Y&R Transcript Monday 11/30/20
Episode #11999 ~ Jack and Jill share feelings of nostalgia; Nina arrives home; Abby has a change of heart.
Provided By Suzanne
Esther: Okay.Jill: Oh! It is so good to be back. Hello, esther.
Esther: Welcome home.
Jill: The place looks absolutely stunning. You've done a remarkable job.
Esther: Ah, thank you.
Jill: In fact, it's so spotless I barely even noticed this teeny little bit of spilled water by the vase in the front hall.
Esther: Uh-huh. I'll get right on it.
Jill: And I have some gifts in my suitcase in the car. And not to worry, the driver will carry them in. But he's gonna need to know where everything goes.
Esther: I know where I'd like to put it.
Jill: Thank you, esther. Wow. You sly, old fox. How are you somewhat younger looking? How'd you manage that? Oh, katherine. Katherine, my grandson -- my grandson -- is getting married here today! A chancellor is marrying a newman and an abbott.
Jack: The coming together of three genoa city families with a whole boatload of history. It's a very special day.
Jill: Hello, jack.
Jack: I'm so glad you're here.
Jill: I wouldn't have missed this for the world.
Nick: Hello!
Phyllis: Hey, sexy in a suit.
Nick: Thank you. You look, uh, terrific yourself.
Phyllis: Oh, thank you.
Nick: Is that what you're wearing to the wedding?
Phyllis: I thought that we decided I wasn't gonna go.
Nick: No. You know, we danced around the issue the last couple days, but nothing was decided.
Phyllis: Oh. Really? Mm. Maybe we should talk about it.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Nick: Talk about what?
Phyllis: Oh, look. I have an emergency. Emergency up on the third floor. Yeah.
Nick: You have to deal with that now?
Phyllis: Yes, yes. I mean, my emergency, my hotel.
Nick: Okay, well, we don't have a lot of time, you know, so I'll just wait here until you...come back down. I'm patient, sort of.
Victor: Ah. That was a good breakfast.
Nikki: Well, you're in a good mood this morning.
Victor: Well, abby's getting married.
Nikki: And you seem very happy about it.
Victor: Well, why wouldn't I be, you know?
Nikki: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, darling, but there have been times where you didn't approve of your children's spouses.
Victor: That's true. But, you know, I feel differently about chance. I think he is a hero. He took a bullet for adam, saved his life. Besides that, he came to ask me for my blessing. I think abby is in very good hands with him.
Nikki: I couldn't agree more.
Victor: Ah.
Victoria: Good morning.
Victor: Good morning.
Nikki: Hi, darling.
Victor: Good morning.
Victoria: I hope that, uh, we can put aside all of our differences today for abby's sake.
Victor: I wouldn't want anything to spoil her -- her wedding day.
Chance: Mom!
Nina: Hi!
Chance: Oh, it's so good to see you. Video chat just cannot compare to being in the same room.
Nina: Ah! I can't believe you're getting married today. I mean, it was just yesterday i was teaching you how to tie your shoe.
Chance: Well, I still double-knot my laces.
Nina: Oh, really?
[ Laughs ]
Chance: Your flight, was it okay?
Nina: Oh, yeah, it was great. No turbulence whatsoever.
Chance: Good, good. Well, I mean, I would have been happy to pick you up from the airport.
Nina: No, you've got so much to do today. I didn't want to add to it.
Chance: Actually, everything's almost done. And thank you for the flowers, by the way. Esther says they're exquisite.
Nina: Oh, good. Well, it was my pleasure. I would have loved to have done more, but there was no time!
Chance: Okay. Abby and I knew it was gonna be a mad dash.
Nina: Yeah. About that, I mean, are you sure that rushing to get married right away is a good idea? I mean, you just got out of the hospital. And your injuries were serious. That infection -- I just -- are you well enough to do this today?
Chance: Mom, if I wasn't, i wouldn't be doing it. Do you really think that I want to fall flat on my face in the middle of saying "I do"? I mean, is that -- is that the memory I want haunting me for the rest of my life when I look back on this day?
[ Knock on door ]
Mariah: Abby? The door was open. I am here on official maid-of-honor duty. I'm here to take you to the house and then to get dressed. And then shortly after that, to get married. Lauren delivered the dress. It's amazing. Chance is gonna pop his stitches when he sees you in it. Abby? Abby, is everything alright?
