Y&R Transcript Thursday 12/3/20
Episode #12002 ~ Lily and Billy turn up the heat; Sally pushes Summer's buttons; Abby and Chance's honeymoon takes an unexpected turn.
Provided By Suzanne
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: You don't have to carry me over the threshold of our honeymoon cabana, okay? That's not how the tradition works.
Chance: We make our own traditions.
Abby: [ Chuckling ] Oh.
[ Laughs ] Oh!
[ Laughs ] Okay. This is the most hilarious prank anyone has ever played on me. How can you even keep a straight face? Oh, well. Okay. This is the five-star honeymoon suite you've been telling me about.
Chance: Abby, I...
Abby: And those pigs roaming outside.
[ Clicks tongue ] Perfect touch. What, do they turn into butlers at midnight? Okay, this is very funny, but i am exhausted, so please sweep me off of my feet and take us to our real honeymoon suite.
Chance: Abby, about that, I --
Abby: We can order some oysters on the half shell and take a shower for two. What do you say? Lead the way to our dream come true.
Chance: Abby, I-I think this is our cabana. I mean, the -- the sign outside said "honeymoon suite."
Abby: Uh, no. No. No!
[ Laughs ] No. It can't be. I mean, this is clearly a storage unit for some old, shabby furniture.
Chance: I mean, I-I-I don't get it. The -- the pictures on the website made it look like paradise.
Abby: You do realize what happened, right? My very handsome detective husband... got ripped off.
[ Chuckles ]
Ashley: So, where did jill disappear off to?
Esther: I think that the jet lag and excitement and champagne got to her. She's upstairs asleep.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] Well, I have never seen a more beautiful bride. Abby was stunning. The hair, the dress, the everything.
Jack: I wonder if she and chance have made it to their secret honeymoon destination.
Nina: Not even I could get the information out of him.
Ashley: I gave it my best shot, too. I was gonna surprise the newlyweds with this beautiful honeymoon basket in their suite. But apparently my brand-new son-in-law, the former federal agent, knows all the ins and outs of going incognito.
[ Laughter ]
Traci: Where are they going to live when they return?
Esther: Oh, why not here? I know that mrs. C. Would want that, and there's plenty of room.
Nina: Uh, no. I mean, no. Not that the place isn't lovely. Just...
Esther: Well, okay. So maybe, uh, chance and chloe had a little...history between them. It doesn't have to be awkward. In fact, I don't even think that kevin and chloe are gonna be here that much longer.
Traci: Why would you think that?
Esther: Well, they've been house hunting, and I think they found a couple places that they like.
Jack: Well, abby and chance could always stay at the abbott manse. I mean, we have the pool house. Perfect place for a young couple to get started.
Ashley: Yeah, don't hold your breath. I mean, I think they really want their own place, jackie.
Traci: You know, some place they can put down roots, maybe start a family.
Ashley: Oh, I can see it now. Those chubby cheeks. This cute, cute baby that I'm going to spoil like crazy.
Esther: Aw! Can you imagine?
Traci: Oh, something tells me you can imagine.
[ Laughs ]
Sally: Hi. You're billy abbott, right?
Billy: Depends who wants to know.
Sally: I'm sally. I'm lauren's new executive assistant. I've met several of your family members already. I even helped abby find the perfect wedding dress.
Billy: You don't say. How was the royal wedding?
Billy: The got hitched without a hitch.Ededededededededededededededededededededededededed loveliness in that dress.
Sally: Well, I am glad to hear that. You know, I hate drinking alone, so do you mind if I join you?
Billy: I'm actually waiting for my date.
Sally: Well, wouldn't want her to get the wrong idea. What can you mix up back there to help warm up this california girl?
Summer: Tell me everything. What did abby's dress look like?
Kyle: It was beautiful.
Summer: Really? That's the best you got? Okay, what was ashley wearing?
Kyle: A dress...as equally beautiful.
Summer: Kyle, come on. Were you even at the wedding?
Kyle: Barely. All I could think about was you.
Summer: You're just saying that.
Kyle: Not only missing you, wondering what you were doing? You were quite a distraction.
Summer: I hope abby wasn't too annoyed that I was a no-show.
Kyle: Oh, nothing could have brought her down. She was happier than I've ever seen her.
