Y&R Transcript Friday 12/4/20
Episode #12003 ~ Victor worries about Adam's future; Christine reunites with Nina.
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: Well, good morning.
Sharon: Victor. Um, congratulations on abby's wedding. I heard the ceremony was really beautiful.
Victor: Thank you, sharon. But you and I have more important business to discuss. Adam has been discharged.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Sharon: I knew that the 72-hour hold expired this morning, but I figured that it would be extended. What happened?
Victor: Obviously, he conned the doctors, convinced them he's no longer a danger to himself or to others. So...adam is free, roaming around. It means only two people are in jeopardy -- you and I.
[ Footsteps approach ]
Chelsea: Adam? How did you get here? You were released? Or...
Adam: Did I escape? No. I was let go. After 72 hours of hell.
Chelsea: I came here looking for you so we could talk, but you were already gone. I went straight to victor, asked him what hospital you were in. He wouldn't tell me. No one would tell me anything.
Adam: Yeah, all I thought about while I was in there was getting out. Wait, no, that is not true. I thought about getting out so i could find you...because --
Chelsea: Because the last time we spoke, I told you i needed more time to think -- about us, about our future together.
Adam: So? What have you decided?
Kevin: Hey, did you call lauren about dinner on saturday night?
Chloe: Uh-huh.
Kevin: Great. And I was thinking maybe we could take the kids to the park this afternoon.
Chloe: Sure.
Kevin: What are you doing?
Chloe: Nothing.
Kevin: Nothing seems to be attached to your phone.
Chloe: I was hoping that there would be a text, an e-mail, a missed call from chelsea, but nothing.
Kevin: You need to stop torturing yourself over this.
Chloe: Oh, it's my fault. I basically told her to either dump adam or forget about our friendship.
Kevin: Nothing you said to her was wrong. In fact, you probably left out a few things.
Chloe: I know, but she was already on the fence about getting back together with adam. What if I pushed her over the edge, right into his arms?
[ Footsteps approach ]
Lily: Hello.
Billy: So that wasn't a dream.
Lily: I think it depends on the dream
Billy: How about this? A man and a woman sit opposite each other in a bar. They are drawn to each other by proximity, chemistry, maybe even fate, all before deciding to partake in life's simple yet essential pleasures. Wine, dessert, and... thou.
Lily: You know, you have quite the imagination. I think we should take about that over breakfast.
Billy: Oh, breakfast. You're talking about breakfast right now? You want to rush off and eat?
Lily: Well, we do have to get the day started sometime.
Billy: Come on. This -- us -- just happened. I'm not thinking about breakfast. Do I have to remind you that i could be locked away for a very, very long time?
Lily: Really? Are you really gonna use that?
Billy: No. How about this? Last night was magical, and i would like some more.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Oh, okay. Well, that's better. To support a strong immune system,
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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.
Christine: Paul was so sorry he couldn't join us. He's at work.
Nina: Tell him hi for me.
Christine: Well, he wants me to come back, giving him a full report on the wedding.
Nina: Oh, I wish you guys could have both been there. But it was a very small, intimate affair, mostly family.
Christine: You don't have to explain. I couldn't have made it, anyway. I was out of state giving a speech at a law-enforcement conference.
Nina: Oh, yeah. You mentioned that when we talked last week. How'd that go?
Christine: Well, I mean, i think it's fun to be in a room filled with cops and prosecutors.
Nina: [ Laughs ] Oh, well, so does that mean that you're thinking about getting back in the game?
Christine: Uh, you know, the governor keeps hinting at my running for attorney general. It's just -- it's not something I want to do right now. So I'm leaning toward private practice.
Nina: Well, actually, that works for me. I have a screenplay making the rounds in L.A., And I could use a very good, sharp, tenacious lawyer to negotiate the deal.
Christine: Yeah, I don't know about that. I mean, I've prosecuted mobsters and blackmailers, career criminals, but going one-on-one against hollywood sharks, i think that would be too tough for me. I do.
Nina: [ Laughs ] No, I doubt that very much.
Christine: Well, I have an idea. Why don't you move back to genoa city? I could help negotiate the purchase of your house. This town misses you.
I miss you.