Abby: [ Sniffles ] When it comes to laundry,
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asthma symptoms
can attack anywhere.
Mariah: Abby, what's going on? You can talk to me.
Abby: I can'T.
Mariah: Can't do what exactly?
Abby: I can't -- I can't do it. I can't do this. I-I can't do the wedding, the marriage, any of it!
Mariah: This is a prank, right, right? You're getting me back for all of my bad jokes by messing with me?
Abby: No. No. I am dead serious.
Mariah: Okay. Um, okay. Well, uh, we should just start with the easiest thing. Why don't you just open the door?
Abby: No. No. See, I-I can't do it. I can't do it. So just please just go to the house and tell everyone that -- that the wedding is off.
Mariah: You know, as much fun as that sounds, um, no. Look, you're having nerves, alright? That's completely normal. So why don't you just open the door, come out here, and -- and we'll talk and we'll laugh and then we'll get you married.
Abby: I can't do this to chance. I can't do it. Like, I've been sitting here. I've been thinking about all of my serious relationships -- the whole long line of them. They have all ended terribly.
[ Alarm blaring ]
[ Blaring stops ]
Arturo: Abby, I love you.
Abby: Don't! Don't ever say that to me, ever again. And don't follow me, or I'll call security. What part of "we're over" don't you understand?
Tyler: Abby, look, you can give the ring back, but you can't stop loving me, not more than I can stop loving you. And that kiss says it all.
Abby: No, that kiss was chemistry.
Tyler: Then why --
Abby: It takes more than chemistry to make a marriage work, tyler.
Tyler: Like what? Like love? Like commitment? 'Cause all that's there.
Abby: Like trust. How can I be with someone who refuses to be honest with me?
Stitch: It's gonna be hard as hell letting go of you for good. But I can't make you happy anymore.
Abby: I can't make you happy, either.
[ Sniffles ] And you deserve so much better than that.
Stitch: You deserve better, too. Let's just make this, uh, as simple as possible. Just get an arbitrator?
Abby: Some things should be easy, right?
Stitch: Uh, I don't know how to say goodbye to you.
[ Inhales raggedly ]
Abby: Then don'T. Good night, ben. Oh. I-I've been thinking about all the pain, all of the heartache, all of it -- all of it. There was one common denominator.
Mariah: What?
Abby: Me.
Chance: I feel great. I've never been happier.
Nina: Alright. Let's all a mother wants to hear is that her child is happy. And out of the hospital.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Well, I am gonna take advantage of your good will and support.
Nina: Of course. What do you need?
Chance: There's a reason i wanted you to meet me here before going to the house. I have something to ask you, but it's a little unconventional.
Nina: Okay.
Chance: Well, I-I've been in touch with ronan, but he couldn't be here. And, uh, had a falling out with my closest friend to town after I took a bullet for him. I don't have a best man. And, uh, I need somebody standing up there beside me today. Would you do that? Would you be my "best mom"?
My journey to natural hair...
Jill: Yeah, just the left --
Jack: Here?
Jill: Yes, yes, yes, there. And the other one, too. Good. Close enough. Thank you.
[ Chuckles ] Jack. I was so sorry to hear about dina. We had our differences, you know, but I always -- always -- admired her.
Jack: I know you did. And those flowers you sent were lovely. Thank you. So, how's it feel to be home?
Jill: Oh, it's a jolt of energy, especially being in this house!
Jack: Yeah?
Jill: You know, this is where it all began. This is where phillip and I met, fell in love. I got pregnant with philip iii, chance's father. And now that little rug rat -- oh, my god -- he's getting married today, right in this living room!
Jack: I don't know if you've seen him lately. We can't call him "little" anymore.
Jill: [ Laughs ] There is just so much history here. You know, so many fights and romantic trysts and, oh, and underhanded dealings. And loving family moments. I swear this place is like the center of the universe to me. I just hope that chance and abby appreciate it.
Jack: Oh, I'm sure they appreciate it. It is very amazing, isn't it? Our families have intersected for decades now. My mother and father were teenagers with katherine. In fact, I'll bet the three of them are up there looking down on us, smiling on this chancellor-abbott union.
