Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/2/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/2/20


Episode #12001 ~ Victor doubts Billy's innocence; Nina has a surprise for Abby and Chance; Jack makes a promise for the future.

Provided By Suzanne

Due to illness, the part of Chance will temporarily be played by Justin Gaston.

Devon: Dearly beloved, we've gathered here today to celebrate the love between chance and abby, who have come before god to be joined together in marriage. Now, I personally believe that a wedding is the best type of celebration because it's two people that we already think the world of declaring their intention to be true to each other and vowing to cherish each other until the end of time. And every single one of us here -- we get to cheer them on. And I'm not talking about just cheering them on today. We get to cheer them on for the rest of their lives because we are more than just witnesses to this ceremony. We are their support system. We are chance and abby's community. We're the soft place for them. To fall when they need. And that is a responsibility and a privilege that none of us should take lightly. And I know for a fact i certainly will not.

Nina: This is from ecclesiastes. "Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil, for if they fall, one will lift up the other. But woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one.

Devon: Now, abby and chance have prepared their own vows for each other.

Chance: Before I met abby, my life was pretty exciting at times.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: The rush of adrenaline, always on the move, never knowing what the next case would bring. But abby changed all of that.

[ Chuckles ] But don't get me wrong. Life with her is never a bore.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Chance: She keeps me on my toes more than the army and the fed.

[ Laughter ] And she is the only excitement that I crave right now. That glint in her beautiful blue eyes that promises me a smile or a laugh [Chuckles] Or an adventure of our own. So my first vow, the first of many, is to give abby a life that a fun, powerful, beautiful woman like her deserves, never a dull moment. Uh, that's a good thing.

[ Both laugh ] I promise to spend the rest of our lives keeping the magic alive in big ways and in small.

[ Laughs ]

Devon: Well, your groom just promised you a lifetime of drama.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: Well, I'm gonna hold him to that. But now it's my turn. Chance literally fell out of the ceiling and into my life.

[ Laughter ] So I am not the only one who keeps things lively. And I promise to always keep our life exciting. But there is only so much excitement that I can deal with. So I wish that your vow to me would be that you would never get shot again...because you scared the life out of me.

Abby: Lastly, I promise to be a loving wife and a devoted mother to our children.

Chance: And I promise to keep our family safe and happy.

Abby: I know you will.

Devon: Abby, will you take this man to be your husband, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him and comfort him? Will you honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, will you be faithful to him for as long as you both shall live?

Abby: I will.

Devon: Chance, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her and comfort her? Will you honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, and will you be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live?

Chance: I will.

[ Both laugh ]

Devon: Now, who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Victor: She gives herself, with her mother's and my blessing.

Chance: I, chance, take you, abby, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

Abby: I, abby, take you, chance, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Sighs ]

Devon: Now, do you have the ring?

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Devon: There it is. Now repeat after me. "With this ring, I thee wed."

Chance: With this ring, I thee wed.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Devon: Alright, abby, repeat after me.

Abby: With this ring, I thee wed. Uh, sorry. I jumped the gun.

Devon: That's okay. Still official. You're still doing good.

[ Laughter ] From this moment forward, you are no longer two. You are one. And what god has joined together, let no one separate.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: By the power of your love and commitment and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can take it from here, man.

[ Applause ] We're all putting things off, especially in these times.

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[ Indistinct conversations ]

Abby: Devon.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: You were amazing. It's like you've done it forever.

Traci: I still cannot believe that this is your first time officiating.

Kyle: Wait. Seriously?

Devon: Thank you, guys. I appreciate you.

Mariah: Hey, it could be your new side gig.

Victoria: Well, since he already has such a hard time keeping busy.

Jack: I think we all know that isn't the case.

[ Laughter ]

Victor: As the father of the bride, I'd like to say a few words.

Nick: Oh, you're in for it now, chance.

[ Laughter ]

Victor: It does my heart good to see my youngest daughter, abby, so happy, so content. And, you know, katherine chancellor would feel the same. Chance, she would be very happy that you now have abby in your life. Congratulations.