Summer: I didn't want to be in the spotlight, you know? People asking millions of questions about our status. I just want to take this slow.
Kyle: It's fine by me.
Summer: How did I get so lucky?
Kyle: I was wondering the same thing. And then I started thinking, what do you want to do tonight?
Summer: Do you really have to ask?
Chance: Who has the nerve to call this a honeymoon suite? There's not even a bed.
Abby: Uh, maybe in there. That's got to be a murphy bed.
Chance: Yeah, that's romantic. I'm -- I'm sorry.
Abby: You know what? It's fine. It's mine. I mean, how much time are we gonna spend indoors, anyway?
Chance: Well, actually...
Abby: Uh, we have our whole private island to explore. The views are to die for. The beach is steps away from the front door. I mean, I can't wait to get my toes in that warm sand.
Chance: Or we can flag down the ferry operator. He can come back and pick us up. We can fly to another island or singapore.
Abby: No, no. No. No. We would be exhausted from traveling and stressed out. No.
Chance: Yeah, but --
Abby: Look, I have everything I need right here to make me happy.
Chance: Yeah?
Abby: Yeah. New lean cuisine bowls
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Nina: Thank you, esther.
Esther: You're welcome.
Nina: Look at me. One of the happiest days of my life, and I'm crying. Again, I'm so sorry.
Traci: Oh, my goodness. You have nothing to apologize for. This last few weeks has been an emotional roller coaster for you.
Nina: [ Exhales sharply ] I'll never forget that phone call when they told me chance had been shot. But then I learned he's madly in love and he's gonna spend the rest of his life with abby. And it's just so many big things all at once.
Ashley: I know. It has been a little overwhelming, hasn't it? I mean, abby's life has certainly been a whirlwind. I'm just so happy that she's found the right guy at the right time.
Jack: They are the perfect couple, and I have a very strong feeling they are about to start a long and happy life together. There are, uh, unseen forces at work.
Esther: How much champagne have you had?
Jack: Oh, I'm not tipsy. I just, uh, know something you don'T.
Abby: So, what do you think? Now that we cleared out some of that old, haunted furniture and added a few splashes of color.
Chance: You have made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Abby: Well, it's definitely more livable. Let's see. Oh. And I'm not crossing my fingers, but... ah! It worked! You know what I always say? Never underestimate the power of a little power.
Chance: Oh, you say that, huh?
Abby: I do now.
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: That is one of the things I love most about you. It doesn't take much to make you happy.
Abby: Do you know how many people would fall over laughing hearing you say that?
Chance: Well, they don't know you like I do.
Abby: It had to take many years of heartache for me to find the one person in this world who makes me feel this euphoric. And when I almost lost you, i promised that I would never take a single moment of our life for granted.
Chance: You have brought so much light -- wait a minute.
Abby: What?
Chance: If the lights are working, then maybe...
Abby: Okay. No. There is no way that mini fridge is working.
Chance: Live a little.
Abby: Wait. Okay. Can you imagine what rotten pineapple and old, moldy sandwiches are in there? Whatever it is, I will get rid of it. Deal?
Abby: Okay.
Chance: Yes! Yes!
Abby: Is that champagne?
Chance: Yes, and the food that I had them deliver to the room. Oh!
Abby: Well, at least they did something right. So, how is your first night as a married man?
Chance: Well, the day started off with us being surrounded by the people who love us the most. Now it is just the two of us, alone on an island. So, yeah, you could say I'm happy. You?
Abby: Well, I'm on my way to being perfect. But what I really want to know is, how are you feeling? I mean, with the long plane ride and then a long walk after the taxi dropped us off.
Chance: I'm getting stronger every day. And I've almost 100%. But it wouldn't hurt to maybe rest a little. Could pull the murphy bed down.
Abby: Well, maybe we could rest on our private beach.
Chance: I like the sound of that.
Billy: So, how do you like working at fenmore's?
Sally: It's everything i thought it would be.
Billy: Being an executive assistant was high up on your list of dream jobs?
Sally: Well, someone's got to do it, right?
Billy: Yeah.
Sally: And I've told I bring a certain style and class to everything I do, so...
Billy: They're lucky to have you.
Sally: Your words, not mine. You know what I love about fenmore's?
Billy: You're gonna tell me. How lauren manages to balance creativity and professionalism. Jack does the same thing at jabot. I don't know. Not everyone can appreciate how tricky that can be.