Billy: Hey, you don't mind buying breakfast, right? I find myself out of a job for some reason.
Lily: Wow. You are full of tricks this morning. Don't make me regret having you walk me to my room last night.
Billy: Don't say that. You don't regret it, do you?
Lily: What do you think?
Billy: It's probably a good thing I'm taking a leave of absence from work. Because could you imagine walking in chanccomm with this smile on my face? You think any of the staff would notice?
Lily: No, I think we could both be professional.
Billy: Is that a challenge?
Lily: Uh, we should go someplace else.
Billy: We'll be alright here. Right after I do this.
Lily: No, billy. Billy --
Billy: Don't you have work to do, detective? Chance's real assailant is still out there somewhere. Unless, of course, you're here celebrating 'cause you caught the guy. In that case, I'll take an apology and two mimosas for me and lily, please.
Sharon: I'm not afraid of adam.
Victor: Need I remind you that he can hold a grudge with almost anyone?
Sharon: Well... it makes no difference to me. I mean, first of all, I live with a detective. And beyond that, what if you're wrong? What if adam really did have a breakthrough?
Victor: Sharon, in 72 hours? Dealing with all of his anger and his fury? He must have been a hell of a shrink.
Sharon: Yeah. I don't know what to say. I agreed with you when you came to me for help. I mean, maybe being hospitalized is the thing that adam needed to get him to go all in on dealing with his problems. Maybe this could turn out, still, to be a good thing.
Victor: I'm not gonna wait around and find out.
Sharon: What are you saying?
Victor: You're the only one -- the only professional that he's willing to listen to and deal with. He's free now. Who the hell knows what he's up to? He needs you.
Chelsea: I expected to find an empty apartment. A place where I could focus on my conflicting emotions. I just had thanksgiving with connor. I had to lie to him about why you weren't with me. How was it?
Chelsea: Difficult. Heartbreaking.
Adam: You know that I would have given anything to be there.
Chelsea: He just wants his family back together. And it kills me that I can't give that to him.
Adam: [ Sighs ] So, then, you just came back here to, uh, think?
Chelsea: That's right.
Adam: 'Cause you obviously need more time.
Chelsea: Everything we talked about before still stands. I have so many questions about trust, you know? Were you really willing to walk away from the newmans, from that company, from this town? It's overwhelmed me, and I've had this constant, awful headache, just trying to figure out my future amongst all the insanity. So, no, I haven't figured anything out yet. Can you blame me?
Adam: No. No, of course not. When victor had me thrown in that hospital, I was furious. I wanted to lash out because that's what I do. It's what I've always done. You know, I wanted to punish somebody. I wanted to hurt 'em. I wanted them to feel the pain that I was feeling. And the only thing that pulled me back from that -- that helped me during those 72 hours was you. Thinking about you. Dreaming about you. Hoping that if I had ever been able to get out of there, that we still might have a chance. I have made my case to you, chelsea. I've poured my heart out. But I am out of words. So I'll give you the time and the privacy that you need.
Chelsea: Adam, wait. I've made up my mind. I know what I want. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
Rey: I'll make you a promise. If the evidence points to somebody else, I will be thrilled.
Billy: You think I care about that? Adam is setting me up with a bunch of cooked-up evidence. Why don't you go investigate that?
Rey: Look, you're not helping yourself.
Billy: You're not doing your job, detective.
Rey: Calm down.
Billy: I gave you a laundry list of people that have the means and the motive to take adam out. I told you that my gun was stolen. Adam has clearly lost his mind, as proven by his psych hold. Yet you're still investigating me. Why is that?
Rey: I am following the evidence.
Billy: Oh, give me a break. You're trying to land a big fish with name recognition.
Rey: You couldn't be more wrong.
Billy: Look, I'm trying to save you guys a little bit of embarrassment here. I am not your guy. But you go ahead and arrest me, okay? And when the truth comes out, i will sue you and the gcpd. Now, your choice is to go down that road.
Rey: A man was shot and almost died. The only road we're going down is the one that leads to justice.
Sharon: This is where it ends for me. I signed the document to get adam committed to the hospital, and that's as far as I'll go.
Victor: Sharon, the job isn't finished.
Sharon: It is for me. I'm sorry.
