possible.
Adam: So, when did you arrest billy?
Rey: This morning.
Adam: Hmm.
Rey: You have the legal right to attend all court proceedings. He'll be formally charged later today.
Adam: Attempted murder -- for starters, right?
Chelsea: That's a serious crime. Do you think the judge will let him out on bail?
Rey: Billy doesn't appear to be a flight risk. His kids are here. He has a job. Close ties to the community. Plenty of people to vouch for him.
Adam: Well, if anything else, this should eliminate the suspicion that chelsea had anything to do with it. We are going out of town soon, to be close to our son. So I don't want the police or the D.A.'S office to give her a hard time about that.
Rey: No, no. You are free to travel, as long as you're available to answer any questions that come up.
Chelsea: Of course.
Rey: I assume you'll be cooperating with the prosecution.
Adam: With pleasure. Billy abbott is a public menace. I'm really glad you're getting him off the streets.
Rey: Yeah, just doing my job.
Adam: Well, thanks for the update.
Rey: I'll be leaving now. I'll let myself out.
Chelsea: Bye. Thank god. Nothing is holding us back now. We can leave right away.
Adam: Like hell we can. This is not just a cream it's the first serum cream
Chelsea: I'm almost packed. I thought we were gonna leave as soon as possible. So what's changed? Why are you putting it off? Is it because of billy's hearing? You want to make sure that he doesn't get bail?
Adam: No. I want as little to do with this case as possible, okay? Billy is toxic. There's no telling what he might do. I'm better off keeping my distance.
Chelsea: Right. So I don't understand why you're not more eager to take off. You said the last thing you had to do was talk to victor. Didn't you do that?
Adam: I did. And I came home, and I found you unconscious.
Chelsea: Oh, adam, stop. For the last time, I'm fine.
Adam: Please stop brushing this off, okay? I just want to make sure the doctor clears you before we travel anywhere.
Chelsea: Adam, no.
Adam: I know that you think this is stress related, but I'm worried it's something more than that, okay? I heard you talking to the E.R. Doctor saying this wasn't the first time that you fainted.
Chelsea: Can you take into consideration everything I have been through lately? Huh? That exposé came out about you, the two of us broke up, I found out what you intended to do to your father, I was kidnapped, there was a shooting. Oh, and then I found out that you were committed.
Adam: And all the items on that long list of traumatic experiences, they were connected to me -- the things that I have done.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, the headaches haven't helped anything, that's for sure.
Adam: Would you say they're getting better or worse?
Chelsea: No, I'd say they're getting worse. Like a bad migraine.
Adam: And when did they start?
Chelsea: The first one came on after I fell in the chanccomm elevator and I hit my head.
Adam: [ Exhales sharply, clears throat ] Which was also my fault. I cut the power that trapped you in the elevator.
Chelsea: I think the lesson here is that you have to start keeping me in the loop, starting with today. That visit with victor. You still haven't told me exactly what that was about.
Amanda: Okay, let's build a time line of billy's whereabouts and activities the day of the shooting.
Jill: Oh, goody. Then maybe we can make a color-coded graph. Or we could start looking for someone with a vendetta against my son, because this whole case seems to hinge on this miraculous eyewitness. You do realize that billy's being railroaded, don't you? He didn't do it.
Amanda: And I appreciate your faith in billy.
Jill: Oh, for heaven's sake. I'm going to the station.
Lily: No, jill, that's not a good idea.
Amanda: Please, don't do -- I guess we'll just get back to the time line.
Lily: Look, I mean, I don't blame her. Even if there were a possibility that billy shot at chance, i mean, she's a mother and a grandmother.
Amanda: I know that she doesn't want to hear this, but faith is not proof. Timeline.
Lily: Ah, yeah. Let me just check my calendar. Um, okay. So we had a 10:00 with the finance team at chancellor to get our budget approved for the next fiscal year. If you want, I can get you a list of everyone that was there, with their contact info.
Amanda: Yes, please do. And I do remember seeing the two of you before you left for that meeting and after you returned.
Lily: Yeah, you saw us after, right? I mean, he was in a great mood. We were laughing and cracking jokes. I mean, we were happy. Our budget just got approved. You remember that?
Amanda: Yes, I remember that encounter very well.
Lily: Did he seem like someone who was hell-bent on murdering someone in cold blood?
Amanda: No. Not so much.