Ashley: Hear, hear.

Chance: Thank you.

Jack: Hear, hear.

Jill: I'll drink to that.

Ashley: However, if you're not gonna be tough on our new son-in-law, I certainly am.

Abby: Ohh!

Ashley: Abby's spark is clearly so special and unique. And she has brought so much joy to all of our lives. I fully expect you to keep that light shining in her eyes.

Chance: That's my goal.

Ashley: She wasn't always a picnic, though.

[ Laughter ] When your daughter, um, decides to fill the chancellor pool with bubbles and goes skinny-dipping because she wants to raise awareness for her quest to save the otters --

[ Laughter ] Yeah, there's nothing in a parenting book that tells you how to deal with that situation.

[ Laughter ] I thought you were gonna be banned from the estate here for your entire life. And instead you got married here. I would never change a moment of your journey. I love you.

Abby: I love you.

Ashley: I love you now.

Chance: I love you.

[ Laughter ]

Jill: I would never presume to speak for katherine of course 'cause god knows she could send down a lightning bolt and strike me where I stand.

[ Laughter ] But I really feel her presence here today. She really loved a good wedding. She loved a good cake fight, too. But the truth is, I believe she would have so approved of this union.

Nikki: Oh, there's no doubt about that.

Jill: I have to admit that when I first heard that my grandson and abby were getting married so quickly, I wasn't really thrilled. I mean, no rehearsal dinner. There was no lavish reception. There was no guest list that was full of vips and titans of industry, you know. But I was dead wrong... 'cause this little wedding was just perfect. I mean, all the love in this room? See, and that's what's important, isn't it?

[ Chuckles ]

Nina: I think what jill is trying to say is, welcome to the family, abby.

Abby: Thank you so much.

[ Laughs ]

Nina: When my son was shot in the line of duty, you were right there with him when I couldn't be, and I will always be grateful to you for that. I believe it was your strength and your determination and your love for him that helped him recover so quickly.

Chance: I can confirm that.

Abby: Mm. Nowhere else I'd be.

Nina: And someone else who couldn't be here with us today also shares my gratitude, and your father wrote a letter for me to read to you.

Jill: What did phillip say?

Nina: He says, "dear chance, how I wish I could have been there with you and your lovely bride today to celebrate. Since that wasn't possible, I'll do the next best thing and send you both my love and well wishes, like the prayer flags from our father/son trek across the himalayas last year. May my prayers catch the wind so they'll be carried around the world to bless the happy couple and bring you and abby nothing but good fortune. You'll be in my thoughts, as always, today and every day. Love, dad."

Abby: How sweet is that.

Chance: Hearing his words, it's -- it's almost like he's here with us. Well, I think I can speak for my wife --

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Chance: "My wife."

[ Laughter ] It sounds weird.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Chance: When I say how touched we are by the outpouring of support that we've received today. I just want to thank you for all witnessing our ceremony. But now please, please go enjoy yourselves.

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: We can do that.

Mariah: Uh, I hear there's a buffet in the dining room.

Nick: Yeah, let's get into that.

Devon: Marrying people works up an appetite.

Abby: Wait. Hold on one second. Sorry.

[ Laughs ] As you all know, I am not one to stop a party, but the bride has a few words that she would like to say.

At the home depot,

we improved black friday.

Abby: First of all, I would like to echo what my husband said. Ooh, I love the sound of that.

[ Laughs ] Thank you all for being here, especially since it was so last-minute. We understood that some people wouldn't be able to be here. But when chance was lying in that hospital bed and then when we knew he was out of danger, starting our lives together took a new sense of urgency. You know, when you are so close to losing everything, you realize that you have no time to waste. So all of the trappings of a big, fancy wedding just seem so unimportant. You know, joining of our three families, the newmans, the abbotts, and the chancellors, is momentous in its own right. But what I am most excited about today is getting to marry the most incredible man that I have ever known. And our legacies will move forward with our children. When we're blessed to have them.

[ Laughs ] So, I am just so honored to be a part of a family that will begin that journey. And I just -- well, I love you all.