Victor: Don't you and I want the same thing for adam? For him to get well, back on his feet, have a future with his -- his family.
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah. Only it can no longer be at my expense. And then chelsea came to see me yesterday, after adam was hospitalized. She's convinced that I have some kind of secret plan to keep adam dependent on me, when nothing could be further from the truth. My life's been turned upside down a bit a couple of times since I helped you bring adam back to genoa city. And -- and now I -- you know, i have a future with a man who I love. And I have a teenage daughter who needs focusing on, and I'm not gonna mess that up, not for adam, not for anyone. If he's upset with me because i had him committed, well, that'll be fine. You know, maybe it'll finally force him to go and find the help that he truly needs. And, you know, I think that person that he should go to is chelsea. Maybe you should be talking to her, not me.
Victor: Sharon, can't you think about what I said? You need to deal with him.
Chelsea: I don't why I didn't just come right out and say it. I knew the answer the minute I saw you. I want you, adam. I want our family back.
Adam: [ Exhales deeply ] I cannot tell you how much it means to me to finally hear those words.
Chelsea: I'm just sorry i didn't tell you sooner. Maybe I couldn't have stopped victor, but I at least could have tried. You should have known that I was in your corner.
Adam: No, no, no. Don't blame yourself.
Chelsea: We could have been out of here by the time victor showed up. We could have been on our way to reuniting with connor and being together as a family, away from this town and these people. I'm just sorry. I should have told you before.
Adam: Well, you're telling me now, okay? That's all that matters.
Chelsea: I want our future to start right now.
Adam: So do I.
Chelsea: No more roadblocks. No more doubts.
Adam: I thought I had gone too far this time and I pushed you away for good. Am I dreaming this?
Chelsea: No. Let me show you.
Adam: Where are you going? If you're on medicare, remember,
Christine: Did you cry?
Nina: Mm. Just buckets. I've never seen chance so happy. And that smile. And abby was a beautiful bride. The whole thing was just beautiful. I mean, the only thing missing was ronan, who was halfway across the world and couldn't get here in time.
Christine: Yeah, well, if you all moved back to genoa city...
Nina: [ Laughs ] Would you stop? You're like a broken record with that today.
Christine: And I'm gonna keep playing it until you move back here.
Nina: I have to admit, it's tempting, but it's just not the right time.
Christine: How come?
Nina: Chance has a new job and a new bride, and -- who knows? -- Maybe a baby pretty soon. I want to give him the time and space to carve out his own life, without worrying about making space for me.
Christine: Well, I doubt that would be a hardship.
Nina: Well, and then there's also my career. You know the script I told you about -- it's getting a lot of good buzz, so I got to be in L.A.
Christine: Okay, hold on a second. Are you saying that winning an oscar is more important than being able to have coffee with me?
Nina: [ Laughs ] Unfair. Very unfair.
Christine: Oh, hi!
Lauren: I'm so sorry I'm late. Okay, what did I miss? Tell me.
Christine: Not too much. Just me obnoxiously trying to convince her to move back.
Lauren: Ooh! That's a great idea.
Nina: Oh, don't you start, too. I was just telling cricket about the wedding.
Lauren: Oh, I wish I had been there.
Christine: It sounded amazing. Nina laughed, she cried, and she ate some cake.
Nina: And then she slept.
Lauren: You? Tired?
Nina: Just emotionally exhausted. I mean, I had gone from nearly losing my son to seeing him get married in the space of a couple of weeks.
Lauren: I mean, when chance was shot, it must have brought back horrifying memories of what happened to ryan, as well.
Nina: Yeah, well, this time, the nightmare had a happy ending, so thank god.
Lauren: Yeah. Thank god. And chance made it through, and that's what you focus on. He's now deliriously happy with his new bride.
Christine: Hear, hear.
Nina: I'm so grateful. And it's just one more reminder not to take the precious moments in our lives for granted. I mean, days like chance's wedding, they just -- they mean everything.
Lily: Hello! Wouldn't you rather look at me?
Billy: Yes. Sorry.
Lily: Do not let him get to you, okay? The police will find the real shooter, and this will all be over. Just be patient.
