Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/25/20
Episode #11999 ~ Sharon reminds everyone on the importance of giving back; Lily tries to mend fences between Devon and Nate; Summer has a change of heart.
Provided By Suzanne
Ashley: So lovely.Jack: Oh, isn't that festive? Who's that from?
Ashley: Traci, because she couldn't be with us today to celebrate.
Jack: Yeah, it won't be the same without her.
Billy: Hey, what time do we plan on eating? I'm, uh, gonna meet up with johnny for the football game at 4:30.
Ashley: Well, if everything goes as planned, we should be carving the turkey around 2:00.
Jack: Wow, it already smells delicious.
Ashley: I know. Well, mrs. Martinez left me a very detailed list, exactly what I need to do to make sure that everything is ready at the same time.
Jack: Mamie always said the hardest thing about a big feat was coordinating the timing.
Billy: The hardest thing was getting the drumstick before dad got his hands on it.
Jack: Oh, ain't that the truth?
Ashley: What? What about mother's obsession with candied yams.
Jack: Ah, yes. The yams. Thanksgiving wasn't thanksgiving for dina without the yams.
Ashley: Yeah, this is our very first family holiday without both our parents, jackie.
Jack: Yeah, it feels weird, doesn't it?
Ashley: It does.
Kyle: Pumpkin and pecan!
Jack: Hey, son.
Ashley: Happy thanksgiving!
Kyle: Same to you.
Billy: You bring whipped cream?
Kyle: Ashley said there'd be plenty here.
Billy: That's for me.
[ Doorbell rings ] I thought this was everyone, jack.
Ashley: Who else is coming?
Kyle: Please don't tell me you invited theo.
Jack: Relax. I think you'll find this a far more pleasant guest.
[ Sets glass down ] Come on in.
Summer: Hey. Pumpkin and pecan!
Nick: You ready to head out?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. You notice I haven't made a big deal about spending the day with your ex-wife, right?
Nick: Well, you know, it's for a great cause, feeding the homeless. And I know you two are capable of getting along. And you were incredibly kind to her when she was going through her chemo.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was. It won't happen again.
Nick: At least I'm not dragging you out to the ranch. You can try and make nice with my dad instead.
Phyllis: Yeah, I think I'd rather eat nails.
Nick: Okay, then.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Phyllis: His ears are burning?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Apparently. What's up, dad? Happy turkey day.
Victor: Same to you, son. I got to fill you in on something.
Nick: Okay. What's going on?
Victor: Some bad news regarding your brother adam. I've had him committed.
Nick: I did not see that coming.
Victor: It's the only way i can see to get him the help that he desperately needs.
Sharon: Wow. That's a lot of zeros.
Devon: It's my pleasure, sharon. Fighting hunger in the community is very close to my heart. This goes beyond generous.
Mariah: Well, actually, devon is highly suggestible when it comes to being generous. For example, all I said was he should be the one who officiates abby and chance's wedding, and, poof, it's happening.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: Really? You got ordained?
Devon: I sure did, yeah. I am reverend hamilton now. So as soon as you're ready for me to pronounce you guys husband and wife, I'm your man.
Sharon: We'll keep that in mind.
Mariah: You know what? Maybe you should start small and work your way up, you know? Bless the food or something.
Devon: I can take care of that.
Amanda: Are you, uh -- are you locked out?
Elena: Uh, no. I was just looking for my keys. Happy thanksgiving.
Amanda: Same to you. Um...
Elena: What?
Amanda: I was just wondering what it's gonna be like for you. Will you be celebrating?
Elena: Well, I just worked the early shift at the clinic. It was super busy. A lot of patients because they don't have to call off. Anyway, it was, uh, kind of exhausting. So I will probably celebrate by going to bed, catching up on some sleep. Well, you have a good one, okay?
Amanda: Thank you. You too.
Devon: Hey, look who it is.
Amanda: Devon, hey.
Devon: Did you come by to get some coffee?
Amanda: A hot cider, actually. Just trying to take the chill off.
Devon: Ah, yeah. I hate to give you bad news, but they're closed today.