Ashley: We love you.

Devon: We love you. Yeah!

Abby: Thank you all for being here. Now, please, eat, drink, and be merry.

Kyle: Whoo!

Devon: Yeah!

Ashley: Cheers.

Mariah: Hey, if you're gonna make that trip later, we got to...

Abby: Oh. Yes, yes. I have to go freshen up. Uh, will you be okay without me for a minute?

Chance: Well, I will, uh -- I will do my best.

Abby: You'll be brave.

Mariah: Alright.

Ashley: I am so happy that my daughter isn't so mature that she doesn't still enjoy a good costume change.

Jack: Oh, perish the thought.

Ashley: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Get up there.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: That was the most beautiful ceremony of all time. I even cried a little, which I -- I never do.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Mariah: And the speeches afterwards -- they were so beautiful, especially yours.

Abby: Yeah, well, I didn't have anything written. I just spoke from the heart.

Mariah: Well, it was very eloquent, amazing, as always.

Abby: Thank you. I mean, if it hadn't been for you and my mom throwing everything together so last-minute, I mean, this wedding might not have ever happened.

Mariah: It didn't seem like a rush job?

Abby: Not at all. Everything was perfect, just right.

Mariah: Well, that is probably the best compliment you could have given me, so thank you. Are you wondering if you look married?

Abby: [ Sighs ] I'm just wondering if I look as happy as I feel.

Mariah: You do. You really do. So, let's get you changed and go back downstairs so we can spread that happiness around like it's sunshine.

[ Both laugh ]

Jack: So, you're here.

Billy: Wonder of wonders.

Jack: And now what? You're hiding out?

Billy: Uh, keeping a low profile, jack. Best not to attract too much attention, given my situation.

Jill: What situation?

Jack: No one told her?

Jill: Told me what?

Victor: Your son... shot your grandson. Alright, I brought in ensure max protein

Nikki: Victor, I know you're upset, but don't ruin this day for abby.

Jill: Billy, talk to me. What victor just said -- that is not true, is it?

Billy: Look, let me try and explain this to both of you. Um, first of all, congratulations, and I'm -- I'm really happy that you're recovering.

Chance: Oh, from the bullet the police say you may have fired?

Jill: I don't find this the least bit amusing.

Jack: Probably because it isn'T.

Billy: Look, chance, I-I did not pull that trigger, okay? I did not fire a bullet at adam and miss. I wasn't there, okay? And I really hope that you can believe me.

Chance: I'm just gonna wait for the all the evidence to come in.

Billy: Great. I'm fine with that, okay? And when you get home from your honey, I really hope that you can let me take you both out and celebrate.

Chance: That sounds really fun. Why don't we just see how this goes, okay?

Billy: Yeah.

Chance: Now, if you'll please excuse me, I'm gonna see what's keeping abby. Behave yourselves.

Jack: Y-yeah, that's the plan.

Billy: Well, I hope you can believe me at least.

Jill: I wouldn't be standing here if I didn't believe you. And I certainly can understand why you're a suspect. But you have to be smart about this.

Jack: Your mother's right.

Jill: Don't get cocky. Don't screw this up.

Abby: I am so sorry about earlier. I took cold feet to a new level.

Chance: You have been hurt and disillusioned more than one time. You had every right to hesitate.

Abby: Thank you for understanding... and for peeling me off the ceiling.

Chance: You kidding me? Just gave me another opportunity to tell you how much I adore you. I live for that. You know, you really are the perfect husband. All of my stupid doubts and fears -- they just -- they vanished. And saying those vows in front of everyone just solidified what's in my heart -- that we are meant for each other.

Chance: Well, now it's official.

Abby: Mm. Well, how's it going downstairs?

Chance: Oh, you know, no blood yet, but the day is young.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: Oh, and billy wants to take us for a private celebration if he isn't convicted of shooting me.

Abby: Look, I-I really don't want to think the worst in billy.

Chance: Neither do I. No. Why don't we go back and join the celebration?

Abby: Oh, before jetting off on our honeymoon?