Jill: Oh, I know john would be thrilled. And katherine always considered chance her grandson, anyway, so it's like john and katherine's grandchildren are marrying each other. I miss them so much. I always think of john when we have family events like this.
Jack: I don't know that I've ever seen you this nostalgic.
Jill: Well, all that history led to this -- all the fights and the breakups and the manipulations had to happen for those two, not only to be born, but to meet, to fall in love, and then have a wedding coming out of this whole thing in this very room. It is absolutely staggering.
Jack: You are absolutely right, and every one of those things make this a very special day -- for all of us.
Nina: I would love to be your "best mom." I would be honored.
Chance: Thank you, mom. Thanks for -- thank you for doing this.
Nina: Of course! Oh, okay! So, um, yes, I will do my duty and help you get ready at my suite at the gcac, okay? But I am not throwing you a bachelor party, okay?
Chance: Alright.
Nina: Alright.
Chance: Hey, well, you know, maybe this is it. This feels right. The whole thing feels right. Having the two most important people standing up there with me today.
Nina: You were always the most supportive kid. I mean, I dragged you to L.A. Because it was my dream, you know, and you never once complained.
Chance: Hey, I saw how much it meant to you and how hard you had to work, I mean, not just to build your career as a writer but taking care of me by yourself. I think I got my hard work ethic from you.
Nina: [ Inhales, exhales deeply ]
Chance: Everything I am is because of you, mom.
Nina: All you ever really want for your children is for them to be happy and safe, which given your chosen profession isn't always possible, and to be in love. It means everything to me to be in your wedding. I've been waiting for this day.
Chance: So have i f-for -- for my whole life. I just didn't realize it until I met abby.
Abby: For years, I have written those relationships off as bad luck or bad circumstances or bad timing, but, no, the whole time, it was just me.
Mariah: Abby, I knew all of those guys. You were not the problem.
Abby: Look, at some point, i thought all of those guys were the one. And now I think chance is the one, but maybe I'm just not capable of making that decision. Maybe that is just who I am.
Mariah: No, no. That's who you were. You're not that person anymore. You have grown. You've changed. So, come on, let's -- let's do this, okay? Open the door. Here we go. Abby, please. You said you were ready for this.
Abby: I lied... to you... and to myself. To support a strong immune system,
Nick: There she is. How's the, uh, situation up on the third floor?
Phyllis: All fixed. Not a problem.
Nick: What was going on up there? Was it a fire? A flood? Maybe a medical issue?
Phyllis: They couldn't find the hand towels in the linen closet.
Nick: Alright. Are all the washcloths accounted for?
Phyllis: That was a legitimate crisis.
Nick: Yeah, I'm just impressed that, uh, you handled yourself something of that magnitude.
Phyllis: Well, thank you. I mean, I run the hotel. It's mine, you know? Of course I have to fix the problems that come up.
Nick: It kind of feels like you're just coming up with reasons not to go to my sister's wedding.
Phyllis: What? Case in point. The mother of the bride doesn't even have the time to give me a polite hello.
Nick: She's got, like, a million things on her mind today.
Phyllis: Yeah, one of them is, how do we keep phyllis away from this wedding?
Nick: I will admit that you don't necessarily get along with every single person who's gonna be at that wedding.
Phyllis: Including the bride. Why do you want to inflict that kind of pain on her or anyone else?
Nikki: I'm looking forward to the ceremony.
Victoria: I know. I know. I can't wait to see abby's dress. I'm sure she's gonna take "beautiful bride" to a whole new level. Daddy, what about you?
Victor: Well, it's going to be a very interesting group of people, you know? Jill will be there. Nina will be there. The abbotts, the winterses. My goodness. Is billy boy gonna be there?
Victor: You know, I'm still focused on the wedding. I'd really rather not talk about anything else.
Victor: Okay. I just, you know, wondered.
Victoria: I don't know, dad. We haven't discussed it. Sorry. I'm gonna get my food, and I'm gonna finish getting ready. I'll see you later.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: So much for keeping the peace.
Victor: Sweetheart, this is abby and chance's day. I'm not gonna have confrontation with billy boy, okay?
Nikki: No, you won'T. Everybody will be on their best behavior.
Victor: I'll be a good boy. I promise you, okay? Nothing's gonna happen I'm not gonna ruin abby's big day.
Nikki: She really has grown into such a strong, independent woman.