Billy: I know. It's just getting harder and harder to ignore what's going on. Adam set me up. And if he's smart, he's gonna drag this out as long as possible just to twist the knife.
Lily: You really think adam's behind this?
Billy: 100%.
Lily: I don't know. Stealing a gun from victoria? Arranging for someone to shoot at him? And having it left in a dumpster at chanccomm. I mean, come on. There's a lot of moving parts.
Billy: You're talking about genoa city's favorite sociopath, okay? He could put that together before breakfast.
Lily: Okay, then what about chance?
Billy: Chance, chance. Wrong place, wrong time. Adam wanted it to look like a hit, and chance got in the way.
Lily: You're making him sound like he's a mastermind villain.
Billy: Lily, you're talking about a guy that put needles in his eyes to fake blindness. This is right in his wheelhouse. There is no move too dark or too twisted for adam, which means he would take a bullet just to take me down.
Chloe: Have you seen where miles' blankie is?
Kyle: Yeah, it's in his stroller.
Chloe: Oh. Oh, we're out of laundry detergent.
Kevin: No, we're not. I just bought some.
Chloe: Oh. I didn't see it. Okay.
Kyle: Hey. Slow down.
Chloe: What? I'm just trying to get a few things done while the baby's asleep.
Kyle: No. You're bouncing off the walls because of chelsea, and I still don't understand why.
Chloe: Because she's my best friend.
Kevin: Yes. And all you did was tell her the truth.
Chloe: I might have pushed her too far.
Kevin: Look, if chelsea does decide to take adam back, it won't be because of anything you said or did. It'll be because that sick bond that they have is too strong to break.
> Chloe: You weren't there, kevin. You didn't see her face. When I gave her the "it's my way or the highway" speech, she felt betrayed. She was hurt, and i don't blame her. And, look, I know that you're just trying to be supportive and say all the right things, but I blew it. I pushed my best friend away, and I would do anything if I could take it all back.
Adam: Well, I have to admit, I was not expecting that when they released me today.
Chelsea: I didn't think the day would turn out like this, either, but I'm glad it happened.
Adam: Well, I don't know if i deserve another chance, but I'm so grateful that you've given me one. Now I promise that I will not screw things up in the future.
Chelsea: I know you mean that. And I trust you.
Adam: But?
Chelsea: If we're gonna make this stick, we have to stick to the plan we were initially making before victor got involved -- leaving genoa city, moving closer to connor. This isn't just about getting away from your family, adam. Let's not forget -- someone took a shot at you. Adam?
Adam: I-I agree. We need to leave. But there's -- there's one last thing that I need to take care of.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: It's nothing bad, but --
Chelsea: Just tell me. What is it?
Adam: I need to talk to my father.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: Because we have a few things that we need to sort out.
Chelsea: Well, that concerns me. You despise your father, especially after what he just did to you.
Adam: Yes. I-I do.
Chelsea: So why would you go talk to him? I mean, you just promised me that you wouldn't ruin this.
Adam: Because it's about connor.
Chelsea: What about him?
Adam: Something good, I hope. I don't want to say anything more about it just yet. Let me try to have a conversation with victor first. Please. It's better this way. Do you believe me?
Chelsea: You've said things like this before.
Adam: I know. And I know you still have your doubts, and I have to work overtime to drive those away. But you are my world, chelsea. You and connor mean everything to me. I'm not gonna let my anger wreck our second chance or what I can do for my family. So will you do me a favor?
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Pack me a bag so we can leave immediately. We can send for the rest of our things later. I will be back as soon as this is all done.
[ Door closes ]
Chelsea: Ow.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: So you don't think adam set me up?
Lily: Mm. No. It's too predictable. What else you got?
Billy: You want to play this game?
Lily: Yeah, sure. Why not?
Billy: What about victor? He's hated me for years. God knows he's capable of it and worse.
Lily: Mm. I mean, I guess he would take a shot at you, especially after the article came out.
Billy: But you don't think so.
Lily: No, that would mean that he would be arranging for someone to take a shot at his own son. It's just -- it's too dangerous, too unpredictable.
Billy: Okay. What about nick?
Lily: Oh, my god.
Billy: Yeah, he wouldn't be very heartbroken if adam was wiped off the face of the earth.