Chance: Mm. I hope you like what I have planned for us.

Abby: Let me think about it. A private island all to ourselves for an entire week? Yeah, I think I can deal.

Chance: This place is stocked with everything that we could ever want. And the best part is there's no cell service. So no one can find us.

Abby: Ahh. [ Laughs ] That sounds like paradise.

Chance: Times 10 because we will be there together.

Nikki: You did such a wonderful job, especially considering it was your first time officiating.

Nick: And between the two of us, we've been in enough weddings to qualify as experts.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Nikki: Oh, yes. There have been weddings. There have been almost weddings. There have been non-weddings and even weddings officiated by your grandmother.

Nick: The circle is complete.

Devon: Absolutely is.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, here they are!

Nikki: Oh! Beautiful!

[ Applause ]

Mariah: Alright, everybody, grab your drinks and gather around because it's showtime.


Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Esther: That looks pretty.

Abby: [ Gasps ] Oh, it's gorgeous. Ah. Love it. [ Chuckles ] Mom, I can't find mr. Craggles!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

[ Applause ]

Mariah: Yeah! Whoo!

Jill: Bravo!

Jack: It is celebrations like these, both big and small, that make life worth toughing out.

Victor: Well, amen to that, jack.

Nikki: Well, listen to the two of you almost sounding like you're friends.

Jack: Let's not get carried away.

Jill: Oh, come on, jack. It could happen. Look at you and me. We're civil now and then some.

Traci: [ Laughs ] You know, the more days fly by, don't you just start believing anything can happen?

[ Laughter ]

Jack: Excuse me a minute. Billy? Billy.

Billy: [ Sighs ] It's just better I leave.

Ashley: Please stay.

Billy: I can'T.

[ Door closes ]

Nina: Yeah. How's the cake?

Jill: [ Chuckles ]

Esther: It is delicious. This is the first break I've had since this morning. I've just been running around like a crazy person, making sure that all the caterers have everything they need.

Nina: Well, you enjoy every bite. This has been a perfect day. Obviously you were running your buns off behind the scene.

Esther: Oh, thank you. I'm so glad that you're pleased.

Jill: Listen, I never thought I'd hear myself say this, agreeing with this one.

Nina: I beg your pardon?

Jill: No, you were right, though. I mean, you have done a magnificent job. You've really outdone yourself, esther valentine.

Esther: A compliment from jill. I may faint.

Nina: [ Laughs ]

Mariah: Well...

Devon: Mm.

Mariah: ...We did it. We managed to pull off an elegant wedding in a matter of days.

Devon: We did. Ashley and esther deserve a lot of credit, along with the bride and groom. They did the hard part.

Mariah: The hard part?

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: What hard part? They're so happy together. It's a gift.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] You wouldn't be trying to make a point, would you?

Mariah: Like what?

Devon: Oh, I don't know. Like, "don't give up on love" or something.

Mariah: Well, as a matter of fact, you absolutely should not give up on love.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Look, I know that you've lost a lot. You also know what it's like to find your soul mate, to fall in love and to plan a future together.

Devon: Yeah. You don't have to worry about me. Despite what I've been through and all the risks, I still think that there's somebody out there for me.

Mariah: Well, not just somebody. The perfect somebody.

Devon: Mm.

Mariah: Don't worry. Things are looking up for you. I know it.

Devon: Thanks.

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: Father of the bride seems to be enjoying himself.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Nikki: That expression you see is relief. The last couple of weeks have been pretty hard on victor, harder than most people realize. He really needed a positive occasion like this to refocus. You and your family also. We were so sorry to hear about dina's passing.

Jack: Those were lovely flowers you sent to my house.

Nikki: Oh.

Jack: And a lovely note. And thank you very much for the generous donation to alzheimer's research. I'll get that thank-you note off real soon.

Nikki: Oh, please, don't worry about that. How are you doing?

Jack: I'm hanging in there.

Nikki: Well, you sacrificed a lot to make sure that your mother's last year was as comfortable as possible.