Amanda: Oh. Yeah. Well, yeah, that makes sense.
Devon: Yeah, sharon and her crew provide holiday meals for the homeless, and this year they're doing it takeout style. They're delivering them around town.
Amanda: Yeah, I helped out last year. I didn't realize that it was an annual thing.
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: Well, um, happy thanksgiving.
Devon: Yeah, same to you. Same to you. If you don't have any plans, you're more than welcome to come by later on 'cause, uh, lily's just gonna be cooking.
Amanda: That's a really sweet offer, but I do have plans, and I think that my friend needs a little cheering up.
Devon: Ah, no worries. No worries. If you want to get dessert or coffee afterwards, you're more than welcome.
Amanda: Hmm. That sounds like a plan.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
[ Footsteps depart ]
Lily: Hi. Hey, um, I'd really like you to come to dinner. I'm cooking. Oh, come on! Can you please come? With cranberries on top? Please? For me? I just assumed all bladder leak pads felt the same.
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Summer: Well, thank you, guys, for including me.
Jack: We're delighted you could join us.
Summer: Yeah, I'm just gonna go put the pies in the kitchen.
Kyle: What's the deal with you inviting summer?
Jack: She's planning to spend the latter part of the day with her family. I told her to come by here for a little bit. You don't have a problem with that, do you? I kind of hoped you'd feel that way.
Summer: Well, um, I've noticed that we have the exact same taste in pies.
Kyle: Well, I haven't forgotten what you liked.
Jack: Well, I think I'll check on dinner.
Summer: Hey, um, if you have a problem with me being here, i can totally leave.
Kyle: No. Not a problem at all. I was surprised. But, in the spirt of the day, I'm thankful to see you.
Summer: Me too.
Faith: I love that mom bought little chocolate turkeys to stick in all the bags.
Mariah: Wait. There are some left? You're telling me you didn't scarf them all down?
Faith: Oh, my god. You're hilarious.
Mariah: Smartass.
Faith: Did tessa ever text you back?
Mariah: Uh, well, she conked out early after her show last night, so she didn't see my message until this morning.
Faith: Mm.
Mariah: What about you? Everything copacetic?
Faith: Sure. Yeah. Things are great.
Nikki: Hey. Happy thanksgiving.
Sharon: Happy thanksgiving!
Victor: Oh, my goodness. Happy thanksgiving. My goodness. How nice. Can we help you in any way?
Sharon: I-I think we're just about set. You must be thinking about adam.
Victor: Yeah. It's kind of a difficult situation, to put it mildly.
Rey: What's the latest news from the facility?
Victor: He's very angry, very furious. They gave him some sedation, and he's okay now, calmed down. But, sharon, without your help, we would not have had him properly evaluated.
Sharon: As wrenching as it was, I believe we made the right decision.
Victor: I agree with you.
Elena: [ Sighs ]
[ Intercom beeps ] Hello? Who is it?
Amanda: It's amanda. Can I come up?
Elena: Uh, yeah. I'm buzzing you in.
Amanda: Let me guess. You were hoping I was someone else.
Devon: Do you have any idea how mess you are when you cook?
Lily: What? It's called joie de vivre.
Devon: Is that french for throwing butter on my walls?
Lily: Oh, my gosh. Don't be so dramatic. Oh, by the way, the twins called. They say hello.
Devon: Oh, I've missed them. Um, before I forget, amanda might stop by for desert later on.
Lily: Oh. Okay.
Devon: Yeah.
Lily: Well, I hope she likes chocolate, because I made pots de crème.
Devon: Oh, that's my favorite. I'm sure she'll love it, yeah. You can never have too many people over for thanksgiving, right?
Lily: You know, I'm actually really happy to hear you say that because I invited someone, and i don't want you to be upset.
Devon: Well, the only person I'd have a problem with you inviting is nate.
Lily: Devon, today is about family and giving thanks for the blessings we do have.
Devon: So I'm just supposed to grin and bear it?
Lily: Nate is alone today. It's a holiday. Okay? In spite of everything, he's still our cousin.