Lily: Because he wasn'T. He wasn't ranting or fuming or, you know, going off about adam. I mean, he didn't even bring him up. Well, I mean, until later, but...
Amanda: What happened after i left the office.
Lily: Um, I was here working. And then I left to go have a meeting with devon to pitch him an idea about a music venture. And billy stayed here.
Amanda: Billy said that he was staying here, at the office?
Lily: Yes. And I didn't see him again until he called me to come back, because he heard about the shooting and wanted to know how we were gonna cover the story.
Amanda: And how much time would you say elapsed between when you left the office and when you returned?
Lily: I don't know. It -- sure. Listen. Is it -- is it possible, if he left right after I did and, you know, tracked down adam and shot at him and raced back here, sure, but that's not who billy is.
Amanda: Devil's advocate?
Lily: Sure.
Amanda: Billy hates adam. It's common knowledge. In researching the relationship, I also learned that billy held adam at gunpoint.
Lily: I know, I know, but that was years ago when he was blind with grief and rage.
Amanda: Yes, after delia's death?
Lily: Yes. That's not who he is anymore. I mean, of course he's still disgusted with adam. But he's satisfied with trying him in the court of public opinion. I mean, this is who he is. He has so much going on for him. He wouldn't risk all of that just to have a shot at revenge.
Victoria: Lily's right. Billy couldn't have done this.
Faith: Did adam get committed to a psych ward?
Sharon: Where did you hear that?
Faith: From the kids at school. Is it true?
Sharon: For a lot of reasons, your grandfather was worried about adam's mental health, so he -- he asked the judge to order an evaluation.
Faith: Were you involved since you were adam's therapist for a while?
Sharon: I did sign off on victor's request.
Faith: Why didn't you tell me? This is huge news.
Sharon: Well, your uncle adam isn't exactly your favorite topic.
Faith: Yes, yes, very true, but this is a good thing. I'm glad you did it. And I hope stays locked up in there forever.
Sharon: That's the other reason why I didn't mention it to you. Um, the order was very short-term. It was 72 hours. And adam has already been discharged.
Faith: Why? I can't believe this. After all of the horrible things he's done and he keeps on doing.
Sharon: Faith, I wad disappointed, too, okay? I-I really hoped that the doctors would see how important it was that adam get help.
Faith: No, no, he's way past help. Adam's been screwed up since he was a kid, and he killed someone when he was only 11 years old.
Sharon: Okay, that man was threatening his mother.
Faith: Who cares why he did it? Since then, he's only gotten worse, not better. And there's no pill or hospital or therapy that's ever gonna change that. Some people are just evil, and I don't know why you can't see that. There it is, grandma's recipe.
Adam: So, when I went to talk to my father -- and victoria --
Chelsea: Wait. You met with your sister, too? Why? I thought the meeting was about connor.
Adam: Well, she and I had some unfinished business. She came to me after the shooting, and she basically called my bluff.
Chelsea: About?
Adam: Well, you will remember I told my family I wanted nothing to do with them.
Chelsea: Right.
Adam: She was not satisfied with that. She wanted it in writing. So she drafted up a document that would strip me of all my present and future claims to newman enterprises and my father's estate.
Chelsea: Typical. I bet she loves sticking it to you.
Adam: Oh, big time.
Chelsea: Well, I hope you didn't sign it.
Adam: Oh, no. No. I ripped it up in front of her face. But then she made a comment that has been haunting me ever since.
Chelsea: What did she say?
Adam: She informed me that the day chance got shot, when i was supposed to have the meeting with my father, that the entire family was there -- nikki, nick, abby, victoria.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: If I would have gone through with what I planned to do to my father, all of them would have been there. Christian would have lost nick. The only father that he's ever known. Victoria's kids -- johnny and katie -- they would have been forced to grow up by their jerk of a father. Chance, he would have woken up from the hospital, after being shot, to find abby gone. When I think about how close i came to destroying all those lives...
Chelsea: I know it's upsetting, but I don't want to believe that you would have actually gone through with it.
Adam: [ Exhales deeply ] All I know is I can't get sucked back into that mind-set ever again. I have to cut ties with them permanently for my own peace of mind. So I went back to victor and victoria today, and I told them I would sign their damn document and I would leave genoa city, as long as they amended the document and stated that my inheritance from victor would go to connor instead. So there's your proof. No excuses. I'm not trying to look for ways to hang around. I have taken the final step, and I've washed my hands of my entire family.