Lily: If I really thought you were being serious, I'd give you a serious answer, which would be no.
Billy: I'm running out of bullets.
Lily: That's an interesting choice of words.
Billy: What if I'm guilty?
Lily: Oh. Well, then, that would mean that I just spent the night with a very dangerous man.
Billy: In that case, why don't you say we return to the scene of the crime?
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: What? Well. That can't be good.
[ Cellphone vibrating ]
Chloe: Hi, this chloe.
Chelsea: Hey, chloe. It's me. Um --
Chloe: I can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number, I'll get right back to you.
Victoria: Did you get a text from adam?
Victor: Yeah. That's why I'm here. I guess he wants to see both of us.
Victoria: I didn't even know he'd been released.
Victor: Earlier today. I just talked to sharon. She wants to wash her hands of the whole situation.
Victoria: Well, I don't really blame her.
Victor: What do you think he wants?
Victoria: Who knows?
Victor: I hope he realizes that the stay was good for him, that he needed help.
Victoria: So, you think he's coming here to thank you? That's very optimistic, you know? This meeting could go in a hundred different directions, and most of them bad.
Victor: So, why don't you go home? You don't need to be here. I'll deal with him myself.
Victoria: Dad, not a chance. We're in this together.
[ Knock on door ]
Victor: Come in. Hello, son.
Just like your fingertips,
Christine: I can't help thinking back to your first wedding -- with philip.
Nina: Mm.
Lauren: Ooh. That was a day.
Nina: If I recall correctly, you came late.
Lauren: It was your wedding, and you remember that i was late? Oh, my goodness. Oh, wait. Oh! And I missed danny romalotti's video.
Nina: [ Gasps ] "Rock on"!
Christine: "Rock on." You guys sounded so great together.
Lauren: Oh, that was so back in the day. Another lifetime ago.
Nina: I'm sure you could still belt it out.
Lauren: Honey, another one of these, and I'm gonna start my concert in the lobby!
[ Laughter ]
Nina: Oh, my god. Oh! You guys! I wish there were more time. I got to get going.
Lauren: Oh!
Christine: I do, too.
Lauren: Yeah, I actually -- i have to meet michael.
Nina: This was too quick!
Lauren: I know! It's never enough time.
Christine: Not even close.
Lauren: We have to get together again before you leave, okay? How about dinner with paul and michael?
Nina: I would love that!
Christine: You just have to promise not to let so much time go by without seeing us again. I... I miss my bestie.
Nina: Okay. I promise I'll come back sooner. Genoa city -- it still feels like home. To genoa city!
Lauren: Aw. To genoa city.
Nina: [ Chuckles ] You know, of course, I'm grateful that chance has recovered, but I can't stop thinking about the bastard who shot him.
Christine: It's a big topic of conversation around our house, too.
Nina: You know, I wish -- i mean, nothing against michael, but... part of me wishes you were still the D.A. I want paul to find whoever hurt my son, and then I want the shooter to go away for a long, long time.
Lauren: And I assure you that michael is doing everything he can to make sure that that happens.
Lily: So those are the ad sales for the last quarter. They're not bad, but they could be better.
Billy: Right.
Lily: And I sent you the lineup of some of the new pieces I've assigned. Most of them you know about, but there's still a couple... hello?
Billy: Yeah?
Lily: Are you interested in this?
Billy: Yeah. Of course.
Lily: Are you still worried about what michael said to rey at the restaurant?
Billy: Maybe I'm overreacting. They could have been talking about anything. But you know my ego. It's always about me.
Lily: So you're okay? I'm better than okay.
Chloe: Oh.
Kevin: I've got to say, bella throws a mean tea party.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Cute. Oh.
Kevin: What? What's wrong?
Chloe: Chelsea called.
Kevin: That's good news, right?
Chloe: Maybe. I don't know. She didn't leave a message.
Kevin: Maybe whatever she had to say was either too long or too personal.
Chloe: Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.
[ Cellphone vibrating ]
Chelsea: This is chelsea. Leave a message.
Chloe: Hi. It's me. I saw you called. I hope everything's okay. Call me back when you can.
Chelsea: Ow.
Victor: Oh, wow. You're looking good.
Adam: Yes, it's been a very restful 72 hours.