Billy: But you do?
Sally: I ran my own fashion house in L.A.
Billy: Anything I would know?
Sally: Spectra fashions.
Billy: Ah. I see. You're sally spectra.
Sally: Yep. Niece and namesake to the legendary, incomparable founder of spectra fashions.
Billy: Huh. Well, that's fascinating.
Sally: What is?
Billy: Well, you went from running your family business to being lauren's go-fer. That's a story I would love to hear.
This week on
"the upper hands"...
Sally: You must know how tiresome it is. Everyone assuming that you've risen to the top based on your name and family connections.
Billy: You work twice as hard as everyone around you to prove that it's a meritocracy and not nepotism, to show that you have earned everything you got.
Sally: Exactly.
Billy: I know the syndrome. So, is that why you, uh, left the family business and came to wisconsin, to prove that you got the goods?
Sally: I already did that when I was designing for forrester creations.
Billy: It's a hell of a résumé. So why genoa city?
Sally: Change of pace, change of scene. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love L.A., And a piece of my heart will always be there, but it's relentless. You know, the "play hard, work harder" culture -- it's exciting, but --
Billy: It's exhausting.
Sally: Yeah, precisely. And it doesn't leave much room for introspection, you know? It's just too easy to get caught up in the glamour and the thrill of it all.
Billy: So this was a lifestyle choice?
Sally: Well, if a change of lifestyle was the only thing i was going for, I would have jetted off to join my aunt sally in the tropics, lounging by our private lagoon and getting served cold drinks by the hottest men on the island.
Billy: Well, that does sound like paradise.
Lily: Hi.
Billy: Hey. You made it.
Lily: Yeah. I hope I, uh, didn't keep you waiting long.
Sally: Oh, don't worry. I kept him occupied.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Uh, sorry. You are?
Sally: Kidding.
Billy: Lily, this is sally.
Sally: Pleasure to meet you.
Lily: You too.
Billy: Well, good luck with everything here.
Sally: Thank you. I will, uh, see you around.
Lily: Uh, who's that?
Billy: You know the type. New to town, looking to network. I would much rather network with you.
Summer: Alright! It's movie time.
Kyle: You ask, and I deliver.
Summer: Okay, what rom-com is this one?
Kyle: Only the best.
Summer: What the heck? Kyle, it's in black and white.
Kyle: Oh, it's a classic screwball comedy.
Summer: Yeah, and, like, a million years old. Please do not torture me like this. Can we please watch something that's from, like, I don't know, the last decade?
Kyle: Trust me, you'll love it. It was one of dina's favorite movies. We watched it dozens of times.
Summer: "The awful truth." Wow. That's some name. They should have fired their marketing guru.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Give it a chance.
Summer: Fine. But you owe me.
Kyle: I'll add it to the list. Wait. Whoa. W-what the heck?
Summer: "Cannot play your title. Please try again later."
Kyle: What? Check the wi-fi on your phone.
Summer: Okay. No. It's down. The wi-fi in the entire hotel must be down.
Kyle: Are you sure you didn't have anything to do with this?
Summer: Me? How?
Kyle: Well, you didn't want to watch the movie in the first place. Maybe you used your secret powers.
Summer: Oh. No, no, no. I save those for the very important occasions.
Kyle: Oh. Like what?
Summer: Wouldn't you like to know?
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ] Oh, I guess that's that.
Summer: What?! You're giving up already?
Kyle: There's no telling when we'll be able to watch it now.
Summer: Alright. Get your shoes on. Let's go.
Kyle: Where?
Summer: To the abbott house. We can finish watching it there. We'll raid the refrigerator. We'll make some popcorn.
Kyle: But what about all the people asking questions?
Summer: Nah. I bet your whole family is still over at the chancellor place, traipsing down memory lane, talking about the good, old days.
Kyle: What are we waiting for?
Esther: Ah, "the teardrop of love." It sounds so romantic.
Nina: And each of you have a piece? Abby, too?
Ashley: Abby, too.
Jack: And I am confident it will guide her and chance into a happy future together.
Nina: I love this. I'm already conjuring up stories.
Traci: Oh, you're gonna have to fight me for the rights for this one.
Nina: Oh, really?
