Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/1/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/1/20


Episode #12000 ~ Abby and Chance's families gather for their wedding ceremony.

Provided By Suzanne

Ashley: So, who would have thought that the three of us would have been brought together as the parents of the bride and groom?

Victor: Yes. Exactly.

Ashley: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: I'm so happy that our families and our children found each other.

Nina: Yeah. Phillip is very sorry that he couldn't be here. Two hours before he was meant to go to the airport, he had a pain, and it was diagnosed as appendicitis. So he is recovering from surgery right now.

Victor: Sorry to hear that.

Ashley: We're so happy you were able to make it. I'm sure it means everything to chance.

Nina: Yeah. I can't believe my baby boy is getting married. He asked me to be his "best mom."

Ashley: Oh!

Victor: Now, that's a testament to your relationship with your son, you know?

Nina: Yeah. Well, so, where is he? How long does it take to get a different pair of shoes?

Victor: Well, abby isn't here yet, so he doesn't have to worry about a damn thing. And knowing abby, she's gonna take her time getting ready for her wedding.

Ashley: Yeah, well, that's because the bride wants everything to be perfect on their wedding day, victor. I'm gonna go check on the cake. Excuse me.

Jack: Well, this is quite a picture. The abbotts and the newmans together in one room.

Victoria: Without wanting to kill each other.

Jack: Actually having it in this room was a stroke of genius. Everyone in both families loved katherine.

Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure she'd agree.

Jill: You know something?

Devon: Hmm?

Jill: I really feel that katherine is looking down on us, both literally and figuratively. And she would be beaming with pride that you're presiding over the ceremony.

Devon: I think if she were here, she'd want to be doing it herself.

Jill: [ Laughs ]

Devon: That's what I think.

Jill: She would. It's true. It's true. Lordy, I miss that old woman every single day. But it really helps seeing her live on in you, devon, and hopefully your family someday.

Jill: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I just got caught up in the moment.

Devon: Don't be sorry. It's more than fine, really. I am excited to be here in celebrating my friends' big day. It's fine. I'm just counting the minutes until abby and chance actually arrive.

Chance: Abby, you are the most interesting, exciting, sexy, unpredictable, and vibrant person that I-I have ever met. All I want is -- is for you to be happy. If you can't be happy with me, that -- that's okay. I'll survive knowing that you did what you had to do, what's best for you.

Abby: Okay. I know what you're doing.

Chance: What am I doing?

Abby: You're a lone-wolf, socially-awkward, late-bloomer?

Chance: [ Chuckles ] You're an immature, selfish, emotional mess with an awful track record?

[ Both chuckle ]

Abby: [ Sniffles ] You're using reverse psychology to get me to change my mind.

Chance: Well, is it working?

Nick: Mother, you look beautiful.

Nikki: Oh, thank you, darling. Where's your other half?

Nick: Uh, something came up at the hotel. She's not gonna be able to make it.

Nikki: Ah, that's too bad. Then again, maybe it's for the best. Phyllis does tend to make every occasion about herself.

Nick: I don't think that's totally fair, but, uh, let's -- let's focus on what's important today, and that's the bride and groom.

Nikki: Yes. Well, it is their moment, or it will be as soon as they both show up.

Nick: What's going on? They're not here?

Nikki: I'm beginning to wonder about that myself.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Nina: I'm getting a little worried that chance isn't back yet and there's no sign of abby.

Jill: [ Chuckles ] Coincidence? Don't you think maybe the lovebirds met up for a pre-ceremonial tryst?

Nina: Of course your mind would go there.

Jill: What, you think it isn't possible?

Nina: It wouldn't explain why the maid of honor is M.I.A.

Victoria: So, we're missing abby, chance, and mariah. I hope nothing's wrong.

Devon: Uh, you know, abby likes to be dramatic sometimes. She probably wants to make a big, grand entrance.

Victoria: You're probably right. Oh, there's nick. I'm gonna go say hi.

Devon: Okay.

Traci: They are more than just a little bit late now, aren't they?

Jack: Yeah, they are.

Mariah: I still haven't heard anything from abby or chance. Have you?

Ashley: Not yet.

Mariah: I'm really starting to get worried now.

Jack: Worried about what? Is there going to be a wedding today or not?

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Mariah: Hi, everybody. Um, as the maid of honor, uh, i am responsible for being the messenger. Uh, so the phrase "don't kill the messenger," uh, is -- is great because, uh, it's just awesome words to live by. So keep that in mind when I let you know that the bride-to-be is having a little case of cold feet, which is normal -- no, no, no. It -- it's no big deal. It's fine. It -- it's happened to us all. You know, that freeze before you take that last big leap of faith. Has anybody ever been zip-lining? No? Well, that's fine. I mean, neither have I, 'cause it's -- it's nuts, right? But my point is that, um --

Ashley: I think what mariah is trying to say is that chance is with abby right now, and I'm certain they're gonna be here any minute to say their "I do'S."