Victor: Remember the day when we found out that brad carlton was not her father but I was? And then I got to know her. And at first, she was a little shy, a little withdrawing.
Nikki: Well, it was a very strange situation for a little girl.
Victor: Yeah. I was very concerned that all the news about this would affect her development.
Nikki: I think she overcame it quite well.
Victor: Mm-hmm. I think she's a very capable young lady. She really is. I mean, she can take care of herself, you know?
Ashley: She's been in there all morning?
Mariah: Since I've been here.
Ashley: Abby, honey.
Abby: Mom?
Ashley: Yeah? Do you want to come on out so we can talk?
Abby: No, no. See, I'm sorry, but I-I just -- I can't do this, and I'm really sorry for putting you all through this. But it's better doing it now than later, right?
Ashley: Okay, you know, i think what you're experiencing right now is just pre-wedding jitters, which is completely normal. Because up until today, it was just a concept that you were marrying chance. And now that it's actually happening, it's natural that you'd be doubting yourself maybe and -- and perhaps you're a little scared.
Abby: See, you are trying to be rational, and I have scientific evidence that i should not be getting married today, okay? I have a long line of broken relationships. And, like, that's -- that's proof that I shouldn't do this.
Ashley: Abby, it's proof that none of those relationships was the right one. You see? You had to go through all of them to get to where you are today.
Abby: Locked in a bathroom.
Ashley: No, honey. You're about to marry an incredible man. You told me that chance was the man that you've been waiting for your whole life and that you weren't gonna let anything stand in the way of your love for him.
Abby: No. There will always be something standing in the way -- me.
Ashley: Abby, that is not true.
Abby: I am still the same -- careless, selfish, immature.
Ashley: Abby, that's the whole point of what I'm trying to say. Honey, you are not that person anymore. (Coughing)
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Phyllis: I love you. You know that. And I would do anything for you. But I don't think you see what a mistake it would be if I were to go to this wedding with you.
Nick: You would feel uncomfortable?
Phyllis: Yes. I'm an outsider, you know, a troublemaker. And usually I like that. But not at an event like this.
Nick: You're worried that you would be a distraction.
Phyllis: That, too. I don't want to ruin their special day.
Nick: Well, I just don't think chance and abby would even notice you.
Phyllis: Really? Okay.
Nick: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Well, I disagree. I'm just thinking of when they reminisce 20 years from now about their wedding and then they say to each other, "I mean, what the hell was phyllis doing there?" See?
Nick: Yeah. I think you're greatly overestimating your ability to ruin everyone's good time.
Phyllis: Come on. You know me. I'm like a lightning rod for trouble. Please. Why is it so important that I go with you?
Nick: I want you to go with me. And there it is. I just want you to go with me. So, I know it's not something you want to do, but can you just suck it up and be my date?
Nina: Wow.
Esther: Welcome home.
Nina: Hi, esther. It's so good to see you.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Jill: I was wondering when the two of you would show up.
Nina: Oh, jill, you haven't changed a bit, have you?
Jack: Hello, nina.
Nina: Hello, jack. It's very nice to see you. How are you?
Jack: Just great.
Chance: Oh.
Nina: Chance, honey, is everything okay?
Chance: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I just realized I'm wearing the wrong shoes, and I don't care, but you know who will?
All: Abby!
Chance: You all know her so well. I'm gonna run back to the hotel, but I'll be back in 10 to 15 minutes. Don't start without me.
Nina: Esther, the place looks great. You've done such a good job with it.
Esther: Oh, thank you so much. I -- okay, who moved these? Oh, goodness.
Nina: Hey, esther, is -- is there a room that I could use just to freshen up in before the wedding?
Esther: Sure. Let me show you.
Nina: Thank you.
Jack: Thank for not ratting me out to esther.
Jill: Oh, my gosh. That poor creature probably has a map of the location of every single knickknack in this house. You know what? I give her a hard time. But back in the day, oh, this house was a masterpiece. She was one of the main reasons that this was the place to have a party.
Katherine: You married the man, and now the word is out that you are once again mistress of the abbott manor.
Jill: Yes, and all thanks to you, katherine. This party was a true brainstorm.
Katherine: Well, don't be too generous with your praise, jill. Had I known that, uh, john wanted to keep this marriage under wraps, there never would have been a party.