Traci: Yes. I've already laid out a whole new novel. But I'll tell you what. When it becomes a best seller, you can write the screenplay.
Nina: Deal.
Traci: Good.
Esther: That is the most romantic and magical story I've heard in forever. I mean, the power of that jewelry. The lives it could change.
Ashley: Esther, I promise that you can borrow my earrings if mr. Right comes along.
Nina: Hey, is there any proof yet that those jewels can ward off mr. Wrong? Because I've had too many of those.
Jack: Okay. Make all the jokes you want. I am convinced there is magic in those precious gems. These are real people, not actors,
Traci: Wow. This has been a wonderful day and a beautiful night. But if we don't go home pretty soon, you're gonna have to find a room for me, too.
[ Laughter ]
Esther: Well, you're more than welcome to stay.
Traci: Oh, thank you, no. I think I just need my own bed and to sleep for hours and hours.
Ashley: Esther, thank you so much. You and jill have hosted the most remarkable evening.
Jack: And congratulations once again to the mothers of the newlyweds.
Nina: Oh, thank you very much.
Ashley: I look forward to many more celebrations. All the holidays and anniversaries.
Nina: Yes. The birth of our grandbabies!
[ Laughter ]
Ashley: Oh, don't start.
Nina: Thank you so much for being so welcoming to him. I could not ask for a better family for my son.
Ashley: Thank you. Good night.
Traci: Good night.
Ashley: Good night.
Jack: I'll be right there.
[ Indistinct chatter ]
Sally: Well, hello, you two.
Summer: Oh, hi.
Sally: I didn't realize you were staying here. Or that you were back together.
Summer: Well, we definitely are.
Sally: Congratulations.
Kyle: Thanks.
Sally: And you, too, as well, summer, taking over the reins at jcv. How exciting.
Summer: Yeah, it is, isn't it?
Sally: Listen, if you run into any trouble or you have any questions, I would be more than happy to offer some advice.
Summer: Would you?
Sally: Yeah, I have years of experience running my own multimillion-dollar company, so there's practically nothing I don't know.
Summer: Mm. Well, I will keep that in mind. Okay, good night.
Sally: Nighty-night.
[ Elevator door opens ]
[ Elevator door closes ]
Summer: Okay. Uh, well, she wasn't condescending at all. I'm related to more C.E.O.S than she'll ever know.
Kyle: Don't let her get to you. She's probably covering up a few insecurities.
Summer: What do you mean?
Kyle: She had a pretty high-powered job. Then she didn'T. It's a blow to anyone's ego.
Summer: [ Sighs ] You know who you just sounded like?
Kyle: Who?
Summer: Me, when I used to tell you not to let theo get under your skin.
Kyle: If you won't take my advice, take your own.
Summer: Oh, fine, fine. I will. Okay, now let's go watch your awful movie.
Kyle: It's not awful. It's part of the title.
Summer: I will decide that, okay?
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Billy: After I arrived at the reception -- late, I might add -- I spent most of my time skulking around, trying not to lock horns with victor.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Did it work?
Billy: No. Not at all.
Lily: Tell me you didn't cause a scene at his daughter's wedding.
Billy: It wouldn't be the first time. Nikki saved the day this time. Not before victor announced to jill that I was the prime suspect in chance's shooting, though.
Lily: How did she take it?
Billy: Didn't believe it for a second.
Lily: Well, yeah. I mean, anyone who knows you would know that you're not guilty.
Billy: I don't know about that. I did get a second to catch up with chance.
Lily: Wait, don't tell me that he thinks you're the one who shot him. These little cups would make
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: I don't know where chance's head is after the shooting. I just hope he keeps an open mind.
Lily: It's probably all you can ask for right now.
Billy: Yeah. Hopefully it'll all be over by the time he gets home from his honeymoon.
Lily: So, I've actually been thinking about how we can clear your name.
Billy: How?
Lily: If we look at the security footage at the chanccomm building. So if it's time-stamped, we can see when you entered versus when you exited the building, and then we can prove that you were nowhere near chance or adam at the time of the shooting.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, we should definitely look at that. In other news, I don't know if you've heard, but victor had adam committed to a psych ward.
Lily: Wow. I'm shocked. I mean, victor's always making excuses for adam's bad behavior.