Victor: Ashley, is abby having second thoughts?

Ashley: I think it's just -- it's okay, 'cause chance and abby are talking, and they just -- they're doing well. We just need to relax a little bit and give them the extra time that they need.

Victor: Alright.

Nick: You know, if you think about it, it really wouldn't be a newman wedding if there wasn't some kind of problem.

Victoria: Well, yeah, that's true. Abby has a long way to go before her wedding is as disastrous as a few of ours were.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nick: No kidding. We set the bar pretty high. But I'm not worried about chance and abby at all.

Victoria: No, neither am I. I think that their relationship has been transformative, and they seem very happy together.

Nick: I totally get it, why he asked her to marry him so soon after they met, but it's pretty nerve-wracking to ask someone to marry you.

Nick: Look, what I'm trying to do is -- I mean, what I'm trying to say... is that I want to ask you...

Sharon: Ask me what?

Nick: ...To marry me.

Nick: There's something overwhelming and amazing about that first big love.

Victoria: Yeah, that's true. But there's also something to be said for a love so strong that it keeps coming back to you.

Victoria: I love you so much.

Billy: You stole my lead.

Victoria: What do you mean?

Billy: I was gonna wait for the right moment, but I guess this is -- this is the right moment. Vick... I have let you down more times than I can count. And... the fear of the that -- the inevitability of that -- is what kept me from doing this. Until I was firmly reminded just how temporary all of this is. How lucky I am to have you, the kids, your friendship, your love, your faith in us. I love you so much. So will you open that big, beautiful heart of yours and let me in, to stay this time? Will you marry me -- again?

Victoria: Yes. Yes.

Nick: You thinking about billy?

Victoria: I don't know. Even if we weren't meant to be, it was great while it lasted.

Nick: Which time?

[ Both chuckle ]

Victoria: Well, you should talk. How many times have you proposed to sharon and phyllis?

Nick: Well, that's one thing about newmans. We ain't quitters. But this isn't about us. It's about chance and abby.

Victoria: You're right. And I'm sure he's helping her get over her last-minute- jitters and we'll be raising our glasses to them very soon.

Chance: Are we okay?

Abby: You know, it's supposed to be bad luck for a bride and groom to see each other before the ceremony.

[ Laughs ] But I think in this case, it's perfect. I'm really glad that you're here.

Chance: I'm gonna be here for the rest of your life, if you'll have me.

Abby: You know, I-I think part of me just freaked out. I'm scared of repeating the past, and I don't know, this time, it's different, because of you... and who I am when I'm with you. For the record, I am the one who's lucky to have you. I love you -- madly. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can't

not marry you.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. But if we are gonna tie the knot, we do have to go to my grandmother's house so you can get dressed.

Abby: Oh, my god. We're late. Well...how could you let us be late on our wedding day?

Abby: I just feel so bad that everything is behind schedule.

Mariah: No, that's -- that's fine. People can wait. It'll be worth it.

Ashley: We are just so happy that you're here and looking every single bit the gorgeous bride-to-be.

Abby: I'm sorry I made you guys nervous.

Ashley: I had faith you were gonna figure out what you needed to do.

Mariah: Me too. Although when it came to, uh, informing everybody about the situation, I think your mom handled it a little bit more eloquently than I did.

Abby: Well, I apologize for putting you guys through this. All because of my stupid doubts and fears.

Ashley: Don't apologize. I'm just so happy that chance was able to reassure you. But you have to tell me -- what did he say to you?

Abby: Well, he said a lot of things, but all I had to do was look in his eyes. They said everything.

Victor: Chance. Is everything alright?

Chance: It is now.

Victor: I heard she had some doubts.

Chance: Yeah. Well, they were momentary. She just needed to be reminded that she deserves to be happy, and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making sure that she is.

Victor: I like to hear that.

Nina: So, hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Nina: I guess we're gonna be family or something. I mean, once your sister marries my son. What does that make us?

Victoria: Uh...cordial at family gatherings.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nina: Well, there was a time where I wouldn't have believed that we would be on the same side of anything. But that little rivalry thing, that was like a million years ago. If there's a hatchet to be buried, I'd like to bury it.

Victoria: Oh, uh, no, no. No, there isn'T. I mean, who can blame us for falling in love with men like cole and ryan?