[ Doorbell rings ] Dry, distressed skin that struggles?
[ Door closes ]
Lily: I'm so glad you could make it.
Nate: That makes one of you, right?
Devon: I didn't know you were coming till right before you got here.
Nate: When lily called, i assumed she'd run this by you.
Devon: No. She just tricked us both into this.
Nate: Look, I'm just gonna go.
Lily: No, nate. Wait. Look, you guys, it has been a year and a half since dad passed and longer than that since hilary died, alright? I think we all know here that life is short and things can change in an instant. Our family is splintering, and i hate it. So can we please just work on making things whole again... even if it's just for today?
Elena: What are you doing here?
Amanda: I don't have plans, either. And no matter what people say, it's pretty weird not to be doing anything. So I was thinking that we could order in, we could watch the parade or a movie or something. And, plus, the supermarket across the street was still open, so I got this really, really great bottle of wine. Or you can claim that you're too tired and send me away to drink this wine all by myself.
Elena: You know, I don't know if I deserve this much kindness, especially from you. And, honestly, before I heard the buzzer, I was just sitting here thinking, "how am I going to get through this holiday?" Society's open, so lola's working... so this would have been it. Just me alone with my thoughts and probably eating a frozen turkey pot pie. And, no, I am not too tired... and not the least bit disappointed that you rang my bell. Thank god you did.
Billy: Where'd kyle go?
Summer: Business call. It's not exactly a holiday in hong kong.
Billy: I really hope you two work it out. You know, he can be a little bit smug, but he's a decent guy. And you can be a little bit of a brat, but you're a decent person. Really, you two are perfect for each other.
Summer: Wow, if that was supposed to be supportive, then I don'T...
Billy: It's coming from the brattiest and the smuggest of them all, of course.
Summer: Okay, well, in case you were wondering, billy, i still hate you. So if you could go be a jerk somewhere else, that would be really nice.
Billy: What summer wants, summer gets.
[ Blows ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Sorry.
Summer: Why are you apologizing?
Kyle: If I had stuck around, you wouldn't have had to deal with him.
Summer: It's okay. I don't really need rescuing.
Kyle: I know. I just can't help feeling like i want to protect you. Anyway, how's, um... yeah, never mind.
Summer: What?
Kyle: I was gonna ask you how your new job was, but I realized you probably weren't starting until after the holiday.
Summer: Well, I assume that mariah hasn't taken my place yet for the same reason.
Victor: Happy thanksgiving, phyllis.
Nick: We'll, uh, see you guys later.
Victor: Alright, son. Sorry. I did not know my parents were gonna be here.
Phyllis: It's okay. I'm being the bigger person.
Nick: I appreciate that.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, so, I'm just gonna help. I'm going to help sharon, um, and avoid your dad, like the plague.
Nick: Okay. Uh, I'm gonna go talk to my other daughter.
Phyllis: Okay. I'm ready. Put me to work. What do I need to do?
Sharon: Um, actually, I think we're -- we're good. We're all set.
Phyllis: Good, good. Um, so it's good to see that faith is doing well after that unfortunate incident the other night.
Sharon: You think?
Phyllis: I mean, you know, if that hangover didn't put her off of alcohol, definitely nick did. He's so great. He just -- he stepped up and made her realize that that behavior will not be accepted, you know?
Sharon: Of course he did. That's nick.
At the home depot,
we improved black friday.
Sharon: Nick, can I have a word with you?
Nick: Yeah.
Rey: Hey, nick, we're waiting on you.
Nick: Oh, uh, I will catch you later.
Faith: See you later, mom.
Sharon: I'll be waiting.
Phyllis: I'm looking for a bucket and some rags. I'm gonna clean the kitchen, or, you knme hello? Sharon? But since you are reluctant to address my hunch, then I am forced to assume that you were hoping that nate was gonna be knocking on your door. See if there's something to munch on before the delivery gets here.
Amanda: I'm beingt -- is really strange to talk about.