Billy: Yeah. I don't know. Maybe he's, uh, building a plausible cause for his insanity defense in kidnapping chelsea or even framing me.
Lily: Well, it will be interesting to see if any new evidence comes out against you while adam's locked up.
Billy: Yeah. A guy like adam has a bunch of minions doing his dirty work. Keeps his hands clean.
Lily: Which means you're probably always looking over your shoulder, wondering who's watching you.
Billy: It's crossed my mind about a half a million times. In fact, I should probably look for somewhere safe to sleep tonight.
Lily: Oh, yeah?
Billy: Mm. Do you know anyone that might take me in?
Ashley: Summer!
Traci: [ Gasps ] Oh, what a surprise!
Summer: Hi, everybody. Um, I heard that the wedding was amazing.
Ashley: I wish you could have been there.
Jack: Hey, what brings you by?
Summer: Well, the, uh, wi-fi was done at the grand phoenix, so kyle and I just figured that we would come and finish our movie here, so...
Kyle: Looks like we're gonna need a bigger bowl of popcorn.
Traci: Oh, no, no. Not for me, honey. My bed is calling my name, even as we speak. Mwah! I love you. Good night.
Jack: Good night, sis.
Ashley: I'm right behind you. Looks like the teardrop of love was working its magic on another abbott.
Jack: So, what are you guys watching?
Kyle: "The awful truth."
Jack: You don't say.
Summer: Yeah, kyle said it was one of dina's favorites.
Jack: Oh, yes, it was. I cannot tell you how many times we watched it. She knew all her favorite lines in it, even when she didn't remember who I was.
Summer: Well, I've never seen it.
Jack: You are in for a treat. Enjoy.
Summer: No, jack. You should stay.
Jack: Well, no, I am not going to interrupt.
Summer: No. No, no, no. We -- we insist, really.
Kyle: Dad, have a seat in the chair. I'll go get some more snacks.
Jack: So, did he tell you about mr. Smith?
Summer: Oh, yeah. He said it was the name of the dog in the move?
Jack: Yeah. He reminded dina of a puppy she had as a little girl.
Summer: Um, piper, right?
Jack: Wow. Good memory. Yeah. She got so excited every time she saw that dog on the screen. Told me all kinds of stories about piper and her family. And a lot of these stories, i never heard before.
Summer: I loved her stories.
Jack: I spent a lot of my life without my mom, so those stories brought me closer to who she really was. Anyway, sit back, relax. You're gonna like this.
Abby: Yeah. Look.
Chance: I am.
Abby: At the box, not at me. The most priceless wedding gift of all. Mm. It was so sweet of nina to have all of our wedding guests write marriage advice on these cards. Can you imagine how much experience and heartache is in this one little box?
Chance: Well, I'm particularly fond of kyle's words of wisdom.
Abby: The importance of makeup sex?
Chance: That's the one.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] You're a riot.
Chance: There's a little truth in every joke, and I have a lot of making up to do after this...fiasco.
Abby: No. This is just one of our many adventures. Something we'll talk about when we're old and gray.
Chance: You know who would love this trip?
Abby: Who?
Chance: Our future kids.
Abby: Yeah?
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: Yeah. Have our own private beach, or maybe take them to the mountains somewhere.
Abby: Mm, they can learn how to rough it. And that way, no matter what life throws at them, they'll just roll with it.
Chance: Like their beautiful, resourceful mom.
Abby: But make me one promise.
Chance: Anything.
Abby: The next time we have to stay in a hotel, I'll make the reservations.
Chance: Oh, alright. You got it.
[ Rain falling ]
Abby: No. Tell me that's not...
Chance: That's -- that's definitely the sound of rain.
Abby: No, that is the sound of our moonlight stroll going straight down the drain.
Chance: Who says?
Abby: Mother nature.
Chance: Are you already forgetting jack's advice?
Abby: Embrace life every moment.
Chance: That is exactly what we are gonna do.
Abby: But we can'T.
Chance: We will. Because this tropical drizzle will be over in no more than five minutes. The skies will clear. The moon will come out. And I will make love you to you under the stars.
Abby: Yeah?
Chance: Then we'll take a dip in the ocean afterwards. I can't believe how warm it's gonna be. I promised you a life of nights to remember. This is where it all begins. - [Narrator] This is kate.