Jack: You better than most people know about my relationship with my mother. I looked at this as my last chance to get it right.

Nikki: Well, victor and i really respected everything you did for her. I just wanted you to know that.

Jack: Thanks. That means a lot.

Nikki: Sure.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Jill: Jack? I'm curious about something. Is nikki the one who got away? Or would that title go to phyllis?

Jack: These days, I'm looking forward, not behind. No regrets.

> Traci: Oh, ashley, you must be so proud.

Ashley: I am. I know it's taken abby a little while to find her path in life, but now that she has and she's found a man that's worthy of her

[Chuckles] I think he's gonna be a great husband and a great father. And...it's just so exciting to see my baby girl embarking on this stage of her life.

Traci: Of course.

Ashley: Traci, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking.

Traci: No. No harm done.

Ashley: Traci, I'm sorry. I -- I'm going on and on about my daughter and her hopes and dreams.

Traci: And that's as it should be.

Ashley: I was insensitive, and I'm so sory.

Traci: Ashley, there's a part of me that of course is gonna wonder what it would have been like on colleen's wedding day, who she would have married, what her dress would have looked like. But there is no sadness in me, especially on abby's special day. Now there's nothing but joy.

[ Sniffles ]

Abby: That's all so beautiful. Thank you so much.

Esther: I'm so happy for you guys.

Abby: Oh!

Esther: Okay.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Esther: I get it.

Chance: You having fun?

Abby: Ah! This whole day is like a dream. I feel like I am, like, dancing on a cloud. It doesn't seem real. So, that's a yes, by the way.

Chance: What do you think about saying our goodbyes and heading to the airport, maybe get the honeymoon started?

Abby: Mmm.

Nina: Uh, no. Sorry. I don't mean to interrupt.

[ Laughter ] But you can't go yet. We have one more surprise in store for you.

Chance: Mm? Hi sabrina!

>&gtHi jen!

Nina: There you go. Okay, does everybody have a marker and a card?

Nikki: I have mine.

Nina: Alright.

Mariah: Uh, what are we supposed to be writing again?

Nina: We are writing a special bon voyage message to the newlyweds, anything from a blessing, a quote, a favorite poem, maybe some sage advice about marriage, how to make it work. And then when we're done, we're gonna put them in this beautiful, beautiful box. And then we're gonna give it to chance and abby, and they can have it to start their new lives.

Victoria: That is such a charming idea!

[ Laughter ]

Nina: Alright. On your marks, get set, write.

Ashley: Hey! No peeking.

Abby: Oh, you're no fun.

Ashley: No peeking.

Jack: [ Thinking ] "In marriage, it's important to embrace life every minute."

Esther: [ Thinking ] "The way to anyone's heart is through their stomach. Learn to cook. I'd love to teach you."

Victoria: [ Thinking ] "Don't just be half a couple. Be your whole selves first. Then come together from there."

Victor: [ Thinking ] "No career success will ever bring you the wealth and riches a family will."

Nick: [ Thinking ] "Don't let anyone else try to run your marriage. You know who I mean."

Nikki: [ Thinking ] "'Love is patient. Love is kind.' There's a reason that's a reading at so many weddings. Patience is key. Well, that and chemistry."

Mariah: [ Thinking ] "I'm not sure I'm qualified to hand out marital advice, so I'll leave you with some wisdom from an old song. 'Get by with a little help from your friends.'"

Ashley: [ Thinking ] "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."&

Kyle: [ Thinking ] "Make-up sex -- embrace it. Just kidding. Sort of. Happy honeymoon."

Devon: [ Thinking ] "Don't let the celebration end today. Make all the memories you can. They're more precious than jewels."

Jill: [ Thinking ] "Darlings, grab life by the you-know-whats and never let go."

Nina: [ Thinking ] "Trust what's in your gut. Trust what's in your heart."

Traci: [ Thinking ] "Take it from a writer -- happily ever after is the tough part."

Nina: Alright, that's everybody. Happy life.

Abby: Thank you so much! Thank you, everyone.

Chance: Can't wait to read these. Thank you.