Amanda: Yeah. I get it. There's a certain level of awkwardness. But I really do want to get past that. You know, nate is -- he's a wonderful man, and I enjoyed spending time with him. But there really was no connection there. I wish him all of the best. I do. But we weren't meant to be. But I have a feeling that he will be a fabulous partner for a lucky lady out there.
Elena: You know... you were right... when you said I didn't know what I wanted. But lately it's become a little more clear... which completely complicates things, because the last thing I want to do is to continue to hurt devon.
Amanda: I understand. But I have a feeling that devon is gonna be just fine.
Lily: Those are aunt mamie's recipes.
Nate: No kidding.
Lily: Yeah. Everything I cooked tonight, she used to make. So I hope you came hungry. Devon skipped breakfast just so he'd have more room.
Nate: Well, I'm starving. If you need help in the kitchen, just ask. I can, uh, stir the gravy one-handed.
Devon: Hey, I heard elena is back at the clinic.
Nate: Which is good. We need her. Our patients deserve the best care possible, right?
Devon: Yeah, absolutely, they do.
Jack: Thank you for coming here, for gathering to give thanks together. Summer, billy, I know you have other family to see later, but you're here now, and that is precious to me. This is a time of reflection. A time to gain new perspective. To think back on the families with whom we've shared a thanksgiving table... think about who we want at that table next november. Well, I want to see every face that is in this room for many holidays to come. Happy thanksgiving.
Ashley: Happy thanksgiving. That was a beautiful speech, jackie.
Summer: To us!
Billy: Yeah, cheers, everyone.
[ Kitchen timer buzzes ]
Ashley: Mm! That means dinner's almost ready.
Jack: Holler if you need a hand, okay?
Ashley: Oh, I will.
Billy: Nice speech, jack.
Jack: Oh, thanks. Listen, while we're together, I-I wanted to see how you felt about coming back to jabot, doing a little consulting work while you're away from chanccomm. You know, we can be discreet about the scandal, not put any shadow on the company.
Billy: You don't want me to consult. You just want to keep me busy so I don't booze and gamble myself into oblivion during this investigation.
Jack: Is it any different than you looking after me when i was getting rid of the pills? Look, we're two brothers looking out for each other. It's nothing more than that.
Billy: Yeah. Right. Good old holiday cheer, right?
Jack: Billy --
Billy: I'm gonna skip the turkey 'cause, clearly, it's coming with a whole side of moral judgment.
Jack: Okay, look...
Billy: I'm gonna go see victoria and my kids because they don't have knives out for me.
Jack: Billy...
Billy: Jack, save it.
[ Door closes ] Ever wonder what retinol dermatologists use
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, I am so stuffed.
Jack: Oh, me, too. Hey, thank you for the pies. Nice job. Pumpkin and pecan. We have enough pie to last me till christmas. So, what do we all want to do? We want to watch a football game or doze off while we watch a movie?
Ashley: Totally up to you, jack.
Jack: Okay. Well --
Summer: You know, actually, um, before you guys settle in, I'm gonna take off. Ashley, dinner was amazing, and thank you, guys, so much for including me.
Ashley: You are so welcome.
Jack: Wait. Do you have to leave so soon?
Summer: Yeah, I got to make the rounds.
Ashley: We totally understand.
Jack: So...
Summer: No, no, no. Um, it's fine. I left my coat by the back door, so I'm just gonna let myself out, but thank you, guys, again.
Jack: You didn't ask her to stay.
Kyle: You're right. I didn'T.
Jack: Was it a mistake asking her?
Kyle: Listen, uh, I hate to eat and run, but I'm gonna head out.
Jack: Wait, just like that.
Kyle: Oh, picking up my cue from you, dad. Following through on what you started.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Amanda: Oh, I am stuffed.
Elena: Me too.
Amanda: You know what this reminds me of?
Elena: What?
Amanda: College. Just hanging out with girlfriends.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Pre-law. Pre-med. Both overachievers. We would have been great friends.
Elena: [ Laughs ] I think you're right. Cheers.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Lola: Hey!
Elena: Hey!
Lola: This is so cozy.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, amanda stopped by to keep me company.