Nina: Yeah. I wish ryan could see chance today. So, you and me. We'll aim for friendly, alright? I'd like to get along.

Victoria: Oh, yes. I would like that, too.

Nina: Good.

Victoria: Um, I hope that you're not worried about the wedding delay. I'm guessing it's just a hiccup, and I know that abby is crazy about chance. Sometimes people just have a hard time accepting when life is going their way. I think that my sister has trouble believing that she can have everything that she wants in a relationship.

Nina: Yeah. I understand a little bit about that. And I totally understand that abby would be just freaked out. I mean, she almost just lost chance. Then she turns around and has to plan a wedding. I mean, it makes sense that she would need a minute to take it in. And all that matters is that she's here now. And the look on chance's face when he talks about her, that's all I need to know.

Abby: Leave it to me to chip a nail right before the ceremony. How did you know to bring extra polish?

Mariah: Oh, I have everything. I have safety pins and snacks and extra hair extensions if you set your hair on fire.

Abby: Whoa. Okay. Let's hope I don't need those.

Ashley: Okay, so I know everything hasn't gone exactly according to plan, but we are on track now.

Mariah: And your mom and i talked about the whole old and new and borrowed and blue thing.

Abby: Yeah?

Ashley: And I told mariah that I've got the bridal gifts covered.

Abby: You know, I-I couldn't have gone through today without you.

Ashley: Honey, you know I'm always going to be here for you.

Abby: No, but I-I couldn't have gotten to today -- to this point in my life -- without you. I mean, you have made me the woman that I am, thanks to your love and your support and your example. I admire you so much. You have shown me the kind of woman that I want to be. And I know that I-I fall short every day, but, mom, I just -- i want to be like you. Strong and independent and loyal and loving. You are the best mom I could have ever hoped for.

[ Sniffles ] I love you.

Ashley: I love you so much, honey. Oh!

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Ashley: You're making me cry, and I don't want to be puffy in the photographs.

Abby: Well, apparently, I get my stubbornness from you, too.

Ashley: Oh, please. What about your father?

Abby: Oh, okay. Okay. Not you and dina?

Ashley: Okay, a little bit.

[ Both chuckle ]

Abby: [ Sniffles ] I miss her so much today.

Ashley: I do, too. I'm so happy you wanted to include how things from her memory box. So...

[ Both laugh ] I was thinking maybe her diamond bracelet as something old.

Abby: Dina would say "vintage."

Ashley: She would.

Abby: Wow, it is so beautiful.

Ashley: Yes, and it's gonna look so incredible with your wedding gown from lauren, which is something new, right? And I thought this would be very sweet. I found this bundle of letters. I thought we could tie this around your bouquet. Right? And it could be something blue and something borrowed, right?

Abby: Yeah. I love it so much. Thank you.

Ashley: Dina isn't with us today, but she is here in spirit, alive and well. I love you.

Abby: I love you. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,

Nina: Thank you for giving me a moment before the ceremony. Once the wedding starts, I don't know that we'll have another chance.

Abby: And I just want you to know how excited I am to become your daughter-in-law and just how honored I am to be a part of your family.

Nina: Oh! So, uh, as you know, I don't come from a family like yours or the chancellors, so I don't have a rich tradition or mementos to pass down from generation to generation. So I thought that we would start our own tradition.

Abby: [ Gasps ] Oh, my goodness.

[ Gasps ] It's lovely.

Nina: I don't expect you to wear it today, but I thought you could put pictures of you and chance in it and then perhaps... photos of my grandkids one day soon maybe.

Abby: I'm gonna do my best to make that happen. Thank you so much.

Nina: Oh! And then hopefully you can give it to your at her own wedding.

[ Both chuckle ] I swear, you'll be staring at this beautiful miracle of a baby, and then, before you know it, she'll be getting married. So...

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Nina: My son means everything to me. Being his mom completely changed my life.

Abby: I know how close you and chance have always been.

Nina: I mean, it hasn't been an easy road, but -- like, you know, his father and I weren't in love when he was born, but i feel lucky that we made a connection before he was, uh, well, presumed dead. Anyway, uh, I was kind of a wreck after that, and I really didn't think I would find love again, but I did, with ryan. And he adored chance and made us a family.

Phillip: You guys look happy.

Ryan: We are. And you're a big part of that.

Phillip: I want to see a kiss.

Nina: Oh!

Ryan: [ Chuckles ]

Phillip: Come on, guys. It's your anniversary.