Jill: Ah, but there was a party. Now the secret is out. And actually I think john's family is taking it rather well. Don't you?
Katherine: Oh, I really wouldn't get too overconfident. I hardly think the children would slit your throat in front of their father. I wouldn't be surprised if jack is lurking in the bushes outside, waiting for you.
Jack: I hope today's celebration is every bit as big as those grand parties.
Nikki: Hello, jill.
Jill: Lovely to see you, nikki.
Jack: Hiya, nik. Oh, and there is the father of the bride. Congratulations, my friend.
Victor: Well, well, well. What a day for both of our families and the chancellors.
Jack: It certainly is
Jill: We were just talking about how much this room has seen over the years.
Victor: Oh, I tell you, i remember sitting in this room many times with katherine, listening to her giving me advice about relationships and business and --
Jill: [ Laughs ] Never took any of it, did you?
Victor: Oh, of course not. How would I?
Nikki: It's nice to know she'll be right there looking over us.
Victor: Oh.
Victoria: Oh, hello, everyone. I'm so sorry I'm late. It's good to see you all. Uh, where's abby? Is she upstairs getting ready?
Traci: I'm afraid not. The bride isn't here yet.
Victor: Hmm.
Ashley: Abby, you're strong, and you're incredibly fearless when it comes to going after something that you want. And that's just one of the many things that I admire about you, honey.
Abby: I am theperson that rode a horse through the athletic club while I was stark naked. I mean, does that sound like somebody that makes good decisions?
Ashley: You are not that wild child anymore. And you know what you are? You are a combination of the best of the abbotts and the newmans. You are a bridge between two extremely messy families. And you're the only one that can keep jack and victor behaving in a civil manner. And you know why that is? It's because you've got such a huge heart.
Abby: You're my mom. You have to say things like that.
Ashley: Honey, they're true.
Abby: But you can't promise that this is all gonna work out.
Ashley: Well, of course, i can't, honey, but nobody can. The odds are definitely in your favor, though.
[ Door opens ] Because you are marrying an incredible man, and you are an incredible woman, and I know that chance loves you more than anything in the world.
Abby: But he doesn't know what a mess I am. I can't do this to him. I can't let him marry a walking disaster like me.
[ Door closes ]
Chance: Abby... I got news for you, okay? I-I know what a mess you are... and I-I love it.
Find your rhythm.
Jill: So, any word from our groom?
Nina: Not yet.
Victoria: What about the bride?
Ashley: The bride will be here shortly. Hello, everyone.
Victor: I thought you'd bring abby.
Ashley: Well, she needed her maid of honor, so mariah's with her right now, and I'm sure they'll be here any minute.
Victor: You're beautiful.
Ashley: Thank you.
Victor: A few years ago, i would have been worried about abby, you know? But I think in the intervening years, she has turned into a beautiful, stunning woman. Very capable. And I'm very happy that she's marrying chance.
Ashley: Me too. And you and I have definitely had our -- our ups and downs. We were not the perfect couple, but daughter has turned into something quite special.
Victor: Yeah, she has. And we had some good times, didn't we?
Ashley: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: Hmm?
Victor: She loves me. She loves me not.
Ashley: She loves you. She always will love you. Always.
Ashley: Like I said, we've had our ups and downs. I'm so happy we've ended up friends.
Victor: So am I.
Nikki: Well, I believe abby and chance will live happily ever after.
Jack: You were ever the optimist. Well, you look awfully calm and collected for the mother of the bride.
Ashley: Do I? Well, I'm a mess inside.
Jack: Wait, you're upset about the wedding? Do you know something I don't?
Ashley: Well, like I've told you many times, jackie, I know lots of things you don'T.
Jack: Eh.
Ashley: But if I was to be a little worried about the ceremony, you know, all I have to do is look around this room, see all these people that are here to love and support chance and abby, and, um, it makes me very hopeful.
Chance: I get it. I'm a little terrified myself.
Abby: You are?
Chance: Yeah. I mean, I-I woke up this morning, and I said, "I can't do this. I've got to call it off."
Abby: What?
Chance: You know, I thought, "she -- she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life with me. She's so worldly and -- and sophisticated, and I'm just some goofy schlub who's never even known the real meaning of love."
Abby: Oh, babe.