Amanda: We were keeping each other company. We both didn't have plans, so...
Lola: Well, that's amazing. Have you guys eaten? Because I brought so many leftovers.
Amanda: Oh! We just ordered thai, or we would be all over that bag right now, because it smells amazing.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Thank you so much. You know, we did have some really nice specials, if I do say so myself.
[ Keys clank ]
Amanda: Elena?
Lola: What is it?
Amanda: Did we say something wrong?
Elena: No. No, no, no. It's just... I screwed up royally this year. And yet... lola offered me a place to stay. And here you are, making sure that I am not alone, wallowing in my own self-pity. I think it's just incredible to know such warm and generous people.
Amanda: You're one of those people, too.
Elena: You know, I was not that warm and generous when we first met.
Amanda: Yeah, but you had every right to be suspicious. I mean, that will fiasco was...
Lola: But devon was incredibly lucky to have you in his corner.
Elena: Yeah.
Devon: You outdid yourself, lily.
Nate: Dinner was superb.
Lily: Ah, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Um, so I actually have to, uh, head out. I'm meeting billy to discuss some, uh, business.
Devon: I thought billy took a leave of absence.
Lily: Yes. So I'm filling him in.
Nate: On a national holiday?
Lily: The media never sleeps, nate, okay? So, listen, alright, I cooked, so you guys clean, okay? And no one leaves here until the kitchen's spotless. That's the rule. Okay. Bye. Happy thanksgiving.
Devon: Mm-hmm. Think you can manage loading the dishwasher?
Nate: With one hand behind my back.
Summer: Hey. What took you so long? I was starting to think that you slipped me your room key just to torture me.
Nick: You okay, dad? I'm sorry. I know this has got to be rough.
Victor: Thanks for your concern, son. But I do wish you had shown the same regard for your brother. I need to take this. Excuse me. Yes? No.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: I think we may have a problem.
Nick: A problem? What?
Phyllis: I may or may not have told sharon --
Sharon: Nick.
Phyllis: Oh.
Sharon: I need to talk to you right now about our daughter's drinking.
Nick: Wh-- uh, yeah, hold on. Yeah. You mind...
Phyllis: I'll see you at the hotel.
Nick: Yeah.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Sharon: What the hell, nick? I have to find out from phyllis? Were you ever going to tell me that our daughter was drinking alcohol?
Nick: Look, I'm sorry, alright? I didn't just let this slide. Faith knows exactly how I feel. I just didn't want to put any more stress on you right now.
Sharon: S-so you were coddling me? Really? After the way that we lost cassie, you really decided to keep this from me?
Faith: Dad! How could you? So, the story with depression...
Lola: I'm sorry. You know, I shouldn't have brought up devon. I can tell how much it hurts you to think about him.
Elena: It does, but mostly because of how stupid and impulsive I was. But I have to make my peace with it. I mean, I now understand that i will never be what hilary was to him.
Amanda: Nobody ever will. But what do you want to be for nate?
Lola: You know, that is a really good question.
Elena: I mean... I know nate cares about me a lot... and the more I think about it... the more I like it.
Amanda: So that is my cue to leave you alone with your thoughts.
Lola: Yeah, and I told rey that I would stop downstairs to say happy thanksgiving, so...
Elena: What? You guys are leaving so soon? It's been so much fun. It was starting to feel like a real holiday.
Amanda: I'm glad. And it was really my pleasure. I'm sorry to go. Thank you.
Lola: Yeah. See you later.
Sharon: A sip of beer, i might have understood. But you drank hard liquor? Enough to give you a hangover? Faith, my god.
Faith: Mom, since that story came out about adam, you have no idea what it's been like for me. Kids tormenting me at school and online. But dad got through to me, okay? And he made me realize how idiotic it was. And I'm never, ever going to drink again.
Nick: I told faith that i would trust her -- her word.
Sharon: Well, you two don't get to make deals behind my back about something as serious as this. You're going to be getting your own punishment from me, young lady.
Faith: It was a dumb mistake. And I feel so, so awful. And I'm sorry you had to find out. I really wasn't expecting dad to dump this on you.