Sharon: Faith, if you still have this much anger towards adam, I think that we should talk about it.
Faith: It just bothers me that he even exists. Never mind. I shouldn't have brought it up.
Sharon: Well, you did, so...
Faith: Listen, I should get back to work. Okay, break's over. Next on my to-do list is clean the grease traps.
Sharon: What? You hate that job. You always talk about how icky it is.
Faith: Yeah, it is, but it's not that bad. Definitely less disgusting than my...uncle.
Rey: Do I have a hot tip for you?
Sharon: Oh, yeah? Tell me what it is. So, one of the dispatchers has a neighbor who works in an italian bakery, and they specialize in custom wedding cakes. When I told her you had your heart set on almond, she said we should definitely give them a call.
Sharon: Wow. Where are they?
Rey: They're in burlington. I'll text you the number.
Sharon: Okay. I'm gonna call them right away. It's been so hard to get business to deliver on new year's eve.
Rey: Where's faith? I thought she was hanging with you today.
Sharon: She is. She's in the kitchen. She's cleaning out the grease traps.
Rey: Huh. How'd you talk her into doing that?
Sharon: I didn'T. It was faith's idea. It's her way of dodging having a difficult conversation with her mother.
Rey: That's kind of odd. She's been going out of her way to be cheerful and sweet in her attempt to make for drinking with her friend and lying to us.
Sharon: Yeah, faith has been on her best behavior, but we were talking about adam, and then things just got too, you know, tense for her. I -- word's on the street that adam was committed, so I had to tell her that, since that time, adam was discharged, and she just got really upset.
Rey: Well, if it helps, i found out that adam is planning on leaving town.
Sharon: Oh. How do you know that? I spoke with him. I had to let him know that an arrest had been made in the case.
Sharon: [ Gasps ]
Sharon: Oh, my god. So... who is it that was shooting at adam?
Rey: I'm sorry to tell you this, but it was billy.
Victoria: I just dropped by to get the latest from lily about billy's arrest. I assumed that you would be busy handling that. Billy told me over thanksgiving that you agreed to defend him, if necessary.
Amanda: And I am doing just that. I just stopped by to wrap up some loose ends, but I'll be heading to the courthouse now. If all goes well, I'll be able to get him out on bail.
Victoria: Not for the first time.
Amanda: I have to speak to my staff, so if you'll excuse me.
Lily: Let me know how the arraignment goes.
Amanda: Yes. Will do.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Lily: Am I missing something? Billy has been defended by amanda before?
Victoria: It was nothing serious. It was just a bar fight after he moved out of our home. Billy just has a -- a little different way of processing stress than most.
Lily: But, I mean, it makes sense that he would reach out to amanda for help. I know they were close at that time.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] I assume that you're trying to be delicate, but there's no need for euphemisms. I'm well aware of billy and amanda's affair. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Sharon: Okay. I know you can't go into details.
Rey: Correct.
Sharon: And I know that billy wouldn't have been arrested without good reason.
Rey: You're also correct.
Sharon: Gosh, it's just so hard to believe he was guilty, i mean, unless he confessed.
Rey: Billy insists that he's being framed.
Sharon: And that's what everyone says when they're caught, right? But with adam in the mix, you just can't dismiss the possibility.
Rey: You know, I'm a little surprised that you're at all concerned about billy, given what he put faith through when he released that article about adam.
Sharon: I will admit that i was very upset with billy when that article came out, but i know that he wasn't trying to hurt my daughter. He was still trying to get justice for his own daughter.
Rey: Yeah. The question is, how far was he willing to go to get it?
Sharon: Is that still a question? Are you not sure that it was billy who fired that gun?
Lily: I know this isn't any of my business, but I didn't know about an affair. Billy and amanda both said they never crossed the line.
Victoria: Yes, well, they told me the same thing.
Lily: And you don't believe them.
Victoria: I did, but then my father broke it to me that one of his investigators had seen them together.
Lily: So victor said that billy was cheating? Did he have any proof?
Victoria: He said he did.
Lily: He didn't show you anything? You just kind of took his word for it, even though you know how much he detests billy?
Victoria: I'm not exactly sure we got so sidetracked. I came by because I heard that billy was accused of something that he didn't do, and I wanted to show support. So if you talk to him before i do, please tell him that I'll do everything that I can to prevent my children knowing that he was in jail. Oh, and would you please also tell him that I made a deal with adam and he's supposed to be leaving town tonight.