Victor: Glad to hear that. But if they released you so early, they must have thought you had made progress.
Adam: Well, you were right, pops. I'm a new man.
Victor: Glad to hear that.
Adam: Look, I didn't ask you to meet with me so you could find some justification for what you did to me.
Victoria: Well, then what are you doing here?
Adam: I came here to make a deal. Chelsea and I are leaving genoa city tonight to be with connor. And just so we're clear, where we're going is nobody's business. We're gonna live our lives, and& you can live yours.
Victoria: Well, that's music to my ears. But the last time you pitched that to us, you were actually plotting to hurt us.
Adam: Yes. And, if anything, I would have more reason to do it now. And I can't tell you how much i want to hit back at all of you and burn this town to the ground with everybody in it. But I'm not going to do that.
Victoria: Well, those are famous last words, too.
Adam: Well, you can believe it or not. I really don't give a damn. But it's the truth, victoria. Getting out of here and getting away from you is how I plan to get better, and it cannot come soon enough.
Victor: What are you asking for?
Adam: Do you remember the papers you wanted me to sign? The one giving up all my rights to the newman family fortune?
Victoria: Do you mean the contract that you ripped up?
Adam: Yes. I'm sure you can dig up another copy. Hand me a pen, and I will sign it... under one condition. Meet it, and I will vanish from your lives forever.
Victor: What's the condition?
Adam: That anything I have coming to me as an inheritance, it goes to connor. That my son gets his fair share of being a newman, whatever that means. Add that to the document, sign it, and you'll never have to spend another minute worrying about me again. Two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
Michael: It looks like you had a great time with the gals.
Lauren: Oh, my god. It was so much fun. It was so great getting the whole gang together again. I've really missed them.
Michael: I'm glad you guys had a chance to catch up.
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: You're wearing your new necklace.
Lauren: Uh-huh.
Michael: It's as beautiful as you are, but, uh, what's the occasion?
Lauren: Mm. I don't know. You and I have a very big date coming up.
Michael: I haven't forgotten our anniversary.
Lauren: Neither have I. In fact, mr. Baldwin, I was wondering. You want to get a head start on the celebrating?
Michael: Waiter! Check, please!
Victoria: Maybe this means something. Maybe it doesn'T. But I still don't trust him.
Victor: I think he needs help. He still needs help. He was released much too early.
Victoria: Well, hopefully, he's not our problem anymore.
Victor: Well, with a potential killer running around, ready to strike anytime, I'd call that a problem.
Victoria: Oh, god, dad, i really don't care. Do you not get it? It's pointless trying to help adam. As far as I'm concerned, he's incurable. And as for this shooter..
Victor: I wonder if you'd be so cavalier if you thought that billy boy was behind it all.
Victoria: Billy is innocent.
Victor: Well, we'll see. Okay? I'm still waiting to put my own hammer down on that S.O.B. For publishing that obnoxious exposé. It was outrageous. The only reason I haven't done it is because I believe that the law will dole out the proper punishment.
Victoria: You make that sound like a foregone conclusion. You know, billy thinks that adam is trying to set him up, but I'm not so sure about that.
Victor: What do you mean, you're not so sure about that? Do you think it was me?
Victoria: It better not be you, dad. Billy is the father of my children. Despite everything that we've been through, I still care about him. So if I find out that you're behind this, I'm not gonna forgive you.
Billy: You know, I have to say I am really glad that i walked you to your room last night.
Lily: Yeah, me too.
Billy: If it was up to me, I'd be spending the whole day there.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] The whole day?
Billy: Mm.
Rey: William abbott... I'm placing you under arrest for the attempted murder of phillip chancellor.
Lily: Uh, I'm gonna get amanda.
Rey: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?
Adam: Chelsea, I'm back, just like I promised. Chelsea!
Next week on
"the young and the restless."
Jill: 'Cause I need you to help me convince billy to get on the company jet and get the hell out of the country.
Traci: How about a show of hands? All in favor of jack's idea to make this lawsuit away.
Victoria: Phyllis is more trouble than she's worth. Uh, you know, and being in business with her was never really a long-term goal. So I think we need to make some changes. [ Sighs ] Sorry, nick.
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