Lily: Well, I'm glad that jill was able to enjoy the day, despite victor's big mouth.
Billy: Yeah. He's the definition of a buzzkill.
Lily: What made him feel like today, of all days, was the place to bring up the shooting?
Billy: He wanted to rub it in my face that I'm a suspect.
Lily: Well, I'm sure jill's just happy that chance found the right woman. Today was the day for celebrations, not aspersions. I mean, jill was devastated when cane and I broke up.
Billy: Yeah. She was the same when victoria and I went our separate ways. The exact opposite of victor, who wanted to play the blame game and drag me through the mud.
Lily: Well, now she has to hang all her hopes on chance.
Billy: He's a perfect candidate. The boy scout with a heart of gold, keeping the world safe and secure for the rest of us.
Lily: But it doesn't mean that she's given up on you living happily ever after.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] I wouldn't bet the bank on it. It's actually in our dna. I mean, let's think about it. Jill chancellor brooks -- no, jill foster brooks chancellor abbott atkinson. I think I'm actually missing a husband or two in there somewhere. She's not exactly the role model of relationships.
Lily: No, that -- that's -- that's a lot.
Billy: On the other hand, you and dru and neil.
Lily: Well, I mean, they had their issues.
Billy: Yeah, but they were the real deal.
Lily: So, what are you saying? That I should be great at this, and you get a free pass to sow your wild oats, wherever, whenever?
Billy: That is exactly what I'm saying. God, it is uncanny how you speak my unspoken language.
Lucy: You're all confused, aren't you?
Jerry: Mm-hmm. Aren't you?
Lucy: No.
Jerry: Well, you should be, because you're wrong about things being different because they're not the same. Things are different, except in a different way. You're still the same, only I've been a fool. But I'm not now. So long as I'm different, don't you think that, well, maybe things could be the same again, only a little different, huh?
Lucy: You mean that, jerry? You sure?
Jerry: Mm-hmm.
Lucy: No more doubts? No more --
[ Movie pauses ]
Kyle: What are you doing?
Jack: That was just before the best part.
Summer: No, no, no. No, no, no. Now I know why you wanted me to watch this movie. This is us.
Kyle: What?!
Summer: Yeah. A couple of breakups because one person thinks that the other one is cheating on them, and so they lose faith in each other. And if he would just get over himself and move on, then they can get back to where they belong, which is with each other, but it's not that simple.
Kyle: Interesting deduction.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Summer: You think I'm cary grant.
Kyle: Oh, I absolutely do not, and he's not even my type.
Summer: Jack, handle your son.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no. Leave me out of this. He's all yours.
Summer: Wait. No, no, no. Okay, you have to stay. I promise we'll behave.
Kyle: No. Stay.
Jack: Don't behave on my account.
Kyle: Stay. You have to. The movie's almost over.
Jack: I've seen it dozens of times. I know how it ends.
Jack: It's obvious. They belong together. It was a bumpy ride but definitely worth it. Now play the movie.
Abby: What do you think?
Chance: You look absolutely radiant.
Abby: You bring it out in me. How about you pull down that murphy bed?
Chance: Alright.
Abby: Mmm.
[ Exhales deeply ] Just imagine, the two of us lying in each other's arms, listening to the ocean, and the ocean air wafting through the cabana.
Chance: No bed.
Abby: What?
Chance: There's no bed.
Abby: What are we supposed to sleep on?
Chance: I don't know. This?
Abby: An air mattress? I would start laughing, but I'm afraid it would make me start crying, and that is not the way I want to start our lives together.
[ Sighs ]
Chance: You know what we should do?
Abby: Kill the person that scammed us out of the honeymoon of our dreams?
Chance: I was thinking more along the lines of opening the box of marriage advice and seeing what happens.
Abby: Okay.
[ Sighs ]
Chance: Who is it?
Abby: Nikki.
Chance: That's a good one.
Abby: "'Love is patient and kind.' There's a reason that's a reading at so many weddings. Patience is key. Well, that and chemistry."
Chance: We have enough of that.
Abby: "Love is patient and kind."
Chance: This is nothing more than a good story. It's a bump in the road. The best is yet to come.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Mom, I can't find mr. Craggles!
Abby: Well, you inflated that fast. Good thing I married an eagle scout.
Chance: Never fear. Your husband is here.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] Are -- are you sure that this is strong enough to hold both of us, or big enough?