Nina: [ Exhales sharply ] Ryan and I didn't last, but the love we had was real, and I will always treasure that time, and i know it meant so much to chance. He has grown into a beautiful man, but, you know, for most of his adult life, he'd kind of been alone. So I am so grateful that he has finally found the woman that he wants to build a future with. And I am especially grateful that that woman is you. You've grounded him, and you have shown him how to love, and I am very grateful for that. Thank you.

Abby: Well, he has given me more than I could ever return. I just want you to know that i love your son with everything that I have.

[ Knock on door ]

Victor: I'm sorry to interrupt. Nina, would you give us a moment?

Nina: Of course. Of course.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: So, how we doing?

Ashley: Good.

Traci: I was just telling ashley, every time we have one of these very special family events, it always makes me think how happy this would make daddy.

Jack: Yeah, I think dad would be very proud that we're all together today... and proud that, after all these years, despite a few missteps, we're still closer than ever. Maybe he's up there right now with mother, looking down on us.

Ashley: Abby and I were just talking about how much we miss mother today.

Jack: Yeah. I could see them dancing up there, looking down on us carrying on the family tradition that they started.

Dina: Would, um, I be considered too forward if i kissed my husband-to-be?

John: [ Chuckles ] You mean in front of all these people?

Dina: To hell with the rest of the world. Mm.

Ashley: Dina would have loved the fact that her granddaughter was marrying a chancellor... and in katherine's home, no less.

Chance: Hey.

Nina: "Best mom" reporting for duty. -I could get used to that nickname.

Chance: Yeah. Well, we are almost ready. You have the ring?

Nina: The ring?

Chance: Mom! Mom, I-I gave you the ring.

Nina: I have the ring. Come on!

Chance: Okay, yeah, real good time -- good time for jokes, mom. Good time.

Nina: I will be serious from here on. In fact, you and I have something to discuss.

Chance: Okay. I thought we covered all the important wedding talk earlier.

Nina: Well, there's just one more very important thing we need to deal with.

You clean dishes as you cook,

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chance: Wow. It's amazing, mom. It's beautiful. Thank you.

Nina: It was your grandfather's and then your father'S. Since phillip couldn't be here, I'm substituting for him. It's engraved -- phillip chancellor the second, the third, and now the fourth.

Chance: You're making me feel like I'm part of real legacy. I hope I can live up to the name.

Nina: Sweetheart, you have have. That's why your dad wanted you to have it now.

Chance: Well, I'm gonna thank him when I call him to make sure that he's okay after the surgery. This means so much to me -- to be able to carry this piece of family history with me today.

Abby: Are you here to bestow some parental wedding-day advice?

Victor: No. I'm not gonna do that this time.

Abby: Oh. Okay. Well, that's a first.

Victor: Oh. Because you're marrying a good man, you know? I have a feeling he will love you and stand by you.

Abby: I think so, too.

Victor: Look at you. You've become a very beautiful woman, you know. A strong woman. A force to be reckoned with.

Abby: Thank you. You know, dad...

Victor: Yeah.

Abby: ...I'm always gonna need you.

Victor: Of course you will.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: And I'll always be there for you. So... but you've made -- made a very good choice in chance, you know?

Abby: Yeah.

Victor: And you will know, later on in life, that the people we choose to be around us reflect upon us.

Abby: Well, you've made a good choice a couple of times.

Victor: Yeah. I have. Your mother is an extraordinary woman. And I cherish my friendship with her, you know? I think she has been a very good mother. So you lucked out.

Abby: I know.

[ Chuckles ]

Victor: But what I wish for you, I really do, is the kind of love that... nikki and I share, you know? The kind of love that expands over time and makes the bond stronger. Makes you a better person.

Nikki: Victor, we belong to each other. And no one, nothing can change that.

Victor: It makes me very happy to make you happy. I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Victor: To us, my darling. May we live happily ever after.

Victor: Everyone deserves that kind of love. Very few of us are lucky enough to find it. But that's the love I wish for you.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Hey.

Chance: Hey.

Mariah: You seem very cool and collected for somebody who is about to take the matrimonial plunge.

Chance: Yep.

Mariah: Yeah, even when i called you to come to the hotel to talk abby down, you didn't seem frazzled at all.

Chance: No.

Mariah: Is that because you have ice in your veins or something?

Chance: No. It's because I have love in my heart.

Mariah: Mm. He's a smooth talker, too. I'm just really happy for you guys. I mean, you guys have pulled off a miracle today. Look around. Everybody's in their respective corner. They're hanging out peacefully. No raised voices. And it's all for you guys.

Chance: Well, to me, it all comes down to this. A wedding is a great unifier. And abby and I, we love that our marriage is bringing together three of genoa city's most illustrious families.

Mariah: Family is everything.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Although you're gonna need some of that ice in your veins because you are about to dive deep into the abbotts and newmans.