Nick: I never promised you that, alright? And, listen, faith, it's no better for parents to keep secrets about their kids from each other than it is for kids to keep secrets like this from their parents.
Faith: Listen, all I can say is that I'm really sorry. It'll never, ever happen again. Can we please just forget this?
Sharon: No, we can'T. Faith, there's gonna be no forgetting. We're not just gonna brush this aside. We're gonna talk about it some more -- at home. This is a big, big deal. This is why you have to be honest with your dad and I. You have to tell us what you're feeling. You trust us enough to let us in.
Faith: I'm sorry.
Sharon: Hey, look at me, okay? I'm not fragile. I'm getting stronger and healthier every day. You can lean on me. Tsk. Oh, baby.
Faith: No. It -- it's okay.
[ Sniffles ] It helps to hear you say that.
Because your eye health and
safety is our top priority.
Kyle: Okay, so... I gave you my key. You used it. So what does it mean?
Summer: Why don't you tell me?
Kyle: Uh... I know we couldn't talk back at the house, but I just had to be alone with you. Every second we were there, hearing you talk about your new job, watching you not punch billy, passing the gravy. All the while, I'm thinking about every...single... mistake I've made.
Summer: No, no, no. Every mistake that we've made. The games that I've played. The crazy, jealous thoughts that invaded my brain because of my stupid insecurities.
Kyle: I'm here. I've got all night. I'm ready to hash everything out, no matter how long it takes.
Summer: No. I don't want to hash anything out. Kyle, I don't even want to talk. I can't overthink this. Not again.
Ashley: You sure look like you could use another piece of pie, jackie.
Jack: Oh, I couldn't eat another bite.
Ashley: Are you gonna tell me now why billy left so quickly?
Jack: That was my fault. I thought I was bringing our brother closer, and I think i just pushed him further away.
Ashley: Okay. Family always comes back home. That's what we abbotts do.
Lily: I'm surprised you could get away.
Billy: I ended up hanging with the kids a little bit earlier than I expected.
Lily: Well, how'd that happen?
Billy: Uh, you know, thanksgiving at the abbott house. I lost my appetite... mainly for jack and his attitude.
Lily: Uh-oh. Do I want to know?
[ Chuckles ]
Billy: It seems I'm headed down a very dark path. At least that's his view on the situation. You know, without a job to keep me busy, I'm a danger to myself and everyone around me.
Lily: You do know that isn't true, right?
Billy: I don't know. But I appreciate you saying that. How about a drink? Unless you got someplace you need to be.
Lily: No. I think I'm exactly where I need to be right now.
Nate: This cognac is killer.
Devon: Thank you.
Nate: You think lily's coming back?
Devon: Nah, she ain't coming back. She expects us to have a heart-to-heart talk and do what we have to put the past behind us.
Nate: That won't happen today.
Devon: I don't think it's gonna happen today, no.
Nate: Will it ever?
Devon: [ Scoffs ] I mean... I guess this is a first step.
Nate: Glad that we were able to take it.
Nikki: The facility is top-notch. Adam is in very good hands.
Victor: I just can't help but wonder what adam has to be thankful for.
Nikki: Well, the answer to that is easy. Whether he knows it or not, he has you. I mean, no matter what he has done, your love hasn't died.
Victor: No. I will always be there for him.
Nikki: Well, you've done the best you can for him. Now I think you should focus on our blessings, like our healthy, happy grandchildren. And there are great things ahead for this family. The first being abby's wedding.
Victor: Oh.
Nikki: What a momentous occasion that will be.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Truly, we have so much to be thankful for.
Victor: Have I told you lately that you're pretty and that I love you?
Nikki: I love you, too.
Next week on "the young and the restless."
Jack: The coming together of three genoa city families with a whole boatload of history. It's a very special day.
Ashley: Who would have thought that the three of us would have been brought together as the parents of the bride and groom?
Victor: Yes. Exactly.
Abby: I can't do it, mariah.
Mariah: Can't do what, marry an amazing guy?
Abby: I can't do this to chance.
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