Lily: I thought he was in a mental facility.
Victoria: Yes, well, he was, but he somehow convinced the doctors that there was nothing wrong with him.
Lily: Well, how solid is this plan? I mean, will he actually follow through and leave town?
Victoria: The one thing that you can trust about adam is that he will always do what's best for himself. But the person who tried to shoot him is still out there, so hopefully he's smart enough to get out while he still can.
Adam: Leaving the newmans behind and never looking back. It's a matter of self-preservation.
Chelsea: I believe you, which is why we need to leave. Right away.
Adam: Babe, I really think that --
Chelsea: Adam, the doctor is gonna be calling with my test results. It doesn't matter if I'm here or someplace else. Not to mention, there are amazing doctors all over the world. It's this place, adam. It's these people. They are weighing on both of us. Do you know I did not have one headache when I was away visiting connor over thanksgiving.
Adam: Okay. It can't hurt to wait a day or two.
Chelsea: It can absolutely hurt us. Billy is gonna get out soon, and he's gonna want to get even. And all of the people that think that he's innocent, they're gonna blame you for his arrest. Not to mention chanccomm. They're gonna try to put out some smear campaign. I can't handle anything more, adam. Please. I'm begging you. Get me out of this place. Hi sabrina!
>>Hi jen!
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Rey: Until this morning, we didn't have enough evidence to bring him in.
Sharon: Was it just a coincidence that this new information or whatever it was came in right around the time that adam was released?
Rey: Anything's possible where adam's concerned.
Sharon: How did he seem when you -- you know what? Forget it. Don't answer that question. We have spent way too much time talking about adam.
Rey: Agreed.
Sharon: You know what? I tried to help him, and, um, you know, I'm done. I don't want to spend any more time or energy dealing with or thinking about adam, because it is time to move on. And, besides, you and I have a wedding to put together.
Adam: Look, I'm sorry, but i am not prepared to leave town until I know that you're okay. You and connor are all I have left after I cut ties with my family. And I'm not gonna take any risks with your health and safety.
Chelsea: You didn't feel that way when you had me drugged and kidnapped.
Adam: [ Exhales deeply ] Point taken.
Chelsea: Adam, I'm just ready to start the next phase of our lives together... once my doctor calls.
Adam: Yeah, and so am I. I am so ready for that.
Chelsea: Then why don't you go upstairs and finish packing? I started for you, but there were a few things I wasn't sure if you wanted to keep them, so i put them on the bed. Why don't you check it out and decide?
Adam: Okay. I will agree to do that f you agree to rest.
Chelsea: Promise. Now that I know we are on our way out of here, I will relax.
Adam: Okay.
Chelsea: Promise.
Lily: Hi. How'd it go at the station?
Jill: Paul refused to hear me out. He said he's convinced that the case against billy is solid.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Yeah. I can't say that I'm surprised.
Jill: All this so-called evidence is so bogus. It is so circumstantial. I'm just afraid that the jury won't see it that way.
Lily: Wait. Are you saying that you think --
Jill: I know he didn't do it. I also know that trials are notoriously unpredictable. Billy could be convicted no matter how strong amanda's defense is. Look, I called you here 'cause i need you to help me convince billy to get on the company jet and get the hell out of the country.
Billy: Damn it.
Amanda: Were you hoping to see lily?
Billy: Yeah. Uh, she must be, uh, outside the building, taking a meeting or something. You know, we're very lucky to have her running the company, so we can focus on the case.
Amanda: Yeah. Chanccomm is good hands.
Billy: Yeah. Uh, listen, I want to thank you for everything you've done, for handling the arraignment, for posting bail.
Amanda: It's what a defense attorney does.
Billy: Still, I appreciate it.
Amanda: You're welcome.
Billy: Um, if you don't mind, I could really take some time to make some phone calls. So...
Amanda: That can wait, because there are a few things that I think we need to get settled.
Billy: Such as?
Amanda: Well, you are on record telling the police that you were here, in this building, at the time that chance was shot. But michael has an eyewitness who can place you in the vicinity of the crime. How do you explain that?
Billy: Well, I-I can'T. And the fact that the D.A.'S witness is anonymous right now makes me think that there's something shady going on. And as soon as we find out who that witness is, their whole case is gonna fall apart.
Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ] That is not even remotely the case. Long before this goes to trial, billy, they have to disclose this person's identity in order to give me ample time to prepare. What they're worried about right now is retaliation.
Billy: From me?
Amanda: Yeah. The would-be killer. They are taking this very seriously, billy, and I really think that it's time that you start doing the same.
Billy: I-I-I'm taking it serious, amanda.
Amanda: I really have to wonder about that.
Billy: Why?
Amanda: Well, for one thing, lily told me that you had it on your to-do list to look into the building security footage to proveyour whereabouts at the time of the shooting.
Billy: So?
Amanda: Why wasn't that the first thing that you did once you became a suspect? I think I know the answer to that. You left the building that day, didn't you? You weren't here when chance was shot.
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acid serum
Billy: Okay, look, it's true. I left the building that day.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] So you did lie to the police. Where did you go? I got a tip that chelsea had disappeared. Or maybe even kidnapped, okay? And I figured that adam had something to do with it. So I-I thought that I could help chelsea or at least get a story out of it. I followed adam until he stopped at a building a few miles away.
Amanda: The site of the shooting?
Billy: I was not there when it happened, amanda.
Amanda: Billy, I need you to tell me exactly where you went and what you did.
Billy: [ Exhales deeply ] Adam went into a side door of the building. I tried to follow him, but the door was locked. When I was looking for another way in, I saw chelsea, free as a bird, walking in the other direction.
Amanda: Did you speak to her?
Billy: No. And she didn't see me. But she was fine, okay? She wasn't under distress, so i thought my tipster got it wrong, and I left. When the detective asked me where I was that day, I didn't really feel prudent, volunteering that I had been at the scene of a crime before it happened.
Amanda: When you didn't need to say anything at all. You have the right to remain silent.
Billy: Well, I didn't want to look suspicious, okay? I didn't think anybody saw me. I sure as hell didn't know that my gun was stolen. And I did not know that I was about to be framed for attempted murder.
Amanda: Well, it looks very suspicious when you lie to the police, billy. And lying to your lawyer, well, that's just plain stupid. You just made my job 10 times harder.
Jill: Billy can go to samoa. There's great surfing there. And they have no extradition treaty with the U.S. He's got to leave!
Lily: Jill, you know that if he leaves, he will not be able to come back. He is not gonna leave johnny and katie. He won't leave ashley or jack, traci. He won't leave you.
Jill: Oh, I know. I know. I know. I do know that. It was just a momentary lapse.
Lily: No. I know. I get it. I do.
Jill: Amanda is as good as you say she is?
Lily: Yes. Absolutely.
Jill: She damn well better be.
Chelsea: Chloe, hey, it's me. Um, sorry we keep missing each other. You're not gonna like this, but adam and I are leaving. For real this time. And we're never coming back. I mean, at least not to live. I'm hoping I could see you, possibly, before we leave. I know we've had our differences lately, but I love you so much, and...I'm really gonna miss you and my godson, so call me.
Adam: Who were you on the phone with?
Chelsea: Oh, dr. Bradley from the E.R., And it was good news.
Adam: Ah, about your fainting spells?
Chelsea: Yeah. Apparently it was nothing major. It's this thing called "syncope." It relates to low blood pressure. Apparently, it's really common, especially in women, and it's no big deal. I just have to drink more fluids and increase my salt intake. So... oh, and the good news is, my doctor can prescribe me medication that I can pick up in any pharmacy in any city we decide to go to.
Adam: That's fantastic. I will book the flights. We'll leave tonight.
Chelsea: Great.
Sharon: I wish I would have come to this conclusion about adam a long time ago. It would have just saved us all a lot of stress.
Rey: Yeah, well, i understand. You needed to feel like you tried everything you could.
Sharon: I did, and now that is done, so he's no longer my responsibility.
Rey: Mnh-mnh. I've been waiting a long time for you to say those words. Now that he's leaving town, it shouldn't be all that hard to put him out of your mind for good.
Sharon: Well, I know that it won't be as easy for you, because you're investigating his shooting. And now you've arrested someone, and soon there's gonna be a trial. I'm right, aren't I? Your instincts are telling you the same thing mine are -- that billy's not guilty.
Rey: You know, I can't be so sure. The evidence against him keeps piling up. Still, I can't shake the feeling that billy might be right, that he's been set up. And if that's true...
Sharon: If that's true, that means that the shooter is still out there.
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