Chance: Don't I know it? But every member of abby's big, messy family helped make her who she is. They must be doing something right.

Abby: I'm so happy that you see the same future for me that I do. I love you so much, dad.

Victor: I adore you, my sweetheart. Okay?

[ Knock on door ]

Jack: Got a moment for your uncle?

Victor: I was just about to leave.

Abby: I think i can fit you in. And, hey, thank you both for behaving yourselves today.

Jack: Oh, we can manage to rise above now and then.

Victor: I'll make an exception for you, okay?

Abby: Well, I am very lucky to have you both in my life.

Victor: I will see you at the bottom of the stairs.

Abby: Can you tell everyone I'll be ready in a minute?

Victor: Okay, I will. Jack. Thank you.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

[ Door closes ]

Jack: I will keep this short. I just want you to know how absolutely thrilled I am to be part of this day and how proud I am of you, that you put yourself out there and you embraced love when it came your way. That was dina's ultimate wish for our family. You are the first abbott to grant her wish since she passed. You are a beacon of hope for the rest of us.

Abby: Well...

[ Chuckles ] Hopefully it'll be the first of many abbott weddings to come. Because everyone deserves to find the kind of love that chance and I have.

Jack: I love you, abby.

Abby: I love you, uncle jack.

Victor: May I have your attention, please? The ceremony is about to begin.

Devon: Alright.

Mariah: Alright. Well, it's smooth sailing from here on out for the maid of honor. Are you ready?

Devon: Oh, I'm ready. Yes.

Mariah: You know, it feels really appropriate that you're officiating the ceremony, especially since we're in your grandmother's house.

Devon: Dru and neil got married here, too. That always makes me feel really close to them, to be here.

Jill: Oh, that was the most beautiful wedding. They were such a gorgeous couple.

Jill: Drucilla! Oh, dear, you look absolutely beautiful. The wedding was lovely. You make a stunning bride.

Drucilla: Why, thank you, mrs. Abbott.

Jill: I just know that you and neil are going to be happy for the rest of your days.

Drucilla: Oh.

Jill: Oh, good luck, darling. See you later.

Drucilla: Okay.

Jill: I realize that no relationship is perfect, but those two -- it just seemed like they were made for each other.

Devon: Yeah.

Jill: Sometimes when you're with somebody, you just know you've got it right.

Devon: That's for sure.

Hilary: Do not flirt with me, devon hamilton, 'cause my heart is very spoken for.

Devon: He's a lucky man.

Hilary: I'm the lucky one. Gosh, after all of the things that I've done, being this happy should not be allowed.

Devon: No one deserves this more than you. I just hope that I don't disappoint you.

Hilary: Why would you disappoint me?

Devon: Well... we haven't exactly taken the most righteous path to get here, and that can weigh on someone.

Hilary: Yeah, but it's all over now. And I believe in us. As long as you believe in us, too, we'll be fine.

Devon: I do. More than anything.

Hilary: [ Exhales deeply ] Who says wishes can't come true?

Mariah: When you get those moments, you just want to hang on to them forever.

Devon: Well, you can, in your mind.

Jill: Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to bring up something so painful.

Devon: Oh, no. Don't be sorry. You're fine. It's -- it's actually the opposite, jill.

Nick: I tried living without you. I tried getting over you, and i don't want to. My life is infinitely better with you in it. And I wouldn't be taking this huge step if there wasn't something deep and powerful backing it up. It's that thing that's always been there between us.

Phyllis: So what are you saying?

Nick: I'm saying I am 100% all in. If you can't hear that, you haven't been listening.

Nick: [ Exhales deeply ]

Nina: Well?

Chance: Hmm?

Nina: Are you ready?

Chance: To marry the love of my life? Absolutely.

Nina: Okay. I love you.

Chance: I love you. These little cups would make

Nikki: You're as handsome as the day we met.

Victor: You still take my breath away.

Nikki: I feel almost as if we're the ones getting married today.

Victor: Mm-hmm. In a sense, we are. Look at them all here. The newmans and the abbotts and the chancellors and the winterses. My goodness. These are the families that have made genoa city. Wow. You know, seasons pass, we fall in love, create new families. They, in turn, create new limbs to the family tree. That is what has brought us here now -- to this moment. I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Victor: [ Smooches ]

Traci: When

will you find love?

Victor: Oh, my goodness.

Traci: A love that lasts forevermore

Victor: [ Smooches ]

Traci: Just look inside and you will find it's always lived inside your heart just open it and start to let it guide you to the everlasting part search and you will find just look inside and you'll find a love like mine

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