Chance: Only one way to find out. Ooh.
Abby: Oh!
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: Okay. Alright. Yeah. So far, so good. Why don't you join me?
Abby: Well, I'm -- I'm afraid it's gonna pop.
Chance: Well, if it does, I know how to patch it.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Here we go!
Chance: Oh!
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Chance: [ Laughs ] You know, the good thing about the mattress being so small is we have to stay close to each other.
Abby: Mm. Okay. I know I'm gonna sound like a princess when I say this, but i need linens.
Chance: Oh.
Abby: I can't sleep on bare rubber. Oh. Okay. Please, please, please. 1,000 thread count sheets. Please.
Chance: Egyptian cotton.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Or this. This is not what i was hoping for.
Chance: It's not so bad.
Abby: Oh, let me guess. It reminds you of the blankets you used when you were in the military.
Chance: They were surprisingly comfortable.
Abby: Well, it's worth a try.
Chance: Hey! That is softer than I expected.
Abby: Well, it's not what i was envisioning for our wedding night, but we will make it work.
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: What?
Chance: You must really love me to put up with this.
Abby: I do. Very much.
Chance: Most other women --
Abby: Lucky for you, I am not "most women."
Chance: I am the luckiest guy in the world. No regrets?
Abby: Not one.
Abby: I am with the man that I love for the rest of my life. We had the perfect day, and this is just the first of a lifetime of adventures together.
Chance: Despite everything.
Abby: But maybe tomorrow we can hop that flight to bora-bora and start the honeymoon of our dreams?
Chance: Or we could start right now.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Chance: Ow. Ooh. Almost.
Abby: [ Laughing ]
Kyle: Ta-da! What did you think?
Summer: Well, I think it's my new favorite movie. I can totally see why dina loved it. I mean, cary grant made everything look effortless. And irene dunne in that dress.
Jack: Ooh. Unparalleled costumer. Edith head. Hmm?
Summer: I mean, gosh, if i had a dress like that...
Jack: You're running a fashion company now. You could create one.
Summer: It would have to be one of a kind.
Kyle: Just like you.
Summer: Okay. Who was your favorite?
Kyle: Mr. Smith.
Summer: The dog?
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Okay. He's impossible. Jack, he's impossible.
Jack: Well, it's been a pretty full day.
Kyle: It has.
Jack: It's nice to see you happy again.
Kyle: I owe it all to you.
Jack: All?
Kyle: Okay. Maybe 25%?
[ Chuckles ] If you hadn't invited summer to thanksgiving dinner, it...
Jack: Well, you needed a little nudge, that's all.
Kyle: I guess we needed to take our time, stop rushing through our relationship like it was a race.
Jack: Oh, really?
Kyle: This is the part where you say, "I told you so."
Jack: When I said to back off on the elopement plans, to just take your time?
Kyle: I promise, the next time, I'll pay more attention.
Jack: There is one thing i want to say to you.
Kyle: Yeah, lay it on me. I can take it.
Jack: I'm proud of you for not giving up. These days when couples see troubles ahead, they think, "oh, that's a sign that it wasn't meant to be." When she became the runaway bride, you could have done that. No one would have blamed you.
Kyle: I'm glad I didn'T.
Jack: And here you are, showing her in every possible way just how much she means to you.
Kyle: It's easy to do. She makes me happy. Keeps me on my toes.
Summer: Oh! You weren't talking about me, were you?
Kyle: Mnh-mnh. Never. Never.
[ Chuckles ] Ready to head back to the grand phoenix?
Summer: Uh, yeah. We should probably get going. It's been a full day.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. Talk to you tomorrow, dad.
Jack: Count on it.
Summer: Good night.
Jack: Stay out of trouble.
Kyle: Oh. Mm-hmm.
Lily: Well, I had a really great time tonight.
Billy: You're using past tense because?
Lily: Because all good things must come to an end.
Billy: Who says?
Lily: Uh, my to-do list for tomorrow.
Billy: One more drink. We'll make it a small one.
Lily: Uh, I can'T.
Billy: I'll have one more drink. You can watch me. You can keep me honest.
Lily: Why? So you don't have to be alone with your thoughts?
Billy: We definitely don't want to do that.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well... you could walk me to my room and see what develops.
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