Chance: "She's like a fairytale princess. She's gonna get bored and want to move on. And then she's gonna blame me and say that I ruined her life, and she's -- she's probably right. She's too good for me."
Abby: No, no, stop it. No, you have it all backwards. Because I-I am the one who doesn't deserve you.
My journey to natural hair...
Victoria: Is she here yet?
Ashley: Any minute.
Traci: You know what? I've been thinking, there is someone who I'm sure would have loved to have been here today, someone who loved abby so much and supported her while she was growing up.
Ashley: Who's that?
Traci: Brad.
Brad: How about a family name? You know, sometimes a last name can be a really interesting first name.
Ashley: Interesting as in ridiculous, if you're not very careful. I once had a friend whose parents named her after a rich uncle, hoping that it would put her in line for some dough.
Billy: Yeah? And?
Ashley: Van pelt. This poor girl's name was van pelt jackson. That's horrible.
Brad: Okay, but that's -- that's a really absurd example.
Ashley: What's your mother's maiden name again?
Brad: Fielding.
Ashley: Oh. Well, that won't work.
Brad: No. Yours?
Ashley: No. Definitely not.
Brad: Alright. Well, there must be some worthy and respectable forbearers in your family that would make for a good name.
Ashley: Yeah, I guess I could look up the old family genealogy. It's somewhere in the attic, I'm sure.
Brad: Yeah, you start with abbott and work your way back.
Ashley: Abbott. Abbott. Abby? Abby!
Brad: Abby!
Ashley: Hi, abby. Hi, little abby.
Ashley: He loved her so much.
Phyllis: I'm so flattered that you want me to go with you to the wedding. I'm gonna have to turn you down for everyone's sake.
Nick: Alright. It's fine. I'll go to this wedding solo and just explain to everyone that my date bailed on me.
Phyllis: Listen, um, I want you to go to the wedding. I want you to have fun, dance, eat cake, drink champagne. And when you come home, I'm gonna give you the best night of your life.
Nick: You mean like our wedding night?
Phyllis: Um... which one?
Nick: I mean, they were all pretty great.
Phyllis: Yeah. Even better. You're gonna remember tonight for a long, long time.
Nick: We, uh, got time for a preview?
Phyllis: Well, given that ashley and mariah and chance bolted through the lobby, um, I'd say the odds are good.
Devon: And katherine would have loved this.
Jack: Yeah, we were just talking about that.
Victor: Devon, katherine would have been thrilled to have all of her friends here celebrating such a wonderful occasion.
Devon: She would have loved to bust jill's chops, too. I know that. It's good to see you.
Jill: I've missed you.
Devon: I've missed you, too. I'm glad you were able to make the big day.
Nikki: We are all so impressed that you were ordained so you could officiate today.
Devon: Oh, I don't know how impressive that is. Anybody can go online and do it. I just thought it would be a nice way to support abby and chance. Are they here?
Jill: No, they're not here yet.
Devon: No?
[ Cellphone rings ] Excuse me. Hey. Is abby with you?
Mariah: I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
Devon: I-I jut got to the chancellor mansion, and apparently chance and abby haven't gotten here yet.
Mariah: Yeah, uh, funny enough, that's exactly why I'm calling. I'm gonna need you to stall.
Devon: Why? What happened?
Mariah: Abby has locked herself in her bathroom at the grand phoenix, and she's decided that she doesn't want to ruin chance's life by marrying him.
Devon: Oh, god.
Mariah: He's with her now. I'm confident that he can get her to come out, you know? She trusts him. She loves him. He's experienced in hostage negotiations.
Devon: Okay. So, what should I do?
Mariah: Just, please, don't say anything to anyone yet. I'm -- I'm hopeful. I really am. And I really hope that you didn't get ordained for nothing.
Chance: I've always been a little quiet. I-I observe things closely, but I usually just keep my thoughts to myself. It's good for detective work, but it's not so good for meeting women. I was resigned to my lone-wolf ways. I-I convinced myself that I was satisfied with my life. But then I met you, abby. And I-I had to change my whole way of thinking. You -- you made me feel things I-I never imagined. I had to throw away my plans and my thoughts about the best way to live, because I finally knew what it felt like to love someone and to know that they love me the same exact way. That's what we have, abby. Y-you changed my world. And that's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Abby: [ Sniffles ]
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