Abby: Me too.

Chance: Now, we hate to party and run, but victor has graciously set us up with his private plane, and we are going to sneak off to our secret honeymoon.

Victor: If you need anything, call my pilot, okay?

Abby: Thank you, daddy. Mwah!

Nick: Best time ever!

Victoria: Take a lot of pictures.

Ashley: We love you both so much!

Mariah: Leave safely!

Ashley: Bye, honey!

Abby: Bye!

Ashley: Have a great time!

Chance: I'll grab the bags. You want to do one last check?

[ Indistinct conversations ] My dermatologist was raving about pure retinol.

Jill: I never thought this day would come.

Ashley: Really? Because of chance's career?

Nina: Well, I just accepted that he might be a lone wolf for the rest of his life, just traipsing about the globe and chasing the bad guys.

Jill: And worrying us to death on a regular basis.

Nina: Who would have thought it would be someone like abby to bring his feet to the ground?

Ashley: What?

Jack: Oh, never underestimate my niece.

Ashley: That's right. Under that joie de vivre, it is a tower of determination.

[ Laughs ]

Jill: I'm just hoping that they could kind of balance each other out, especially after they start having children.

Nina: Are you ready to be a great grandmother?

Jill: I was born ready.

Jack: Oh, dear, the mind reels.

Jill: Ugh.

Ashley: [ Chuckles ]

Jill: Nikki... do you ever, uh -- do you ever hear katherine's voice? Because I -- [ Sighs ] This woman haunts me constantly.

Nikki: Well, that's not surprising. Katherine always thought you needed a conscience.

Nina: She wasn't right about everything, but she was right about that.

Jill: Oh, put a sock in it, nina.

Ashley: Okay, ladies, could we put our conflicts aside, please?

Jack: We're all family now, thanks to this wedding. We're ushering in a new era of peace.

Victor: Well, well, well, that's easy for you to say, jack, when your child is not being shot at.

Jill: Oh, great. Now you're gonna start piling on billy.

Victor: Do you, by chance, know anyone who hates adam with such passion?

Ashley: [ Clears throat ] How long have you got?

Jack: Y-you know what?

Ashley: I'm sorry.

Jack: I know rome wasn't built in a day, but for the newlyweds' sake, for katherine's sake, hell, for dina's sake, maybe we should all just take a breath, think about where we've been and how far we've all come.

Ashley: It does seem like just a minute ago abby was a baby, I was cradling her fragile little body in my arms.

Jill: I know, and suddenly all our kids are grown up and having kids of their own. How does that happen?

Nina: I guess we're about to find out.

Jill: [ Laughs ]

Nikki: It happens so quickly.

Victor: Yep. In the blink of an eye.

Ashley: I've never felt more alive than I do right now at this very moment.

Jack: This is a truck from when I was a little boy. Look at that.

Jill: You build the car, and I'll build our house. Put a second story on it, a great big super-duper playroom for you.

Nina: We did it. We're a family. We're a family.

Nikki: You and daddy get to spend the whole day together.

Victor: Okay? You know, you and I can play all day together.

Nick: Hey.

Jill: Hey. Maybe it is possible.

Nina: What, jill?

Jill: That despite all of our animosities, built up layer by layer, year after year, this wedding has brought us all together in a way that nothing else could.

Ashley: Wouldn't that be beautiful if this was the turning point for our families.

Nikki: Before you know it, chance and abby could be having children of their own.

Victor: Yeah. And one day they'll be standing at this very spot, talking about their past and their future.

Jill: Just like we are now.

Victor: Yes.

Jack: May I propose a toast. To the abbotts, the chancellors, and the newmans bravely facing a future together.

Nina: Aww, I like your optimism, jack.

Jack: Well, you got to aim high.

Ashley: That's my big brother.

Jack: Yeah.

Jill: Why the hell not?

Jack: Indeed. Why not?

Ashley: Why not?

Victor: To the future.

Together: To the future!

Nikki: Cheers, everyone.

Ashley: Cheers.

Nina: [ Chuckles ]

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